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June 26, 1939 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1939-06-26

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Renaissance Institute Stresses
New Approach To Study Of Era.

Falls, Put-in-Bay,
And Points Near-
t Are Scheduled
tinued rom Page 1)
en at the Devon Gables
Transportation charge
ch extra.
excursion is a repitition
to the Ford Plant. This
dnesday, July 12, is for
of those interested who
to go on the other.
15, 16 and 17, Friday
onday, on excursion to
lls will be offered. The
)nsisting of bus to De-
o Buffalo, bus to Niagara
ier trip on the Maid of
rip through the Cave of
bus to Buffalo, boat to
1 bus to Ann Arbor. Esti-
rnses for the entire trip
ncidentails is $18. Prof.
cott of the geology de-
ill conduct this trip and
nations of the geological

Designed to emphasize new ap-
proaches to the Renaissance and to
disseminate freshhinformation and
ideas concerning the period, the sec-
ond Graduate Conference on Renais-
sancq Studies will be conducted
throughout the Summer Session,
with Prof. Warner G. Rice of the
English department as director.
In addition to formal classroom
work, for which many departments
of the University have scheduled
special courses and augmented their
regular staffs with Renaissance au-
thorities, a series of eight lectures
has been arranged. These lectures,
to be held in the Rackham School,
are open to the public with no ad-
mission charge.
Luncheons will be held at 12:15
p.m. each Wednesday during the
summer at the Union in conjunction
with the Conference. Luncheon res-
ervations may be made in Room 3221,
Angell Hall, or by calling University
extension 539.

The first lecture of the series, to
be held today, is by Richard P. Mc-
Keon, Dean of the Division of the
Humanities at the University of Chi-
cago. His subject is "Aristotle in the
Other lecturers intheseries and
their subjects are, Monday, July 10,
Prof. Erwin Panofsky of the Insti-
tute for Advanced Study, Princeton,
"The Art-Theory of the . Renais-
sance"; Monday, July 17, Prof. Er-
nest A. Philippson of the German
department, "Der Ackermannr aus
Boehmen"; Monday, July, 24, Prof.
C. F. Tucker Brooke of the English
department, Yale, "Queen Eliza-
Monday, July 31, Prof. Conyers
Read of the history department,
University of Pennsylvania, "Reper-
cussions of the Renaissance in Eng-
land under Edward VI"; Monday,
Aug. 7, Paul Oskar Kristeller of the
philosophy department, Yale, "Mar-
silio Ficino and the Renaissance of
Platonism in the Florentine Aca-
demy"; Tuesday, Aug. 8, Mr. Kris-
teller, "Ficino's Theory of Platonic
Love and Its Historical Importance";
and Monday, August 14, Prof. Leices-
ter Bradner of the English depart-
ment, Brown University, "Neo-Latin
Poetry of the English Renaissance."

Third Far East
Studies Institute
Will Be Offered
Language Training Given
As Well As Courses
In Culture And Politics
In recognition of a growing public
and academic interest in Eastern
Asia, the Institute of Far Eastern
Studies was established in the Uni-
versity during the 1937 Summer Ses-
sion and will be continued this sum-
Intensive training is being offered
in the Eastern languages, Chinese,
Japanese and Russian, and a variety
of courses and seminars in the social
sciences and humanities are listed.
In connection with the Institute,
a special trip of two or three days
duration to Toronto, Ontario, for the
purpose of studying the Chinese
archeological collections at the Royal
Ontario Museum of Archaeology is
being planned under the direction of
Mr. James M. Plumer of the fine
arts department.
The Institute will offer for the gen-
eral public a series of lectures on
phases of the Near East by authori-
ties in the various fields. Among the
lecturers are Sen. Elbert D. Thomas,
Utah Democrat; Dr. Hugh Borton of
the Institute of Japanese Studies
at Columbia University; Dr. Arthur
W. Hummel, director of the Division
of Orientalia at the Library of Con-
Dr. George B. Cressey of the geol-
ogy and geography department of
Syracuse University:; Dr. William
W. Lockwood, Jr., of the American
Council of the Institute of Pacific
Relations; Dr. Shio Sakanishi of
the Library of Congress; Dr. Paul
M. A. Linebarger of the political
science department of Duke Uni-
versity; and Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese
Ambassador to the United States.


Sehool Mentors

excursion, Wednes-
11 be to Greenfield
born, where Henry
nstructed a typical
of the middle 19th
as had transferred
's Menlo Park lab-
and factory. Bus
s total $1.25.
eneral Motors prov-
[ilford is the eighth
Saturday, July 22.
sted over all kinds
ud to concrete. The
onducted over the
,ial proving grounds
nations provided by
v, July 26, another
e to Greenfield Vil-
vho were unable to

Of Journalism
To Meet Here

Parley Opens Wednesday;
Leading Newspapermen
Listed Among Speakers

I' r

7ashington's Winchell
sets Tar And Feathers



ial excursion, also conduct-
fessor Scott, will be to Put-
land in Lake Erie. The trip
ade by bus to Detroit and by
he island. The island is of
ological interest and, has
ractions as Perry's Monu-
rry's Cave and the Crystal
otal expenses for the trip
about $4. The trip will take
dnesday, Aug. 2.
for those under the direc-
rofessor Scott, the tours will
cted by Prof. Carl J. Coe of
ematics department, direc-
ummer Session Excursions..
ons for each tour except the
which no reservations are
should be made before 5
day proceeding the excur-
he Summer Session Office,
13 .Angell Hall. On all mo-
except for the one to the
Motors proving grounds at
students are w1lcome to
rs and follow the buses.
ons for the Niagara Falls
t be made by Wednesday,

Sponsored by the journalism de-
partment and the National Associa-
tion of Journalism Directors, the
First Institute on Secondary School
Journalism will be held at the Rack-
ham School Wednesday through
Speakers .for the four-day session
include leading. newspapermen, and
journalism directors. .A banquet is
scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Friday, with
Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal-
ism departmnent presiding, and a
luncheon is listed for 1 p.m. Satur-
day, with William E. Blake, :presi-
dent of the' National Association of
Journalism Directors presiding.
Among, the speakers are Professor
Brumm; Miss Hildegarde Stolteben
of the Senior High- School, Dubuque,
Ia.; Mr. Blake; S.. S. Fishbaine of
Central High School, Detroit; -Prof.
Wesley H. Maurer .of the journalism
department;'Stanley Oates of Mac-
Kenzie High School, Detroit; Miss Eva
Marie Van Houten of Redford High.
School, Detroit; Dr. Marion Ma-
goon of Michigan State Normal Col-
lege, Ypsilanti; Edgar C. Thompson,
principal, Pershing High School, De-
troit; Dr. Paul Misner, superintend-
ent of schools, Glencoe, Ill.; Marquis
E. Shattuck, director of language edu-
cation, Detroit.
Prof. Donal Haines of the journal-
ism department; Paul Nelson, editor
of "Scholastic Editor;" Lee A White
of the Detroit News; S.L.A. Marshall
of the Detroit News; Stanley K. Nor-
ton of Wauwatosa High School, Wau-
watosa, Wiss; Miss Ruth Browne of
High School of Commerce, Detroit;
E. R. Kissack of Flint; LaRue PiercyI
of Western Reserve Academy, Hud-
son, 0.; Miss Myrtle Heseitine of
Union Hgih School, Grand Rapids;
and Prof. Edgar Dale of Ohio State



WARRENTON, Pa., June 25.-UP)
-Count Igor Cassini, 22-year-old
gossip columnist for the Washington
Times Herald, was tarred and feath-
ered on a road in this Northern Vir-
ginia horse country early today by
several youths he said objected to
an item which appeared recently in
his column.

- \/
-- +
..r r



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302 S. State St.

atmn-A merican
institute Helps
Weld Continents
The .University will play its part
the current tightening of bonds
tween the United States and her
uthern neighbors this summer with
esentation of the Institute of Latin-
nerican Studies.
Designed for people whose work
ings them into contact with the
,tin-American field, for teachers of
bjects dealing with Latin-Amer-
tn subjects and for business and
'ofessional people who wish to en-
ch or broaden'the background of
eir knowledge of Latin-America,
e Institute will present courses i
panish, Portuguese, history, geo-
aphy, pnthropology, political sci-
ce, ecnomics, business adminis-
ation and education.
Special lectures and round-tables
.11 also be provided by the, institute.
a July 7 and 8 there will be a sym-
sium on art and architecture. A.
nference on problems in the study
the literature of Latin-America
planned for July 20 with the next
o days occupied by a conference
i bibliography and research ma-
rials in the field of Latin-American
udies. July 24 and 25 a conference
i land tenure and agricultural sys-
ns will be held with a conference
economic relations with Latin-
nerica scheduled for Aug. 11 and

Hot days demand cool clothes. Let us fit you
from our variety of summer suits. You'll look
better and feel better. And while you are in
~'. .our store take a look at our sports shirts, slacks,
{ r - and slack suits and everything else for sports
f wX{J"]K} { wwear.
- *-i
-'" : ,}WORSTEDS
".- f"h '5GA BA RD IN ES

ssembly On Education
To Be Held Wednesday
An assembly for undergraduate
id graduate students interested in
ucation will be held at 3:15 p.m.
ednesday in the Lecture Hall of
e Rackham School.
Students will be welcomed by the
aiversity through Dr. Louis A. Hop-

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