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January 26, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-26

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TUESDAY, JAN. 26, 4937

U _________________________________________________________________________________ I

Win- a t


Member 1937
socded Coleade Press
Distributors of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Repteseitagie
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
% Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New-
nan, Leonard Seigelian, Richard Know, Charles
Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Disaster And
An Appeal.. .
FRIDAY NIGHT to many of us
meant "The Yeomen of the
Guard," the broadcast from Hill Auditorium or
perhaps an evening of preparation for finals only
a week away. In an evening thus absorbed few
of us were aware that one of the most awful
natural cataclysms of the decade had begun its
devastation in the Ohio Valley.
With the inexorability and widespread de-
struction' characteristic of floods and earth-
quakes the inundation of this valley has silently,
horribly taken the lives of hundreds and en-
dangered the lives of thousands more, causing
suffering almost beyond understanding. Lack of
fuel has resulted in a paucity of cooked food and
the scarcity of clothing has brought about suf-
fering that is accentuated by a cold wave and
blizzards. Those who have not withstood these
numerous causes of disease have been unable
to receive the proper medical care. A shortage
of water under pressure has added fire, almost
uncontrollable, to the prevailing chaos and
has made washing a luxury beyond realization in
many cities.
With rivers creeping higher and food and
clothing supplies becoming exhausted, it is our
duty to aid in mitigating the suffering that has
descended upon these thousands. Two oppor-,
tunities present themselves in Ann Arbor for
rendering such aid. The first is the American
Red Cross. Its national relief fund has been set
at five million dollars and the quota for Wash-
tenaw County of $415 has been doubled to $830
and as much more as possible.
The Washtenaw office of the American Red
Cross is in the Wolverine Building and the tele-
phone number is 2-1647. Contributions can also

be made in Ann Arbor banks.
An unusual opportunity to aid in terms of food
and clothing has been made possible by the Dhu
Varren Dairy, through whose generosity trans-
portation to the flood area for contributions of
food and clothing has been arranged. They
will call for them if you telephone 2-2511.
Trucks have been loaned to this worthwhile
project by Johnson-Cushing Co., automobile
dealers, The Milan Trucking Co, Herbert Twin-
ing, camp director, and Grennan and Clague,
A PROPOS of final examinations
and last-minute cramming, it is

vision of'the faculty, and other tutoring com-
panies, the Alumni Weekly said:
"The question is whether they are using their
considerable talents against the interests of the
university. There can be no doubt that they
have done this upon occasion in the past, and
perhaps they would do it again if they could.
But times have changed.
"Departmental work in upperclass years is
almost tutor-proof, and even underclass courses
seem to grow less amenable to 'cold-doping,'
which is the greatest and most lucrative sin of
the big-money instructor, legitimate forms of
tutoring seem to become more popular, and
the tutors, sometimes to their own confessed
astonishment, seem to become educators."
At the same time the Student Tutoring As-
sociation announced a new plan of long-range
tutoring instead of the old "cram" sessions,
according to the New York Times. Students
who desire aid may choose between tutoring
sessions which will be given a month to three
weeks ahead of the examinations, or conference
hours the night previous to the examination, at
which no tutoring will be done, but any ques-
tion or misunderstandings cleared up.
Attacking the tutoring system, the Princeton-
ian said:
"No one with Princeton's best interests at
heart condones cold-dope tutoring from ank
point of view. It may be practical, but noth-
ing else .
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Impractical, Poetic Natators
To the Editor:
Mr. Tomlinson gave a very practical, straight-
forward summary of the conditions because of
which it is most decidedly undesirable for
American nations to entangle themselves with
the League of Nations, Professor Slosson notwith-
standing. As Mr. Tomlinson said, maybe it is,
a narrow view, but it's better to have a half
world healthy than a whole world Hell. If all
the experience of the Old World can't save it
from suicide, and that school of impractical,
poetic idealists (They call themselves "interna-
nationalists") of which Professor Slosson is very
representative, tells us that it is the fault of
America, I will be just one of many to suggest
that they may appropriately take a jump in Lake
-D. K. Arhar.
A Thrilling Pro gram
To the Editor:
Last night was one of those nights up here on
Lake Superior, when the wind sweeps in from
across the lake, drifting the stinging snow deep-
er and deeper. With the mercury down to 18 be-
low and the blizzard driving all life into seclu-
sion, it is natural, in a CCC camp to hover close
to the crackling fire and listen to the radio,
music from "below the Arctic."
- The music that thrilled me and brought back
thoughts of Ann Arbor and those happy days
of long ago came, last night, from good old Hill
Auditorium. "College Days," "Laude Atque Car-
mina," "The Yellow and Blue," and that glorious
Michigan Band and the sharp, clear tones of
the bells drifted in and made rosy again this
cold starless, frigid North.
I want to express my appreciation, as an al-
umnus and that 'of my company, who listened
to that stirring program from Ann Arbor.
May we sometime again, be privileged to
enjoy a like program.
-Irwin T. Sanborn, 1921E
Captain Coast Artillery
Seney, Mich.
University And Student Workers
To the Editor:

The League workers want higher pay, the
right to bargain through their own agents as a
unit, the right to eat where they like. The League
management would prefer to keep wages where
they are, to negotiate, if necessary, with indi-
viduals or small bodies of workers, to have work-
ers receive their wages in trade.
I do not choose to go into the matter of wages,
hours or methods of remuneration. The kernel
of the matter in the long run, is, I think, whether
the University of Michigan is going to foster the
right of its students to a voice in their own
affairs, or whether it is going to depreciate or-
ganizations whose aim it is not only to call stu-
dents together to discuss, but also to crystallize
discussion into specific requests of the Adminis-
At present it is safe to say, the Administration
through its agent, the League management, has
not attempted to settle the current dispute by
empowering some existing committee or by cre-
ating an organ which would have sanction to ne-
gotiate with the representatives of League work-
ers. On the contrary, the Administration
through its agent, has attempted to avoid con-
crete discussion, and, it would seem, to wait out
the workers, who, it is obviously hoped, will
soon forget the whole matter, and return to
their previous status with a lesson learned.
It seems to me in the present instance that
the League workers have not only a right to or-
ganize and to be recognized as a body by the
Administration, but they have a duty to form
themselves into any kind of group they prefer
and to demand redress of their grievances. A
right because they are infringing on no one
else's rights; a duty because they are citizens

+++### IT ALL
a----By Bonth Williums
JOHN HELD JR., affable master of ceremonies
who put' the University broadcast across with
a bang Friday night, opined that Ann Arbor was
both fascinating and peculiar. At the time that
Patty the Flapper's father dropped the remark, it
made little impression on this thick cranium, but
after three days of steady progress, the idea has
at last arrived in the fertile gray matter where
it has taken root.
Ann Arbor is certainly peculiar. More things
are ordinarily happening here that would be
regarded as monstrous oddities elsewhere than in
any other town of similar size in the United
To prove that -Ann Arbor is different. where
else would you see:
1. White shoes scuffing up snow in January.
2. Houses ablaze with light until 2 a.m.
3. People walking five blocks for a glass of
4. Ten thousand students and 10 automobiles.
5. One woman adorned in another's clothes.
6. No credit.
7. Climatic variation ranging from hot as
to cold as the proverbial witch.
8. $30 fines for singing "Sweet Adeline."
9. Nary a brothel.
10. A gurgling crescendo of kisses with the
boom of a clock.
11. Every other girl with a fraternity pin.
12. A columnist whistling for Scotch in vain.
WHEN the giant hot water heater in the
Theta Delta Chi House broke down Tuesday
morning. the brothers took it like men and made
light of their temporary plight with any num-
ber of witticisms. When on Thursday the heater
was still in no immediate danger of being re-
paired, the brothers became deeply vexed. Scrap-
ing of dull razors over indifferently lathered
chins was beginning to have its effect on tempers.
The merits of ice cold showers had also been
greatly over-exaggerated, the Theta Delts found.
On Saturday some of the less hardy made
their way to the Chi Psi house and the Law
Club to beg much needed bathing privileges from
not too sympathetic friends. The lawyers de-
manded tribute in the form of liquid refresh-
ment, and the Chi Psi's intimated that the whole
story would make good rushing talk come next
BENEATH IT ALL: Three violent kickbacks
from last week's offering: (1) Chuck Killins'
father is not the proprietor of 53 bowling alleys,
but rather is in the gravel business in Ann Arbor
(2) Fred De Lano today got an answer to the
letter he sent President Roosevelt in re a job,
in the form of a long and encouraging reply
from Stephen Early, Mr. Roosevelt's assistant
secretary who said: "The President has asked
me to acknowledge your letter of January 16
and to thank you for writing as you did."
This column wishes to express sympathy for:
1. Guerd Greenway who worked his head off
for three years to get into med school and then
after three months of slaving now finds him-h
self in the University Hospital with a bad case
of pneumonia-which means that The Bull will
probably have to start all over again with anat-
omy in the fall, but may be able to play goalie
in the inter-fraternity hockey league the latter
part of the winter.
2. Ray Goodman who spent his own,emoney
following the basketball team all over the
country in the hope that he would be writing
for and boosting a championship team, and who
has been sick in bed ever since he wrote the
story of -Ohio State's upset of the Wolverines
Saturday night.
3. Martin Newcomer who broke his leg while
tobogganing with Reed Low, Al Saunders, and
Bob Martin in the Arboretum Sunday. Martin
stayed off while the others made a couple of
trial runs, but climbed on for the third test on

Old Baldy. The toboggan hit a mass of tangled
pipes at the bottom of the hill and Newcomer's
leg was pretty badly smashed up in the wreck.
One would think such an aim would call for Ad-
ministrative encouragement of social action on
the part of the student body in an effort to
bring first hand to the students a realization o',
their place in society as well as concrete exper-
ience in the operation of social phenomena. It
would appear that the best way to stimulate so-
cial responsibility is to give it a chance to exist.
I realize that the Administration may feel it
dangerous to render students powerful despite
salutary results which might obtain. But if
the Administration wishes to exercise one of the
prime principles on which it is founded, and I
trust it does, it is deluding itself in believing
that the students are not ready for social re-
sponsibility. If they are not ready now they
shall be still less in the future when the ideals
the University has given them have worn thin-
ner, and the grasp of special interest has per-
verted their point of view.
In concluding, then, I should like not only to
encourage the League workers in their stand
against low pay and for Administrative recog-
nition of their representatives, but also to ask
that the Administration respect the identity of
these workers and encourage their organiza-
tion. For to do otherwise is to teach liberty with
invalidating reservation, to laugh in the face of
the University's own teachers, to demand social
responsibility on commencement day and to for-
bid it all the days before then.
-Arthur A. Miller.

Japan's Crisis
-Are Her Masses Awakeni
(From the New York Times)
content are troubling the surface
of Japanese political and economic
life. The stormy reception accorded
government leaders yesterday as they
tried to defend their foreign and do-
mestic policies at the opening session
of the Diet was no mere partisan
demonstration. It was so signifi-
cant an indication of dissatisfaction
with the military dominance at home
and abroad that the cabinet, rather
than risk prolongation of the debate,
induced the Emperor to sanction a
two-day suspension of the Parlia-
Not waiting for Premier Koki Hi-
roto, Foreign Minister Hachiro Arita
and Finance Minister Eiichi Baba
to conclude their general statements,
important party leaders in the midst
of excited turmoil launched an of-
fensive. They centered their denun-
ciation on the army and its control
of foreign policy. The Cabinet's de-
fense did not carry conviction; nor
could it, for army-controlled foreign
policy since the beginning of the
occupation of Manchuria in 1931 has
led to an ever-expanding program of
aggression in North China at an in-
creasingly ruinous cost, without
achieving the goals proclaimed by the
Japanese military: a natural and
easily defensible frontier against
Soviet Russia and harmonious rela-
tions with China. The German-
Japanese anti-Communist agreement
which Arita defended at length was
ridiculed on the ground that it had
given Japan nothing save a bad
name. That vague pact is rapidly
becoming a symbol for the break-
down of military foreign policy.
The army is blamed also fpr some
of the most acute domestic difficul-
ties. Soaring prices, which the Cab-
inet has vainly tried to keep within
bounds by various devices, including
the recently instituted control of for-
eign exchange; an unprecedented
peace-time budget involving burden-
some taxation upon the rich indus-
trialists as well as the masses of the
people; and constantly enlarging de-
mands of the army and navy-these
are traced directly or indirectly to ill-
advised diplomatic adventures and
military expansion on the continent.
The Japanese militarists, however,
show no sign of reducing their de-
mands on the national treasury or di-
minishing their control in the state.
pn the contrary, some of them now
propose, as a means of increasing
revenue, a form of State socialism
through the nationalization of large-)
scale production. Thus while uniting
with the Germans to fight commu-
nism, some military leaders, support-
ed by younger members of the bu-
reaucracy, are asking for economic
controls similar in some respects to
those operative in Soviet Russia.
Many of the younger military leaders
are unsympathetic to the present
parliamentary system and look with;
favor on a program that would abol-
ish the Diet in its present form and1
relegate the parties to impotence.
Against these Fascist-militaristi
tendencies the political parties are
seeking to rally their forces. They
are supported by the powerful bus-
iness interests which have been dis-
illusioned by the unsatisfactory fi-
nancial returns from Manchukuo and
which now are perturbed by the rad-
ical propensities of the military eco-
nomic theorists.
In this test of strength the voice of
the mass of the Japanese people-
the millions of submerged factory
workers and peasants who live at a
bare subsistence level-is as yet hard-
ly heard. But the groups competing
for power are beginning to address
themselves to these inarticulate
masses. In their awakening to po-
litical consciousness there is the pos-
sibility eventually of such a develop-
ment as to change profoundly life

within Japan and the country's role
in the Far East.
Greatest Flood
Seen Imminent
On Mississipp i
(Continued from Page 1)
the vast rescue effort for which Pres-
ident Roosevelt had marshaled every
available agency with the reported
command for them to "step on it."
The property, crop and livestock
loss was incalculable.
Before Lt. Col. Reyboid had voiced
fears for the Mississippi-long be-
fore held privately by engineers-
heroic efforts had been made to avert
in that region any recurrence of the
disaster to the North.
In a strategically situated "fuse
plug" levee at New Madrid, Mo. en-
gineers had blasted breaks to relieve
main Mississippi dikes. A 200 square
mile area was flooded.
A large number of persons, esti-
mated by a highway engineer at "at
least 500" and by the Red Cross at
between 100 and 200, were report-
ed caught in the flood basin.
Five were reported sighted by
fliers, marooned on an embankment,
Disease menaced a wide area.

(Continued from Page 2)

English 46, Introduction to Ameri-
can Literature: Because of the fact
that no other course in American Lit-
erature is given this year, students
may be admitted to English 46 al-
though they have not had English
45. Studefits who have taken Eng-
lish 45 may receive bredit for it with-
out taking English 46, unless 46 is re-
quired for concentration programs.
The course is open to sophomores,
juniors and seniors.
College of Architecture: The fol-
lowing courses given during the sec-
ond semester 1936-37 are open to stu-
dents in other colleges of the Univer-
sity, with prerequisites only as stat-
Arch. 11 Domestic Architecture
and Housing, Professor Bennett.
TTh 2 346 Arch. 2 hrs. credit,
Prerequisite: Junior standing, ex-,
cept by permission.
D.D.35 ' History of Interiors, Pro-
fessor Gores
TTh 11 346 Arch. 2 hrs. credit.
No prerequisite.
Drawing 21 Freehand Drawing,
Sec. 1 TThS 10-12; Sec. 2 TTh 1-4.
415 Arch. 2 hrs. credit. No prere-
Drawing 33 Clay Modeling, Mr.
TTh 1-4 307 Arch. 2 hrs. credit
No prerequisite.
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates
in all fields except those of the nat-
ural sciences and mathematics must
obtain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination by the German Depart-
For the second semester this ex-'
amination will be given on Wednes-
day, March 17, at 2 p.m. in Rooml
203 U. H.
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to register
their names at least one week be-
fore the date of the examination atI
the office of the German Depart-t
ment, 204 U.H., where informationi
and reading lists are available.
University Lecture: Dr. Olaf Hel-I
mer, of Berlin, will lecture on "The
Logical Foundations of Mathematics"
in 1025 Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m., Fri-
day, Jan. 29. The public is cordially1
French Lecture: The next lecture
in the French Club series will take
place Wednesday, January 27, at
4:15, Room 103, Romance Languages
Building. Professor Warner Patter-
son will speak' on "Louis XIII.'
Tickets for the series of lectures may
be obtained from the Secretary of
the Department of Romance Lan-
guages, Room 112 R.L., or at the doorl
at the time of the lecture.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: H. V. Kaltenborn, editor, au-
thor, and radio commentator, will
speak on "Current Problems" in Hll
Auditorium, Wednesday, Jan. 27, at
8:15 p.m. Tickets are still available
at Wahr's book store.I
Exhibition, Architectural Build-
ing: Photographs of work of artists1
in the fields of painting, sculpture,1
architecture, and landscape archi-
tecture, secured through the CollegeI
Art Association of New York from
the Alumni Association of the Ameri-
can Academy in Rome, are being
shown in the third floor Exhibition
Room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except
Sunday, through Jan. 30. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the

Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Building. Open daily from 9
to 5 p~m. except Sunday through the
month of February. Illustrated lec-
ture to be announced. Informal
opening Tuesday, Jan. 26, 3:30 to 5
p.m. The public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Phystes Colloquium will meet in
Room 1041 E. Physics Building, to-
day at 4:15 pm. Professor Cork will
talk on "Recent Experiments with the
Botanical Journal Club: Today
7:30 p.m., in Room 1139 N.S. Dr.
W. R. Taylor will be in charge of the
program, which will consist of pa-
pers by Miss E. Bauckmann, Miss L.
LiRick, Miss R. Uhvits, and Mr. G.
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the
Adelphi Room on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall. All members are urged
to be present for this short meeting
at which officers for next semester
will be elected.

Finance Committee of .G.P.:
There will be a meeting this after-
noonat 4 p.m. in the Undergraduate
office of the League.
Kappa Phi meeting today at 5:15
p.m. at Stalker Hall.
Alpha Kappa Delta: Meeting to-
night at Prof. R. C. Angell's home,
1007 Berkshire Road, at 7:30 p.m. Dr.
John W. Stanton, of the History De-
partment, will speak on social move-
ments in modern China. Discussion.
Limited transportation from Haven
Hall at 7:30 p.m.
The Freshmen Luncheon Clubs
will have as guest speaker today Mr.
Gerald H. Hoag, manager of the But-
terfield Theatres. All members are
invited to bring guests.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the ident
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Zeta Tau Alpha Alimnae willi
today at 8 p~m., at the home of:
Sherman, 1215 Hill St. Alumnae
all chapters welcome.


Quarterdeck Society: There will be
an important meeting today at 7:30
p.m. in the Union. Election of of-
University Radio Club: All stu-
dents interested in the demonstra-
tion of five-meter short wave equip-
ment are urged to attend the meet-
ing of the club at 7:30 p.m. today
in Room 316, Michigan Union.
All Michigan Dames are cordially
invited to the meeting of the Home.
making Group which will be held
this evening at the home of Mrs. T.
N. Darling, 1609 Ferndale Place, Dr.
Howard Lewis will speak on "Food
Chemistry," a topic which will be
very interesting to all Dames. You
are requested to meet at the League
lobby at 8 p.m. and transportation
will be provided from there.
Christian Science Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
Physical Education for Women:
Any student wishing to take the
skating test should report to Miss
Burr at the Skating Rink today or
Thursday between 3:30 and 4:30.
The Thesdiy Afternoon Play-
Reading Section of the Faculty Wo-
men's Club will meet today at
2:15 p.m. in the Ethel Fountain
Hussey Room of Michigan League.
men's Club will meet on Tuesday
at 2:15 p.m. in the Ethel FouiAtain
Burr at the Skating Rink next week
on Tuesday or Thursday between
3:30 and 4:30.
Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae will meet
Tuesday evening, at 8 p.m., at the
home of Nina Sherman, 1215 Hill
St. Alumnae from all chapters wel-
Coming Events
Chemistry Colloquium will meet on
Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 4 pm. in
Room 303 Chemistry Building. Mr.
Leland H. Pence will speak on "The
Synthesis and Reactions of Polycyclic
Biological Station: Dr. F. E. Eggle-
ton will present still and movig pic-
tures of the Biological Station in the
Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15
p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 27. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Graduate Students: The regular
Wednesday luncheons for grduate
students will be discontinued :until
the first week of the second semester.
Physical Education for Women: In-
dividual Tests in swimming wll be
given at the Union Pool on Tuesday
and Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9.
Tests in badminton will be given in
Barbour Gymnasium on Wednesday
afternoon from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m.
Notice to AllEngineering Students:
The ASME is sponsoring an open
meeting at which Dr. Felix Isermann
of the Berlin Institute of Technology
will speak on "Machinery Shown at
the Leipzig International Trade
Fair." The talk will be illustrated
with motion pictures. It will be held
at the Michigan Union on Wednes-
day, Jan. 27, at 7:30.
Sons and Daughters of Rotarians:
The Ann Arbor Rotary Club will hold
the annual guest day for sons and
daughters of Rotarians now attend-
ing the University sometime early in
the second semester. All sons and
daughters of Rotarians are urged to
leave their names in the Registrar's
office, Room 4, University Hall, as
soon as possible. Telephone Univer-
sity 4121 local 383.

All Michigan Dames are invited to
to come to the meeting of the Drama
Group to be held at the League,
Thursday, Jan. 28, at 8 p.m. The
Robert Sherwood play, "Idiot's De-
light" will be presented by a tom-

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