The Weather
Cloudy, light snow East por-
tion today, warmer; tomorrow
unsettled, rain or snow prob-
able, colder West and North.
£fir tigrni
A Penalty That Is Too
Severe . . .
Success To The Student
Forum . . .
Rapid Spread
Of Strike Hits
Many Hotels
One Company Signs Pact
With Strikers Granting
Shop Clause
Picketing Continues
With Few Disorders
Restaurant, Hotel Unions
To Go On Picket Line
In Support Of Strike
NEW YORK, March 6. - () -
Building service strikers laid siege to
the midtown hotel sector today and by
nightfall claimed approximately 8,000
In nearly every case, the manage-
ments disputed the union's figures,
declaring that while some elevator
operators, maids and housemen had
walked out there was no serious dis-
ruption of service.
Strike headquarters announced
that 62 hotels were affected and six
others had capitulated to union de-
Little Disorder
Picketing went forward with little
disorder in front of the approximate-
ly 1,820 other buildings that have
come under strike rule since the
walkout began Sunday.
Two other developments heartened
the strikers on their first payless
'An agreement ending the strike in
45 buildings, including the Fifth Ave-
nue Hotel, was signed by the Prudence
Co. The pact included a preferential
shop clause, one of the chief demands
of the union.
Paul N. Coulcher, secretary-treas-
urer of the Hotel and Restaurant
Employee's Union, announced that
5,000 kitchen and dining room work-
ers in 100 hotels would go on the
picket line in support of the service
workers' strike.
Newark Strike Seen
lhe ywaout thxeatene lto spread
to Newark next week. Robert Ever-
itt, New Jersey representative of the
Building Service Union, said that be-
4, tween 300 and 350 workers in 40
downtown Newark office buildings
would strike Monday unless they re-
ceived wage increases.
Manhattan strike leaders pressed
their efforts to tie up service in the
Washington Heights and Harlem
areas. The union asserted that 2,500
workers had quit in 600 Harlem build-
Among the hotels affected were the
forty-two-story Barbiszon-Plaza, the
fashionable Hotel Weyland, the Dind-
sor, Wyndham, Peter Stuyvesant, Al-
den and Murray.
Chris Houlihan, head of the union's
hotel division, said that employees
might be called out of the Waldorf-
Astoria tomorrow.
Move To Oust
Haber As Head
Of Relief Fails
LANSING, March 6.-Dr. Wil-
liam Haber, heckled State Relief Ad-
ministrator, came out a definite win-
ner today in his controversy with Rep.
Frank E. Hook as the State Demo-
cratic Committee refused to back
their congressman's demand that the
relief head be ousted.
Two definite attempts to drive Dr.
Haber from his office were stopped
when the committee failed to back
motions made by two of its members.
First, the resolution of Mrs. Frank
Jamieson of Ontonagon, to endorse
the efforts of Representative Hook,
Upper Peninsula Democrat, to ousi
Dr. Haber, was tabled after the back-
ing of Rush Culver of Marquette,
chief complaintant against the re-
lief director, received insufficieni
After Patrick H. Kane of Port
Huron had forced the chairman, Mrs.
Christie J. McDonld of Ypsilanti,
vice-president of the committee, to
agree that the committee, called to
decide the time and place of the state
convention, could not digress fron
its purpose, Culver proposed Dr. Ha-
ber's removal. This motion did not
receive a second.
Trainer Of Louis
Aicquitted By Jnry
Teachers' Union Here Studies
Its Relation To Organized Labor
Affiliation With A.F. Of L.a
Rests On Belief In Unitya
Of All Wage Earners :
The University teachers' union, af-
filiated with the American Federa-
tion of Labor, has begun a study oft
its relation to organized labor in gen-e
eral, its president, Prof. John F. Shep-
ard of the psychology department,'
announced yesterday.
Formed nearly two years ago, thisL
is the first public statement of the
details and program of the Ann Arbor
local of the American Federation of
Teachers - the union's official name.t
Believing that "the logic of the
labor movement in America is toward
industrial unions," Professor Shepard
declared in an interview that the localt
Union's affiliation with the A.F. of L.
is based on the idea that "all those
who earn a living through salary or
wage, rather than through invest-
ment, should ally themselves with
labor." Teachers are laborers as much
as any other wage earners, Professor
Shepard emphasized, and it is because
of that fact that the Federation of
Teachers was formed in the first
Union Has 40 Members
The local union has 40 members,
approximately two-thirds of whom
are members of the University fac-
ulty, and the remaining third Ann
Arbor public school teachers. The
former head of the union here, Prof.
Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism
department, is now vice president of
the state organization.
The union here meets once a month
during the academic year. At its
March meeting recently, the union
decided to study the movement of
organized labor in the United States
Hitler Orders
Locarno Pact
Parley Today
Summons Special
Of Reichstag To
Attitude Toward
BERLIN, March 6. - (AP) - Adolff
Hitler tonight called a special sessiont
of the Reichstag for tomorrow tor
consider "administration explana-t
tions" expected to deal with the Ger-t
man attitude on the Locarno treaty.
The Reichstag session will be broad-t
cast throughout the nation.
Diplomatic quarters expressed'
firm belief that the Reichsfuehrert
may announce a moderate course,t
neither completely withdrawing fromN
the Locarno pact nor immediately oc-
cupying the demilitarized Rhineland.
Some .diplomats declared Hitlerl
might even offer to return to the
League of Nations if the demilitarized#
zone were to be abolished and under
certain other conditions.
It was considered almost certain,
however, that the Nazi leader would
declare that France had violated the
Locarno Treaty through its action in
ratifying the Franco-Soviet military
I assistance pact.
Another possibility was that an in-
vitation might be extended to Great
Britain, France, Belgium and Italy;
for a new conference to review the_
existing situation under the provision
of the treaty guaranteeing mutual
security in Western Europe.
Dr. Long And Son
Recovering Rapidlyj
GRAND RAPIDS, March 6. -(Spe-
cial) - Dr. Dwight C. Long, of the
University history department, and
his son, Robert, are "definitely out of1
danger," doctors of the Blodgett Hos-
pital announced here last night.
D1. Long, sitting up today, wrote
to his wife in Ann Arbor, despite the
fact that he is suffering from a
sprained right wrist. Although Rob-
ert's condition was not so good, he,
was understood to be well on the road
to recovery from his severe head in-
Plans Announced
For Dental Smoker
Plans for the second all-dental
smoker of the Dental School, to be
held next Tuesday at the Union, were
announced yesterday by the commit-
tee of seniors in charge of arrange-
ments for the smoker.
T henvova xiil beouned with
and its relations to it, Professor Shep-
rd explained.
Recently through its state organi-
ation, the teachers' union sponsored
r tenure bill in the state legislature I
nd is now concerned with a teachers'
ension proposal.
See Danger in Teachers' Oaths
The union is "more or less opposed
o the Michigan law requiring teach-
rs' oaths," Professor Shepard as-
erted,,"because, although there may
e objection to it on its face, there is
i great danger that it may be mis-
ised. Anyway, it is a discrimination
gainst teachers. I don't see why I
hey should be required to take an
ath any more than any other por-
ion of the public."
Not only the local organization, but
he National Federation is growing,
Professor Shepard believes. Pointing B
o local unions at Yale, Harvard, andF
(Continued on Page 2)a
Probe Of WPAb
Activity Asked P
By Republicans
Buchanan Says That Reliefd
Funds Must Be LimitedF
To $1,000,000,000 b
WASHINGTON, March 6. - (R') -
A Republican demand for a Senateo
investigation of the Administration's;
work relief activities was drafted to-c
day in one corner of the Capitol,a
while from another came a Demo- t
cratic demand that any new relief
appropriation be limited to $1,000,-
On still another front Senators
Rush D. Holt, youthful West Vir-v
ginia Democrat, asserted that hek
would vote for a Senate investigation
if WPA "white-washed" his chargest
that political considerations have in-C
fluenced the West Virginia work re-f
lief administration.i
Holt made his statement after dis-t
closing that his office desk had been
jimmied during his recent absence toF
conduct his personal investigation ofe
West Virginia WPA activities. e
Police and fingerprint experts, Holtc
said, had examined the desk, bute
found no fingerprints. Nothing wast
taken, he added, because he had re-a
moved all valuable papers. Holt said
that he had a mass of new evidenceI
to back his charges.c
The disclosure was made elsewheret
that Senator Frederick Steiwer, Ore-r
gon Republican, had drafted a reso- t
lution calling for a full Senate inves-
tigation of all expenditures underr
the $4,800,000,000 work relief fundc
voted by Congress last year. '
On the opposite side of the Capitol, c
Chairman James P. Buchanan, Texas I
Democrat, of the House Appropria- I
ions Committee, asserted that new
funds for relief should be limited to
High School Strike;
Has California City
Cutting Paper Dolls
ALAMEDA, Calif., March 6.-(P)
-Two "armies" guarded Alameda's
City Hall today as the third Clay of a1
high school student strike churned
up conflicting rumors.
Some said citizens planned to seize
the city government, others that
Mayor Hans W. Roebke was plotting)
a coup against the police department.]
Reports that Roebke planned to de-a
clare an emergency caused District
Attorney Earl Warren to warn the
Mayor it might "result in bloodshed."
Warren told Roebke that the "parties
responsible" for such action would be
held "accountable to the law."
In another section of the City Hall,j
Police and Fire Commissioner Lee
Cavanaugh, an elective officer not
ordinarily subject to the Mayor's or-
ders, and Police Chief Vern Smith
marshalled extra policemen with
shotguns and tear gas bombs. The
weapons later disappeared.
Meanwhile the high school strug-
gled along with two "superintend-
ents" and no more than 600 students
attending classes.
Refuse 19 Special
Initiation Requests
One petition to hold a special in-
itiation was granted to a fraternity
Great BritainI
Protests Raid ]
On Red Cross
talians Kill Four British E
Subjects During Attack
On Ambulance Unit
Ethiopians Expect I
Raid On Capital
Fascists Charge Red Cross P
Used As Arm Of Defense
And Offense
LONDON, March 6.- (/P) --Great
Britain ordered its ambassador to
Rome today to protest strongly t
against the alleged bombing of a t
British Red Cross unit in Ethiopia g
by Italian planes.o
Sir Eric Drummond, the British V
ambassador, was instructed to urge a
Premier Mussolini's government toe
press an investigation of the attacko
and to order his military leaders onc
he war front to make certain such
an incident did not occur again. t
Official quarters were plainly in-t
dignant at the bombing in which ac
Red Cross identification flag, spreadf
out on the ground, actually was hitI
by a bomb, according to official Brit-I
ish sources.I
The action was taken on the basisc
of a report by Sir Sidney Barton,I
British minister to Ethiopia. Sir
Sidney's information was based on
advices received from Dr. Melley of
the Red Cross unit.
Four Reported Killed
At Addis Ababa, the GovernmentI
stated four British subjects, includ-
ing Maj. Gen. G. A. Burgoyne, were
Burgoyne, a sixty-one-year-oldl
transport officer in the Ethiopian Red
Cross organization, was moving back1
from Amba Alagi, recently taken by£
the Italians, to Quoram, 30 miles to
the south.
Women and children in Addisl
Ababa were ordered to be ready to,
evacuate the city Saturday in thet
event of an air attack. An airplanef
circled over the capital Friday andl
escaped apparently unscathed fromI
the fire of machine-guns and anti-
aircraft guns.
Details of an Italian protest to the
League, Feb. 28, against what it
charged was misuse of Red Cross em-
blems by the Ethiopian Army were
made public in Rome. The protest
asserted that the Ethiopians had
transformed Red Cross units "into a
real and genuine arm for military
defense and offense." It also de-
clared that the Italian government
had sworn statements from members
of the Egyptian medical mission in
Ethiopia that Italians, captured by
Ethiopians, have been tortured to
Bombing Unconfirmed
A report from Dessye that an
Italian airplane had bombed the
headquarters of Crown Prince Asfa
Wosan and that two Greeks were
killed went unconfirmed.
The government, denying Italy's
claims of new victories in the north,
said a battle was about to begin in
the mountains near Amba Alagi. Em-
peror Haile Selassie was believed by
some to have reached the northern
lines to lead a major fight, but there
was no official confirmation of this.
Premier Mussolini, an Italian
spokesman at Geneva indicated,
might answer the League's appeal for
peace negotiations within the
League's framework Saturday after a
meeting of the Fascist Grand Coun-
cil. Emperor Haile Selassie has ac-
cented the plan unreservedly.
1 axing O Couzens
Gifts IsReported.
WASHINGTON, March 6. - (1P) -
The Evening Star says that an effort
is being made to collect Federal gift
taxes from Senator James Couzens
on $3,000,000 which he gave away,
last year.
The paper recalls that Couzens op-
posed appointment of Guy T. Hel-
vering, the present internal revenue
commissioner, and recently charged
that Walter J. Cummings, national
Democratic treasurer, was receiving
salaries of $90,000 a year from RFC
The gifts involved were said to be
$2,500,000 to the Children's Fund of
Detroit and $500,000 for an experi-
mental low-cost housing project at
Purdue Here
For Important
Game Tonight
Basketball Team To Close
Season With Crucial Tilt
Against Boilermakers
Battle May Decide
Big Ten Title Race
Michigan Expects Height
To Prove Advantageous l
In Last Contest
Confident that they still have in
hem one game of basketball better
han any they have yet played, and
good enough to knock Purdue out
of the Big Ten title race, Michigan's
Wolverines will take the floor tonight
against "Piggy" Lambert's Boilermak-
30 1/3;
-Associated Press Photo
ers at Yost Field House before what
officials estimate will be a record A
crowd of 9,500. ArmIyCensure
Tonight's game, which will close 7l'
the Conference season for both quin- Creates Toio
tets, looms up as the crucial game
of the Big Ten race. If the Purdue C b ne*rii
five drops this final tilt its tie with abine sis
Indiana will be broken, giving the
Hoosiers their first title since 1928.
Purdue has won 10 games and lost 'Oiinous Tension' Reigns
one while Indiana, its schedule com- As Negotiations Result
pleted last Monday night, has won
11 and been defeated once. In Deadlock
Five Michigaii seniors will be play-1
ing their last game. Capt. Chelso TOKIO, March 6.-(A!P)-The
Tamagno, George Rudness, Earl threatened wrecking of Koki Hirota's
Townsend, John Jablonski, and Dick attempts to form a Japanese Cabinet
Evans all graduate at the end of the because of the Army's disapproval of
semester. some of his selections created an om-
Michigan will go into the game de- inous tension in Tokio tonight.
pending on its vast superiority in Principal figures involved in the
height to bestheadeciding factor efforts to organize a Government to
against the Boilermakers' speed and succeed that shattered by Army ex-
basket-eye. The Varsity averages tremists last week went to bed short-
a fraction over six feet three inches ly before midnight with their negotia-
while Lambert's starting five hardly tions still deadlocked.
tops the six-foot mark. Despite the announced retirement
However, it is the tremendous of five senior generals under a cloud
height of Michigan's front line - the of indirect responsibility for the last
Townsend brothers and John Gee -- weel's rebellion, the Army served
that will prove the real handicap notice of its still tremendous power.
to the Boilermakers. It was this Count " Juichi Terauchi, whom Hi-
height that virtually monopolized the rota had selected as war minister,
play against Illinois Monday night, withdrew under pressure from mili-
never allowing the Illini to get con- tarists. The army men indicated
trol of the ball long enough to score. that they would not allow anynother
If this height can function tonight general to enter the Cabinet unless
and keep Bob Kessler and his mates Hirota approved the military's de-
out of the backboard play, observers mands.
(Continued on Page 2) It was understood that the Army
leaders disapproved the choice of
Shigeru Yoshida for the foreign af-
3 Killedt In Gun fairs ministry.
An indication that the Navy -
J . which remained loyal during the re-
ghwcentuprising - did not join the Army
Es a pposing Hirota's choices was seen;
Pr * n c e in the acceptance of the Navy port-
folio by Admiral Osami Nagano. The
Admiral reached Tokio today from
SIOUX FALLS, S. Dak., March 6. the London Naval conference.
- (P) - A hitch-hiking Kansas gun- er -n ftermath of the revolt, ma--
man who sought to relieve his broth- "o chanaes were made in Army lead~
er from the penitentiary, brought ersbi ip. Among them: Gen. Sadao
death to three persons and wounds Arftki and Gen. Senjuro Hayashi
,o two others here today in one of ,,rare retired from active service. It
he most sensational prison breaks of as'understood that Gen. Yoshiyuki
the state. washima, war minister under
Warden Eugene Reiley, 72, and Phil Premier Keisuke Okada, would retire.
Ray, St. Paul desperado serving 30
years for bank robbery, were killed in Se
a running gun fight with a posse. ote F teamarm
Berlan Meisel of Webster, S. Dak.,
died in the hospital early tonight Purchasing Power
from wounds suffered when he and
his fiancee, Miss Frieda Rausch also NEW YORK, March 6. - W) -
of Webster, were ordered from their Events since the Supreme Court de-
car by fleeing convicts. clared the AAA unconstitutional have
Miss Rausch was slightly wound- served to dispel any remaining fears
ed. Claude Carrier, 18-year-old as to farm buying power this year,
Kansan, who engineered the escape, says the National City Bank's monthly
was critically wounded in the chase, survey of economic conditions issued
and George Collins, a deputy sheriff, today.
also suffered gunshot wounds. , "It is too early to express a gen-
Meiso was shot over the heart and eral opinion as to the -ffectiveness
Miss Rausch wounded in the face of the new program in controlling
when the gunmen ordered them from crop acreages," it continued. "Under
their car and took the machine in a the limitations laid down by the
wild dash for freedom. Supreme Court, the government will
Wolverines Lower
Mile Relay Record
Albritton, Beacham Lead
Buckeyes, Each Setting
New Indoor Marks
Individual performances rather
than team competition had to satis-
fy Michigan track fans last night as
the Wolverines swamped Ohio State,
64 2/3 to 30 1/3, in their final dual
meet of the indoor season, but those
fans were not disappointed when
three Field House records were brok-
en, including the long-besieged mile
relay mark.
The Michigan victory extended
through the sixth year an uninter-
rupted series of dual meet wins in in-
door competition.
While Dave Albritton, the Buck-
eye sophomore, and Chuck Beetham,
backbone of the Ohio squad in the
absence of Jesse Owens, established
new marks in the high jump and
quarter-mile respectively, it was the
performance of the "remarkable re-
lay team" from Michigan which cli-
maxed the meet.
Last Field House Appearance
Running together for the last time
in Yost Field House, it was apparent
from the manner in which Captain
Frank Aikens left his blocks to start
the race that a serious assault on the
record of 3:23.7 was under way. De-
spite a late bid by Dick Squire, Aikens
passed the stick to Harvey Patton
with a slight lead, and Patton prop-
seeded to lengthen the lead over Don
Blickle as the old mark began to tot-
Far ahead of the Buckeyes as Pat-
ton gave the baton to Bob Osgood,
it was no longer a match race with
Ohio State's quartet but with the
timers' clocks. Tremendous but ef-
fortless strides took Osgood around
his leg of the race and then Stan
Birleson, coming back after a defeat
in the 440, ran one of the fastest legs
of his career, and not a person, in
he Field House could express honest
amazement when the final time was
announced, 3:21.8, breaking the ex-
isting mark by more than a second.
Unofficial lap times for the four
rUnners were Aikens, running from
blocks, :51.1; Patton, :50.4; Osgood,
:4: and Birleson, :49.9.
R.. ord Broken
A de tou the relay team s per-
w,'rmance it was the two Buckeye
s ars who provided the outstanding
p" rfrmances of the meet. Albritton,
who has already done 6 feet, 5 inches
mrst year of competition, es-
b me a w m vk of 6 feet, 4 7/8
t he had bested his opposi-
hon at 6 feet, 2 inches without re-
moving his sweat shirt. The former
mark was made in the State A.A.U.
meet last month at 6 feet, 3 5/8 inches
by Roscoe Washington, Western State
Charlie Beetham, Western Confer-
ence outdoor champion in the half-
mile, introduced himself to Michi-
gan fans in a new capacity, and most
successfully as he took down by a
tenth second the 440-yard mark of
:50.4 made last week by Malcolm
Hicks of Indiana. Stan Birleson, of
Michigan, failed in his final bid and
lost to Beetham by a scant step.
Fails To Place
Beetham failed to place in the half-
mile which followed the quarter and
announced that he would enter but
one event, the half-mile, in the Big
Ten meet next week at Chicago.
Showing its reserve strength to
great effect against a Buckeye team
depleted for the indoor season by in-
eligibilities, the Wolverines took on*-
two in six of ten events and for
first time this year garnered susta&,-
ing points in the field events.
Michigan took first in the mile, 60-
yard dash, high and low hurdles, two
mile and half-mile besides the relay
while the Buckeyes were winning in
the pole vault and shot put in addi-
tion to the quarter and high jump.
Bob Osgood again proved the
mainstay of the Michigan team with
two firsts in the hurdles events and
a leg on the relay team, although Mo
Leads Tense Japan
Ohio State'
Wins, 642/3.
3 Field House
Are Broken
Entries In Poster
Contest Due Today
University students competing in
the $50 poster contest sponsored by
the M. L. Burton Memorial Tower
Committee must submit their posters
to the Bureau of Alumni Relations or
the Alumni Association office by noon
today, Wilfred B. Shaw, chairman of
the University of Michigan Club's
Art committee, said yesterday.
Neither of the University alumni
offices was able to estimate the num-
ber of posters which will be entered
in the contest. Any suitable posters,
not be able to exert the same com-
pulsion as under the AAA; in fact, the
secretary of agriculture is not per-
mitted to enter binding contracts
with farmers to curtail their produc-
"Instead, cash inducements will be
offered to farmers who adopt recom-
mended soil conservation practices.
The intent is the same, and the of-
ficials hope the result will be the
Colorado Throng
Will Hear Hoover