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January 26, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-26

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy, snow flurries
in North today; tomorrow fair,
continued cold.


-.Iazt- AOIW

A New English Course .. .
The Oil Sanctions.. .

VOL. XLVI No. 88



Warn JHop
Scalpers Of
Men's Council Threatens
Discipline To Sellers Of
Over-Priced Tickets
J-Hop Committee
Promises Support
Suspension From School
Within Council's Realm,
Precedence Shows
Rumors of flagrant scalping in
the sale of J-Hop tickets were met
last night with sharp threats of
disciplinary action by the judiciary
committee of the Men's Council.
In answer to a report that tickets
were being sold for twice their face
value with the biggest dance of the
year still three weeks - away, Presi-
dent William R. Dixon, '36, of the
Council promised action in the case
of any offenders reported to the ju-
diciary committee.
"It has been called to the atten-.
tion of the Council that J-Hop tick-
ets are being sold at sums higher
than their face value. Any cases of
scalping which are reported to the
judiciary committee will be subject
to disciplinary action," Dixon de-
Precautions Taken
Donald C. Hillier, '37E, chairman
of the J-Hop ticket committee, stated
that every precaution had been tak-
en to avoid scalping in the distribu-
tion of tickets.
He added that, although the or-
iginal supply of 1,000 tickets has
been completely exhausted and none
remain in the hands of the commit-
tee, every effort will be made to pre-
vent exchange of tickets among in-
dividuals for more than their face
value. The committee will cooperate
with the Council in this matter, he
The judiciary committee, under
the constitution adopted last spring,
has the power "to conduct investiga-
tions andl make recommendations" to
the University discipline committee
in such scalping cases.
Atlhough no definite announce-
ment was forthcoming as to the na-
ture of disciplinary action to be im-
posed, the Council has as a precedent
three penalties adopted by the Un-
dergraduate Council following scalp-
ing cases connected with the 1934
Code Adopted
The code adopted at that time by
the now-defunct Undergraduate
Council for punishment of scalpers
was :
1. Committeemen who are either
guilty of scalping on the sale of tick-
ets or having knowledge of such ac-
tion will receive the maximum pen-
alty: suspension from the University
for the remainder of the semester
and re-entrance only on probation.
2. Two weeks' suspension and pro-
bation for students who scalp on
more than one ticket.
3. Probation only for undergrad-
uates scalping on a single ticket.
Nine illed As
Private, Army
Planes Crash
(By The Associated Press)
A midair collision of two Army

bombing planes and the motor failure
of a private plane cost nine lives as
the week-end began.
The bombers crashed over Luke
Field, Ford Island, Honolulu, in night
flight and fell in flames, bearing six
men to their deaths.
The pilot and two passengers of a
private plane died today when their
ship hurtled to the ground near Itas-
ca, Tex., shortly after starting a jour-
ney at Grand Prairie.
HONOLULU, Jan. 25. - (P) -Six
army airmen were killed in a night
collision of two big bombers which
crashed in wining sheets of flame at
Luke Field, military air base on Ford
Two others aboard the planes were
able to bail out in parachutes and
escaped without injuries.
Army authorities ordered an imme-
diate investigation of the crash, one
of Hawaii's worst aviation disasters.
ITASCA, Tex., Jan. 25.-(A')-
Three men - a pilot and two Dallas
hsiness men - were killed in an air-

SSarraut's Ministry Will Adhere
To Laval's Tactics--Winnacker

History Authority Believes
Change Represents Swing
Toward Left
Premier Albert Sarraut's newly-
formed Radical Socialist government,
fettered by discordant factions in
the complex pattern of internal
French politics, will for the most part
adhere to the middle-ground tactics
of Pierre Laval in dealing with deli-
cate foreign and domestic problems
facing France, in the opinion of Dr.
Rudolph Winnacker of the history
Although he believes the change
represents a distinct swing toward
the left in the temper of the gov-
ernment, Dr. Winnacker sees the chief
significance in the influence the fac-
tion in power will have over voting
at the time of the spring elections.
He pointed out that the control of
the Department of Interior, which
is in charge of the voting, is partic-
ularly advantageous, because of the
tendency to "string along" with the
Although Dr. Winnacker foresaw
little or no change in French policy
with regard to the international sit-
uation or the internal economic prob-
lems, he believes the new government
will take a sterner attitude toward
the Croix de Feu, French fascist or-
ganization headed by Col. Francois de
la Rocque.
Dr. Winnacker declared that La-
val's vacillating policy toward the
Croix de Feu alienated many of the
left wing members of the Radical
Socialist party and was a major fac-
tor in precipitating his downfall.
He explained that the Croix de Feu
has organized leagues throughout the
country, and last November went so
far as to threaten the authority of
the national government.
The liberal and radical gr'oups, he
declared, are apprehensive lest France
follow in the footsteps of Germany,
Italy, and Austria to fascism, and
after this action they demanded that
immediate steps be taken to demili-
tarize the Croix de Feu.
Early in December Laval issued a
decree ordering the Croix de Feu and
the left-wing Popular Front, both of
which had been engaging in a minia-
ture arms race, to completely dis-#

New French Premier

-Associated Press rhoto
After other leaders had refused,
Senator Albert Sarraut (above)
succeeded in forming a new cab-
inet for France to replace that of
Premier Laval, which resigned.
arm, but Dr. Winnacker was dubious
about the extent to which the de-
cree had been enforced.
In the sphere of foreign affairs, Dr.
Winnacker pointed out that the new
government faces the problem of
maneuvering so as to keep the Brit-
ish navy and the Italian army as
potential allies against possible at-
tack by Germany.
He predicted, however, that Prem-
ier Sarraut will prove more friendly
(Continued on Page 2)
Student Forum
Will Be Led B
Bennett Weaver
'Literature And Abundant
Life' To Be ConsideredI
In Discussion Group

Bates Stands
For Modified
Court Powers
Dean Of Law School Talks
Before Bar Association
Of New York State
Suggests 6-3 Ratio
For High Tribunal
Asks Removal Of Judicial
Review From Powers Of
District Judges
NEW YORK, Jan. 25. - Proposals
to modify the power of courts to pass
on the constitutionality of congres-
sional legislation were advanced yes-
terday by Dean Henry M. Bates of the
University of Michigan Law School at
a luncheon meeting in the Waldorf-
Astoria of the New York State Bar
Asserting that decisions in cases
"involving important congressional
legislation and great social or eco-
nomic interests" should require more1
than a five to four vote, Dean Bates
stated: "The requirement that no act
of Congress should be held invalid
unless six or more justices concurred
in that opinion, might be helpful."
Dean Bates also advocated the re-
moval of power to review congres-
sional legislation from district judges.
"There are grave evils," he stated, "in-
herent in our present scheme, which
permits acts of Congress, perhaps of
transcendent importance, to be passed
upon by one of many or all of the
one hundred and eighty United States
district judges."
Believes in Restricted Power
To this end Dean Bates believed
that such power should either be
restricted to the United States Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals, subject to trials
by benches of three to five judges,
or be retained by the district judges,
subject to a requirement forcing them
to certify the questions or issues raised
directly to the Supreme Court.
In considering the question of Su-
preme Court majorities, Dean Bates
pointed out that while a six-three ma-
jority is desirable, "to require too
great a unanimity would press this
iemedy too far, for even one justice
would be able to save legislation which
a preponderant legal opinion held
clearly bad."
Need Greater Majority
"However," he continued, "intelli-
gent popular opinion, with much jus-
tification, demands that we cease
holding legislation invalid on so close
a vote as five to four."
While admitting that "the time
may be near at hand when we can
no longer rely upon judicial inter-
pretation to enable us to function
effectively in these extraordinary
times," and while asserting the need
for "expansion of national regulation
of national matters," Dean Bates
cautioned critics of Supreme Court
power by pointing out that "with the
heat and confusion of a presidential
campaign approaching, the present
is no time in which to embark upon
important amendments to the Con-
Objective Study Required
"We are today contending with
forces of a magnitude and complexity
unprecedented in the history of the
world," he stated. "It is impossible
that we should now understand these
forces or what is desirable to do about
them. To work out a satisfactory
constitutional amendment will re-
quire long, disinterested and expert

Michigan Is
Defeated By
3 1=26 Score
John Townsend Is High
Scorer With 11 Points
In Fast Contest
Wolverines Ahead
At HalfBy 16-12
Third Conference Loss
Handed Cappon's Team
By Norsemen
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 25. - (') -
Minnesota's vastly-improved bas-
ketball team won its second consec-
utive victory in six starts by defeat-
ing Michigan, 31 to 26, with a last
period rally tonight.
The Wolverines led at the half by a
16 to 12 score.
John Townsend, Michigan's ace
sophomore forward, was high scorer
with 11 points. Ed Jones, center, led
for Minnesota with eight points.
The Gophers outplayed the tow-
ering Michigan team, but inability
to count shots, epecially in the early
part of the game, almost cost the
victory. Minnesota was particularly
ineffective from the free throw line,
counting only seven times in 21 tries.
Dick Seebach, guard, was the star
of the game for Minnesota. He
counted for six points from the field,
but it was his brilliant floor game
that kept the Gophers in the run-
Michigan's hopes suffered a severe
set-back when John Townsend was
sent out of the game with four fouls
for it was his scoring and passing
that gave the Wolverines most of1
their 26 points. Rudness, Michigan
guard, and Baker and Manly, Minne-
sota forward and center, were also
sent off the floor with four personals.
New Reserve
Board Picked
By Roosevelt
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. - (') -
The senate will be asked Monday
to confirm a new Federal Reserve
board, chosen by President Roosevelt
after frequent conferences with Sen-
ator Glass (Dem. Va.).
This board will rule the reserve
system after Feb. 1.
Authoritative capital quarters look
for only two members of the present'
board to be retained - Mariner S.
Eccles, the governor, and M. S. Szy-
Other names mentioned promin-
ently for places on the new board
include: Joseph P. Broderick, former
,uperintendent of New York banks;
Ronald Ransom, vice president of
the Fulton National bank of Atlanta;
John K. McKee, chief bank exam-
iner of the Reconstruction corpora-
tion; a member to represent agricul-
ture who some believe may be Ralph
W. Morrison, Texas rancher, and
William T. Foster, Harvard profes-
The name of J. C. Persons, Ala-
bama banker, has been mentioned
as a possible alternate to Ransom.
Such a board would meet geo-
graphical requirements as it would
include representatives from seven
of the twelve federal reserve dis-


As a highlight of church services
Reents Appoint attracting students today, Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver of the English depart-
le ment will lead the regular Sunday
morning forum of the First Presby-
terian Church at 9:45 a.m. in the Ma-
Chem istry ead sonic Temple on the subject "Litera-
ture and the Abundant Life."
The program of worship at the
Presbyterian Church also includes,
the sermon by Dr. William P. Lemon
Who Plans Retirement at 10:45 a.m. on "The Cure of Souls,"
A nS sthe evening service at which Norman
At End Of Semester Kunkel will speak on "An Historical
Approach to Christianity," and the
Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle has been Westminster Guild meeting at 6:30
chosen by the Regents to succeed p.m.
Prof. Moses Gomberg as chairman of The regular student meeting at
the department of chemistry when Harris Hall will hear the Rev. Henry
the latter retires at the end of the Lewis speak on "Personal Equipment
present semester, University officials for Marriage."
announced yesterday. The sermon by Mr. R. Edward
Because of the postponement of the Sayles of the First Baptist Church will
Regents' meeting the appointment be on "Durable Satisfactions" and
of Professor Schoepfle was approved will be delivered at 10:45 a.m. The
by mail vote from the Regents. Rev. Henry Yoder of the Trinity Lu-
The executive committee of the theran Church will be the guest
literary college and the faculty per-- speaker at the student meeting which
sonnel committee of the University, is to be held at 6 p.m. it the Guild
consisting of President Alexander G. House.
Ruthven, Dean Yoakum, and in this Dr. Charles W. Brashares will give
case Dean Edward Kraus, approved a sermon on "My Life -How to
the appointment of Professor Scho- Discipline It?" at the regular service
epfle. at 10:45 a.m. of the First Methodist
A student of Professor Gomberg, Church. ,Discussion will be held at
one of the world's leading chemists, noon on "Was Jesus Religious?" at
he has been a member of the fac- Stalker Hall. The Rev. L. LaVerne
ulty since 1919 and served in the Finch will speak on "Building the
World war in the gas defense divi- Christian Life" at the meeting of the
,ion of the chemical welfare service. Wesleyan Guild at 6 p.m.
Since he has been a member of the Allison Ray Heaps will deliver a
faculty, he has completed much re- sermon on "A Portrait of St. Paul as
search work and has been the author a Teacher" at the service beginningj
of many articles in the field of or- at 10:30 p.m. in the Congregationalj
ganic chemistry. The committee, in Church. The Student Fellowship
appointing Professor Schoepfle, stat- meeting at 6 p.m. will hear Wilma
ed: "Professor Schoepfle has a wide Lester, '37, speak on "An American
and accurate knowledge of the whole Student Views the Orient."
field of chemistry which we believe The subject of the Rev. H. P. Mar-
gives him -the necessary vision to ley's sermon will be "Religion Is Ex-
plan for the future development of perience," and will be delivered at
the subject. 5:30 p.m. in the Unitarian Church.
"He also commands the personal re- Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
gard of the present staff and we choroly department will speak on,
feel confident will be able to secure "Economics and Science" at the meet-
the cooperation necessary for carry- ing of the Liberal Students' Union
ing on and advancing the depart- at 7:30 p.m.
mental work." The morning worship service of thej
Church of Christ Disciples will be
George W. Wickersham held at 10:45 a.m. with a sermon by
the Rev. Fred Cowin. Mr. Pickerill
Found Dead In Taxicab will lead the Bible class at noon. Rev.
Cowin will speak on "The Life of
NEW YORK, Jan. 25.-(R) - Robert Burns" at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Johnj
George W. Wickersham, one-time at- Johnstone, Scotch soprano, and D. G.
torney-general of the United States Meikle, Scotch baritone, will sing

Al Smith Declares
New Deal Violated

Party P
Bercovici Was Really
Bewildered This Time
Konrad Bercovici has committed
the unpardonable sin in the eyes of
the University of Michigan student.
Writing "This Too Free America"
in the current issue of Good House-
keeping, Bercovici refers to a Hol-
lander of western Michigan who sent
his son to the University of Michigan
-to study agriculture! The Univer-
sity of Michigan was confused with
Michigan State College.
But then he has a passable excuse:
He was born in Roumania.
Believe Return
Of Below-Zero
Weather Likely
Report Outbreak Of New
Storms Over Wide Area
In Northwest
The possibility of a return to Ann
Arbor of the record lows in tem-
perature of the last three days, was
indicated in most of last night's wea-
ther forecasts.
At least, observers predict, it will
be no warmer, and the probability of
sub-zero temperatures today was
heightened by the outbreak of new
storms in the northwest.
Yesterday's temperatures were
characterized by slight gains over
those of the preceding day. The high-
est temperature during the period,
from 7 p.m. Friday to 7 p.m. yester-
day, was reported as 13.2 degrees
above zero by the University Observ-
atory Weather Bureau.
This represented a gain of 3.4 de-
grees over the high of the preceding
24 hours. The low of 0.8 degrees
above zero for the same period of
time was 5.3 degrees over the low
of the preceding day. The tempera-
ture recorded a 7 p.m. yesterday at
the Observatory stood at 11.8 degrees
above, as contrasted with the tem-
perature of six degrees above reported
at the same time on Friday. The
average temperature for the last 24
hours was given as 7 degrees.
Wright Stars
As Grapplers
Beat Spartans
Capt. Wally Heavenrich,
John Speicher And Earl
Thomas Also Win
Scoring his fourth consecutive fall
in as many dual meets, Harry "Tiny"
Wright, star heavyweight grappler
and gridder, not only enabled Mich-
igan's Varsity wrestling team to open
its home schedule with a brilliant
15%2 to 10%/2 victory over Michigan
State's Spartan, but also accounted
for all of the Wolverine's wins to
date. His first two pins of the sea-
son defeated New York Athletic Club,
18-13, and Franklin and Marshall,
18-16 to make the Eastern inva-
sion a success.
By virtue of their victory, the Wol-
verines avenged last year's 20-14 and
18-12 defeats suffered at the hands of
the Spartans. It was the first dual
meet of the season for the visitors.

Michigan State will have a chance to
gain revenge when Coach Keen's pro-
teges journey to East Lansing on
Feb. 15 to oppose their rivals in the
return engagement.
With the score deadlocked at 101/2
going into the heavyweight match,
which was the final bout of the eve-
ning, Wright never gave Luecke a
chance, immediately gaining the ad-
vantage by diving for his opponent's
legs. Amidst the crowd's deafening
roar, the burly gridder almost pinned
Luecke who barely managed to
crawl to the sidelines. However the
spectators didn't have to wait very
long, for Wright put on the pressure,
finally applying a half nelson to reg-
ister the fall which sent the fans

rine iles
'Class War' Under Present
Regime Is Feared By
Democratic Leader
Says Platform Has
Not Been Realized
Insists He's No Candidate
For Nomination By Any
Political Party
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. - () -
Declaring he was not "a candidate
for any nomination by any party,"
Alfred E. Smith tonight insisted the
New Deal had violated the Demo-
cratic platform of 1932. He called
upon the party "to reestablish the
principles" it embraced.
He reviewed the platform planks,
citing chapter and verse of his con-
tention that the intended purpose
had not been realized.
"How can you balance the budget,"
he asked about the economy pledge
made at Chicago, "if you insist on
spending more money thanyou take
"We have reached a new peak of
governmental indebtedness for all
The Roosevelt spending policy has
not paid dividends, he said, and un-
employment and the farm problem is
just where it was.
Warns Against Class War
Warning of dangers of a class war
and bureaucratic suppression of
American liberties under the New
Deal, Smith demanded that the
Democratic party "reestablish the
principles" of the platform upon
which President Roosevelt was elect-
That platform, he said, except for
regulation of the stockexchange, and
repeal of prohibition, has been
"thrown in the wastebasket."
He charged before his cheering
audience at the American Liberty
League dinner that the administra-
tion was substituting socialism for
"That is why," he said, "the Su-
preme Court is throwing out recent
laws three letters at a time."
Flays New Deal
He flayed the New Deal for what
he called haphazard legislation.
The Democratic convention at
Philadelphia, he said, probably will
be called upon to endorse the New
Deal in terms of Jefferson, Jackson,
and Cleveland. He ridiculed the idea,
indicating that he himself probably
"would take a walk" during the
presidential campaign.
Much as has the President on be-
half of the New Deal, he pitched his
opposition on principles above par-
"In the name of Heaven, where is
the independence of Congress?" he
"Speaking for the rank and file,"
lie said, "we don't want any execu-
tive to tell Congress what it is going
to do, or Congress to tell the execu-
tive what it should do, or the Su-
preme Court telling either what it
should do, or the executive or Con-
gress telling the other two what they
should do."
He spoke of the process of Consti-
tutional amendment, developing the
thesis that if any fundamental
change of the American method
should be wanted by the people, that
was the way to do it.
"There is a blind alley to loyalty,"
Smith submitted by way of assuring
that he would not change his con-
victions because of having cam-
paigned 21 times as a Democrat.

AAA Substitute
Hits Criticism
Of Both Parties
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.- (Am) --
Fresh attempts to construct a tem-
porary AAA replacement program
with subsidies for "economic" use of
land struck another wall of bi-par-
tisan opposition today that forecast
further drastic revisions.
The Jones-Bankhead bill as mod-
ified by the agriculture department

Painless Tooth Filling? Jeserich
Is Attempting To Find Answer

Anything but confident that the
Hartman "painkiller" will make
tooth filling painless, as claimed by
its discoverer, Dr. Paul H. Jeserich
of the dental school started experi-
ments yesterday to test a desensitizer
that may make going to the den-
tist a pleasure.
Dr. Jeserich, professor of operative
dentistry and director of the dental
school clinic, conferred last week at
Columbia University with Dr. Leroy
Hartman, who recently perfected a
formula, after 18 years of research,
which promises to render painless
drilling or excavation of a tooth. Lit-
tle technical knowledge of the for-
mula is known, Dr. Jeserich said,
explaining that the dental profes-
sion is eagerly awaiting Dr. Hart-
man's official report in the February
issue of the New York Journal of!

which Dr. Hartman desires his col-
leagues to make, and we are endeav-
oring to collaborate in this."
Members of the dental profession,
according to Dr. Jeserich, look du-
biously at Dr. Hartman's "pain-kil-
ler" for two reasons especially:
1. It may be dangerous in thej
hands of the average layman. Al-
though hailing the discovery as a
boon, especially to patients with un-
usually sensitive teeth, he said, den-
tists are anxious to determine by
actual test whether its use will not
result in permanent degenerative
changes in the dentine. He reiterat-
ed Dr. Hartman's admonition to the
laity that the new preparation could
not be used as a "toothache remedy,"
because burning of the gum tissue
might result unless the cavity to
which the desensitizer was to be ap-


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