enerally fair and warmer to-
a.y; tomorrow showers, cooler.
Lit igazi~l
And So
We Part,..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Stricker Lists
For Efficient
Loyalist Deserters Tell House Committee Members
171 luI .5. "I it Ia tu t E'NI t'N t5 NII EcI&E , .1 N 1111451 j
fet Group
I Laws, Man Power,"
iney And Adequate
cilities Are Necessary
king Of Public
armed Expedient
F.D.R. Pledges
To Canadians
Claims United States"Will
Not Stand Idle If Canada
Is Victim Of Invasion
President Receives
Honorary Degree
S.-Canada Border, Aug. 18-(/P>-Can-
ada and the United States were
placed before the world today by their
chief executives as an example of
friendship which the people of both
nations ,are determined to preserve
and defend against any onslaught.
President Roosevelt, receiving an
honorary degree from anncient Queen
University, told an audience of thous-
ands of applauding Canadians:
"The Dominion of Canada is part
of the sisterhood of the British em-
Six Students Win
$500 In Summer
Hopwood Contest
Full Summer"
Of Education
John Milhous, Marjorie
Avalon Are Winners Of
Awards In Two Fields
Good laws, more man power, more
money and more adequate general
facilities are necessary to a success-
ful state or community safety or-
ganization, Paul F. Stricker, field ser-
vice director of the National Safety
Council, pointed out at yesterday's
session of the National Institute for
Traffic Safety Training.-
Mr. Stricker summarized the dis-
cussion by members of the Institute
on the topic of public education and
"To obtain these facilities, and to
produce support for improved educa-
tional, engineering and enforcement
activities," he explained, "public un-
derstanding and public support must
be developed continuously so that
effectiveness in accident prevention
work may. be kept constantly on the
march toward higher standards."
He discussed the purpose of the
safety organization, the development
of distinctive organization patterns,
the importance of personalities in'
getting the safety job done, and the
elements of successful safety organi-
"I believe that we are agreed that
safety must not be exploited for self-
ish purposes, either political or com-
mercial," Mr. Stricker stated, "but
that the public official who does a
good safety job is certainly entitled to
public recognition and may well seek
re-election or reappointment on a
safety platform."
The conference, held in the main
ballroom of the Union, was sponsored
by the National Safety Council and
the National Conservation Bureau.
Society Meets
HereSept. 14
To Be Group's 1st Session
In Ann Arbor Since '19;
Over 75 Are Expected
The University of Michigan will be
host -to the American Astronomical
Society from Sept. 14 to 17 at the
organization's first meeting here
since 1919, it was announced last
night by Prof. Heber D. Curtis, head
of the Astronomy Department.
In a communication received from
Dr. John C. Duncan of Wellesley,
secretary of the Society who is now
in CaliforniatProfessor Curtis was
informed that 56 astronomers from
the United States and Caiada have
already accepted the invitation to the
meeting. At least 75 are expected to
attend. Talks and papers to be given
during the convocation will be de-
livered in the Rackham Building.
Dr. R. G. Aitken, president of the
Society and formerly head of the
Lick Observatory, will be among
those in attendance. The last day
will be spent at the.University's Mc-
Math-Hulbert Observatory on Lake
Angelus near Pontiac.
Immediately following the meet-
ing; Prof. and Mrs. Curtis will leave
to spend a Sabbatical semester in
England, and possibly some time in
France and Italy.
New Party Has
First Rebellion
Ionia Member Charges
Names Used Arbitrarily
FREMONT, Aug. 18.-)-The
newly-formed Constitutional Demo-
cratic Party, which yesterday named
its state central committee, found it-
self today with at least one dis-
gruntled member of that committee.
Harvey Kidder, of Ionia, who was
named yesterday as chairman of the
The 'un-American' activties in the U. S. are being sirted by a House Committee composed of (left to right-
standing) J. Parnell Thomas, (Rep.-N. J.), Noah M. Mason (Rep.-Ill.), (seated) Joe Starnes (Dem.-Ala.),
Chairman Martin Dies (Dem.-Tex.) and Arthur D. Healey (Dem.-Mass.)
e * *a
Activity Told
Lectures, Concerts, Parleys
Round Out Program;
Recreation Stressed
Viewing in retrospect -that kaleido-
scope of events which was the 45th
annual Summer Session of the Uni-
versity bringsdan immediate aware-
ness of the educational and recrea-
tional opportunities which combined'
to make it a vacation and a valuable
educational experience for the 6,000
students who enrolled. .
Lectures Well Attended
Young Witness Claims Volunteers Spied Upon
Held In Constant Terror Of Death By Firing
Squad For Suspicion Of Mutiny
Three Prizes Given
In Fiction, Poetry
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18-(/)-Two
disillusioned young deserters from
the Lincoln Battalion, a brigade of
Americans fighting in the Spanish
Government army, told a House com-
mittee today that hundreds of their
former comrades wanted desperately
to come home but were being held
"virtual prisoners."
The witnesses said the American
fighters were being held by com-
munist leaders of the government
forces, spied upon by a "Russian
Ogpu" (secret police), threatened
with machine guns at any sign of
mutiny, and constantly in danger of
Abraham Sobel, 23, of Boston, who
said he escaped after a 200-mile walk
to the French border, vowed to "make
the communists pay through the
nose" for his overseas adventure. For
t was they, he said, who induced
him to join the Lincoln Battalion.-
The other, Alvin I. Halpern, also
of Boston, pleaded that the Govern-
ment take steps to extricate the
American troops from Spain. He testi-
fied, too, that because he wrote a
newspaper article on his Spanish ex-
periences, communists kept him out
Budget Survey
Shows StateIn
flarold D. Smith Reveals
Year's Deficit; 3 Million
Profit Shown Last YejAr
LANSING, Aug. 18-UP)-State
Budget Director Harold D. Smith
said today a survey showed Michigan
closed the fiscal year 1937-38 with an
operating deficit of $7,234,620.67.
Accounting department records
showed the State was $3,329,741.95 in
the black for the preceding year.
Smith, a member of the University
faculty, said his records showed total
receipts in 1937-38 of $216,063,490.64,
and disbursements totaling $223,298,-
111.38. In 1936-37 the figures showed
revenues of $202,170,941.15 and ex-,
penditures of $198,841,199.20.
Smith said only rigid economies and
unexpectedly large revenues made it
possible for the state to finish this
year with as good a record as it made.
The 1937 legislature approriated ap-
proximately $18,000,000 more than the
anticipated revenues. Governor Mur-
phy reduced the appropriations
"It also should be remembered,"
Smith said, "that whereas the legis-
lature appropriated $8,000,000 for gen-
eral relief ,the State actually spent
more than twice that amount."
A supplementary statement, which
Smith described as the first attempt
to reconcile the two systems of book-
keeping, showed treasury cash total-
ing $27,636,654.25 at the end of the
year, compared with $36,528,924.14 at
the start, a drop of $8,892,269.89.
Smith said that while this might be
another means of computing the
deficit, it was not so accurate as the
other because it did not include in-
coming revenues and expenditures
that were in the process of being
cleared the day the year ended.
"Treasury cash" is the amount of
State funds on deposit with the treas-
of the CIO and WPA and thus pre-
vented him from obtaining a job.
The House committee investigating
"un-American" activities also re-
ceived testimony, in affidavit form,
that Harry Bridges, west coast leader
of the CIO, attended communist
meetings, was "treated as one of the
communist functionaries and appar-
ently spoke with authority" among the
party members.-
In addition the Labor Department
delivered to the committee its files
concerning deportation proceedings
against Bridges. However, the com-
mittee did not immediately inquire
further into charges that department
officials gave Bridges "aid and ad-
(Continued on Page 4)
Roosevelt's Sona
Denies Political.:
Article In Magazine Today
Answers Accusations
About Business Policy
NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-W)P-James
Roosevelt, son and secretary of the
President, denied today that he was
"in the political insurance business."
"Political insurance s insurance
that is required by a political boss or
body in order to win contracts from
that boss or gang," young Roosevelt,
a member of the insurance firm of
Roosevelt and Sargent, Inc., said in
an article published tomorrow in Col-
lier's magazine.
"Listen," he continued, "I have
never written a surety bond, a con-
tractor's bond, fire insurance or any
other kind of insurance that might
by any definition be called political.
Never. And I never will."
The article is the second of two in
which the President's son replied to
published charges that he had made
use of his father's office to promotc
his own interests and profits. The
first presented his contention that
(Continued on Page 4)
Proctor Dies
After Surgery
Mrs. AubTey L. Hawkins
Dies In Baltimore
The death of a former instructor in
the English department and the
death of the wife of another faculty
member of the English department
occurred yesterday.
Dr. Sigmund Proctor, formerly with
the English department, died yester-
day afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospit-
al here of pulmonary embolism fol-
lowing an operation. He was believed
to have recovered from the operation
and was to return home tomorrow.
Mrs. Aubrey L. Hawkins, wife of
Dr. Hawkins of the English depart-
ment, died in Baltimore, Md., yes-
terday morning, it was learned by the
Dr. Proctor. 35 years old at the time
of his death, received his A.B., M.A.
and Ph.D. at the University, and
following a period of teaching at
Ohio State University from 1923-24,
I, . *,vin4,fhctv , fiiMr129 v ar antir inP
Kang Claims
Art Of Korea
Is Aboriginal,
Climatic, Geographic And
Dynastic Changes Causes
Of"Autochthonous Art
Typical Korean art is absolutely
original and independent from that of
any other country, despite attempts
by many scholars to link 4t to that
of Japan and China, Prof. Younghill
Kang of New York University declared
in the concluding lecture of the In-
stitute of Far Eastern Studies series
This originality and independence,
Professor Kang said, is due to three
tactors: First is the climatic condi-
tions; second, the geographic condi-
tions; and third, the frequent dynas-
tic changes. The geography of Korea,
he pointed out, is neither the island
type of Japan nor the continental of
China. The frequent dynastic changes
produced different styles in art which
combined to produce a distinctive
purely Korean art.
The outstanding characteristic of
Chinese art, he said, is its perfect
form; that of Japanese is its wonder-
ful color; while Korean art is char-
acterized by the perfect quality of its
line drawing.
Korean ceramics, he pointed out,
enjoyed their greatest ascendancy in
the period from 900 to 1300. Out-
standing were the tiles made in the
form of human bodies, monsters and
animal shapes. Work of this kind,
Professor Kang said, is found only
in Korea. ,
Critics are critics, Professor Kang
declared, because they can do noth-
ing else-they are uncreative. There
are no critical surveys of art as such
to be found in Korea. The only criti-
cisms will, be found included in nov-
The text of President Roose- I
velt's Queens University speech is
on page 3.,
pire. I give you assurance that theĀ¢
people of the United States will not
stand idly by if domination of Cana-
dian soil is threatened by any other
Prime Minister MacKenzie King of
Canada, answering the President's
declaration a few hours later, as-
"I think I speak the mind of both
countries when I say that not only
are we determined to preserve the
neighborly relations and the free ways
of life which are our priceless herit-
age, but that we earnes'tly wish to
see them become a part of the com-
mon heritage of mankind.
"It is a joy to me to be able to
join with the President in drawing to
the attention of the citizens of other
lands, as well as our own, the wide
significance of today's proceedings."
Both executives joined in the dedi-
cation of the new $3,000,000 Thousand
Islands bridge which links Ivy Lea,
Ont., and Collins Landing, N. Y.
St. Lawrence Project
Disdained By Canada
TORONTO, Aug. 18-(Canadian
Press)-Premier Mitchell Hepburn of
Ontario said today his government
never would give its consent to de-
velopment of the St. Lawrence River
as a waterway and source of electric
Commenting on President Roose-
velt's plea in an address at Ivy Lea,
Ont., for joint action by the United
States and Canadian governments in
developing the river, Hepburn said:
"There can be no development of
power on the St. Lawrence River
without the consent of the govern-
ments concerned. There will be no
consent from this government.
"We don't need the power. When
the time comes, and I do not foresee
it for a long time, the problem will
be handled by an extension of the
present policy of public ownership."
Well attended were the lectures and
meetings sponsored by the special In-
stitutes and Conferences, carrying on
their activities in conjunction withr
classroom work. The Institute of Far.
Eastern Studies, the Linguistic Insti-
tute, the Physics Colloquium and theI
Graduate Conference on Renaissance
Studies all drew their quota of na-i
tionally and internationally famous
PWA Grant To University
Great strides toward alleviation oft
the growing housing problem on cam-
pus were taken with approval by thes
PWA of . a University request for
$945,000 to start a $2,100,000 dormi-
tory building program. Dormitories
for 1,000 men will be provided by the1
program. Eight hundred and fifty
men will be housed in an addition tol
the present Union group and 150 will'
be housed in a medical dormitory to
be constructed at Catherine and Glen
But while activities went on ona
campus, two University women were
making history on the stoi'my Colo-
rado River. Members of an expedi-
tion which made the front pages of
newspapers throughout the country,
Miss Elzada Clover and her assistant
Miss Lois Jotter, both of the botany
department, were the first women
ever to make the perilous 660-mile
river journey from reen River,
Utah, to Boulder Dam. Another Uni-
versity member, Eugene Atkinson of
the geology department, left the ex-
pedition upon arrival at Lee's Ferry,
the first stop, to do research work in
Texas, saying the trip had thus far)
served it purpose of botanical study.
\ Players Celebrate Anniversary
Celebrating their tenth anniver-
sary on campus, the 'Repertory Play-
ers enjoyed their most successful sea-
son, from an attendance standpoint,
according to Valentine B. Windt, di-
rector. Under the direction of Mr.
Windt and with Whitford Kane of
the New York stage as guest director,
the Players presented eight produc-
tions, capping a season that saw sell-
(Continued on Page 3)
Franc Affected
By Speculation
Foreign Group Prosecuted
In 'Black Bourse Plot
PARIS, Aug. 18.-'P)--A few hours
after Premier Edouard Daladier
warned the world his government
would act to defend both the nation
and its currency, police swooped
down on a group of foreigners and
Frenchmen accused of "black bourse"
speculation against the franc.
An undetermined number of for-
eigners were ordered expelled from
France for undercover operations in
foreign exchange.
The interior ministry declared it
had evidence the foreigners and 18
small private exchange offices were
conducting operations harmful to the
stability of the franc at "abusive and
inadmssible" prices.
No details were given by the min-
Six students were awarded a total
of $500 in the first summer Hopwood
Awards contest yesterday. Nineteen
contestants had submitted 25 manu-
scripts in the four fields of writing.
John Philip Milhous of Fayette-
ville, Tenn., and Marjorie Avalon, of
Evanston, Ill., were double award
winners. Milhous was awarded first
prizes of $75 each in fiction and dra-
ma, while Miss Avalon won a $75
prize in essay and a $50 prize in
Robert E. Hayden, of Detroit, won
the first prize of $75 in the field of
poetry. Angelina E. McPhail, of
Constantine, won a poetry award of
$50. Dorace E. LaCore, of Muske-
gon Heights, and Elouise Kathryn
Sheffield, of Colon, won $50 awards
in fiction. Only one award was
made in each of the fields of drama
and essay.
May Bring Literary Center '
Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of
Hopwood Awards, expressed the hope
that the inauguration of the sum-
mer Hopwoods would mark the be-
ginning of a summer literary center
at Michigan, similar on a smaller
scale to those at Bread Loaf, Vt.,
and other places. Although the to-
tal number of manuscripts submitted
was considerably smaller than that
usually turned in for the regular
contests in the spring, Professor
Cowden called it encouraging as a
beginning. He pointed out that athe
number of manuscripts submitted in
the field of fiction, 13, compared fa-
vorably with the figure for this field
in the regular contests. The pre-
dominance of fiction and poetry,,-it
will be noted, led the judges to dis-
tribute most of the awards in these
Judges From English Department
Judges for the contests, selected
from the staff of the English depart-
ment, were the fololwing: in the fic-
tion field, Prof. Norman E. Nelson,
Prof. Bennett Weaver and Baxter
Hathaway; in poetry and drama,
Prof. Warner G. Rice, Prof. Paul
Mueschke and Prof. C. D. Thorpe;
and in essay, Prof. Albert H. Mark-
wardt, Prof. Karl Litzenberg and
Morris Greenhut.
Sudeten Head, British Mediator
Meet For First Mediation Talk
'KOMOTAU,Czechoslovakia, Aug.
18- 0P) -Viscount Runciman and
Konrad Helein-mediator and pro-
tagonist in Czechoslovakia's quarrel
with her Germanic minority-met to-
day for their first face to face talk
in the heart of the troubled Sudeten
German region.
The chief of the British mediation
mission conferred with Helein, mili-
tant Nazi-supported chieftain, in the
seclusion of Castle Rothenhaus near
Komotau for several hours.
Whether the pair made progress
toward a settlement was not revealed
officially. It was believed probable,
however, that Lord Runciman had
urged Helein to soften Sudeten de-
mands to a point where there would
be greater possibility of reaching an
understanding with the Praha gov-
This view was taken particularly as
a result of yesterday's uncompromis-
ing reply by the German minority
leaders to proposals concerning lang-
uage and nationalities made by the
government thus far.
The Sudetens demand full self-gov-
ernment for the 3,500,000 Germans
within Czechoslovakia's frontiers.
Present negotiations are leading "no-
Elevator Weight
Kills Youth Here
Carl Thrasher Decapitated
At WolverineBuilding
Carl Lester Thrasher, 19, of Her-
sey, Mich., was killed yesterday af-
ternoon when a descending, weight
severed his head as he peered into
an elevator shaft through an exterior
window at the rear of the Wolverine
Thrasher, who was a brother of
Clyde Thrasher, manager df the
Wolverine' bu ild in g, apparently
climbed out of a washroom window
onto a second story roof on which the
shaft window opened. Presumably
out of curiosity, he looked into the
shaft as the elevator was ascending,
and was decapitated as a falling sub-
weight passed the window on a track.
Thrasher had been visiting his
brother for several days, according
to friends, and planned to enroll at
the University this fall.
WPA Strike Halts
Work In 2 Counties
BAY CITY, Aug. 18.-(OP)-A one-
day demonstration of approximately
800 Saginaw and Bay County WPA
workers here today halted work on
almost all WPA projects in the two
The workers left their projects and
slovak situation optimistically since
this was Runciman's first big chance
to lay a sound basis for a German-