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March 26, 1932 - Image 1

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VOL. XLII. No. 128



WEATHER: rain or snow; colder.




To Circulate Petitions
to Readjust State
Expect Amendments to
Go on Ballots in
By C. Hart Schaaf
In an attempt to secure equit-
able reapportionment of repre-
sentation in the state legislature,
a petition for amendment of the
state constitution will shortly be
circulated for signatures, accord-
ing to statements issued yesterday
by Harold D. Smith, director of
the Michigan Municipal league.
Smith is confident that the peti-
tion will receive sufficient signa-
tures to be submitted to the gen-
etal public for action in the Nov-
ember elections. It calls for an
amendment embracing the follow-
ing features:
i The number of members in
the House and the Senate
shall remain as at present.
2.The term of senators shall
be increased to four years,
with half of the members to be
elected each two years.
The term. of members of the
House of Representatives
shall be two years, as at present.
Senatorial districts as now
constituted shall be made
permanent, with the proviso that
in case of any consolidation of
counties or changes in the county
boundaries the legislature shall
have power to re-adjust senatorial
district lines.
The legislature as a unit
shall have power to reappor-
tion representation in the House on
a population basis.
The Secretary of State shall
6 reapportion the state in the
event-the legislature fails to act.
The constitution already states
that representation in the legisla-
ture shall be reapportioned every
ten years, according to Smith. No
provision is made, however, by
which the legislature can be forced
to act, and there has been no re-
apportionment or representation
throughout the state for twenty
years, with the single exception of
tthe addition of several representa-
tives to the Detroit district in 1925.
With the shift of population to
the cities, especially during the last
decade, many districts are mani-
festly under-represented, Smith
Committee Named,
In December, 1931, Ernest C.
Brooks, president of the Michigan
Municipal league, appointed a com-
mittee to draft a constitutional
amendment to remedy the situ-
ation. This committee, headed by
John A. Wagner, city attorney of
Battle Creek, prepared a draft, the
final form of which was checked
by a special sub-committee com-
posed of Chairman Wagner; Prof.
Thomas H. Reed, of the Michigan

political science department; Clar-
ence E. Wilcox, corporation counsel
of the city of Detroit; and Director
The final draft of the proposed
constitutional amendment will be
submitted to a board of the league
early next week, immediately fol-
lowing which it will be circulated
for signatures.
Dog Vies With Co-eds
for May Queen Honors
GRANVILLE, Ohio, March 25.-
(/P) - Woogs, a bulldog, may be
queen of the May at Denison uni-

Coif, Senior Lawy
Honorary Society,
Chooses 15 Men
Fifteen law school students rep-
resenting ten per cent of the senior
class were elected to the order of
Coif, honorary scholastic society,
yesterday at a luncheon of the law
school faculty.
Those chosen are John L. Abern-
athy of Purcell, Okla., William R.
Althans of Highland Park, John R.
Brown of Holdrege, Neb., Edward
0. Curran of Ann Arbor, Donald
H. Ford of Hollywood, Calif., Paul
G. Kauper of Richmond, Ind., Rob-
ert J. Kelly of Toledo, Ohio, George
E. Palmer of Washington, Ind.,
Varro H. Rhodes of Auburn Neb.
Arthur J. Schuck of Detroit, Ar-
thur J. Silber of Detroit, Gerard
L. van Wesep of Grand Rapids,
Roland B. Voight of San Antonio,
Tex., Frederic E. Wolf of Wauseon,
SOhio, and Morris Zwerdling of Ann
Six of the fifteen students chosen
are from Michigan with two from
Ann Arbor and three from Detroit.
Out of the nine colleges or uni-
versities at which these students
took their pre-legal training, the
literary college of the University
of Michigan boasts six of the Coif
The basis for election to Coif is
primarily scholarship and is de-
termined by the student's record up
to the end of the first semester of
his senior year. Every one of the
men honored has been a student
editor of the Michigan Law Re-
Pins Belshaw, Indiana Ace, in 13
Min., 53 Sec., in National
Collegiate Bout.
(Special to The Dailv)
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 25.
-Carl Dougovito and' Cliff Stod-
dard, Michigan's two representa-
tives in the national collegiate
wrestling championship tourney,
both advanced to the semi-final
rounds in last night's bouts.
In the first round matches Doug-
ovito pulled the biggest upset of the
meet when he tossed George Bel-
shaw, 158-pound Big Ten title-
holder from Indiana, to advance to
the quarter finals. In his second
round match the Michigan captain
downed Sweet of Oklahoma in a
decision bout.
Stoddard defeated Reavely of
Michigan State in the first round
to remain in the tournament, and
then proceeded to draw a bye that
advanced him to the semi-finals to-
This year's meet, which is the
biggest in history with representa-
tives from every section of the
United States, was marked by sev-
eral upsets. Two Big Ten cham-
pions from Illinois, Emmons at 134
pounds and Cosneck at 175 pounds
both were put out in the first
Hardie Lewis, Oklahoma, N. C. A,
A. champion in 1930 in the 145-
pound class, turned in the fastest
exhibition of the day when he pin-
ned Spout of Southwestern State

Teachers in 16 seconds.

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Prohibition Reform Organization,
Crusaders to Distribute
Distribution Is Planned Among
Townspeople, Students,
and Faculty.
"Red, white and blue" petitions
for repeal of the state prohibition
amendment and authorization to
the state legislature to establish
state liquor control will be circulat-
ed in Ann Arbor by Crusaders and
members of the Women's National
Prohibition Reform organization,
according to a statement made
yesterday by Beach Conger, jr., '32,
president of the Crusaders.
All students whose legal residence
is in Michigan, and who are over
21 years of age, will be eligible to
sign these petitions, Conger stated.
First Outside Detroit.
Petitions have been circulated for
some time in the Detroit area, but
this is the first concerted drive out-
side the Metropolitan district.
The petitions are worded as fol -
We, the undersigned, qualified
voters of the State of Michigan, un-
der authority of Section 2 of Article
17 of the Constitution of the State
of Michigan, hereby respectfully
petition for an amendment to se-
tion 11 of article 16 of the Consti-!
tution of the State of Michigan so
that said section 11 shall read as
Section 11. The legislature may
by law establish a liquor control
commission, who, subject to stat-
utory 'limitations, shall exercise
complete control of the alcoholic
beverage traffic within this state,
including the retail sale thereof;
and the legislature may also pro-
vide for an excise tax on such
sales; providing, however, t h a t
neither the legislature nor such
commission may authorize t h e
manufacture or sale of alcoholic
beverages in any county in which
the electors thereof, by a majority
vote, shall prohibit the same.
Philosophical Society
Holds First Sessions
Opening a three-day convention
here, the western division of the
American Philosophical s o ci e t y
heard four papers read yesterday
by members of the society. They
were given by Maurice Baum and
Eleanor Bisbee of the University of
Cincinnati, George Gentry of the
University of Texas, and J. H. Far-
ley, of Lawrence college.
Mine. Schumann-Heink
Is Sick WithLaryngitis
ST. LOUIS, March 25--(-)-Mme.
Ernestine Schumann-IHeink was,
ordered to stay indoors for a day
or two after she suffered an attack:
of laryngitis last night while at-1
tending a Goethe commemoration
at the German house here. She
was to have opened a week's en-
gagement at a theatre today.

Hoover Calls Balanced Budget
The Very Keystone of
House Refuses Bill to Put Levy
on Beer, Approves Tariff
on Imported Oil.
WASHINGTON, March 25.-(IP)-
President Hoover today expressed
confidence that both political par-
ties together could legislate for a
balanced budget, but said that un-
less this is done, "the depression"
will be "prolonged indefinitely."
In a formal statement, the Pres-
ident described a balanced budget
as "the very keystone of recov-
"It must be done," he said.
"Without it the several measures
for restoration of public confidence
and reconstruction which we have
already undertaken will be incom-
plete and the depression prolonged
Speaking extemporaneously, in
part, and partly reading from a
mimeographed s t a t e m e nt, Mr.
Hoover declared t h a t increased
taxes were ther only means of
reaching a complete balance be-
tween Federal revenue and ex-
Asks People's Support.
"One of the first requirements to
the accomplishment of the abso-
lute necessity of a balanced budg-
et," he said, "is that the people
and all their organizations should
support and not obstruct the mem-
bers of Congress in sound efforts to
reduce expenditures and adjust
Meanwhile, the House rejected a
proposal to tax beer today and
approved a levy on imported oil.
After debate which swept back
and forth for more than three
hours and arrayed long standing
arguments for and against prohi-
bition against e a c h other, the
Representatives turned down an
amendment to tax 2.75 per cent
beer three cents a pint.
The levy of one cent a gallon on
imported crude and fuel oil and
gasoline was recommended by the
ways and means committee.
The Treasury estimated it would
yield but $5,000,000, but its propone-
ments contended it would provide
Dedication Dance of Publication
4 Buiding Restricted to
200 Couples.
Tickets for the Gridiron dance, to
be held April 22 in the editorial
rooms of the new Publications
building, went on sale last night ac-
cording to George A. Stauter, '33,
chairman of the ticket committee.
Restricted to 200 couples, the]
dance, which is being sponsored by
Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour-
nalistic fraternity, will take the
place of the Gridiron banquet of
former years.
Special permission to continue
the dance until 2:00 o'clock has
been obtained from the Senate
Committee o n Student Affairs,
members of the arrangements com-

mittee said. No orchestra has been
selected definitely yet.
The sale of tickets is being con-
ducted on a strictly invitational
basis, with Stauter, John W. Thom-
as, '33, and Carl S. Forsythe, '32, in
charge of distribution, it was an-
nounced. There will be no general
sale until the invitation list has
been taken care of, Stauter said.
Tickets are being sold for $2.50.
Officers of Sigma Delta Chi an-
nounced the patrons for the affair
last night. They are:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Kipke,
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley,

to Pay

Do N

t Need
to Get

Members of the senior literary
class are not required to pay
class dues in order to be eligible
to order caps and gowns, accord-
ing to Dr. Frank P. Robbins, as-
sistant to the president.
"Payment of class dues is en-
tirely a class function," said Dr.
Robbins, "and distinctly inde-
pendent of University control. No
student is required by the Uni-
versity to pay class dues, and
failure to do so does not entail
any loss of privilege as regards
participation i n senior func-
Dr. Smith Says Reconsideration
May Be Needed; Murfin
Prefers Delay.
If, as has been suggested, there
occurs a shift in alumni loyalty
from the administration of the
University to the fraternities as a
result of the present economic dis-
tress, purported to have been caus-
ed by deferred rushing, then it is
time to seriously reconsider the
worth of deferred rushing in the
light of recent developments, in
the opinion of Dr. Richard R.
Smith, regent from Grand Rapids,
who was interviewed here yester-
Dr. Smith pointed with satisfac-
tion to the work done by President
Ruthven and others in establishing
contact with alumni throughout
the nation in an effort to build up
a spirit of Michigan loyalty. To
jeopardize this because ofaa defer-
red rushing plan would be a mis-
take, he indicated.
James O. Murfin, regent from De-
troit, consulted on the same sub-
ject, expressed himself in favor of
a system which would delay the
pledging of freshmen at least one
semester. A plan which does this
is almost certain to be more desir-
able than the cut-throat system
whoch was in effect years ago, Re-
gent Murfin said. In the days of
his own college career, Mr. Mur-
fin indicated, prospective fraternity
men had buttons put on them al-
most before they finished high
As far as the present fraternity
difficulty was concerned, Regent
Murfin refused to comment.
Judge Sets Fortescue
Trial Date at April 4
HONOLULU, March 25.-(/P)--Cir-
cuit Judge Charles S. Davis to-
day tentatively set the trial of Mrs.
Granville Fortescue and three oth-
ers, charged with lynching Joseph
Kahahawai, asserted attacker of
her daughter, Mrs. Thomas .
Massie, for April 4.
The Judge agreed, however, to
grant a delay of one week if
Clarence Darrow, Chicago attor-
ney, needs more time to prepare
for the defense.

Cardinals Place Eight Men to Wolverines' Six;
Clapp Sets New 1500-Meter Record;
Degener Leads Divers
By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Stanford university's powerful swimming team jumped into the
lead in the ninth annual swimming meet of the National Collegiate
Athletic association in the Intramural pool last night, when they
scored seven points and qualified eight men in the finals to lead
Michigan by a narrow margin. Matt Mann's Michigan tankmen
were a close second with four points, and six men qualified for the
While one American record and three N.C.A.A. meet records
were going by the boards under the powerful attack of the greatest
collection of natators ever gathered together in one pool, these two
teams, Michigan and Stanford, were waging a hot battle to stay
ahead of the field. Following shortly on the heels of the Cardinals
and Wolverines were Princeton and Northwestern, each of which
placed four men in the finals. Navy placed three men in the finals,
against Minnesota's and Rutger's two apiece, while Southern Cali-
fornia, California, Nebraska, Columbia, Illinois, Ohio State, and Cin-
cinnati each will have one man in tonight's events.
Aside from the remarkably fast times recorded in most of the
events, by far the most outstanding feature of yesterday's prelim-
inaries was the brilliant showing
made by Dick Degener, Michigan
diver, in far outclassing the Na-
'tional Intercollegiate champion,
SMickey Riley of Southern Cali-
fornia, to lead the field in the
0 UP ES IILU NTL ' fancy diving. Degener piled up
---- the astonishing total of 149.34
Board Acknowledges Four Gifts; points as against 107.38 for Riley,
Grants Degrees, Leaves his nearest competitor.
of AsAustin Clapp, the diminutive
of' Isence.Stanford star who proved to be
Routine business occupied the at- the Cardinals' mainstay in yester-
tention of the Regents of the Uxii- day's events, came through to win
versity at their March meeting yes- the 1,500-meter race finals, which
terday. Acknowledgement of gifts were held duringsp the afternoon
and the granting of a few degrees session. Clapp covered the 65-lap
and leaves of absences were all that distance in 20:03.2 to set a new
came before the board. l American mark by exactly three
The gifts acknowledged by the seconds. The old time of 20:06.2 was
Regents were: $1600 from Mead held by another Californian, Buster
Johnson & C o., pharmaceutical
chemists, of Evansville, Ind., to the Tonight's finals for the na-
department of pediatrics for work tional collegiate swimming meet
in infant nutrition; four volume, at the Intramural building pool
of "Lincoln's Inn: T h e Black will begin at exactly ':30.


Books," to the law school, from F.
Raymond Evershed, o f London
English barrister, which cover the
period from 1422 to 1845 in English
legal history, procedure and doc-
trines; an unknown type of trum-
pet, given to the Stearns musical
collection by Nicholas Falcone, di-
rector of the University band; and
a series of editions, beginning with
the first in 1528, of "Il Libro de?
Cortegino" by Count Baldessar Cas-
tigone, given to the University li-
brary by Mrs. Leroy Crummer.
Degrees granted were: B.S. in
medicine, Vieno Tuulikki Watia, of
Hancock; bachelor of arts, Ruth
Naomi Friedman, Detroit, a n d
Charles A. Orr, Ann Arbor; doctor
o f medicine, Malwina Theresia
Lemmle, Albany, N. Y.; teacher:
certificate, Jean Esther Herbert.
Through an arrangement
brought about by a joint committee
of the College of Engineering and
the School of Education, student:
in the engineering college will b
able to take out a teacher's certi-
ficate by fulfilling certain elective
(Continued on Page 6)

Crabbe of Southern California. Ted
Wiget, another Stanford entry,
grabbed a third place in this race
to give Stanford seven points. Jim
Cristy of Michigan pulled up sec-
ond and Frank Kennedy came in:
fourth to give the Wolverines four
Schmieler Scts Two.
Michigan's own Johnny Schmie-
icr was responsible for the breaking
of two N.C.A.A. meet records, when
he splashed to new marks in both
the 200-yard breast stroke and the
220-yard free style events. Schmie-
ler shattered his own record by
almost three seconds in the first
event, and came back in the eve-
ning's second last race to chop a
full second off the 220 time set by
Schwartz of Northwestern and
Clapp of Stanford in the previous
meets. In winning this event the
Wolverine flash nosed out the sen-
sational Walter Spence of Rutgers
by three-fifths of a second.
The other record to fall in yester-
day's assault was shattered by Mer-
ton Wilcox, of Northwestern, who
traveled the 50-yard free style
distance in the fast time of :23.5;
to better the old mark by exactly
x half second. Bryant of Dartmouth
and Schwartz of Northwestern were
the old record holders for this
Clapp Forges Ahead.
In the 1,500-meter race Clapp
and Cristy maintained an even
pace for the first 500 yards, when
the Stanford star gradually forged
ahead tr - two length lead. Brocl
of IllinoL: _:,ssed the leaders close-
ly for the first 800 yards, but tired
after that and eventually had to
drop out of the race.
Hanna of Pittsburgh was also
forced to give up the struggle under
the terrific pace set by the leaders.
During the greater part of the race
Booth, Wiget, and Kennedy swam


"De Valera and his opponents
alike, in my opinion, place too much
emphasis on the form of the oath
of allegiance," said Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment yesterday, in a statement on
the attempt of the president of the
Irish Free State to abolish the oath
of allegiance to the British crown.
"Oath taking is a medieval busi-
ness, anyway," Professor Slosson
said. "He who is loyal will be loyal
without an oath; he who is rebel-
lious will rebel none the less be-
cause he has taken one. The best
thing for the English to do will be
find a new form of words which
will not bring in the King's name
to affront tender republican con-
sciePnces. such as a simnpe declara-.

The flower has been chosen as
the emblem of Irish Republicanism,
for it recalls the Easter uprising of
1916. The buttonnieres bear the
white, green and orange colors of
the Republican flag. As a precau-
tion against a repitition of the 19161
trouble troops of the Irish Free
State army will be confined to ,
barracks on Easter Day.
The Irish Republican army and
the Cumann Na Mban, an organiza-
tion of women Republicans, or-
ganized the lily sale and plastered
the town with posters reproducing
the proclamation of the republic of
1916. The posters called on the
Irish people to unite in "one
s -unfm Pfn1 rt"tohr +1- tha,.-en,


Three flower beds, planted with
growing blossoms, will constitute
an unprecedented decoration in
campus dances at the annual law
school social function, the Crease
Ball, to be held Friday at the law
The entire dining commons of
the club will be transformed into
an oriental garden, illuminated
with Japanese lanterns and soft-
colored flood lights, according to
Wilfred Steiner, '32L., chairman of
the dance committee.
The central flower bed, 30 by 15
feet, will have a statuary figure in
the center, while tie two smaller
beds on each side will be decorated

Don Bigelow of Young's Chinese-
American restaurant of New York
has been engaged to furnish music
for the ball. Bigelow is well known
for his work over the air on the
Columbia network; his stop in Ann
Arbor will end the first part of a
journey to the Pacific coast where
he has contracted to make a film.
The most amazing feature of the
dance in former years has been the
publication, "The Raw Review"
which is written by law students
with the purpose of taking various
members of the law faculty "for a
Last year Prof. John C. Tracy was
the butt of a front page drawing

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