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March 12, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-12

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SUNDAY, MARCH 12,.1939

Local Churches
Offer Varied
Servi es Today
Sermons To Cover Lenten
Semblance Of Penance,
Spain AndMarriage
(Continued from Page 1)
to discuss the responsibility of the
church in social movements a 6:15
p.m. today at the Guild meeting. The
Rev. Mason Wells, professor of phi-
losophy attHillsdale College, will
preach at the First Baptist church
on, "The Christian-Jewish Tragedy."
The Rev. Fr. Bolgar, formerly
teacher of economics at the Univer-
sity of Notre Dame, will speak from
5 to 7 p.m. today at the Supper meet-
ing of the Newman Club in the au-
ditorium of St. Mary's Catholic Stu-
dent's Chapel. ,,,
"His Idea of Man," the third in
a series of talks on, "Tree Mirror of
Christ's Mind," will be given by the
Rev. Leonard D. Parr at 11 a.m. at
the First Congregational church.
Shu-Kwang Hu, Grad. from Shang-
hai, will relate his adventures in war-
torn China at the meeting of the
Ariston League at 5:30 p.m. Follow-
ing the Student Fellowship hour at
6 p.m. Reverend Parr will give the
first of four 15-minute Lenten stu-
dies in, "Christian Essentials." An
open forum of the recent lectures on,
"The Existence and Nature of God,"
Will follow Reverend Parr's talk.
Discussion groups at the Wesleyan.
Guild will meet for the last time at 6
p.m, to discuss, "The Church in Con-
flict Areas."
Fourth in a series on Courtship and
Marriage is the talk by Mrs. How-
ard Y. McCluskey at 6:0 p.m. at
the Disciples Guild meeting on, "Mar-
riage, and Homebuilding." An. in-
formal fireside discussion period will
follow Mrs. McCluskey's speech.
Following the supper and fellow-
ship hour at the Westminster Guild
the group will divide into sections at
7 p.m. to discuss, "The Church in
Spain," "Catholicism," and "Motiva-
tion of Person lity."
Gray To Address
Fellowship Group
Problems which must be faced dur-
ing wartime by conscientious objec-
tors will be the subject for discussion
at an open meeting of the Fellowship
of Reconciliation, 8:15 p.m. today at
Lane Hall. Harold Gray, president of
Saline Valley Farms, who was im-
prisoned during the World War for
refusal to accept conscription, will be
the principal speaker.

Instructor Shows Ann Arbor Airport To Flight Students

Odd Museum Pieces Illustrate
Customs Of Little-Known Tibet

Students To Attend
Railway Convention

Many of the things described by
Harrison Forman, lecturer and ex-
plorer, in his lecture Wednesday night
are given reality in the large col-
lection of Tibetan material owned
by the University Museums.
The material is located in the
Division of OrientN in the Museum of
Anthropology and illustrates many
aspects of religion, daily life, and odd
customs of this little known country
in central Asia, which is sometimes
called the "Roof of the World." Ti-
betan cultural life is largely centered!
around the Lamaist monasteries
which arehscattered throughout the
country, and it is from the temples
attached to these monasteries that

Ten students of the Transporta-
stitute the Tibetan book, are filled tion Club will accompany Professors
with mannered characters in the John S. Worley and Walter C. Sad-
language whose written form is based ler of the transportation engineering
on Sanskrit. Carved wood-blocks for department to the American Rail-
printing perpetuate Buddhist texts, w a y s Enigineering Association's
of which some very old examples in Annual Convention March 14 to 17
Tibetan monasteries help to bridge at the Palmer House, Chicago.
many gaps in the history of Budd- Durifig their stay in Chicago, the
hism, according to Mr. B. A. deVere visitors will attend committee meet-
Bailey, who is in charge of the Far ings, inspect terminal }facilities and
Eastern collections. attend the Railway Appliance Show,
Tibetans are very fond of orna- which is the largest of its type in the
ment and the well-nigh universal world.
"charm box" worn by both men and The trip is being held under the


is represented by a valuable
in the University collections.

A group of the 20 prospective student pilots, who e'=rolled in the University's new flight training course,
get their first look at one of the "little flivver" ships in which they will fly a minimum of 35 hours during the
semester. If the course proves successful, the program will be expanded to produce 20,000 new flyers next year.
Fledgling Pilots Amass 30 Hours

Twice a day, four days a week, the
20 students enrolled in the local flight
training course are taking to the air
from the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
airports for 30-minute flights. A-
ready the fledging pilots have
amassed a totak of more than 30.
hours of dual flying and weather per-
mitting, the instructors estimate that
in two weeks the group should be
Cub ships, light two-seaters that
only develop 50 horsepower are being
used in the course. Two of these
"flivver" planes are kept at the Ann
Arbor airport and one is at Ypsilanti.
This type of plane is ideal for this
work, instructors explained, because
they are exceedingly easy to handle
and at the same time are economical
to operate.
In addition to giving actual flying
lessons, the flight instructors are
holding regular ground school courses
in the Ea'st Engineering building.
These courses deal with fundimen.-
tal navigation and meteorology and
are designed to make the student
a safer and more proficient pilot.
Upon completion of the 15-week
course, CAA inspectors will conduct
examinations for private pilot's li-
cences. These tests are very rigid
and determine both the prospective
pilot's knowledge and his flying
The training course a being given
as an experiment at 13 colleges and
universities by the CAA as a direct
result of the President's plea to Con-
gress to provide for training 20,000

students as reserve pilots for the
Army and Navy. If it proves success-
ful, the plan will be extended to edu-
cational institutions throughout the
United States.
The cost of the program is defrayed
by the Civil Aeronautical Authority
with an appropriation of $100,000
from the NYA, The actual adminis-
tration, however, is in the hands of
the University. Prof. E. A. Stalker,
head of the department of aeronauti-
cal engineering, is in charge of the
program on the campus, and Prof.
E. W. Conlin is actively supervising
the work.
All thestudents are genuinely in-
terested in aviation as is attested to
by the $60 entrance fee they paid.
They all expect to continue flying if
financially possible and some hope
to make it a career.
There is very litle danger involved
in the course according to Professor
Conlin. This fact is supported by the
recent report from Randolph Field
that 336 Army cadets completed 35,-
000 hours of actual flying with a bent
propellor as the most serious mishap.
According to an official statement,
Dowagiac Forms
New Alumni Club
The University of Michigan Club
of Dowagiac became the 139th Michi-
gan alumni chapter yesterday when
T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary
of the Alumni Association received
the Articles of Association of the new
club. The club comprises 30 mem-
bers, and its first president is E.
Bruce Laing, '11.
A reorganization meeting of the
defunct University of Michigan Club
of El Paso was held yesterday.

the CAA hopes, through the medium]
of this flight training program, "To
build up a great pool of men and ma-
chines, dedicated to and engaged in
the pursuits of peace, but ,yielding
first place to no other nation in fly-
ing skill or technical development,
and quickly adaptable to military
needs in time of war."
Safety Sign

the religious objects in the collection
Strange trumpets made of human
thigh bones decorated with silver
bands are used to call the faithful
and disperse demons. Odd-looking
prayer-wheels in the shape of metal
cylinders that enclose endless strips
of papers supplications to Tibetan
deities ,are revolved ceaselessly to
gain merit with the gods. Ceremon-
ial daggers of bronze are used to dis-
pose of devils.
Tinkling brass cymbals are sup-
posed to placate angry gods and
goddesses, and an imposing bronze
ball with a curious handle is the
mainstay of the sorcerer. There is a
grisly rattle-drum made of skull-
cups over which human skin As
stretched serves to mark pauses in
the Tibetan ritual, and the Lamaist
priest counts his beads on a rosary
made of human bones.
Not all 'the material is reminiscent
of skeletons and black devils, how-
ever. Curious bronze images have
the serene and detached gaze of the
Buddha face of the Far East, and the
insides are filled with powdered clay
or yak's wool which may hide any-
thing from a grain of wheat to a
small ruby.
Long strips of paper, which en-
closed within wooden boards con-



Well-Cooked 615 East William St.

These boxes ,used to hold charms
and talismans, are often elaborately
decorated and inlaid with turquoise-
favorite semi-precious stone in Ti-
Necklaces, costume-clasps, and

auspices of the Transportation Club
and has been made possible through
the cooperation of Professor Sadler.
rings appear in great number, some
incrusted with gold and jade, others
delicately chased or carved. Ear rings
are popUlar among Tibetan women.




)d AS



Traff To Benefit
New Pro jt'ct

OUR EXPERT SHOE REPAIR MEN will recondition your shoes in
a manner that will amaze you! We guarantee all remodeling,
repairing and dyeing. Call us today for free pick-up and delivery

Evidence of the wide scope of work
accomplished by the National Youth
Administration are the new street
signs designed for maximum legi-
bility and permanence to replace the
signs now in use at Monroe, Mich.
The signs are being manufactured
and assembled at present and will
later be erected at 300 interse ftions
as city sponsored NYA projects.
According to information issued by
the city engineer's office the signs
being made by NYA workers will use
letters three and three-fourths inches
high, one of the largest sizes ever
used in marking streets. The visi-
bility will be three times as great as
at present.
Each sign will consist of four
boards, bearing raised white letters
on a black background. The lowest
board, placed six and one-half feet
above the curb will enable them to be
seen easily over the top of parked
cars. They will also be low enough
to catch a portion of the headlight
rays at night.



You'll enjoy the goodness, the smoothness and melow-


ness of Bock. Becr. You can
of Bock. will "hit the spot."

be sure that a tall, cool glass
Drink Bock and other fine

beers in the delightful Allenel Tap Room.

Classified Directory

Remember private dining rooms
available for private parties.






Answers to the name Pete. Finder
please call 2-2037. Reward.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79





Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.1
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
We have a Quick Delivery Serv-
ice at your disposal if you wish to
have your ad picked up (10c
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynard
FOR RENT-Single room with ad-
joining lavatory. Also newly decor-
ated double. Shower bath, steam
heat. Phone 8544. 422 E. Washing-
ton. 442
FOR RENT-2 two-room apartments
furnished, conveniently located.
Apply 209 South State. St. Michi-
gan Wolverine. 438
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
LOST - A tame blue parakeet.

TYPING-Reasonable rates.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St.,

L. M.

If you have both University and Business College Training
your services will be in demand. Attend the school that
has placed all its graduates year after year.
Iamilton Business College
William at State Ann Arbor


Phone 4121



WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-'
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
WANTED-Clothing wanted to buy.
S u i t s, overcoats, typewriters,
watches. Sam pays the most. Phone
6304 for appointment. 388
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181
WANTED-Two students want low
priced apartment. Leave phone
number at 2-1777. Simon.
WANTED-Girl to prepare evening
meal, work about three hours daily.
2 in family. Phone 2-2240.
' Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio
{ Instructions in all
1!.~ forms. Classical, social,
dancing. Ph. 9695.
Wuerth Theater Bldg.
Second Floor





Weekly Photographi.c
Enter our weekly PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST .. .
Five Dollars in Trade will be given each week for the
best picture of the subject selected by us and an-
nounced each Wednesday in The Ann Arbor Daily
News and each Sunday in The Michigan Daily ... All
you have to-do is follow the simple rules listed below-


.TODAY AT 1-3-5-7-9 P.M.

r3 I111115

Ift- a

SAL R A fglg


1. Pictures must be developed and printed by us during
the week of each contest.
2. Pictures must be 2-1 4 x 3-1/4 or larger.
3. Pictures and negatives submitted become the property
of Francisco and Boyce.
4. The decision of the judges is final.

ILI, nowil



a 1



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