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May 19, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-19

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The Weather
Rain today and somewlat
warmer; mostly, easterly to
southerly Winds.

Yi e

Sfr igau

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ijenlein And
Sudeten Autonomy . .
Our Inconsistent
Foreign Policy ...


VOL. XLVIII. No. 166


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Letters Prove
Cummins 37
Se InSai
American Volunteer, Said
To Be Captured, Sure
Of Government Victory
Embargo Must Be
Repealed, He Says
Robert Cummins, '37, of Ann Arbor
was alive in Spain on April 2 and
still fighting for the Loyalist forces
on the Barcelona front with the "un-
impaired certainty that we are the
betters fighters and will smash them
if we only have the airplanes and
arms,' it was proved by three letters
received here by friends yesterday.
Cummins was thought to have been
captured several weeks ago when his
Camily told the Daily that they be-
lleved' that he ,was one of a group of
prisoners photographed after their
capture in a Rebel army drive near
Belchite. The blurred news-photo-
graph was taken on March 20 and
showed 20 Loyalist prisoners parading
in lockstep through the courtyard of
a provincial Spanish town. The pho-
tograph appeared in a Spokane,
-Wash, paper and was mailed to the
Cummins family by a relative there.
Get Three Letters
Of the three letters received yester-
day one was dispatched April 18, the
second, April 19 and the third April
20. They reached Ann Arbor via Paris.
In the' letter of April 26,. Cummins
repeats a strain that appears in each
of the other letters-he urges that the
neutrality act be repealed:
"I borrowed this pencil from Cap-
tain Fish (not a captain, but so called
because he sold fish in Alicante be-
fore the war) on the assumption that
a plea would be made for Spain. But
you alreadyt know how much the lift-
ing of the embargo will help, I think."
In the April 19th letter he makes
the only mention of the gruelling bat-
tle through which they had just
passed: the Rebels had plowed their
way to the Mediterranean, cutting
Loyalist Spain in two.
"We have just been through our
most severe campaign . . The first
day was the worst. That was Be-
chite. After that our brigade (the
MacKenzie-Papieau) was always
holding but had to retreat when
flanked and, the last time surround-
ed. I got out of that without seeing
a fascist. Elman (Service) marched
along with a fascist column for three
or four kilometers.
Met Service
"He set his pace for the most part a
little faster or slower than the col-
umn so he wouldn't have to speak
with them. One 'insisted on 'talking
and Elman said he was a German
technician to explain Yhis inadequate
Spanish. He was believed. I met him
on the road later. We were very
glad to see each other."
Service, a sophomore last year, also
left Ann Arbor for Loyalist Spain last
June as did Ralph Neafus, '36F&C,
who was captured at Calanda on
March 13. Cummins was a brigade
runner; Service was an ambulance
driver; and Neafus an artillery ob-
server. The three were close friends.
Technic Goes
On Sale Today
Award Winning Magazine

Climaxes Busy Year
Climaxing a year's publication ac-
tivity, the Michigan Technic, which
was awarded the Technical Engineer-
ing News cup for being the best un-
dergraduate engineering publication
for 1938, will go on sale today.
The May issue features four ar-
ticles by men prominent in industry,
two by faculty members and two by
students. These will include the fol-
lowing: "Highway Planning": "More
Power To You," by J. Anderson Ash-
"Carrier Currents"; "Timber"; "Ma-
chineability of Metals"; "After Gaso-
line" and "The Car of Tomorrow,"
by Charles Probst, '39E.
The issue will show an increase in
size over its predecessors, but the
price has remained unchanged.
Japanese Report Driving
Chinese Out Of Suchow
SHANGHAI, .May 19.-(Thursday)
-(P)-Japanese reported officially to-
dav that they ha neuind all the

'Loving Cup' Wins Betas First
Place In Inter fraternity Sing

Alpha Sigs Take Second,
Sigma Chis Are Third
Before Crowd Of 3,500
The men of Beta Theta Pi sang
their way into first place among
Michigan fraternities last night at
the third annual Interfraternity Sing
with the'ir presentation of "The Lov-
ing Cup"
Close behind them, in second and
third places respectively, were Alpha
Sigma Phi, who sang "Within The
Mystic Circle," and Sigma Chi, re-
ceiving well-earned applause for their
familiar "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi."
An audience of nearly 3,500 gathered
in front of the library to hear the
A sorority cheering section, new
Congress Seats
New Officers
At Union Today
Litzenberg Will Address
Independent Banquet;
Awards Will Be Given
Congress installation banquet, hon-.
oring newly elected officers and giv-
ing service awards of pins and keys
to those who have earned them, will
be held at 6:15 p.m. today in the
Union. The banquet is open to all in-
dependent men on campus, and tick-
ets may be secured at the Union desk
until the time of the banquet.
Prof. Karl Litzenberg, of the Eng-
lish department and one of the fac-
ulty advisers to the Interfraternity
Council, will be the guest speaker,
discussing fraternity-independent re-
lations on the Michigan campus.
Dr. William Brace of the Health
Service, Miss Ethel McCormick, social
director of the League, and Prof.
Stanley, D. Dodge of the geography
department are to be the other fac-
ulty members present. Bruce Telfer,
'38, member of the Men's Council,
and Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, presi-
dent of the Assembly, will also be
Robert Hartwell, '39E, newly-elect-
ed president, will speak, as will Irv-
ing Silverman, '38, retiring president.
Robert Kleiner, '38, is co-chairman
of the banquet with Silverman.
Michigan Nile
To Face Irish
In TiltToday
Notre Dame To Compete
With Varsity In First
Contest Since 1934
A rivalry dormant since 1924 will
be renewed when Michigan's Varsity
baseball team faces Notre Dame this
afternoon at 4:05 p.m. on the Ferry
Field diamond.
Michigan has won 24 games to nine
for the Irish in the all-time series be-
tween the two schools, but the Wol-
verines will have to exhibit top form
this afternoon, to rate a chance
against their opponents. Notre Dame
has won seven out of their 11 games
so far this season.
A battle of left-handers is the
prospect for today. On the mound for
the Wolverines will be Herm Fish-
man, winner of Michigan's only two
Conference victories, whose last ef-
fort was a five-hit shutout of Ohio
State. Opposing him will be Mike
Mandjiak, Coach Jake Kline's sensa-
tional sophomore port-sider, who has
been, responsible for four of the Irish

wins this spring.
With Mandjiak hailed as a particu-
lar nemesis to left handed batters,
a slightly revised line-up will take the
field for the Wolverines. Freddie
Trosko and Bob Campbell will start
in center and left field respectively
(Contriued on Page 3)
Washington Orders
Hague Investigation
WASHINGTON, May 18.-()-
Charges that free speech and other
civil liberties have been suppressed in
the Jersey City domain of Mayor
Frank Hague, state Democratic leader
and a vice chairman of the Demo-
cratic National Committee, resulted
today in Justice Department orders

this year, formed a horseshoe around
the fraternity men massed in the
center. Delta Delta Delta received
first prize for sorority attendance,
while Alpha Omicron Pi sponsored
the victorious Betas.
Theta Chi and Chi Psi were as-
sisted by canine mascots, Theta Chi's
Buck the only veteran of three Sings
to be present. Alpha Delta Phi closed
the program of 21 numbers with
"Hail To Thee."
Spontaneous group singing broke
forth while the judges, Prof. David
Mattern, Prof, Arthur Hackett, and
Walter Staebler, were considering
their choice, The Delta Gammas,
trying valiantly to start the Friars'
Song, were drowned out by a chorus
of husky male voices singing "Heigh-
Ho." General bedlam ensued, but
soon nearly everyone was swinging
into the strains of "Varsity," which
was followed by "The Yellow and
Bud Lundahl, '38, president of the
Interfraternity Council, acted as mas-
ter of ceremonies of the Sing and did
manage to get in a commercial plug
for his employers. He presented the
Betas with a cup which may become
permanently' theirs if they place
among the first three houses at next
year's Sing.
Both Hermitage and Alpha Kappa
Lambda chose "Fill Your Tankards"
as their selection. All the other num-
bers were fraternity songs.
Missing Plane
Found With 9
Persons Dead
Airliner Falls 30 Miles
From Burbank Terminal
TravelingIn Dense Fog
LOS ANGELES, Calif., May 18.-(P)
-Only 30 miles away from its start-
ing point at Union Air Terminal, Bur-
bank, a big airliner .crashed into a
mountainside Monday, exploded and
brned to death its nine occupants.
Shrouded by dense fog for 40 hours,
the wreckage was discovered today
and the charred bodies carried out of
the mountains by stretcher bearers.
The clock on the transport's in-
strument board showed the hands
pointed at 2:07 o'clock (P.S.T.). This
fixed the time of the crash just 27
minutes after the plane left the air-
port. It also indicated the pilot, Sid
Willey, apparently was lost in the fog
and was circling or cutting back on
the course, for the big ship was cap-
able of 250 miles an hour.
The attempt by the pilot to fulfill
terms of an insurance underwriter's
contract by keeping the big transport
within sight of ground at all times
on its delivery flight from factory to
St. Paul, Minn., came under scrutiny
of Federal investigators tonight as a
possible contributing factor in the
To Meet Today
, I
American . Student Union
To Be Discussed
Kenneth Born, midwestern organ-
izer for the American Student Union,,
will speak at the membership meet-
ing of the Progressive Club to be held
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Af-
filiation with the ASU will be dis-
The American Student Union,
formed in 1936, has chapters on more
than 200 campuses. Its five-point

platform includes social and racial
equality, economic security, civil lib-
erties academic freedom and opposi-
tion to war and fascism. Adherence
to one of these planks is sufficient for
Since its formation, the ASU has
played an active part in organizing
the anti-war strikes held throughout
the country on April 22. A national
convention composed of both high
school and college groups is held each
The University recently granted the
Progressive Club permission to af-
filiate with this organization. They
were denied permission last spring
because of a University rule that an
organization must be in existence a
year before it can become identified
with any national group.
wain Tells Pharmacists

Viilcans Initiate 15,
Elect New Officers
Vulcans, senior men's honorary en-
gineering society, initiated 15 men
yesterday and elected two members
of the faculty to honorary member-
ship. Officers for the coming year
were elected at a banquet and business
meeting held last night at the Union.
The new initiates, allamembers of
the engineering class of 1939, are
Tim Hird, who was elected president;
Fred Osberg,hvice-president; Don Van
Loon, secretary; Jim Ireland, treas-
urer; Walt Rodger, Charles Crowe,
Harold, Spoden, Don Belden, Bill Bu-
chanan, Bob Emmett, Don Percival,
Wes Warren, Fred Olds, Bob May,
Allen Andrews. The honorary mem-
bers are Professors C. F. Kessler and
Axel Marn.
77 Scholarships
For Next Year
$110 Will Go To Seniors
In State High Schools
Each YearThey Enroll
Seventy-seven prospective fresh-
men have been awarded University of
Michigan Alumni Undergraduate
Scholarships for the year beginning
September, 1938, Dr. Clarence S.
Yoakum, vice-president of the Univer-
sity in charge of educational investi-
gation, announced today.
The scholarships, available to resi-
dents of the State, are worth about'
$110 a year to each of the students
during each year that he is in the
University, and cover all semester
fees. Winners of the scholarships
are selected by the University from
lists presented by local University of
Michigan Clubs and Alumnae chap-
ters throughout the State.
Students are chosen for the award
on the basis of their scholastic ability,
character and financial need, and
are eligible for similar awards in suc-
cessive years at the University if they
maintain a satisfactorily high scho-
lastic standing during their freshman
The following students won awards:
Louis Payne and Marilyn Rising, Ad-
.rian; John C. Ivanoff, Hazel M. John-
son, Jean E. Krise, Alex M. Pentland,
Maxine J. Pryer and Doris M. Turner
of Ann Arbor; Donna E. Baisch, Rob-
ert W. Johnston and Robert J. Og-
den of Battle Creek; Phyllis J. Hamil-
ton of Bay City; Foster H. Campbell,
William H. Dannacher and Arth.rr
Wandt of Benton Harbor and St.
Joseph; Robert H. Porter of Birming-
ham; Harry Alcorn and Agnes Higgs
of Dearborn; Elizabeth F. Alexander,
Grant W. Allen, Betty Altman, Ger-
ald Burns, Janet L. Cottrell, John
Dreher, Gordon Dumas, Charles Fiel-
der, Betty Hileman, Donald Holman,
Vivian Kann, Isabella Lugoski, Ed-
(Continued on Page 6)
Dr. Frank Assails
Attack By Senator
CHICAGO, May 18.-()-Dr. Glenn
Frank said today that a "reckless
misuse of governmental powers and
misstatement of fact" marked the
"attack" made recently by Sen. Sher-
man Minton, Indiana Democrat, on
Rural Progress -magazine.
Dr. Frank is president and editor
of the magazine and also is chairman
of the Republican party program
committee. His radio speech was in
reply to one delivered by Senator
Minton a week ago.

Halifax Seeks
Nazi Accord,
Defends Duce
Foreign Secretary Faces
Opposition From Peers
But Escapes Censure
talo-French Break
Stops Conciliation
LONDON, May 18.-(IP)--In the
face of opposition condemnation of
the Anglo-Italian Pact as "unright-
eous," Viscount Halifax, foreign sec-
retary, tonight defended Italian sin-
cerity and made a bid for German
Lord Halifax stated his position in
the House of Lords, where an opposi-
tion Censure motion was defeated
without being put to a vote.
His defense of Prime Minister Ne-
ville Chamberlain's "face the facts"
foreign policy came at a time when
the opposition in the House of Com-
mons was suggesting Premier Benito
Mussolini of Italy was trying to iso-
late France by holding up a Franco-
Italian accord similar to Italy's pact
with Britain.
Asks German Understanding
Referring to Germany, Lord Halifax
said, "We should like to see removed
all the causes of mistrust and sus-
picion between ourselves and Ger-
A sudden rift in France's friendship
talks with Italy has roughened the
road for Britain's "deal with dicta-
tors" policy.
Premier Mussolini's tacit demand
that France get away from the Span-
ish Government's side of the civil war
'barricades' was an even more impor-
tant stumbling block to a Rome-Paris
Mussolini Asked Assurances
Mussolini was not willing to take
Italian troops out of Spain or to make
an agreement with France until he
was assured France would not con-
tinue to help stiffen Spanish Gov-
ernment resistance to Insurgents.
In Paris, French-Italian negotia-
tions were said to have approached
a breakdown for two reasons-Italian
pressure on Tunisia and Soviet Rus-
Aa's pressure on France to let supplies
pass to Government Spain.
Rebels Report
Gains In North
Claim Government Lines
Smashed By Offensive
HENDAYE, France, at the Span-
ish Frontier, May 18.-(P)-Spanish
Insurgent shock troops smashed to-
day through Government defense
lines in Castellon and Teruel pro-
Bitter fighting swept the Insur-
gents forward toward Valencia and
the sea from both ends of their East-
West line and gave them heights for
the Jump-off of a general attack on
the Government's strong defenses on
the Valencia highway to the south.
Mountain units on Insurgent Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco's right
wing fought through the hills around
lofty Penarroya Peak, east of Teruel,
On one side they threatened the
village of Valdelinares, still a Gov-
ernment dent in their ragged line.
On the other, they menaced the Gov-
ernment's main defense point guard-
ing the road to strategic Mora de Ru-
bielos, 20 miles southeast of Teruel
on the line to the Mediterranean,

Pick Tapping
To Give Talk
At Swingout
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association will
be guest speaker at the Singout, tra-
ditional senior pre-Commencement
march, which will take place this
Sunday afternoon, Wally Ladd, '38,
chairman of the affair announced
Hugh Rader, '38, will be master of
ceremonies and Doug Farmer, '38,
will be the literary senior to speak
at Hill Auditorium after the around-
campus march. A faculty speaker has
not yet been chosen,
The line of march will form on
the library steps at 3:45 p.m. and the
parade will start at 4 p.m. It will
follow the diagonal through the en-
gineering arch to South University<
Ave., then proceeding to State Street,
and will then turn and enter Hill
Moe than 1,200 seniors from every
school are expected to take part, ac-
cording to Ladd, who urged all stu-
dents to get their daps and gowns,I
which may be rented at local stores,e
Archie Kodros
Wins Chicago
Alumni Trophy
Award Given To Varsity9
Player For First Time;
Presentation Yesterday
Archie J. Kodros, barrel chestede
sophomore from Alton, Ill., became1
the first Varsity player ever to receive
the coveted Chicago Alumni trophy
when the presentation was made be-
fore the assembled squad at the
Union yesterday at 4:15 p.m.
Meyer Morton, representing the
Chicago alumni group, made the pre-3
sentation of the large silver foot-
The trophy, which is awarded an-
nually to the gidder showing the
most promise during spring drills, for
the past 13 years has always gone to
a freshman but the stocky Varsity
center was judged "most outstand-
ing in way of improvement" this
spring. .
Nine men were given honorable
mention including four Var'sity letter
winners,-four freshmen and one trans-
fer student. The veterans are Capt.
Fred Janke, tackle, -John Nicholson,
end, Roland Savilla, tackle, and
Hercules Renda, diminutive wingback.
The quartet of freshmen are all
backfield men. They are Tom Har-
mon and Paul Kromer, tailbacks ani
quarterbacks Jack Meyer and Harry
(Continued on Page 3)
Nurses Saved
In Local Fire
Firefighters Rescue Nine
In Ursula Hall Blaze
Firemen carried nine student
nurses down ladders to safety yes-
terday morning when a basement fire
filled Ursula Hall, home for junior
nurses, with heavy, choking smoke.
Waiting for firemen to rescue them,
the student nurses showed the bene-
fit of their training, remaining calm
and spending the time dressing. When
ladders were set up, firefighters car-
ried eight girls down from third floor
windows and one from the second

floor. Stairways were impassable.
Discovery of the blaze was made at
9:45 a.m. when smoke awakened the
nurses, who 'had all been on night
duty at St. Joseph's Mercy hospital
next door. No cause has yet been
revealed, although firerien say it
started in a pile of canvas awnings
and burned through the floorboard
above. Smoke masks were necessary
before firemen could enter the house
and fight the blaze.
Meeting To Feature
Tom Mooney Film
A talking film depicting the trial
and imprisonment of Tom Mooney
will be shown at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow
at Labor Hall under the auspices of
the Ann Arbor branch of the Ameri-
can League for Peace and Democracy.
Ernest Goodman, secretary of the
Detroit Lawyers' Guild, will speak on
the Mooney case, and Rev. H. P.
Marley of the Unitarian Church will
mr.w ic m -in anA- nn r n h

Seek To Heal
Democrat Rift
As Repblian
Expect Victory
CIO-Guffey Backed Slate
Nosed Out In Primarie8
Despite Farley's Efforts
Earle Is Nominatedt°
For Senatorial Post
A Pennsylvania Democratic organia-
tion that beat down the insurgency
of Sen. Joseph F. Guffey and the
John L. Lewis labor forces in Tues-
day's primary "hunted;tonight for a
peace formula amid Reublcan pe-
dictions of a November triumph.
Thomas Kennedy, Guffey-Lewis
gubernatorial candidate who received
National Chairman James A. Farley's
election-eve benediction, ran about
67,000 votes behind Charles Alvin
Jones, Pittsburgh lawyer endorsed
by the state committee.
The count on returns from 8,000
of the state's 8,075 precincts was:9
Jones 584,062; Kennedy, 517,329.
Third was Charles J. Margotti 170,-
637. /
Gov. George H. Earle, endorsedby
Farley, committee faction, swamped
the Guffey-Lewis canddate,'Mayor
S. Davis Wilson of Philadelphia,for
the democratic senatorial nomination.
Returns from 7,974 precincts gae:
Earle 765,454; Wilson 327671.
The heaviest turnout of voters for
a primary election in Pennsylvania's
history was recorded.
Republicans Optimistic
WASHINGTON, May 18.-(P)-Na-
tional Republican leaders contended
today that the outcome of the Penn-
sylvania primaries indicated major
gains for their party .in November,
but their predictions promptly were
challenged by Democrats.
Chairman John Hamilon of the
Republican National Commnittesaid,.
in a statement, that the results point
ed to "certain victor" for his party
in the Pennsylvania fall election.
Campus Votes
Tuesday To Fill
19 Student Po©sts
Men's Council To Conduct
Election For 4 Boards;
PetitioningStill Open
General campus elections for Men's
Council, the vice-presidencies of the
Union, the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications, and the Board in
Control of Athletles will be held from
3' to 5 p.m. Tuesday I-ugh Rader, '39,
president of the Men's Council, an-
nounced yesterday.
Voting will take place in the literary
college, the forestry school the. engi-
neering college, the architectural col-
lege, the music school, the School of
Business Administration, the medical
school, the dental school, and the
Law School. Polling places have not
yet been chosen.
In all cases nominees for the nine-
teen different positions are selected
by the retiring boards in control. Can-
didates for the Union offices will be
selected by the recently-elected ofM-

Eight students are to be elected to
the Men's Council. Three will be
chosen from the literary school, and
one from each of the forestry, engi-
neering, architectural, music; and bus-
iness administration schools.
Six men will be chosen for the
Union vice-presidencies from the lit-
erary, engineering, forestry, medical,
dental and law schools.
Three students are to be elected to
the publications board, and two to
the athletic board. Candidates are
now being selected and wilisbe an-
nounced soon, Rader said. Students
interested in running for these offices
need only submit their names to be
considered for a candidacy.
Cardenas Moves
To Quiet Rumors
S EXICO CITY, May 18.-(P)-
President Lazaro Cardenas, sur-
rounded by strong troop detachments,

Onderdonk Shows War Films,
Finds Collective Security Cure'

Thousands of maimed and mangled
bodies, remains of soldiers and non-
combatants alike, all victims of bloody
warfare in China, Spain and Ethiopia,
were shown on the screen to an au-
dience of 200 persons yesterday in
Natural Science Auditorium, by Dr.
Francis Onderdonk of Ann Arbor, in
the attempt to prove that "collective
security is the only conceivable way
to destroy the 'real hell' that exists
in the world today and to maintain
permanent world peace."
Dr. Onderdonk first asked his lis-
teners to believe that the movies
he would show "only told half the
story" and that the reality was much
worse than his films could demon-
"Thunder Over the Orient," a talkie,
was shown portraying the striking
n s o ln znr +1, .1m . _ s%-

ward when pistols were emptied into
their heads at a distance of two
A silent motion picture on the ma-
chinery of the League of Nations
was then presented, depicting the
rapid fire action of the International
organization in successfully solving
three of the 40-odd cases it has set-
"Spain's Civil War," a film dealing
with what the commentator called
the other modern "mass fascist mur-
der" was then shown. A flaming
Alcazar, young senoritas fighting and
dying side by side with their men
in the Loyalist trenches, and more
mutilated bodies were flashed on the
Dr. Onderdonk closed with a plea
for internatioaloidari, nartie-

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