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April 19, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-19

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....'3By IRVIN LISAGOR - l
Dixie Diary .. .
WINTRY SCENES in southern
climes . . Rain cancelling Ohio
Wesleyan game, granting Wolverine
baseball entourage a brief glimpse of
A.A.U. swimming meet . .. Adolph
Kiefer's effortless backstroking draw-
ing sighs of adulation from the fans
. e colorful lingo ofdCol. Francis
X. Schmidt, Buckeye grid coach, who
punctuated blocking instructions with
mal mots of a damning nature ...
The delicious dinner with Phi Gam
brothers Peckinpaugh and Gedeon,
and brother Billy Quayle affecting a
garish red-white-blue shirt and en-
tertaining Ralph Flanagan, bronzed
Florida star who plans on entering
Snow erased 'the West Virginia
game . . . Coach Ray Fisher
temipted to challenge the Moun-
taineers to a basketball tussle-
for the exercise .. Capt.-elect
Leo Beebe, Herm Fishman, Dan
Smick, Charley Pink, Fred Tros-
ko and Russ Dobson-all Varsity
Cagers-sorry he didn't ... The
Morgantown, W. Va., wag who
gave us strange directions to
Bob Campbell's S.A.E. brethren
... And over the mountains to
Charlottesville, Va., and saw
Bette "Jezebel" Davis in a screen
emoting orgy . A long-range
view of Thomas Jefferson's home
at Monticello, from a mountain
knoll which is as near heaven as
many ever get ... The rich red
clay in front of Patrick Henry's
home which the boys smeared on
us for pitching an apple slightly
rotten at the seams through the
window of Bill Linsz's red De-
Soto ..
The cussing-curb contest had
to contiibute a nickel to the kitty
every time a slang word was used ...
By the time we reached Lexington,
Peck owed half a buck and we weren't
far back .. "Butch" Kremer was in
a few nickels, but Burt Smith and
"Baron" Campbell kept mum-which
was wise in both cases ... It was good)
discipline,. .
Lee's Chapel in Lexington,
wherein lies a remarkable recum--
bent statue representing the
Confederate general asleep - - -
So lifelike, it is, that a little girl
is said to have tiptoed in and
whispered, "Sh, don't wake him
up!" .. . The distinguished old
lady who eulogized Gen. Lee and
kuew the story behind every inch
of Virginia soil H. er cultured
conversation enthralled us for
almost an hour ... Virginia Mil-
it!y Institute, where "Stone-
wall" Jackson taught before en-
tering the Civil War, and where
the Broadway smash play, "Bro-
ther Rat," was written . . . Two
confined cadets wrote it to be-
guile the hours . . . A "rat" is a
first-year cadet ...
Washington and a mint julep,
phooey . . . The gag pulled on a
Washington scribe: Told him a De-
troit writer referred us to him for
tickets to the Capitol theater ... He
graciously called the Capitol, asked
for the manager by name, but learned
to his dismay that he was speaking
to the United States Capitol ... He
finally did arrange free ducats, but
Peck was forced through a grilling
for them .. Young Peck was assailed
by newspapermen in the capital .. .
Washington fans have never forgot-
ten the 1924-25 World's Series, in
which Roger Peckinpaugh established
himself as one of the game's greatest
shortstops .. .
Walter Johnson, in the stands
at Maryland watching his son,
Eddie, who is a second baseman,
pitch the last two frames against
the Wolverines . . . Bill Terry,
Jr., Virginia second sacker, looks
like his father, but plays consid-

erably unlike him ... A gangling,
awkward kid... He incurred the
ire of the Cavalier coach by going
south to train with the New York
Giants... Harold Floersch's eat-
ing-when you invite him, you
invite half a dozen tape worms.
Arlington National Park . . . Ged-
eon has an uncle buried there, a ma-
chine gunner in Argonne Forest .. .
The eternal vigilante guarding the
tomb of the Unknown Soldier, walk-

Fishman Hurls Wol
In Opening Bid
To Regain Title R
Final tall;
Same Lineup That Played 3, sleet, hail
On Southern Trip Will 2. That's ti
baseball in
Probably Start Today .500 averag
tives downi
(Continued from Page 1) famous line

Begin Big

verine Squads Meets With Varied
esults On Annual Southern Jaunts

Ten Season


facilities there. He played for Bennie
Oosterbaan as a freshman and has
beat out letterman Rip Radke of the
Badgers as starting catcher.
Fisher will start the same lineup he
used in the South. In batting order!
they are: Charley Pink, center field;
Don Brewer, short-stop; Walter7
Peckinpaugh, third base; Capt. Merle 1
Kremer, center field; Bob Campbell,
right field; Fred Trosko or Pete Lisa-
gor, second base; Elmer Gedeon, first

Oid man
first two g
leyan andI
the rest of
ines cavorte
ern sun.
The tripv
too successf
umn. Peru
lowing con(

y: Michigan 3, opposition
L, and miscellaneous rains
he summary of Michigan's
vasion of the South-a
e against the representa-
under Mason and Dixon's
weather washed out the
ames against Ohio Wes-
West Virginia but smiled
the way as the Wolver-
d under a friendly south-
was fairly indicative if not
ul in the won and lost col-
sing the averages, the fol-
clusions may be logically
Defense Strong


base; Leo Beebe, catcher and Fish- (1) The Wolverines will be a strong;
man, pitcher. defensive club. They showed plenty!
Trosko, who shared the batting of sparkle afield.1
lead on the Southern trip with Peck- (2) The mound corps will consist of
inpaugh, compiling a .409 average, veteran Herm Fishman, number one
may possibly be benched by a knee hurler, Ed Andronik, Dan Smick,
injury. Freddie collided with Brew- Burt Smith, and Russ Dobson. Most
er on an infield play in the Maryland pleasing performer down south was
game last week and has been slowed Andronik, who hurled a one hitter
up by the bump. against V.M.I.
Wisconsin will lineup as follows: (3) Michigan may actually hit this
Bob Schilling, center field; Beilita, year. Last year's composite average
catcher; Capt. Jack Gerlach, short- of .197 leaves plenty to be desired, al-
stop; Howard Radder, left field; Al tough9teWolverines hit a cool .306
Desmeir, right field; Andy Smith, in th stheoverinetou ast aon,
third base; George Zuehls, first base, onlythewo oiuthern tour l tseyars
Norm Olson, second base and Hen-o kt
richs, Fjelstad, or Buker, pitch. mark.
______________Statistics: The varsity gets the nod
here. They pushed across 44 runs to
M ichigan Fails the oppositions' 25, smacked 66 hits
to opponents' 38, and surpassed their
IB rivals afield.
In A.A.U. Bid Game highlights in brief follow:
Proceedings started inauspiciously
Sagainst Virginia, the Wolverines los-
K~asley IS Lone Wolverine ing 5 to 4. Dobson started, was driv-
Swimmer To Triumph en from the box in the third after
giving up four runs, Fishman reliev-
Michigan's Varsity swim squad, ing and finishing.
N.C.A.A. swim champions, failed in Smith, Smick Win
their bid to become the first college Michigan 12, Washington and Lee
team ever to win a national A.A.U. 1. Three hit pitching by Burt Smith,
swimming meet, falling before a pow- who worked seven innings, and Dan
erful O.S.U. aggregation which an- Smick, who hurled hitless ball the
nexed a 211 point lead to win the1 last two frames. Walter Peckinpaugh
meet held April 8 and 9 in Colum- with four hits in six trips to the plate
bus, O. led the 13 hit attack.
Jack Kasley, 1936 co-captain of It was two in a row after Andron-
the squad, was the only Michigan ik's brilliant vM.I. performance. A
entry to defend his title and win a tantalizing first mnning bunt, which i
first place, taking the 200-yard i G the locals beat ut, was
breaststroke in 2:40. the only safe V.M.I. blow of the game.,
Nosed out by a hard driving O.S.U. Only one of the losers reached first
team, the Varsity 400-yard relay after this inning, he by virtue of a
team of Walt Tomski, Ed Hutchens,
Tom Haynie and Ed Kirar, failed to pass.
.defend their title closely followed Georgetown was next, and, the
by a fast swimming Harvard quartet. ond loss of the trip resulted. The
Haynie was edged out for third classy Joe Judge outfit capitalized on
place in the 500 yard free styleby faulty Wolverine fielding to win 9 to
Phil Carson of the Providence Boys 7. Fishman was the loser.
Club. Ralph Flanagan of the Miami Michigan 16, Maryland 6: 18 boom-
Biltmore, Florida, won the event in ing hits featured the Wolverine romp
5:24.9. He also took the 220-yard while Danny Smick, surviving a bad
breaststroke in 2:10.9, Haynie again first inning, pitched impressively to
taping fourth place, win.
Henry Curwen of Harvard tied with The last stop-Navy-and the third
Captain Ed Kirar of Michigan for loss, 4 to 0. Michigan, apparently
second place in the 100-yard free- feeling the effects of the quick auto
style, churning in after Peter Fick jump from College Park, garneded
of the N.Y.A.C. who won the event but five hits.
in 51.8. The Varsity 300-yard medley
relay of Haynie, Johnny Haigh and
Kirar came in third and the Varsity
divers failed to place.
ing back and forth in sunshine and
rain, winter and summer, day and
night . . . Ged was 21 the day of
the Maryland game and celebrated
by clouting a tremendous homer ..
Cleveland's huge "White Elephant"
-the Stadium . . . Breakfast at the
Kremers, and homevmade pecan rolls
which were yum-yum ...Your Desk Is
Because of the Varsity baseball FIRE might sweep your of
game today, all persons using the
I-M building will be required to might enter . . . carelessne
show identification cards.
I-M Department. bles. Store them in a p1
their safe keeping.

Displaying fine all-round strength, Ii
Michigan's Varsity golf team corn-!
pleted its first southern training tour; k
with a record of three wins, one loss
and one tie. A scheduled meet witht
Kentucky was snowed out.r
Michigan's opponents includedC
some of the strongest golfing teamst
of the south and the lone defeat,
that by a one point margin, still gives;
the squad an impressive mark.
Surprising strength was shownj
where least expected. The squadsI
sophomores consistently turned in
low. scores and two of them, Lynn
Riess and Tom Tussing may be ex-
pected to see considerable action
during the rest of the season.
Defeat Tennessee
Opening the tour against Tenne-
see, the Wolverines chalked up 13
points in individual matches and
seven in the foursomes to win 20-7.
Bill Barclay, playing the number one'
position was the only one to be de-
feated in the singles when Tommy
Michales shot a two under par 72 to
take three points from him.
Michigan was handed what might
be termed a slight setback at the
hands of Clemson College the next
day. The match, in which Michi-
gan was the favorite, ended in a
9-9 tie.
Lose To Vanderbilt
Against Georgia, April 13, Michi-
gan again came back and paced by
Riess and Tussing throttled the
Georgians 221/2 - 131/2. Riess and
'Tussing each shot 72 which was
one under par for the course.
The Wolverine's lone defeat came
Friday by Vanderbilt, 91/2 - 81/2.
Against Cincinnati Saturday Michi-
gan returned to form and won hand-

ily 12-6.
Michigan's Varsity tennis squad,
back from its first spring tour in
Wolverine history, took it easy yes-
terday, and planned to bear down the
next two days in preparation for the
opening Conference contests this
Leroy Weir, genial new mentor this
season, was well-satisfied with the
early showing of three wins in the
five match schedule.
Beat Richmond
The eight-man squad beat the
University of Richmond team, 8-1,
lost to V.M.I. 3-6, were swamped by
the University of Virginia 9-0, and
took Western Maryland and Du-
quesne, both by 8-1 scores.
In the opening day, against Rich-
mond, practically every man coasted
through his match. With the ex-
ception of Capt. Neil Levenson's de-
feat, and Levenson and Don Percivals
three set match in the number one
bracket, the squad won in straight
Cohen Sole Loser
The V.M.I. defeat was the hardest
of the two losses for the squad to
take. Two important matches spelled
the difference. In the singles, Per-
cival picked off his opponent 6-4
in the first set, faded in the second,
and was outlasted in a grueling third
10-8. In the doubles he and Slat-
tery lost in a close three set match.
Against Maryland, Hank Cohen was
the sole loser, dropping his sixth spot
singles in three sets. In both this
match and the one with Duquesne
the Wolverines took all their matches
except one singles match in straight

Doug hayes Pulls A Leg Muscle


Doug Hayes, Michigan's number
one quarter miler, was removed from
action yesterday afternoon as the re-
sult of a pulled leg muscle sustained
in practice.
Dr. Carpenter, team physician
gave two weeks as the minimum
length of time which must elapse be-
fore Haye's leg will have healed
enough to allow him to compete
again but stated that the nature -of
the injury might necessitate a long- I
er lay-off.
It is certain that the tow-headed
middle distance ace will be unavail-
able for both the quadrangular meet
Saturday at Bfoomington with Pur-1
due, Indiana and Notre Dame andI
the Penn Relays classic the follow-
ing week.
The loss of Hayes considerably
weakened the Hoyt forces and it ap-
peared yesterday that Stan Kelley,
Wolverine hurdle star, would fall
heir to Hayes' spot on the one-mile
relay foursome where he will collab-
orate with Ross Faulkner, Harvey
Clarke and either Waldo Abbot or
Bill Aigler.
During the indoor season Hayes, a

junior, was the year's surprise run-
ner. He had failed to letter last year
at the 880 and mile distances. This
year, due to the urgent need for 440
men, he was shifted to the shorter
distance w h e r e he immediately
flashed to the front.
The peak of his astounding 'climb
came at the Big Ten indoor meet
when he nosed out George Halcrow,
outdoor 440 champion, in the pre-
lims and went on in the finals to
place fourth close up behind Teufel
of Iowa, Howells of O.S.U. and Mil-
ler of Indiana all outstanding and
more experienced performers.

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