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October 26, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-26

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The Weather
Unsettled, possibly local light
rain today; tomorrow partly


.5k igunr


Clean Up The Clean-Up...
What's It All About?...



Rival Labor
Unions Ready
To Talk Peace
Spokesmen Push Through
Preliminary Quesions
For Action On Unity
Lewis And Martin
Confer On Policy
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.- (P) -
Spokesmen for the A.F. of L. and the
CIO rushed- through a mass of pre-
liminary questions today and reached
the point of submitting to each other
their proposals for peace and unity in
the ranks of labor.
Gathered about a conference table
for the first time, representatives of
the two embattled factions devoted
two sessions today to a discussion of
procedural problems, some of them
highly controversial.
Then, a joint statement was issued,
saying it was "hoped" that when the
conference reconvened tomorrow,
each side would be ready to suggest
a "basis" for peace negotiations. To
this, George Harrison, leader of the
A.F. of L. delegation, added:
"Tomorrow we will take up the
main question of the dispute. We
will put on our overalls and see what
we can do with it."
Both Harrison and Philip Murray,
leading CIO spkesman, told report-
ers that since the CIO delegation of
10 men and the A.F. of L. delegation
of three had full authority respec-
tively to negotiate any kind of a set-
tlement the 13 constituted a "full-
fledg d" delegation.
In addition other procedural mat-
ters, the question of what new mem-
bers each has taken in since the or-
ganizations split apart two years ago
was raised.
"Both parties found that they need-
ed certain infcrmation in order to ad-
vance discussions in the conference
and it is expected that information
will be available by tomorrow morn-
ing." the statement said.;
In explanation, Murray said theI
Federation, has asked specifically for]
exclusive jurisdiction. If a peace planF
is to be adopted the leaders must de-
cide which wo kers or industries or
complete identification of the Unions]
which have joined the CIO, including
605 local industrial unions.
"We are asking the Federation to
submit to us the same informationt
regarding their new groups," Murray
In these requests for information,]
observers saw arising the knotty ques-
plants lie wthin the sphere of theI
CIO and which fall within the A.F.1
of L.'s field of operations.3
For the nub of the controversy is:]
Contiued on Page :w
Amateurs Get
Chance Tonight
At Band Show
Audience Singing, Novelty
Tunes To Garnish 14 Act
Varsity Night Program
Paced by the "Six Sophisticate
Sophomores," metamorphosed from
the "Five Foolish Freshmen" who
won first prize last year, the Univer-
sity Band's second annual Varsity
Night will swing into session at 8 p.in.
All participants In the Varsity

Night Show are requested to re-
port at 5:30 p.m. ,today in Hill
auditorium for a final rehearsal,
according to Prof. William D.
today in Hill Auditorium under the
direction of Fred Lawton, '11\ co-
author of "Varsity."
The program of 14 acts, inter-
spersed by band novelties and au-
dience singing of favorite Michigan
songs, will be divided into two parts.
In the first classification of the
more serious works, the following
presentations are included: Warren
Foster, tenor, "On the Road to Man-
(Continued on Page 8)
Officers Elected
For '41 Glee Club
Ralph Ryan, '41, was chosen presi-
dent of the Freshman Glee Club in
the annual election held yesterday.
Robert Hall, '41, won the vice-presi-
dency while Charles Bowen, '41, was
selected secretary-treasurer, Bu d

Poll On Peace Will Tap Student Chinese Army

ientiment Tomorrow, I fturscay

Take Ballot In Connection
With Lecture Thursday
By Kirby Page, Author
The campus will have a chance
to express itself on war-in general
and in particular tomorrow and Thur-
sday in the peace poll sponsored by
the Student Religious Association and
the Daily.
Voting places where ballots will
be given out and deposited will be lo-
cated in: Angell Hall Lobby, West En-
gineering Building, the Law Club,
Unon lobby, League lobby and the
General Library.
Students may place their ballots
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. tomorrow

them with the secretaries of their
The ballots will be worded as fol-
lows and will be reprinted in tomor-
row's Daily :
Check those statements with which
eou agree. Leave blank thosestate-
ments with which you disagree.
1. I believe that in the present crisis
the United States should officially
boycott :
( ) a. China
t ) b. Japan
( ) c. Loyalist Spain
( ) d. Insurgent 'Spain
( ) e. No nation
2. With regard to American nation-
als and busihess interests in China, I
believe the United States should:
( ) a. Protect them by mili-
tary force if neces-
( ) b., Protect them only by
diplomatic measures.
(Continued on Page 8)

Thetabulated results of the
poll will be sent to other colleges
and universities in the hope that
similar polls will be cond.ucted
throughout the collegiate world.
The poll is to be taken in con-
nection with the lecture to be
given by Kirby Page, editor and
author, at 8 p.m. Thursday in
Natural Science auditorium. Mr.
Page will speak on "The World
Situation-Some Religious Im-
and between 9 'a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Thursday. Student identification
cards will be required for voting.
Faculty members will receive ballots
in their mail boxes and may deposit
Labor Control
Of Australian
Senate Looms
Slight Gains In House
Also Made; Returns
Not Yet Complete
SYDNEY, New South Wales, Oct.
26.-(Tuesday)-(/P)-Labor, which
made small gains in the Lower House
in Australia's general. election, today
appeared to be threatening govern-
ment control of the Senate.
Labor senatorial candidates were
leading every state as returns from
Saturday's voting still came in.
The Government pinned hopes for
a majority'in the Senate on the State
of South Australia.
The margin of labor candidates
there was slim on the basis of unof-
ficial figures.
The Australian Senate is elected
by proportional representation so
that the counting of ballots takes
greater time than for the House of
Should th C)evernment capture
the three seats at stake in Suth
Australia it would retain its control
of the 36member Upper House where
it now controls 17 seats not contested
at this election.
However, the definite swing toward
labor that became apparent in all
states left the possibility that South
Australia might join New South
Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Tas-
mania and Western Australia where
observers conceded labor yas gain-
It was predicted that Labor's win-
ning a majority in the Senate would
precipitate a Governmental crisis
when the new senate meets next July
and organization of the new Gov-
ernment begins.
Meeting To Discuss
Co-op Incorporation
Incorporation of the Wolverines
eating cooperative preliminary to
signing a land contract for the build-
ing at 209 S. State St. will be the
main subject for action at the general
membership meeting at 7 p.m. today
in Natural Science Auditorium.
Arrangements affecting the five-
dollar membership fee are contained
in a proposed motion, which provides
"Credit will be given each member fo'
two dollars annual dues, and the cor-
poration will issue its note to each
member for three dollrs, payable
June 30, 1938, with interest at four
per cent."
The plan, proposed in a notice urg-
ing attendance of the co-op's 650
members, provides that if "profits'
warrant it, a proportionate reduction
in the price of board will be made
during the last few weeks of next
semester, instead of cash payment of
dividends and return of membership

fees in cash.

Cou ghlin Sells
His Publication
To Ohio Group
Walter Baertschi To Head
Organization In Toledo;
Priest's Return Asked
DETROIT, Oct. 25.-(JP)-Sale. of
"Social Justice," publication of Father
Charles E. Coughlin's National Union
for Social Justice, to an organization
headed by Walter Baertschi of Toledo
was announced today.
The sale, made known by Father
Coughlin's counsel, thus removed the
priest's hand from a second medium
through which he had carried on po-
litical and social crusades.
Recently Father Coughlin, follow-
ing reproof from his church superior
for certain utterances, cancelled a
scheduled series of radio addresses
which would have marked his return
to the public forum after months long
Announcement of the sale came
hard upon a statement by Baertschi
thateFather Coughlin would not again
write for the paper or deliver ad-
dresses on national issues until learn-
ing "whether he can speak his own
In the midst of the new arrange-
ments, plans went forward in the at-
tempt to return Father Coughlin to
the air.
Baertschi, the priest's chief lieu-
tenant in the National Union for So-
cial Justice, announced formation of
the "committee of one million Chris-
tians" whose members, he said, will
seekto prevail on the church to have
Father Coughlin resume his broaa-
Market Rallies
Sharply To Halt
Chrysler Precipitates Rally
And Others Follow Lead
As Losses Are Erased
NEW YORK, Oct. 25.-(M)-Beset
at the opening of trading by a con-
tinuance of the weekend selling spree,
the stock market made a sharp
about-face today and came back wit
a strength that carried prices of lead-
ing shares up $1 to $19.
Selling orders were again in evi-
dence when the Exchange opened, al-
though much less in volume thar
last Saturday. Initial prices were
fractionally to $2 a share lower.
Chrysler precipitated the day'
rally in .the second hour of trading
It opened more than $1 a share unde
Saturday's close. Around 10:30 a.m.
an order of 5,000 shares was placed
reportedly by a trader who wantec
to "cover" a previous shortsale. Buy.
ing orders for 3,000 more share
quickly piled up.
Confusion was rampant as trader
were unable to agree on a price. Deal
ing was suspended in Chrysler unti
Governors of the Exchange couic
find a satisfactory price. At 11:20
the sale was made at $64, more thai
$3 a share higher than Saturday'
close and trading in the issue wa
Three Scholarship
f Winners Are Name
The three winners of Phillip;
Scholarshing in Ttin and Greek for

Stiffens Line
At Shanghai
Jap Drives Slowed Down
After Six Day Thrust,
A Spokesman Says
Ex-Minister Urges
Advance On Russia
SHANGHAI, Oct. 26.-(Tuesday)
-(P)-Chinese bombing planes car-
ried the fight to Japanese positions
on Shanghai's northern fringe early
today while Chinese infantrymen
held doggedly against the onslaughts
of some 160,000 Japanese along the
twisting front north of the city.
A Japanese army spokesman ad-
mitted the Japanese drive had
"slowed down" after six days of the
fiercest offensive operations of the
ten-weeks-old battle' for Shanghai.
Foreign experts estimated some 300,-
000 Chinese troops were holding the
line northwest from Shanghai to
the Yangtze estuary.
The city's international areas
rocked to the bomb explosions, While
new heavy anti-aircraft guns re-
cently installed in Hongkew by the
Japanese searched the moonlit heav-
ens for the raiders.
Fragments and shrapnel fell in.
the international districts and police
reported three Chinese had been
killed and 19 injured in those areas
in the last 24 hours.
Five miles northwest of the city
Chinese and Japanese were fighting
hand to hand in the streets of Ta-
zang, key to the back door of the
Chinese positions at Kiangwan and
Chapei, where the Chinese flank is
protected by the neutrality of the
International Settlement.
Urges Attack On Russia
TOKYO, Oct. 25.-()-General
Baron Sadao Araki, who as minister
of war directed Japan's conquest of
Manchuria in 1931-33, declared to-
day "it probably is necessary for
Japan to strike directly at Russia"
to eliminate Communist influence
from the Far East.
Communism, he asserted, is the
root of the present turmoil in the
orient and the cause of the Chinese-
Japanese conflict.
General Araki, in retirement since
the Tokyo army uprising of February,
1936, recently emerged to become a
member of Premier Prince Fumimaro
Konoye's high advisory council. He
has long been a, strong advocate of
a stern policy toward Soviet Russia.
No Sitting Erect.
For League Girls,
No Sirr-r-e-eeeeee
The League Council, a dozen good
girls and true, were jolted out of
their lolling lethargy yesterday after-
noon by Miss Elizabeth MacDonald
Osborne, personality expert from New
York City.
The members of the council were
sprawling over the tables in cus-
tomaryfashion, discussing the Big
Apple, or something, when Miss Os-
borne dropped into the smoke-filled
room to give the young women a few
hints in the general problems of poise
and bearing.
"Do not act as if you were ashamed
of your feet by hiding them under
the chair," she said. "Sit erect with
your feet crossed (at the ankles) be-
fore you."
After speaking for 10 minutes, Miss
Osborne left the council to its own

Nine Assistants Chosen
President Of League
Panhellenic Dinner

Jane Jewitt Chosen
Hostess Chairman
Jean Smith was named general
chairman of Sophomore Cabaret, to
be held Thursday and Friday, Dec. 3
and 4, in an announcement made by
Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the
League, last night at Panhellenic
Miss Smith's nine assistants are
Betty Slee, assistant chairman; Mir-
iam Szold, costume chairman; Ella
Stowe, entertainment head; Miriam
Finkeldey, who will have charge of
the finance committee; Jane Jewett,
who will head the hostess commit-
The report of the speeches
given last night at Panhellenic
Banquet at which Sophomore
Cabaret appointments were made
will be found on page three.
tee, Suzanne Potter, publicity head
Florence Brotherton, chairman of the
decorations committee; Harriet Shar-
key, program chairman and Mary
Elizabeth Rouse, ticket chairman.
Member Of 'Ensian
A member of Pi Beta Phi sorority,
Miss Smith works on the staffs of
both the 'Ensian and the Gargoyle.
She also does occasional art work for
The Daily. Miss Slee is a member of
the 'Ensian business staff, the League
theatre-arts committee, and is presi-
dent of the sophomore class at Mosher
Miss Szold, affiliated with Alpha
Epsilon Phi, was a member of the
decorations committee of Frosh Proj-
ect. Miss Stowe, of Delta Gamma sor-
ority, is a member of the business
staff of the 'Ensian, of the social
committee of the League, and worked
on the entertainment committee of
Frosh Project.
Affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta
sorority, Miss Finkeldey is a member
of the League merit system commit-
tee, and worked on the finance com-
mittee of Frosh Project. Miss Jewett,
of Delta Gamma Sorority is a Pan-
hellenic Society delegate and a mem-
ber of the 'Ensian and Gargoyle staff.
Miss Potter is a feature writer for
The Daily..
Connected With League
A member of Kappa Kappa Gamma
Sorority, Miss Brotherton is con-
nected with the social and merit sys-
tem conltnittees of the League. Miss
Sharkey, of Kappa Alpha Theta, is
also a member of the social and merit
system committees. Miss Rouse. af-
filiated with Alpha Chi Omega, is on
the 'Ensian and in the University
Girls' Glee Club.
Trace Nearly All Of;
Poisonous Chemical
CHICAGO, Oct. 25. - (P) - J. O.
Clarke, chief of the Central States
Division of the U. S. Food and Drug
Administration, said tonight "prac-
tically every bit" of an elixir of Sul-
fanilamide which caused 41 deaths
in the nation has been removed from
the market.
"I have first hand knowledge that
almost all the elixir has been confis-
cated in 20 mid-western states and I
have assurance it has been removed
from the market elsewhere," Clarke

Jean Smith Is
Named Soph
Cabaret Head


Gargoyle Finds Funny
Story, Calls For Help
The Gargoyle finally has found a
funny story!
But they can't run it!
They can't find the author!
George Quick, editor-in-chief of
the campus humor magazine, has des-
perately issued a call for thehauthor
of the "Beta Beta Burp" which he
saw last year and believes is funny.
He doesn't want to miss the opportun-
ity of givingthe campus some humor
for a change.
Seriously, Mr. Quick is anxious to
find the author so if anyone knows
the whereabouts of the creator of
"Beta Beta Burp" it would be apprec-
iated if that person would call the
Gargoyle office.
Scottsboro Boy
Loses Appeal
To High Court
Justice Black Is Silent;
Patterson Doomed To
75 Year Sentence
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.-(P)-The
Supreme Court, after twice saving
him from death refused today to in-
terfere with a 75-year prison term
imposed in 1936 upon Heywood Pat-
terson, one of nine Negroes who fig-
ured in the Scottsboro case.
In asking the Court to review his
conviction, Patterson contended' it
was impossible to obtain a fair trial
in Morgan County, Ala. He was found
guilty of attacking Mrs. Victoria
Price, a white woman, in a freight
train near Scottsboro, Ala., in 1931.
Justice Hugo L. Black did not par-
ticipate in the decision. There had
been some talk among observers that,
if he did participate, the decision
might be challenged because of his
former membership in the Ku Klux
Patterson and the others escaped
the death penalty in 1932 when the
High Tribunal ruled they had not
been adequately represented by coun-
sel and set aside their conviction.
Subsequently, in 1935, the Court or-
dered a new trial because negroes
had been "systematically excluded"
from juries which had indicted and
convicted Patterson and the other'
Negroes. At the next trial, Patter-
son was sentenced to prison.
Scandal Costs
Belgian Prime
Minister J ob
Cabinet Resigns; Draft
Letter Of Confidence
To Former Leader
BRUSSELS, Oct. 25.-(/P)-Premier
Paul Van Zeeland resigned tonight to
defend himself as a private citizen
against charges of his politcal ene-
mies concerning the administration of
the Belgion National Bank when he
was its vice-governor five years ago.
His cabinet minister resigned en
bloc with Van Zeeland and drafted a
letter to show their confidence in his
Van Zeeland's decision to quit the
Government for a finish fight on his
foes' persistent cry of "scandal" in
connection with his Bank adminstra-
tion threatened to force at least a few
days postponement of the Nine-Pow-
er Conference called for Oct. 30 at
Brussels to seek "amicable means" of
ending the Chinese-Japanese war.
Moves were under way to retain the
same kind of coalition government

with little change of personnel, per-
haps headed by Foreign Minster P.
H. Spaak, Finance Minister Henri De
Man, or even a non-poltician as pre-
The Government o p p o s i t i o n
charged the National Bank, while
Van Zeeland was vice-governor, had
been negligent in accepting doubtful
paper from the Goldzieher and Penso
Bank, which failed five years ago.
Hop, Look, Listen
Boys Tell Co-Eds
A t Northwestern
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 25.-(P)-If
the co-eds want to date at North-
western University they must hop,
look and listen.
That is, they must be beautiful,
dance well and lend eager ears to
all their escorts have to say.
Those are the three major de-
mands of male students, Jane Cline
of Glen Ellyn, Ill., and Barbara

New Piracy
Scare Pushes
Europe Close
To Warfare
France Takes Immediate
Action As Two Vessels
Are Raided
Loyalist Defense
Stiffens In North
PARIS, Oct. 25.-(AP)-Aerial "Pi-
racy" confronted Europe with a new
Mediterranean crisis tonight. One
French vessel was bombed and sunk
and another bombed and burned by
planes marked with a black Maltese
cross. Three planes shot down while
raiding Barcelona were Italian, the
Spanish government declared.
The Spanish government embassy
here said the black cross was the
mark of the Spanish Insurgent air-
force. Insurgent representatives said
they could not describe the standard
markings of their pl'anes.
Bombs French Submarine
A cross-marked air raider bombed
and set fire to a French submarine
chaser today just outside the port
of Fornells, on the island of Minorca
of the eastern coast of Spain, less
than 48 hours after a similarly-
marked seaplane had sunk the
French freighter Oued Mellah in the
northern Mediterranean.
The French government ordered
its heavy destroyer Milan, which had
just arrived at Toulon with eleven
survivors of the Oued Mellah, tb
speed immediately to Fornells. The
foreikn office issued the following
communique :
"Following attacks by airplanes, of
which two French boats have been
the objects, the government has
taken urgently necessary dispositions
to determine and identify the ag-
-gressors and adopt measures which
are called for by such attacks.
Warship On Scence
"Already one warship has left for
the scene. The government also is
taking dispositions to assure protec-
tion for the Air France line between
Marseille and Algiers."
Government officials who have in-
sisted that the vital communications
lines between France and her north
African colonies must be protected
said they considered the two inci-
dents in as many days as "very
Diplomats believed the immediate
reaction would be a stiffening of the
French stand at the London meeting
tomorrow of the non-intervention
sub-committee which is seeking an
agreement for the withdrawal of for-
eign volunteers from the Spanish
civil war.
Insurgent Rise Stalls
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, Oct. 25.-(/P)-The Insurgent
drive to split a wedge between Cat-
alonia and Valencia encountered stiff
resistance today along the Aragon
front in northeast Spain.
Spanish government dispatches re-
(Continued on Page 2)
Future Holds Million
For Fortunate College
DEDHAM, Mass., Oct. 25.-(P)-
Investment and reinvestment of a
portion of the estate of Edgar L.
Rhodes, Brookline grocer, until it
reaches one hundred million dollars
was stipulated in his will filed for

probate today.
Counsel said this might take cen-
At its attainment, the income of
four-fifths of the portion is assigned
"in perpetuity" to the Gordon College
of Theology of Massachusetts, (Bap-
tist) Boston, as long as the college
"maintains absolute loyalty to its
adopted creed."
H. G. Wells To Give
Detroit Talk Nov. 6
H. G. Wells, noted historian and
author, will speak at 8:30 p.m. Sat-
urday, Nov. 6, at the Masonic Audi-
torium in Detroit on his first lecture
tour of the United States.
Mr. Wells' will talk on "The Brain
Organization of the Modern World."
For his present tour, Mr. Wells has
made but six engagements, and De-
troit will be his only stop in Michigan.
For years, Mr. Wells has advocated
a complete reorganization and read-
Jusment of modern internntinnain.

Students Also Condemn Lighting
As Inadequate In Drafting Labs

Statements by engineering college
faculty members last week condem-
ing lighting facilities in drafting lab-
oratories were upheld yesterday by
six students picked at random from
persons who have had, or are now
taking courses in engineering draw-
The chief fault found by the stu-
dents in laboratory illumination was
the present of shadows.
"Insufficient natural and artificial

think that it was a definite strain
on my eyes."
The majority of the students inter-
viewed scoffed at the statement that
there was no drawing insthe labora-
tories after 4 p.m. In spite of the
fact that there are no regularly sched-
uled classes after that time, they said
that it was necessary to work until
6 p.m. in order to finish many exer-
cises. Blame for this may be partly
laid on faulty lighting.
"Lighting in the laboratories is, in
general, very poor," Morris Steere,
'40E, asserted. "In the first place
there is not enough light and in the
second place light sources are seem-
ingly placed without any thought
whatsoever. The shadows are thrown
in the wrong places making accurate
line innrl irnn.c4h1P nlnec nnP a_

to draw

create a great number of
making it extremely difficult
certain lines," David Lans-

dale, '38E, commented. "This ob-
viously slows down work besides de-
creasing accuracy." More overhead
lighting was recommended to im-

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