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October 26, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

… continues to point out that the in- clusion of articles of common con- sumption in the British ban creates the possibility of unlimited arbitrari- ness on Britain's part. Wolverine Cuts Working Hours (4…

… In order that student workers may better share in the advantages that membership in a cooperative affords, the Wolverine Cooperative Restaur- ant's Board of Directors and repre- sentatives of the…

June 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

… 10 to 20. This Clinic, the fourth annual, provides intensive band study for boys and girls over a three-week period. Da tvis To Discuss Wolverine, Student Education Trends Cooperative, Holds 1 on…

… Michigan Wolverine, student cooper- ative, at 8 p.m. today in its quarters at 209 S. State Street. Dancing will take place on the Wolverine's raised dance floor, and refreshments will be served. There will…

June 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…, entertainment and fun in a friendly social atmosphere. The Michigan Wolverine Student Cooperative, ic., 208 S. State St. Phi Delta Rappma. The first of a series of weekly luncheons wil be held at the Michigan…

May 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… of the pressure that ac- companied their quest for the Big Ten baseball crown, the Wolverines open a two-game consolation series for third place with Purdue at Lafayette, Ind., this afternoon. The…

… both teams. fi.mick Hurls Opener As usual, Coach Ray Fisher will bank on Danny Smick and Jack Barry to take the mound in that order to gain the Wolverines a creditable spot in the final Conference stand…

…. Percival, Kidwell Mainstays Percival and Kidwell have been mainstays of the Wolverine squad in the singles matches for the past two years, with Percival alternating be- tween one and two spot this year, and…

… against Duquesne will mark the second meeting of the year for the two teams, with the Wolverines winning the first, 9-0. The match was played at the end of the Weir- men's spring trip, and the Pittsburgh…

April 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… order xas called. Michigan Nine Tops Hillsdale In Tenth, 5 To'1 Dobson, Bond Allow Six Hits As Wolverines Win Fifth Victory Of Year By HERB LEV HILLSDALE, April 25.-(Special to The Daily) -Big Danny Smick…

… big Danny laced one of pitcher Glen Sanford's fast pitches between first and second for a clean single, easily scoring the fleet Gedeon. Danny's blow was only a signal for the dormant Wolverine batting…

… score 5-1. Not Impressive Win The hurling duties for Michigan were evenly divided between Russ Dobson and Lyle Bond. Neither greatly nicreased his status on the Wolverine mound staff by his perfor-. mance…

…, yet both showed encouraging signs for the future. Between them the Wolverine right handers allowed only six hits, but (Continued on Page 3) FDR Submits Plan For Reorganization To Aid Democracy State…

March 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…. Scores Double Victory Weir Expects Big Improvement In This Year's Tennis Squad -Daly Photo by Curriston Tom Haynie, Wolverine captain, closed his collegiate career in grand style by taking firsts in both…

March 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 128) • Page Image 7

… Independent division the Has Beens are the defending champs while .the Wolverines, Senators and the Badgers will be entering powerful teams. Cage .Coaches Discuss Rules Seek To Curb Deliberate Fouling By Losing…

… a first rank college hurler, and much of the success of the Wolverine baseball team depends on his com- ing through this season. Russ is a junior and an Ann Arbor boy. Ti ers Defeat Cincinnati, 7…

… since 1937. Commenting on the six new fresh- man Field House records established and two more tied by the 1938-39 edi- tion of his Wolverine fiosh track- men, Coach Ken Doherty remarked, "This year's team…

February 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

… University of Michigan swim- ming teamsmashed four National In- tercollegiate records, and two pool records to hand the Hawkeyes a 61 to 23 defeat here tonight. The Wolverines won first places in every one of…

… through with first places in both the 50 and 100 yard free style sprint events. He failed to set new marks in either event, however. The Wolverines started off the record breaking chain of events by…

January 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… points in 'he 100-yard free-style only because Tom Haynie was the only Wolverine entrant in that event. Johnny Haigh started the breast strokers off in the right direction when he went his 200 yard lap in…

… record for 800-. yards. So Haynie, an all-around swim- mer who holds the record for the 150-yard individual medley, turned in a neat 2:33 to pull the 1939 edi- tion of the Wolverines 21.1 under the old…

…, brought the time Ontario Aggies Rally To -Beat Wolverines, 4-3 Hockey Team Folds Up As Visitors Garner Three Tallies In Last Period By NEWELL McCABE Before a crowd that might well have fitted around one…

… table of an important chess game Ontario Aggies hockey team put on a three point rally in the final period oflast night's contest to hand the Wolverine sex- tet their third straight defeat 4 to 3. Coming…

… onto the ice in the fatal last period Michigan held a safe 3 to 1 margin, and in the previous periods it seemed that when the demand was great enough the Wolverines could garner a tally. As the game…

January 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

… .f ..r . f f:.. .r a ... y. a, _ _T . .x. .,.-.. wi~ onmers Breai Records To I (Continued from Page 1) mier the old mark of 24:04 set by 4e Wolverines in 1935. That made it six records down and…

… record cameup to Haynie in a silver platter. He had but to do :r5 to smash the Olympic Club of an Francisco mark of 7:00.2 for 'P yards. Haynie did 1:44.5 and the wolverines were again on their merry a…

… only Wolverine en- leading only with a light left. rant in this event and so the Spar- Suddenly he leaped forward as the ans captured their only second of crowd of 17,350, who contributed to he meet…

November 26, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THE M GCHIGADAIY PAGE Elevens To Battle Before 102,000 Today Wolverines' Marks Up For Approval ..,..... s s \9\ I e . Coach Oosterbaan Will Stress Speed In Michigan Cage Attack JACK KASLEY…

… By TOM PHARES1 Bennie Oosterbaan, Michigan's new head basketball coach, will this sea-{ son introduce to Wolverine fans an. offensive weapon little used during the "Townsend era"-the fast break. For…

…- tion. Bill Watson, Wolverine track cap- tain, and Elmer Gedepn, varsity hurdler, are also slated for recogni- BILL WATSON tion. Watson put the s-pound shot 70 ft. % in. at Randalls Island, N.Y.j on July…

… through a two-hour ' practice at the Coliseum last night in a manner which brightened the Wolverine hockey hopes for the coming year. With the opening game against McMaster University only two weeks off…

May 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

… Michigan Wolverine Student Co- they have returned to school, note operative, Inc.: The date for payment holders who will return in Septem- of members' notes has been set ahead ber are urged to apply their…

… notes to May 28, 1938, and members may to this deposit.- obtain payment on that date or dur- The Wolverine will close on June on Aug. 19. Present memberships are applicable for use during the sum- mer…

March 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

Wolverines ahead of the lope sheet with a good chance of oming through Saturday night for mother National Collegiate title. Princeton's medley relay 'team ook the evening's honors as Al Vande Veghe, Dick Hough…

May 26, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…. He played baseball on the near-championship Wolverine nine last year and won his numerals as a freshman. "The examination was perhaps ai little easier than usual, though it was not intentionally so…

May 26, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

… refund may be obtained by calling at the Wolverine at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 5. The above refund will be forfeited after June 1, 1938. Academic Notices Chemistry Colloquium will meet Wednesday, May 26…

March 26, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… champions. Only two teams, however, are rated a chance to upset the great Varsity ag- gregation, Yale and Ohio State. The Wolverines have twice defeated the, Buckeyes, however, and it is doubtful if the Eli…

… year's team,.but there are some very good wrestlers on it, according to Coach Keiiy. Along with the Wolverines at this meet will be Michigan State, Wayne University, the Dearborn A.C., and a few of the…

January 26, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… calls offering help, the of- fices of the American Red Cross in the Wolverine Building and the dairy offices were kept open till midnight yesterday and will be kept open till the same hour tonight if the…

… was the last for the Wolverines until Feb. 13 when they meet Michigan State at East Lansing. Indiana will move into the Field House for an important Confer- ence battle the following Monday. The young…

January 26, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

… been doubled to $830 and as much more as possible. The Washtenaw office of the American Red Cross is in the Wolverine Building and the tele- phone number is 2-1647. Contributions can also be made in Ann…

… of the Wolverines Saturday night. 3. Martin Newcomer who broke his leg while tobogganing with Reed Low, Al Saunders, and Bob Martin in the Arboretum Sunday. Martin stayed off while the others made a…

May 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

…, charged v final stan when the igan State the Spart June 13 a John G assume th4 gan when in its onl~ tomorrow will pitch gan State' hurl the home serie n's 16th Bob Is Sought_ _ Wolverines Lash Larson Will…

…- pionship. The Wolverines strike a death ed only one game this year Hoyt and Cap er State team, while Wes- are looking fo has won both from North the chance to id Michigan. State. outdoo title f vent that…

April 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…:45 a.m. The Rev. Fred Cowin will deliver the sermon. H. L. Pockerill, (continued on Page 3 Michigan Nine Takes 3=2 Win From Badgers Lerner Scores In Ninth On Larson's Blow; Visitors Outhit Wolverines By…

… throw to third. Heyer had scampered home on the play. Wolverines Are Outhit The visiting Wisconsin club outhit the Wolverines six to five but could not produce more than one safe hit in an inning. This…

April 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

… Alan Saunders, junior veteran playing at number three, who carded 74. The Wolverines took seven out of eight singles matches in medal play, while no doubles were played. Has Off Day Woody Malloy…

… Association gave him a and final set. brief trial last season, then released SUMMARIES him to Des Moines, where he expects Singles: to work this coming summer. Moll (I) d. Kahn (M) 6-3, 3-6, 6-4. Wolverines

Wolverine made the trip in vain, each man or team had placed in this, the super-outdoor meet of the season. The Wolverines performed as of twenty-five years ago when Michigan dominated the college track field…

…, strik- ing out eleven batters. super one-mile teams of East, West and South, this Wolverine quartet stepped off the measured mile in 3:18.4 to add the one-mile college relay crown to its long list of…

… the first, fourth and fifth sessions. The Wolverines had a rally started in the fourth when Lerner and Krem- er registered base knocks, but it was cut short when Heyliger lifted to Capicek in center for…

March 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

….m. Transportation will be provided to Wolverine Day Camp (scene of the event). Total expense 50 cents. Stalker Hall Dance: Jacob's Wol- verines, a six-piece orchestra, will play for a dance Friday, March 27. The…

January 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… Townsend Is High Scorer With 11 Points In Fast Contest Wolverines Ahead At HalfBy 16-12 Third Conference Loss Handed Cappon's Team By Norsemen MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 25. - (') - Minnesota's vastly-improved bas…

…- ketball team won its second consec- utive victory in six starts by defeat- ing Michigan, 31 to 26, with a last period rally tonight. The Wolverines led at the half by a 16 to 12 score. John Townsend…

Wolverine's wins to date. His first two pins of the sea- son defeated New York Athletic Club, 18-13, and Franklin and Marshall, 18-16 to make the Eastern inva- sion a success. By virtue of their victory, the…

October 26, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… OgadenTerritory Italians Flying 225 Miles From Capital Tribal Chieftains Reported Joining Invading Ranks After Defeat At Callafo Wolverines Are Favored Over Columbia In First Intersectional Encounmter…

… A r t fLLL " c ur ZJL rLU kTo Sleep) Traditional Rivalry Will Culminate With Annual Events AtFerry Field Plan Cane Spree And Pillow Fight, Wolverine Hopes Rest On His Arm Today Little Shakes Up…

Wolverine running attack. New York fans are pulling for Co- lumbia to stage a comeback from the Lions' disastrous defeat by the heavy Pennsylvania team last Saturday. They remember the 1933 season when…

Wolverine attack will be added when Renner is in the back position, for the Michi- gan captain is capable of doing the team's punting, also, and Kipke had him working at this all week. The quick kick is…

… expected to be a power- ful factor in the Wolverine attack to- morrow. The tricky Columbia offense is not expected to give the Wolverines much trouble after the first few minutes of play when the Michigan…

May 26, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… school Relay Finish As Wolverines' Took Title Stan Birleson, anchor on theX crossing the finish yestcrday in setti for a victory which meant the Big T Chrysler Male I Choir-To Sing Here Tonight Proceeds…

…, clipped .4. ing a new Wt tern Conference record sends in the 220-yard ow hurdles, an en champinship for the Wolverines, jumped 61/8 inches farther than the world's record with a leap of. 26 feet, SCle ents…

February 26, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

Wolverines started playing "race-horse" in the second period when it was evident that the Iowa offense was clicking. John Gee's inconsistent work in the pivot position and his insistence on taking impossible…

… shots ruined Mich- igan's attempted fast-breaking of- fense in the second period and the Wolverines resorted to long shots in futile attempts to score. Rudness opened the scoring with a' follow-up shot in…

April 26, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

Wolverine track- men will entrain tonight for Des Moines, Ia., where they will open their campaign for outdoor track honors at the 25th annual Drake Relays. The final practice before the meet, held yesterday…

… expected to win valuable points for the Wolverines. Widmer "Skip" Etchells, -hailed as an outstanding freshman last year, will open his college career in the discus event. Harvey Patton in the mile relay, Ed…

… organizing a team on which each player will represent a Middlewest brewery. Wolverine Tennis Team Swamps Speedy Sir Thomas Rules y As IDerby Favorte -Associated Press Photo Sir Thomas, although he has…

… meeting of the sea- son for the Wolverines, and accord- ing to the M.S.N.C. players, it was Ypsilanti's first day out of doors. Appelt Outstanding Out of an aggregate of eight sin- gles and four doubles…

… where 'he wanted it. Diminutive Howard Kahn making his first Varsity appearance for the Wolverines put down Herman Strait in what was probably the most col- orful match of the day, 6-0, 6-2. The gallery…

January 26, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sagers End First Semester PLAY & Coach Capon Ohio State Will Start B To Start Four BY-PLAY sophomores By AL N EWMAN ByALNEMA -Wolverines Hope To Gain Interview ..A Second…

… Conference Win Basketball, Baskall Against Co-Champions Play t OCe Sophomore Against Wolverines In Field Mouse AgainstBuckeyes ratng . . . * * * INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 23. - OP) - Al G. Feeney, state…

… squad be- sides Conrad. The Cleveland forward stands six feet, two inches, giv- ing him an advantage over the Wolverine guards. Moxie Padlow, reserve forward, is expected to see action, but Ted Rosequist…

May 26, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… Big Ten standings in its game with Indiana here this afternoon at 4:05. The Wolverines have four Con- ference games left, but if they get by the Hoosiers with a win Coach Ray Fisher believes that they…

… many years. Although holding a margin of only one stroke over Larson of Min- nesota, runner-up last year, in the first two rounds, the Wolverine star managed to outpace the Gopher in the final 36 holes…

… both Michigan State and Ypsi Normal in successive starts, the Wolverines hope to redeem themselves against the, Buckeyes. Coach Johnstone had not determined the make-up of squad i for the Ohio jaunt yet…

… whole, of new men, yet Michigan has to its credit an earlier victory over the Buckeyes. In the homecoming match, held two weeks ago on the Ferry Field courts, the Wolverine netters itook them into camp, 4…

March 26, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… was a member of the world's record 1,600 meter Olympic team, an- chored the Indiana mile relay team to victory. To Speak At Forum Wildcats Nose Out Michigan In National Swimming Meet; Wolverines

… qualified to dis- cuss the subject he has chosen. Wolverines Get 18 Points To Northwestern's 21; Princeton Trails With 13 Degener Wins Dive; Cristy 2nd In 40 Two Champions Defend Titles Successfully; New…

February 26, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

… turned the trick. After the Minne- sota team had turned in three deci- sive victories over the Wolverines, Michigan showed complete disre- 3pect by trouncing the mighty Go-, ;)hers, 3 to 1, and breaking a…

…'championship hopes tonight by con- )f graeantd httoeO urn the Wolverine netmen, 37 he previous game and the crowdh W to 33. stopped play for five minutes when M.ichigan held a two-point advan 3herf scored the first…

May 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

… made just, to get, a glimpse of the man out to Walker, which the mayor New York's millions call "Jirny."I used on a European trip. MICHIGAN NINEIIS ICTOR OVER STATE IN WILD &-3 CAME Wolverines Squash…

… (Special to the Daily) EAST LANSING, May 25. - An outfit of nine fighting Wolverines stemmed a last-minute rallyby Michigfani State's diamond team here this afternoon to win out by a score of 4-3. McNeal was…

May 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… leaving from San Francisco on August 11. A stopover in Honolulu en route will be made in order to get in a series with the University of Ha- waii's squad. Once in Japan, the Wolverines will start…

… sop- inlass "A", the D.U.'s in class "1B," i 1 tshri iton -- .- ---- 22 13 691) Wolverine ntters swept every one arate calendars gives in review the and A.K.L. in class "C." The Phy- ¢i'r iL..........8…

March 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…ARE CLOSE SECOND AS O'NE NATIONAL MARK. ANDU THREE MEETRE11CORDS FALL Cardinals Place Eight Men to Wolverines' Six; Clapp Sets New 1500-Meter Record; Degener Leads Divers By Sheldon C. Fullerton…

…, were waging a hot battle to stay ahead of the field. Following shortly on the heels of the Cardinals and Wolverines were Princeton and Northwestern, each of which placed four men in the finals. Navy…

… this event the Wolverine flash nosed out the sen- sational Walter Spence of Rutgers by three-fifths of a second. The other record to fall in yester- day's assault was shattered by Mer- ton Wilcox, of…

January 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…AY, JANUARY 26, 1932 _ T MICIGA TL -'- agers CommencePractice for Strong Ohio 11E9LB AFTER LOSS NGOPHER(CURT JIlness of Hank Weiss Puts Him off Form, Weakening Defense of Wolverine Team…

… took them down, 30 to 26, the Wolverines went1 through a rigorous scrimmage ses- ssion yesterday in preparation for their invasion of the Buckeye state an Thursday. The reverse at Minnesota evened the…

… series between the two teams as the Wolverines annexed the first ' game in Ann Arbor. The Gophers had. a smooth working defensive machine on the floor Saturday which held the Michigan basket jshooters in…

Wolverines will be meeting one of the strongest quintets in the conference when' theyedgo n the floor Thursday night in Columbus. R q Ohio State has dropped only one ga'me in four Big Ten starts and tht as by…

… fact that tank stars of Detroit Yacht Club forced an even division of honors as far as first places in the individual events were concerned, with three each, the Wolverine natators were able to chalk up…

November 26, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…'ritehayd .Joseph Reiiihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker R. Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Rardien Dorothy Rundell Elma Wadsworta Josephine Woodhama EDTOAL COMMENT OUR GENIAL WOLVERINE HOSTS…

… deluge.. Coach Thistle- thwaite, who has been a good sportsman throughout a trying situation, no doubt is prepared to be kissed on both cheeks:' We hope he kisses the Wolverines- about 21 to' 0. .That…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 7

… calming Ohio State. The Buckeyes defeated Northwestern last Satur- day 4 to 1. These two wins mark the Buckeyes as a hard nut to crack today. Butler wyas the hardest hitting Wolverine yesterday in the prac…

…. No other games scheduled. COACHES DRAFT NEW GRID CARD Maroons, Illin, Tigers, Spartans to Play Michigan Here. (Continued from Page 6) Wolverines will first encounter Michigan State here. Following…

… after the Illinois clash Princeton will come west to play a return game with the Wolverines. Michigan will then go to Indiana, entertain Chicago here, and close the season in a game at Minnesota…

… little i i the next one he bit and Johnston ip. The Wolverine °d out on a love set ast set. Brace captured the for the Wolves by -3, 8-6. The Michi- ed his usual brand 'hen he bore down vas no match for…

April 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…. partially held at bay by Compton use him as the Wolverine's second string hurler this year, employing Cleveland-Chicago, no game, cold. him in center field when he is not working on the mound in order to…

… YESTERDAY crowd. The victory was Hoyt's first 'n the field for the Wolverines in' Simmons ...............Athletics after two unsuccessful starts in pre- the past. Alexander .................. Tigers vious…

February 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 102) • Page Image 7

… they met the Wolverines last time. Michigan's squad conpleted its practice last night and the men l will now take a rest today before starting the series with tomorrow night's game. In this way they will…

…) mark of 1:14 which the Pur- pie team had set a few weeks previous. In three dual Conference meets the present Wolverine swimmers have been beaten by only one man, Sewell to Catch. Luke Sewell, veteran…

April 26, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… southl Ferry field before a crowd of 2,-! 500 fans. For 11 innings Joe Holtz- ; man of the Wolverines and Balsley of the Orange eggdin a pitch- er'stbattle, neiti ec.flowing a run to cross plate. Daniels…

… twelfth. Only five Wolverines reached first base in the first 11 in- Negative Team Wins Champion- nings off Balsley's delivery, as a re- ship on Question of Judge sult of three hits, a walk and a force play…

… Hudson. The question: Resolved that a judge orj big first baseman was all over the r infield. Norm Daniels made the only board of judges be substituted for Wolverine error when 'he threw low the jury in…

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