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November 19, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-19

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Pulished every morning except Monday during the
Uiversty year and Summr Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
'iember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion ar. the Big Ten News Service.
sIaorattd (golc ika
, 1933 nT Ow cOWA. - 193-
The Associated Press is exclusivelr eintitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
nototherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. Al rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
ThIrd Assistant Postmaster-General. -
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier $3.75; by
mail, $4.25..
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Represettatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New' York City; 80
Boylston Sh-reet, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 492
CITY EDITOR......................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEW'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHI EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
Aiam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
dPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babington, Ogden
G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R.
Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas Groehn, Robert D.
Guthrie, Joseph L.. Karpinski Thomas H. Kleene, Rich-
ard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman,
Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby, William R. Reed,
Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle,
Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M.
Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer,
Florence Harper. Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret
Telephone 21214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
triclt; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; . Advertising:
Contracts, J:ack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Cirulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
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James Scott, David Winkworth
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur-
ham Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds.
Of Her arsity**
M ICHIGAN is proud of her Varsity
today, not only because they held
an inspired Minnesota team to a scoreless tie, but
because every man gave everything he had in so
The Michigan team makes no excuses - and
none are needed.. Two equally great teams fought
for 60 minutes on almost even terms and tribute
must be paid to each for holding the other score-
less for those 60 nerve-rackng xnsin es.
People are saying that Minnesota deserved to
Win. That is erroneous, for a team must score
to win, and no team could have scored against
Michigan yesterday. The fact that the Gophers,
who showed all the power in the world in their
drives in mid-field, couldn't gain an inch when
in scoring territory, is sufficient proof of that
The great Lund might use up his energy in
sweeping around the ends or battering through
the lixje when such gains meant little, but in the
shadow of their goal line the Wolverine forwards
smeared line plays before they were well started
and Michigan's two great ends repeatedly tackled
Lund and Alphonse behind the scrimmage line as
they tried to go around the ends.
It is no disgrace to be tied by a team that has
not lost a game this year and has a win over
the great Pitt team to its credit. It is no disgrace
to be tied by a team that came to a peak for this
game after a two-weeks' rest.
In the play of the team as a whole, individual

showings are almost forgotten, but several men
deserve the plaudits of the crowd, more for the
sheer courage they showed than for mechanical
skill which they are presumed to possess. To
Willard Hildebrand, who fought his heart out to
stop Minnesota's power drives through center,
goes great credit. The Gopher quarterback, aware
that Hildy was a substitute for Savage, hurled
play after play at the center of the line where
Kowalik and Hildebrand held the fort alone, leav-
ing Bernard, outstanding as always as always, to'
back up the line and defend against forward
passes which were Minnesota's cnly hope of scor-
ing. The fact that Michigan remains undefeated'
in 21 consecutive games is not so important as the
fact that though tied for the first time in two'
years, the Michigan tradition of a player giving
everything he has for the school goes marching
on. And because of that, Michigan is proud of
her Varsity today - a Varsity which is still ahead
of the pack in the Big Ten race.

One was Alexandra Carlisle (who returns to the
part in Chicago on this Christmas night). At
the time she was suffering from a svere heart
attack, which forced her to retire from the stage.
The next was Minna Phillips of the Theatre
Guild; but she was playing the part at the time
in the Casino theatre at Newport.
There was, of course, Florence Reed, whose per-
formance in the part was extraordinary. Some-
how an aura of Mother Goddam in "The Shang-
hai Gesture" still hung over her Lady Lebanon.
It was distinctly Chinese. Someone in the cast
called the play "CLIMINAL-at-Large" after she
went into it!
This fall in Detroit we presented the play with
Margaret Anglin as Lady Lebanon. Hers was a
majestic performance, and filled with a nobility
and distinction that is such a6 part f her peron-
ality. There was something Greek aid heroic
about her cry as her son was shot at the final cur-
tain. For all its beauty, however, the performance
was not Lady Lebanon.
This character is hard, even cruel, "blood-
proud," lively solely in the pride of the Lebanon
ancestry. She is a forbidding character and not a
little terrifying. This, Minna Phillips, better than
any of the others, catches perfectly. Miss An-
glin was maternal, sympathetic. Miss Phillips'
Lady Lebanon is cold and sharp as steel. She
It is a pleasure to do a production a second
time, after an experience with theatre audiences.
The director can then perfect and shade and
polish his play. He can estimate every proper
value. He can re-cast certain parts occasionally.
His second production should be a real experience
in the theatre.
"Criminal-at-Large" is only the second mystery
play we have ever done. The other was "The Spi-
der" and it was grand fun. "Criminal-at-Large"
is filled with comedy, but its final impression is
certainly anything but fun. It is more than a
mere melodrama, for it has been uncannily worked
out. There is true psychology behind the leading
Edgar Wallace is an admitted master of such
melodrama. But in "Criminal-at-Large" he has
done an unusually skillful thing. Slowly through
two acts and a half he builds a culminative sus-
pense. You know something is going to happen,
but it actually does not happen until the final
moments of the last act. That SOMETHING
must, because it has been so long delayed, be
really terrific. This is the touch that must il-
lumine the entire play. Let me assure you that
it really is electrifying.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants' will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to 'be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible.
To The Editor -
Your editorial concerning the campus vote on
war participation is guilty of the very sophistry
you elsewhere deplore. Your arguments are based
upon the hypothesis that our present govern-
ment adequately and faithfully represents the
true wishes and whims of the majority. Theoreti-
cally, this is so, but actually this is impossible
because of the party machines, crooked politics,
and incompetent representatives that characterize
our "democracy.-
Even assuming that your hypothesis is correct
- that our democracy truly represents the whims
of the majority - does that justify war? Don't
forget that the majority can be wrong.
Before talking so glibly about the merits of
majority opinion, it might be well to recall George
Bernard Shaw's dictum concerning democracies:
"Democracy substitutes election by the incompe-
tent many for the appointment by the corrupt
few "
Arthur Shapiro, '34.
To The Editor -
In the Nov. 17 Michigan Daily, under the edi-
torial entitled "War Participation," is the state-
ment that "the president, who has the power to
declare war-." The president of the United

States has no power to declare war. This power
resides with Congress. It is so stated in the Con-
stitution, Section 8, Clause 11.
The president may force a war by sending
troops to a frontier and beyond as President Folk
did in the Mexican War. And again a president
may recommend a war to Congress as Wilson did
in 1917.
But the president has no power to arbitrarily
say the country is at war.
James Christensen
VS 07

Hopwood Poetry
The Editors wish to announce that this feature
will be discontinued for a period of two weeks, or
longer. Because of the scarcity at this time of
suitable Hopwood poetry, the English department
has felt it necessary to hold up its publication.
OffIThe Record
EVERY once in a while Harold L. Ickes has to
let his left hand know what his right hand is
doing. This matter of being secretary of the in-
terior, public works administrator and oil admin-
istrator, all in one, has its complications.
Recently a plan for irrigation of Indian lands
came up to Secretary Ickes, under whose super-
vision lies the Indian bureau.
SoIckes wrote a letter to Public Works Admin-
istrator Ickes proposing the plan.
Then Public Works Administrator Ickes wrote a
letter back to Secretaly Ickes approving the
Just a matter of keeping the files straight.
DOORMEN, private secretaries, butlers and
hostesses have been tied in a knot by the title
of a visiting dignitary.
He is the Vice Admiral, the honorable RR. A. R.
Plunkett-Ernie-Erle-Drax, C. B., D. S. O., com-
mander of the British ships in American and
West Indies waters.
His arrival occasioned much phoning to get the
title straight and the tongue accustomed to the
rolling syllables.
Then it was discovered that the distinguished
Englishman prefers {Admiral Drax."
ONE of the hostesses who entertained for Maxim
Litvinov, Russian commissar of foreign af-
fairs, attests to both the shyness and the humor
of the soviet official.
He agreed to come to tea only if "there are no
other guests and if you and your husband will
hide behind the furniture until I feel comfort-
ably at home."
NO MORE spectacled, flat-heeled "women with
causes" present petitions to government offi-
The various women's organization of major im-
portance send their youngest and prettiest en-
thusiasts to the White House and to congress
whei pleas must be made.
One of the prettiest "lobbyists" so far is Edwina
Hammond, a young New York actress, who visits
her home here occasionally. She has black eyes
and black curly hair and somehow always man-
ages to possess a bright red hat.
She does her lobbying for the Women's Inter-
national League for Peace and Freedom.
was giving a dinner party. The waiter paused
at his chair with a platter.
"Turkey, sir?" asked the waiter, pointing to the
meat on the platter.
"Eh?" said the Ambassador.
Then he turned to Mrs. William Borah, wife of
the Idaho senator, sitting next to him.
With a resigned smile he asked, "Why in the
world did you people name that bird 'Turkey'?"
'6TREASURE hunts" have hit the capital as an
evening's amusement, much to the annoy-
ance of the park police.
An irate officer could hardly believe his eyes
when he saw a young man shinning up the legs
of the Lincoln memorial statue.
It seems the vest pocket of the statue has be-
come a favorite place for putting "clues" for the
The young man was caught, but he didn't want
to explain his errand.
"'m just looking for Elmer," he said. That only
made matters worse.

The statue is held so sacred that sight-seers are
not permitted even to take pictures inside the

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Musical Events
Prelude in C-minor
Chorale Prelude "Wir Glauben alle
in einem Gott" ..................... Bach,
Fugue in E-flat major (St. Ann's Fugue)
William E. Doty
Septet for Strings, Harp, Flute
arid Clarinet .......................Ravel
Wassily Besekirsky, Hanns Pick, Anthony
Whitmire, and Romine Hamilton
Abegg Variations, Op. 1........Schumann..
Sonneto, E-majdr ..................... Liszt
Intermezzo, Op. 119, No. 3, C-majo.. .Brahms
Notturno........ .". . "...........Respighi
Prelude in B-fiat-major.......Rachmaninoff
Joseph Brinkman
"On Wenlock Edge".......Vaughn Williams
A cycle of songs for tenor voice with
accompaniment of piano and string
1. From Far, from Eve and Morning

this a very enjoyable program. Performed by'
men who have already established themselves with
Ann Arbor audiences, it is doubly attractive.
The C-minor Prelude' and the E-flat Major
Fugue are two of the outstanding Bach works for
organ, while the Chorale Prelude, by contrast, is
one rarely heard. Mr. Doty studied last year in
Leipsig with the Cantor of St. Thomas Kirche,
a successor, so to speak, of Bach himself, who
filled that position for many years.
The Ravel combines an unusual group of in-
struments: harp, flute, clarinet, and strings, re-
sulting in a colorful and rich effect.
Mr. Brinkman is to play this afternoon in the
place of Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead, whose appear-
ance has been postponed until a later date. His
group opens with the "Abegg" variations, of Rob-
ert Schumann, one of the early experimenters in
the romantic movement. Although his earliest
work, it demonstrates his boldness and indepen-
dence. The Liszt Sonneto has all the brilliance,
unexpected key changes, and swift glittering ef-
fects characteristic of this writer. The Brahms
is one of the group of short, lyric pieces. Rephigi,
Italian, and Rachmaninoff, Russian, two con-
temporary composers, bring the piano section to a
"On Wenlock Edge" will conclude the program.
It is a cycle of songs, based on poems from A. E.
Housman's "Shropshire Lad," the setting of which
is unusually lovely. The vocal part is free, the
accompaniment is at times in piano alone, or
strings alone, or with both.
The wealth of variety in this program will make

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