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May 26, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-26

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The Weather
Occasional showers today
with moderate AuthwAestAIY

Was Europe
Worthwhile?. . .

F.D.R. Renews
Plea To Enact
Says Child Labor Decision
By Court Twenty Years
Ago Must Be Reversed
Security Decision
Pleases President
WASHINGTON, May 25.-()-
President Roosevelt renewed his plea
for enactment of his court reorgani-
zation bill tonight with an assertion
that an old child labor decision must
be reversed if his new labor legisla-
tion is to be declared constitutional.
Expressing pleasure and gratifica-
tion at the court's decision upholding
the social security act, the Chief Ex-
ecutive. told reporters that he hoped
the tribunal would cling to the same
human point of view in cases yet to
be decided.
The old child labor decision to
which the President referred was the
invalidation two decades ago of the
1916 act prohibiting the shipment in
interstate commerce of products of
factories employing children under
Answers Newspaperman's Question
The President's new labor legisla-
tion not only would bar child labor
products from interstate commerce,
but also. the products of employers
who use "oppressive" labor practices.
His statement was made in re-
sponse to a newspaperman's question
whether the decisions of yesterday
had altered his plans for the court
bill, under which five new justices
would be added to the court unless as
many older judges retire.
The answer, the President said, was
obvious. Many issues vital to the
plans of his administration; issues in-
volved in future legislation and in
laws previously enacted have yet to
be put to the test by the court.
Four Important Changes
His message of yesterday, propos-
ing legislation prescribing minimum
labor standards, involves four fairly
important changes in national pol-
icy, he indicated.
He said that if the child labor pro-
visions of the bill introduced in con-
formity with his message are to be
upheld there must be a decision re-
versing the court's child labor de-
cision of twenty years ago.
Minimum wage and maximum hour
provisions of the law, as well as those
dealing with employers who defy the
unions, each, he added, will present
an issue with which the court has not
yet come to grips.
There, in one message, he added,
were four new issues that in all prob-
ability will have to come before the
CIO Carries
Steel Election
In Penn. Plant
Sharon Steel Corporation
Workers Vote Decisively
In Favor Of SWOC
(By Associated Press)
The Committee for Industrial Or-
ganization continued its conquests in
the steel industry last night by car-
rying another plant election called
to select a collective bargaining

Sharon Steel Corporation workers
at Sharon, Pa., and Lowellsville, O.;
voted 1,773 to 721 in favor of the
steel workers organizing committee,
powerful C.I.O. unit. ;
Last week the organizing commit-
tee won almost as decisive a victory
in an election at the Jones and Laugh-
lin Steel Corporation in Pittsburgh.
Union workers struck last night at
four Canton, Ohio, plants of the Re-
public Steel Corporation. A spokes-
man termed it "a spontaneous re-
bellion against discrimination against
C.I.O. men in Republic plants."
Earlier in the day, John L. Lewis,
chief of the C.LO., expressed uncon-
cern yesterday over the American
Federation of Labor's virtual declara-
tion of war on the committee for In-
dustrial Organization.
President William Green of the
A.F. of L. told the Federation execu-
tive council, which adopted a four-
point program to meet the C.I.O.
drive, that the new campaign would
extend into mass production indus-
tries, a reversal of the organization's
.nnl inrv

Students Pause In Their Work
To Hear Varsity Concert Band

1 .i

First Vox Pop Program
Of Semester Attracts
President Ruthven
More than 1,500 students and
townspeople reclined on the grass
last night in front of the Library
steps and listened to the 80-piece Var-
sity Concert Band present its first
outdoor concert of the semester un-
der the direction of Prof. William D.
Revelli of the School of Music.
Students on their way to the Li-
brary to study for the coming final
examinations and dozens of profes-
sors and even President and Mrs.
Ruthven were inveigled into stopping
whatever they were doing in order to
hear the melodious strains. Several
times the audience kept applauding
until the band would grant them en-
In preparing for this first Vox Pop
concert of the year, Professor Revelli

stated that novelties would be the
band's forte. The number that re-
ceived the greatest ovation was such
a piece: "The Whistling Farmer Boy."
Lee Chrisman, '40SM, led the band
in this piece and Fred Wiest, '38SM,
who is also the drum major, took the
part of the little farmer lad's dog.
Also included in the hour and a
half presentation were: "Coronation
March," by Meyerbeer; "Spring Time
Overture," by Erick W. G. Leidzen;
"Habenera," by Charles Benter; "El-
sa Entering the Cathedral," from the
opera, "Lohengrin," by Richard Wag-
ner; "Spring, Beautiful Spring," by
Paul Lincke; "L'Arlesienne," part 2 of
suite number 2, by Georges Bizet; and
"Pantomime," from the opera, "Il
Cid," by Antonio Sacchini. "The
Victors" and "Yellow and Blue" closed
the program.
After the concert the band marched
down State Street to Morris Hall, ser-
enading Helen Newberry and ,Betsy
Barbour dormitories on the way.


Roosevelt Asks
That America
Share Helium
Eckener Hopes Congress
Will Act Speedily; Says
'We Must Have Helium'
WASHINGTON, May 25.-(A')-
President Roosevelt asked Congress
today to permit foreign governments
to use American helium as a means
of safeguarding passengers on light-
er-than-air craft.
He transmitted to Capitol Hill a re-
port from a special committee of five
cabinet officers proposing relaxation
of regulations which, since 1925, have
limited sale of the fire-proof gas to
domestic concerns.
Dr. Hugo Eckener, the German di-
rigible expert, commented through a
spokesman that "this is definitely the
first step toward what we want to
get." He expressed hope Congress
would act speedily on the recommen-
Dr. Eckener came to Washington
from Lakehurst, N.J., where he in-
spected the wreckage of the fire-de-
stroyed dirgible Hindenburg, which
used hydrogen.
"We must have helium," he said at
the outset of conferences with gov-
ernment officials.
The United States has a virtual
monopoly on the gas.
Eckener agreed to testify tomor-
row before a Senate military affairs
sub-committee considering legisla-
tion to b'roaden helium export regu-
The cabinet committee report
which Mr. Roosevelt sent to Congress
said in part:
"With adequate safeguards against
the military use of exported helium,
it would appear to be the duty of this
country as a good neighbor to share
any unneeded surplus it may have
with other countries for the promo-
tion of commerce and science, alle-
viation of human suffering and safe-
guarding the lives of passengers on
airships, thus promoting internation-
al good will."
Murphy Says
Civil Service
Bill'Will Pass
LANSING, May 25.-(/)-A predic-
tion that the Legislature will enact a
civil service bill was made by Gov-
ernor Murphy today in an address
before the Michigan Merit System
The Governor, who has conferred
with members of the Legislature daily
in an effort to produce action on the
measure. declared it will be adopted
as a "matter of principle and good
government." A bill drafted by the
special study commission named by
former Governor Fitzgerald has
passed the Senate, but has remained
since in a House committee.
Governor Murphy took occasion to
praise Fitzgerald as a competent ad-
ministrator. He commended his Re-
publican predecessor for his interest
in welfare reorganization and civil
"Basically civil service is good gov-
ernment," Murphy said. "Either we
must join those who are on the level
in wanting good government, as we
take sides on the onestion. or those

Fascists Face
Fir s t Serious
Test In Holland
National Socialist Party
Would Abolish Parties,
Set Up Corporate State
AMSTERDAM, May 25.- (AP) -
Fascist strength will meet its first
serious test in the Netherlands to-
morrow when 4,000,000 voters elect a
new House of Parliament.
One hundred seats are at stake.
The National Socialists, or Fascists,
hope to win eight to 10 of the seats-
a decided minority but a big increase
from the two posts won last year.
A 43-year old ex-engineer, Anton;
Adrian Mussert, heads the party. He
advocates the "leader principle" in
statecraft, his followers support abol-
ition of political parties, a corporate
state, a strong army and navy.
Estimating his party would win 10
seats, Mussert declared that such a
victory would indicate a Fascist trend,
that "in 1941 we are not going to be
satisfied with 20 seats."
When he has 40 men in the lower
house, Mussert says there will be a
program of "purification."
His campaign pledges were to bet-
ter conditions for the small peasan-
try, and for benefits to labor.
He indicated some sentiment for
anti-semitic activity-the Nether-
lands has 600,000 Jewish population.
His opposition comes from Pre-
mier Hendrik Colijn and his conser-
vative anti-revolutionary party; from
the Catholic party, Social Democrats,
Liberals, Christian Historians and
other groups.
Sophomores Tapped
By Sphinx Society
Sphinx, junior literary men's hon-
orary society, made its annual spring,
raid Monday night, and yesterday
took 18 men away for the traditional
hay-rack-initiation ride.
Those chosen are: Thomas Haynie,
William Newnan, Leo Beebe, Wally
Hook, Harold Davidson, William Wat-
son, Fred Janke, David Laing, Ed-
ward Magdor, Horace Gilmore, John
Mitchell, Elmer Gedeon, Irvin Lisa-
gor, Edward Stanton, William Hock-
ett, Paul Brickley, Frank Morgan and
Phillip Buchen.

UAW Defines
Its Objective
In FordFigh
Officials Await Approval
Of City Before Starting
Booklet Distribution
Seek Six-Hour Day,
$8 Minimum Wages
DETROIT, May 25. - (P) - The
United Automobile Workers, aiming
its unionization drive at the gates of
the Ford Motor Company's giant
Rouge plant, today named the six-
hour day and $8 minimum daily wage
as objectives.
Opening the second of its offices
for the campaign to organize the
workers of the only major automobile
producer who has not negotiated with
the UAWA, the union adopted a slo-
gan of "Unionism, Not Fordism."
In the somber gray building which
ance housed a bank branch-just
outside the city limits of Dearborn
where most of the 90,000 employes of
the Rouge Plant reside-union offi-
cials awaited permission to distribute
leaflets to Ford workers as they leave
company property.
Must Issue Permission
Under a Dearborn ordinance the
city clerk must issue permission for
distribution of any handbill, after
approval of its contents
Walter Reuther, president of the
U.A.W.A. west side local, said dis-
tribution of the leaflets, if permitted
would mark the first such action by
a union at the Ford plant since the
Rouge unit was built. He said the
Dearborn city clerk had promised to
mail the union a permit for the hand-
ing out of union literature.
Six hundred Ford workers whom
Reuther described as "key men"
chosen by himself and William Mc-
Kie, west side local organizer, ap-
proved final plans for the organizing
campaign Sunday, the local president
said, adding small group meetings had
been held secretly over an eight-
month period.
Get Six Dollars Daily
Employes of the Ford Company
now work five eight-hour days a week
with a $6 daily minimum. Henry
Ford has talked recently of "really
high wages"
In one usually well informed source
it was said recently that Ford's wage
adjustment plan contemplated a five-
day 30-hour week with a minimum
wvage of $7 a day, and three shifts
instead of the present two 8-hour
The automobile manufacturer re-
cently distributed to employes cards
of "Fordisms" one of whichwas: "We
have never had to bargain against
our men and we don't expect to begin
Wayne Dickens, '39,
Shoots Self In Head
Wayne Dickens, '39, Ann Arbor, 24
years old, 620 E. Liberty Ave. shot
himself in the head with a 22 caliber
rifle at 10:30 a.m. yesterday. He was
taken to the St. Joseph's Mercy Hos-
pital, where his physician described
his condition as serious but said that
he was progressing as satisfactorily
as could be expected.
Dickens was at one time employed
as a clerk at the University Hospital.
WASHINGTON, May 25.-(R)--
President Roosevelt remained in the
residential quarters of the White
House most of today because of a
head cold. He did appear, however,
for his regular press conference.



Ben Leopold, '39, thought it was a
horrid examination, but he changed
his mind when his Ec. 52 bluebook
was returned, yesterday, with 100 on
its cover, the first time, according to
Prof. Shorey Peterson, this has hap-
pened in several years.
A member of Phi Eta Sigma, Ben
won't have anyone think of him as a
grind. He played baseball on the
near-championship Wolverine nine
last year and won his numerals as a
"The examination was perhaps ai
little easier than usual, though it
was not intentionally so," Professor
Peterson explained. The median wasI
only two points above its usual mark,
he said.
Sadler To Talk
At University
Lecture Today
Psychiatrist Also To Meet'
With Faculty Membersr
And Physicians At Union1
Dr. William S. Sadler, of Chicago,I
who has conducted a clinic upon men-I
tal hygiene for 20 years, will lecture
on "Religion and Mental Health" at
4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Science
Auditorium. A discussion will follow
the speech.
Well known for his books, which in-
clude "The Physiology of Faith and
Fear" and "The Mind at Mischief,"
Dr. Sadler will also meet with a fac'-
ulty group including various counsel-
ors and physicians at a luncheon to-
day at 12:15 p.m. in the Union.
Dr. Sadler's latest book, "Theory]
and Practice of Psychiatry," is one
of the most widely read texts on the
subject. Critics have said it places
him among the men who have had a
long private practice and still ad-
vanced science.I
"Few practicioners speak more;
readily than Dr. Sadler and few have
been more helpful to laymen interest-c
ed in the preventive phases of Mentali
Hygiene," commented Dr. E. W.
Blakeman, religious counselor... "We .
have invited him to the campus in
response to a rather wide interest in
the problems of adjustment and a1
wholesale appreciation of the work of
the Health Service and the Counselors
among their students," he continued.7
Object To Effort
To Stop Setting
Aside PWA Fund
House members r e v o I t e d today
against efforts of their leaders to pre-i
vent earmarking of the proposed $1,-
500,000,000 work relief fund and ten-,
tatively set aside $505,000,000 of it
for the public works administration,
flood control, highways and other
The uprising prevented final pas-1
sage of the measure and Majorityi
Leader Rayburn (Dem., Tex.) an-
nounced it would not come up again
until Thursday.
Informed the House had stipulated
$45,000,000 should be available for
flood control, President Roosevelt
told his press conference every dol-
lar earmarked for purposes other
than those in the bill meant that
fewer people on relief rolls would be
given jobs.
Ignoring cries of "pork barrel" and
warnings that the entire relief pro-
gram was in jeopardy, the House gave
at least tentative approval to other
amendments earmarking $300,000,000
for the public works administration,
$150,000,000 for highway construc-
tion and grade crossing elimination,
and $10,000,000 for construction of

small lakes and ponds in the Great
Plains area.
Under its rules, the House may re-
verse itself on any of these amend-
ments before final passage of the
bill. Some members said, however,
a coalition already had been formed
to insure retention of the earmark-
Action On Pin Ball
Games Is Withheld
No action will be taken on pin ball
machines in the city or county at the
present time, Prosecutor Albert Rapp
said yesterday.
Because of the city ordinance li-
censing the machines it would be un-
fair to destroy and confiscate those
in other parts of the county, he said.


18 Positions

Perfect Ec Exam Score
Startles 'No Grind' Ben


For Unioiu,Boards


Warning To Palefaces
Given By Michigamua
When out from the paleface wigwam
From behind the staring moonface
Came the slow and solemn five booms
Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders over the woods and mea-
Lights the campfires of the heavens
Then the Michigamua warriors
In their feathers and their warpaint
Soon will gather round the oak tree
'Round the oak tree called the
There to greet the trembling paleface
Many in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins
For before they take the long trail
To the home of Michigamua
Many trials and many tortures
First must prove their strength and
Ere the red man bids them welcome,
Ere he calls each paleface "Indian,"
Ere the peace pipe smoke goes sky-
Jews In Ital
Asked To Back
Fascism Or Go
Must Also Cease Criticism
Of Germany, Support
Of Zionist Movement

Men's Council Members
Include Rader, Telfer,
Luby And Smith


Davidson To Serve
On Athletic Board
Vice-Presidents Of Union
To Be Clement, Rogers,
Rader And Benedict
Eighteen sophomores and juniors
were elected as vice-presidents of the
Union, and to positions on the Men's
Council, the Board in Control of Ath-
letics and the Board in Control of
Student Publications in the all-cam-
pus elections held yesterday.
The heaviest voting was in the lit-
erary college where Hugh Rader, '38,
Bruce Telfer, '38 and Earle Luby, '38,
were elected to the Men's Council
with 188, 160 and 151 votes respec-
tively. Other persons elected to the
Council were Goff Smith, '38E, from
the engineering school; Robert Laitn-
er, '38BAd, from the business ad-
ministration school; Graham Bene-
dict, '38F&C, from the forestry
school; Maurice Gerow, '38SM, from
the music school and James Rigg
'38A, from the architecture school.
Miller Sherwood, '37, outgoing
president of the Council, announced
last night that an important meeting
of the new Men's Council will be held
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in! the Union
for the purpose of electing officers
for the New Council.
New vice-presidents of the Union
elected include Hugh Rader, '38,
from the literary school; Carl Clem-
ent, '38E, from the engineering
school; Charles Rogers, '38L, from
the Law School; Kenneth Beach,
'38M, from the medical school; Gra-
ham Benedict, '38F&C, on the com-
bined curriculum and Allan G. Rut-
tle, '38D, from the dentistry school.
Rittle had not been put up as a
candidate for the position, but his
name was written in by enough den-
tal students to elect him.
Harold Davidson, '39, was elected
to the Board in Control of Athletics,
and Walker Graham, '38, Frank
Coolidge, '38 and Arthur' Lundahl,
'38, were elected to the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.




ROME, May 25.- UP) -Premier
Mussolini's Milan newspaper askedj
Jews today to give whole-heartedI
support to Fascism or to leave the
country, and to cease criticism of
The choice appeared to be one be-
tween race and country.,
Editorial writer Oreste Geegorio
wrpte in Mussolini's Popolo D'Italia
that Jews must decide "whether they
are Jews in Italy or Jews of Italy."
The editorial emphasized thatI
Italian Jews must give up any oppo-
sition to the German Nazi principle
of a pure Teutonic race (evidenced
by many restrictions upon Jews in
Germany) and must - abandon any
participation in the Zionist' move-
ment for a national Jewish home in
The paper held that opposition to
Nazi ideas would be "irreconciliable
with the friendship that binds us to
Germany and which has objectives
far fhore vast and fundamental than
the Jewish question." (Italy and
Germany are linked by friendship ac-
cord to cooperate in action upon
European problems).
Support of the Zionist movement
would be "in definite opposition to
the Mediterranean spirit of Italy"
because, the newspaper said, the Na-
tional Home Project is desighed to
set up a new state under British con-
torl which would be hostile to Arabs
and Moslems. (Mussolini has pro-
,laimed firm friendship for the people
of Islam).
Despite the strong tenor of the
editorial, there was a definite indica-
tion that Mussolini's declared policy
of friendship and justice for Jews
would be continued.
Dynamite Explosion
Kills Three Youths
SCOTTDALE, Pa., May 25.-(,)-
Three boys were blown to bits today
in an explosion that demolished a
dynamite warehouse near Pine Tree,
two miles from this Westmoreland
County Coal town.
Coroner H. A. McMurray's office
identified the boys as Wilbur Sea-
christ, 36, and Boyd Long, 16, both
students at Scottdale High School,
and Howard Stull, 15, of nearby
Huntingdon township.
The investigators said they believed
the boys had been using a rifle found
near the scene to shoot a target
against the building. One bullet was
discharged from the rifle.
The bodies, mutilated and unrecog-
nizable, were found about 50 feet
from the twisted timbers of the old
frame building which had been used
for storing blasting powder sold to
nearby coal mines.
Mrs. Lindbergh Ready

Kraus Praises Plan To Provide
Book Fund For Needy Students

Soviet Planes
Complete Trip
To North Pole
MOSCOW, May 26.-(Wednesday)
---/)-Three Soviet planes bearing a
'year's supplies for the Russian North
Pole base completed their flight to
the top of the earth today, circled
the camp seven hours after taking off
from Rudolf Island for their 560 mile
Arctic flight.
The fleet of three planes sighted
the camp established b~yDr. OtJ
Schmidt on a floating ice floe in the
polar seas at 6 a.m. Rudolf Island
Time (9 p.m. E.S.T.) and immediately
prepared to land.
The commander of the expedition,
which it is hoped will eventually make
possible a commercial air route from
Moscow over the Pole to the United
States, radioed the news of the feat
back to Moscow as soon as he had
achieved his objective.
The message proclaimed in a mat-
ter of fact manner that the Polar
fleet had hit the camp site squarely
on the nose after an uneventful jour-
Weather at the North Pole post, the
report declared, was good and the
planes were circling to get the drift
of the wind before settling down on
the special runway scooped out of the
Polar ice.
Student Workers
Will Meet Tonight
The Student Workers Federation
will hold its last meeting of the se-
mester at 8 p.m. today in the Union,
Morris Lichtenstein, '38, said yester-
The completion of the first full
year of activity finds the Stiinat

"A splendid opportunity for assist-
ing needy students," was the manner
in which Dean Edward H. Kraus of
the literary college characterized the
newly-formed project for establish-
ing a student book fund yesterday.
The plan, which is being drafted in
detail by a committee consisting of
Prof. Erich A. Walter of the English
department, chairman; Prot. A. L.
Moore of the engineering college; Dr.
William W. Bishop, director of the
department of library science and
Dean Kraus, calls for the establish-
ment of a reserve of textbooks built
up from the contributions of students
which will be used to supply books
for those who are unable to afford'
the purchase price. Books are now

that the book aid plan would help to
fill a long-felt need in the University
for more effective assistance to stu-
dents under financial handicaps. "We
need more scholarships and aids of
every sort for needy students," he
"If there is a good response to our
call for contributions during the re-
mainder of the present semester, we
have every expectation that the plan
will prove a success," Dean Kraus
According to Professor Walter,
chairman of the committee, the loan
of books will be limited to those stu-
dents who are actually in need of as-
sistance. "Any student who is gen-
uinely in need of help," he explained,
"may go to the loan committee or be

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