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January 19, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-19

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The Weather
Fair, somewhat colder today;
strong north to northwest

L C-

A6F Adt7
1 40



Again We Fail...
American Neutrality .. .



Bad Heari
King's Life
Sinking Condition Causes
Deepening Of Concern
Throughout Empire
Administer Oxygen
To Loved Monarch
Subjects Outside Palace
Kneel In Snow To Pray
For Stricken King
SANDRINGHAM, England, Jan.
18.-() -Anxiety over the condi-
tion of King George V deepened to-
night when it was announced he had
showed further symptoms of a heart
The 70-year-old monarch is ill of
a bronchial ailment in Sandringham
House, the royal residence. His ill-
ness caused growing concern
throughout his far-flung empire and
the world itself.
A crisis may be expected in about
48 hours, a high source said tonight.
He was sleeping quietly at midnight.
Bronchial catarrh has affected his
Majesty's lungs and nose, causing
hoarseness, feverishness and sore
throat. A pulmonary inflammation,
it was said, has affected the lungs
and has been carried to the heart,
causing cardiac weakness.
Country folks, waiting at the pal-
ace gates at dusk, read with sinking
hearts a late bulletin which told of
a grave turn in the condition of the
beloved monarch.
One of England's greatest heart'
specialists, Sir Maurice Cassidy, left
for Sandringham from London to-
day. Oxygen was administered to,
the King last night. It was ex-
plained that this is a modern treat-
ment for a catarrhal condition.
Men and women outside the royal
residence knelt on a thick mantle of
snow to offer prayers for the recovery
of the stricken kin^g:
The slender figure of the Prince of
Wales, the King's only bachelor son
and next in line of succession to the
throne, was seen pacing nervously
back and forth in front of an upper
Scholarship Of
$50 Offered By
Senior Society
Will Choose A Sophomore
Woman On Basis Of Need
And Scholastic Standing
A scholarship award of $50 is to
be given by the Senior Society to one
sophomore woman, the choice to be
based partly on scholastic standing
and partly on the need for the award,
Betty Greve, '36, president of the so-
ciety, announced yesterday.
In order to be eligible for this
award, applicants must call at Miss
Ethel McCormick's office at the
League for blanks. All these appli-
cations must be returned there by
5 p.m. Wednesday, January 22.
The applicants for the award are
discussed by the whole society and
a final decision of the winner is de-
termined by the scholarship commit-

tee, which is made up of Dean Alice
Lloyd, Miss Marie Hartwig of the
physical education department and
Miss Greve. Miss Hartwig is a new
member of the committee, having
been elected at a recent meeting.
The money for the scholarship was
earned by members of the Senior So-
ciety through a sale of senior collars
for caps and gowns last spring at the
League Fair, a part of the Sophomore
January Issue
To Go On Sale
The second issue of Contemporary,
campus literary quarterly, will go on
sale Wednesday it was announced
yesterday by Margaret Cobb, Grad.,
publicity director.
Features of the issue will include
"Mnk Twain: the Fable and the


Kipling Praised By Faculty; Zero Weather
Predict His Works Will Live"Likely; now

All Agree English Writer
An Outstanding Author
Of His Age
From members of the English de-
partment last night came tribute to
Rudyard Kipling, England's great lit-
erary figure who died Friday, and as-
surances that his works will last.
Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman
of the department, and Professors
Howard Mumford Jones, Hereward
T. Price, Erich A. Walter and Roy W.
Cowden were agreed that although
the author of "The Recessional" and
advocate of British imperialism may
not have been one of the greatest of
English poets, he was an outstanding
witer of his age and that the tre-
mendous popularity aroused by such
works as the "Just So Stories" and
"Tommy Atkins" will continue.
Kipling has a "very big place" in
the short story field, in the opinion
of Professor Strauss. Although the
mourned poet didn't do so much
recently, he pointed out, "at his prime
he wrote poetry of great public in-
terest and had quite a voice in set-
ting forth British ideas. Professor
Strauss thought that both Kipling's
poetry and short stories are of "a last-
ing nature."
Professor Jones hailed Kipling as
"one of those who broke up and lent
fresh airsand vigor to Victorian poet-
ry. "His short stories are sure of
being read permanently," Professor
Jones said, pointing to "Kim" as the
poet-imperialist's outstanding novel.
"It is better than "The Light That
Failed," he added. He explained that
Kipling's reputation is now in a
"trough" and would probably rise
again when his works come to be con-
sidered as classics.
Professor Price, a native of Eng-
land, thought that the earliest short
stories of the author of "On The Road
to Mandalay" are "among the best"
in English literature, referring spe-
Professor Curtis
To TalkBef ore
-Wesley: nwuild
Three Faculty Members
Will Speak At Church
Services Today
Several members of the University
faculty will speak on different sub--
jects on the programs of the local
churches today.
Prof. Heber D. Curtis, chairman of
the astronomy department, will speak
at the Wesleyan Guild meeting at1
6 p.m. in Stalker Hall. Professor Cur-
tis' subject will be "Science and Re-
ligion." In the morning service oft
the First Methodist Church, whicht
begins at 10:45 a.m., Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares will preach on "My Life -
How to Find It."1
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of thet
history department will continue hisc
series of lectures on "European Men
of Action" at 10:30 p.m. in the Con-
gregational Church. Allison Ray
Heaps will give the third in a seriesc
of "Portraits of Paul." "Youth int
Germany" is the topic chosen by
Prof. Ora S. Duffendack, of ther
physics department for his talk att
the 6 p.m. meeting.I
Rev. R. E. Sayles of the First Bap-t
tist Church will preach on "The Up-r
look on Life" at 10:45 a.m. The
meeting of the biblical class underI
Prof. Leroy Waterman, head of the'
oriental languages and literatures de-
partment will be held at 9:45 a.m. in
the Guild House. A moving picture
travelogue of China will be shown at
6 p.m. in the Guild House by Mrs.-
E. R. Hardenbrook, who has traveledf
widely in the Far East.
"A Battle Yet to be Won" will bex

the subject upon which Dr. Augustus
P. Reccord, of Detroit, will speak at
5:30 p.m. today in the Unitarian
Church. Dr. Record will also ad-
dress the meeting of the Liberal
Students' Union at 7:30 p.m.
Holy Communion will be at 8 a.m.
in the St. Andrew's Church. The Rev.
Henry Lewis will deliver the sermon
and prayer at 11 a.m. The student
meeting at 7 p.m. in Harris Hall will
have as guest speaker The Right Rev.t
Herman Page, D.D.C
The Rev. Fred Cowin will deliver
the sermon at the morning worship of1
(Continued on Page 3)
Former Mchigan Co-ed
Is Awarded Damage Suit
GRAND RAPIDS, Jan. 18. - (XP) -
Miss Eileen Simpson, former Univer-c

--- - - -

cifically to "Plain Tales from the
Hills." "To read Kipling," he ad-
vised, "you must put aside the ques-
tion of militarism and imperialism
and read him objectively." Professor
Price predicted that "a great deal of
him will still be read in 500 years, the
'Just So Stories' will still be popular
to the end of time."
"A great literary figure of his day,
but not one of the great English
poets" was the way Professor Walter
referred to Kipling. He said he
thought "The Day's Work' is' "prob-
ably the richest collection of Kipling's
short stories and 'The Recessional'
the most popular. I suppose that it
was with a lot of courage that he
wrote 'The Recessional' after having
been criticized for having expounded
imperialism so much before."
Although Professor Cowden always
thought of Kipling as belonging to "a
former generation, someone who did
his work sometime ago and not a
modern," he held that "in his short
time he made a reputation for him-
self, especially in the field of short
fiction." As a short story writer and
as the popularizer of "Tommy At-
kins," Professor Cowden believes Kip-
ling's works will last.
Men's Council
Approves New
Stresses Importance Of
Fraternity Presidents'
Approval of the Interfraternity
Council's action in discarding the J-
Hop Committee's rules for house par-
ties during J-Hop week-end was given
by the Men's Council yesterday, with
only a few technical reservations.
A more liberal set of rules, subject
to approval of the Senate Committee
on ttudent Affairs, was proposed by
the Interfraternity Council Thurs-
Instead of prohibiting, in frater-
nities, the possession of intoxicating
liquors and the presence of persons
under their influence, they provide
simply for disciplinary action by the
Executive Committee of the Interfra-
ternity Council for "any ungentle-
manly conduct due to excessive use
of intoxicating liquors." Under the
J-Hop Committees rules all disciplin-
ary action would be taken by the Uni-
versity Disciplinary Committee.
"That the responsibility for con-
duct of fraternity men," William R.
Dixon, '36, president of the Men's
Council, said last night in explainiig
the Council's action, "is placed en-
tirely in the hands of fraternity presi-
dents we consider more important
than the liquor regulation, although
the latter has received more atten-
"The Council feels that this action
bids fair to be the first step in giving+
the campus a truly autonomous stu-
dent government," he added.
A committee which will make a
study of campus organziations with a
view to correlation of the activities;
of all them was also appointed at
the Council meeting.]
Any such correlation would not be]
restricted only to the big organiza-
tions, it was explained, but would es-;
pecially extend to the most represen-
tative student groups, such as depart-1
mental and religious clubs.-
The committee is composed of Wil-
liam Wilsnack, '37, Richard Pollman,1
'36A, and Elwood Morgan, '36E.
LAPAZ Balivia, Jan. 18.- (P)-
Thirteen persons presumably wereI
killed last night when a big plane
fell last night at Cordillera.
Reports reaching here said thec
plane was believed to have had 131

persons aboard and there was no in-
dications that anyone was spared. 7

Severe Snowstorms And
Sharp Winds Reported
Air Service From
County And City Take Up
Task Of Clearing Drifts
From Roads
Digging itself out of one of the
winter's worst snow storms, Ann Ar-
bor found itself in the path of zero
temperatures last night. '
Indications that the mercury may
fall to zero came as the University
Observatory's weather bureau re-
ported temperatures of less than 20
degrees. High winds that drifted the
new fallen snow in hugh piles
throughout the country-side were ex-
pected to subside today, but a fall-
ing barometer served notice that the
cold trend would continue with in-
creased severity.
The snowfall, reported as nearly
three inches here, ranged from three
to eight inches through the state,
according to the Associated Press.
Nine inches fell at Grand Rapids and
eight inches at Lansing. The heavy
snowfall swirled across the entire
middlewest as far as Chicago to the
Atlantic seaboard.
In many places traffic was held up
as the flakes continued to fall spas-
modically yesterday. Washtenaw
County road commission trucks were
ordered out and the Ann Arbor high-
way department had men on the job
cleaning snow from roads and spread-
ing sand on icy corners. The state
highway department exerted every
effort yesterday to keep trunk lines
open for week-end traffic.
Airplane service to both East and
West was discontinued from Chicago,
and tugs were prevented from docking
as a high gale lashed many Lake
Michigan ice-bound harbors.
The low tempgerature readings ex-
tended Into the West where the mer-
cury dropped to 31 below zero in
North Dakota, 21 below in Utah and
40 below in Minnesota. Vermont re-
ported that the temperature had
dropped to 18 degrees below zero.
A tornado swept Alabama, the As-
sociated Press said, killing four per-
sons. .
Louis Stanley,
Noted Alumnus,
Died Yesterday
Louis C. Stanley, father- of Dr.
George M. Stanley of the geology
department, died here yesterday at
the age of 80.
Mr. Stanley, one of the 76 members
of the class of '76, served as a law-
yer for the Grand Trunk Railway for
40 years. After retiring, he moved
here in 1930 to live with his son. He
had been in ill health for some time.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jane C.
Stanley, an artist; two sons, Dr. Stan-
ley and John M. Stanley of Wash-
ington, D.C.; and two daughters, Mrs.
Dean G. Acheson of Washington, wife
of the former under-secretary of the
United States Treasury, and Mrs.
Robert B. Frantz of Saginaw.
Mr. Stanley was at one time pres-
ident of the Detroit University of
Michigan Alumni Association and a
member of the Detroit Archeology So-
Funeral services will be held Tues-
day afternoon from the Graham Cha-
pel at 311 South Fifth Ave. Burial
will be made in Elmwood Cemetery,


Plan To Pay
Bonus In New
Money Fa-ls
Senate Passage Of 'Baby
Bond' Bill Anticipated
64-27 Vote Defeats
Thomas Proposal
Lateness Of Hour Causes
Postponement Of Senate
Action On Main Issue
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. - (P) -
After turning down by a decisive
margin a proposal to pay the soldiers
bonus in new currency, the Senate
late today deferred until Monday the
virtually certain passage of the coa-
lition bill to discharge $2,000,000,000
in cashable small bonds.
A sudden change in plans by Dem-
ocratic leaders delayed the action
just as it appeared that a final
vote was in sight.
Just as Senator King (Dem.,
Utah), arose to present the final
amendment, to pay only the cash sur-
render, or present value, of the ad-
justed service certificates, Senator
Burr (Rep., Ida.) called attention to
the hour, and remarked that since
the bill was to be passed anyway noth-
ing would be lost by putting off a
final vote.
Democratic leaders conferred hur-
riedly and the signal "no decision to-
day" was given to Majority Leader
Robinson of Arkansas. The new cur-
rency amendment, proposed by Sen-
ator Thomas (Dem., Okla.), was re-
jected 64 to 27, with many senators
pro previously had favored a similar
method of payment in last session's
defeat of the Patman bill, including
Senator Burr, voting in opposition.
Senators Couzens and Vandenberg
also voted against the amendment.
Senator Pat Harrison (Dem., Miss.),
co-author of the bond proposal with
Senators James B. Byrnes (Dem., S.
C.), Frederick Steiwer (Rep., Ore.),
and Bennett Champ Clark (Dem.,
Mo.), has confidentially predicted en-
actment "whether the President signs
it or not."
President Roosevelt heretofore has
opposed immediate payment now
of the full 1945 maturity value of the
bonus certificates.
Democratic chiefs who favor the
bill conceded only 18 votes to the
opposition, out of 90-odd expected
to be cast.
The House passed a bill last week,
also providing for full and immediate
payment of the 1945 maturity value
of the certificates, but omitted a
method of payment. The Senate bill
provides that the bonds may be
cashed on or after next June 15.
Speaker Joseph W. Byrns has said
that the House was "in a humor" to
accept this bill in place of its own.
String Quartet
To Appear In
Concert Here
Symphony Orchestra Also
Will Perform This Week
In Choral Union Series
Two of the four remaining Choral
Union concerts on this season's
schedule will be heard this week, the
Kolisch String Qaurtet at 8:15 p.m.
tomorrow and the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra at the same time Friday,

both in Hill Auditorium.
The quartet, which will be making
its initial appearance in Ann Arbor,
consists of Rudolph Kolisch, first
violinist, Felix Khuner, second viol-
inist, Eugene Lehner, viola, and Ber-
nard Heifetz, violoncellist. They will
present a program of chamber music
which they play entirely from mem-
ory - one of the few string ensembles
in the world to do this. They made
their American debut in Washington
recently and were accorded a flatter-
ing reception.
The quartet, for its Ann Arbor de-
but, has provided the following pro-
Quartet in D Major, Op. 18, No. 3
Andante con moto

Bombardment By
Wolverine Cagers
Brings 51-33 Win

Rifle-Carrying Teacher
Defies School Officials
GLASGOW, Mont., Jan. 18. - () -
School officials today sought a legal
weapon to dislodge a school teacher
armed with a rifle.
Trustees of Larslan Rural School
complained to the District Court that
Helen Connell, whom they discharged
as teacher because she used a rifle
to maintain classroom discipline is
now using the gun to hold the school
building, which also had been her
living quarters.
C. D. Borton, representing the trus-
tees ,instituted ouster proceedings. He
explained to the court today that the
teacher was discharged last Dec. 15 on
complaint of parents who objected to
the gun threat.
Since then, he said, there has been
no school and the teacher refuses
to give up her living quarters.
The suit accuses the teacher of
"denying youth of the community
the right to an education," and dam-
ages of $1,000 are alleged.
restlers Lose
To Penn State
By 19=11 Score
Wright, Slocum, Bissell
Win Matches; Thomas,
Heavenrich Beaten
STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Jan. 18. -
( ')-Pennsylvania State College wres-
tling team opened its season today
by defeating the University of Mich-
igan, 19 to 11.
The Lions chalked up a fall, three
decision wins and one forfeit triumph
in the victory.
The feature bout of the meet was
the battle of the heavyweight giants.
in which Tiny Wright, 250-pound
Wolverine, threw Joe O'Dowd Lion
Capt. Jack Light, Penn State East-
ern Intercollegiate champion, got a
four minute time advantage over
Earl Thomas, one of Michigan's best
118-pound class: Woolfson (State)
defeated John Speicher. Time ad-
vantage 5:38.
126-pound class: Ed. Slocum (M.)
defeated Brooks. Time advantage,
135-pound class: Light, (State) de-
feated Earl Thomas. Time advan-
tage 4:24.
145-pound class: Waite (State)
threw Capt. Wally Heavenrich, (M.)
Reverse chancery and body hold. 9:03.
155-pound: Frank Bissell (M.) de-
feated Calvin. Decision, extra period.
165-pound: Krupa (State) defeated
Bill Lowell. Time advantage 3:48.
175-pound: Shaffer (State), won
from Louis Mascuruskus (M.). De-
Heavyweight class: Wright, (M.)
threw O'Dowd. Double bar arm. 5:08.'
Referee: Harold Phillips (Lehigh).
ires Damage-
Two Buildings
Firemen last night answered two
calls on the east side of the city,
both fires resulting from spontaneous
combusion starting in rubbish piles
in the basements.
A call from 502 E. Jefferson at 11
p.m., an apartment house, was an-
swered by both the hook and ladder
and pump trucks. The smouldering

blaze resisted the efforts of firemen
for more than half an hour as it
sin ead to the beams underlying the
first floor.
After the engines had left the fire
broke out anew, and spread to the
second floor through a shaft under'
the staircase. Firemen had to rip
out a ceiling in order to fight the new
blaze, but subdued it without exten-
sive further damage, after an addi-
tional hour of fighting.


Scores Almost At
Townsend Leads

Aggressive Play

Team Misses Scoring
Record By 1 Point
Sensational Performance
Turned In By Haarlow;
Scores 16 Points
Led by Jake Townsend, whose bril-
liant passing and aggressive floor
play allowed the Wolverines to score
almost at will, Michigan's rangy bas-
ketball team drubbed Capt. Bill Haar-
low and the Chicago Maroons by a
51 to 33 score last night at Yost Field
A crowd of over 5,000 persons saw
the Varsity come within one point of
breaking the Field House scoring rec-
ord of 52 points, established by Pur-
due's Boilermakers in 1934.
Haarlow, Chicago's All-American
forward and high scorer in the Big
Ten last year, turned in another of
the sensational performances which
have marked him as the Berwanger of
basketball. The Maroon ace scored
16 points, hitting six field goals in
22 attempts and doing all of his
team's scoring for the first 15 min-
utes of the ball game.
Scores With One Hand
Twenty-one of Haarlow's 22 at-
tempts were made with one hand,
most of them from the right-hand
corners of the court, which elimin-
ated any chance of his banking the
Jake Townsend and George Rud-
ness each made 12 points to top the
Michigan scorers. Earl Townsed was
close behind with eight. Nine of the
14 men to see action for the Wolver-
ines scored.
Bill Lang, Haarlow's running mate
at the forward position, who had been
tied with the younger Townsend and
John Barko of Iowa for ninth place
among Conference scorers, counted
four times from far out on the floor
and once under the basket for a total
of 10 points.
,Regular Lineup Starts
Coach Cappon started his regular
lineup, despite injuries and sickness
which had crippled Chelso Tamagno
and Johnny Gee. The five featured
a formation which Michigan has not
used all year. The formation was of
the conventional pivot type, with
three men in the front line and two
in the back. Gee played in the right-
hand corner, forcing Paul Amundsen,
Chicago's six-foot five-inch center, to
follow him away from the basket and
give the Townsend brothers free play
on the Michigan backboard,
Coach Nelson Nordgren failed to
follow the lead set by Michigan's last
four opponents and the Maroons did
not attempt to stop the powerful Var-
sity offense by close checking in the
back court. However, the Chicago
defense also failed to break up Mich-
igan's blocking plays and Jake Town-
send's sparkling passes.
Michigan Superior In Height
Although Gee played only a short
time, the Wolverines dominated the
tip-off. Michigan's superior height
was also a factor in the play off the
backboards, despite the ability shown
by Amundsen under the baskets.
Cappon revealed more than ever
before Michigan's reserve strength.
The second five, which like the first
team has more than its share of tall
men, came on the floor late in the
game and showed a precision, un-
common among reserves, that en-
(coninued on Page 6)
Discusses Problems
Of All Fraterntes

"Fraternity Problems at h
versity" is the title of an article I-yT
Prof.Robert Briggs of the e cnn rrm
department in the Jan. 18th isse
of the Michigan Alumnus. It is
taken from an address given by Pro-
fessor Briggs before the National In-
terfraternity Conference in New York
Citv deribin-mothi-lvnIer o A firh_

'Road To Mandalay' And Lure
Of Orient Beckons Local Citizen

Whether intrigued by the fact that
there "ain't no ten commandments,"
or whetted by the thought "a man can
raise a thirst," or just smitten with
wanderlust, T. Hackley Butler, secre-
tary of Ann Arbor's Chamber of
Commerce, today is striking out for
the "Road to Mandalay."
Generally conceded the title of Ann
Arbor's most widely-traveled citizen
having globe-trotted throughout most
of the world, Mr. Butler plans to

Yokohoma, Japan, the island of Bali
and then the Malay Peninsula. Trav-
elling 300 miles through the jungles
of southeastern Asia, stopping off at
the ancient city of Angkor in Indo-
China, Mr. Butler finally will hit
Rangoon and the Irrawadi River -
river road to Mandalay.
After seeing for himself that the
"dawn" does not "come up like thun-
der cross the bay," and after having
ridden on one of the old flotilla boats
whose paddles still "chunk" their way

Quartet in

C Minor, Op. 51, No. 1
B ahm

. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. ... . b. ranm s
Romance (Poco adagio)

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