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March 30, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-30

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. ti


VOL:. XL. NO. 130


SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1930




ON 1N09MNT9S1 Plic wer cavenue at about
nhtto quell
001 Albertson was
I eral times with
Nationally Known Pastor Famous' ver, and had
-- -times at Daniel.

aied to 508 N. FifthII'T
at 10:30 o'clock last O I
a shooting. Frani
attempting to kill flfl9N -O I
onso thr sev tiVO AND TOWaER
'ife, Mrs. Ella Al-
a 32 calibre revol-
also shot several Pond Draws Plans; Construction
Steele and his wife ... .. T r V,


Two World's Records and Three
Intercollegiate Marks Are
Broken in Swim.
Michigan Leads Field for First
Portion of Contest, But
Loses in Medley.

Professor States Principle
Vengeance Must Become
Obsolete Soon.


Law and Sociology Faculty Men
Discuss Possible Changes
of Criminal Code.

for His Progressive Ideals
and Emotional Appeal.
Youthful Minister Has Addressed
Undergraduate Groups
at Many Schools.

who' live in the house with Mrs. Will Not Interfere With
Albertson. Regular Functions.
When police arrived, Albertson
started firing with a Springfield 'WORK TO START IN JUNEj
army rifle from behind a garage.
Police followed him through the Student Offices Will Move to
back yards on Detroit street to an'
old building formerly occupied by a First Floor to Facilitate
>torage company, where Albertson Control Duties.
fired twice from behind a doorway.,

="'.+The Rev. Dr. Henry H. Crane, !
Punishment for crime meted out Thle.D.Her .Cae
Punihmet fo crme mtedoutnationally known for the effective--
as deterrent to other individuals .
ness of his pulpit oratory, will ad-
will be discarded by society within dress the undergraduate body of the
the next several decades, in the, University at 11 o'clock this morn-
opinion of Prof. J. B. Waite, of the ing in Hill auditorium, at the first
Law School, who spoke at an open of a series of convocations sponsor-
meeting of thed Michigan Crime Rev. H. H. Crane. ed this spring by the Student
Noted speaker, who will address council. His subject will be "The{
club yesterday morning. Primary an assembly of students in the first Four Fundamentals."a
consideration of the common good i of a series of talks to be given un- A frequent speaker before stu-
demands the old principle of pun- der the auspices of the Student dent audiences, the Rev. Dr. Crane
Council. Reverend Crane has is especially appealing to the
ishment as vengeance be outlawed, achieved great popularity through youne generation, oth for hs
he said. his understanding of college life pogre eis, bndform -
progressive ideas, and for his man-
Members of the faculty of the and students. ner of speaking. In the latter he
Law School and the sociology de- displays an intense emotional ap-
partment appeared before the com- N peal, being able to hold an audience'
mission to present their views on in a most effective way, according
certain problems the commission is ,to those who have heard him.
discussing preparatory to the sub- Lto t esh avseByedhim.i
mitting to the state legislature on L FcturFs raised Byeefeeg
No,1of a report suggesting re- ALLiE llI L LD nCrZ
visio n arthe criminal code.g re-_neering college, heard him address j
Wouxld Segregate Criminals. an assembly of the national direc~
Professor Waite recommended More Patrol Officers, Stricter tors of 'the Y. M. C. A., a body com-
the revision of the criminal code Punishments to Feature ansd of men of all walks of life,
reviion f th ci~anda on this occasion the youthful
on the. deterrent theory of crie, Auto Regulation. minister held the entire audience!
under which, when carried to its _at a high pitch, Prof. Menefee
logical extreme, incurable crimin- DEAN EXPLAINS RULES states.
als would be eliminated from a so- The Rev. Dr. Crane has addressed
cety into which they could notv w Enforcement of the automobile undergraduate bodies in numerous
pass bly adust theuse vesegre - ban by an augmented staff of pa- universities, among them being
as te crabes ouldbe, seregt- (banby n agmened taf ofpa-I Princeton, California,- Cornell, Ohio
ed and administered the proper trol officers will begin Tuesday State, and Illinois. At many he has
treatment. , morning, W. B. Rea. assistant to been called back because of the ef-
"I would not punish for crime at the dean of students, said yester- fectiveness of his first lecture. At
all," Professor Waite said. "The day. New officers have been add- the University of Illinois he
man who proves himself -dang erou-s ecitote regular atte> -ii7;twtY fcaoli~es fo c-the student--tody
end unfitted to mingle with society, strict enforcement of the automo- each year, presenting a series of
I would kill. Others, who might be bile ban during the spring months. four lectures. Attempts to bring1
cured of their criminal tendencies, A general policy of suspending him here for a similar series failed;
I would shut up for varying per- dents found guilty of automobile l because he has been booked in ad-
iods of time. On the surface, there ban violations probably will be fol- vance, according to Prof. Menefee.
would seem to be little difference lowed, Mr. Rea said. He intimated Was Activdin Co.lee
between such practice and that ex- that punishment may be more Was Active i College s
fisting at present. In reality, how- sIcttatiYasbe i h ps During his college days at Wes- '
Istng t peset.In ealtyhow .strict that it has been in the past. leyan and Boston university the,
ever, it would be eliminating the and added that no preliminary speaker was active in athletics and
old principle of vengeance and re- I warnings are to be sent students sother bace of a-curicuar
placing it with a primary consider- known to have committed minor [eabranches of exisgraduation
ation of the public good." iinfractions of the ban. Punish- nerest as bnchieflyad th
This theory was supported in ment will follow conviction.{his mterest has been chiefly with
principle by Dean Henry M. Bates Elt n s o h d the problems of college students,
of the Law School and Wilber M. Expanation o somofe othegde- not only. in matters of relig'ion but
Brucker, attorney-general. tais of the automobile regulation 'in other aspects of their life as
Sudex and Criticizes Courts. to hbeunfamiliar somestudents printedarill.
Prof. Edson R. Sunderland point- tobunfamili dsie pit The speaker is a nephew of the
1~" b.I~~U~I~1$ announcements which have ap - i1lt r. Frank Crane, a journalist-
ed out that the courts are losing lapeared during the year, wee; ad te D
si'ght of the principle that it is py r ngth yearlws e f ia philosopher widely recognized as a
their function to try cases and not by Mr. Rea as follows: use of an foremost worker in the dissemina-
necessarily convict. Although there Iautomobile owned by a student or Ion of religious and educational
his family for o4r by the student, i
is an urgent need for expedited if the car is driven by any person !matters. The Rev. Dr. Henry Crane
procedure and more power should eca i e by an t eaiy, is at present a minister of a Scran-
be placed in the hanlds of judges, except a member of the family,.tn en hrc.H pn i
safeguards mute akn n otudgs'constitutes violation of the ban. ton, Penn. church. He spent his
safeguards nicost be taken not to This means that a student is not undergraduate days at Wesleyan
lose the public confidence i the allowed to have a friend drive to university, Middleton, Conn., where
courts. Ann Arbor a car belonging to the he distinguished himself as an all-
Exclusion o long-winded, irrele- student or his family, for the mu- New England basketball player. He
vant testimony; a criminal appeal t ual convenience of the student and later attended the Boston univer-
system as followed im the courts o friend during a week end. sity School of Theology, and also
England; and a limitation on the Students who have special per- I holds an honorary degree from De-
number of trials one person can mission to operate an automobile Ipauw university.
have when juries disagree were for limited purposes are not allow- ----
recommended by Professor Sun- 'ed to give rides to other students. Crawford Will Discuss
derland. Violation of: this ruling automatic- .".

Police shot Albertson in the head Expenditures amounting to ap-( Secial to The Daily)
and then took him to the Univer- proximately $30,000 for the erec- CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 2.-
sity hospital. His condition is ser- NorthwesCM rDGEasmc n.
ious. tion of the first unit of the pro- Northwestern's crack swimming
posed South wing of the Union team, largely because of the 15
E P EWARE PLA building, the enlarging of the Tap -points rolled up by its star cap-
IIRV V Otto Kelly,
room, and other minor improve- Winner of national intercollegi- tam Al Schwartz, won the seventh
ments in the Union plant, were ap- ate 155 pound wrestling title in the annual N. C. S. A. meet in the new
proved Thursday by the Finance j meet held last night at the State Harvard pool here tonight with 30
College of Pennsylvania. points. Michigan, after leadin
OPE LLLNSU WEDNESDAY:committee of the Union Board of' Cmost of the meet same in second
Directors and announced yester- I fftI with 24 points, largely because of a
IRomeo and Juliet' to be Given; day by Paul Buckley, general man- o jjj diappointing showing in the med-
at Mendelssohn Theatre 1ager. O OL I111 ley relay, the last event.
n At the time the members of the Five records, two of them World
_yni.Finance committee conferred with Aarks, went by the boards and one
' TIKET NOWON ALE Irving K. Pond, '79E, of fond, Pond, UPON HP record was equalled during the two
TICKETS NOW ON SALE Martin, and Lloyd, Chicgo archi- day swim fest that started here
te ns, who was authorized to draw yesterday afternoon. Over 1500
First attempts at production of whol wasfuthorize to Ha Three Defending Matmen Hold people jammed the new natatori-
I Shkesparea drma b a lcalup plans for the two additions. He
Shakespearean drama by a local w lalopepr kece fra Crowns as Oklahoma U. um to watch the swimmers per-
dramatic group this season will bewdditlo prepare sketches for anwns i form. Rutgers took third in the
Iwitnessed Wednesday night at the 1 additional room in the tower which,; Wins Title. meIRtestoktidI h
Lydia Mendelssohn theater 'when will be completed and furnished i meet with 17 points followed by
Play Production's presentation of by an alumnus whose name has MICHIGAN PLACES FIFTH Princet andakes LedColumbia.
Romeo and Juliet" opens for a not as yet been disclosed. The Wolverines took the lead in
j four night's run. Construction to Begin June 1. to he tf T'Ilt the point scoring at the very start
The production will be given Construction work will start not STATE COLLEGE, Pennsylvania when their crack relay team cap-
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and lethan Jhe 1. Wt the om- I March 29-Otto Kelly was crown- tured the 200 yard relay. Walaitis
Saturday nights. Seats for all per- petiopi the fa ll e d the new 155 pound champion gained the advantage, Hosmer and
formances, on sale at the box office 'be erected over the present haf- here tonight by virtue of a referee's Smith subsequently held it and
clock all this weekr ae priced at story pool pumping station at th 'ecision over Philip Barry, Okaho- Walker came splashing in ahead
cet tsouth end of the front section of n s University's "Big Six" title- ya foot despite George Kojacs
Last night the balcony scene was the building, the Student offices ' holdcr in the finals of the National valian et fr Rutgers. h
given by the Romeo and Juliet of will be moved from the third floor'Interolegiate wrestling tourna r Goldsmith was shut out in the
givenhntespagiatewresolcgutouna-3 breast stroke but Walaitis, and
the production over the weeklyt h pc nwocpe by the anent.: Walker picked up five points for
I broadcast of the Michigan Night' general manager's offices on the The only Michigan finalist se- Mickga inke 50 yard f t
radio ram south corridor. The business of- cured his crown by scoring a dec-IMichigan in the "50 yard free style
prog . b taingscond and third respec-
," Re y rs are being. held this,fices,_Nvil,.then be .installed, in_.the -skve time decision of six iinintes ivbyein scon ad tirdofespe
ae o n i he theatree unit which eil "also provideand 4 seconds. Several times du- tively behind Al Schwartz of North-
afternoone for a committee room foin the match twestern. In the 440 yard free style
and full dress rehearsals are sched- space ing the Wolverine entry Capt Ault of the Wolverines at
tled for tomorrow night and Tues- the student Executive council} nearly had his opponent's should- Capt.
day night. Costumes for the entire which is composed of the depart- ers on the mat, but Barry always first seemed a sure winner splah-
caytadspr aebe o-mn himn wriggled away. Kelly reached the ing ahead of the pak for over
+ cast and supers have been com- ment chairmen.rggety.oy
pleted and have been fitted. The Offices for the president, record- final round by defeating Whitney half the race. Then he was passed,
rehearsals from now on will be in ing-secretary, and desk space for Iof Mechanics Institute by a fall, first by Clapp of Stanford and then
full dress. committee chairmen will be pro- and by gaining a decision over Wat- by Ruddy of Columbia. Ruddy
A fifteenth century dance, which vided in the new student offices. kins of the Oklahoma Teacher's later forged ,ahead and sped home
the characters in the ballroom In this new location, it is expecteds College. Al Steinke placed in the to a new world's record, Ault pull-
scene in act one of the production that a closer contact between stu- ;semi-final round by defeating Le- , ing up in third.
have mastered, has been worked' dents and the student organization ve of West Virginia, but lost to! Wolverines Battle Wildcats.
out in the dancing class held twice will be effected. s Robbins of Missouri by a referee's It now became apparent that the
a week. Fall registration, held at the side' decision when the Missourian had race for team honors would be
All of the male members of the desk in the main lobby will be con- an advantage of two seconds. between Michigan and Northwest-
cast have attended a fencing and Michigan placed fifth in team ern, the Wolverines pitting their
broad-sword class twice a week in gducted directly from the record-1 scoring with 6 points, all contrib- balanced team against the individ-
an effort to give an accurate rep ing-seertary's office as a door will uted by Kelly. Oklahoma A. and ual ability of the Wildcat's captain,
ansentt of the several fights connect the lobby desk with the M. won its third straight national Al Schwartz. The Wolverines had
resentation of the a t Student officesE g team title by rolling up a total of nobody in the back stroke but gar-
during the course of the action. Basement Will be Enlarged. 21 points when its three heavier { ee orpitsi h etr
Scenery for the production is in The new unit, which will extendnh nered four points in the century
process of construction in. the to the south to a line set by the representatives in the 165, 175, and free style when Walker and Smith
scenery room of the theatre, and is existin front wall will also add unlimited classes pulled down took second and fourth respective-
expected to. be completed late this a basement room which will prob- championships. cly, trailing Al Schwartz again.
Three defending champions, Je Schwartz cleaned his way to a
afternoon. byb vial ocmu r'
h ably be available to campus or- Sapora, Illinois, in the 118 pound I spectacular victory over Clapp of
ow-up leter on te invita- gazations as a meeting place class; Lawrence Mantooth of Ok- Stanford in the next swim, the
tions and announcements sent to Answering a long-felt need, the lahoma University in the 128 di- 220 free style. This race was the
all Play Production patrons last Tap room will be enlarged by about vision, and Earl McCready of Ok- fastest of the evening and Schwartz
week was mailed the latter part of one-third of its present capacity lahoma A. and M. in the unlimited was pushed to a new record of 2
this week. by the extension of the basement: competition all retained the crowns minutes, 16 and 3-5 seconds.
to the side walk along the north 1 which they won last year. Mc- Summaries.
side of the building. This part will Cready threw every opponent he 100 yd . free style-Schwartz,
NOTICE. be roofed by a terrace on the level faced for quick falls and had the (Northwestern), first; Walker,
The Board in Control of Stu- of the main floor. . easiest time of any of the new (Mich.) 'second; Hall, (Brown),
dent Publications will hold its A rearrangement of the serving champions, third; Smith, (Mich.) fourth. Time:
meeting for the appointment of counters will also be made. Jack VanBebber and Conrad 55 seconds. Fancy Diving-Thron-
the Managing Editor and Bus- Construction will be so timed as Caldwell, both of the Oklahoma Ag- son, (Stanford), first, 109.20 peints,
iness Manager of The Michigan to eliminate any interference with gies stepped up a weight from the Lobdell, (Iowa), second, 107 polpts;
Daily, the Michiganensian, and the Union's services during the division in which they won titles Granley, (Penn.) third, 87.48 poInts;
the Gargoyle on May 3, 1930. Summer Session, Buckley said. last year and accounted for the Brooks, (Princeton), fourth, 82.22
Each applicant for a position In commenting on the forthcom- 168 and 178 pound championships. points. 50 yard free style-Schwartz
is requested to file seven copies of ing improvement, Kenneth M. Oklahoma University placed sec- (Northwestern), first; Walaltis,
his letter of application at the Lloyd, 32L, president, said, "It is and to their state rivals with two (Mich.) second; Walker, (Mich),
Board office in the Iress building one of the greatest steps possible champions in Mantooth and Lewis third; Wilson, (Northwestern),
not later than April 7 for the I toward the realization of more ef- in the 148 class. Iowa State produc- fourth. Time, :24 seconds.
use of the members of the fective student government in the ed one tite-winner in Linn, who 440 'yard free style-Ruddy (Co-
Board. Carbon copies, if legible, Union. With the Student offices conquered all of his competition in lumbia) first, Clapp (Stanford) se-
will be satisfactory. Each letter on the main floor, a higher degree the 138 pound division to emerge cond, Ault (Mich.) third, Phillips
should state the facts as to the of coordination between the stu- from the tournament undefeated. (Rutgers) fourth. Time: 4 minutes,
applicant's experience upon the dent organization on the one hand Not an easterner or a southerner 55 and three-fifths seconds. (New
publication or elsewhere, so far and the student body and the bus- in the field which comprised 33 meet and world record) 300 yaird
as they may have any bearing iness management on the other schools and 99 contestants was able medley swim- Northwestern first,
upon his qualifications for the can be attained." to win past the semi-finals. Princeton second, Michigan third,
position sought, and any other ( Columbia fourth; time_- minutes,
dmacs ahtcht SeapplicTntt- -9-- 15 seconds (New meet record)
dact whichat INLANDER SALE STARTS ON CAMPUS 150 yard medley swim--Kojac (Rut-
! dem reevan. ;gers ) first, Harms (Fordham) se-
E. R. SUNDERLAND, APRIL 1; MANY FEATURES PROMISED ge Merriam (Penn.) third, Coch
i Business Manager, Board in Con- (---------- - (Stanfrd) fourth, time: 1 m -
) trol of Student Publications. The Inlander, Michigan's twenty- tafr)orhtm:1m-
ts Ten er, ichian twen, latter articles are "A Survey of ute, 40 3-5 secs. (New meet record)
yill place its April number on sale American Humanism," by Lawrence' 200 yard free style- Schwartz
t Thrusday, April 1, and will offer a R. Klein, '30, literary editor of- the Nortwestern) first, Clapp (Stan-
OuoTw ather1 an Igroup of students contributions of Daily, and "Walter Lippmann, A i , rdsuci, Rfdyour (Cotimb
varied and unusual interest. Two Humanist", by William J. Gorman, minutes, 16 3-5 seconds. 150 yard
3mdrwoodcuts from a series by Jean 1, music and drama editor of the back stroke- Kojac (Rutgers) firs

'Paul Slusser, of the College of Daily. The articles discuss the hu- ,Marsh (Minnesgta) second, Hinch
f: Architecture, add attraction to the .'nanistic problem from opposing (Northwestern) third, Arnold
makeup, and a print entitled, "Two angles. (Brown) fourth, time: 1 minute,
Lovers," by Rockwell Kent, noted Other features include two short ;38 seconds, (New N. C. A. A. and
_ rtist is disnulved as the frontis- stories. "Mrs. Trent's Husband", !Wrl drp'rc i


Approval of a state police radio ally compels forfeiture of permit. Arabian Mpportunifles
system was expressed by the corn. No spetial dispensations are made
mission in its afternoon session in favor of graduate students. Prof. G. S. Crawford, faculty
member of the American University
I I in Beirut, Syria, will address a
All-Campus Bidge Ruthven Given Degree campus audience Tuesday evening
Play Begins Monday by Morningside College at 8 o'clock, in Lane hal, speaking
PlyBeis-oda uo "New Opportunities in the
(B Alo ~mi s Iae IArab World". Professor Crawford,
First round play in the Union's DES MOINES, Iowa, March 29.- who is brought here under the
annual all-campus bridge tourna- The honorary degree of doctor of 1 joint auspices of the International
ment 'will begin tomorrow in the laws was conferred on Dr. Alexan- Student Forum and the Arabic Stu-
lobby of the Union. More than 60 der Ruthven, president of the Uni-, dent Union, formerly served for
pairs have signed up to enter the versity of Michigan, Friday, by j fifteen years as superintendent of
competition. The playing schedule Morningside college, where he was missionary schools on the Arabian
will be on file at the main desk graduated in 1893. Desert.
wxhe~rein~r niavrsma find out whom ---------*-- --

they are to-play.
Two large silver loving cups will
be presented to the members of the
winning team and the runners-up}
will each receive a smaller cup. All
matches should be played off as
soon as possible in order that the.
tourney may be completed shortly
after spring vacation.,
The rules to be followed are those
of the New York Whist club.
To Mail Grid Banquet
Tickets Next Weekend
No tickets for the Sigma Deltaj
Chi Grid Banquet, to be given
April 9, will be mailed to guests un-

Personal letters with tickets in- { Sykes, '16, and Barre Hill, '26, are
closed for the Spring concert of conspicuous. Both of these men
the University Glee Club have been, have appeared with the Chicago
sent to one representative in each Civic Opera company in recent
fraternity and sorority house on seasons, and Hill was an attraction
the campus, according to an an- at the May Festival concert last
nouncement made yesterday by the year.
director of publicitiy for the Glee Mr. Theodore Harrison, the di-
Club. rector of the club, has been with the
The Spring concert of the organ- organization since 1915, with the
ization will be given Wednesday exception of five years' leave of
night in Hill auditorium. In addi-, absence spent in study. In addi-
i tion to the tickets in the hands of tion to his abilities as director, Mr
I the fraternity and snrority renre-I THarrisn has snno. in Amsterdam.


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