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February 19, 1937 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-19

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Thinclads Oppose Spartans

Tonighit In First Meet Of Season

Caifree Named 'Varsity Seeks
Iowa State Coach New Records
rles McCaffree, Jr., who has At *H
assisting varsity swimming
Matt Mann whip his crew of
nal champions into shape this
has just been appointed head Observers See '37 Team
ning coach at Iowa State Col- As Best In Years ; Six
t was announced last night.
Caffree is a former pupil of S1ophomores To Run

Faces State Tonight

Maten Meet
O. S. U. Today;
Seek Fifth Win

Three Goals in Overtime Period
Gives Sextet 4-1 Win Over Tech

Danner May Not W
Due To Cold; Ma


State Will Bring


For several weeks local observers
have been saying that Coach Chuck
Hoyt's 1937 track team should be the
best in Michigan history. At 7:30 to-
night the Wolverines will go about
proving this statement when they
clash with Michigan State in Yost1
Field House in their first meet of the
Coach Ralph H. Young of the Spar-
tans will bring a 39-man squad to
Ann Arbor for the meet in an effort
to keep the powerful Wolverines from
amassing the top-heavy total predict-
ed for them. State is expecting to
make its best showing in the distance
runs and the sprint.
Has Superiority Attitude
Last year the Wolverines defeated
State, 59-36 and tonight they would
like to humble the aggregation from
East Lansing to an even greater ex-
tent. Three successive gridiron vic-
tories over Michigan have given
Michigan State something of a su-
periority attitude over Wolverines in
general, but Hoyt's squad should de-
flate this feeling considerably.
Michigan fans will get their first
look at a great group of sophomores
tonight when Watson, Smith, Heath,
Harold Davidson, Faulkner, and Mar-
tens go into action.
Extra Races Addedj
To all indications the fans will see
a great assault on existing Field
House recoids with five of these
marks in danger of being tied or
broken. Three extra races have been
added to the card to give second
string men a chance to enter com-
petition against State. However, no
points will be scored for these events,
which are in the 60, 440 and 880.-
The dual in the mile between Ken
Waite of State and Clayt Brelsford
and Harold Davison of Michigan may
lead to the breaking of the present
Field House record of 4:19.7.
Entries and the order of events:
Mile run: State-Waite, Gardner,
Grantham, Butler, Ross, Beck.
Michig'an - Brelsford , Davidson,
60-yard dash: State - Adcock,
Mueller, McLaughlin, Greer, Savio,
Casavola. Michigan-Stoller, Smith,
440-yard dash: State - Dudley,
Rapes, McKenna, Skidmore, Thum,
F. Smith, Osborn, Savio, Nyquist,
Yovonovitz. Michigan - Birleson,
65-yard high hurdles: State-Mc-
Durmon, Springler, Robinson, At-
water, Pingel, Yovonovitz, Nash,
Burhans. Michigan-Osgood, Mar-
tens, Aigler.
Two mile: State-Boss, Sparks,
Grantham, Waite.
Michigan-Alix, Staehle, Pinker-
880-yard run: State-Green, Waite,
Butler, Gardner, F. Smith.
Michigan-Starr, DeVine, O'Con-
nell, Davidson.
65-yard low hurdles: State-Mc.-
Durmon, Robinson, Yovonovitz, Ad-
cock, Pingel, Springer, Atwater, Bur-
hans, Nash. Michigan - Osgood,
Martens, Mason.
Pole Vault: State-Habrle, Ed-
wards, Hawrylciw, Osterhaus, Ban-
Michigan-Hunn, Kingsley, Far-
rell, Morgan.
High jump: State-Merdler, Lash,
Edwards, Yovonovitz, Burhans, At-
water, McDurmon. Michigan-Fried-
enberg, Hunn.
Shot put: State-Jenkins, Bremer,
W. Smith.
Michigan-Watson, Mitchell.
The mile relay will conclude the
Michigan Pos. Mich. Tech
Chase ..........G...........Maki
Simpson.........D........ Bucher
Smith ... ........D........ Mullins
Heyliger ........ C...... McCarthy
Fabello .........W.......... Stack
James ...........W....... Pekkala

Michigan Spares: Merrill, Cooke,
Ed Chase.
Michigan Tech Spares: Walsh, J.
Hascal, C. Hascal.
Referee: Paddy Farrell.
First Period:
Scoring: Heyliger (James), :50.
Second Period:
Scoring: None.
Penalty: Smith (falling on
Third Period:
Scoring: McCarthy (Stack),
Penalty: Mullins (tripping),
Ruher (tinninL) I

Capt. Bob Osgood, Big Ten high
hurdle champion, will lead the
Michigan thinclads tonight when
they open their schedule at Yost
Field House in a dual meet with
Michigan State. Osgood is entered
in the high a'nd low hurdles and
favored to win both.
atators Face
Buckeye Team
In MeetToday
12' Listed By Coach Mann
For Trip; Varsity Rated
Strong Favorite
The Varsity swimming team left
Ann Arbor early this morning for
Columbus, O., where it will meet the
Ohio State natators this afternoon-in
the second conference meet of the
season. The Buckeyes have a strong
aggregation this year but are not rat-
ed even an outside chance against
Michigan's national champions.
Matt Mann named 12 men to make
the trip. Led by Co-captains Jack
Kasley and Frank Barnard, the rest
of the group includes Ed Kirar, Walt
Tomski, Bill Farnsworth, Tomn Hay-
nie, Baker Bryant, Ben Grady, Phil
Haughey, Bob Mowerson, Fred Cody
and Bob Sauer.
Peppe Pessimistic
The Buckeye mentor, Mike Peppe,
claims that his team will be very
lucky to win and lucky to even win
a few firsts. Even Jimmy Patterson,
Big Ten springboard champ last year
will, probably find Ben Grady too
much for him in today's clash.
The only other events, in which
the charges of Mike Peppe have a
chance for firsts are the 440-yard
free-style and the backstroke. Cap-
tain Woodford is an execllent free-
styler over the long distance, but i
is doubtful if he will give Michigan's
Frank Barnard and Baker Bryan
much trouble.
Cody Expected Victor
Bill Nunzig, Dave Volk, and Bob
Pfeiffer are the Buckeye entries in
the back-stroke and will probably
furnish more competition for the Var
sity in this event than in any other
Fred Cody, if he shows the form h
is capable of in the 150 yard dis
tance, is expected to lead the Buck-
eyes to the finish line, however.
Tom Haynie, jack-of-all-trade:
when he is in a swimming pool, wil
find himself splashing through a
least three and possibly four event
against Ohio State mermen. Coach
Mann has him listed in the 220, th
back-stroke, the 100 and may decide
to have him swim the breaststrok
and compete in the 400-yard relay.

Held At 3:30 p.m. (Continued from Page 1)
Michigan's powerful wrestlers will pass on the Beaver's stick just as he
be gunning for their fifth victory of hit the goal mouth. Maki had ab-
the feason facing a strong Ohio State solutely no chance to save.
aggregation at 3:30 p.m. today in the r From then on the Miners tightened
Yost Field House. up their rear guard and kept the
The Buckeyes have shown flashes Wolverines at bay while they played
of brilliance this year although they the Michigan forwards on even terms.
have been defeated by Illinois and The second period developed into a
Indiana. On the victory side of their dog fight that reached its height
ledger they boast of wins over West when Tech sent down four forwards
Virginia, whom they whitewashed, and temporarily demoralized the
Michigan State, and Ohio University. Michigan defense. Chase went to the
Wins Four Matches ice to take a shot off McCarthy's
Michigan has one lone defeat stick and Joe Stack found himself in
chalked up against them thus far, front of an empty Michigan net. The
losing to Lehigh in a close match. Miner winger flipped a back hand
They have beaten the New York Ath- shot that was just high, however
letic Club, the Dearborn Athletic and James and Heyliger broke with
Club, Franklin and Marshall, and the puck, only to be robbed by Maki
Northwestern. Smith Is Penalized
The Varsity victory hopes received Late in the same period, Bert
a severe setback yesterday when it Smith fell on a bounding puck neai
was announced that it was doubtful the Michigan goal and was penalized
whether Harland Danner, sophomore by Referee Paddy Farrell. Tech put
flash, would be able to wrestle. The on the pressure, the gun broke up a
young star is suffering from a bad promising drive.
cold and Coach Cliff Keen is unde- The score was still 1-0 with sever
cided whether or not he will be able and a half minutes to go when first
to wrestle. "Moon" Mullins was chased spilling
Michigan will line-up as follows: George Cooke and a minute later
118-pounds, Johnny Speicher; 126- Referee Farrell sent Clem Bucher
pounds, Paul Cameron; 135-pounds, off for tripping Heyliger.
Earl Thomas; 145-pounds, Harold Michigan labored desperately tc
Nichols; 155-pounds, Captain Frank get the goal that would put the game
Bissell; 165-pounds, either Danner or on ice, but Tech battled valiantly ane
Frank Morgan; 175-pounds, Dick Maki was at his best to keep thi
Tasch; and heavyweight, Stan Schu- Wolverine sharpshooters away.
man or Lilburn Ochs. With the return of Mullins ane
Tasch, who pleased Keen with his Bucher, play switched to the othe:
work against the Wildcats last week, end of the ice and now it was Chas(
who was the hero as he saved tim(
Student identification cards and again when the forwards failec
must be presented to gain ad- to cover men in the clear.
mittance to the Michigan-Ohio Cooke Ties Game
State wrestling match today at Finally the inevitable happened
3:30 p.m. Those neglecting to Cooke, bringing a loose puck ou
bring cards will be assessed a from behind his own goal was poke
25 cents admission charge. checked by Joe Stack. The "Beetle
-__let go a drive that Chase just got tc
is almost set for a starting berth. It but McCarthy was on top of him an(
is also possible, however, that should batted in the rebound to tie up th
Danner wrestle, Morgan will be ball game at one all.
moved up to the 175-pound spot. The overtime started drearily fo
Line-Up Announced Michiganhwhen Simpson had to tri
Big Butch Jordan, sophomore Stack when the latter was in th
heavyweight, is still out of commis- clear. Michigan weathered the Tecl
sion with a knee injury. Jordan re- storm, however, and the club
ceived a severe bump in the Lehigh changed lines.
fraasandhis knee has a small Jack Merrill and George Cook
fracas, and hi nehsasalbroke fast from their own red lin
amount of water in it. The big grap-ano kyotir re lsn
pler is hoping to be in shape for the anddCooky, taking Merrill's pass a
j Indiana meet on March 1 and the all- he rounded the defense on the rig
important Conference get-together. flank rode in on Maki and beat hii
The Buckeyes will send the follow- cleanly with a drive over his le
ing men against he Varsity: 118- shoulder.
pounds, Martin; 126-pounds, Law- The Miners poured it on in tl
t less; 135-pounds, Tuckey; 145-pounds,
s Good; 155-pounds, Cramer; 165- TYPEWRITING
t pounds, Krzeminsky; 175-pounds, MIMEOGRAPH ING
Lightburn; and heavyweight, eitherroff.Promptly and neatly done by experi-
CramwowillKacle ichiga enced operators at moderate prices.
Cramer, who will tackle Michigan's o. D. MORR ILL
unbeaten Captain Frank Bissell, is 314 South State Street
also undefeated this season.





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