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October 26, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-26

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Cloudy, light drizzle today;
rain tomorrow.

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College Students
AMd -AWar Call

VOL. L. No. 28





Harwood Is Elected)
Chairman Of JHop
12 OthersWin Posts

Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt
If ever the youth of America had a friend, it is Mrs.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
In the past seven years, as wife of the President of the
United States, and as an active worker, writer and speaker,
she has proven herself a staunch and consistent supporter of
the interests of young people and youth movements.
Nor is her interest in the welfare of American youth a
recent or isolated phenomenon: It arises out of a deep social
conscience that has led her spiritedly to defend all of our
democratic rights. She is an inspiring example of the dem-
ocratic faith in action.
The Michigan Daily considers it an honor to welcome
'her to the University of Michigan.

State Department Assu

Captured American


Safe Aboard City Of Fun

U -

Contests Marked By Close
Balloting In All Schools;
Vote Of 500 Recorded
S oh PromResults
Will Be Delayed

Fish WillSpeak
At Engineering

Russia Legally Obliged To Release
City Of Flint,' Preuss Declares.

Three Alternatives
USSR; Precedent
By Similar 1917


Mrs. Roosevelt
Gives Opening
Lecture Today
'First Lady' Will Speak
On Human Relations
To Capacity Crowd
Five thousand persons will mass
in Hill Auditorium tonight to hear
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt open this7
year's University Oratorical Asso-I
ciation series with a lecture on "The;
Relationship of the Individual to the
The lecture, to begin at 8:15 p.m.,
will have the largest attendance in
the Oratorical Association's history.;
All advance sales records have bee;
broken for the entire eight-lecture
series as well as tonight's lecture.-
A few single admissions will be on
sale from 10 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. today
at the Hill Auditorium boxoffice.
Only standing room is available on;
the first two floors.
Mrs. Roosevelt will arrive here this
morning. and will stay at President.
Ruthven's home until evening. She
will leave Ann Arbor immediately
after her talk.
It will be the First Lady's first'
visit to Ann Arbor.
'Jan Masaryk, son of the first presi-
dent of Czechoslovakia and former
Czech minister to Great Britain, will
deliver the second Oratorical lecture
on Nov. 14.
MUNCIE, Ind., Oct. 25.-(W)-Mrs.-
Eleanor Roosevelt, arrivng here today
for a speaking engagement, was asked
by a newspaperman how she would
like to be vice-president.
"I am not a candidate for any pub-
lic office," the First Lady replied.
"The Vice-President has to preside
over the Senate, and I would know
nothing about that. That has al-
ways been a man's job."
More Than 25 Attend
Initial Alpha Nu Meeting
More than 25 public speakers at-
tended the organization meeting of
Alpha Nu, men's speech organization,
last night in the Alpha Nu Room in
Angell Hall at the first gathering of
the club in two years.
"Your Voice Is My Business" will,
be discussed at an open meeting of
the club Friday, Nov. 3, by E. A.
McFaul of the University of Detroit.

Press Club
Will Convene
Here 'Today
Vandenberg And Murphy
To Mal Appearance
At Roundtable Meeting
More than 35d' editors and pub-
lishers have indicated their inten-
tion of participating in the 21st an-
nual, convention of the University.
Press Club today through Saturday
in the Union.
They will come from all over the
State- for the three-day program
sponsored by the journalism depart-
ment.s Highlighting the three-days
of discussion on newspaper problems
and foreign and national affairs will
be the appearance at a roundtable
meeting of Sen. Arthur H.,Vanden-
berg and Attorney General Frank
Prof: John L. Brumm, in charge
of the program, declared yesterday
that. he had .contacted. Franklin P.
Adams, columnist for the New York
Post and former University student,
who is coming to th Yale game Sat-
urday,. butas. as received no
word that Adams will attend the con-
After registration this morning, the
members of the club will assemble in
the Union ballroom to hear the pres-
identical address by Arthur W. Stace
editor of the Ann Arbor News, and
a forum on foreign affairs led by
Drew Pearson, co-author of the
Washington Merry-Go-Round,? Prof.
Preston Slosson, of the history de-
partment and Prof. C. F. Remer of
the economics department.
President Ruthven will deliver the
welcoming address in the Union at
6 p.m. A short informal program of
music by Prof. Hardin Van Deursen
and Ava Comin Case of the School
of Music will be given before the
members adjourn to HillAuditorium
for Mrs. Roosevelt's lecture.
Attorney General Murphy and
Senator Vandenberg will direct the
roundtable on national affairs at
2:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union
Friday morning Donald J. Sterling,
president of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors, and S.L.A. Mar-
shall, editorial writer for the Detroit
INews, will speak.

Russia is legally obligated to re-
lease the American freighter, "City
of Flint," which was captured by Ger-
mans and taken to Murmansk, Rus-
sia, Monday, even though the ship
may have been rightfully seized, Prof.
Lawrence Preuss,. of the political sci-
ence department declared yesterday.
Basing his interpretation on ar-
ticles adopted in European and
American treaties, Professor Preuss
Student Senate
WHilHold Rally
For Candidates


decided that there are three alterna-
tives facing Russia. (1) Russia may
admit that it is at war, and may then
legally retain the ship; (2) She may
hold to Article 23 of the Hague Con-
vention of 1907, or (3) She may
recognize the American interpreta-
tion of International Law and release
the City of Flint.
Defining the problem as one' of an
American vesselbound for a belli-
gerent port being seized by another
belligerent and taken to a neutral
port, Professor Preuss cited agree-
went reached at various international
conferences, relative to. this question.
In 1907, Article 23, of the Hague.Con-'
vention, stating that a neutral power'
may allow war prizes taken on the
seas to enter its ports and there to be.
sequestrated pending the decision of
a court called to settle the case, was
passed by Germany and Russia, but'
opposed by Great Britain. The Unit-
ed States declined to vote on the
article,.but in ratifying the entire
set of articles adopted at the con-
vention, made a reservation denying
the right of belligerents to dock
prizes of war in neutral ports.
During the World War a case sim-
ilar to that of the City of Flint arose'
in the United States, Professor Preuss
reminded. In 1917 the English ship
"Appam" was apprehended by the
German vessel "Moewe" and taken
to a United States port. The case
was brought before the Supreme
Court The Court's decision, which
(Continued on Page 7)
Ruthven Dinner-
Plans Finished;
Tickets On Sale

Government' To Pursue
Case To Logical End,
Hull Informs Reporters
German Prize Crew
Reported Released
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.- (P) -
Ambassador Laurence L. Steinhardt
reported to the State Department to-
night thatthe Foreign Office at Mos-
cow had assured him the American
officers and crew of the City of Flint
were safe' aboard the vessel at Mur-
The State Department made public
Steinhardt's report that the crew
was'safe immediately upon its receipt
MOSCOW, Oct. 25.-(JP)-Tass,
Soviet news agency, said tonight
that ".ccording to reports from
Murmansk" the German prize
crew of the Vnited States freight-
er City of Flint has been released
from internment.
The agency said that "for the
time being" the steamer will re-
main at Murmansk for "precise
verification of the composition of
its cargo."

Kalaw Speaks
On Philippines
Assembly Member To Talk
At 4:15 P.M. Today
Dr. Maximo Kalaw, member of the
Philippine National Assembly and
former Dean in the College of the
Philippines will deliver a University
lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in Natural
Science Auditorium.
Dr. Kalaw's lecture, sponsored by
the political science department, will
be on "American-Philippines Rela-
tions in the Present Crisis."
As chairman of the unicameral As-
sembly's appropriations committee
and as leader of its independent fac-
tion, Dr. Kalaw is said to have played
an important part in determining the
policies of the new Philippine gov-
He studied political science at the
University of Wisconsin after a period
as secretary to Manuel L. Quezon,
now Philippine president. In 1923,
Dr. Kalaw exchanged chairs with
Prof. Joseph Hayden of Michigan's
political science department and re-
ceived a Ph.D. in political science
ASU Commission
Schedules Meetings'
A schedule of two meetings of the
American Student Union was plan-
ned by the commission yesterday. The

student dinner in the Union yester-
An informal discussion of the rela-
tionship between the "human prob-
lem" and the engineer by Mr. Fisk
featured the student dinner last
night. He pointed out that a com-
prehension of, and a solution to, the
human problem, i.e., the problem of
how to effect and keep friendships,
is a prerequisite for success in en-
gineering personnel. .
He went on to illustrate how a'con-
formity to engineering ethics is
necessary for success in the engineer-
ing sales field. This was done by
drawing from a rich store of examples
in his own experience, showing that
repeated violations of professional
practices will ultimately result in
blacklist of the salesman by his pros-
pective customers.
"'Businesshas to be ethical to sur-
vive" was Mr. Fisk's message to the
engineers. "Without ethics there is
suspicion, and with ethics there is
good will."
"Cases" were handed out to the stu-
dents representing hypothetical in-
stances where a knowledge of "what's
right" was involved in selling, and
general discussion on the cases fol-
The campus is the place to begin.
studying the problem of human rela-
tionship, Mr. Fisk concluded, in order
to achieve earliest an effective un-
derstanding of its complexities and to
best grasp its possibilities.
A member of Tau Beta Pi and
Hermitage fraternities, Fisk also held
positions on the financial committee
of the Senior Class. He is now affili-
ated with the Hyatt Bearing division
of General Motors in Harrison, N.J.
Members of the student committee
on engineering practices are H. R.
Stedding, Joseph Dieppenbrock, Rob-
ert Hermann and Wade Flaherty,
all '40B.
Neutrality Changes
Defeated In Senate
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.--(P)-Big
Senate majorities bowled over one
Neutrality Bill amendment after an-
other today, disclosing a firm dispo-
sition on the part of the administra-
tion to stick to the bill as it now is
and submit it to the House in that
In rapid fire fashion the Senate
&" - ,...aw.~ 1rmn y,ยข,Qctn04sa'.t nhvn.

Platforms Will Be Read;
Group To Debate Senate'
Plans For Coming Year;
Plans for a public Election Rally,'
8 p.m. next Wednesday to be attend-
ed by all the candidates for the Stu-
dent Senate election Nov. 3, were
announced at the preelection meet-
ing of the Senate last night.
Candidates who wish to attend
should notify the Senate office, 302,
Union, before 6 p.m. Monday.
Sen. Harold Osterweil, '41, chair-
man of the Rally Committee, an-
nounced that candidates will pre-
sent their platforms at the Rally and
that one of the honorary faculty
members has been asked to speak.
Half of the rally will be devoted to a
general discussion from the floor to
determine a Senate program for the
coming year. Speaker James Dues-
enberry, Grad., will act as chairman,
and it is expected that Honorary
Senator Robert Rosa, Grad., will
speak briefly on the activities of the
"By means of this meeting, which
will be in fact, a sort of one-panel
Parley, we hope to give the voters
a basis for more intelligent voting,"
Senator Osterweil said.
Meanwhile ,the number of pety-
tions filed at the Senate office has
not been too encouraging. Accord-
ing to Norman A. Schorr, '40, and
Stuart Knox, '40, co-directors of the
election, petitions may still be filed
from 4 to 6 p.m: today and tomorrow
at the Senate office. Candidates are
also urged, the directors said, to turn
in their platforms before 1 p.m. Mon-
day for publication in the special
Battle Page of the Daily.



hiere, and indicated further details
were expected within a short time.
The status of the crew had been
the principal concern of authorities
since the City of Flint was seized by
a German raider.
The remainder of Steinhardt's bare
report that the American crew was
safe, however, dealt with information
that the German prize crew had been
released from interment and gave no
further details of the Americans.
.Secretary Hull. told reporters that
the government would follow the case
through to its logical conclusion from
the standpoint of international law
and American rights. He did not
amplify this statement, saying he
preferred to wait until all the facts
were ascertained before announcing
the principles of international law
upon which the United States would
base its case.

'Miss America' Will Visit Campus;
Yale Men Snatch At Sorority's Bait

School And Alumni Units
To Assist Tomorrow
In Anniversary Festival
Students, faculty, alumni and
townspeople are applying finishing
touches to program and other ar-
rangements with such dispatch as to
assure complete success of the Ruth-
ven Anniversary Dinner, which will
begin. at 7 p.m. tomorrow in Yost
Field House, Joseph C. Hooper, '23L,
general chairman, reported yester-
All remaining tickets, priced at
$1.50; may be purchased at the Union
desk today and tomorrow, Earl H.
Cress, '20, chairman of ticket sales,
Completion of last minute program
arrangements still hinges on the pos-
sible appearance of Senator Arthur
H. Vandenberg, Arthur W. Stace,
program chairman, said. In the
event that the Senate's drive for a
speedy vote on the neutrality issue
does not conflict with the Ruthven
celebration, the Senator plans to fly
from Washington to Detroit. He has
already arranged for a motorcycle
escort to bring him here from De-
troit as soon as possible.
More than 1,000 students partici-
pated last nightin a dress rehearsal
of the pageant, to be given immediate-
ly following the dinner tomorrow.
Details of the parade, which is ex-
pected to last approximately one
hour and 15 minutes, were given
polishing touches.
Stanley G. Waltz, manager of the
Union, will send his work crew at
8 p.m. today to begin preparing the
Field House for the large crowd.
These men will work all night, after
which Oscar L. Eberbach's decora-
tions conhmittee and crew will begin
their work.
Alumni from all over the country.
continue to arrive for the celebration.
Robert Hillier, past president, and
A. D. Pearce, now president, of the
University of Michigan Club of Los
Angeles, arrived yesterday.
Anti-War Group Elects
Huston To Committee

Russia Attacks Validity
Of British Contraband Law
MOSCOW, Oct. 25.-(P)-Soviet
Russia tonight refused to recognize
the validity of Britain's contraband
regulations and informed the Lon-
don government that she reserved
the right to claim compensation for
any losses incurred in enforcement of
In a., note handed to British Am-
bassador Sir William Seeds by Assis-
tant Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Vladimir Potemkin, the Soviet gov-
ernment declared it considered the
British contraband list a violation of
the principles of international law.
The note reiterated that the Brit-
ish proclamation gravely impairs the
interests of neutral nations and de-
stroys international trade. The note
continues to point out that the in-
clusion of articles of common con-
sumption in the British ban creates
the possibility of unlimited arbitrari-
ness on Britain's part.
Wolverine Cuts
Working Hours


National Contest Winner
Accepts Daily's Request
To Attend Yale Game,
Miss America 1939, otherwise
known as Miss Patricia Donnelly,
the 19-year old girl who was chosen
"loveliest in America" at Atlantic
City recently, last night telephoned
that she would accept the invitation
of The Daily to visit Ann Arbor Sat-
Miss America will be given a day
of entertainment by a group of Mich-
igan athletes, independent and fra-
ternity men. She will travel in a new
automobile from the Detroit auto
show where she is official hostess.
The Daily, at the suggestion of em-
battled men students, earlier this week
asked Miss Donnelly to come to the
game to show Michigan's co-eds

Harmon, Ed Frutig, Archie Kodros,
and Forrest Evashevski.
The Daily's invitation resulted from
a "co-ed rebellion" begun on the
University campus last week when
members of Alpha Phi sorority an-
nounced that they preferred Yale
men to the local breed because the
Elis are "tall, have crew haircuts,
smoke pipes and dance differently."
Other sororities joined the barragej
with Chi Omega suggesting, in a letter
to The Daily, that Michigan men
"study Emily Post, rather than Es-1
Miss America, who stands 5 feet, 7'
inches in height and has ruddy brown
hair, will arrive at 1:15 p.m. Saturday
at the Union. She will be met by;
an escort of 10 members of the "M"
Club and by a reception committee
consisting of Carl Petersen, '40,'man-
aging editor of The Daily, Dye Ho-
gan, '40, president of the "M" club,
and Phil Westbrook, '40, president
of Congress, independent men's or-

750 Expected To Take
To Air, Rail, Ground
For TripThis Weekend
Crew-cut in hair dress, tall in sta-
ture, and conceited in disposition, the
young men of Yale have risen to the
bait dangled before them by the so-
rority gals of the University of Mich-
The Sons of old Elihu are coming
to Ann Arbor-750 strong-with the
preannounced intention of getting a
look at those "peculiar co-eds" who
announced this week that they would
welcome Yale men "with open arms"
if they should pay a visit here this
Three special chartered Douglas air-
planes, a special railroad train, and a
squad of private automobiles will
transport the precious cargo beyond
the hinterlands to Michigan's college
This was the status of Yale's plans
n announend Wednesday. The exact

Cooperative To
15 Hours Per


In order that student workers may
better share in the advantages that
membership in a cooperative affords,
the Wolverine Cooperative Restaur-
ant's Board of Directors and repre-
sentatives of the workers and mem-
bership-at-large last night agreed on
a tentativereduction of working
hours per week.
Workers will now put in 15 hours
per week for a week's meals. During
the first part of the current year
17 hours per week had been required,
since, according to Alfred Hafke,
Spec., purchasing agent, both the
workers and the Board felt that
sound business policy called for
smaller operating expenses. Pos-

John Huston, '41, was elected to
serve on the executive committee at

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