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March 31, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-31

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The Weather


Cloudy, snow flurries in
north, snme snow in south por-
tions today; cloudy tomorrow.

t.C czl


In This Issue
Timely news and comment
about places that will attract
travelers this summer ... See
Pages 9, 10, and 11.



Of Stang
Accused As Murderer Of
Fireman In Argument
At Jackson Yesterday
Police Say Arrest
Is Expected Soon
Ex-Convict Has Reputation
As Killer; Link Him To
Other Crimes
A man who escaped after killing
a fireman in Jackson yesterday was
definitely identified last -night as the
murderer of Patrolman Clifford A.
Stang, and police at hot on his trail.
The man is the ex-convict, whose
name police refuse to disclose, being
sought throughout this part of the
country. He was positively identified,
police say, by three Jackson witnes-
ses after they were shown a picture
of the hunted slayer.
The man is the smaller of the two
men who were holding up the Conlin
and Weatherbee clothing store March
21 when Stang met his death. He
was descibhed by Herbert Weatherbee,
partner, as blond and about 35 years
Killer Described
The hunted ex-convict has a repu-
tation for being a killer, police stated.
He is said to have very bloodshot eyes
and a continual "drunken" attitude.
This correlaltes the testimony of
Five Ann Arbor policemen, Jack-
son police, Jackson County sheriffs,
and State Police are closing in on the
man whom they believe to be in a
limited area outside the Prison City.
It was believed here that his capture
would probably be only a matter of
Chief of Police Lewis Fohey and
Sergt. Sherman Mortenson rushed
here last night from Williamsburg,
O,, where they had been following up
a clue which involved an automobile
stolen by the suspected man. Sergt.
Norman Cook intimated that police
believe the identified man is connect-
ed with a series of killings and hold-
ups throughout Ohio, in Detroit, Ann
Arbor, and Jackson. He said that
probably the automobile, which be-
longed to the Detroit, Toledo, and
Irontown Railroad Company, was
stolen.and abandoned in Ohio before
Stang was killed here.
Fohey, Mortenson On Trail
Chief Fohey and Sergeant Morten-
son expect to leave for Jackson early
this morning to assist in the search.
Their trip back to Ann Arbor was ac-
complished in little more than six
The killing in Jackson took place
when Edward T. Ratchford, city fire-
man who was off duty, attempted to
stop two men from smoking in the
' Elks Temple, where a "wakathon"
was being held. The men engaged
in a .bitter quarrel with Ratchford.
After he challenged them to a fight,
one of them pulled -a gun and fired
five shots into the fireman's body,
killing him instantly.
The men, together with two women,
fled from the spot in an automobile.
State Police immediately attempted
to connect the killing with the murder
of Stang. They showed a picture
of the ex-convict, whom they sus-
pected of murdering the Ann Arbor
policeman, to three witnesses who
haw the man shoot Ratchford. All
three of them positively identified the
picture as that of the man who shot

the Jackson fireman.
See Settlement
Of Work-Relief
Measure Soon
WASHINGTON, March 30.- ( ) -
House leaders decided today that un-
less there is a change in the Senate
situation by Monday, the House will
accept the $4,880,000,000 work-relief
bill, including the limitation objected
to by Secretary Harold L. Ickes.
Chairman James P. Buchanan of
the House conferees on the bill re-
iterated that "it is up to the Senate."
The difficulty was a proviso insert-
ed in the bill requiring that at least
one-third of the $900,000,000 allocated
for loans or grants to the state proj-
ects must be spent for "direct work."
The Senate conferees, a House
leader said today, "wanted to require

Debate Team Places High In National Meet

Campaign Is
Ended; Vote
Faculty Men Running For
Presidency Of Council,
Aldermanic Posts
Will Cast Ballots
For Two Regents
Mayoralty Race Marked
By Hot Fight Between
Conlin, Caml)bell


Team Piles

Up Record Total;


Intercollegiate Crown

Johnson Again
Lashes Out At
Long, Coug-hlin

Michigan's Varsity Debate team last night placed second in the
National Delta Sigma Rho tournament at Madison, Wis., competing
against 20 other colleges and universities. Reading from left to right,
top: Edward Lit hfield, '36, William Centner, '38, Abe Zwerdling, '35.
Below, center: Jack Moeckle, '35.

Peace Parley
Is Broken Off
By Ethiopians
Steps Taken To Protect
Foreigners In Case Of
Outbreak Of Wa r
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia. March
30-P) - Direct negotiations with
Italy over the colonial boundary dis-
putes were suddenly broken off today
and a note sent to the League of
Special measures were taken to
protect foreigners in case of an out-
brak of hostilities. These steps in-
cluded the appointment of a new,
energetic police chief for the Ethio-
pian capital.
This new chief, named Diredaoua,
was reorganizing the police force to
make it effective for any eventuality.
ROME, March 30 - (A') - A gov-
ernment spokesman said today that
conciliation would be the next step
in the Italo-Ethiopian controversy,
following the refusal of the Ethiopian
government to acept the Italian pro-
posal for personal negotiations be-
tween the Italian Minister at Addis
Arara and the Ethiopian Foreign
The spokesman said that the two
governments would appoint a com-
mission of conciliation to study points
of difference and recommend a
The Ethiopian charge d'affai;res
here, however, said that the. matter
was now up to the League of Nations.
Earlier the Government Press Bu-
reau had officially confirmed reports
that Ethiopia had rejected proposals
from Italy to "put all the cards on
the table" and settle negotiations
Rumors that war had been declared
however, were characterized by a
government spokesman as "silly and
stupid." He said that the Italian gov-
ernment still firmly believed in direct
negotiations as the best method of
arriving at a solution.
Golden Gloves
Fighter Killed
In Auto Crash

National Public
Michigan Debaters Place
Second In Tournament
On Wisconsin Campus
MADISON, March 30. -(Special)
- Edward Litchfield, '36, won the na-
tional public discussions contest on
the University of Wisconsin campus
while the Michigan debate team, of
which he is a member, took second
place in the Delta Sigma Rho tour-
nament to Creighton University, (
Members of the Michigan team were
Abe Zwerdling,.'35, and Litchfield who
made up the negative squad, and Wil-
liam Centner, '33 and Jack Moekle,
'35, the affirmative. Twenty other
schools from all over the country took
part in the round robin engagement
on the subject, "Resolved: That the
Nations Should Prevent the Interna-
tional Shipment of Arms and Muni-
Litchfield won three elimination de-
bates before reaching the finals in the
public discussion contest, which was
held independently of the Delta Sig-
ma Rho tournament.
The Michigan affirmative and
negative squads defeated Wisconsin,
the University of Florida, and the
College of the Pacific for a total of
four wins out of six contests. The
two defeats of the Wolverine team
were scored by the Chicago and
Creighton squads.
The Michigan team will be on tour
of the middle west during the coming
week, and will close its forensic year
at the Western Conference Tourna-
ment at Evanston, April 5 and 6.
Set Definite Date
For Walker Trial
Trial of Alva C. Walker, proprietor
of the boarding house at 611 Church
St., for violation of the City Milk
Ordinance has been definitely set
at 2 p.m., Wednesday, April 3, Jus-
tice Jay H. Payne announced yester-
The trial has been postponed three
times, twice because Mr. Walker's
lawyer has been unable to attend.
Justice Payne said the court was
ready to hear the case, and that it
would be held Wednesday whether
Mr. Walker's attorney could be pres-
ent or not.

The results of hotly contested bat- Accuses Detroit Priest Of
tles for the presidency of the Ann Ar- Trying To Become An
bor city council and regents' positionsj A merican Hitler
will be watched with interest tomor-_
row by the University when the city,
State, and county go to the polls. CHICAGO, March 30. -- () -Gen-
Contesting in the race for council eral Hugh S. Johnson, barbed tongued
president are Prof. Walter C. Sadler former chief of NRA, lashed out again
of theengineering college on the Re- tonight at Father Charles Coughlin
ofbtheangtinkeein coe ornd h Re and Senator Huey Long, accusing the
publican ticket and Prof. Orlando W. Detroit priest of trying to be an Amer-
Stephenson of the School of Educa-. ican Hitler and ridiculing the gentle-
tion on the Democratic slate. man from Louisiana as a purveyor of
Running for regent under the ban- "bunk."
ner of the G.O.P. are Mrs. Esther M. "You have not chosen the swas-
Cram, incumbent from Flint, and tika," Johnson said of Father Cough-
David H. Crowley. They are opposed lin in pursuing his Hitler comparison.
on the Democratic side by Regent Ed- "You have a more sacred device - no
mund C. Shields, of Lansing, and swastika for your nazis - but a cross."
Charles M. Novak. Of the two men he has dubbed
Contest For Alderman "pipers," Johnson said, he "preferred
Also of interest to the University is Senator Long."
The General implied that with to-
the fight being made by two engineer- night's attack, launched over a na-
ing college professors for alderman-, tion-wide radio hookup, he was
ic posts. In the seventh "University "through" with his end of the flaming
Ward, Prof. Glenn A. Alt is running three-cornered controversy.
on the Republican ticket against Centering his fire on the priest,
Douglas D. Loree, Democrat. In the Johnson denounced his policy and
sixth ward, Prof. Roger L. Morrison, ridiculed him personally.
a Republican, is being opposed by As if addressing Father Coughlin,
Mrs. Gertrude Norris, Democrat. Johnson said:
Campaigns in general of all parties "Someone sent me a parallel of
have been restricted because of lack what both you and Adolf (Hitler)
of funds this year, but as the day have proposed and preached and they,
for the election neared, the activity are as alike as peas in a pod. As a
grew. foreign born you could not be a
Next to political -encounters involv- president, but you could be a reichs-
ing faculty men, University circles fuehrer -just as the Austrian Adolf
are taking most notice of the mayor- became a dictator in Germany."
alty race in which John W. Conlin,
Democratic nominee who defeated Feder. Jud e
Prof. John Muyskens of the speech
department in the primaries, is trying Rs
to unseat Mayor Robert A. Campbell.Th RpesnNcAtwsb
The Republican incumbent will be ..ils N A I
remembered as the man who on Jan-f
uary 18 praised the Townsend plan Encroachment
of old age pensions, saying "there is I
no doubt as to its woikability."
See Large Conlin Vote Dissolves Injuncion -In
The fight in this contest has been Case Of Coal Merchant;
one of the hottest in the entire cam-
paign, and observers, while admitting Cites aternalism
Ann Arbor's usually dominant Repub-
lican stand, predict that Conlin will GRAND RAPIDS, March 30 -()-
poll a large vote. Federal Judge Fred M. Raymond, sit-
The race of next importance, ac- ting on the case of Reginald S.
cording to the interest in the cam- French, Middleville coal dealer ac-
paign, is that for the circuit judge cuss of violating NRA wage and hour
ship. Judge George W. Sample, a conditions, ruled Saturday that the
Republican who has for many years NRA was an encroachment on the
presided over the Washtenaw County rights of States to regulate intra-
tribunal here, is opposed on the state business.
Democratic ticket by William H. Mur- The court refused to issue a per-
ray, who was unopposed in the pri- manent injunction restraining French
mary. Judge Sample won over three from violating provisions of the NRA
other G.O.P. aspirants. and dissolved a temporary injunc-
OtheGOPaspiats.Paultion under which French once was
On the state ballot, Paul V. Voelker, fined.
superintendent of public instruction, "If the original constitutional con-
is running on the Democratic ticket cept of an indestructible union of
against Maurice R. Keyworth, Re
publican. Arthur E. Larsen, Socialist is to be changed to
candidate, is making a strong bid for that of a benevolent paternalism
election to this post, and is one of the over commonwealths possessing only
few persons not a Republican nor remnants of power, Judge Raymond
Democrat, who is conceded a possible asserted in his decision, that end
chance by observers. must be accomplished through con-
Polling places in Ann Arbor will be stitutional powers of amendment and
open from 7 o'clock in the morning not by an invertedinterpretationtof
until 8 o'clock in the evening. the commerce clause (of the Consti-
__._ R~nw n mnnfA r %7r i f

Student Takes Red
Lantern, But That
Doesn't Stop Police
The phrase "caught red-handed,"
might be applied to a junior in the
engineering college who was nabbed
by police Friday night as he was steal-
ing a red lantern from the corner of
Huron and Ashley Streets.
The police just happened to come
along at the opportune (or inoppor-
tune, depending on how you look at it)
time. The student, who belongs to the
Xi Psi Phi fraternity, looked around,
guiltily, and when he saw there was
no chance for a getaway, and that the.
police outnumbered him, one to one,
gave in.
Very sternly, the local guardians of
the law locked him up Friday night.
He was released yesterday morning,
but on the condition, laid down by'
Justice Redding, that he give the city'
of Ann Arbor $25 in fines and $6.95'
in costs.
The case still remains a mystery,
however. The one question which
is bothering everybody, police and all
and which is still unanswered, is
- what the heck did he want with a1
red lantern?
New Issue Of
Out Tomorrow;
Prizes Of Poetry Contest
Are Awarded To Bird
And Kavinoky
Winning selections in the recent
poetry contest sponsored by Con-
emporary, student literary magazine,7
will be published in the April issue,
which will be placed on sale tomor-
row, Donald B. Eider, '35, editorial
director, announced yesterday. 1
Otto Bird, '35, and Bernice Kavin-
oky, '35, tied for first place, and the
prize of $10 in books will be divided.
Bird was awarded the prize for a
poem, "Journey To Emmaue," and
Miss Kavinoky for a group of poems,
One of her poems, "Death of a Young
Man," will be printed in this issue.-
"Occasional Lilliputian" by Elizabeth
Allen, '36, which was awarded hon-1
orable mention, will also appear in
this number.
Other features will be essays from,
the Freshman Hopwood contest,
"Sound Out Of Silence,"dby Eva Polk,
'38, which was awarded first prize,
and "Chichester" byDoris Kaplan,
'38, which won second prize, and
"Heaven From Earth" by Frederick
Jones, '38.
Stories by Francis Roellinger of
the English department and Robert
Warshow, '37, are among the contri-
butions. Leo Kirschbaum of the Eng-
lish department has written a re-
view of T. S. Eliot's "Waste Land"
for this issue.
A novel feature will be a scene"
from "Unfinished Picture" by Theo-
dore Cohen, '35, which won a Hop-
wood award last year and was recent-
ly presented by the Hillel Players.
In addition, there will appear sev-
eral reviews of current books and
other poems by students. Prof. W.
G. Rice has written a special book
review for this number.
Subscribers may call for their cop-
ies in Angel Hall and University Hall
tomorrow, and Wednesday, or at the"
office of Contemporary in the Stu-
dent Publications Building.
To Hold Freshman
Forum On Tuesday
The second in a series of freshman
forums designed to aid the new stu-
dent in orienting himself to campus

life will be held at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday
in the north lounge of the Union. The
discussion will be conducted again by
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English
A committee of Charles Arohnson,
Frederick Collins, and James Eck-
house has been placed in charge of
arrangements for the forums.
OSLO, Norway, March 30. -- () -

Tank Squad Amasses 49
Points; Nearest Rival
Collects 15
Yale, Washington
Tie For Second
Individual Champions Are
Kasley, Fehsenfeld And
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 30 -
0P)- The University of Michigan
successfully defended its National
Collegiate A.A. swimming champ-
ionship in the Harvard pool, piling
up 49 points to dominate a field of
record-breaking rivals.
The Wolverines picked up 26 points
in the six events run off Friday, and
added 23 points tonight to emerge as
the greatest college swimming team
of the year.
The University ofWashington fin-
ished in a second-place tie with Yale's
17 man team, expected to press the
Wolverines to the limit, with 15
Only nine of the other 34 competing
teams figured in the scoring in the
meet today. Iowa finished fourth
with 14 points, and Ohio State and
Illinois tied for fifth honors with 11
points each. Southern California fol
lowed with nine, Navy totaled four,
Columbia and Loyola three each,
Brown two and Stanford one.
Michigan's individual champions
involved Jack Kasley in the 200-yard
breast-stroke; Taylor Drysdale in the
150-yard backstroke, and Frank Feh-
senfeld in the low and high-board div-
ing events.
The Maize and Blue team also cap-
tured the 400-yard relay and the 300-
yard medley relay.
In winning the 200-yard breast-
stroke, Kasley broke the NCAA record
record in 2:28.7, three-tenths of a
second under the meet mark estab-
lished two years ago.
In the high board diving event, won
by Fehsenfeld, Michigan placed three
others, Grady taking a third, Diefen-
dorf fourth, and Johnson sixth.
The Wolverine quartet of Drysdale,
Renner, Robertson, and Dalrymple
carried off the 400-yard relay in
Medica beat his west coast rival to
the finish in the 440 free-style in
4:42.5, to set a new world's record for
the distance. Barnard of Michigan
placed sixth in this event.
Medica also set a new world's rec-
ord of 18:59.3 in the 1,500-meter free-
style, with Gilhula trailing him by six
400-yard sprint relay finals: Won
by Michigan (Robertson, Drysdale,
Renner, and Dalrymple); second,
Yale; third, Navy; fourth, Brown;
fifth, Iowa. Time, 3:38.4. (Illinois
finished second but was disqualified.
440-yard free-style finals: Won by
Medica (Washington); second, Gil-
hula (Southern California); third,
Woodf ord (Ohio State); fourth, Jac-
obsmeyer (Iowa) ; fifth, Barnard
(Michigan); sixth, Hoyt (Yale),
Time, 4:42.5. (New world record).
Three-meter high board diving fin-
als: Won by Fehsenfeld (Michigan)
124.4; second, Busby (Iowa) 116.64;
third, Grady (Michigan) 109.28;
fourth, Diefendorf (Michigan) 106.-
50; fifth, Buckingham (Yale), 99.64
sixth, Johnston (Michigan), 96.68.
200-yard breast-stroke finals: Won
by Kasley (Michigan); second, Bried-
enthal (Loyola); third, Kirbert (Ohi
State); fourth, Foster (Stanford);
fifth, Brown (Yale); sixth; Leventritt
(Harvard). Time --2:28.7. (New NC-
AA record).
100-yard free-style finals: Won by
Flachmann (Illinois); second, Living-
ston (Yale); third, Dalrymple (Mich-
igan); fourth, Cooke (Yale); fifth,
Bryant (Ohio State); sixth, Lee
(Brown). Time, :52.4.

Team title: *Michigan.
50-yard free-style: *Charles
Flachmann (Illinois).
100-yard free-style: Charles
Flachmann (Illinois).
220-yard free-style: *Jack Med-
ica (Washington).
440-yard free-style: *Jack 'Med-
ica (Washington).
1,500-yard free-style: *Jack
Medica (Washington).

Archie Moore,
Old Boy, In


Near Ann Arbor
Archie Moore, 17-year-old light-
weight Golden Gloves winner of the
Ann Arbor division, Platt, was killed
at 1:45 p.m. yesterday when the light
roadster he was driving west on Pack-
ard road, two miles east of Ann Ar-
bor, collided with a sedan driven by
Herman Kausska, also of Platt.
Moore, according to witnesses, ap-
parently failed to make a turn and'
was on the wrong side of the highway
when struck by Kausska's machine.
The roadster skidded and then rolled
over, killing Moore instantly.
With Moore was Nelson Terry, 19
years old, another resident of Platt,
who received cuts about the face and
head. He was taken to St. Joseph
Hospital but later discharged.
Kausska, Tom McFadgen and Sam
Hutchinson, who were in Kausska's
car, suffered minor injuries. Moore's
body was taken to the Staff an Funeral

Guthe Explains Coordinating
W ork Of Social Science Unit

Dr. Carl E. Guthe, -director of the
anthropology department, whose ap-
pointment as chairman of the Divis--
ion of Social Sciences was confirmed
by the Regents Friday, declared last
night that the purpose of this com-
paratively new unit in the University
was to fill the need for closer coordin-
ation in the social science field.
In presenting the background that
preceded the creation of the Division,
he referred to a portion of President's
Ruthven's report of 1933-34 which
showed the need for such a body 'nd
the part it would play in the Univer-
sity. His reference applied to the
statement concerning "the evils of
over-departmentalization," and other
partial inadequacy of the present sys-
tem to bring together subjects in
related fields.

versity, Dr. Guthe declared. Its mem-
bers, he continued, are selected from
ten departments and schools, but act
in the capacity of "social scientists,"
not merely as representatives of any
particular University unit.
The departments of anthropology
economics, geography, history. nhi-
losophy, political science, psychology,
sociology, and the law and business
schools are each entitled to one "rep-
resentative" on the general commit-
tee of the Division, he pointed out.
For the purpose of carrying on ad-
visory work in different fields this
committee is empowered to create
under its jurisdiction a number of
sub-committees that will submit their
work to the general committee for
further action. In this capacity the
committee on research, the first and

tution.) More complete reversal oz
fundamental principles of our gov-
ernment cannot be conceived."
French did not contest the issu-
ance of temporary order when it was
signed by Judge Raymond last sum-
mer on complaint of United States
Attorney Joseph M. Donnelly. The
court later fined French $300 for con-
tempt, when it convicted French of
having violated the temporary in-
junction. Saturday's action wiped
out the restraining order under which
French was punished and refused to
grant u new one.
The court dealt in its opinion only
with French's defense that his busi-
ness was intra-state commerce and
therefore outside the jurisdiction of
the Federal government. The plain-
tiffs had contended that because
French imported his coal from Ohio
and Kentucky before selling it to
customers within a radius of six or
seven miles of Caledonia it involved
inter-state commerce.
Greek Rebels Given

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