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January 26, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-26

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The Weatlie
Fair and colder, central and
East portions today; tomorrow
unsettled with rising tempera-
ture, snow by night.

a . r

Lit iguuF


Disaster And An Appeal .. .
Cold Doping ...



Michigan Will
Lose Prestige
Unless Funds
Are Enlargeld
Regents Facing Problem
Of Limiting Enrollment
Or Getting Funds
President's Report
For '35-'36 Is Issued
The University of Michigan will
lose standing as an educational insti-
tution unless faculty salaries and de-
partmental staffs are "immediately"
enlarged to provide for a growing en-
rollment, President Ruthven declared
in his 1935-36 report to the Board of
Regents, released yesterday.
Such increases, the report said, are
of "immediate importance." The
rapidly growing enrollment, it assert-
ed, "also means that the Regents
must decide between limiting enroll-
ment and requesting increased appro-
Income Must Precede
"We believe the best interests of
education can be served only by re-
fusing, first, to expand departmental
staffs at the expense of salaries and,
second, to accept students in excess
of the number which can be given
adequate instruction by a properly
paid staff," he stated. "In other
words, increased income should pre-
cede, not follow, increased enroll-
He pointed out that the income
from the legislature is still $120,-
359.35 less than the amount received
in 1932-33, when the attendance
was 13,257 as compared to last year's
attendance of 16,040.
Rooming Situation Acute
"The student-rooming situation
has become acute," President Ruth-
ven said. "The removal of rooming
houses in the vicinity of the campus
occasioned by the growth of the Uni-
versity, the increase in the number,
of. families living in apartments, and
other factors have decreased the
number of available rooms, whereas
the demand for them has increased.
The construction of dormitories for
women has aided the condition to
some extent, but, nevertheless, there
has developed a serious shortage of
rooms. The only practical solution
for this problem is the building of
dormitories for men and additional
dormitories for women."
Dormitories Contemplated
President Ruthven reported that a
plan has been matured which con-
templates a group of dormitories
about the Union.
The addition' to the Union, now
under construction, "will relieve the
congestion and provide quarters long
needed by the University Club," he,
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley reported to President Ruthven
that "The need for dormitories here
at Michigan is not a new one but
is becoming more acute each year,
and has now reached a point where
some definite steps must be taken
to meet this need. Otherwise we will
face the almost certain probability
(Continued on Page 2)
Current E v e n t s
To Be Topic Of
H.V. Kaltenborni
News Commentator Has

Broadcast Events From
Many Countries
H. V. Kaltenborn, veteran news
commentator for the Columbia
Broadcasting System, will speak on
"Events of Today" in the sixth Ora-
torical Asociation lecture of the cur-
rent season at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Kaltenborn, who has been a
radio news analyst since 1922, will
give an experienced editor's bird's-
eye survey of the topics which dom-
inate today's front page.
He returned recently from Buenos
Aires where he broadcast the Pan-
American Peace Conference. He also
broadcast the two major political
conventions during the summer and
the president's inauguration cere-
monies last week.
Mr. Kaltenborn has had long ex-
perience in writing, editing and
broadcasting news, although he has
at various times been a private tutor
and a traveling salesman in France.
In 1902 he started as reporter on the
Sroonklvn Eagle a~nd served sucesn-

B us Boys At Union
To Prove Solidarity
With 'Ensian Page
"The boys working in the Union
Thap Room stick together pretty close,
just like a fraternity. So we wanted
a picture in the 'Ensian, the same as
the other fraternities," Howard R.
Davidson, Jr., '37, one of the workers
said yesterday.
Davidson was explaining why the
Union bus boys took a page with
their picture in the 1937 'Ensian, the
first time this has ever been done.
"Also there's plenty of rivalry be-
tween the boys in the Tap Room
and the waiters upstairs and we cer-
tainly put one over on the waiters
with this page in the year book.
Then we wanted to show that we're
not ashamed of working and also that
we're not all athletes, 10 out of 30
But really, they're a pretty good
bunch of fellows and they all wanted
something to remember each other
by," Davidson said.
Bus Submerges
In Everglades;
17 Drowned

Passengers Are
In Seats As
Sinks In Canal


MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 25.-(P)-An ex-
press bus plunged from the Tamiami
Trail today, carrying 17 of its 30 pas-
sengers, many of them northern tour-
ists, to death by drowning in the
The big vehicle overturned and
rolled into a 12-foot deep canal which
parallels the lonely highway across
the southern end of the peninsula.
It was the worst tragedy in the trans-
portation history of the state.
Besides the thirteen passengers who
escaped, the driver and a negro porter
were saved. One victim was listed as
Mrs. Sarah House, 53, of Detroit.
The passengers were trapped in
their seats as the bus sank in the
stream, where Seminoles pole their
dugouts and hunt for alligators. Only
a corner of the roof remained above
the water.
The driver, Bill Hammond, 23, of
Tampa, who escaped with slight cuts,
said he thought the steering gear
Choir Concert
Tickets Go On
General Sale
Chrysler Employes Will
Sing Here Feb. 14; Dorm
Fund To Get Proceeds
Tickets will go on sale today at
the Union and at Wahr's for the
Chrysler Choir concert which will be
held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14 in Hill
Auditorium, according to Gilbert'
Tilles, '37, chairman of the publicity
Plans are being completed for the
concert by the Glee Club under the
direction of Prof David E. Mattern,
director and Edward L. Sinclair, '37E,
business manager of the Glee Club.
The concert is being sponsored by
the Glee Club, the University Musical
Society, and the Men's committee on
Dormitories. The proceeds from the
concert will go to the dormitory fund.
The choir has 215 members and is
directed by Thomas Lewis, assistant
director of personnel at the Chrysler
Corp. Membership in the choir does
not require professional training, but
the prospective member must show
that he has a desire to sing. The
choir is made up of executives, de-
partment foremen, clerks, and me-
chanics in the Chrysler Corp.
On Dec. 16 the choir appeared in
concert with the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra. It was the first time that
a men's chorus had ever sung with
the orchestra.
After the concert a dinner will be
given for members of the Choir and
Glee Club at the Union. President
Ruthven and Walter P. Chrysler,
resident of the Chrysler Corp., have
been invited to attend.
Thomas To Speak
On 'Social Unrest'
Norman Thomas, socialist candi-
date for president in the last elec-
tion will sneak at3 nm atirdav.

Perkins' Bid
Not Accepted
By GM Head
Disgruntled Lewis Accepts
Invitation To Automobile
Peace Conference
LaFollette Group
Subpoenas Boysen
NEW YORK, Jan. 25.-(P)-Alfred
1 P. Sloan, Jr., president of the General
Motors Corporation, tonight declined
an invitation from Secretary of La-
bor Frances Perkins to a conference
in Washington Wednesday to nego-
tiate a settlement of the General
Motors Strike.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(P)-
John L. Lewis expects to attend Sec-
retary Perkins' automobile peace con-
ference Wednesday, but informed
persons said tonight that he is ex-
tremely displeased with the terms
of the invitation.
Miss Perkins called Lewis, repre-
sentatives of the striking United Au-
tomobile workers and General Mo-
tors officials to consider renewal of
negotiations "which had been sched-
uled to take place in Michigan" last
Makes No Statement
Though Lewis would make no
statement today, he was said to feel
that the secretary wants the union
and the corporation to renew the
"Lansing agreement." This stipu-
lated that sit-down strikers evacuate
all plants and that both sides ne-
gotiate toward a working agreement.
Lewis no longer is satisfied with
this program. He has said it would
give the corporation an opportunity
to "double cross" the union. Last
week he said the corporation at-
tempted to "double cross" the union
under the Lansing accord by arrang-
ing to confer with the Flint alliance,
a group opposed to the strike.
A Main Point
The question whether the United
Automobile Workers are to represent
all General Motors employes \for
collective bargaining purposes is
point seven in the eight-point ne-
gotiating program approved in Lan-
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.- (A) -
The LaFollette civil liberties commit-
tee extended its investigation to the
General Motors sit-down strike to-
night. It announced that it has
served subpoenas on George A. Boy-
sen, president of the Flint Alliance,
and several Flint law enforcement of-
Announcement was made after a
day of testimony in which the Gener-
al Motors Corporation, the Chrysler
Corporation and other large manu-
facturing plants were named as cli-
ents of the corporation auxiliary com-
pany. Senatorial, investigators de-
scribed the latter concern as an in-
dustrial espionage agency.
Chrysler Motors Company officials
are under subp oena to appear to-
morrow to describe their relations
with the agency.
Clarif ication
Group To Hear
Gov. Frank Murphy, Prof. Robert
Cushman of Cornell University Pres-

ident Hutchins of Chicago University
and Dr. Lloyd K. Garrison of the
University of Wisconsin Law School
are expected to speak before the first
session of the National Committee to
Clarify the Constitution by Amend-
ment on Feb. 1 in Detroit, it was an-
The National Committee recently
accepted the invitation of the Mich-
igan chapter of the newly-formed or-
ganization to hold its meeting in De-
troit. The chairman of the Mich-
igan committee is George J. Burke
of Ann Arbor and Prof. Robert C.
Angell of the sociology department
is a member of the Michigan chapter.
Michigan is one of the few states
having chapters of the National Com-
mittee. New York and Rhode Island
also have organizations to support
the proposed amendment, the first
draft of which has been completed
but has not yet been made public.
Delegates, however, from all the
states have been requested to attend
the Detroit meeting. The Michigan
chapter was organized early this
month and includes members repre-
senting civic, labor and social inter-

Local, I
4 Trucks Laden With Food
And Clothing Leave For
Inundated Districts
Three More Being
Dispatched Today
Radio Appeal Gives Local
Dairyman Idea; Farmers
Bring InProducts
After an offer made over radio sta-
tions WWJ and WJR yesterday to
provide trucking for food and cloth-
ing contributed to flood sufferers, the
Dhu Varren Dairy of Ann Arbor dis-
patched four trucks filled with food
and clothing to the flood area yes-
terday and will send three more to-
day, according to E. A. Hunter, owner
of the dairy.
A plea for food and clothing broad-
cast over WHAS, Louisville, gave
Hunter the idea, he said, and so he
had the two Detroit stations an-
nounce his willingness to provide
transportation for food and clothing.
More than 1,000 telephone calls have
been received since from as far as
Flint, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Detroit
and many from Ann Arbor, Conrad
Ottenfeld, secretary of the company
Call 2-2511
Contributions will be picked up in
Ann Arbor if you call 2-2511, Otten-
feld said. Warm clothing and food
are the contributions that will be
most useful, Ottenfeld said.
Contributions already received have
been multifarious, including hundreds
of candles, a half dozen pairs of
underwear, bedding and mattresses,
one hundred sweaters, dry goods,
medical supplies, bandages, and more
than two tons of food, Ottenfeld said.
Farmers Respond
Farmers have responded to the
radio transmitted call for aid, several
of them coming in to Ann Arbor from
the outlying country to bring potatoes
and other farm products, Ottenfeld
said. "The response has been most
gratifying,' Ottenfeld said, "Nt only
from the standpoint of the food and
clothing given but also the trucks
offered to us by several Ann Arbor
Student response to the call for
help has been largely in the form of
offers to serve as relief drivers for
the trucks going to the flood area,
according to Ottenfeld, who has re-
ceived quite a few of these offers and
considers them a commendable ex-
hibition of charity in the face of final
Makes Plea For Trucks
Because of the large number of
telephone calls offering help, the of-
fices of the American Red Cross in
the Wolverine Building and the dairy
offices were kept open till midnight
yesterday and will be kept open till
the same hour tonight if the circum-
stances require it, officials said late
last night.
Ottenfeld made a plea for trucks
yesterday and said that he would be
able to supply relief drivers. The
trucks that left yesterday and those
that will go today will carry papers
from the sheriff's office permitting
them to pass into the area beyond
Indianapolis that is under martial
law. Several of the trucks are radio
equipped, Ottenfeld said, to facilitate
their reaching the areas that are most
in need of food and clothing.
League Makes
No Statement

About Wages
The management of the Michigan
League yesterday declined to com-
ment on the Daily editorial in Sat-
urday's paper entitled "An Open Let-
ter to the League," in which were
given nine questions, the answers to
which reporters had been unable to
Mrs. Ellen S. Stanley, business
manager of the League refused to
make a statement, saying that the
Board of Governors had delegated
Prof. Henry C. Anderson, chairman
of that body, and head of the me-

Families Are In No Danger
Although Many Cities
Lack LightAnd Water
Students from flooded Cincinnati,
Frankfort, Lexington, and Louisville
told The Daily last night of reassur-
ing telegrams from home sent by
fathers who were unable to go to the
office and mothers who had scarcely
any water with which to do the wash-
ing and no electricity to run the ice
box and vacuum cleaner.
Walter Pritz, '40, called his home
last night and learned from his f a-
ther that his store had been flooded
and that his father had entered the
second story window in a row boat
yesterday morning.
Several students from Frankfort
reported that though the town was
marooned their families were in no
immediate danger. One student's
brother declared that with the stop-
ping of the electricity the cost of
kerosene lamps had mounted to from
$8 to $10 and that ordinarily cheap
whiskey went on bootleg sale for
$10 a pint.
Dr. Raphael Isaacs of the Simp-
son Memorial Institute learned
through a telephone conversation
with friends in Cincinnati last night
that they were safe but compelled
by proclamation of the city govern-
ment to stay at home and use but
one electric light.
A refugee of the swollen Ohio, Ted
Wuerful, '38, arrived in Ann Arbor
from Cincinnati withhistwife and
children last night after the school
at which he taught had been closed.
Wuerful told of the remarkable quiet-
Entry In Union
B y Legislature
Throughout the state, today marks
the official terminus of all celebra-
tions commemorating the admission
of Michigan into the Union, with
the climaxing ceremonies taking place
in Lansing where the Legislature will
meet in joint session, affording a lull
amid the frenzied activities of the
During the past two years Mich-
igan in approximately 250 ceremonies
has been celebrating various events
connected with Michigan's admission
to the Union but today, exactly 100
years after President Andrew Jack-
son signed the act of Congress admit-
ting 'Michigan to full-fledged mem-
bership in the Union, will mark the
last to be held in the State.
The University of Michigan, also,
is observing a centennial this year,
the ceremonies of which will be held
later in the year. In 1837 the Uni-
versity of Michigan was first moved
from Detroit to Ann Arbor, although
being an incorporated University for
20 years previously.
In Lansing the Legislature will hear
an address by former Gov. Chase S.
Osborn. President Ruthven, just re-
covered from an illness, will leave
early today to attend the centennial
celebrations in Lansing.
The President's office, in observing
the event at the University of Mich-
igan, issued the following statement
"Today the Legislature of the State
is commemorating, by appropriate
proceedings, the 100th anniversary of
the formal admission of Michigan to
the American Union. Not as old in
years as some of her sisters, Michigan
has had a picturesque and eventful
history. She can pride herself upon
her natural resources and her re-
markably rapid rise to a leading place
in the nation's industry.
"The year which marked the en-
trance of Michigan to the Union was
also the one in which the University
of Michigan, already 20 years old was
brought from Detroit to Ann Arbor,

an event, the centenary of which we
are celebrating in June.
"As our minds go back to these
(Continued on Page 6)

ness that characterizes the flood
among natural catastrophies, of its
stealth in creeping up to second story
windows and its defiance to any
feeble intervention on the part of
Like many another flood victim, he
extolled the good spirit that had per-
vaded Cincinnati as the flood invaded
it. The people were asked to stay
at home and did, Wuerful said. The
generosity of the Krogers, who live!
in Cincinnati, was likewise gratify-
ing, for they are distributing food
to all flood sufferers.
One of the most tragic aspects of
the flood is the plight of people who
eke out a meagre living and find
themselves left destitute by the flood,
Wuerful said. The casualties are re-
(Continued on Page 2)
Varsity Cagers
Defeat Chicago
In Dull Contest
32-19 Win Lifts Michigan
Into Fourth-Place Tie;
Townsend High Scorer
(Daily Sports Editor)
Michigan's in-and-out basketball
team went into a fourth-place tie
with Minnesota in the Big Ten stand-
ings last night in Yost Field House
by winning easily from a discouraged
Chicago five, 32 to 19, before a small
crowd of 3,000.
Last night's contest with the cel-
lar-place Maroons was the last for
the Wolverines until Feb. 13 when
they meet Michigan State at East
Lansing. Indiana will move into the
Field House for an important Confer-
ence battle the following Monday.
The young Chicago five led through
14 minutes of a sluggish first half
until Jake Townsend put the Wolver-
ines ahead, six to five, with a follow-
in of his own shot. From this point
on the game was all Michigan's, and
only the inability of Coach Cappon's
men to connect with anymore than
one-fourth of their attempts from
the field held the score down.
Townsend led both teams in scor-
ing with nine points and moved into
a tie for third place in the Conference
standing with Mike McMichael of
Northwestern. Both now boast a
total of 54 points and trail Jewell
Young of Purdue and Bud Combes
of Illinois, who have 75 and 57 points,
Bill Barclay was close behind Jake
with eight counters, followed by Capt.
Jhn Gee and Herm Fishman who col-
lected five apiece. Sophomore Bob
Casels, who went into the game as a
substitute forward during the sec-
ond half, led the Maroons with five
Coach Nels Norgen's "shuttle" of-
fense moved fat, but could not pene-
fense moved fast, but could not pene-
checking defense. The Varsity worked
the ball in regularly, but cashed in
(Continued on Page 3)
Brown Supports
Increase In Relief
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(GE)-
Senator Prentiss M. Brown, Mich-
igan Democrat, said today he would
support the demands of a group of
western senators for a $940,000,000
instead of a $790,000,000 relief appro-
Brown said Michigan conditions
may warrant an insrease in the pro-
jected appropriation for WPA instead
of a reduction because of layoffs in
industrial employment caused by the
motor industry strike.
The WPA schedule for reducing the
employment in Michigan during the

next five months, while not rigid, was
based, according to WPA authorities,
on improving farm and business con-
Two hundred additional .T--on

Students From Stricken Areas
Receive Reassuring Telegrams

500,000 Left Homeless As Record
'Flood Sweeps Toward Mississippi;

ief Rushed To Sufferers

Ohio Hits Unprecedented
Heights As Death Total
Reaches 100 Mark
Disease Menaces
Wide Flood Areas
Governor Chandler Calls
Martial Law To Combat
Pestilence And Panic
(By The Associated Press)
The greatest flood of all time on the
Mississippi River, rolled up by the
mighty volume of water pouring down
the still-rising Ohio, was predicted
last night.
Lt. Col. Eugene Reybold, district
chief of army engineers at Memphis,
told a conference of levee men, rail-
road officials and National Guards-
"A super flood is on the way. There
will be 55 feet in Memphis before the
water now in sight from the Ohio
moves out."
He predicted a crest almost 10 feet
above the highest ever recorded.
As he spoke, the Ohio, creeping
ever higher to unprecedented levels
along the 950-mile stretch of its rich
The following telegram was re-
ceived late last night by Louis
Ayres, head of the local chapter
of the American Red Cross from
Cary Grayson, national presi-
Louis E. Ayres,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Because relief need in flooded
areas at Ohio and Mississippi
valleys increasing every hour as
continued rains send rivers to
highest levels in history with
more than 400,000 persons driven
from homes urge you double
your relief fund quota and go as
far beyond the double figure as
possible. We are contributing a
million dollars from national
funds stop 300 Red Cross relief
workers now in disaster areas
giving immediate emergency re-
lief to flood refugees. Three
hundred and fifty Red Cross
nurses in field engaged in battle
against fear epidemics. Food,
clothing, bedding, and medical
supplies being rushed by train,
truck and boat. Rescue work
continuing at top speed. Please
intensify you campaign efforts
and keep midwestern office ad-
vised daily of amount raised stop
Feel confident your people will
not fail in this great national
emergency stop
Cary Grayson
valley from Pittsburgh, to Cairo, Ill.,
rolled slowly southward toward the
lower Mississippi's 10-year-old un-
tested levee system.
Cincinnati, Louisville, Paducah,
Ky., Evansville, Ind., and many other
cities in the Ohio valley had been
hard and tragically hit.
Altogether more than half a mil-
lion residents were homeless.
The dead numbered around 10.
How other hundreds -perhaps
Sthousands-had fared was in fright-
ening doubt.
The evacuation of thousands of
persons went forward as fast as pos-
sible at scores of points.
At the insistent request bf Gov-
ernor A. B. Chandler of Kentucky
the war department ordered Federal
troops into stricken Louisville and
Frankfort, Ky., to combat pestilence
and panic. Martial law already had
been declared there as in other of
the hardest hit areas, and the Ohio
governor said it was inevitable for
Water and power systems had

broken down, making more difficult
(Continued on Page 4)
'SnOW Train' May
Be Run To Cadillac
Tentative plans for running a snow
train in February between Ann Arbor
and Cadillac were announced yester-

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