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The New
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VOL. XLIX. No. 116
____________________________________ I
Czecho -lSovak
Crisis Results
In Overthrow
Of Old Cabinet
Fear Of Foreign Coercion
Leads To Entirely New
Regime _Under Sidor
Government Faces
First Test Tuesday
PRAGUE, March 11.-(AP)-An en-
tirely new Slovak cabinet was formed
late tonight by Czech and Slovak
negotiators acting hurriedly in ap-
prehension over possible ,foreign in-
tervention in their domestic crisis.
The cabinet was formed under the
premiership of Karl Sidor, vice pre-
mier of the central government and
Slovak representative in Prague, to
eliminate the influence of Slovak
Not a single member of the deposed
government of Dr. Joseph Tiso was
included in the new lineup. Premier
Tiso's dismissal yesterday by Presi-
dent Emil Hacha of the central gov-
ernment precipitated a crisis which
many had feared would invite foreign
intervention in Czecho-Slovakia fo
the second time in six months.
Simultaneously with announce-
ment of the new cabinet the federal
government showed concern over Ger-
man radio broadcast reports of Czech
troop movements along Germany's
border. The government sent an offi-
cial communication to Berlin deny-
ing there had been any troop move-
ments whatsoever.
Formation of the new cabinet with-
out a single member of the deposed
government meant, on the surface, a
complete victory for President Ha-
cha's action in dismissing Premier
Tiso and two of his ministers and
taking military measures to prevent
an alleged independence putsch.
i The new government will face its
first test in the Slovak Parliament
Tusday, when extremeists will have
an opportunity to denonstrate whe-
ther they can rally sufficient votes
to i'eject it.
The Slovaks had presented at to-
night's conference a recommendation
of the Slovak Parliament that Dr.
Tiso be reappointed.
All that the Prague government
asked, a government spokesman said,
was that the new Slovak cabinet be
formed without former members who
"look with indulgence on actions of
questionable elements."
"Such a government," said the
spokesman, "would be the best guar-
antee for the autonomy of Slovakia
and the unity of the Czecho-Slovak
Stalins Speech
Leaves Soviet
View Uncertain
Charge Fascist Countries
Of Hoodwinking Nations
With Democratic Ideals
MOSCOW, March 11.-(IP)- The
possibility of a rapprochement be-
tween Russia and Germany was be-
ing discussed in diplomatic quarters
tonight as a result of Stalin's state-
ment that the Soviet Union did not
intend to be drawn into war against
the Reich tN pull other nation's chest-
nuts out of the fire. Stalin, however,
charged Germany, Italy and Japan
with pulling the wool over the eyes
of " the western democracies, and
some experienced observers said they
expected no radical change in Soviet-
German relations.
Stalin suggested that Britain and
France used Czechoslovakia as bait to
lure Hitler" in° the direction of the
Ukraine and at the, same time ob-
served that the Anti-Comintern pact
of Italy, Germany and Japan was a
good screen behind which to attack
vital interests of the United States,
Britain and France.
It was pointed out that Stalin said
this to illustrate the alleged stupidi-
ty of the Chamberlain-Daladier gov-
ernments which, he said, were hoping
Hitler and his allies would attack
Maglioni Made
State Secretary
By Papal Order
ROME, March 11.-(1')-With his
faithful friend and able diplomat,
Luigi Cardinal Maglione, by his side
asx secretary of state, Pope Pius XII
prepared for his coronation today as
the 262nd supreme pontiff of the
Roman Catholic Church.
Appointment of Cardinal Maglione
was announced today only a few
hours before the new Pope was to
enter upon the pageantry of the co-
ronation before throngs of the faith-
ful in great St. Peter's. Thousands
of disappointed applicants for tickets
were expected to be in St. Peter's
Square by daybreak, prepared to
wait all morning for a view of the
actual crowning on a balcony out-
side the basilica about 1 p.m.
Cardinal Maglione, former nuncio
to Paris, is, considered second only to
Pope Pius himself in diplomatic skill
and experience in the affairs of post-
war Europe. Maglione, at 62 just a
year younger than the Pope, is one of
his intimate friends. They were,
classmates at Capranica College in
Rome when they were studying for
the priesthood. a
Pius XII in his first speech, broad-
cast the day after his election, March
2, indicated that he would use his
influence for peace as did his prede-
cessor and that they chose Maglione
as a faithful friend who would carry
out his policy in a wholehearted
Mann Demands
Militant Stand
Of Democracy
Franco Waits
As Civil War
Miaja Drives Communists
From Central Positions
After Week Of Fighting
Nationalists Rake
City With Artillery
(By Asociated Press)
MADRID, March 11 .-General Jose
Miaja's republicans drove Communist
rebels from flaming headquarters in
the heartof Madrid today and fought
a sharp artillery battle with Nation-
alist gunners at the edge of the city
in the sixth day of "the war within
a war."
The peace-making National De-
fense Council, formed before dawn
Monday and forced to fight for power
over the Communists all week, felt the
fury of Nationalist guns just as it
seemed to be getting the upper hand
over the rebels.
Enemy artillery on the southeast
fringe of the city opened up in the
morning while Miaja's motorized
troops, with 18 field guns were driv-
ing the Communists from the first
of two headquarters and clearing vir-
tually the whole length of broad Calle
de Alcala which cuts diagonally
through the capital.
The boom of guns on the Republic
can-Nationalist front mingled with
the din of artillery and machine-gun
fire within the city. Around 11 a.m.
(6 a.m. E.S.T.), the fighting at the
front died down
Inside the city, the national defense
troops used their field guns and fired
the Communist Party's provincial
Its occupants were captured, some
of them as they tried to dash through
the lines with small suitcases.
An hour later the Loyal troops
routed both men and women rebels
from the cellars of the Communist
central headquarters.
To Talk Here
Famous Poet's Lecture
Set For Tomorrow
Louis Untermeyer, noted American
poet and anthologist, will give a
University lecture on "The Poet vs.
the Average Man" at 8:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Graduate School Au-
ditorium. ,
Mr. Untermeyer, who arrived here
yesterday, will spend three weeks in
Ann Arbor, lecturing, conducting
classes and participating in informal
discussions to encourage in students
the study and appreciation of poetry
and prose. His activities are under
the sponsorship of the department of
engineering English.
Mr. Untermeyer is one of the few
literary figures who have made a suc-
cess in both the business and artistic
worlds. He retired froh a large man-
ufacturing, jewelry business, of which
he was vice-presiden-t and factory
manager to devote himself exclusively
to writing. His anthologies have
been adopted as textbooks in high
schools and universities throughout
the United States.
Before his 50th year he had writ-
ten and compiled more than 30 vol-
umes of prose and verse. He has won
the Enit Prize for the best book on
Italy written by a non-Italian,."The
Donkey of God," and another, "The
Book of Living Verse," was hailed as
the logical successor to the Oxford
Book of English Verse.
Overwhelming Victories
In Annexing Conference
Ti t
Author Declares America
Must Proclaim Herself
To Stop Totalitarianism
DETROIT, March 11.-Special to
The Daily)-An impassioned call for
a militant democracy, a "democracy
that will battle unrelentingly for the
victory of civilization over barbar-
ism," was voiced here last night by
Thomas Mann, exiled German au-
Speaking inDetroit's Masonic
Temple before an audience of 3,500,
among whom were nearly four hun-
dred residents of Ann Arbor, Dr.
Mann declared that the first step in
the defense of democracy must be a
realization on the part of all "sincere
friends of liberty, freedom, justice
and Christianity that democracy's
concept of freedom must never in-
clude the freedom to destroy democ-
Dr. Mann reiterated the conten-
tion he made last year in Ann Arbor
that "America, a nation young in
spirit and endowed with moral vigor,
must serve as the unswerving protec-
tor of the good and the human dig-
nity of mankind."
He warned, howevet £hat if the
American people fall prey to the
"profound deception that fascism is'
the benevolent protector of private
property, religion and western civil-
ization" they not only will be disap-
pointed but they will hasten the col-
lapse of all values now held in esteem
by democratic peoples.
(Continued on Page 3)
Psychiatric Institute Moves
The new neuropsychiaric Institute
was occupied recently after repeated
postponements of the moving date.
All the offices as well as 55 patients
were transferred systematically. The
laboratories and heavy equipment1
will be moved as soon as possible.
Michigan Scores In Nine
Of Ten Events To Gain
Sixth Straight Triumph
Team Leads Field
By 17 Point Margin
CHICAGO, March 11.-(Special to
The Daily)-Michigan loosed the full
force of its traditional track and
field power here tonight to sweep
to a smashing triumph in the 29th
annual Western Conference indoor
The last Wolverine squad to feel
the masterful touch of Coach B.
Hoyt demonstrated its amazing bal-
ance by amassing points in all but
one of the 10 events to mount up
41% points, 17 more than Wisconsin,
which finished second. The victory
was Michigan's sixth straight indoor
The Badgers, with 24/2 points, were
second, Indiana was third with 20,
and the. rest of the field trailed as
follows: Ohio State, 18; Purdue, 11;
Northwestern and Chicago, 91/2;
Iowa, 7 and Minnesota 3.
Big Ten records toppled in three
events with Michigan entries doing
the cracking in two of them. One
American indoor mark was equalled
when. Elmer Gedeon tied his own
record in the 70 yard high hurdles.
Capt. Bill Watson bettered his own
conference indoor record in the shot
put when he tossed the iron ballh51
feet 8 3-8 inches on his third at-
tempt. Watson's former mark of
50 feet 4 1-4 inches was set in 1937.
A final toss of 52 feet 2 1-4 inches by
Watson was nullified because of a
the Michigan mile relay team of
Phil B130. t, Wafrrn reicenbach,
Doug Hayes and Ross Faulkner in a)
race against time set a new confer-
ence mark of 3:18.9 to better thet
former mark set by Steve Mason,1
Faulkner, Bob Osgood and Stan
Birleson in 1937 by almost two sec-1
Wisconsin's brilliant Milton Pad-
way soared 14 feet 1 5-8 inches in the
pole vault to crack the conference;
record of 13 feet 10 inches set by E.-
E. Lennington of Illinois in 1933.
Padway attempted a new world's rec-
ord of 14 feet 6 inches but failed to
clear the bar in four attempts.
Three conference champions -
Padway, Gedeon, and Watson suc--,
cessfully defended their indoor titles
(Contined on Page 7)
U.S. May Bid
To Build Ships
For Brazilians
Pittman's -Plan, EndorsedE
By State Deptrtment
To Go Before Senate
WASHINGTON, March 11.-(/P)-
A proposal that the United States
build warships in navy yards for Bra-
zil and other Latin-American na-
tions-if necessary underbidding Eur-
ope-received the approval if the
State Department today, giving rise
to the general assumption that it wqs
an integral part of administration ef-
forts to,-tighten hemisphere defenses.
Acting Secretary Sumner Welles
said the State Department was heart-
ily in favor of the general objectives
of he proposal, put forward by Chair-
man Pittman (Dem.-Nev.), of the
Senate Foreign RelationsyCommittee.
While the Navy was non-committal,
informed diplomatic quatrers under-
stood naval officials had been con-
Pittman announced he would offer
next week a measure to authorize
all Latin-American nations to build
warships in United States Navy yards
"at the lowest competitive prices."
Brazil, Argentina and some other
South American governments have
had warcraft built in Italy, Germany
and England where labor and mater-
ial costs 'n commercial shipyards are
lower th in this country.
In addition to the- ship-building
ntrnnnca. c +ao .r Ara 4 nfnrmpd r,
Local Churches
Offer Var ied
Services Today
Sermons To Cover Lenten
Semblance Of Penance,
Spain And Marriage
With the middle of Lent nearing
Ann Arbor, churches are continuing
to stress the meaning of penitential
periods in Sunday morning sermons,
in addition to the continuance of dis-
cussion groups, the church in Spain,
the Christian-Jewish Tragedy ard
problems of marriage and home-
The Rev. Walter Ni;hoI, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church at Ply-
mouth. will exchange pulpits today
with the Rev. William Lemon, who
will speak at 10:45 a.m. at he First
Presbyterian church. Reverend Nich-
ol is a graduate of the University of
Toronto and has done graduate work
at the University of Berlin.
The Rev. Harold P. Marley will talk
on, "Franco's Geographic Victories,"
at 11 a.m. at the Unitarian church.
He will point out that even though
Franco is successful in conquering
the land, he will not succeed in gain-
ing the confidence and unity of the
people. Reverend Marley will read,
"On the American Dead in Spain,"
by Ernest Hemingway before the
Dick Steding, president of the Rog-
ers Williams Guild, will 'report on
the Inter-Church Student Confer-
ence held recently at Naperville, Ill.,
(Continumd on Page 2)
Phi Kappa Tau Picketed
Walkout of union workers and pic-
keting on the repair job at the Phi
Kappa Tau fraternity, damaged by,
fire Jan. 4, was blamed yesterday by
Mr. A. Norris, secretary of the Wash-
tenaw County Building and Construc-
tion Trades Council, on the employ-
ment of non-union steam fitters and
plumbers for what was understood to
be a union job.
Hoosiers' Mat
Team Regains
BigTen Title
Harold Nichols Captures1
Only Individual Crowni
For VarsityGrapplersa
CHICAGO, Ill., March 11.-Michi-
gan relinquished its Big Ten wrest-
ling title today as Indiana rolled upj
27 points to win by a comfortable
margin over the Wolverines and Illi-
nois, tied for second with 19 points.
Minnesota was fourth with 12, fol-
lowed by Iowa, 9, Ohio State with
two, Wisconsin and Northwestern one
each, and Purdue and Chicago went
The Hoosiers annexed three individ-
ual championships and in general
dominated the meet as foreshadowed
by the results of the nght's qualifiers
when they placed six men in the
finals. The only Michigan entry to
win an individual championship was
Capt. Harold Nichols.
The Nichols brothers were the only
Wolverine entries to reach the finals
but Bill Combs, sophomore Oat 155
pounds, and Butch Jordan in the
heavyweight class, survived a series
of bouts and added second place
points to the Michigan total. Don
Nichols was the third second place
winner for the Wolverines. Jim Mer-
icka's third place in the 136 pound
cass completed the Michigan scor-
Butch Jordan enabled the Wolver-
ines to pull into the second place tie
with the Illfii in the final match of
the day, when he took a decision over
George Downes of Ohio State. This
match was the culmination of a hard
afternoon for Jordan as he was wrest-
ling his third tough match within a
period of a little over an hour. He
also downed Nick Cutlich, North-
western grid ace, and "Moose" Merry
of Wisconsin in his quest for second
Traicoff, of Indiana, 155 pounder,
was finally adjudged the winner of a
(Continued on Page 7)
Help Give Wolverines Championships
- -
Natators Easily Vanquish
Buckeyes, Nearest Rival,
As RelayMark Falls
All Time Record
Of 72 Points Set
LAFAYETTE, Ind., March 11. -
(Special to The Daily)-Michigan
steamrolled to a surprisingly easy
victory in the Big Ten swimming meet
here last night and attached an all-
time high of 73 points in easily out
distancing its nearest rival, Ohio
State with 49, by 24 points.
Michigan was behind at only one
point, at the conclusion of the first
event, the 300-yard medley which was
won by Ohio. From then on, the meet
was never in doubt as the Wolverines
took first and second in every free
style event except the hundred in
which they won first and third.
In the two days, six new Big Ten
records were set with Michigan ac-
counting for five. The only mark set
in the finals was byMichigan in the
free style' relay although Tomski
tied his 50 mark, and Stanhope of
Ohio tied Charley Barker's day old
back stroke mark in the medley relay
when Michigan was relegated to third
behind Ohio and Minnesota.
The evening's biggest upset came
in the 220 yard free style when Capt.
Tom Haynie, who had set a new Big
Ten record of 2:13.6 in this event in
the preliminary was defeated for the
first time in three years of Big Ten
competition. His sophomore team
mate, Jimmy Welsh, turned in exact-
ly the same time as he had done in
the trials, 2:14.4, to stave off Haynie's
last lap spurt. Ed Hutchens was beat-
en by Northwestern's Irv McCafferyr
for third place and Ohio's Bob John-
son, second last year, finished fifth.
Walt Tomski, Charley Barker and
Bill Holmes continued the Michigan
parade by finishing first, second, and
fourth respectively. Tomski, pushed
all the way bzy Barker, equalled the
new mark of 23.1 he set yesterday.
Iowa's Jack O'Mahoney split the
'Wolverinetrio by finishing third.
The score. for the first three events
was Michigan 30, Ohio 11.
Al Patnik and Earl Clark, Ohio's
diving teams interrupted the Wolv-
erine steamroller momentarily by take'
(Continued on Page 6)
To Give Concert
After Absence
Closely - Contested Battle Looms
In Student Senate Spring Election
Ace 'G'-Man And Farm Official
To Give Students Career Tips
Thor Johnson Will Direc
Orchestra Featurini
Mozart Piano Solo
The University's Little Sygnphon
orchestra, which has already receive
favorable recognition both in An
Arbor and elsewhere, will give a cor
cert under the baton of Thor Johr
son at.8:30 p.m. today in the Eth(
Fountain Hussey Room of the Leagu(
Mary Van Doren wil be soloist, pla3
ing Mozart's Concerto in B flat ma
jor for piano and orchestra.
The orchestra will present severe
numbers which were enthusiastical
received by large audiences durin
the three week's trip from which th
orchestra recently returned. They in
elude the Overture to the opera "Jc
seph,"by, Mehul; Symphony No.
in E major, by Haydn; Adagio, Opt
3, "Les Fleurs pales du Souvenir," b
Lekeu; Five Pieces from "For th
Children," by Tansman.
The 16-piece orchestra, compose
of assistants in instrumental instrui
tion, was organized in the fall c
1934. Its public work was interrup
ed the next year, however, while MI
Johnson was in Europe studying wit
Bruno Walter and Felix Weingar
ner. Since its inception, Dr. Johns
pointed out, the symphony has pr
sented approximately 70 concerts
more than 20 states, where perfo
mances were greeted with great ei
Man Forgets Chimney ;
Only one week remains before poli-
tical lines will be drawn and the Stu-
dent Senate elections office will open
its doors to prospective candidates for
the voting to be held Friday, March
Applications for places on the bal-
lot will be received from 4 to 6 p.m.
Monday, March 20 to Friday, March
24 in Lane Hall, Edward Magdol,
'39, director of elections explained.
Petitions should be accompanied by
three-word political designations and
platforms, if the candidates desire.
The platforms and ballot will be re-
Coalition of 15 candidates selected
six Senators, while the so-called Unit-
ed Liberal Coalition, composed of
various progressive and liberal fac-
tions succeeded in landing eight in
the Senate. However, political unaf-
filiates and independents held the
balance of power in a number of the
major controversies of the first ses-
sion, he said, and succeeded in elect-
ing Tom Adams (ed. note-resigned
at last meeting) as president.
It is significant to observe, Mag-
dol pointed out, that while political
alignments were adhered to very
n'Inewlr nn aunt, 4eei', 3n- nvia..+nar
Students ambitious to succeed in
government service will receive ""in-
side" tips on how two of the govern-
ment's outstanding career men did
just that at the opening session of
the University's Guidance and Occu-
pational Information Conference, ac-
cording to the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, co-sponsor along with the
Graduate Student Council.
Ace "G-man" W. H. Drane Lester,
Farm Security Administration poten-
tate Wendell L. Lund are coming
frnm- Urahn-A t ail f air --
Mr. Lund heads the Family Selection
Division of the Farm Security Ad-
ministration of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture under Secretary Henry
A. Wallace.
A Rhodes Scholar from the Univer-
sity of Mississippi (B.A., MA, and
L.L.B.) Mr. Lester received a Bache-
lor of Civil Law degree from Oxford
University. He entered the Bureau
in 1932 after holding professorships
of Latin and law at Mississippi and"
Memphis where he also practiced law.
Besides being a "G"-man, Mr. Les-
ter is a major in the Military Intelli-
--an- Aircninf+ anf-ac ~a
Oxford Group To Hold
Meeting At Lane Hall,
Mnrl 2amamat Oca a ma n v ,_