Ford Union Campaign In Full Swing
Fellowship In
Reliious Work
Jackson Graduate Student
Awarded Ransdell Fund
FellowshipOf $600
With Richard Frankensteen (left) in control, the United Automobile
Workers' campaign to organize the Ford Motor Company labor broke
into the open with the announcement by the union of the opening of
camnpaign headquarters in Detroit. Frankensteen said he hoped to
Eign a ma.j-ity of the 90 000 cmployees in the Dearborn plant, the
world's largest single industrial unit. He is shown in conference with
Homer Martin, president of the union.,
American Theatre Is Prefrred
O O~l fleftran O e 'Iwarf
TO Contintental Byloi ewr
By MARIAN SMITH ductions and it wvas at this time he
The "vital and progressive" Ameri pl.ayed the lead in the original pro-
can theatre was preferred to the con~ duction of "The Pursit of Happi-
ness." This production ran for sev-
tinental stage, by Tonio Selwart, in an eral months in London and was then
The Margaret Kraus Ramsdell Fel-
lowship was awarded yesterday to
Robert D. Satterlee, Grad., of Jack-
The Ramsdell Fellowship Fund was
established in 1933 by Dean Edward
H. Kraus and Lena H. Kraus and Ed-
ward T. Ramsdell in memory of Mar-
garet Krauss Ramsdell. It provides
for an annual fellowship of $600 to be
used in assisting students of the
University of Methodist affiliation
who have been active in the work of
the First Methodist Episcopal Church
of Ann Arbor, or in the Wesley Foun-
dation at the University, to pursue
graduate studies in this country or
abroad in religious education or in
preparation for the Ch ristian miu is-
try. Both men and women are eligible
for the appointment.
Fellows are selected by a committee
consisting of the dean of the Grad-
uate School, the dean of the literary
college, the minister of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church of Ann
Arbor, the director of the Wesley
Foundation at the University, and a
fifth member chosen by these four.
Brace .Advises
Students Test
For .Hay.Fever
interview yesterday. He will ap-I
pear in the "The Laughing Woman,"1
the third production of the Dramatic
Mr. Selwart related that when he
came to America he found the stage
a very living thing, filled with an
enthusiasm which is lacking in the.
European theatre. An actor in this
country can feel much more secure1
in his position as an actor than he
can on the continent, he emphasized.1
There is a constant change in roles
for the European actor, he said, for
productions do not have the long'
successive runs that determine the
success of an American play. He also
stated than an actor on the continent
may play the role of a tragic hero for
one or two successive presentations
and immediately step into the role of
a comic production. An even great-
er versatility of the European actor,
is demanded, he stated, but added
that in upholding the position of
these constant changes, it breaks the
monotony which accompanies the
"long run" productions of the Ameri-
can theatre.
The medical profession was first
selected by Mr. Selwart for his career,
but he stated that he gave it up after
completing his premidical studies in
the University of Munich. "I felt
that it would be less dangerous to
humanity to be a bad actor than a
bad doctor," he declared. He stated
that his father was a surgeon and
that this fact probably influenced his
early choice of careers. Upon leaving
the medical school, however, he im-
mediately devoted his entire attention
to drama and has been on the stage
more than nine years. His first ap-
pearances were on the Bavarian and
Austrian stage and he later went into
Switzerland and France to play in
other productions.
brought to New York. He said that
he was asked to appear in the Holly-
wood screen production, but was un-
able to do so because he had not
become a naturalized citizen of theI
United States. '
H stated that he will receive his
"full standing as an American citi-
zen" in the fall and that he hopes
to find the restrictions placed upon
his choice of plays less binding. Fur-
ther comment revealed that lie has
been further restricted to the num-
ber of productions he may appear in
during a specified length of time, be-
cause of lack of citizenship privileges.
He expressed his eagerness to ob-
tain his entire citizenship qualifica-
tions, for he is planning to remain
indefinitely in the United States.
In discussing the Dunnigan bill,
which opens the stage to censorship
by an appointed commissioner, Sel-
wart expressed his gratification that I
Gov. Herbert Lehman had vetoed the
bill. He said that it would have had
"not only a harmful but a degrad-
ing efTect upon the stage." The mo-
tion picture strike, however, he con-
tinued would be of little significance
to the stage and would in no way
influence the future of the theatre
guilds. '
He declared the Dramatic Season of
Ann Arbor "a most excellent tradi-
tion" and stated that he found the
city "a center of enthusiastic cul-
tural interests."
Mr. Selwart also commented on
the large number of university stu-
dents he found working in various
restaurants in addition to their study-
ing. "This is an unusual custom to
rte' for in European schools a stu-
dent seldom works during his years
in university training." He expressed
his admiration for those students who
were sufficiently interested in edu-
An injection in time will save days
and days of sneezes said Dr. William
M. Brace of the Health Service in
speaking of hay fever yesterday.
Many students are now afflicted
with the early type of hay fever, 1e
continued, which is most often caused
by the budding of trees and shrubs.
The later type ccmcs about August 15
and can be caused by a variety of
Dr. Brace pointed 'out that those
,,udents who are aflicted with the
late type wiuld do well to take the
sensitization tests at the Health Serv-
ice in order to mitigate as much as
possible the severity of the attack
this season. "At this late date the
treatment will not be so successful,"
he said, "as there is not time enough
to build up immunity, however, there
is still. a good chance of its having;
a definite effect." As a rule March
and April are the best months to
begin the treatment, he added.
The first step in the usual proce-
dure is to administer the scratch or
intradermal test to the patient, Dr.
Brace explained, in order to deter-
mine what he may be sensitive to.
Injections of pollen are then given
to alleviate the reaction. The intra-
dermal is being used for the first
time at the Health Service, and is
far superior to the skin scratch meth-
od because of its more delicate diag-
nosis, he continued. By means of
luers with special needles or glass
syringes pollen is injected not under
but within the skin itself.
Reactions in the nose and eyes
similar to the effect of hay fever
are often produced by sensitization
to edibles such as: chocolate, milk,
. .... 1::,..;. Ate. t,.._ __.:lt:... ..c a._ .,.......,... a....... _. .___
Mr. Selwart stated that he left the cation to be willing to spend many
continent to appear in English pro- their hours working.
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