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June 26, 1939 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1939-06-26

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A Naturalist In Our Times
The Daily By Special Request Reprints The
President's Address At The 95th Commencement]

_ ., .

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
university year and Summt ! Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
'Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, MIchigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Mtmber, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Stafff

t D. Mitchell
M. Swinton
Q. Norberg
N. Canavan
y M. Kelsey
G. Kessler
>lm E. Long
r L. Sonneborn

a .
. .
Business Stafff

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

Philip W. Buchen .B.us.i.e s aae
Pa Park..... .. ... Advertising Manager

Certain important difficulties in human think-
ing arise from failure to realize man as a part
of Nature, fundamentally always subject to her
laws and only able to shape his destiny through
an understanding of his relations to the biologi-
cal and physical aspects of his world. But move-
ments, upheavals, and struggles of nations and
peoples are not to be thought of as no more than
the blind movements of animals. Nations are not
merely conscious of their actions after they have
occurred, and history is more than the record
of necessary and inevitable happenings. Thus,
all who would conscientiously and wisely direct,
lead, and serve their fellows should aspire to be
naturalists-serious students of men in their
environment. They need to view human beings,
not as guinea pigs in the laboratory, as insects
impaled on pins in the museum, nor as crops to
be exploited for personal gain, but as parts of a
world which, when properly integrated, supplies
tolerable conditions for those who desire to live
in truth, in knowledge, and in justice.
In this belief, without apology to anyone, I
propose to comment briefly upon government,
world conditions, and your obligations. I shall
not attempt to speak as a sociologist, a political
scientist, an historian, or even as a university
president, but will address you as an ecologist,
that is, as a naturalist who believes that a living
being is the product of the reactions of environ-
mental forces upon individuals and that a human
being is capable of modifying the effect of
these forces.
I hold these things to be evident or capable
of proof to intelligent and informed men and
Democracy Lauded
Since we are consciously communal beings,
capable of improving our minds and social rela-
tions, democracy is for us the best form of gov-
ernment. We may hold this belief even though
convinced that our attributes will always make it
difficult or impossible for us to govern our-
selves with ideal effectiveness.
Education is the most important activity of
man, and a truly educated people will insist that
selfish, secular civilizations whose God is greed
During the last two decades Europe has quite
definitely experienced an intellectual and spirit-
ual decadence, and the locus of the highest level
of civilization is shifting from the Old World to
the Western Hemisphere.
Democracy in America as elsewhere will always
be in danger unless it can improve continually
by training its citizens to use the franchise in-
telligently, to eliminate the racketeer and the
self-seeking politician, and to cooperate consist-
ently in promoting a government "under which
a wrong to the humblest is an affront to all."
Hits 'Rape Of Nations'
I do not need to review the facts which support
these contentions. Even in the short time you
have been in college, you have seen, in Europe
and the Far East, the rape of weak countries by
stronger nations; the rise to power of crazed,
egocentric dictators; whole peoples deceived by
ministers in high positions; and such evidences
of social ill-health as concentration camps,
great armies poised to strike, regimented schools,
a controlled press, and other agencies of dis-
honest terrorism. These are not mere blemishes
yield to unselfish civilizations in which there is
equality of opportunity.
on the body politic, but significant signs of
inner decay-expressions of degenerative trends
in civilization. Surely it does not require any
great perspicacity to detect behind the unlovely

symptoms the infamous machinations of money-
mad individuals, the rapacity of soulless combi-
nations, and the lust for power of megalomani-
acs. No intelligent person should be deceived by
the brutality, elaborately embroidered false-
hoods, appeals to the nationalistic spirit, fan-
tastic racial claims, reversions to barbarism in
ethics and religion, and other deceptive tactics
of authoritarian dictatorships. The disease is
essentially a destruction of culture by the virus
of cupidity.
Democratic practices as we know them repre-
sent the great labor of ordinary souls. These
practices .also give opportunities to the selfish,
and are slow and wasteful in their operations.
Indeed, in our own country, government is today
so blundering and so tainted by corruption as
to depress at times even a confirmed optimist,
but it may still be insisted that democracy does
less violence to human ideals and is less destruc-
tive of human dignity-less hostile to the human
spirit-than forms of government which require
slavish subservience either to individuals or in-
terests. Being the only method of securing a
satisifying human adjustment, it is the only kind
of government for which fully-informed, in-
tellectually honest men can honestly fight. Man-
kind is a unit in hopes and aspirations, and can,
if necessary, afford to pay a high price to pre-
serve its faith, ambition, and self-respect. To
answer a question phrased by Thomas Mann, it
is hopeless folly to seek after good by means which
emasculate and demolish the very good for
which one is striving. If democracy is a dream
impossible of realization, then is man doomed'
to degradation and self-annihilation.
Civilization Moving Westward
Members of the Class of 1939: Since the center
of civilization and culture is moving westward,
a heavy responsibility falls upon you. More than
any previous generation of our citizens, you have
it in your power to preserve man's rightful heri-
tage of individual freedom within the natural
limitations of communal living. Since America
is no more safe for democracy than is the rest
of the world, you wit be expected not only to
protect the democratic order but also to improve
its operations. A part of your necessary equip-~
ment has been given you in school, knowledge1
being essential for intelligent living, but from
now on you should, both by study and experience,
continue to grow in understanding of man's duty
to man and in ability to mold a decent environ-1
ment for yourselves and your fellowmen. I
Urges Communal Emphasis
In "short, your instructors, naturalists in our1
times, urge you also 'to become naturalists. They
ask you to make it your business to understand
and to explain to the world, by precept and
example, that, while equality of opportunity is<
not the share of individualistic animals, it is a
right for the human species, since only when itE
exists can communal life offer enduring satis-
faction to the individual. And, finally, your
teachers would remind you for the last time thata
you may keep in training for your work asl
worth-while citizens of the world if you will
remember that in these years one can witnessl
the gigantic spectacle of innumerable human
lives wandering about lost in their own lab-
yrinths, through not having anything to which to
give themselves. If it is not to be disjointed and
lacking in tension, human life by its very nature'
has to be dedicated to something, to "an enter..
prise glorious or humble, a destiny illustrious or

A cheery good morning and, since
we haven't met before, a greeting
from Ann Arbor. I'll be seeing you
daily at the breakfast table so pass
the toast-lots of butter please--
and let's get down to the business
of chronicling the doings of this
University city of Ann Arbor.
First, introductions. This column
will appear every morning-barring
Mondays, the days before midsemes-
ters, hangovers and discharge--and
report on theside-lights of the high-
lights; the, news behind the news
and views, some amusing, some in-
teresting, some bitter. Four years
of reporting everything from auto
accidents to scientific discoveries
provide the background for what
you'll be reading. The knowledge of
the town goes from the classroom to
that place downtown where you get
your policy tickets; from Dr. Ruth-
yen's office to the jail; from the
Pretzel Bell to ..well, its comfort-
able, why not just stay there?
Anyway, now we know each other
and let's get on with the side-show.
Amusing is the report from an in-'
veterate church-goer as to what oc-
curred a few weeks ago at the First
Congregational Church, the hand-
some stone one located by Betsy Bar-
bour. It seems that a church-supper
was in progress and a large crowd
of the faithful were enjoying one
of those unbeatable meals that you
get at a church supper-chicken, pie, .
home-made muffins and the rest.
Suddenly Rev. Leonard Parr arose .
and said:
"Professor Clifford Woody has anr
important announcement to make.E
Go ahead Professor Woody."E
The genial Education School tutor
arose, seriously faced the assembled
multitude which was wondering if
war had been declared or the mort-
gage foreclosed and announced: r
"The score is still tied in theE
thirteenth with the Tigers at bat."
* * *
Golf Coach Ray Courtright is grow-
ing a new set of finger-nails these
days as he slowly recovers from the
happenings at the University Golff
Course a few days back. Not thats
Ray was worried about his own golf
but his son, Bill, came out of no-l
where to win his way into the finals
of the Western Junior Tournament.-
Bill, a lean youngster whose athletic
record includes quarter-backing the1
Ann Arbor high eleven, winning the
State AAU 145-pound wrestling
championship and captaining the
link squad, entered the tournament
intent only on surviving the qualify-
ing round.s
He was good enough to last through
and face calm Sammy Kocsis, latest
champion to emerge from that seem-E
ingly-endless group of Kocsis broth-
ers, in the finals. Father Ray hadl
followed the proceedings, thirty times
more scared than either of the final-c
ists. On the last eighteen he couldn'tc
bear to watch things and contentedr
himself with watching from a dis-
tance. Bill lost the match on the last
hole when he failed to hole a three-
foot putt; his Dad lost-at a mini-
mum-twenty pounds and one set of
very excellent fingernails.r
* * *
All of which reminds us of the
letter a professor's off-spring showed
us the other day. It was from a seven
year-old cousin and read:
"Dear Tommy:
I bet my dad can beat up your
dad because professors are not
fighters like my dad. I did not
have to look up that word be-
cause mother told me-ha, ha.
Our house is a horsebital. I have
the chicky pox and the dog is
getting over distemper. My dad
will fight your dad in summer.
I bet ten cents my dad will beat

ney Ryley Cooper. Little, Brown
and Co. $2.75.
The fame of the muckrackers of an
earlier era grows but it is in this book
by Courtney Ryley Cooper that one
sees the raking of real muck-the
muck in which a section of America's
population unthinkingly frolics, con-
ventional moral standards discarded.
It is the story of the dine and dance
joints with their red neon signs and
parked cars-the story of young
people lacking in balance and discre-
tion, of girls who refuse to go back
to "working for pennies."
Amazing Revelation
Mr. Cooper tells that story thor-
oughly. An experienced reporter and
an intimate of Edgar Hoover, he
spent more than a year compiling
the facts. Set down in the black
and white of print they are amazing,
disgusting. It. is the story of a de-
generate section of our civilization
which is too often ignored. It is the
story which any police reporter could
tell a dozen times a week and yet a
story which Mr. Average Citizen
finds unbelievable.
'It is a story to stagger the sociolo-
gist, based upon thorough investiga-
tion. Perhaps Mr. Cooper's back-
ground betrayed him into over sensa-
tionalization. Certainly I find his
statement that 20 per cent of every
WPA dollar finds its way into the
hands of anti-social elements too
much to swallow. But granting that
there are books to be sold and royal
ties to be garnered, that a reporter is
not imprisoned too much by the sci-
ence of expert sociologist, it is still
a surprising revelation. White slaves,
gamblers, filth peddlars, all come
within the author's investigation.
Eight Conclusions
His conclusions from this study of
moral degeneracy are complex. They
are, briefly: ,
1. The women of this nation are
failing in their duty, both as parents
and as citizens, by not bringing up
their own children well and doing
nothing to force correction of ani-
fest evils-roadhouses, clip joints
and' unregulated houses of ill-fame.
2. The system of juvenile justice
has broken down. Juvenile courts
should work with Crime Prevention
bureaus. There should be less "wish-
washy paternalism." Politics should
be kept out of Juvenile courts.
3. The liquor business should reg-
ulate itself or be regulated. Too
many ex-gangsters are peddling
booze. Competition forces bribing
and other throwbacks to prohibition
days. The no-drinking for youths
under 21 rule should be absolutely
4. Sex education should be better
5. Murder should be made a fed-
eral offense. The outmoded system
of sheriffs, constables ,etc. should be
6. There should be new obscenity
laws. "Marriage by mail" bureaus
should be under federal supervision.
7. The church should regain some
of its former structure in the com-
munity by abolishing lotto and other
games, leaving gambling to gamblers.
8. There should be absolute regu-
lation of tourist cabins.
A sociologist would know better
than a journalist whether the con-
clusions Courtney Ryley Cooper
reaches are sound. Certainly they
make sense. And certainly the prob-
lems imperatively demand solution
as the book demands reading.
Stan M. Swinton.
up your dad. Love, John."
Which is all for today but don't

forget contributions are gladly (so
very, very gladly) accepted. So long.

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The University's


Summer Session


GLANCING OVER the wide range of
activities that are described in to-
day's Summer Daily brings out clearly the fact
that the eight weeks of summer in the Universi-
ty have become an institution of importance
all their own. The Summer Session can no longer
be rightly regarded as only a place for failing
students to make up their deficiencies in grades
or as a place for struggling through formal re-
quirements for degrees.
Today the Summer Session, as judged by its
newer developments, provides surroundings in
which comradeship, cultural activities, learn-
ing, practical information, exchange of ideas,
social entertainment and recreational activities
can all be found with little effort. The confines
of the University during the summer reach far
beyond the environs of the city of Ann Arbor
and beyond the boundaries of Michigan. Camps
for geologists, biologists, foresters and engineers
are established in Wyoming, Colorado and
northern Michigan. Programs are being offered
in normal colleges throughout the state. Occa-
sional travel courses take students abroad for
first-hand study of art, foreign languages and
literature and health and sports movements.
On the campustitself are found special pro-
grams and institutes not available during the
regular year that bring authorities and ad-
vanced students from all parts of the country
to the University for work. These include courses
of study such as the Institute of Far Eastern
Studies, offering courses in Asiatic problems,
culture and languages to be found nowhere else
in the country, a well-known Linguistics Insti-
tute, the new Latin-American Institute and the
Conference on Renaissance Studies. Conferences
and clinics in the Education School, the journal-
ism department and the School of Music bring
hundreds of high school students and teachers
here for part of the summer. Lectures by inter-
national authorities are offered in addition to
regular classwork in both a series open to the
public and in special programs such as the
physics symposium and programs in the bac-
teriology and other departments.
Student dramatics bring a full series of out-
standing plays to summer audiences; social occa-
sions fill weekends, making use of the facilities
of, the League and the Union. Sightseeing trips
are scheduled throughout the term. Spcrts .of all
kinds are available to those who enjoy physical
exercise and competition.
In other words, Summer Session has become
a live, creative institution, no longer something
added on, as it were, to the regular work of the
University. The student, whether graduate or
undergraduate can find here an atmosphere as
stimulating and varied in many ways, as that
of the regular school year.
A great deal of this development of the Sum-
mer Session as an institution is the peculiar
development of the Session of the University of
MWichigan and represents the forward vision and
imagination of the directors of the Session.
Guided as it has been, the Session, although 45
years old and drawing one student for every
two who attend during the regular year, may
be regarded as still in its youth, growing, vital
and still looking for new ideas.4
-Robert Mitchell
Signs Of Finnish Prosperity
The nrnsnerity of the Finns in the face of

MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 1
Dean Richard P. McKeon of the
Division of Humanities of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, will lecture at 4
p.m. today on "The Renaissance Phi-
losophy" in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building.
At 5 o'clock today in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building Dr.
J. M. Pollock of the Department of
Political Science will speak upon
the subject "Aspects of Hitlerism."
Open House: The Michigan Wol-
verine cordially extends an invitation
to all men and women Summer Ses-
sion students to attend its annual
Summer Open House, which will be
held on Monday evening, June 2,
from 8 to 10 p.m.
There will be refreshments and
dancing, entertainment and fun in a
friendly social atmosphere.
The Michigan Wolverine Student
Cooperative, ic., 208 S. State St.
Phi Delta Rappma. The first of a
series of weekly luncheons wil be
held at the Michigan Union on Tues-
day, June 27 at 12:10 pm. nnGuests
are invited. All members are asked
to register at the School of Educa-
tion in order that a directory of
those here for the, summer may be
Deutsches Haus: There will be a
meeting of the German Club, Tues-
day night, 7:30 at the German
House, 1315 Hill Street. Election of
officers and planning of summer
program. Everybody interested in
speaking German is cordially Invit-
ed, to attend.
Political Science 256s. The or-
ganization meeting will be held in
Room 2032 Angell Hall Tuesday,
June 27, at 4 p.m.
Paul M. A. Linebarger.
Ed. D-220's will meet in Room
2216 A.H. Wednesday, June 28 at
5 p.m. for organization purposes.
M. L. Wlliams&
Pi Lambda Theta tea Wednesday
afternoon, June 28, at 5 o'clock in
the Assembly Room of the Horace
H. Rackham School of Gadtate
Studies. The tea will be folkW* ed
by a short business meeting.
Householders who may be willing
to rent rooms to high school teachers
in attendance at the Institute for
Teachers of Journalism,_ June 28 to'
July 1, will please notify J. L.
Brumm, 213 Haven Hall (Phone,
University Extension '485), between
8:30 and 10 a.mi., at their earliest
J. L. Brumm.
Candidates already registered in
the University Bureau of'Appiint-
ments and Occupational Inforna-
tion should report during the first
week of Summer Session their class
schedules, present addresses and any
additional information for their rec-
ords. All such data and location
blanks should be filed in the Bureau
before July 5 in order to have rec-
ords ready for use in making recom-
mendations for 1939-40 placement.
Dates for registration of new candi-
dates will be announced later.
Office hours: 9-12 a.m.; 2-4' p.m.
201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and OccupationalInfor-
Excursion Number 1, Thursday,
June 29, 2 p.m. Tour of the Cam-
pus. Group meets in the lobby of
Angell Hall, inspects the General
Library, Clements Library of Early
American History, Cook Legal ' Re-
search Library, Michigan Union,
Burton Memorial Tower, Aeronauti-

cal Laboratory, Naval Tank, and
other points of interest. Explana-
tory talks will be given by those in
charge. Trip ends at 4:45 p.m.
There is no charge for this excur-
Health Service Dental Care: For
the first time the Health Service is
prepared to render some dental at-
tention to Summer School students.
For such an appointment, it will be
necessary to come in the forenoon
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
Director, Health Service.


First Week's Schedule
5:00 p.m. Aspects of Hitlerism. Professor J. M. Pollock.
7:45 p.m. Square and Country Dancing. (League Ballroom).

5:00 p.m.

7:30 p' .
8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.

Recent Studies of the Sun. (Illustrated with motion pictures.)
Professor Heber D. Curtis.
Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom)
The Place of Asia in Our American University Curricula. Sen. Elbert
D. Thomas, Senator from Utah.
Duplicate Bridge. (League)

3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tea and Dancing. (League Ballroom.) N
5:00 p.m. Criteria for Appraising the Work of Educational Institutions. Profes-
sor G. E. Carrothers.
7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (League Ballroom)
8:00 p.m. The Far East and the World. Sen. Elbert D. Thomas.
8:30 p.m. "Michael and Mary" by A. A. Milne. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Monday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake Noonday News News Commentator
12:15 Life Beautiful Recordings Farm Almanac Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store On Parade
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Vaughn de Leath
1:00 Ed McConnell Studio Feature Betty and Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Tyson Interview Grimm'c Daughter Word Dramas
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Music
1:45 Girl Marries Vera Richardson Hymns Black and White
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Marine Band Quiet Sanctuary
2:15 Editor's Daughter Ma Perkins " j ",
2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young " Henry cincone
2:45 Mrs. Page Guiding Light " Dance Orchestra
3:00 Chansonette Detroit at Cleveland Club Matinee News Commentator
3:15 Not So Long Ago " $IMoods in Music
3:30 """,Wayne and Dick,
3:45 Duncan Moore " News How To Buy
4:00 Musical" ' Song Sweets Jamboree
4:15 Melody Rhythmt
4:30 " Affairs of Anthony "
4:45 Alice Blair Spotlight Bob Armstrong t"
5:00 Musical Science News Hollywood Hilights Drifting Dreaming
5:15 Howie Wing Malcolm Claire Gilmore-crawford Turf Reporter
5:30 Tomy Talks Buck Rogers Day in Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Musical Lowell Thomas Harry Heilmann News
Monday Evening




Excursion No. 1-Tour of Campus. Inspection of General Library,
Clements Library of Early American History, Cook Legal Research
Library and other buildings of the Law Quadrangle, Michigan Union,
Burton Memorial Tower, Aeronautical Laboratory, Naval Tank,
and other points of interest. Explanatory talks will be given. Trip
ends at 4:45 p.m. No charge.
The European Colonies of Brazil (Illustrated). Prof. Preston E. James.
Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
Bridge Lessons. (League.)
America and the Far East. Sen. Elbert D. Thomas.
"Michael and Mary" by A. A. Milne. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
General Reception of the Faculty to the Students of the Summer
Session. (Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.)
"Michael and Mary" by A. A. Milne. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
Excursion No. 2-A Day in Detroit. Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit
Public Library, tour of Belle Isle, Fisher Building, inspection of
Radio Broadcasting Station WJR, and Detroit Zoological Park.
Round trip by bus. Reservations in Summer Session office, Angell

8:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.

International Center: The Interna-
tional Center will be open through
the Summer Session from 8 a.m. to
9. p.m. daily except on Saturday,
when it will close at noon, and on
Sunday, when it will remain closed
till 7 o'clock in the evening. Foreign.
students in the Summer Session, and
members of the various institutes in-
terested in the international groups
are cordially invited to use the Cen-
ter. Its facilities are entirely free.
The entrance is on Madison Street
just off State.
J. Raleigh Nelson.
The University Health Service of-
fers to summer school students the
facilities of an allergic or sensitiza-

6:00 News
6:15 Insideof .Sports
6:30 Eddie Cantor
6:45 "
7:00 Tune-Up Time
7:15 "
7:30 Minstrels
8:00 Lux Theatre
8:15 ",

Tyson Review
George Krehbiel
Al Pearce
voice of Firesto


Orphans of Divorce
Lone Ranger
Universal Music
Magic Key
Twilight Trail
Nat Brandwynne

Stop and Go
Fintex Sportlight
Jimmie Allen
Washington News
Blue Shadows
Sevilliana Musical
Henry Cincone





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