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April 19, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-19

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Marines Stop Jap Truck Driver In International Settlement

ASME Awards
Cash Prizes In
Essay Contests
$150 To Reward Winning
Paper On Subject Of
An award of $150 and two of $25
are- to be given by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers for
the best papers submitted in an an-
nuial competition to the Society
Board of Honors and Awards, it was
announced yesterday.
The $150 Charles T. Main award
will be given this year for the best
paper on the subject "Economic Lim-
itations in Engineering Design, With
Concrete Examples."
The two minor awards will be
given for papers on any subject or
investigation prepared by a student
in the mechanical engineering de-
partment-one award to a graduate
student and one to an undergraduate.
Only student members of the so-
ciety are eligible for this competition.
Papers should be submitted before
June 30, and they should be written
by single authors without help from
any auxiliary source.
Announcement of the winners will
be made at the annual December,
meeting of the Society.

University of Wisconsin Has
School Now For 1,200 Workers

Circuit - Riding Teachers
Bring Modern Teaching
To Working Classes
When the University of Wiscon-
sin's School for Workers began its1
third and final term of the year re-
cently, 1,200 students were taking
advantage of the new and unique
classes it offers.
Ask Prof. E. E. Schwarztrauber, di-
rector, and he will tell you how an
idea, after a 12 year fermentation
period, finally blossomed forth into
something so important that in 32
Wisconsin cities a total of 75 classes
are offered. Intended to provide the
workers of the state with an oppor-
tunity for organized study during the
entire year, the school holds these
classes throughout the state. A large
corps of teachers-modern "circuit
i Iders"--travel from one community
to another, teaching both day and
evening groups.
The school, which was provided for
last June by University of Wisconsin
regents, is an outgrowth of the old

They shall not pass into the American sector of Shanghai's international settlement, U. S. Marines say,
stopping a Japanese truck driver who, after questioning, turned the other way.

Wisconsin Summer School for Work-
ers in Industry. This Summer School
is not to be discarded. Around 50
workers from several states are ex-
pected this year to attend the 12th
annual session. Instructors in the
new School call it an "integral part
of the worker-education program."
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Read Daily Ctassi fied Ads

University's Summer Session
To Feature 30 Varied Lecturers,

Acadiem-ic A n d Popular
subjects Will Be Given
In Annial Series Here
Over 30 lectures on various aca-
demic and popular subjects will be
given this summer in the annual
lecture series sponsored by the Uni-
versity Summer Session.
. Faculty men who are doing re-
search or are interested in special
fields of work will speak in several
of the lectures, while a long series
will be sponsored by the Institute of
Far Eastern Studies and other groups
participating in the Session. The
lectures will be at 4:30 p.m. in the
Main Auditorium of the Horace H.
Rackhai School of Graduate Studies
on every Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, and on most Mondays and
Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the philos-
ophyldepartment will open the series
on Monday, June 27, speaking on
"Conflicting Social Philosophies."
Among four other lectures to be given
during the first week, William W.
Bishop, Librarian of. the University,
will discuss "The Conflict Between
Printed Books and Manuscripts in
the Fifteenth Century," and Dr. He-
ber Curtis. chairman of the depart-
ment of astronomy, will give an il-
ROTC Team Takes
1-eatst I ifrle i 1
The ROTC Rifle Team won the
Hearst National Rifle Contest for the
Sixth Corps Area, it was officially an-
nounced by the Chief of Infantry
of the United States Army.
Hudson Dunks won the individual
championship for the senior class in
this area.
Two teams were entered by the
University, placing first and second.
They competed with schools through-,
out Illinois, Wisconsin and Mich-

lustrated astronomical lecture.
Prof. Douglas Bush of Harvard
University will speak on "Modern
Tendencies of the Renaissance," and
Dr. Herbert Emerson of the School
of Medicine will discuss "Rabies," il-
lustrating his talk with motion pic-
tures in lectures to be given later in
the summer. The series will be con-
cluded with a talk on "The University
of Michigan Excavations in Egypt,"
by Prof. Enoch Peterson of the de-
partment of archaeology.
Four visiting professors speaking
on problems of the contemporary
Far East will appear in the schedule
of 12 lectures which will be given
regularly as part of the series under
the auspices of the Institute of Far-
Eastern Studies. These lectures will
be announced at the commencement
of the Session. Other lectures will
include four talks on popular phases
of the subject of linguistics, to be
given by visiting professors under the
auspices of the Linguistic Institute,
and four lectures in conjunction with
the Graduate Conference on Studies
in the Renaissance.
Prof. Bennett Attends
Architect's Meeting
Prof. Wells I. Bennett, dean of the
College of Architecture, is in New
Orleans attending the annual meet-
ing of the Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture.
This meeting will be followed by
the national convention of the Amer-
ican Institute of Architects. Prof.
Emil Lorch, also of the architecture
school, is a member of the Institute
committee on state and national reg-
istration of architects.
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SRA Book Society
Will Discuss Peace
Constructive action for peace will
be discussed at a meeting of the
Student Religious Association Book
Group at 4:15 p.m. today in the Lane
Hall Library. The discussion will
follow a review of Mary Hoxie Jones'
"Swords Into Plowshares" by Emily
Morgan, '38.
This book deals with the work of
the American Friends' Service Com-
mittee from 1917 to 1937. The Com-
mittee wr organized during the
World War to carry on social work
and provide alternative service for
conscientious objectors.
Since the war this organization has
worked in areas of social change
and conflict, to bring about peaceful
solution of problems arising there.
Th.e author of "Swords Into Plow-
shares" is the daughter of Rufus M.
Jones, well known religious and so-
cial worker.

Read The Daily Classified1 6-


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