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November 19, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

… been heralded as the nation's October as it whipped a Pennsylvania team that wouldn't be whipp Once again it was Harmon who pulled the Wolverines out of tl Limbo into which it had fallen. The Hoosier…

….m. today instead of the. usual 4:15 p.m. because of the faculty concert. American in the eyes of every of the 57,000 fans who watcher dog-eat-dog struggle. The Wolverines were behind once, and even then…

September 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 46) • Page Image 15

… Gophers swept n four-game series from the Wolverines last year to take the Conference title. Michigan took the green Illini team to place second. Most of the team's competition is with these two teams…

… not be back at the nets for the Wolverines this year since he is eligible for service in the Canadian army. players he stands to lose only a few of regulars through Canada's call to the colors. His…

… greatest loss would be in the person of Capt. Eldon "Spike" James who has guarded the Wolverine nets through the last two seasons. Larry Calvert is the only other Canadian on the squad. Larry made his debut…

May 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… put mark. f 2 ft. 11/2 in. he set last year and e has surpassed Arlie Mucks' 23- 'ear-old record of 15 ft. 2 in. in the iscus. Warren Breidenbach, sensational wolverine sophomore, is expected to ead a…

…-shot possibilities yesterday afternoon, as the Wolverine baseball team coupled some more faulty fielding and baserunning to Pitcher Danny Smick's wildness in handing Minnesota 5-4 victory. The defeat catapulted the…

… Charlie Pink a moment later, Boerner romped home with the second Gopher run. The Wolverines immediately turned on a bunting attack in their half of of the first and before the inning was over, had tied" the…

April 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… 28 days in England ... Matt Mann hails from Leeds, England, and while still in his teens was British Empire free style champion ... At the D.A.C. meet Saturday, Olympian Taylor Drysdale, an ex-Wolverine

…. In the In- considerable loss of blood and a trip dependent League the Wolverines to the Health Service for Titus. are the defending champions, while The javelin pierced Titus' should- the English…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… Kelley was clocked in :8.2 and Ged- 1. Cen. Malin Craig, Army Chief also be Issued to facuty members u- eon's was :9.1. Staff, testified that the Douglas' light on application at Lane Hall. The Wolverine

… Karl Wisner and Jack Dobson picked of the Douglas bomber came in "a must obtain tickets at Lane Hall. up the" other Wolverine first in the little different" classification, en- Tickets will also be sold…

… Lounsbury, Harmon1 brought 'the Wolverines up again with a long bucket from the center of the floor. A second later Harmon again scored when he stole the ball from Chet Murphy and dribbled in for a set…

… at the end of last semester, the Wolverines were all but invincible as they won seven out of eight matches in truly con- vincing fashion. They took the lead at the very start when 121-pounder Tom…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…19, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverines Bally To Tie Buckeye Swimmers Again, 42-4 9 Natators Gain Needed Points In Final Relay Quayle Swims 100 Yards In 52.5 To Better Mark . And Defeat Walt…

… Tomski (Continued from Page 1). was a super swimmer as a result of his 52i1 victory against Yale, went com- pletely haywire. ' If the medley dampened the ardor of the Wolverines, the 220 free style threw…

Wolverine hopes for a victory. Tor- ski, the favorite starter in college today was but one foot ahead at the first turn. A bad turn at the 75 pulled his Ohio rival ahead and Quayle, who is at finishing what…

… not ahead of him, Walt was short with his last stroke and needed another to touch. Quayle touched coming up to give him the win in 52.5. The valuable third place point went to Johnson. Wolverine hopes…

… Avenue. ' 'Michigan Sextet Loses 5-3; Cagers Trimmed By Maroot # *? Visitors' Last Period Scores Decide Fracas Hillberg, Cooke, Stodden Tally For Wolverines In Hard Fought Game By NEWELL Mc…

Wolverines this time by a 5 to 3 score to a strong Waterloo sextet. In the closing minutes of the open- ing period Waterloo came through with the first goal of the night when Grau took a pass from Smith and…

… second period Bert Stodden broke lose from his defense position and soloed down the ice bringing the Wolverines their opening score and tying the game. A few minutes after Stodden's goal, on an assist from…

… Cooke, Hilberg made a tally which put the Wolvsr- ines in the lead. Then the ganie turned into a fast skating game, Waterloo taking the offensive and the Wolverines forced to play within their own blue…

January 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

… team which has finally proved Coach Larry Armstrong's contention that it is 40 per cent better than its predecessor will meet the Wolverines for the 63rd and 64th contests in the historic Big Ten puck…

Wolverines last season are back. Backbone of the colorful Gopher offense is the mercurial Johnny Ma- riucci, veteran defenseman and the squad's leading scorer since he joined the Gopher ranks last season. Al…

August 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…-gov- ernment for the 3,500,000 Germans within Czechoslovakia's frontiers. Present negotiations are leading "no- Elevator Weight Kills Youth Here Carl Thrasher Decapitated At WolverineBuilding Carl Lester…

… Thrasher, 19, of Her- sey, Mich., was killed yesterday af- ternoon when a descending, weight severed his head as he peered into an elevator shaft through an exterior window at the rear of the Wolverine

May 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… opponents. Notre Dame has won seven out of their 11 games so far this season. A battle of left-handers is the prospect for today. On the mound for the Wolverines will be Herm Fish- man, winner of Michigan…

…, responsible for four of the Irish wins this spring. With Mandjiak hailed as a particu- lar nemesis to left handed batters, a slightly revised line-up will take the field for the Wolverines. Freddie Trosko and…

April 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

… race in 1937 while the Badgers finished in a tie for third with Ohio State. The visitors, how- ever, are weakened by the loss of all but three lettermen from last year's squad, while the Wolverines are…

… crossing and a march on Tortosa. Wolverine's 'Speedy Second In Turtle Race Fighting it out with the elite of Intercollegiate turtles, Speed, a mid- get snapper from the Michigan stables romped to second…

April 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY *ASIDE * LINES e 0 ....'3By IRVIN LISAGOR - l Dixie Diary .. . WINTRY SCENES in southern climes . . Rain cancelling Ohio Wesleyan game, granting Wolverine baseball entourage…

… the game's greatest shortstops .. . Walter Johnson, in the stands at Maryland watching his son, Eddie, who is a second baseman, pitch the last two frames against the Wolverines . . . Bill Terry, Jr…

… vigilante guarding the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, walk- Wolverines Fishman Hurls Wol In Opening Bid To Regain Title R Final tall; Same Lineup That Played 3, sleet, hail On Southern Trip Will 2. That's ti…

… indicative if not ul in the won and lost col- sing the averages, the fol- clusions may be logically Defense Strong t base; Leo Beebe, catcher and Fish- (1) The Wolverines will be a strong; man, pitcher…

…, center field; Beilita, year. Last year's composite average catcher; Capt. Jack Gerlach, short- of .197 leaves plenty to be desired, al- stop; Howard Radder, left field; Al tough9teWolverines hit a cool…

… rivals afield. In A.A.U. Bid Game highlights in brief follow: Proceedings started inauspiciously Sagainst Virginia, the Wolverines los- K~asley IS Lone Wolverine ing 5 to 4. Dobson started, was driv…

January 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

… against Illi- nois and look like real champions. The Wolverines, on the other hand, beat the Gophers rather handily one night and slumped against Wisconsin. The Badgers have a scrappy five. They out- played…

… ner his mar Yo wng hngr- mark a change in procedure. Last year However he has played in one less the Wolverines confined their inter- entheni erles sectional tilts to matches at Lehigh regame…

March 19, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

… year when he beat the great Jesse Owens-and did not get credit for it. Sam and Jesse had been rivals since high school, but the Wolverine ace had never bested the brisk Buckeye. Last March be- fore 5…

… and six of the Wolverines will also both these events on Spaldings of- from Detroit, and Ed Hutchins, a perform in individual events. Those ficial All-American teams for 1936 middle distance stroker…

… Mann's greatest difficulty have things their own way at Butler. will be the developing of a winning Stoller, Smith and Watson will also 'backstroker. The Wolverine Coach be competing in the broad jump…

… led by Coach Cliff to the great demonstrations of speed title at Butler and the Wolverine Keen, Wolverine mentor, arrived here and power shown in the other events. quartet should win. However, In- today…

… to compete in the National In- diana's fast stepping team that near- tercollegiate Wrestling Tournament Ping Pong Entries .Due ly upset the Wolverines last week at the Indiana State Teacher's Col- in…

February 19, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

… clash in the Coliseum in t the third tilt of a four-game seriesA with the mythical hockey champion- ship of Michigan at stake. The open-a ing face-off is scheduled for 8 p.m.u The Wolverines, fresh from a…

Wolverines were shut out in the initial encounter,. 1-0, but came back in the second game to eke out a 3-2 win and square the series. In order to add the mythical Mich- igan crown to their 1936-37 hockeye…

February 19, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 98) • Page Image 7

… but he last five minutes of play battled the Wolverines on even terms. The Miners great goalie Ed Maki was a standout in the nets, but he had to bow to the performance of Michigan's Bill Chase. Time…

… body checks. Heyliger Flashes Old Form Gibby James paced the Wolverine scorers with two last minute goals and an .assist. Captain Vic Heyliger who returned to the line-up for the first time since he…

… Out Wolverines Distance Of Of Lineup; In Striking Leadership The use of the motion picture and "'0' 1 10A'C' V other means of visual education were rest were such, that he was the only described last…

… unable to make the trip with thetWolverines and it is doubt- ! ful whether he will be in condition1 to rejoin the Varsity when it col-1 lides with Purdue's Riveters Monday night back in Yost Field House…

… plenty of speed and his share of ex- perience from his role as "sixth man" as well as more than his share of accuracy from the floor. With the Wolverines within strik- ing distance of the Conference lead…

February 19, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 98) • Page Image 9

…- night the Wolverines will go about proving this statement when they clash with Michigan State in Yost1 Field House in their first meet of the season. Coach Ralph H. Young of the Spar- tans will bring a 39…

…-man squad to Ann Arbor for the meet in an effort to keep the powerful Wolverines from amassing the top-heavy total predict- ed for them. State is expecting to make its best showing in the distance runs…

… would put the game Bissell; 165-pounds, either Danner or on ice, but Tech battled valiantly ane Frank Morgan; 175-pounds, Dick Maki was at his best to keep thi Tasch; and heavyweight, Stan Schu- Wolverine

November 19, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

… schools, the Wolverines having gone to Cali- fornia for a dual engagement in 1935,1 which the Bears won, 761/2 to 54%/2. The meet has been scheduled for the spring recess period at Michigan, according to…

… Coach Hoyt, and will take the Wolverine squad members away from their classes no more than the customary Big Ten engagements. Contract arrangements call for Cal- ifornia to carry the Michigan ex- penses…

…, he said. Coach Hoyt expresses great pleasure at the scheduling of the meet as it follows the highly suc- cessful engagement in 1935. Al- though Michigan was defeated in that meet the Wolverines were…

March 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

… articles, fiction and poems, the Iasie a rry omte and is I assiglnorcnt carry him to all parts of Wolverine, edited, published and dis- the building. The cafeteria, library, tributed by the members of the…

… fourth et al, are the beats he covers. and fifth grades of the University The Wolverine is a four-paged, Elementary School, is the latest ad- mimeographed paper affair, and its dition to the list of campus…

February 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

… BUESSER Shattering every existing Wolverine scoring record, Michigan's flashy left winger, Gib James, humiliated Goalie Bud Connor of St. Thomas in the Coliseum last night when he banged home 10 goals and…

… tonight. Heyliger Sets Mark Strangely enough, it was against this same St. Thomas team that Sherf set his high goal mark last year when he bagged a round half-dozen tallies while the Wolverines were…

… tally as a Wolverine. caught the whole Michigan team flat- footed two minutes after James' sec- ond goal, when he stick handled past the defense and beat Shalek with a drive into the far corner from 10…

… dinner. Tickets are available at the Union desk. 4 Records Tumble In Track Meet* Yost Feld House Mark Is Tied As Third Annual A.A.U. Meet Is Held Wolverines' Relay Team Topples Pitt Bob Osgood Sets New…

…, held by Willis Ward. His time smashed the A.A.U. mark of 6.3 seconds held by Ward and Don Renwick, another for- mer Wolverine star. The only Field House mark to be erased was in the high jump, when…

January 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… following pro- gram: Quartet in D Major, Op. 18, No. 3 .~Beethoven Allegro Andante con moto Bombardment By Wolverine Cagers Brings 51-33 Win Rifle-Carrying Teacher Defies School Officials GLASGOW, Mont…

… heavyweight giants. in which Tiny Wright, 250-pound Wolverine, threw Joe O'Dowd Lion 235-pounder. Capt. Jack Light, Penn State East- ern Intercollegiate champion, got a four minute time advantage over Earl…

…. GOODMAN Led by Jake Townsend, whose bril- liant passing and aggressive floor play allowed the Wolverines to score almost at will, Michigan's rangy bas- ketball team drubbed Capt. Bill Haar- low and the…

…'s sparkling passes. Michigan Superior In Height Although Gee played only a short time, the Wolverines dominated the tip-off. Michigan's superior height was also a factor in the play off the backboards, despite…

January 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

… Michigan' steam, champions of the Big Ten and holders of the fastest time ever run east of the Rockies. The Wolverine team bested the Pitts- burgh team in one of the most thrill- ing races of the year in…

… Tuesday, to avoid conflict with oth- er events, will give the Wolverines two meets in their first week of com- petition as a dual meet with Michi- gan State has already been scheduled for Feb. 21. The…

…- ing the Wolverine natators in dual meets. They are seriously considering placing a boycott on the present Na- tional Collegiate and Big Ten cham- pions. These dissenting Conference men- tors offer as…

…- igan of two of the Big Ten's biggest stars last year, Baker Bryant of Ohio State and Ed Kirar of Wisconsin, both of whom are members of the present Wolverine first-year squad. But those saime coaches…

January 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 82) • Page Image 8

… ON THE STEAMSHIPS Does Civilization Need Religion ... Reflections on the End of An Era Itinerary April 10 - Leave Ann Arbor, "Wolverine" 6:39 P.M. April 11 - Arrive New York 8:20 A.M. Sail on S…

….M. Leave New York."Wolverine" 5:35 P.M. April 20- Arrive Ann Arbor 8:16 A.M. PRICE INCLUDES: Minimum steamship accom- modations, U.S. Revenue tax, 3 meals a day and room without bath (basis 2 in room, with…

December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…TUURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY mm!I Crippled Hockey Team Clashes With McMaster Inexperienced Pair Replaces David,_Fabello Bob Simpson, Jack Merrill To Start In Wolverines

…' Second Game Of Year Eddie Lowrey's Michigan hockey team, revamped and handicapped by the same injury jinxethat seemed to pursue the Wolverine gridders throughout the 1935 season, clashes with Mc…

… for the Wolverines. Tonight should prove to be some- thing of a test for Low, because with two sophomore defensemen in front of him, he will probably be called upon to make some real saves. Little is…

… has again dominated in the selection of an all-st ar foot- ball team. Players on the 1935 University of Pennsylvania team named three Wolverines to places on their "all-opponents" team. Named to places…

… Cousineau. Flashing a sharp right cross, Moyer unrelentlessly slashed away at the campus champion's face Coach Ray Fisher's Wolverines will' tour the Orient next summer bring to mind the successful trips…

Wolverines played three games in Canada and one in Hawaii before meeting the fast Jap- Downing Wins In Company K A Shs7b y QUfiI A 7 Cagers Leave j For Christmas Games Today' 12 Players Make Up Squad Going…

…, according to the Wolverine mentor, and in good condition for the Conference opener against Indiana on Jan. 6 when the big pivot man will en- counter Fred "Reach" Fechtman, who also tops the six foot nine inch…

May 19, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… Varsity, 8-4 Strength In Senate Osgood Wins Both Roosevelt To Go fi High, Low Hurdles Before Congress Wolverines Score Slams In Appearance Of Presidentj Mile, Discus As Illini Assures Bill's Defeat…

…,' Fall, 81 To 45 Say Opponents CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 18 -(/F)-I The University of Michigan track team, without the services of Willis Ward, scored an 81 to 45 victory over Illinois today. The Wolverines

May 19, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

… playing in much position Michigan has met in dual better form this season and promises meet competiion, an all-star tennis to give the Wolverine captain a stiff team from Cleveland will face the match…

…. Wolverines in the latters' final home Andy Ingraham, with whom Weir appearance at 3 p.m. today on the holds all available Ohio doubles titles, Ferry Field courts. Should it rain the exhibition will be held in…

February 19, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… Deutsche Front, favoring a solved. (Continued on Page46) Cagers Drop 26-16 Game To Wildcats Last Half Spurt Wins Dull Tilt For Northwestern; Teams In Ninth Place Purple Overtakes Wolverines' Lead 'Patanelli…

… Heads Michigan' Scorers With 7 Points; Vance Leads Purple EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 18. - ()- Northwestern squared its basketball account with Michigan here tonight, defeating the Wolverines, 26-16, in a…

February 19, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… event when Captain Hugh Bonino of the Generals pinned Wil- lard Hildebrand in 4:02 for the win- ning margin. The crippled Wolverine squad put up a surprisingly strong fight against the powerful Washington…

… the Wolverines ahead, 13-11, for the first time during the meet, but Wash- ington and Lee forged ahead again after the 175-pound event which Kap- lan, Washington and Lee sophomore, won by a small time…

… a rink which was smaller and rougher than the local arena, the Wolverines found out early in the series that there were few spec- tators wasting any affection on them. Johnny Sherf had a goodly band…

…, featured the annual Winter Carnival there. Besides enjoying the celebration, an endless series of skating contests, dog- sled races, ski competition, dancing. and what not, the Wolverines were banqueted by…

Wolverine times. Yale's 400-yard relay team, minus Captain Livingstone, won in 3:44.6. Michigan was beaten by the Ontario team in 3:38. Renner finished about a yard behind Pirie, the Michigan time being…

September 19, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

… preceding Simra,"Doc" Morrison, and Bud from Chuck Be- part of the week. at their Poorman. nard, and the The high-lights of the Orientation Approved b eshman Coach Kipke led the Wolverines others. It was…

… room. your N law, of- Wolverines. been thrills a-plenty in the last five All playing equipment will be fur- Ls sport Newman fell back to the sidelines years, and there have been stars ga- nished by the…

… esenta- and Stan Fay. In the line William- these Wolverine memories? shoes, personal equipment such as Regularly Sold at $5.00vi instrate son was good, while "Doc" Morrison-- cham- richly earned his Priced…

May 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…- pionship it won last year. The Wolverines got to Whitey Wil- shere, Hoosier sophomore pitcher, for eleven hits, while Wistert and Patch- in held the local team to four blows. Score by innings: Michigan…

May 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

… At Evanston Preliminaries Today Michigan And Indiana To Battle For Team Honors; 21 Wolverines Entered A fanfare of trumpets will herald the opening of the 33rd annual Western Conference track and field…

…Baker, of the Wolverine track team will be running as anchor man on the mile relay team in his last appearance in the Conference meet Saturday at North- western. Sorosis Team Wins Archery - Golf Title Sorosis…

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