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March 09, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-09

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Cloud and wamer today;
mrte °southwest winds.


a~ a


Shake Out
The Dice . .

VOL. XLIX. No. 113
Miaja Quells
Leftist Revolt
With Artillery
Republican General Says
All Communist Leaders
Have Deserted Madrid
Sporadic Outbursts
Continue In Streets
MADRID, March 8-(IP)-Spanish
Republicans drove back their Com-
munist foes in the "war within a
war" today after bitter street fight-
ing in the heart of tragic, besieged
The Republican Defense Council
said the back of the revolt had been
broken, but some fighting continued,
apparently in sporadic outbursts in
the city's outskirts.
Men who had been comrades-in-
arms against Insurgent Generalissi-
mo Franco for nearly three years,
fought for mastery in otherwise de-
serted streets as the Communists
tried to storm their way to control
of the principal buildings-
Gen. Jose Miaja, president of the
council that overthrew Juan Negrin's
cabinet in Sunday's coup, brought
tanks, fieldguns and machineguns
into use to defend his "peace" re-
General Miaja's associates said the
"flight of every \Cdmmunist leader
who could get away" before their
comrades launched the uprising at
dawn yesterday did much to quench
the Communist enthusiasm for fight.
"Except for two or three Commun-
ist officers still at large with groups
of men, the Communist army and
officers either surrendered or were
captured," they declared.
(Earlier Madrid dispatches de-
scribed the Communist revolt as brok-
en and the city quiet at noon after
surrender of Communist officers and
after an ultimatum from Miaja had
threatened an air bombardment of
their strongholds.
(Later dispatches, however, from
Paris picture,d the fighting as going
on until 4 p.m., when Communists
made a desperate sortie.
(The French consul at Madrid,
Jacques Pigeonneau, radioed to the
French Foreign Office a graphic de-
scription of a battle in which the
Communists in mid-afternoon fought
their way into the heart of the Re-
publican capital.
(Pigeonneau said the firing finally
died down at 4 p.m. after Gen. Jose
Miaja's troops, aided by tanks, re-
pulsed the" Communists near the
Puerto del Sol. The latter were caught
between a withering crossfire from
i the tank corps and machinegun units
entrenched in the Bank of Spain
and the Madrid post office).




Michigan Alumnus Gives
Army New Super-Plane
Rlobert J. Woods' Swift Monoplane Carries Bombs,
Machine Guns And Two Anti-Aircraft Cannons

Te years after his graduation from
the University, Robert J. Woods, '28,
has given the army what Maj.-Gen.
H. H- Arnold, Air Corps Chief,
terms the world's most strik-
ing development in fighting planes.
To Woods, still only 34, the feat
isn't so remarkable. "I merely col-
lected opinions and consolidated
them," he told reporters at Buffalo,
where he is chief engineer of the Bell
Aircraft Corp.
But the Army says the heavy-set,
jolly Michigan graduate is too mod-
est. His twin-engined high-speed
monoplane, nicknamed "the tiger of
the sky," is considered the super-
plane so long dreamed of in aviation
circles- Carrying five men, the ship
contains two anti-aircraft cannons,
four machine guns and has a tremen-
dous cruising range.
Not contented with that, Woods
provided for a large supply of aerial
bombs with time fuses which explode
like anti-aircraft shells when dropped
near enemy aircraft.
For eight months Woods labored
over drawing boards before construc-
tion began on the first of more than
50,000 parts. It was a year and a

half before a test ship was completed
to show the plane's potentialities.
The former student's opportunity
came when a twenty-word military
department "directic" announced that
a new ship was needed for sustained
attack on hostile aircraft. The prob-
lem was to build a ship speedy enough
to overtake bombers but able to stay
in the air for long periods.
Woods began his task immediately-
Interviewing more than 30 Army men
on what they thought should be re-
quired of the new plane he presented
his problem to a staff of 45 engineers,
designers and draftsmen. Soon their
ideas began to pour in. Each of the
3,000 drawings and 50,000 parts which
resulted had to be approved by aero-
nautical experts in Army laboratories.
Five hundred specialists offered criti-
cism before final approval was won.
Placing the two eight and one-half
feet anti-aircraft cannons proved one
of the most difficult feats, according
to Woods. ,To obtain maximum effi-
ciency the cannons had to be placed
in the nose of the ship. This made it
necessary to put the propellors be-
hind and revert to the old-time
"pusher" type of craft.

Regents Award
-New Contracts
For Dormitories
Board Also Accepts Gifts
From Gomberg Funds,
Detroit Alumni Club
With the University's $6,000,000
building program already well under
way, another step toward expansion
was taken yesterday when the Board
of Regents let contracts totaling $58,-
229 for dormitory furnishings.
The contracts were awarded to the
Carrom Co. which does business as
the James L. Angle Co. of Ludington.
At the same meeting the Regents
accepted gifts totaling $2,720. Four-
teen hundred dollars was received
for the Gomberg Scholarship Fund
from the treasurer of the Gomberg
Memorial Fund. The money consist-
ed of a $600 donation plus two pre-
viously unannounced gifts totaling
The University of Michigan Club
of Detroit presented theUniversity
with $335 to be used for a fourth
club scholarship in 1939-40.
Marquita Mae Gilet, Ralph Segal-
man, and Emily Athaway, will be the
holders of three field scholarships
given the Institute of Public and
Social Administration by the Com-
munity Fund of Detroit.
The Board of Governors of Adelia
Cheever House donated $10 toward
the Mary B. Goddard Loan Fund
while an anonymous gift of $25 was
received for the Emergency Aid Fund
for Women.
Dr. John W. Kemper of the oral;
surgery department was granted a
leave of absence between April 7 and
July 1.

Mortgage Body
Will Hear Talk
By FHA Chief
Federal And State Agencies
Join University To Hold
Study Conference Here
Sessions of the Mortgage Study
Conference, being sponsored by the
School of Business Administration in
conjunction with Federal and State
agencies, will begin at 9:45 a.m. to-
day in the amphitheatre of the Grad-
uate School with a discussion of "The
Place of Long-Term High Percen-
tage Loans in Mortgage Lending Pol-
The chairman of the meeting will
be Walter J. L. Ray, president of the
Detroit Mortgage Bankers Associa-
tion. Morris Massey, chief of the lo-
cation rating division of the Federal
Housing Administration, will intro-
duce the topic. Massey is replacing
Frederick M. Babcock, assistant ad-
ministrator of the FHA, who was un-
able to be, here because of the press
of legal matters in Washington. Prof.
Richard U. Ratcliffe of the business
administration school will lead the
discussion at the morning session.
Because of the absence of Babcock,
the convocation of business Adminis-
tration students set for 2 p.m. has
been cancelled.
The afternoon session of the Con-
ference, scheduled for 2 p.m. in the
amphitheatre of the Graduate School,
will deal with "The Problem of the
Old House." The chairman of this
meeting will be James H. Jerome,
president of the Michigan Building
andLoan League, while William B. F.
Hall, manager of the mortgage loan
department of the Lincoln Ndtional
Life Insurance Co. will introduce the

Smith Named
New Federal
Budget Head
Former University Official
Denies That Roosevelt
Withheld App ointment
Official Statement
Issued Yesterday
Harold D. Smith, State Budget Di-
rector, whose appointment to the post
of Federal Budget Director was con-
firmed yesterday by President Roose-
velt following conflicting dispatches
from the Capitol, told The Daily last
night that reports that he had not
been offered the position. were with-
out any foundation in fact.
"These last 48 hours have been very
peculiar," Mr. Smith, who was di-
rector of the Bureau of Government
of the University from 1934 to 1937,
said last night. "I can't under-
stand the reports that came from
Washington yesterday. It may have
been that the President was stalling
for time and some correspondent mis-
interpreted his statements. The
whole announcement was forced in
the first place, since it wasn't to have
been made until later."
First unofficial reports of Smith's
appointment to the post were made
by the Washington correspondent
for a Detroit paper Monday. This
was followed Tuesday by stories on a
national wire service that the Presi-
dent had denied offering the position
to Smith. Official announcement of
Smith's appointment came from the
White House ,yesterday.
Smith said last night that he would'
probably be finished with his work
as State Budget Director April 15
when his term of office is up and
that he will leave for Washington
at that time. He will replace Daniel
W. Bell, who has been acting direc-
tor since the resignation of Lewis W.
Douglas in 1934.
Washington dispatches last night
quoted Attorney-General Murphy,
who recommended Smith for the post,
as saying: "He is very sound in mat-
ters of finance. He is a very com-
petent and able man."
Governor Fitzgerald reported from
Lansing that he would appoint Miss
Grace B. Murray, an executive as-.'
sistant in the budget division from
its inception 22 years ago, as acting
director when Smith leaves.
John, L. Spivak
To Speak Here
Nazi Activity To Be Topic
Of AddressWednesday
John L. Spivak, noted newspaper-
mxan and author will give a talk on
"Secret Armies," revealing the story
of fascist spy rings in the United
States at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
During the past few years Spivak
has been well-known for his activity
in uncovering fascist activity in this
country. His work has been credited
with causing several official investi-
gations of this activity.
Spivak's latest book, which bears
the title of his lecture, "Secret Ar-
mies," has been described by review-
ers as a carefully documented ac-
count of Hitler's intrigues in this
Spivak has also been a prolific con-
tributor to ,a number of periodicals,
in particular "Ken" magazine. Among

the other books which he has written
are "The Devil's Brigade," "Georgia
Nigger," "America Faces the Barri-
cades" and "Europe Under the Ter-
Cinema League
Shows .French
Film Tomorrow
The story of a middle-aged wom
an whose search for the lovers of her
youth resulted only in disillusion-a
ment is told in "Life Dances 9n,"
which will be shown at 8:15 p.m. to-
morrow and Saturday and 2:30 p.m.
Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre under the auspices of the Art
Cinema League.
"Life Dances On," called by Life
Magazine "the best motion picture
made in any language during 1938"


Choral Union
Sponsors Roth
Quartet Today

Democrats Thwart ]
To Shift Consolid
Authority To Con
Unite To'Pass B:
By 92 Vote Mai

* * ,*
Aslhurn Given
Editor -In -Chief
. Post On Technic
Dean Bursley Addresses
Staff ; 12 Others Named
To Publication Board
J. Anderson Asiburn, '40E, of Win-
ston-Salem, N.C., was named editor-
in-chief of the Michigan Technic at
the annual staff banquet last night
at the League. Prof. Henry W. Mil-
ler, of the engineering drawing de-
partment, chairman of the faculty
board, made the announcement and
presented the key awards to the out-
going staff.
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley presented a short history of the
beginnings of the engineering college
and claimed the distinction of being
the first man to enter and receive a
degree from the school after it had
been separated from the literary
Other appointments to the publi-
cation board are Richard M. Adams,
'40E, managing editor and M. Rob-
ert Herman, '40E, business manager.
Appointments to the editorial staff
include: H. Richard Steding, '40E,
articles editor; Seymour Furbush,
'41E and George Weesner, '41E, pub-
lications editors; Robert Gustafson,
'41E, features editor; Charles Tie-
man, '41E, illustrations editor; Har-
old Britton, '41E, James Davidson,
'41E, George Panagos, '41E, and Har-
ry, Reed, '41E, assistant articles edi-
tors; George Schnier, '41E, assistant
features editor.
The new business staff is composed
of: John K. Nills, '40E, publicity di-
rector; Vance Middleworth, '41E, and
Harry Smith, '41E, advertising man-
agers; Stephen Johnson, '41E, circu-
lation manager; and John Sobiesky,
'41E, assistant publicity director.
'Look' To Run Feature
On Michigan Natators
"Look," national picture magazine,
will run a feature on Matt Mann's
national intercollegiate swimming
champions in the near future, it was.
revealed yesterday.
The feature, promoted by David
Zeitlin, '40, who won the Michigan
swimmers a four-page in "Life" last
year, will present straight shots of
the natators.

Famous Hungarian String
Ensemble Will Present
Year's Last Concert
The Roth String Quartet, interna-
tionally famous string ensemble,
makes its second local appearance
in the 10th and last Choral Union
concert of the season at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
The quartet is composed of Feri
Roth, founder and first violin, Jeno
Antal, second violin, Ferenc Molnar,
viola, and Janos Scholz, cello, each
of whom was a soloist of distinction
before the group was organized in
1926. Since its American debut in
1928, the quartet has established it-
self as one of the most popuar en-
sembles on the modern concert stage.
Having played at more than'50 col-
leges and universities in the past de-
cade, the group has come to be known
as the "university festival artists.'"
Feri Roth recently commented on the
fact that they have to play "better
than their best" for collegiate au-
diences because he has found them
to be extremely well-versed in mu-
sic and highly critical. {
All four members come from Bu-
dapest, but are now naturalized
American citizens. Each studied for
a time at the famous Budapest Aca-
demy of Music and three have been
pupils of Jeno Hubay and the fourth
of the celebrated pedagogue Schiffer,
assistant to David Popper.
Roth, Antal, Molnar and Scholz
not only work and play together but
they also vacation together, exhibit-
ing a camaraderie quite unusual
among those who must spend long
hours in gruelling practice.
Spanish Priest
To Talk Here
Irish Poet Also To Speak
To Aid Loyal Spain
Father Leocadio Lobo, who will
speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union, is touring the U.S. not at the
behest of the Republican govern-
anent, but on the pleas of his Madrid
parishioners and with the approval
of the vicar-general of Madrid, he
made it known.
He will appear here with the Irish
poet Shaemus Q'Sheel under the aus-
pices of the American Student Union
as part of a drive to raise food and
medical supplies for his parishioners
in Madrid.
In a statement to the American
press, Father Lobo recently denied
that the Spanish Civil War is a
"holy" or religious war, declaring
that he did not "desire for the Cath-
olic religion the dishonor of claim-
ing the responsibility for the ter-
rible butchery and complete ruin of

WASHINGTON, March 8-()-A
bill empowering President Roosevelt
to reorganize the executive brahch
of the government rolled through the
House -tonight, 246 to 153, and,, went
to the Senate.
Previously, with only a few votes to
spare, the House Democratic leader-
ship beat back a determined Republi-
can effort to write into the bill pro-
visions giving Congress a more rigid
control over consolidations and elim-
inations of governmental agencies,
A vote which see-sawed back and
forth as the long roll of the House
was called ended in a 209 to 193 ver-
dict rejecting an amendment which
would have made any such presi-
dential order invalid if disapproved
by one house of Congress within sixty
/Consequently, as the bill stood, it
empowered the President to under-
take a reorganization of the execu-
tive branch of the government with
the knowledge that both houses of
Congress must specifically reject his
orders to nullify them.
However, the measure had been
much modified as compared with the
bill which caused such controversy
last year and which was finally beat-
en as opponents cried that it would-
make the President a "dictator."
Many of the fighting issues of last
year's measure had been deleted.
Today, Republican amendments to
curtail the President's authority still
further were presented, but one after
another they were bowled over-
Finally, a Democrat, Represent,.
tive Sumners of Texas, stepped for-
ward and proposed the amendment
giving either House or Senate power
to vacate a presidential reorganiz-
tion order. He argued that since ordi-
nary legislation requires the approv-
al of both houses, a reorganization
order, to be valid, should be approved
by both. Consequently, hisargument
ran, the disapproval of either branch
should be sufficient to invalidate
such an order. He was long and loud-
ly cheered by the Republican side.
A vote showed his amendment win-
ning by 153 to 133. A teller vote was
called for promptly, and on it the
amendment also was victorious 176
to 156. But the action was tentative
and subject to a later roll call vote.
Out Win Over
Point Edward
Hillberg Scores Winnin
Marker On Solo Dash
During Overtime Period
Making a solo dash down the ice
few seconds after Al Chadwick had
been sent to the penalty box, 'in the
overtime period, last night at the
Coliseum, Capt. Les Hillberg took the
puck and shot it past goalie Harris
to bring the Wolverine sextet their
second score of the night and also
a 2 to 1 victory over the Point Ed-
ward Athletic Club.
Although starting out with a burst
of power the Point Edward team was
soon slowed down by the fast skating
Michigan forward line. In the course
of the whole game only three pen-
alties were issued.
The game proved to be a battle
between the two goalies, with Harris
making more saves, but "Spike.
James, of the Wolverines, was forced
to make more spectacular stops at the
net. Several times Michigan's first
line would be set for a potential score
only to have goalie Harris make a nice
Point Edward's lone goal came in
the opening minutes of the first
period, when B. Gutteridge took the
puck away from the Wolverine de-

fense men and then passed ik to Cor-
bett who, in turn, was able to sink
the puck in the Wolverine net.

New Technic Editor

Reorganization Bi
Aro e ByHuWith Modilficatioi



For man Tells
Of Adventures
With Tibetans
peaker Says Some Have
Control Of Strange
Natural Laws
When a Tibetan sits cross-legged
on the ground, arms folded, and lifts
himself slowly into the air he is not
using magic, nor has he any mechani-
cal props; he merely has control of,
certain laws of nature that people of
the western world do not understand,
Harrison 1Forman, author, lecturer
and photographer, claimed last night
in the eighth of the current Oratori-
cal Association series of talks.
Forman, whose unpronouncable
Tibetan name means "protected-by-
the-gods," told of his three trips into
the interior of central and northern
Tibet, showing moving pictures he
had taken during his journeys.
Tibet is a forbidden land political-
ly, he explained, because China on
the east, Turkestan on the north and
British controlled India on the south
and west prefer to have a vast waste
land separating their boundaries;
physically, because of its high pla-
teaus and higher mountain ranges,
the highest in the world; and religi-
ously because the Buddhist religion
entails negation of all worldly things,
and the natives want no contact with
the outer world.
Narrating tales of his adventures,

Bureau Of Appointments Seen
I Answer To Vocational Problems

(Editor's Note: This is the second in
t a series of articles, written in coopera-
tion with the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, dealing with the vocational
problems of college students.)
The University's answer to the
acute need of vocational guidance for
college students is the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, directed by Dr. T. Luther
Dedicated to the task of aiding
students follow careers compatible
with abilities and interests, the
Bureau divides its work into three
1. Determlining the student's chance
for success in different vocations.
2. Advice on preparation for the
chosen vocation.
3. Placing the stud1ent in his chos-
en field after graduation.
Needless waste of funds and
energy, needless frustration and dis-
appointment might be prevented, the
Bureau points out, if students, be-
fore embarking on programs of con-

Intelligence, achievement and apti-
tude tests are then administered and
scored for indications of present abil-
ity and potential capacity.
Finally, personality inventories and
ratings are obtained from the indi-
vidual and from others who know
him well. Thus his strong and weak
personality traits are delineated.
This pattern -of the student's
characteristics is then compared with
the requisite patterns which investi-
gation and experience have demon-
strated make for success in various
Once the student's abilities and in-
terests have been matched to a par-
ticular vocation, the Bureau assigns
reading, arranges for needed per-
sonality adjustments, and, if request-
ed, places students in exploratory
or "try-out" jobs if students remain
doubtful about their occupational
Realizing that intelligent selection
and training solve only half the
problem, the Bureau devotes a major
share of its activity to helping stu-

Informal Talks And Discussions
To Highlight Untermeyer's Visit

A full schedule of activities awaits
Louis Untermeyer, noted American
poet and anthologist, who will arrive
here Saturday morning to spend
three weeks lecturing, conducting
classes and participating in informal
discussions to encourage the study
of poetry and prose among students.
Mr. Untermeyer's schedule, ar-
ranged by Prof. Carl E. Burkland of
the engineering English department
which is sponsoring his appearance
here, will be highlighted by a Uni-
versity lecture on "The Poet vs. the
Average Man" at 8:15 p-m. Monday
in the Graduate School Auditorium.
This lecture, is open to the general
public, but Mr. Untermeyer's activi-
ties in the following weeks will be
designed primarily for students.
During his three weeks here he will
attend, for the purpose of informal
meetings and consultation with stu-

Unmakes It." These class meetings
will be open to all students interested
in contemporary poetry.
Further activities will be scheduled
by Mr. Untermeyer after his arrival
here, Professor Burklund said, in-
cluding individual conferences with
students interested in the study of
literature. He will, however, be un-
able to read any student manuscripts,
he said.
Mr- Untermeyer is one of the few
literary figures who have made a suc-
cess in both the business and artistic
worlds. He retired from a large man-
ufacturing jewelry business, of which
he was vice-president and factory
manager-having been one of the
first men in the country voluntarily
to reduce working hours-to devote
himself exclusively to writing, and his
many collections and original vol-
nmes have been widely read. TTis an-

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