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March 09, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-09

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Labor Factions Meet With. Secretary Perkins In Peace Talk Guest Carillonneur To Appe ar
5 2:.55, }.. n -Six-Week Recital Series

Sidney F Giles of Toronto, one
of the world's youngest professional
carilloneurs, will be University guest
carilloneur for six weeks beginning
next Wednesday. A definite schedule
of noonday and formal conferences
is being arranged.
Mr. Giles received his musical
training in Canada and Europe, and
in 1937 became the second Canadian
to receive a diploma from the Mech-
lin Carillon School in Belgium. He
was named the outstanding student
of the academic year, 1936-37, and
was given the Cardinal Mercier Schol-
Prior to his study in Belgium, Mr.

Here are the peace parley committees of the Americ an Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial
Organizations with Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins outside the White House following a meeting with.
President' Roosevelt. At the meeting, John L. Lewis, CIO head, proposed one big union for all organized
labor. Left to right: Philip Murray, CIO; Sidney Hallman, CIO; Matthew Woll, AFL; Miss Perkins; T. A.
Rickert, AFL; Harry C. Bates, AFL; and Lewis.
Dr. Cabot Discusses Gro upPractice

(Editor's Note: This is the second in
a series of three articles in which Dr:
Hugh Cabot, former dean of the School
of Medicine, discusses group practice,
one of the important issues before the
state medical society.)

Dr. Cab
which t

VVf Wat ~~~~~ By RICHARD HARMEL satife
Oice statement which pointed out tisfied
that "although' foreign students can Three principal types of group lic who
give unpaid help to student news- practice-private group practice, pre- expendit
papers, each case hereafter will have payment group practice and consum- assure t
to be judged on its individual merits." er group practice-are considered in medical
An individual Home Office ruling authoritative discussions of group The R
may be, necessary for every Amer- medicine, Dr. Hugh Cabot, dean of of the l
can student taking part in English the School of Medicine from 1921 to the cou
university journalism, dispatches said 1930, pointed out in a recently pub- physicia
unj'hlished medical journal. that m
Poulson has been asked to return Private group practice, of which with h,-
still un udendt r the Mayo Clinic is considered the I quate fe
pioneer, emphasizes the "fee for serv- Such
ice" principle, Dr. Cabot said. The Dr. Cat
'Co-o Movement Mayo Clinic and similar organizations type" ii
P6p Mare under the leadership of either from wi
On Cam pus Told capable physicians, surgeons or both which tl
whose grouping together is designed hands o
At ASU Meeting to "offer the patient the advantages the priv
of mnodern specialization." Ross-Lo
"L Not only does the Mayo Clinic use seeks ou
ing tothheis ti fbe er watrk- the "fee for service" idea, Dr. Cabot wait for
emphasized, but it also charges fees private
general opinion of members of coop- in proportion to the patient's finan- Consu
eratives expressed by William Rock- cial well being. Such organizations the mos
well, '41, at a meeting last night at do not consider patients their own, In it, th
the Union sponsored by the American but usually demand that some private not int
Student Union.4d physician refer them to it and "ad- but in ti
John Sheibe, 42M, president of vise these physicians as to their find- is confr
the Board of Directors of the Wol- ings." Private group practice blends The lay]
veine, arcooperative eating estab- in successfully with the existing con- ganizatic
lishment, recounted the history of the
Wolverine which was organized in
1932. He explained the financial set-
up of the organization which is non-
profit in form. A II "( IA
Jim Palmer, '41; represented the DA I LY wFF C IA L
Student Book Exchange at this stu- Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to
dent forum. He outlined plans for Copy received at the office of the Assistant to t
next semester and added that any 11:00 A.M. on Saturday
profits made would go towards a
scholarship fund.
Eldon Hamm told of the efforts of
the Iisciples Guild on campus to THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1939 fice, 104
support cooperatives on campus, Hil- VOL. XLIX. No. 113 Hall, for
da Otis, '40, president of the Girls'
Co-op House related its history and Notices All stu
urged' all interested students to help freshmen
in the expansion of the co-op move- President's Report for 1937-38. call for t
ment on campus. Copies are available at the Informa- wood Ro
tion Desk, Business Office, for facul- I March H
-* - -,- ty members who desire them.-

in the practice of medicine,
ot continued.
yment group practice,.. of
he Ross-Loos Clinic in Los
is the outptanding example,
many of the consuming pub-
prefer to undergo a fixed.
ture each year which will
them of "relatively complete
care," Dr. Cabot declared.
Ross-Loos Clinic, believed one
largest pre-payment clinics in
untry, organized a staff of
ns, surgeons and specialists
de satisfactory arrangements
spitals and worked out an ade-
organizations, according to
bot, are still "the producer
n which the impetus comes
thin the profession itself and
;he guidance of is still in the
of physicians. In contrast to
ate group practice type, the
os Clinic and similar types
ut the patient and does not
x him to be referred by a
mer group Ppractice has been
t recent, Dr. Cabot asserted.
e initiative of organizations is
the hands of the profession,
;he hands of the layman who
onted by serious problems.
man director of such an or-
on must grant the greater
all members of the University.
the President until 3:30 P.M.;
South Wing of University
payment of the $50 fee.
dents who competed in the
n Hopwood contests should
heir manuscripts at the Hop-
oom not later tian Friday,
0, at 5 o'clock. The room is,

part of the' responsibility to their
medical administrators so that a
trained staff might be chosen. The
greatest chance for failure lies in the
poor choice of medical administra-
Consumer group practice, however,
has a good chance of success, accord-
ing to Dr. Cabot. It may succeed in
"instilling in its members a better
understanding of the complicated
and intricate problems involved in
the offering of health service."
Student Paper
Op1ens Twelfth
Season Soon
Experimental Newspaper
Of Journalism Classes
To Reflect University
The experimental laboratory news-
paper, The Michigan Journalist, pub-
lished by students in the journalism
department, will begin its 12th sea-
son when its first issue of the cur-
rent school year appears at the end
of the month.
The Journalist, which is the work
of all class%.s of the department with
the exception of those in advertis-
ing, is edited by a board composed of
seniors from the class in editorial
direction under the supervision of
the journalism faculty. The editorial
direction class is chosen on the basis
of editorial excellence and scholar-
The paper has a two-fold aim, ex-
perimenting with new news sources
and new news forms, and reflecting
the University at work. In connec-
tion with the first objective, the
Journalist has made use of the Fed-
eral Trade Commission reports and
articles of especial interest to con-
The reporters on the Journalist,
interested in the ideas behind M~e
news, make use of interpretative
newswriting going beyond mere sur-
face facts. Specialized reporting
ability in fields such as science and
taxation are developed by work on
the paper.
More than 2,500 copies of each of
the 10 issues of the Journalist are
published each year and sent to everyL
member of the faculty, to all news-
paper publishers in Michigan, mem-
bers of the Michigan legislature, edu-
cational and scientific foundations
throughout the country.
The Journalist is published at the
plants of various papers throughout
the state. Among those who are co-
operating with the department of
journalism are the Ann Arbor News,
The Battle Creek Enquirer and the
News, The Port Huron Times-Herald,
The Adrian Telegram, The Monroe
Evening News, The Pontiac Press,
the Ypsilanti Press, The Birming-
ham Eccentric, The Lansing State
Journal and the Detroit News.

R. F. Anderson
.Rises T o Top
In Journalism
Michigan Graduate Of '36
Writes From Moscow
For Hearst Service
With a life story that reads like a
movie scenario, Russell F. Anderson
has sky-rocketed to the top in the
journalistic profession until today,
less than three years after his grad-
uation from Michigan, he is chief
Moscow corerspondent for Hearst's
International News Service.
Only 24 years old, Anderson doesn't
let the fact that he's one of the
youngest of foreign corerspondents
upset him.
"Working as a reporter in Europe
is like working as a reporter in Ann
Arbor," he says. "Instead of cover-
ing the police station and the court
house you cover 10 Downing Street or
the Quai d'orsay. Instead of writing
about local politics you write about
international politics. Both call for
hard work. Essentially, there is no
difference between headline hunting
in Ann Arbor than in Europe except
that in the latter the journalist's
scope may be a little broader, a little
more adventuresome."
The meteoric rise of the former
Daily man began when he was still
on campus. Author of a book and
scores of magazine articles before
graduation, Anderson spent his last
two years alternating between the
Detroit Times news-room and his
studies here.
Upon graduation in June, 1936, he
joined the Pittsburgh Sun-Tele-
graph's editorial staff. In April,
1937, he quit to go with the Interna-
tional News Service'.s New York of-
fice where he remained until he was
transferred to the Chicago bureau in
With Europe gone mad in the pre-.
Munich crisis, INS shipped Ander-
son to its Paris Bureau and then
moved him to its Europeandhead-
quarters at London in December. At
present he is still there, awaiting a
Soviet visa so that he can move to
his new position as head of the Mos-
cow office.
Anderson answers the question
"How did you get into foreign cor-
respondence work" simply.
"I always tried to turn my news-
paper work in that direction and,
luckily enough, things materialized
as desired," he declares.
Of himself he will say little. "Have
been reporting long enough, now, to
know that no one gives a damn
about what I have to say of myself,"
he writes cryptically.


Giles served as assistant carilloneur
for the Massey Memorial Carillon
at the Metropolitan United Church
in Toronto. Since his return in 1987
he has been guest carilloneur at the
Scottish Rite Cathedral, Indianapolis.
He has also given guest recitals at
Tilburg, Holland.



Interest Of Court
News To Readersi
Court news is of extreme reader
interest and should not be underesti-
mated by the press stated Stuart
Perry, editor of the Adrian Telegram
yesterday afternoon in the third of a
series of lectures being sponsored by
the journalism department.
In the treatment of this type of
news there are several difficulties
which must be considered, he ex-
plained. In order to keep within libel
laws and to maintain the dignity of
the paper, the common laws of de-
cency must be observed he said. He
pointed out that while anything said
in open court can be printed with
perfect safey as soon as the judge's
gavel closes the session, the reporter
must cease to quote libelous state-
In the second place, he continued,
every case that comes into court, at,
least in a small town, must be print-
ed. Suppression of names, particu-
larly important names, he cautioned,
are quite likely to give the paper a
bad name.
Tores. To Talk
On Theosophy
President Of Youth Group
Speaks At League Today
John A. Toren, president of the
Young Theosophists of Canada, will
speak on "The Theosophy of Modern
Society," at 4:15 p.m. today at the
League, the second in a series of
three lectures sponsored by the Theo-
sophical Society in Ann Arbor.
Mr. Toren is a travelling repre-
sentative of the American Young
Theosophists, an organization similar
to the Young Theosophists of Cana-
da which is for young people under
30 years of age who are interested in
the application of theosophy to prob-
lems facing youth today.

Students Plan
Eastern Trip
Electrical Engineers To Be
New York Visitors
The eastern engineering trip,
sponsored by Eta Kappa Nu, electrical
engineering honor society, will defin-
itely take place as planned, Ken
Mudie, '39E, chairman of arrange-
ments, announced yesterday. The
necessary quota of engineers plan-
ning to go has been reached, he said.
The group intends to leave Ann
Arbor Saturday, April 8. and travel
to New York by way of Niagara Falls
and Schenectady, visiting the Bell
Telephone Company laboratories, the
World's Fair and Radio City while
in the metropolis. The engineers will
proceed to Washington, inspecting the
New Jersey Shipyards on the way.
The return trip will be made by way
of Pittsburgh where steel mills and
the Westinghouse and KDKA plants
will be toured. Ann Arbor will again
be reached Sunday,. April 16.
Union And Leagrue
Sell Hillel Tickets
Tickets for Hillel Players major
production, "Hospital Hill," are now
on sale at the main desks of the
Union and League, it was announced
yesterday by Harry Bloch, '39, ticket
chairman. Purchasers during this ad-
vance sale can have first choice of re-
served seats by exchanging their
tickets for seat reservations at the
office of the Lydia :Mendelssohn
Theatre, which opens next Wednes-
"Hospital Hill" will be presented
next Friday and Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are
priced at 50 cents.
Toastmasters To Initiate
Swinton And Laing Today
"Toastmasters," the oldest honor-
ary society on campus, will hold its
annual initiation banquet at 6:15 p.m.
today in the Union.
Initiates will be David Laing, '39,
and Stan M. Swinton, '40. Each will
be required to give the traditional
"humorous" speech required of neo-
phytes. George Fink, '40, president,
will serve as toastmaster with various
members listed to speak.
Scherzer To Speak Today
Prof. Allen F. Scherzer of the engi-
neering school will give an illustrated
talk on his recent trip through James
and Hudson bays at the monthly din-
ner meeting of the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Chapter of the Am'erican Institute
of Banking at 6:30 p.m. today in

The customary weekly Union bridge Students in Flight Training Unit:
tournament will be held at 7:30 p.m. Please call at the Secretary's Office,
today in the small ballroom of the Room 263 West ,Engineering Build-
Union, it was announced yesterday ing, and fill out Registration forms
by Hadley Smith, '40E, Union com- for the flight training course. These
rnitteeman. are to be taken to the Cashier's Of-

TYPING-Reasonable rates.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St.,

L. M.


WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
WANTED-Clothing wanted to buy.
S u i ts, overcoats, typewriters,
watches. Sam pays the most. Phone
6304 for appointment. 388
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181

open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30.
Candidates registered with the Bu-
reau who have not reported their sec-
ond semester class schedules should
call immediately at the office and fill
out a location blank. 201 Maton Hall.
Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments aid Occupational Infor-
I The Bureau of Appointments has re-
ceived notice of the following United
States Civil Service Examinations:
Chief of Occupational Information
and Guidance Service, $4,600, April 3.
Specialist, Occupational Informa-
tion, $4,600, April 3. ,
Specialist, Consultation and Field
Service, $4,600, April 3.
Specialist in Occupations for Girls
and Women, $3,800.
Junior Multigraph Operator, $1,-
440, March 27.
Complete announcements are on
file at the Bureau of, Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Office. Hours: 9-12 and
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union in good stand-
ing, will be issued pass tickets for the
(Continueed on Page 4)
English Boot and Shoe Maker
0 Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.

Call or Phone for an Appointment.
112 South Ashley Street Phone 8908





can get any magazines published
within last 45 years. Original price
plus postage. Drop card to Ruth
Rumbaugh, 533 N. Wells, Chicago,
for C.OD 434
HELP WANTED-Male. Student for
part-time selling. Strictly commis-
sion. Apply 514 E. Liberty.

Insurance Policies
cany'tgive you Love....
So the young, pretty widow, Christina, dis-
covered upon searching for the youthful ad-
mirers of her past. Her fascinating story is
told in
lieDances On"

and his movies
of the
Wed., Mar. 22
Tickets on Sale at




_' ves 35c


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