The Weather
Light rain, colder in extreme
west this aftcrncon; tomorrow,
fair, colder
iflr gan
The Control Of Athletics.. .
Controversial Education ...
Duce Gives
To League
Informs France If Oil Ban
is Applied Italy Leaves
Geneva Council
Ethiopians Routed;
Last Army Smashed
Northern Front Cleared By
Latest Italian Victory;
Losses Are Heavy
PARIS, March 3. - (A') - Italy
has informed France she will re-
sign from the League of Nations
and will withdraw in the future
from her military agreement with
France if an oil embargo is added
to present war sanctions, the
newspaper, Echo de Paris, said
Pertinax, foreign affairs writer
of the paper, said Mussolini had
outlined Italy's plays in event
of. an oil sanetion in an inter-
view with Count Charles D. Chan-
diun, French ambassador to Italy.
OPIA, AT THE FRONT, March 3. -
(R) -Italy's northern army, contin-
uing a series of major triumphs, to-
day smashed the last complete Ethi-
opian army on the northern front.
A force of 30,000 Ethiopians under
Ras Imeiu was routed after a three-
day battle on the western sector,
along the Takazze river.
There the Ethiopians had attempt-
ed to block an Italian movement to-
ward Lake Tana, headwaters of the
Fascists proceeded swiftly with
mopping up operations in the Tem-
bien area and in every direction the
ground was littered with enemy dead,
wounded and abandoned arms.
The victory was described as com-
plete a one as the recent one over
three Ethiopian leaders; Rases Mu-
lugheta, Kassa and Seyoum.
Italian airplanes riddled with ma-
chine-gun fire whole thousands of
Ethiopians who sought to flee from
the sector and flew up and down the
valley of Takazze to mop up any re-
Following the same smashing tac-
tics in force on the northern front
the high command threw every ounce
of Italian power into the campaign
beginning Feb. 10, army corps com-
pleted tasks assigned to them by
shattering Imeru's force after heavy
fighting and strong resistance.
The Ethiopians finally were driven
into full flight towards the fords of
the Takazze river,
Thus the entire northern front was
cleared before the rainy season, from
Amba Alaji at the eastern end of
the line to the Gheva and Takazze
Few details of the latest fighting
were available but losses were be-
lieved to be extremely heavy in the
bitter fighting, as Imeru had the
greatest success of the Ethiopian
chieftains previously opposing the
Italians in the north.
Unio", Assures
Finish Fight n
N. Y. Walkout
NEW YORK, March 3. - (A") -
Union leaders tonight claimed to
have crippled or curtailed elevator
and heating service in 6,000 buildings
in New York and threatened a "fight
to the finish" unless their demands
for higher pay are met.
At the end of the strike's third day
marked by violence and disorders,
union headquarters announced that
78,000 building service workers were
out, as compared with 71,00G in 5,649
buildings yesterday.
Police headquarters said their
count showed only 1,303 buildings
affected, and employers' spokesmen
place the figure as low as 500.
As negotiations for a settlement
were suspended for the night it was
announced at strike headquarters
that 10,000 building superintendents
were preparing to join the walkout.
For the first since it began Sunday,
the strike spread to hotels and clubs.
Heretofore the apartment districts
were hardest hit.
University Will Realize $45,000
More From Increased Tuitions
Purpose Of Raising Fees
Was To Abolish Other'
Student Expenses
An increase of $45,000 in the reve-
nues of the University will be real-
ized from the boosting of the general
tuition fees voted by the Board of
Regents last Friday.
According to Shirley W. Smith,
vice-president of University, the pur-
pose of raising the fees was to abolish
the diploma, matriculation and other
special fees, and not to increase the
income of the University.
Increase Was Neessary
The profit waswnecessary, he point-
ed out, because not all students aftert
entering and staying a few yearss
graduate and because there are hun-
dreds of students transferring every
year to some other school. Thus if
the matriculation and certain other
fees were spread out proportionately
and exactly over the tuition fees for
all four years, some losses would be _
sustained from transfers and students
dropping out of school.
"These costs have been spread out
over the four year period as nearly
equally as possible," Mr. Smith stated.
The hardest fee to collect, accord-
ing to the business office, was the $10
diploma fee required of all students
intending to graduate. Every year
many students in the senior classes I
were unable to graduate simply be-
cause they could not raise the extra
money. To alleviate this circum-
stance in the cases of many individ-
uals, was another reason why the
amount was spread over all four
New Students Pay Less f
It was pointed out that in every un-
it where a student was entering for]
the first time, he would not be paying
as much as he would under the pres-
ent system, which will be abolished;
at the end of this academic year.J
For instance, in the literary college]
non-resident students registering for,
Robert Long's
State Serious,
Doctor Reports
Dr. Long's Condition Also
Bad; Injuries Result Of
Accident_ Monday
GRAND RAPIDS, March 3.-(Spe-.
cial to The Daily) - Robert Long, 17-
year old son of Dr. Dwight C. Long of
the University history department,
suffered a slight concussion of the
brain here tonight as the result of in-
juries received in an automobile ac-
cident in which both he and his fa-
ther were involved Monday.
Dr. Long, 40 years old, is suffering
a possible fractured skull and dam-
aged first vertebrate, Robert's skull
was badly injured but not fractured,
according to doctors of the Blodgett
hospital here, where the pair were
brought in a serious condition after
their car was hit by a heavy trailer
near Ionia.
The Longs' condition was termed
"extremely serious although not im-
mediately dangerous." An X-ray is
expected to be taken of Dr. Long's
head and neck today, doctors said.
Lewis Foster, 17-year old Ann Arbor
boy, also in the Long car, was said to
be practically recovered from injur-
ies he received in the smashup.
The accident took place outside
Ionia, three miles south of Saranac
on U.S. 16, when Dr. Long was en-
route to teach an extension class here.
the first time paid $85 while under
the new fees they will pay only $75.
Resident students paid $60 while
under the new system such persons
will pay $55.
Non-resident students will be hit
the hardest by the new fees. Especial-
ly is this true in the Law School and
the Medical School. In the Law
School the former fees were $62 for
residents and $72 for non-residents.
The new charges will be $70 and $100,
respectively. For the Medical School
the new expenses were $100 for resi-
dents and $150 for non-residents,
compared to the new fees of $110 and
$175. (All these figures are on a
semester basis.)
The new fees in all the colleges
and schools represent an average in-
crease of $5.18 for residents and of
$14.29 for non-residents.
When asked if these rates were
raised to cut down the large number
of out-of-state students, Mr. Smith
stated that this was not necessarily
(Continued on Page 2)
Hayden Speaks
With Roosevelt
On Philippies
Professor Reports Islands
Are 'In Good Hands' And
Leaves For Nw York
WASHINGTON, March 3. - (A) -
A belief the new Philippine common-
wealth government was "in good
hands" was expressed here today by
Joseph Ralston Hayden, until recent-
ly vice-governor of the islands.
Iayden, who has resumed his du-
ti s as professor of political economy
at the University of Michigan after
two and a half years at Manila, gave
President Roosevelt what he de-
scribed as "a generally optimistic"
report on the Philippine situation.
He was accompanied to the White
House by Secretary of War Dern.
"The Philippines are sure to have
a vigorous government as long as
Manuel Quezon is president of the
commonwealth," Hayden said.
The government generally is in the
hands of trained and experienced
Filipino officials, who are eager to
make a good record."
The former vice-governor predict-
ed, however, that the new autono-
mous regime would be "financially
,ruined" if the economic terms of the
independence law were not altered in
advance of the proclamation of com-
plete independence, scheduled for
Hayden said he would leave to-
morrow to attend a session in New
York of a study group on Philippine
(Thinlese Red s Are
S 1teh te ning Capital
SHANGHAI, March 3. -(W)-- A
Chinese communist army swept into
Shansi province tonight and grave
fears were aroused for more than a
score of American missionaries be-
lieved to be in the path of the inva-
si on.
New Sino-Japanese complications
were also threatened by the red at-
tack from the southwest into the east
central province.
An army was hurriedly mobilized
at Taiyuan, capital of the province,
by the aged war lord, Marshal Yen
Hsi-shan, ard a virtual state of mar-
tial law reigned.
Riot Climaxes
Puck Victory
Over Tartars
Fans Riot 30 Minutes After
Wayne Player Attempts
Swing At Wolverine
Simpson And David
Star In Last Game
Michigan Defeats Heavier
Team In 7-1 Victory;,
Widlak Stars For Wayne
Marked by one of the most riotous
scenes in Olympia's history, when 300
fans battled for fully 30 minutes until
sufficient police detail arrived, Mich-
igan's Varsity hockey team concluded+
its season at Olympia tonight by
handing the Wayne University Tar-
tans a 7-1 shellacking
Hardly had the final siren blown
when Adam Widlak, husky Detroit
defenseman, took a wild swing at two
of the Wolverines, and in a moment
the vast arena was a stormy, fist-
filled prize ring with spectators join-
ing players of both teams in gen-
eral free for all that was not quell
for several minutes.1
Wcilverines Outfight Wayne
With Gib James playing a stellarf
role despite his painful back injury,1
the Wolverines outfought and out-E
gamed a heavier team that made use
of seven spares. With the Michigan
rear guard playing one of their best1
games of the season, the Wayne for-f
wards were kept consistently bottled
up with the exception of a few threat-
ening three-man attacks in each pe-
Captain Larry David, playing in his
last hockey clash in a Wolverine uni-
form, played a great game for Mich-
igan, and Bob Simpson, sophomore
defenseman,turned in the best per-
formance of his brilliant career as
he and David took turns bouncing
the troublesome Widlak, 200-pound
tartar defenseman all over the ice.
Michigan scored first in the open-
ing period when Captain David
snagged a loose puck at the Wayne
red, line and slid a perfect pass on
Vic Heyliger's stick. The Concord
Flash made no mistake as he plucked
the far corner with a shoulder high
Goalie Stars
The Tartar defense, led by the
cocky Widlak, offered little protection
to Goalie Durrocher, and the latter
turned in a great performance as time
after time he robbed Fabello and
Heyliger after they had got into the
Michigan went on a scoring ram-
page in the second stanza when they
rammed home four goals to assume a
commanding lead on plays by Fabello,
James, and Heyliger.
The Wolverines were content to lay
back and wait for the breaks in the
final period, and twice Gib James
tallied on solo efforts after crossing
up the Tartar defense .
The huge free-for-all came as a
climax to a rough, hard-checking
game in which members of both teams
used high sticks and spent a good
deal of time in the cooler.
State Scientifi
Men Will Meet
Here March 19 1
Campus View Near Cam panile - Years Hence
The cut shows a model of the F
will look in proportion to the otherl
front of the Tower is Hill Auditoriun
is the proposed Music School build
represent-, the Rackham GraduateS
a block representing the Michigan L
Council Gives High
Position To Prince
Burton Memorial Tower, and how it
buildings. The structure directly in
!m and the one behind the campanile
ding. The block in the background
School and across from the Tower is
TOKIO, March 4. - (Wednesday)
- () - The Japanese privy council,
in session before Emperor Hirohito,
approved "an important law" today as
informed sources predicted Prince Fu-
mimaro Konoye would be named to
the high positionwofuLord Keeper of
Privy Seal.
The Privy Council and the cabinet
convened in session in the great east-
ern council chamber of the imperial
palace, but the subject of their delib-
erations was not disclosed'
Prince Konoye was summoned to
the palace after an earlier conveisa-
tion with Prince Faionji, ranking'
elder statesman of the Empire.
National Group
of Physicians
Will Meet Here
Medical Men From Detroit
Convention To Convene
At Ann Arbor Today
One thousand medical men will;
throng the campus today for Ann Ar-
bor Day of the American College of
Physicians, which is holding its 20th
annual session in Detroit.
An extensive program of clinical
lectures will occupy the physicians in
the morning, and in the afternoon
they will gather for six addresses by
noted medical authorities in the Ball-
room of the Michigan Union.
The staff of the Medical School,
under the supervision of Dr. James
D. Bruce, has planned and will con-
duct the Ann Arbor Day program.
Dean-emeritus Frederick G. Novy,
of the Medical School, will give the
address of welcome to the College at
2 p.m. The afternoon session will
then proceed with a discussion of
"The Medical and Economic Advan-
tages of an X-Ray Chest Survey of all
Hospital Admissions," by Dr. Fred J.
Hodges, professor of roentgenology.
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, professor
of surgery, will follow with a talk on
"Clinical Aspects of Water Balance
and Dehydration," and Dr. Carl D.
Camp, professor of neurology, wlil
speak on "The Relation between
Emotion and Disturbance of Physi-
ologic Function."
Talks on "The Present Status of
Pernicious Anemia: Experience with
600 Cases over Eight Years," by Dr.
Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of Simp-
son Memorial Institute, and "The
Surgical Treatment of Hypertension,"
by Dr. Max M. Peet, professor of
surgery, will conclude the afternoon
session and Ann Arbor Day.
Burton Tower
Drive Reaches
Nearly $500
Dixon Well Pleased With
Cooperation Of StudentsE
In CampaignFor Funds
Contributions approximating $500
have been received from fraternities
and sororities in the $5,000 Burton
Memorial Tower Campaign Fund
which is being carried on within thea
student body, it was announced last
night as the first lap of the drive
neared completion.
Chairman William R. Dixon, '36. in
charge of the campus campaign,1
which is being conducted in conjunc-
tion with the University of Michigan
Club of Ann Arbor's $25,000 drive,
was enthusiastic about the coopera-
tion of student organizations to date.
"Most fraternities, sororities and
dormitories have not had sufficient
time to submit their pledges, but it is
entirely probable that these organi-
zations will subscribe the $5,000
necessary to the success of the under-
graduate campaign," Dixon stated.
Pledge cards have been mailed to
all student organizations providing
for subscriptions on a five-year basis.
The total amount of each gift is di-
vided into five equal parts to be paid
in installments over a five-year pe-
riod, it was explained.
A partial list of fraternities and sor-
orities which have already returned
their pledge cards with checks cov-
ering their first payments includes
Phi Sigma Delta, Zeta Beta Tau, and
Theta Delta Chi fraternities, and
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Gam-
ma Delta, Chi Omega, Collegiate Sor-
csis, and Alpha Phi sororities
S Iident CooperatLive
At Princeton Pays
PRINCETON, N. J., The Princeton
University cooperative store returned
a dividend of $20,000 to its members
recently. The store has served Prince-
ton students, faculty and alumni con-
tinuously for 30 years and has not
ommitted a dividend since 1909.
The Princeton "co-op,", as it is
commonly called, is run entirely by
undergraduates and each of its 3,-
100 members pays a $5 membership
fee which is returned at the end of
the year. All profits from the sale
of books, drugs, clothing and other
college necessities are returned to the
members in the form of dividends.
Last year the total sales amounted to
over $200,000 and each member re-
ceived a check for 10 per cent of the
amount he had spent in the store.
Tax Plans
Hit Market
President's Message Asks
Revision Of Corporate
Taxation Methods
Major Fight Looms
Over Bill In House
Even Democrats Are Cool
As Republicans Criticize
NEW YORK, March 3-(P)-A com-
plete change in the method of hand-
ling corporation finances, reaching
into the next generation, was Wall
Street's interpretation today of
Roosevelt's taxation proposals.
With only a brief forewarning, se-
curities markets were stunned into
inactivity when the President asked
Congress for around $1,600,000,000 to
be raised by a levy on undistributed
corporation profits.
The same first reaction was gen-
eral in banking houses, corporations
and among economic and fiscal au-
From the standpoint of the securi-
ties traders, the tax was greeted as a
windfall, since corporations would be
forced either to increase payments of
stockholders or pay the heavy tax.
Stocks promptly gained one to five
dollars a share on the New York stock
There remained however th dis-
quieting prediction in several quar-
ters that if huge corporations deplete
reserves by dividend payments they
would be in a weakened condition in
an emergency requiring cash.
Revision Suggested
WASHINGTON, March 3. - () -
An unparalleled revision of corporate
taxation -handing industry an an-
nual bill of $620,000,000 for farm re-
lief and the bonus -was suggested
to a startled and obviously uneasy
Congress today by President 'Roose-
Republican criticism, in which
some Democrats joined, gave prospect
of a major battle. Machinery was
started immediately, however, to
press the plan.
In a special message, the President
asked that present corporation in-
2ome and other levies be repealed, at
in annual loss to the Government of
$1,000,000,000, and be replaced with a
levy on undistributed profits, which,
with a resulting gain in individual in-
come taxes, he estimated would pro-
duce $1,620,000,000 annually.
His point' was that under the pres-
ent law, stockholders receiving divi-
dends pay only a surtax upon them,
while his proposal would make divi-
dends subject to both normal tax and
surtax - with this supplemented by
a stiff tax on corporation profits not
turned into dividends.
In addition, the President proposed
that a sizeable portion of processing
taxes refunded as a result of the Su-
preme Court's AAA and rice millers
decisions, be replaced by special taxes
on the processing of farm commodi-
Taxable Commodities Increased
These levies would be limited to the
collection of some $500,000,000 in two
or three years. The number of com-
modities to be taxed would be in-
creased, with the result, he said, that
a "relatively light burden would be
imposed on the producers, consumers
or processors."
V hile there had been talk of a
tax on undistributed corporation pro-
fits, Congress patently had not ex-
pected such an extensive application
of this method of raising funds. Even
more Democrats received the propos-
als cooly. Many Republicans were
outspoken in their denunciation.
In his message, Mr. Roosevelt as-
serted that the practice of some
corporations of piling up reserves in-
stead of declaring dividends 'worked
an injustice to the small stockholder
and constituted a method of evading
the surtax that has reached "dis-
turbing proportions."
, The President said that any cor-
poration had a right to set aside suf-
ficient reserves before arriving at its
earnings figure. He suggested that
such reserves might include depreci-
ation funds and working capital,
epresslin' s Effeet On iFamilies
Subject Of Prof. Amioell's Book
An analysis of the effects of the themselves were the secularized
depression on eight types of middle "modern" ones, "which do not put
class families for the purpose of en- too great stock in material and pe-
abling sociologists to predict trends of cuniary values, and whose leading
family solidarity in the future is the members are responsible and ener-
subject of a new book published last getic.
month by Prof. Robert C. Angell of The types of families used as a basis
the sociology department, entitled, were similar in that they all repre-
"The Family Encounters The De- sented approximately the same social
pression." level, that no crucial event uncon-
"It is not a study of the effects nected with the depression, such as
of a sharp decrease in income among the death of one of the members
representative families taken from of the family, had occurred, and that
the population at large," Professor the decrease came rapidly rather than
Angell said yesterday, "but it is an over a long period of time.
attempt to use documents collected In dividing these families into types,
from 50 sociology students from 1931- Professor Angell made use of the
1934 to show the different reactions question "What sorts of qualities are
to loss of income only in these types significant in determining how the
of families." family as a socio-npvchol1nia1 unit
The forty-first annual meeting of
the Michigan Academy of Science
will convene here March 19 for three
days, it was announced yesterday by
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the forestry
school, secretary of the academy.
Representatives of every State col-
lege 'and university will be present, he
said, and invitations have been ex-
tended to all members of the Ameri-
can Association for the Advancement
of Science \and residents of Michigan
to attend the meeting, which will
embrace practically every subject
taught in University departments ex-
cept chemistry and physics.
The annual reception at 8 p.m.
March 19 will be conducted under
the direction of Mrs. George R. La-
Rue, chairman of the reception com-
mittee. Mrs. Ruthven is honorary
The University Museum, the Mu-
seum of Classical Architecture in
Newberry Hall ,and the Clements Li-
brary will be open at special times for
the visitors.
Headquarters for the meeting wil
1 1
State Delinquent Tax Figures
Will Be Compiled By University
Exactly how many hundreds of mil-i
lions of dollars Michigan taxpayersc
are delinquent for 1932 and prior I
years will be determined in July by1
the University's Bureau of Govern-I
ment, Prof. Robert S. Ford, director,
announced yesterday.I
Professor Ford is heading the proj-I
ect, which is financed by $8,500 WPAi
money and which employes 24 per-
sons, stationed at Lansing. The work,
which started Jan. 17, will show the
total amount of tax delinquency for
the entire state, for each county and
for urban and rural areas, Professor
Ford explained. Progress to date, he
said, indicates that tabulations will
be comoleted in July.
million and a half population, is in-
cluded in these six, the total tax de-
linquency approximates three-quar-
ters of a billion dollars - at least a
half a billion.
Equally important in explaining
Michigan's large tax delinquency,
Professor Ford continued, is the leg-
islative act of 1933 which cancelled
all collection fees and penalties on
unpaid taxes for 1931 and prior years
provided such taxes were paid, with
four per cent interest, in installments
of one-tenth over a period of 10 years
This act was latter amended to in-
clude those unpaid taxes for 1932 and
prior years.
Professor Ford's survey will not only
Enrollment At Chicago
Schools Is On Upgrade
CHICAGO, March,3--(P)-For the