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April 26, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-26

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FWIDiE L'r. " APRIL 26. 1'9?9

y _ ..

Six- yAd~t GO White House Asimts Chat Band Training n Fciscist Axis.
Institute Opens:717 Will Be Given
e o: :.:FAnnual Clinic To Instruct t
..- -..g....-. .. ...... ......h :; 'i4School Students J
Education Group's Annual ::: .., ::.s.The high school band clinic initi-
Meeting I.s Sponsored:r ated by the School of Music to give H
:/y Extension Servicee. .:..:.. practical instruction, band training
,x n o S v.and a wider musical experience to
(Continued from Page i) high school musicians, will be con-
tinued this summer for the three
On Wednesday, Prof. Waldo M. weeks beginning July 10. :
Abbot, director of .the University Rehearsals and concerts will be
Erodcasting Service, will resume the conducted by William. Revelli, David S
Adult Education Series with , talk onMattern, Ralph E. Rush, Cliford P. w,
Lillya, Russell S. Howland, Elmer S. i
"Radio and Education" and Carlton
Fetherston, Cleo G. Fox and Dale-
W. Angell, museums sculptor, will C. Harris. Plans have been made
,give Adeonstration on "Making for music appreciation courses, priv-
Sculpture." ate lessons and ensembles.
Miss Edith Thomas in charge of In addition to music activities pro-
Library Extension Service, will con- vision will be made for sports and"
;time the Literature Series with a!, social events under trained counsel-
talk on "Highlights in Current Bi- ors. Swimming, tennis, baseball,
ogaphy." -j '. volleyball and ping pong will be
"The Dilemma of European Democ- Thomas E. Dewey (right) well known for his "racket busting,' District offered and dances hikes, picnics,
racies" will be the topic of Prof. Attorney of New York County, is shown with Sen. Robert A. Taft of parties and trips will be planned. After a two-day conference be-
James K. Pollock of the political Ohio at a recent Washington newspaper banquet. Both men, Republi- tween Alexander Cinea-Markovich
s.ience department at 2 p.m. after cans, are generally conceded to be prospective presidential timber.') Auto At World Fair slavia, and Count Galeazo Ciano,
which Professor Cuncannon will A t tW rdsF rsaiadCutoraz in
speak on Paul McNutt, third in ,the ® Has Transparent Sides Foreign Minister of Italy,. a com-
series of Contemporary American Exhibit O f Architectu ral Design -unique was issued mentioning an
gu . ky ToTak In order to show the inner con- collaboration existing between the
The schedule for the morning ses- I t ca es Itn[ten - en cy struction of its product, one automo- two states and between Yugoslavia
sidn, Thursday,.May 4, is as follows: vbile manufacturing concern has de- and Germany.'
Adult Education Series, "Adult Edu- vised a novel arrangement to be used
cation," a talk by Prof. Howard Y. Climates Not Considered Michigan places a great deal of on a model to be displayed at the New Steel Workers Give Aid
Medlusky of the education school; In Various Drawings, emphasis on modernism. Massa Instead of cutting away sections of To Strike
Instead IntofutcuttingnolawayT NewspaperStie
Music and Art Series, "The Art of A di Bennett chusetts Institute of Technology. the outer panels of the car to reveal
Listening. to Music," Professor. Mc- cor ng however, shows greater conservatism, the inner intricacies, as done in the Added support to the Chicago
*eoch, at 10 a.m. Literature. Series,inagdulbnometfth
"TheBest Novels of 1938," Olive By ROYAL BUEHLER in a gradual abandonment of the past, this manufacturer has built the Newspaper Guild strike against the
Deane Hormel of the Extension Serv- Modern trends in the instruction classical. At Georgia Tech., the em- body, fenders, and other outer cov- Hearst Evening American and Herald
ice, at 11. oephasis is placed on the "old fash- ering from a transparent plastic. The and Examiner was given Monday
The afternoon lectures will include: of architectural design are shown on ioned" instruction of very beautiful model thus shows the inner construc- when 85,000 steel workers through
International Relations Series, "Eng- a comparative basis in the exhibit of and classical architecture, in the Lion without destroying the effect of their delegates to the Chicago-Calu-
land Since Munich," Prof. Dwight L. drawings submitted by 25 American opinion of Dean Bennett. the completed car. met district convention of the Steel
Dumond, of the history department, colleges, now being held at the Archi- The University of Illinois has also WorkersdOrganizinC tteea
it 2 p.m. Contemporary American tecture School. This trend, accord- retained the classical to a great de- New 'Gems' Book Gasupport dof., the newspaper "white col-
Figures, "Arthur H. Vandenberg," ing to Dean Wels I. Bennett, of the gree, contrasting sharply with the yTlar" strikers after hearing Harry D.
Professor Cuncannon, at 3. ., University of Minnesota's evident in- Published By Kraus Wohl. CNG president.
Dr. Walter H. Judd, medical mis- terest in housing and general prob- The combined loss in advertising
sionary to China, will speak on "The away from the classical, toward mod- lems of city planning. The newly revised edition of the revee toite to aprs s the
Significance for America of the Jap- ernism and problems of present so- One plan in the exhibit, that of a book, "Gems and Gem Materials," by strike began Dec. 5 has reached a
anese Invasion of China" at the ban- -cial significance, such as housing, modern doctor's office, indicates espe- Edward H. Kraus, dean of the liter- total of $1,019,835.60 according to
,quet, 6.p.m. in the League. ttlo 109856,acrigt
Short Story..Is Tapic youth hostels and city planning. cially well the newly discovered re- ary college, and Prof. Chester B. Media Records, Inc., newspaper ad-
Thepogram for Fri, MOne tendency to be noted in this lationship existing between archi- Slawson, of the mineralogy depart- vertising authority.
The program.for Friday, May 5, .. tecture and social change, Dean Ben- ment, was received from the publish-
includes: .Parliamentary Law,. Mrs. exhibit, Dean Bennett said, is in the nett said. The design includes not ers yesterday.
Fox, at 8 a.m.; Literature Series, "The failure of the various schools to build only the modern single office, or small The new edition, the third, includes Hull Hits World Tyranny
.Modern Short Story," Prof. Donal their philosophy of architecture in clinic, type of building, but also pro- four new lithographed color plates
H. Iaines of the journalism depart- accordance with the climate of their vides for a surrounding plot of ground and 65 new illustrations bringing the WASHINGTON, April 25.--(a)-
;nent, at 9; Music and Art Series, areas. The similarity in the mod- which has been landscaped to har- total up to 344. The book was writ- Secretray Hull, speaking three days
"Why . Modernism in Painting?" ernism of California, and that of monize with the building. Sociologi- ten with the advice of the best known before Adolf Hitler's scheduled reply
Prof. Walter W. J. Gores of the archi- Michigan is comparable to the uni- cally, he said, it indicates a trend gem cutters and authorities in thco President Roosevelt's appeal for
tectural college, at 10; Adult Educa- formity of classical building, Dean away from the skyscraper type of of- world, including men from Amster- " ace, declared tonight there was
tion Series, ,"The Educational Pos- .Bennett said. fice building which produced the dam, Holland; Locarno, Switzer- Not room on this earth" for a na
firtionlinorhigroupdcedofe nationsan ; thatno wouldr
sibilities of the Motion Picture," Dr.,- The philosophy of various schools, present-day difficulties in parking land; Idar - Oberstein, Germany; Lion or group of nations that would
Edgar Dale of Ohio State University, as indicated by the drawings ex- and which complicated access to the Praha, Czechoslovakia and New York enslave all the others.
at i1' hibited, shows thatthe University of offices. and Detroit.
The afternoon schedule is: Inter-
national Relations Series, "The Cur -
rent Situation in the Near East," A new Shi
Itobert H. McDowell of the archeol-
ogy musuem; at 2; Contemporary CLASSIFIE D A DVE1T ,N.
_AmericanFigures, "_iorelo La Guar-
dia," Professor Cuncannon, at 3.
A series of education films, in- ----- ---S--S T E T SO
cluding Eastman, Erpi, Gaumont WANTED-Capable white woman. LOST-One Gamma Phi Beta Soror-
British, and others, will comprise the THE MICHIGAN DAILY Help with housework. Hours 9 to ity pin in vicinity of State Street just rec
:.isual Education program on Satur- 4. Apply Miss Lomdard, 807 South.
day, May 6. CLASSIFIED State. 615 and Main Library. Helen Rhodes,
___________________ __________________ 4121 University. Ex-2145. 606
English Boot and Shoe Maker RATES TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M..Street
M Our new repair department, the Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
best in the city. Prices are right. Effective as of February 14, 1939 5689. 271 Careful work at low prices. 9
438 South State and Factory on '12c per reading line (on basis of TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
South Forest Avenue. five average words to line) for one 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 MISCELLANEOUS
or two insertions. or 2-1416. 79;
10c per reading line for three or WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
more insertions. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER-3 years way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Minimum of 3 lines per inner- experience typing theses. Phone Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 17 -
OUR tinr 8871. Mrs. Branchfield, 344 South
tinMain CASH PAID for your discarded
These low rates are on the basis clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
of cash payment before the ad is LOST Main. 311
ted If it is inrnv niP t fnr'

call at ouroffices to make LOST-Beta Theta Pi Pin. Reward if HOME DECORATORS-Decorating,
you to call at our offices to k returned to Reid Anderson, 336 E. painting. Budget plan if desired.
payment, a messenger will be sent Washington. Phone 7691. 612 Dial 7209. 181
M to pick up your ad at a slight extra
' charge of loc.
C R E A M ±.L11For further information call
23-24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynard Tos of them all --
Street.Tosote al
S OD A I '__ __
FOR SALE-Ford V-8 1936 Tudor THE PUDDLE -
Coach. New tires, heater, excellent . JUMP
Choolatecondition. Reasonable price. 2-1429
* ^oineal ple2after 5 p.m. A freshman women's project. C%
WANTED Broadcast over W.W.J.
* CherryWANTED-Any Old Clothing. Pay $5 Saturday, April 29 - 9 - 12. -
to $500. Suits, overcoats, mink, Per- Music by BILL SAWYER.
Vanilla sian lambs, diamonds, watches,
rifles, typewriters and old gold. Tickets $1.25 per couple. MICHIGAN LEAGUE
*Lie Phone and we will call. Cadillac'
9458. Ann Arbor 6304. 388 __
k emon _.C. . .- .-I SS1
* Coffee For .. . STARTING TODAY
CONVEN I ENCE Winter Blues Here's the Stetson snap-I
Double Dipped ECON OMY Fade Awa ! TODAY! 2:00 - 4:00-7:00-900 the upper class...be you
Wherelowly' frsh. Its smart li
COMFORTh etere
C MTe * " OPyour smooth suits... to
...Now... S-lctAr.. And this Stetson is do
YELL-O-BLUE CAFE new International Colors
C Health Grade 95 K.
12 Meals for 3 Z.27: .. '
6 Regular Lunches
with our own 6 Regular Dinners M

Dr. Lillie To Give
W. J. Mayo Lecture
The annual William J. Mayo Lec-
ure, sponsored by the School of
Medicine, will be given by Dr. Harold
Lillie at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the
ospital amphitheatre in University
Dr. Lillie, '12M, present head, of
he Department of Otolaryngology in
he Graduate School: of Medicine in
;he University of Minnesota, will
peak on the "Correlation of the
pecial Practice of Otolaryngology
ith the General Practice of Medi-





pment of


'ived at
NiCO 1&48.--





Long distancec
easy to make as
You merely dial
signals the Long
operator. Tell he
you wish to call an
or telephone dbtr
person you wish t
I 2 minutes (ave
connection will be
Lowest rates to
are in effect every
7 and all day ev
For rates to poin
below, see page 5
phone directory,c


calls are as
local calls.
110, which
g Distance"
er the town
nd the name
nber of the
o reach. In
erage) your
e completed.
most towns
night after
ery Sunday.
ts not listed
in the tele-
or dial 110.
Nights &
All Day
. 1.95
. .. ...45

. .. . .35
.... .35
e.,. .. .80
ion long dis-
n which the
to establish
given tele-
n to locate a
A station-to-
be placed by
if the num-
hone to be
n call is one
ator is asked
lar person at
calls cost less
rson calls.

Battle Creek.
Bay City
Benton Harbor
Boston, Mass.




Denver, Colo.
Flint ......
Grand Haven
Grand Rapids


. .


Lansing ......
Manistee .
Mt. Clemens

New York


Port Huron ...
Saginaw . .... .
Sault Ste. Marie
Traverse City
* A station-to-stati
tance call is one o
operator is asked
connection with a
phone, rather than
particular person.1
station call. may b
name andaddress
ber of the telep
called is not know
A person-to-person
on which the oper
to locate a particu
a given address or
than person-to-pe

brim that puts you in
a snooty senior or a
ines are flattering to
your covert topcoat.
ubly flattering in the
for '39!





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