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March 16, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-16

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-.ALwin r

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VOL. XL. NO. 118


SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1930





Will Hold Classes in Semitics,
SJour nalism, Sociology,
u n i m a u aui rrT and Philosophy.


I V V i IHPandit J. C. Chatterji, noted 1
Hindu philosopher, will conduct Pass Second Reading in House
classes in journalism, sociology, se- After H~eated Debate
First Showing of 'State Street' metics, and pholosophy during his of Six Hours.
Scheduled at Mendelssohn three day stay in Ann Arbor on , __
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday O
Theatre Tomorrow. Jof this week. OPPOSITION SUPPORTS
Pandi Chatterji, who is at pres-
HELEN JONES CHAIRMAN ent the director of the Interna- One Speaker Opposes Measure
Itional School at Vedic and Allied Declaring Violence May
Research in New York, an institu- b
Annual Play Directed by Former tion of philosophical and religious ___ s.
Michigan Student; Will thought supported by the most (y Associated Press)
Follow Senior Supper. prominent American philosophers OTTAWA, March 15-Passage of
is being brought to the University the bill to prohibit clearances for
"State Street,h production of bythe International committee of craft carrying liquor to the United
Street," ~the Student Christian association Sae emdasrdtdy fe
the class of 1931, will have its op- th th dear States seemed assured today, after
ening performance tomorrow night nsin conjunctionwih he de p't. second 'reading in the house of
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, i ments whose classes he will teach. commons without a division.
follo g the annu eior Sp He will also lecture on the sub- The measure, which was intro-
per; also scheduled to take place in ject "Hindu Philosophy and Mod- duced by Premier W. L. Mackenzie
the League building. ern Science" on Thursday night in King, has the support of the Con-
The 1930 production is under the the Natural Science auditorium. servative opposition. R. B. Bennett,
general chairmanship of Helena After attending the Sanskrit col- opposition leader, said he would
Jones, who is assisted by a commit- I lege in Calcutta, India, he com- support the measure, despite the
tee in charge of the various phases I pleted his education at Trinity col- fact that he took issue with the
of the work. Ruth Van Tuyl is as- lege, Cambridge. For his ability arguments advanced for it by Mr.
sistant chairman of the junior along research lines he was award- King.

Captain ,Hewitt, Kelly, Parker
and Steinke All Vidorious
in Their Weight Events. t
Only Time in Which Four Firsts
Have Been Won by Single
Wrestling Team.
(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 15.--
Michigan's wrestling team, hold-
ers of third place in the Western
Conference ratings for the year,
took four individual champion-
ships last night to set a new tec- Capt
ord for first places' in Big Ten wrestli
. yesterd
competition. e te
one 01
Captain Hewitt, Otto Kelly, Ray; Confer
Parker, and Al Steinke all were vic-
torious in their weights to give the




Howlett, Northwestern Breast Stroker,


National Intercollegiate Record; Ault
Wins Michigan's Only First.
\1 ( \ £ s n- Idividlual brilliance
I Of flve ul1rp3l(e aquatic stars, Wle anneXel six of the nine events, hrought
ithe Con ference sw fln1imi; cham1pionship to Northwestern with 45 points
,lthe 20th renewal )01 the atnuIal meet here tmnight. lichigan's nata-
tors, dethroned after a three year reign as title holders, placed second
with 31 )oinlts. these two teals 1olninated the field, the others being
far behind in the scoring.
.. i\Ii.niesota edged lllinois out of third lplace with 12 points to ti for
amn Hewitt of the Michigan ini. Wisconsin andI Iowa tiedtfor fifth place with 7 points a piece,
ng team, whost. victory in wlhile ,hicao .'as sevenlth withJ I ionts.
ay's Big Ten m et climaxed .\ juintet of W\ildcat swinmners. Schwartz, I limch, Peterson. I lowlett
the most brilliant seasons in and \\ilson accounted fore 41 of Northwestern s 45 points. Capt.
ence history. Schwartz led his team to vict-orv with 1.5 points, winning three events,
- - ~~ ~~ l y ta k in g first in th e 4 0 , 100 , an d
P ma Oi A ir1 URIIC II1 TO p IAVf2='2 0 yard free style eycnts, he was
. l1oltI~nfo ~,I1e.Cn

play. ed the title, "Pandit" which is com- I One Speaker Opposes. Wolverines jour frst prates, one
Amy Loomis Will Direct. Iparable to the American degree, C. G. Power, a Liberal, of Que- more than the record set by the
Amy Loomis, a graduate of the Doctor of Philosophy. bee, was the only speaker to oppose same team in 1927. Illinois cap-
University and director of two suc- -the measure. He said he believed tured second honors by placing
cessul pst podution, "Cstle inthat the effect of the bill would be three men among the individual a
Spain" and "Becky Behave," has to increase bootlegging and that it champions, while Chicago managed
at as director of "State Street." [Uwould result in violence against to get one man in the select group. One World Record Broken by
entire work of producing the mus- E[revenue officers.
Wihafwmno xetos teF" aaia iiesb Uie ttsin disp'osng fer thmer ppoe ts enmn n 5Yard
ical comedy has been undertaken After declaring that the Cdna- inthe Cnfger met, Heih Hurdles.
by members o. the junior class. I1 -LSL dian government now acts as a records of being undefeated for -
ng the desie t or the tage .2 sI cnneti link dbetween breweri the year, all of these grapplers be- TOLAN TAKES SECOND
settingsA'whichwl eueteCm iteSt Mar. 21 as Datean ditleesndUtdSaesheyrl.
junior clam has been assisted by ommitteeSets .rum-runners, Mr. King challenged ing recognized among the leaders --
Charles' Holden, Grad., Dean Cur- for Annual Senior Law members of parliament to defeat in their weights now wrestling int
rie, '30, has arranged the lighting ; Social Function. the bill. collegiate circles. CHAMPAIGN, Il., March 15.
effects. ' Conditions Are Perilous. Sapora, of Illinois, who held the Track and field athletes represent-.
With addition of a fifth scene, "May I say," declared the prime Conference and national chain- lg universities from all sections
contrary to precedent, a broader SiMONS' BAND TO PLAY minister, "that so perilous do I be- pionships last season, repeated his of the United States met yester-
xpa.sion"of theme, and a m-ore ex - - .. -'-. lieve the sitation to be that I victory i the 115pound class. Byo , .ms-
tensive utilization of material has Plans for the 1930 Senior Law would no longer assume the re- taking the title in this weight, he ay min the annual linois Relas,
been possible. As a result, none of Crease dance to be held at the sponsibility in the matter of exter- maintained his record of having and by a series of breath-t'rking.
the talent displayed by the mem~ Lawyers club are virt'ually cor- nal affairs in this regard if I were dropped only two bouts in his On'- dashes that swept all competition
be of the crrent junior class has plete, according to an announce- not sure that I had the support of tire career, both to Hewitt of Mich- aside sent several carnival and I
beaenCleePlt et aeystra y avythis parliament. igan. Hewitt was the individual.
Has a College Plot.i ment made yesterday by Harvey "The present situation is found winner in the 128 pound class, the 'world records tumbling.
"State Street" is the story of a Gunderson, '30L, general chairman afford a link betee'n the brew- diminutive Wolverine captain out- Missouri's mile relay team show-
gypsy girl, who is obliged to con- of the dance committee. The date ery and distillery and the criminal classing a strong field to gain this ed its heels to Michigan to set a
form to the traditions and customs of the dance has been set for gang title. new carnival record of 3:24.5.1
of a college group, when she finds March 21. Contrary to the ruling "This country cannot afford to In spite of the fact that Allie Michigan's team, which wasJ
that she has been accepted as one made b t have its osition capable of inter- Morrison, of Illinois. the favorite strongly favored to finish some-I
of their number. Her struggle to !made by the Student council con- hpretitso itn aableuf igh t er-n nt e18p u ddiiin a n h r ea h o nti vn,
in the 133 pound division, was un- where near she top in this event,
play the part furnishes her with a cerning the holding of parties on pretation in any such light by any able to wrestle in last night's was unable to nose out the Tigers,
problem which she alone must solve the same ights as class dancesit i te o h o bouts, the Indians retained the in- althougii it finished ahead of the1
before the final curtain. .. e Csae h dances dition is distasteful to the people dividual titleholder when Bauerle remainder of the field.
Six junior women take the lead- the Crease 'dance will be held at; of Canada and has only been to-tok hecapnsi in ht
ing parts kathleen Badger and the same time as the Frosh Frolic. # erated as long as it has because of took the championship i that Sentman of Illinois, who makes
Jeannette Dale have the major Seymour Simons' orchestra, of the failure to realize this aspect of event. Dte 145 poid class, i~ it a practice to break a new ree--
leads, while Jane Robinson and i;Detroit, a ten piece band, has been the situation, rd ined hi v ic te
Barbar Stratton portray omedy obtained to furnish the music. Fea- hSate he f itls, continued his victory streak
roles. Vivian Bulock, as the hard- tures on the program will be play- ofOh tatKetheforthe, s by breaking the world's record in
boiled villain, and Jean Boswell, as ed by a two-piano team. It is ex- h ' the 75 yard high hurdles, with a
the typical Michigan co-ed, com- pected Mike Falk will direct. Id irappcis tat -as everenepesenlt time of 9.2 seconds. In the pre-
plee te goup Nie oherwomn A th nuberofnickts illbe if tion, came through as expected in liminaries in the afternoon Sent- I
plete the group, Nine other women A h ubr ftceswllb n: r ii nu dMchgni ofrec t tiupottelad.lmtdt 10 ti xece htI s iin ae hog sepetdi iinre nteafeno et
support the leads. limited to 100, it is expected that .-o CH RCL iLthe 155 pound division, but in so man had lowered the mark by
Numerous chorus numbers, danc- the demand will far exceed the doing was forced o outclass a making the distance in a time of
Ing to and singing the songs corn- number available. Although pra- strong field. 9.3 seconds.
posed by juniors, contribute to the tically all the bids have been sold, -- Parker, the other Michigan per- George Simpson, Ohio State'
large number of women selected to there are still a few available Liberal Students Union to Hold former to maintain an unblemished sprinter, nosed out Eddie Tolan of
development of the theme. The which may be procured from mem- record, was victorious in the 165 Michigan in the 75
form these groups makes the play bers of the committee, according to! Literary Comnpetition on rcrwsvcoiu nte15.Mcia nte7 yard dash,
rmheseativerofpmteunior laybersiefE.heymmtercharngte'Religc.pound class, while Al Steinke upset flashing to victory by a time of
representative of the junior class. Lfeslie E. Meyer, chairman of the Religious Topic. the dope by beating out a field that :7.5 seconds, thereby repeating his
ticket committee. Bids are $5.50 ;-included Scott, an Olympic wrest- win gained over the diminutive
Chinese Bandits Attack each. The preferential sale to THREE JUDGES SELECTED ler from Indiana, to win the 175 Wolverine speed artist in the Con-
seniors of the Law school has clos- Ipound crown. In the heavyweight erence meet at
Five Yangste Steamers ed and there will be a general saler r si class Burdick of Illinois took the n Minneapolis last,
'to all law stud'ents on the firstl Liberal religious creeds will be ls udc fIlni kte week.
(ry Associated Prets) floor of the Law building Monday the subjects of an essay contest in title. Cordon, of Miami University, out-
SHANGHAI, China, rch 15.- an Teay. which $30 in prizes are being offer- distanced Campbell of Michigan
Mac-1.ari uedy ed, it was announced yesterday by' RAotkefrtZlcEhnrDi h
Five American and two Chinese !Invitations to women guests BUILDING to take first place honors in e
steamers attacked with heavy ma- have been mailed. These are in the sponsored, the Liberal Studentse B300 yard dash. The Wolverine
chine gun and rifle fire by Chinese the form of a summons to the union of the Unitarian church. The BY DETROIT FIRE sophomore's showing came as a
bandit soldiery late yesterday beat "Crease Court of the State of compet oengauendistinct surprise,although he Is
otteratcesadeapdMichigan." ;graduate or undergraduate.(yAsei'd rated as one of the fastest men in!
off their attackers and escapedTwo statements regarding the i(y.~c e '
from one of the most dangerous Patrons for the party will in- s g R r1 rst Western Conference competition.
ra is i h a gt ie.I eu e D a1ery M ae n creed submitted will be requiredI DETOIT, Maich 1-Fre star- :17 eons
rapids in the Yangste river. lude Dean Henry M. Bates and in the contest The first will con- ing in one of tho upper stories of Cordon's time in this event was,
Hidden among the rocks of Mrs. Bates, as well as all of the tin thenciptes.and nirt wilcodn-la inve-story obrick building a 11;_ :31.7 seconds
mountainous cliffs between which' members of the law faculty and 'tamn principles and not exceed 150g aAfive-story brick buildingyate11
tounanusteenwhiheves, o heulyndwords, and the second will be an 115 West Jefferson Ave. shortly aft- At the time that The Daily went.
roars the Hsintang rapids in form- their wives. _explanation of the principles and er 1 o'clock this morning destroyed to press these were the only events
ing whirlpools, the bandits fired not exceed 500 words. Inquiries may that structure and was not brought heard from in which Michigan
from *both banks where the great !THREE NATIONS be addressed to postoffice box 292 under control until nearly five starred.
river is narrowed to 60 yards. The and all entries must be in this box hours afterward.-
attack was made 50 miles above LAUD AVIATORS, not later than midnight of Tues- The building, in Detroit's whole- Silver Bullet Manages1
Ichang and more than 1000 miles day, April 15. sale district, was occupied by the, i al
American Upholstering & Manufac- 200Mie n Hour Ci'
from the sea. Judges for the contest will be AUnuU:
The brunt of the attack was SEWARD, Alaska, March 15. Prof. Robert C. Angell, of the de- turing Co., Inc., and the Globe Pa-
borne by the American steamer Three natinskoay paidri -- prtment of sociology Prof, John F. per Co. Three firemen were hurt(wmgAoacSr ttfohfe, r
1 ofeenaithetdayofi psy-e one seriously, when one of the walls DAYTONA BEACH,' Fia.. March.;
unrgommand hos f AmtrC.nWins-' guad Ear Borlad ion r en Shepard fedepartment p collapsed upon the roof of an ad- 15-Kaye Don, British contender
under command of Lt... M. Wins-c and Eary Borland pioneer airmen ,hoof gy, deadr of hio sophy joining building where the firemen for the world's automobile speed
low o tet U. Sh N demore of the Alaskan territory, who lost T were directing a hose line. record, sent his powerful Silver
3,000 bullets at the hidden foe and =terlvsNvme ,wietyn They will announce their decision __ ___ ultmcieoe h ca
passed through the rapids to Ich- eir ves November , whle try May1The first prize entry will Bullet machine over the Ocean
a to f rom Teller, Alaska, to North receive $15, the second $10, and the - speedway here today at a clip of
ang Cape, Siberia. third $5. approximately 200 miles per hour
American flags were draped over in a practice run under poor
Onderdonk Announces the. caskets as they stood in the Sunderland Will Seakr conditions
hall here awaiting the arrival, Sun- The driver, who expects to make
Lecture Date Change ..
day of the ,Steamer Alaska, which in Eastern Universities an official assault upon the record
will bear the international funeral of 231 miles per hour early next
by Prof. F. S.nOnderdond, o party to the United States. 'Beside Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of week, put his car through two fast
architectural college, of the post- each casket, stood large floral of- the Law school, will be in Philadel- runs at low tide this afternoon,
panement of Prof. H. Y. McClusky's bn earing the official design Ia and Princeton, N J the t- with the visibility poor and the

U 1 ti . p 1(- ij-
taiuAn ult fA Michiga; w\as second
ii the matte- of points with eight.
C Three Conference records were
established in tonight's meet, the
new marks being in the 200 yard

Famous Victor Recording Band I breast stroke, 150 yard back stroke
is Chosen for Annual and medley relay.
Yearling Dance.. With the three new standards
made in last night's preliminaries,
HAS PLAYED VAUDEVILLE only two former records, those in
.the 220 and 440 yard events, with-
John:-y Johnson and his Victor stood the onslaught of the swim--
recording -orchestra, which has mers.
been secured to play for the 193.3; - Iowa Wins Diving.
Frosh Frolic Friday night tthe 1 Michigan's only victories came in
Fron Fh Flydty i thbe the 160 yard relay and in the quar-
Union,, has ply.the Keih-AUbet- 4er mi , Lobdell of Iowa won the
Orpheum circuit and has recorded ! fancy diving while the 'other six
for the Welte-Mignon reproducing events went to Northwestern.
n The Wolverine quartet captured
piano.1 the 160, yard relay by several yards
This band comes here' for this over6Wisconsin, while Northwest-
function only after extended ne- ern took third. Bob Howlett of
gotiations with the dance commit- Northwestern set a new national
e ;intercollegiate record of 2:35 3-5 in
the 200 yard breast stroke, winning
Johnson comes to Ann Arbor by two yards over Peterson, a team-
from the Eastern and Southern mate and also former holder of the
supper clubs at which he has been record. Bob Goldsmith of Michi-
playing since his extended en- gan touched out Meyer of Wiscon-
gagement at the Hotel Pennsyl- cousin for third place.
vania in New York City. The 40 yard sprint ended ina
In competition with 380 dance blanket finish with Schwartz of
bands from all parts of the coun-~ the Wildcats winning by inches ov-
try, this group of musicians was er Walker and Walaitis of Michi-
chosen for the engagement at the gan, who took second and third.
Hotel 5ennsylvania, one of the -Ault of the Wolverines won the 440
most crowded spots in the metro- yard event for the third year in a
politan dancing world. Johnson row only-after a thrilling duel with
and his band have played in At- Wilson of Northwestern over the
lantic City, Philadelphia, Palm last six lengths. Ault won by the
Beach, Miami, and during one sea- touch at the finish. Kieding of
son appeared in London and Bia- Illinois was a poor third after lead-
rritz. For several years this group ing for the first ten lengths.
broadcast over several New York Summaries:
radio stations. 160 yard relay-Won by Michigan
Tickets for the affair may be ob- (Hosmer, Walaitis, Smith, Walker);
tained at the desk of the Union, Wisconsin, second1; Northwestern,
Angell Hall, or in the West Engin- third; Illinois, fourth. Time, 1:15
eering building. The tickets are 1-5.
all priced at $5. 200 yard breast stroke-Won by


Howlett (Northwestern); Peterson
TEACH-IERS CLUB (Northwestern) second; Goldsmith
(Michigan) third; Meyer (Wiscon-
PLANS MEETING 'ifourth. Time, 2:35 3-5 (New
PLANSMEL I G national intercollegiate' record).
40 yard free style-Won by
Dr. E. G. Johnson, principal of Schwartz (Northwestern); Walker
the University High School, will ad- .(Michigan) second; Waaitis (Mich-
' dress the Men's Educational Club; an)third; Block (Illinois) fourth.
dres theMen' Edcatinal lubTime, :18 3-5.
on the subject, "The Teacher as a 440 yard free style-Won by Ault
Person" tomorrow night in room (Michigan); Wilson (Northwest-
304 of the Michigan Union. The ern) second; Kieding. (Illinois)
lecture will begin promptly at 7:15 third; McCulley (Iowa) fourth.
o'clock. Time, 5:07 4-5.
Anyone interested in education 150 yard back stroke-Won by
Hinch (Northwestern); Marsh
has been invited to attend the ad-.Hinnesot sen;Stpesh
dress which is expected to reveal (Minnesota) second; Stephenson
many interesting facts about cer- (Co)t h im d; :Mo35.( Nw
tain aspects of the male teaching fourth. Time, 1:39 3-5. (New
profession. Campus men are espe- Conference record.)
100 yard free style-Wok. by
'. dally invited. Schwartz (Northwestern); Walker
.Michigan) second; Smith (Michi-
No Clues Materialize gan) third; Block (Illinois) fourth.
in Fraternity Robbings Time, :54 3-5.
Fancy Diving-Won by Lobdell
After a careful investigation of, (Iowa); Nappa (Minnesota) see-
the premises, police are still at a ond; Raike (Michigan) third; Wa-
loss as to the identity of the rob- laitis (Michigan) fourth:
bers who early Friday morning en- 220 yard free style-Won by
tered two fraternity houses and Schwartz (Northwestern); Ault
two private residences where they (Michigan) second; Wilson (North-
obtained money and a quantity of western) third; Kieding iIllinbis)
clothing. fourth. Time, 2:19.
At the - Sigma Alpha Epsilon 300 yaid medley relay-Won by
house and at the Phi Kappa SigmaNorthwestern (Hinch, Howlett, Pet-
house andrsn) at the Phi 1f.:t. peppa Sigma~ni


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