VOL. XLII, No. 172.
WEATHER: Thunders torms; cooler.
_._..__ _ . . . -. .,,-.a
Each College to Be Represented
by Chosen Group Bearing
College Colors.
Faculties, Regents, Candidates
for Honorary Degrees
Will March.
The seniors chosen by their re-
spective class presidents to serve as
the Honor Guard and Color Bearers
at the.Commencement day exerci-
ses were announced yesterday by
Chief Marsha, Prof. Lewis M. Gram
of the civil engineering department.
It is the duty of this guard to es-
cort the honor section in the com-
mencement procession f r o in the
campus to Ferry Fieldl. The honor
section is made up of the faculties
of the various colleges and schools,
regents, and other university offi-
cials and candidates for honorary
The guard of each school will
carry a pennant decorated with
colors representing his school or
Dr. George A. May will have im-
inediate charge of the Honor Guard
and Color Bearers on Commence-
ment day. There will be a drill
meeting for this group at 4:30
o'clock this afternoon at Waterman
gymnasium. Everyone is urged to
be present.
college group and the two files of
guards flanking the honor section
has for many years been a distinc-
tive feature of the Commencement
The Honor Guard and Color bear-
ers wil be composed of the follow-
ing seniors:
Literary College - Harry Benja-
min, Fred Brace, Douglas Brien,
William Burt, Beach Conger, Jr.,
Thomas Cooley, Jack Cutting, Nor-
man Daniels, Thomas Davis, John
Denler, Carl Forsythe, Sheldon Ful-
lemton, Ben Glading, and Howard
Jack Herbst, William Hewitt, John
Howard, Norris Johnson, Charles
Kline, William Knox, Theodore
Kopke, Edward Kuhn, Jack Lenfes-
ty, David Lewis, Kenneth McCal-
lum, Edward McCormick, Harley
McNeal, John Marshall, Frederick
Merner, Robert Miller, Wallace Mil-
ler, Maynard Morrison.
Engineering College--S t a n I e y
Chase, Jack Spencer Allison Evans,
Carl Marty, W i 1 i a in Worboys,
Laurence Whitsit, Donald Ron-
wick, Robert Mortenson, James
North, Alfred Palmer, Harcourt Pat-
terson, Harvey Rasmussen, John
Reindel, Harold Ross, Edwin Rus-
sell, Colby Ryan, John Sauchuck,
Jay Sikkenga, Donald Straiter, Ar-
thur Superko, Richard Tobin, John
Tompkins, Robit Williamson, How-
ard Worden, Edward Yarrington
Cornelius Beukerna, J. Cullen Ken-
nedy, Clay F. Olmstead, and John
Edward J. Frey, Kirk holland.
Robert Montague, William Page,
Robert Williamson, Charles Wilcox,
William C. Cook, Edward Muir, J.
Nall Candler, Frederick Buchan,
William Crane, Walter Nielson, T.y-
man Bullard, Charles Wise, and
Marshall Anderson.
Arch itecture-Wai Paak Lei and
William Rasswell Balbach.
Medical - Winston R. Wreggitt,
Daniel W. Myers, Eugene A. Hand,
Lewis Graves, Russel N. DeJong,
Robert McGillicuddy, Joseph P. Bel-
sley, Curtis H. McDonnell, Harry
Greenbaum, and Stephen Donovan.
Law --Clarke Baldwin, G e o r g e
Bradley, John Brown, Wilfred Stei-
ner, Verro Rhodes, Glen Miller, Earl
Meixner, and Henry Ford.
Education--Hamilton P. Easton,
Fanlis Hazen, Alex J. Shaw, George
(Continued on Page 6)
Supporters of Faust
Form Campaign Plans
Friends and supporters of W. H.
Faust, Ann Arbor candidate for
congre;ssman. mset yesterday noon
at luncheon in the Michigan Union
to formulate plans for an active
campaign organization throughout
the second district.
More than 30 persons attended
the meeting, which was addressed
by Dr. Jesse Reeves of the Political
Science department, Vice-President
James D. Bruce and others.
( n i 3 r, lttr in tre1 ,w s ,eort,-.
Walker Acknowledges Brokerage
Deal; Denies Bus Franchise Graft
NEW YORK, May 25.- -(/P)--Mayor Ten minutes seldom passed with-
James J. Walker, in a fiery, spectac- c(ut an outburst from tle spectators
ular appearance as a witness today who jamied the courtroom. When-
before Samuel Seabury acknowledg- ever they credited Walker with a
ed realizing $246,692.76 without hi- point they cheer. At other times
vestment from a brokerage account ,t(heewereloud hisses.
with Paul Block, the publisher, and "T Ihat-a-boy Jimmy," o 11 e old
denied he influenced improperly the man shoted above the din of each
granting o1 a bus franchise. outlburst.
'11e tracing of the brokerage Walker said the joint account was
transactions carne'as the mayor opened, wt7hout any initial Invest-
comp~leted a full clay onl the stand i e n t, oni "Mr'. lBlock's splendid
on the Ilofstadter legislative coin- credit and reputation."
mittee, which has been engaged in "Did you stand ready to stand any
a sweeping 14-months investiga- loss that might be incurred?" Sea-
tion of the municipal government, bury asked.
with Seabury as counsel. "I stood ready to," the mayor an-
Thousands milled around in front swered.
of the county courthouse as Walker The entire moining session was
sat on the stand sometimes mop- devoted to questioning W a lk e r
ping his head and mixing repartee about events leading up to the
and recriminations in his answers granting by the city board of es--
to the scholarly and gray-haired timates of a franchise to the Equi-
Scabury. table Bus Co., to operate in three
When the mayor arrived in the of New York city's boroughs.
moimning, the whole neighborhood Previous witnesses had told how
echoed with the cheer that went up. J. Allen Smith, promoter for the bus
All day the streets around the company, had purchased, a day be-
building were black with men and fore the franehise was granted in
women who stood there for hours 1927, a $10,000 letter of credit made
just, to get, a glimpse of the man out to Walker, which the mayor
New York's millions call "Jirny."I used on a European trip.
Wolverines Squash Rally in Last
Half of Ninth; McNeal,
Tompkins Pitch.
Vi ctory
Is Michigan's
Starts AgainstI
Lansing Team.
flfhIPflfLaboratory Theatre
Filled as Studen
Decisions on-Major and Minor
Awards to Be Made Public
After Lecture Today.
Announcement of the winners of
the major and minor awards in the
Avery and Jule Hopwood contest
will be made at 4:30 this afternoon
in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre fol-
lowing an address by Dean Robert
Morss Lovett of the University of
Chicago. Dean Lovett will speak
on "Creative Writing on the Uni-
versity Campus."
Immediately after Dean Lovett's
address in the afternoon the names
of the judges of the contest and the
division of awards will be announc-
ed. There are prizes in four fields
in each division of the contest:
drama, fiction, essay, and poetry.
Dean Lovett will address the
Michigan Socialist club forum at
8:00 o'clock in 1025 Angell hall.
Dean Lovett is the president of the
League for Industrial Democracy
and a member of the editorial board
of the New Republic. The subject
of his second address g;ill be "Am-
,nca Views 1er Future."
Dean Lovett is the first of several
nationally prominent literary fig-
ures who will come to the campus
to speak in connection with the
IHopwood contest.
Vulcans Initiate 13
Students, Professor
Vuleans, honorary engineering
society, last night announced the
names of 13 students and one
faculty man who were initiated
Tuesday evening.
Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the
Engineering college became an
honorary member. The students
initiated are: seniors, W. J. Bird,,
W. W. ' Jenney; juniors, D. ..
Carr, J. A. Goetz, L. M. Darrow,
.A. W. Mitchell, W. II. Mohrhoff,
R. E. Hayes, G. R. Squibb, W. A.
Williams, II. L. Baker, Vernon
Bishop, and R. H. Lamb.
Dice to Join Carneie
Institute Expedition
Dr. Lee R. Dice of the Museum
of Zoology, who left Ann Arbor
Tuesday for Arizona, will join a
Carnegie Institute research expedi-
tion on his arrival at Tucson. He
will work in cooperation with the
Carn:gie expedition and will es-
tablish a joint base of operations
at the desert laboratory of the Car-
negie Institute near Tucson. The
combined research party will study
the distribution and ecology of the
mamals in that district. Dr. Dice
will bring his work to a close in
August. HeI will then prcede up
along the Pacific coast and return
through the state of Washington.
The other expeditions to Arizona
are planned; one in June under G.
W. Bradt, instructor at Michigan
Ste College, and another in Sep-'
tember under Philip Blossom, as-
sociate curator of mammals in the
Four student writtten one-act
plays were presented before a capa-
city audience last night in the Lab-
oratory, theatre. These plays were
written, produced, directed, acted
and the sets were designed by stu-
dents in the play production divi-
sion of the department of speech
and linguistics and the English
The book containing these plays
and six others written in Prof. Ken-i
IeA review of these plays will
be found in the M~usic and Dra-
ma column on page four.
neth T. Rowe's course in play writ-
ing is one sle in the lobby of the
The plays presented were "the
Beer Garden," by Adelaide Symons,
'32, "Translated" by Barton Rees
Rogue, 'Spec, "Between Winds," by
Jack B. Neslte, '32, and "Half-a-
Stick by Sidney B. Rosenthal, '34.
The plays will be repeated to-
(Special to the Daily)
EAST LANSING, May 25. - An
outfit of nine fighting Wolverines
stemmed a last-minute rallyby
Michigfani State's diamond team
here this afternoon to win out by
a score of 4-3. McNeal was the win-
nine; hurler, and Griffith, Spartan'
southpaw star, the losing pitcher.
The afternoon's battle marked the
Wolves' First win over the stellar
left-hander from State out of 'i;
The Spartans drew first blood in
the second frame, tallying one run.
Michigan scored a counter in the
third to even matters, and the game
was all even until the seventh when
the Maize and Blue batters man-
aged to break through and score
another, augmenting it with a
third run in the eighth and a
fourth in the first half of the ninth.
In the second half of the last
inning, State pulled the traditional
rally and aanaged to score two
runs. An error by Stan Waterbor
placed a runner on first. McCann
tripled to center, scoring one run,
and he scored on a grounder by
Morse played to first. Fawcett and
Eliowitz struck out.
Tompkins was replaced on the
mound by McNeal at the beginning
of the fourth inning; McNeal scor-
ed six strike-outs in the six innings
1 he pitched. Griffin of the Spartans
was able to fan only three in the
full nine innings.
The Wolverines scored in the sec-
and when Manuel doubled, Tomp-
kins sacrificed, and Superko drove
out a single. In the seventh, Diffley
singled, and Daniels tripled for the
score. Waterbor hit, took second on
an error, and was scored by Braen-
die's double in the eighth frame. In
the final inning, Diffley singled,
Daniels sacrificed, and Wistert dou-
bled for the score.
Michigamua Braves
Set Out for Blood;
Take22 B.M.O.C.'s
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of greenleaves
Came they forth the stoics
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam once of friend Great
Chief ,
Paleface mighty among his kind;
Came hie:forth to take their token
Of the warpath they would tread.
Then to the mighty oak of
Dashed the screaming,,yelling
To the tree of Indian legend
When the white man pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors (4\oice of pale face
Choice of tribe to run the
gauintl et.;
Down the wariors, painted
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their hapless
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasureI
There they ate around the
glowing bonfires,
Heard the words of mighty
Smoked the pipe of peace and1
Thus there came to Michigamua:
Karl Seiffert, William Elliott,
Frank Gilbreth, Hawley Eggleston,
Byron Vedder, John Schmeiler, Ed-
ward McKay, Ivan Williamson,
Charles DeBaker, John Carstens,
Roderick Cox, DeForest Eveland,
John Lederle, Benjanin McFate,
William Temple, Richard Norris,,
James Inglis, Edwin Turner, J.
Noud Kelly, Louis Colombo, William
Young, and Prof. Ralph Aigler.
Seven future Michigan men, who
range in age from eight to fourteen
years, were the guests of Fred W.-
Lawton, '11, of Detroit, at the Mich-
igamua Initiation. Lawton, who is
a Michigamua man and formerly
assistant sports editor of The Daily
and staff member of the Gargoyle,
returns each year with a group of
neighborhood small boys for the
tribal ceremony.
Kaye Don to Try for
New Speedboat Mark
GARDONE, Italy, May 25-(/P)-
Kaye Don, British speedboat driver,
said today he would make an at-
tempt in his Miss England III on
the speedboat record of 111.712 miles
an hour held by Gar Wood.
Don put his boat in the water
today and tuned the motor but
made no attempt at speed because
of the rough water.
He said he had notified officials
he would not make the record at-
tempt until tomorrow and there-
fore could not have made a record
even if conditions were satisfactory.
Hungary Given Plane
by Premier Mussolini
ROME, May 25. -- (/P) - Premier I
Musolini decided today to donate,
to Hungary an airplane similar to
the "Justice for Hungary" in which
Capt. George Endres and Capt.'
Julius Bittay, Hungarian fliers,
crashed to death here last Satur-
day. The Premier will give $5,000 to,
the family of Endres and $2,500 to
Bittay's family, and a marble col-
umn wil be erected at the field
where they crashed,
Prof. Arthur hackett, professor
of voice in the Univer'ity School of
Music, who has ,just returned from
an engagcerment at the Wesehester
Music Festival hlcd May 19-!0-21
in New York. This was a repeat
engagement for Professor 1ackett
ait Westchester, his past successes
making him a favorite there.
Iists, Ink-Wells, Water-Bottles
Fly in Fight at German
BERLIN, May 25.--(/P)--Smolder-
ing political passions in the new
Prussian Diet broke out in hand-
to-hand fighting between National
Socialists and Communists, with a
violence unprecedented in the par-1
liamentary, history of Germ any.
Legislative Hall was wrecked and
at least half a dozen members, in-
cluding neutnals, were injured. Dep-
uty Juergensen, a leader of the So-
cial Democrats, who took no part
in the fray, was carried unconscious
to a hospital, one side of his face
ripped open.
With fis,, inkwells, chair legs
amid water bottles, the legislators
fought their battle to the bitter end
'aithout police interference.
The trouble started after h-ans
Kerr, a National Socialist, had been
elected president of the Diet and
Ernest/Nhittmaack, a Social Demo-
prat, had been elected vice-presi-
Bishop, Bowen, Yurd
Selected for Board
on Publications.
Giefel, Temple, Inglis
Elected to Board
Ruling S.C.A.
Joseph F. Zias, '33, was elected
president of the Student Council,
for the college year of 1932-33, in
an all-campus election held yes-
terday. He defeated Charles R.
Racine, '33, by a vote of 284 to
219. Zias will succeed Edward J.
MccCormnick, '32.
Vernon Bishop, '33E, led the
field of candidates for the Board
in Control of Student Publica-
tions by polling 249 votes. The
two other members elected to the
Board were Edward W. Bowen, '33,
and Kenneth L. Yourd, '33, who re-
ciaved 229 and 205 votes respective-
ly. The defeated candidates were
William T. Brown, '33, Charles M.
R~ush, '33, and George R. Squibb,
'33E, who polled
200, 173, and 155
The most close-
ly contested battle
of the election
was waged by the
candidates for the
Board in Control
of Student Chris-
tian association.
William P. Giefel,
34, lead the field.
of nominees by
receiving 238 of Zias
the votes. William F. Temple, jr.,
'33, and James H. Ing1,;'3;, triailed
close behind with 237 and 235 votes
respectively. The two defeated can-
didates were Morton Frank, '33, and
Roger W. Howell, '33, who received
231 and 224 votes respectively.
For the position on the board in
2ontrol of athletics, Stanley Fay,
34Ed., overwhelmed Harvey Chap-
man, '34, by a vote of 344 to 89.
John Schneiler, '33, defeated
1?oderick H. Cox, '33, for the literary
:chool vice-president of the Union
by a vote of 257 to 136. The vice-
president from four other schools
-and acombined ticket were as fol-
Cecil E. Cantrill, '33E, who re-
.elved 199 votes, was elected from
t he engineering school by defeating
John A. Goetz, '33E, who polled 91
Sherwood B. Winslow,, '33M, de-
seated Gilbert Saltonstall, '33M, by
vote of 191 to 85. Robert L. Sloss,
33, who did not have any opposi-
ion, was declared elected by the
For the dental school represent-
ttive Nels Sorenson, "33U, polled
124 votes to Joseph Moser's 96, and
a. ile combined ticket Robert'Cul-
ver, '33BAd, was elected over Alden
lentz, '33BAd, by receiving 201
Votes to his opponents 60.
7ias, a member of Sigma Phi
psilon, is on the executive council
it the Union. le was on The Daily
fditorial staff for a year and a half,
nd during his sophomore year was
hairman of the class prom.
The date of installation has not
been set, McCormick said last night.
Students Lay Plans
for Novel Air Race
4_udent aviato rs who are enrolled
nm the colleges and universities of
the country are begin to lay
dans for an intercollegiate airplane
%ace to be held over a course from
fLos Angeles to Cleveland. The race
will be held in conjunction with
the National Air Races in the latter
part of August.
Several Yale students have al-
r eady announced their intention of
.~kfing part in the event, and the
. t'roclub of that university is work-
ing to secure sentrants from other
A trophy will be set up for the
winner if a total of five entrants
a :JLbe obtained.
Superko, 31)
Waterbor, ss
iB aendle, If
Petoskey, c '
Diffley, c
Daniels, 2b .
Wistem't, rf
M~anuel, lb .
'l'ompkins, p .
McNeal, p ...
...4 01 1 0 0
4 1 1 2 4 1.
4 0 2 0 0 0
.4 0 0 1 0 0
4 2 2 8 0 0
...3 0 1 3 G 0
.4 1 1 10 1 0
. .0 00 1 0 0
...3 0 0 0 2 0
10 Per Cent Decrease Over
Year; Nothing Definite
Decided as Yet.
Ruthven Is
A re
Speaker at Annual
Incoming Officers
Phi Sigma, biological honoraryj
society, held its spring mitiation
and banquet last night at the Wo-
mcn's League with President Ruth-
ven delivering the principal ad-
dress. At the same time, the ofl-
eers of the society for the coming
year were officially imaugurated.
President Ruthven, who is honor-
ary national president of the or-
ganization, spoke to the members
on the subject of Univeisity admin-
istration, holdirng that the problem
of seeurmug' a proper adjustment in
education was one of administra-
Thie retiring president conducted
the initiation of 16 newly elected
members. The list is as follows:
Doris A. Bach, Reeve M. Bailey,
Charles F. Bassett, Ralph Bennett,
Elmer P. Cheatum, Pennoyer F.
English, Margaret M. French, Mir-
'iam, G. Groner, Frank J. Hinds,
George 11. Kelker, Lasetta Pickard,
Albert V. Pulling, Joseph S. Tidd,
and Bill H. Wilford.
The officers for next year who
were installed at the banquet are:
Ralph Imlay, president; Jean Da-
vidson, vice-president; Elizabeth
Shull, secretary; Josiah Lowe, treas-
Hobo Boards Freight;
Wakes Up in Prison
JACKSON, May 25.- ()-Floyd
Boylan, 47 years old, of Cadillac,
and his police log "Eddie" lay down
side by side in a box car here late
Tuesday night and were lulled to
sleep by the staccatto puffs of a
switch engine. Floyd expected to
step off the magic carpet of his
rolling boudoir onto the streets of
his liom etonm om~r intaod
Totals........34 4 9 271.3 1t
Madonna, ss......4 1 1 0 6 1
Cuthbertson, 21 ..2 0 0 1 3 0
F.-awcett, rf .......3 0 1 2 0 0
Morse,c.........3 0 0 5 0 0
Eliowitz, lb ......4 0 1 13 0 0
Griffin, p .........3 1 2 3 0 0
Kem'cher, If .......3 0 0 2 0 0.
Gaf ner,cf .....,..4 0 3 3 0 0
Langer, 31b .......3 0 1 1 3 1
McCann, 2b ......3 1 2 1 0 0
Glaspey,if .......1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals..........33 31127 12 2
Michigan ........ .001 000 111--A
State ..............010 000 002--3
Three-base hits-F+lawcett, Gafner,
McCann, Daniels. Two-base hits-_-
Manuel, Braendle, Wistert. Struck
out-by McNeal, 6; by Griffin, 3;
by Tompkins, 1. Hit by pitcher--
Morse and Fawcett by Tompkins.
Wild Pitch--Griffin. Bases on balls
--off Tompkins, 2; off McNeal, 2.
Double Play-Waterbor to Daniels
to Manuel.
Late score: Illinois 10, Purdue 4.
Michigan Alumini Plan
Olympic Dinner Aug. 5
William C. Mullendore, '16L, of
Los Aneles, arrived in Ann Arbor
yesterday afternoon for a confer-
ence with T'. Hawley Tapping, gen-
eral secretary of the Alumni asso-
ciation. Mr. Mullendore, director-of
the 8th district of the Alumni clubs,
is in charge of the Michigan Olym-
pie (inner to be held for all Michi-
gan alumni on August 5, at Los
In a special meeting of the Ann
Arbor school board at 7:30 o'clock
last night, the 1932-1933 school
budget was submitted to the board
nembers by Otto W. I;aisley, super-
intendent of schools.
This year's budget represents a
total of $682,696.44. The total de-
erease over last year's budget
amounts to $75,303.56 or 9.9 per
cent. This imeluches the 11 per cent
cut in salaries and the discontin-
nance of summer school for the
elementary gades.
No definite steps were taken to
change or accept the budget. How-
tver, it was voted to hold a special
ameeting next Wednesday night at
7:30 for further discussion, The
meeting will be open to the public,
and at that time a representative
from the Ann Arbor Taxpayer's;
League will be present to discuss
the new budget and submit any
recomrmI 7'ndations that, seem neces-
--._.- , .- I-- - - - - -- -
WITilsi, '.2, and Mc~ausey, '34,
to Lead Grand March.
Amateur photography is the hob-
by of Joe Sanders, who is bringing
his nationally famous Kansas City
Nighthawks dance orchestra here
for the senior ball tomorrow night.
Not only does the colorful director
provide the towns he visits with
smooth music but, when hie leaves
them, he has several new snapshots
in his album.
Sanders has a photographic rec-
ord of every date ever played by
his musical organization during its
colorful career of almost a decade.
The hobby was discovered recent-
ly during sessions at a Chicago
night cluh .Jne Sanders was found
"Well, here we are il Boston," he
commented, "Right now I'm three
years behind schedule, but I have
high hopes of catching up."
When Joe Sanders gives the sig-
nal tomorrow 1-iglt for the grand
march to commence and Miss Jose-
plbine McCausey, '34, and Lawrence
Whitsit, '32, general chairman, take
their places at the head of the pro-
essiori, conditiowii, ll hb, decidedly
different from the times eight years
ago when the Nighthawks were just
beginning to reach the outside
world through a Kansas City radio
"Just the same," Joe reminisced,
"those were time days. Every body
was excited. The radio fans miles