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April 26, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-26

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Six-Day Adult
Institute pens
Here Monday;
500 To Attend
Education Group's Annual
Meeting Is Sponsored
By Extension Service
Weaver To Present
Jleeture On Keats
The seventh annual Adult Educa-
tion Institute will be held here from
May 1 to 6 under the auspices of the
Extension Service, Dr. Charles A.
Fisher, director of the Service, an-
nounced yesterday. More than 500
persons are expected to attend the
six-day meeting.
After an opening talk by Dr. Fish-+
er, Prof. Bennet Weaver of the Eng-
lish department will conduct the first
lecture, "The Poetry of John Keats,"
of the Literature Series at the 11 a.m.
Angelt Talks On Nazis ;
"What Can the Nazis Teach Us?"i
the first lecture of the International
Relations Series will be given by Prof.
Robert C. Angell of the sociology de-
partment at 2 p.m. At 3 p.m. Prof.
Paul M. Cuncannon of the political
science department, who is conduct-.
ing the series on Contemporary
American Figures, will survey the
career of Cordell Hull.
Philip Adler, foreign correspond-
ent of the Detroit News, will discuss,
"What Part Will Russia Play in the
Event of a European War?" at the
dinner meeting in the League.
At the opening meeting at 8 a.m.
Tuesday, Mrs. Emma Fox, State par-
liamentarian of the Michigan Fed-
eration of Women's Clubs, will speak
on "Parliamentary Law." Prof. Wes-
ley H. Maurer of the journalism de-
partment will initiate the Adult Edu-
cation Series at 9 with a talk on
"The Constitution and Adult Educa-
Prof. MGeoch Speaks
Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch of the
Music School will speak on "The Art
of Listening to Music," the first of
the Music and Art Series, at 10, and
Prof. John L. Biumm of the journal-
ism department will continue the
Literature Series with a talk on
"Ibsen and Moder Drama" at 11
Students of Prof. Waldo M. Abbot
.will present adramatic skit at the'
luncheon me ting in the League.
The International Relations Series
will be resumed at 2 p.m. with a talk
on "Colonial Aspirations of Present
Day Italy," by Prof. Howard M. Ehr-
man of the history department, and
at 3 Prof. Cuncannon will discuss
Thomas Dewey.
The Phi Kappa Phi address, "The
European Situation," will be given
by Prof. Bernadotte E. Schmitt of
the history faculty of The University
of Chicago at 8 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Building.
(Continued on Page 2)
D aladier Crubs
French Pr e s s
Battle Started To Crush
PARIS, April 25.--(/P)-Premier
Daladier announced rigid press con-
trol laws today as the beginning of a
battle to crush foreign propaganda

Inside France.
Foreign alliances and sweeping in-
creases in armed forces are not
enough, he told his cabinet colleagues.
The press laws were signed by Presi-
dent Lebrun last Friday, but were
published for the first time in the
official journal today.
The laws are designed to curb both
pamphleteering and press activities of:
foreign origin. Offenders are liable'
to from six months to five years in'
prison, heavy fines and even loss of3
civil rights.
Foreign propaganda was not de-
fined, but the decree declared "It1
can not be permitted for foreign
agents in all liberty to retain in
France itself the means of influenc-
ing opinion by campaigns appropri-
ate to their ends."
Assistants Are Named
For Annual French Play
Jane Lord, '40, Marie McEl-
roy, '39, and Eureka Cahill, '39,

Michigras Claims
No Hoax; Petition
Filed For Restraint
Answering prevalent accusations
that their suit against the Golden
Gate International Exposition for
"unfair competition" is a hoax, the
executive committee of the Michigras
yesterday filed a petition to obtain
an injunction against theSan Fran-
cisco fair with the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Clerk. The suit will be 'tried in
the circuit court of Washtenaw
County. 1
Rumors that the suit was drawn
up as a "publicity stunt" have been
circulated by emissaries in the pay
of the coast rival of the Michigras,
said Donald Belden, '39E, general
chairman of the committee. "Faced
with almost certain ruin," he said,
"the exposition is forced to use un-
derhand means to combat the fear-
less efforts of the committee."
The petition, which will appear be-
fore Circuit Court Judge George W.
Sample, will seek an injunction to
restrain the San Francisco fair from
operating on the two days on which
the Michigras will be conducted, Fri-
day and Saturday, May 5 and 6, and
a week before and a week after
these dates.
The petition will also seek, Belden
said, that the exposition be restrained
from "misleading the general public
into believing that it is in any way
connected with the Michigras." This
also is not a publicity stunt, said
Music Festival
Will Feature
Band Contest
More Than 5,200 Students
To Take Part In Varied
Events This Weekend
More than 5,200 students from
high schools throughout the state
will come to Ann Arbor this weekend
to take part in the second annual
Michigan Music Festival.
Highlight of the weekend includ-
ing band, orchestra, ensemble and
solo events, will be a colorful band
maching contest 7:30 p.m. Satur-
day at the Yost Field House.
One thousand students will open
the Festival Friday with 834 senior
and junior high school solo and en-
semble events that will take place
throughout the day in five places:
the Union, the School of Music, Ann
Arbor High School, Morris Hall, and
the Carillon Tower.
Eighty-three senior and junior
high school bands will take part in
the Festival Saturday with 76 events
that will run throughout the day at
Hill Auditorium, the Masonic Temple,
Ann Arbor High School, and Water-
man Gymnasium.
The local committee, headed by
(Continued on Page 6)
McCall To Discuss
Weekly's Business
W. Webb McCall, Publisher of the
Isabella County Tines-News, will
speak on the business side of a week-
ly at 3 p.m. today in Room E, Haven
Hall under the auspices of the jour-
nalism department.
This is the eighth in a series of
lectures in journalism being con-
ducted to enable students interested
in the field to meet and talk with
newspaper men. McCall is a mem-
ber of the Michigan Press Club and
is well known in the State.

Britain Starts
For Defense
Levies Heavy New Taxes
To Meet Gun - Swollen
Budget; Enlists Youth
Berlin Says Move
Is Not A Surprise
LONDON, April 25.--()-The Brit-
ish government announced heavy new
taxes today to meet its gun-swollen
budget of £1,320,000,000 ($6,177,600,-
000) and was said to have decided
upon compulsory military training to
increase further its defense prepara-
Approximately half-nearly £630,-
000,000 ($2,948,400,000)-of the ex-
penditures for the fiscal year which
started April 1 are to be for the
armed forces and civilian defense
and even more may be needed, Sir
John Simon, Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, told Parliament.
Military conscription at first like-
ly will be applied as physical training
and elementary military instruction
for a limited number of young men,
but a Government bill is expected to
authorize full conscription if war
Prime Minister Chamberlain went
to Buckingham Palace to see King
George VI after a two-hour meeting
of the Cabinet. It was believed he
placed before.the Sovereign his rea-
sons for deciding to put the nation
in arms.
Chamberlain also was believed to
have given the King an outline of
the international situation and of the
announcement of conscription which
the Prime Minister is expected to
make in Commons tomorrow or
Late tonight Commons agreed to
all the new taxes proposed by Simon.
Germany Claims
She Can't Be Frightened
BERLIN, April 25.--(P)-The Ger-
man press tonight declared . that
Britain's reported decision to ini-
tiate military conscription would
male "no impression" on Adolf Hit-
ler's reply Friday to President Roose-
velt's peace proposals.
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung said,
"It would be silly to believe that the
German Government could be sur-
prised by it (conscription) or be dis-
suaded from its course by warnings or
threats. That much should have been
grasped of the policy of Adolf Hitler
even over there."
The Hamburger Gremdenblatt, af-
ter reviewing British labor opposition
to conscription in England, said
Chamberlain, however, must sup-
ply the propaganda weapons."
"That is the meaning of the so-
called English threat of introducing
conscription and of the entire diplo-
matic play around the declaration of
the Fuehrer."
Doherty In Charge
Coach Charles Hoyt will not ac-
company his Michigan track team
to Philadelpihia for the Penn Re-
lays this weekend. Mr. Hoyt re-
ceived word yesterday of the death
of his father-in-law and decided
to turn over direction of the Wol-
verine weekend track fortunes to
Ken Doherty.

ASU Solicits
More Support
For Program
Several Faculty Members'
Endorse Human Rightst
Roll In Student DriveE
Mentor L. Williams
To Explain Pointst
Following the endorsement by
President Ruthven of the seven-
point program of the Human Rightsz
Roll Call, the American Student
Union yesterday began a drive tos
secure faculty support for this dec-
laration of democratic principles.
This program providing for the
elimination of illiteracy and thel
establishment of equality of educa-t
tional opportunity, the support of
cultural activities accessible to the+
people, social insurance, public medi-
cal care, slum clearance and housingI
conservation, guarantee of civil lib-(
erties and equal political and reli-
gious rights to all American citizens
regardless of race, creed, color and
belief, is one of many similar pro-I
grams presented by American Stu-I
dent Union Campuses throughout theE
Among the faculty members who(
already have signed the roll call are(
Chester Eisinger, Prof. A. L. Baderi
and Allan Seager of the English de-
partnient; Prof. M. B. Stout, Prof.
Joseph Cannon, Prof. J. E. Emsviler,i
Prof. W. A. Spindler, Prof. R. A.
Smith, S. H. Gilbert, Prof. J. C. Pal-
mer and Prof. F. W. Pawlowski of thei
engineering college;
Charles E. Koella of the French
department; Prof. Louis Vander
Velde and Prof. U. W. Crane of the
history department and Prof. J. M.
Albaladejo, and Prof. H. K. Kenyon
of the Spanish department.
The Human Rights Roll Call which
is an attempt to unite as many mem-
bers of the college community as
possible toward a practical solution
of the problems facing our democracy
will be brought before the student
body Friday. Prof. Mentor L. Wil-
liams of the English department will
explain the implications of the Roll
Call before an open meeting of the
ASU at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the North
Lounge of the Union.
Leiserson Gets
Post On NLRB
Will Help In Revision
Of Wagner Act
WASHINGTON, April 25.-(P)--In
the midst of a congressional cam-
paign to revise the National Labor
Relations Act, President Roosevelt
today named William M. Leiserson,
economist and student of collective
bargaining, for a five-year term on
the Labor Relations Board.
Leiserson, now chairman of the
National Mediation Board under the
Railway Labor Act, was picked to
succeed Donald Wakefield Smith,
whose recess reappointment last Aug-
ust brought strong opposition from
the American Federation of Labor.
The Leiserson appointment drew
praise from several Senate members
and appearedrto be acceptable to
organized labor.d
The 56-year old economist who

came to this country in 1890 from
his native Esthonia, has spent 30
years in the field of labor relations,
He declined to discuss today the job
of administering the Wagner Act,
but his past speeches gave some in-
dication of his views.
McLean Is Reelected
Associated Press Head
NEW YORK, April 25.-OP)-The
reelection of Robert McLean of the
Philadelphia Bulletin as President
of the Associated Press was an-
nounced today by the board of direc-
E. Lansing Ray of the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat was elected fixst
vice-president and Stuart H. Perry
of the Adrian (Mich.) Telegram sec-
ond vice-president.
Secretary Kent Cooper, Assistant
Secretary Lloyd Stratton and Treas-
urer L. F. Curtis were reelected.

'Baby Dies Bill'
Hit At Hearing
By Waterman
LANSING-In a public hearing be-
fore more than 450 people, Prof.
Leroy Waterman of the Oriental
Languages Department and an execu-
tive officer in the Civil Rights Feder-
ation, condemned the proposed Bald-
win Bill as "weak and vicious in its
lack of definition" in its use of such
catch phrases as "subversive, sedi-
tious, and un-American."
The Bill creates a five man com-
mission for the investigation of all
seditious and subversive activities re-
ported to it by warrant. Senator
Baldwin, speaking of the- bill, de-
clared that if it existed, Michigan
would have been able to curb the
activities of the Black Legion.
Speakers opposed to the bill con-
sufred with Prof. Waterman in con-
demning the bill's lack of definition.
Charles Lockwood, candidate for
University Regent in the recent elec-
tion and speaker at last week's peace
rally, disclaimed the 'bill as "entirely
Adolph Germer, CIO representative,
was bitter in his denunciation of the
bill as a deliberate attempt to pre-
vent unions from "putting more
bread in the workingman's cup-
board." He flayed the proposed com-
mission as a body preventing the
union's right to organize in that they
would be forced to reveal their mem-
bership rolls to the scrutiny of the
In speaking of Senator Baldwin's
claim that the bill woud punish no
one, Rev. O. Knox, one of the leaders
in the Civil Rights Federation, asked
if defamation of character by "char-
acterless" individuals was not pun-
ishment enough.
Lee Bierce, American Legion repre-
sentative from Grand Rapids, in his
rebuttal for the passage of the bill,
accused the Civil Rights Federation
and all organizations opposed to it
of being in league with the Commun-
ist cause and engaged in "boring
from within." The gallery, on hear-
ing his charges, booed, until order
xas called.
Michigan Nine
Tops Hillsdale
In Tenth, 5 To'1
Dobson, Bond Allow Six
Hits As Wolverines Win
Fifth Victory Of Year
HILLSDALE, April 25.-(Special to
The Daily) -Big Danny Smick, in the
throes of the most drastic batting
slump of his collegiate baseball career,
couldn't have picked a more appropri-
ate time to snap back into the hit
column, than he did today at Hills-
dale, for as a direct result, Michigan
can boast of a 5-1 victory.
It was the first half of the tenth
inning with the score deadlocked at
1-1, little Hilsdale College having
played the highly favored Wolver-
ines on even terms for the regulation
nine frames, when Smick applied his
game-winning touch.
Smick Laces Single
Elmer Gedeon was on second by
vitrue of. a scratch single and Fred
Trosko's sacrifice when big Danny
laced one of pitcher Glen Sanford's
fast pitches between first and second
for a clean single, easily scoring the
fleet Gedeon.
Danny's blow was only a signal for

the dormant Wolverine batting at-
tack to snap into action. After Bill
Steppon had walked, Forest Eva-
shevski and Charley Pink followed
with hits, and before three men could
be retired, Michigan had counted
four times to make the score 5-1.
Not Impressive Win
The hurling duties for Michigan
were evenly divided between Russ
Dobson and Lyle Bond. Neither
greatly nicreased his status on the
Wolverine mound staff by his perfor-.
mance, yet both showed encouraging
signs for the future.
Between them the Wolverine right
handers allowed only six hits, but
(Continued on Page 3)

FDR Submits Plan
For Reorganization
To Aid Democracy

State Briefs
(By Associated Press)
The Legislature received a demand
from Wayne County officials and the
emergency relief commission for an
additional $1,000,000 to finance wel-
fare work until the end of the fiscal
year June 30.
* * *
An "anti-bossism" bill under which
candidates for Secretary of State,
Auditor General, Attorney General
and State Treasurer would be nom-
inated in primary elections instead
of at political conventions received3
the approval of the House of Repre-'
sentatives yesterday.
A substitute for the labor relations
bill sponsored by the late Gov. Frank
D. Fitzgerald, passed by the House
as he lay dying in his home at Grand.
Ledge, popped out of a Senate com-
mittee today. The measure, which
retains a sectign outlawing sitdown
strikes but modifies provisions regu-
lating procedure and the procedure
for conciliation, will be formally re-
ported to the floor tomorrow. '
Student Senate
Favors Course
Criticism Plant

Early Plans For Campus
Tolerance Forum Get'
Unanimous Approval
Breaking away from political af-
filiations, the Student Senate last
night unanimously approved near-
completed plans for the erection of
curriculum-criticism boxes, prelini-
inary preparations for an all-campus
tolerance forum, and endorsement of
the Human Rights Roll Call, which
was signed Monday by President
The program of the Senate edu-
cation committee to stimulate intelli-
gent and constructive student evalu-
ation of professors and courses at
the University has been approved.,
Sen. John O'Hara, '39, reported. As
soon as a revised list of questions for
consideration by students receives of-,
ficial sanction, the boxes will be set
up at prominent points on campus.
The Human Rights Roll Call, a
seven-point program to further the
objectives of democracy in the U.S.
received complete support of all Sen-
ators present. The Roll Call pledges
itself to "meet human needs and
guarantee human rights, by elimina-
tion of illiteracy and slums, and en-
courage equality of educational op-
portunity, conservation of human
(Continued on Page 6)
Angell To Speak
On Nazi Germany
Germany of today, from economics
to the church conflict, will be dis-
cussed by Prof. Robert C. Angell of
the sociology department at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Lane Hall at a meeting
sponsored by the American League
for Peace and Democracy.
Professor Angell recently returned
from a three-month tour of the
Reich. Most of his time was spent
at the famous Heidelberg University.
Fleet Ordered To Pacific
COLON, Panama, April 25.-(P)-
Panama Canal authorities worked
far into the night tonight preparing
to hasten transit of a large part of
the United States fleet back to the
Pacific. It was ordered to return
April 15.

Proposal Seeks Creation
Of Relief, Social Security
And Lending Agencies
Congress Appears
Favorable To Plan
WASHINGTON, April 25.(A)-
Asserting that at a time of "ruthless"
attacks on democracy it is necessary
to keep democracy's tools up to date,
President Roosevelt submitted to Con-
gress today a plan for a major re-
organization of powerful Federal
The plan calls for the establish-
ment of three new agencies, with
present relief activities to be consoli-
dated under one, lending activities
under another and social security
functions under the third. In addi-
tion, the budget bureau and some
other agencies are to be transferred to
the White House.
Mr. Roosevelt informed Congress
that the aim of this "Reorganization
Plan No. 1" was to "improve the ad-
ministrative management of the Re-
public" and to save some $15,000,000
Plans Other Changes
At a press conference later in the
day, he announced that two more
plans would be forthcoming at this
session of Congress-one dealing with
inter-departmental transfers and
mergers, and the other with changes
within departments. The latter will
combine all law enforcement agen-
cies .of the Treasury.
Unless both branches of Congress
specifically disapprove, the plan will
become effective 60 days hence. Un-
der the Reorganization Act, no
changes in the President's proposals
can be made and Congress hai only
the alternatives of approving, or ve-
toing, the program as a whole.
The immediate reaction on Capitol
Hill was mostly approving. While a
few House Republicans were openly
critical, others of their party en-
dorsed the plan. - Several members
identified with both the New Deal
and anti-New Deal factions of the
House Democrats had good things to
say of the program.
In the Senate, there were reports
that no major fight would be made
against it, by either Democratic or
Republican blocs. Senator McNary
(Rep., Ore.) the Republican floor
leader said the proposals would be
carefully studied and "warmly em-
braced" if they pointed to "economy
and simplification" in government.
Creates Three Agencies
Mr. Roosevelt's plan contemplated
the creation of these three new agen-
A "Federal Security Agency," into
which would go the Social Security
Board; the Civilian Conservation
Corps, the U.S. Employment Service,
the Office of Education, the Public
Health Service, and the National
Youth Administration. Some of the
agencies affected are now indepen-
dent, and the others are scattered
through three departments.
A "Federal Works Agency," under
which would be consolidated the
Works Progress Administration (un-
der the new title of "Work Projects
Administration") the Public Works
Administration, the U.S. HDousing
Authority; the Bureau of Public
Roads, the Public Buildings Branch
of the Treasury's Procurement Divi-
sion, and the branch of Buildings
Management of the National Park

Campus Groups Sponsor Annual
Fresh Air Camp Tag Day May 4

The Annual Fresh Air Camp Tag1
Day raising funds to carry out this
student supported project for under-i
privileged children will be held
Thursday, May 4, with all campus
groups participating.1
The Fresh Air Camp was conceived
and developed by University men, hasI
been directed and sponsored by men
from the University, and enthusias-;
tically backed by Michigan students
for eighteen years. Of the total bud-,
get of $105,000, students have do-I
nated more than $27,000.1
The camp is located at Patterson,
Lake, near Pinckney, and is for the
benefit of boys from Ann Arbor,
Detroit, Hamtramck, Platt, Wyan-
dotte and other cities in southeastern{
Michigan who would otherwise be
unable- to attend summer camp.

provide an opportunity to develop
and strengthen boys' characters. Rei-
mann, who had had direct contact
with summer camps for five years,
and who was vitally interested in the
problems of adolescent youth, was
chosen supervisor of the camp for
the first year of its operation.
Reimann raised $2,567, which was
sufficient to operate the first camp
for six weeks in the months of June,
July and August. During the four
ten-day periods, 130 boys, who hid
been selected by welfare agencies and
juvenile detention homes, were ad-
mitted to camp.
Although it lacked equipment, the
first camp provided socially-handi-
capped boys with a change from the
meager, dirty and empty existence
of slum life in the city to a 10-day


Dewey Given Newman Award
For Services In War On .Crime

Consolidates Bureaus
A "Federal Loan Agency" to in-
clude the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation, the RFC Mortgage As-
sociation, the Electric Home and
Farm Authority, The Disaster Loan
Corporation, The Federal National
Mortgage Association, The Federal
Home Loan Bank Board, The Home
Owners Loan Corporation, The Fed-
eral Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation, The Federal Housing
Administration, and the Export-Im-
port Bank of Washington. Lending
agencies having to do with agricul
ture-The Farm Credit Administra-
tion, The Federal Farm Mortgage
Corporation and The Commodity
Credit Corporation-would be made
part of the Agriculture Department.
To' the direct supervision of the
President would go the Budget func-

CHAMPAIGN, Ill., April 25.-(A)-
Thomas E. Dewey, racket ruining
District Attorney of New York Coun-
ty, was selected today to receive the

Dewey, whose name has been men-
tioned frequently in discussions of
Republican presidential possibilities,
will be given the gold medal struck
in the memory of the late John Hen-

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