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March 26, 1939 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-26

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Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gams
Favored To Be Leaders
In Fraternity Division
The Intramural Department's an-
nual Fraternity and Independent in-
door track and field meet will be
held Tuesday starting at 7:30 p.m.
in the Yost Field House.,
In the fraternity division, Phi Del-
ta Theta, the defending champions,
and Phi Gamma Delta, winners in
the outdoor meet held last fall, are
favored to come through with top
Leading the Phi Gam charges will
be Morrie Anderson, high jumper
and hurdler, -and Bob Holt, in the
broad jump and low hurdles. An-
derson ran second in the high hurdles
in both last year's indoor meet and
this year's outdoor. He also came in
fifth in the high jump in the out-
door. Holt won the 120-yard low
hurdle event last fall with a time of
14.2, and came in third in the broad
Hall Broad Jumps
Other members of the Phi Gamma
Delta team that seem likely point
winners are Chuck Hall in the broad
jump, Keith Yoder and Bill Starn in
the mile run, Matt Rea and Yoder in
the dash and Bob Lueking in the shot
Phi Delta Theta, having lost most
of their regulars to the Varsity and
freshmen track squads, will depend
mostly on Jim Clark and Tom Root
to build up their point total. Clark
defeated Phi Gam Anderson in the
high hurdles at the outdoor meet
last October and also ran third in
the mile run. Root will throw the
shot put.
Psi U's Have Stars
Sigma Chi and Psi Upsilon, having
ended second and third respectively
in October's outdoor meet also must
be counted on as powerful contend-
ers in Tuesday's meet. The Psi U's
have point winners in Jack Chap-
man, winner in the pole vault last
fall, and Charles Whittemore, who
took first place in the 660-yard run
in the same meet.
Sigma Chi will count on Don Siegel
in the shot put, Jack Cooper in the
high hurdles and pole vault and Jim
Ireland in the 440. Siegel won his
event last year and Coope finished
second in the pole vault and fourth
in the hurdles in the outdoor meet.
In the Independent division the
Has Beens are the defending champs
while .the Wolverines, Senators and
the Badgers will be entering powerful
Cage .Coaches
Discuss Rules
Seek To Curb Deliberate
Fouling By Losing Team
CHICAGO, March 25.-(A')-A rules
change aimed at curbing the deliber-
ate foul-which some mentors view
as a growing menace to the sport-
was advanced by a veteran Big Ten
official today as the nation's college
basketball coaches opened their an-
nual three-day meeting.
The official was John Schommer,
dean of Westen Conference basket-
ball referees, who said he has noted a
steady increase in the number of fouls
deliberately made by a losing team
in the -final minutes of closely fought
With one team in possession of the
ball and holding a slight lead with
only a minute or so of play remain-
ing, the trailing team has been known
to resort to deliberate fouls on the
gamble it might gain possession after

the free throw attempt. Under the
rules, two free throws may be award-
ed the offended team if the official
decides the foul was deliberate. But
Schommer said officials seldom decide
to call such a severe penalty in close
"I advocate, in the case of a delib-
=rate foul, that the team fouled shall
be given one free throwshotand
possession of the ball whether the
free throw is made or not. This would
make players think twice before do-
ing any deliberate fouling."
The coaches will consider commit-
tee reports and generally discuss the
game tomorrow and Monday before
viewing the Oregon-Ohio State game
at Northwestern's Patten Gymnasi-
Giants Wallop Cleveland
NEW ORLEANS, March 25.-(R)-
The New York Giants walloped the
Cleveland Indians 10-2 today behind
the eight-hit pitching of Hal Schu-
macher, Clyde Castleman and Bill

Russ Dobson has shown consid-
erable promise of developing into a
first rank college hurler, and much
of the success of the Wolverine
baseball team depends on his com-
ing through this season. Russ is a
junior and an Ann Arbor boy.
Ti ers Defeat
Cincinnati, 7-4

Rowe Diplays Old
When Pressure Is


LAKELAND, Fla., March 25.-WP)-
Schoolboy Rowe, striving for a major
league comeback, pitched five in-
nings in today's exhibition game and
was credited with the Detroit Tigers'
7-4 thumping of the Cincinnati Reds.
The Schoolboy gave up four runs
and three hits during his turn on the
mound, but when the pressure was on
he bore down like the Schoolboy of
old and managed to survive his second
test of the season. One of the runsf
against him was unearned.
Rowe grabbed two of the Tigers'
seven hits. The first was a double,
the second a screaming triple that
set up a score in the fourth.
Slicker Coffman, who has been laid
up with a leg injury since early in
the season, made his first start on
the mound for the 1939 Tigers. He
was touched for four hits in four
innings, but the only run the Reds
could get from him was a homer in
the eighth by Lombardi.
The Tigers opened the scoring when
they pushed across three runs inethe
second inning, but the Reds tied it
up in the third.
In the Tiger third Charley Gehr-
inger drew a walk from Lee Grissom,
Cincinnati southpaw, after one was
out. Hank Greenberg doubled, send-
ing Gehringer to third, where he
perched while Rudy York struck out.
Pete Fox, however, slammed a single
to right and Gehringer and Green-
berg scored with what proved the
winning runs.
Another Tiger run was marked up
in the fourth on Rowe's triple and
a fly by Frank Croucher, while an-
other came in the sixth when Cullen-
bine singled and moved around the
circuit on two infield errors and an
infield out.
Brooklyn Downs Boston
BRADENTON, Fla., March 25.-(1P)
-Tom Early's wildness in the tenth
inning gave the Brooklyn Dodgers a
10-9 victory over the Boston Bees

Pitching Staff,
Infield Bother
Coach Fisher
If Ray Fisher, Varsity, baseball
coach, could answer the following
questions now, four weeks before the!
Big Ten Opener, he could foretell
whether his proteges will ride back
to the top of the Conference heap,
as early indications point, or remain
among the also-rans.
1. What will be the outcome in the
Smick and Dobson cases? Potentially
they are a pair of top notch college
pitchers, but last year were of little
value. Time will tell.
2. Will "Wild John" Heering earn
the right to drop his nickname, live
up to early expectations and become
one of the stars of the mound staff?
Reserves Are Problem
3. Will any of the second string
pitchers come through with valuable
assistance? Bittinger, Veigel, Bond,
Stoddard, Netherton, DuBois, Ran-
dall, Gould, and O'Brien all have pos-
sibilities, but at present none is what
may be termed a finished pitcher.
4. Will Leo Beebe continue the
heavy hitting he has displayed in the
cages, and develop into a catcher of
professional caliber? Last year Leo's
prolonged slump at the plate was one
of the season's big disappointments.
5. If so, what will become of Forest
Evashevski? The "One Man Gang"
is ,a good catcher, but not the equal
of Beebe defensively. He has also
played the outfield in the past but
the Pink-Trosko-Smirk combination
will be hard to penetrate. But the fact
remains that Evie can hit, and his
big bat will come in handy on many
Second Base Unsolved
6. Who will play second base? The
candidates are Pete Lisagor, a smooth
working veteran and a husky sopho-
more named Bill Steppon who is a
great natural hitter. The only question
in Steppon's place is whether he can
move his 185 pounds fast enough
around the keystone. Lisagor can hit
too as his .321 Conference average
will testify. He has played other posi-
tions but is more at home on second.
This will be a lively battle as both
contestants look too good to be kept
off the team.
7. Where will Captain Peckinpaugh
play? Or rather where will Walt be
most valuble? Peck can play third or
short equally well. If either Lisagor
or Steppon show any aptitude at
either position, Captain Peck may
play the other. If sophomore third
sacker, Art Bergeson, looks as good
outdoors as in the cages, Walt is like-
ly to find himself at short. An extra
good showing by shortstops Earl
Smith or Mike Sofiak would keep him
at the hot corner.
Browns Win Again 11-3
SAN BENITO, Texas, March 25.-
(I)-A pitching duel blew up in a
blast of extra-base hits today as the
St. Louis Browns maintained their
undefeated spring record by wallop-
ing Oklahoma City of the Texas
League, 11 to 3.

Elmer Gedeon
Takes Second
In Windy City
Fenske Beats Cunningham
In Mile Run; Tolmich
Wins In High Hurdles
CHICAGO, March 25.-(A)-Allen
Tolmich, hurdle star of Detroit, clip-
ped three-tenths of a second off the
40-yard high hurdle indoor record
tonight in the Third Annual Chicago
Tolmich negotiated the distance in
5.1 seconds, beating the 5.4 seconds
mark established in 1910 by T. N.
Richard. Elmer Gedeon, Universityl
of Michigan, pushed Tolmich to the
tape, losing by inches. Ed Smith,
University of Wisconsin, was third.
Tolmich won the hurdles title when=
he finished first in each of the 40-,
50-, and 60-yard races. Gedeon fin-
ished behind Tolmich in the final
point score, taking second in the 40-,
and 50-, and third in the 60-.
Charles (Chuck) Fenske, former
University of Wisconsin star, defeat-
ed Glenn Cunningham, veteran Kan-
sas miler, for the second time of the
indoor season, but Earle Meadows,
record breaking pole vault perfor-
mance stole the show in the Third
Annual Chicago Relays.
Fenske moved up last in the last
lap to overtake the great Cunning-
ham less than 25 feet from the tape.
Fenske's winning time was four min-
utes, 12.8 seconds, considerably above
the best time of either performer.
Gene Venzke, former Pennsylvania
veteran, was third. Walter Mehl of
Wisconsin was fourth and John
Munski, University of Missouri, fell
in the last lap and did not finish.
Meadows, formerly of Southern
California and co-holder of the
world's outdoor record in the pole
vault, cleared 14 feet, six and one-
fourth inches bettering the, recog-
nized indoor record.
Meadows' performance was an
eighth of an inch above the height
cleared by Cornelius Warmerdam of
San Francisco Olympic Club in an
earlier indoor track meet this year in
New York.
Charles Beetham of New York was
only a tenth of a second off the in-

Three more freshman Field Housel
track records were knocked into the
proverbial cocked hat this week as
the Michigan yearling track team
wound up a successful indoor season
with a conference .postal-meet record
of three victories and two defeats.
Johnny Kautz set a new mark in
the half-mile when he sped over the
course in 1:58. flat to shave nine-
tenths of a second off Tom Jester's
1937 record-breaking time.
The other two marks were made
by milers Herb Leake, of Rego Park,
N.Y., and Bill Ackerman, of Bryan,
Ohio, over the practice distances of
five and six laps, respectively. Leake's
2:38.9 shattered the old record set by
Ralph Schwarzkopf two seasons ago,
while Ackerman's 3:14. over the
= three-quarter-mile course wrested
from Karl Wisner the honor the lat-
ter had enjoyed since 1937.
Commenting on the six new fresh-
man Field House records established
and two more tied by the 1938-39 edi-
tion of his Wolverine fiosh track-
men, Coach Ken Doherty remarked,
"This year's team has upheld the
standard of good freshman track
teants that we usually have here, and
if ey can maintain their scholas-
tic standings, I am looking forward
to seeing several of them on the
varsity next year."
Kautz, Ackerman, and Leake
should prove welcome additions to
the distance-running corps in 1940,
but they by no means complete the
list of good prospects on the squad.
A speedster named Al Thomas has
turned in a :06.4 in the sprints and
a .:07.4 in the low hurdles and is
rated highly by Doherty.In addi-
tion to Thomas, "Bud" Piel and Jim
McGhee, who have also recorded
:06.4 in the 60-yard dash, Gail Che-
ney, and Don Jones have displayed
Little Remains In Front
GREENSBORO, N.C., March 25.
-(AP)-Lawson Little of Bretton
Woods, N.H., sprayed shots all over
the course today but the 27-year-old
former amateur champion kept his
score low enough to remain in front
of the field at the half-way mark of
the $5,000 Greensboro open golf

a great deal of promise as sprinters;
while Ray Gautheir and Larry Gluck
have done well in the high hurdles.
In the field events, the freshman
mentor has Charlie Decker and
George Ostroot, a pair that should go
places before their Michigan track
careers have ended. Ostroot, a hus-
ky 200-pounder from Viborg, S.D.,
holds the frosh indoor discus throw-
ing record with a heave of 140 feet,
and also puts the shot in the vicinity
of 45 feet. Decker, a pole-vaulter
who hails from Elyria, Ohio, has
done better than 12-feet, six inches
and should improve with time.

In Ann Arbor!

Thi° Week's Contest Subject:
KODAK FILMS and All Camera Supplies.

Frosh Track Team Includes
Several Promising Prospects

Injured Dave Kerr
Might Play Tonight
BOSTON, March 25.-(IP)-The
New York Rangers' hopes of return-
ing home with one National Hockey
League playo~f victory over the Bos-
ton Bruins soared tonight when Man-
ager Lester Patrick was advised that
Dave Kerr, his injured goalie, had a
50-50 chance of returning to his cage
for tomorrow night's third clash.
Kerr, who suffered shoulder and
arm injuries during the 119 minutes,
35 seconds opener in New York Tues-
day, seemed to be lost to the Rangers
Thursday when he was replaced by
Bert Gardiner, Rangers' farm team

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door record in winning the 600-yard tournament. Little added a 73 to
special run. yesterday's record-smashing 65.
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