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February 19, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-19

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The Weather
Local snow flurries; not quite
so cold in central and south
portions of state today} to-
morrow mostly cloudy.

i:l '4 r

PRW ORWI, VF' t aik


Here And There. .
O'Connor Vs. Coughlin.... .

1 s+r



Opinions On
TVA Decision
Differ Widely
Senator Borah Praises It
As Sign Of A 'Growing
Roosevelt Refuses
To Express Opinion
Observers Point Out That
Court Ruled On But One
Specific Case
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. - (AP) -
Conflicting interpretations of the
scope of the Supreme Court's TVA
decision swirled about the capital to-
day, with Senator Borah hailing it
as evidence of a growing Constitu-
An apparent divergence was noted
n formal statements issued by two
spokesmen for utility interests, with
one forcasting further action by the
high tribunal and the other appeal-
ing to Congress.
President Roosevelt declined to
comment on the 8 to 1 ruling at his
preps conference, saying he had only
half finished reading the three opin-
ions in the case.
Ruled Only On Wilson Dam
There seemed to be general agree-
ment among the lawyers that the
court had laid down a policy that
electricity generated at government
dams, constructed for a constitutional
purpose - such as national defense-
not only could be sold but could be
conveyed to a market.
But while New Dealers held that
this constituted a blessing for the
Tennessee Valley Authority's entire
power program, critics reminded that
the court ruled only on Wilson Dam,
and that there might be some diffi-
culty in proving that other TVA dams
were constructed primarily to aid
navigation, rather than to generate
Borah, conceded to be one of the
leading senate authorities on the
Cnstittion, told reporters - the de-
cision was "much more far reaching
than many people seemed to realize."
Ruling 'flroad And Wide'
He added that it was broad and
wide enough to cover all questions
that could legitimately arise under
"That is the beauty of the Consti-
tution," he said. "It grows as the
country grows."
But Dr. Hugh S. Magill, president
of the American Federation of In-
vestors, which was active in fighting
the holding company bill, contended
the decision was limited to one speci-
fic contract effecting purchase of
transmission lines at Wilson dam
from the Alabama Power Co.
"It is significant that what the
court did not decide in this case may,
prove of even greater importance
than what it did decide," Magill said.
Accept Fascism
Or Communism,
N arin Advises
'These Two Dominate The
World,' Sociologist Tells
Capacity Audience
The world must choose either
Fascism or Communism as "the way
out" of the economic difficulties

which beset it, Scott Nearing, prom-
inent American Communist, told a
capacity a.dience yesterday after-
noon in Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Nearing's lecture was sponsored
by the National Student League.
"These two major political and ec-
onomic creeds dominate the world
scene today," Dr. Nearing asserted.
"There is no middle course."
Before launching a vigorous attack
on Fascist doctrines, Dr. Nearing cit-
ed figures drawn by the League of
Nations which, he said, showed a de-
cline in production of goods in the
democratic and Fascist countries
since 1914.
"Fascism is a scheme of govern-
ment which allows this decrease to
continue by shutting out foreign
profit-seekers," the speaker main-
tained. "The Fascist state reorgan-
izF's the internal economy so that the
property and the power of the ruling
class will be affected as little as pos-
sible, to the end that the burden of
decreased production will devolve
n thQ vnrv tnina+ "

Student Crisis And Communist
Answer Described By Nearing

Greater Student Liberalism
Encouraging, Prominent
Radical Declares
A neatly-dressed, smiling revolu-
tionist, who regards his "profession"'
as a "gay adventure," told a handful
of selected students yesterday, prior'
to his public address, how to bring
about a communist order.
The revolutionist was Dr. Scott
Nearing, radical sociologist and econ-
omist, and he spoke from within the'
walls of a University building -Na-
tural Science Auditorium. An avowed
Communist, although not a member
of the Communist party, he told the
some 30 students - mostly members
of the National Student League, al-
though other radical and liberal stu-
dents were present - that "we face
a period of collectivism whether we
like it or not" and outlined a plan
for-facing it.
Must Find a Job
First of all, he said, after gradua-
tion, try to find yourself a way of
making a living. He advised that the
students find a job which will take
as little of their time as possible.
Then, he said, in your spare time,
study and think about the problems
of today, talk with others, try to con-
vince them that Communism is the
only way out of the mess we are in
and "agitate."
Although Dr. Nearing, firm in his
conviction that violent revolution is
necessary, admitted that it is neces-
sary for the budding revolutionist to
use the capitalistic system to exist,
he urged his small audience to buy
from the capitalists only as much as
was absolutely necessary for a frugal
existence, and spend the rest of their
earnings for revolutionary purposes.
"If you don't buy from them," he as-
serted, "you are your own master.
If you do, you are a slave."
Automobile Deplored
He cited the automobile as the most
important instrument "in keeping the
masses under capitalism." More than
any other social factor, he explained,
the automobile diverts all the at-
tention of a person, not only in oper-
Seeks Change
In Michigan's
Driving Laws
G. J. Schlamp Tells State
Highway Conference Of
Proposed Alterations
Recommendation o f d r a s t i c
changes in the Michigan drivers' li-
cense law, including provisions for
the "bodily" arrest of operators driv-
ing without their licenses or display-
ing a license other than their own,
was made yesterday at the initial
session of the Michigan Highway
Conference by Inspector G. J. Sch-
lamp of Recorders' Court, Detroit.
Also included in Inspector Schl-
amp's proposals are a reduction in
the State weight tax on automobiles
and an increase to $3 of the three-
year license renewal tax; State ex-
amination and standardization of
local tests required for drivers' li-
censes; means for positive identifica-
tion, such as a photograph, finger
prints and history of previous of-
fenses, to be included in the driver's
license; and a requirement for all
drivers to display these licenses in
the corner of the windshield of their
Anticipates Opposition
"I realize that there are several
groups in Michigan politically in-
clined who will oppose this drastic
application," he stated, "but several
states are about to adopt an operat-

ors' license alw, and if these measures
are not adopted the automobile cen-
ter may again take cognizance of
other jurisdictions."
Inspector Schlamp stressed, among
the weaknesses in the present laws,
the inability of police to locate law-
breaking drivers. Due to the tran-
sient nature of a large portion of the
population, and partly as a result of
the constant transference of auto-
mobile titles, there are now nearly
13,000 warrants for the arrest of of-
1fending drivers that cannot be served,
he stated.
Reaction Tests Described
Moreover, he continued, 20 per
cent of the drivers in Wayne County
f are driving without operating licenses
at all, and tests upon which the is-
ninnra o nnmrnfn~yn nRCnc ra . har

ating one, but in trying to obtain one
and keep it running.
He told the students that theirs is
a "crisis generation," and predicted
that there would be "no stabiity"
for 40 years. "Individualism is a
thing of the past," he said. "The in-
dividual ceasesto be a pioneer and
will have to become a member of a
closely-knit band." He advised that
national planning is "out, and that
only world planning remains."
Explains Difference
The reasons why Dr. Nearing was
allowed to speak, sponsored by the
N.S.L., in a University building, while
John Strachey was refused a year
ago, according to Vice-President Shir-
ley W. Smith, is that no application
for a building was made to him for
the Strachey speech and an applica-
cation was made for Nearing. Since
the Strachey address here, the Na-
tional Student League funds have
come under University control, but
Mr. Smith said he thought that made
no difference.
Interviewed before his public lec-
ture, the slight, quiet Nearing, who
looks more like the member of a small
(Continued on Page 2)
Mercury Drops
To 11.8 Below,
Year's Coldest
Council Grants $2,000
For Removal Of Snow;
Cold To Continue
A report from the University Ob-
servatory at midnight gave a temper-
ature of 3.2 degrees below zero, with
a minimum of 3.7 degrees below since
7 p.m. last night. An all-night mini-
mum was expected sometime between
3 a.m. and 7 alm.
The present cold wave, which had
been languishing for the past week,
renewed itself with unexpected se-
verity yesterday, as the mercury hit a
new low, surpassing all previous rec-
ords for this winter.
Yesterday morning found tempera-
tures dropping steadily, with the low-
est temperature for the day, 11.8 de-
grees below zero, coming at about
9 a.m. This temperature surpasses
the previous low for the winter by
1.5 degrees, and, according to the
University Observatory Weather Bu-
reau, is the lowest temperature which
Ann Arbor has experienced in many
The high temperature for the day
of 11.8 degrees above zero came at
4 p.m., and the temperature at 7 p.m.
yesterday was reported as two de-
crees below zero, by the University
Observatory Weather Bureau.
Yesterday made a record-breaking
total of 34 freezing days out of the
last 36 consecutive days. Only twice
did the mercury ever climb above
Che freezing point, and then only
for a few hours.
An additional appropriation of $2,-
000 has been voted for snow removal
during the month of February by the
city council, bringing to $7,000 the
amount granted so far this winter.
Continued cold with possible lower
temperatures faces the entire state
today. Although temperatures rose
slowly in the Dakotas and along the
Atlantic coast yesterday, forecasts for
the nation generally were for colder
weather and more snow.
Thomas Plans
3 Ann Arbor
Norman Thomas, crusading social-
ist, twice chosen by his party to run

for President, will speak here three
times Friday.
At1:30 p.m. Mr. Thomas will ad-
dress the University High School As-
sembly; at 4 p.m. he will conduct a
forum for public school teachers of
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti in the Uni-
versity High school, and at 8:15 p.m.
he will speak in Hill Auditorium. The
topic for this last address is "A Pro-
gram for Our Times."
This will be Mr. Thomas' third ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor, his most re-
cent being in January, 1934, wher
he spoke on "The Student and the
Social Revolution."
Born in Marion, O., and descended
from a long line of Welsh Presbyter-
ian preachers, Mr. Thomas went intc
+Yz r- i- r.,v afa ai vnrQ n na_

Senate Keeps
'Freedom Of
Seas' Policy
Action On Compromise
Neutrality Resolution Is
Ban On Shipments+
Of Arms Retained
France Reaffirms Loyalty
To Great Britain, Says
Report From Rome
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. - (P) -
Sinking in a sea of "Noes" all efforts
to restrict traditional United States<
policy of freedom of the seas, the
Senate today completed congression-;
al action on the compromise neutral-
ity resolution.-
Not even a record vote was required
to send to the White House the pro-
posal extending from Feb. 29, 1936,
to May 1, 1937, the existing law's
temporary ban on arms shipments to1
belligerents or to neutrals for trans-
shipment to warring factions. Re-
strictions on loans and credits were
The House adopted the resolution
yesterday 353 to 27. Senate concur-
rence removed one hurdle in the path
of the May 1 adjournment goal, al-
though a furious fight was foreseen by
some senators.
ROME, Feb. 18.-((P).- France
stands "fully in accord" with Great
Britian concerning mutual assistance
in the Meditteranean, the Italian gov-
ernment disclosed tonight, as Fascist
leaders strengthened precautions
against "international emergencies."
A group of martial measures was
attempted today by the Italian gov-
ernment as a precaution against the
"international emergencies," well in-
formed sources disclosed.
They included a strengthening of
air and land forces and a large ap-
propriation for extraordinary colon-
ial military expenditures.
One involved the creation of Italy's
first areial division, with the Duke
Aosta, a cousin of King Victor Em-
manuel, as general in charge. Five
other officers were promoted to be
generals of aerial squadrons corres-
ponding to land corps, and there were
nearly 300 other promotions.
ichigan Daily
Tryouts To Be
An invitation to try out for the
editorial staff, the women's staff, or
the sports staff of The Daily was ex-
tended to all eligible second-semester
freshmen and sophomores yesterday.
Eligibility requirements demand
that a tryout has received at least
one "B" and no grade lower than a
"C" for last semester.
Tryouts are asked to report at the
following times: Sports staff, 4 p.m.
Monday; editorial staff, 4:30 p.m.
Monday: and women's staff, 4 p.m.
Instruction in elementary news
writing and headline writing will
comprise the work of the tryout until
promotions for next year's staffs are
made late in the spring.

Tryouts who are kept on the staff
will be promoted to the rank ,of re-
porter with the announcement of

Hockey Team
Wins, Setting
St. Thomas Overwhelmed,
12-5, As Michigan Hits
Season's Fastest Pace
Gib James Scores
10 Goals, 1 Assist
Four Goals In Final Period
Save Ontario Six From
Complete Disaster
Shattering every existing Wolverine
scoring record, Michigan's flashy left
winger, Gib James, humiliated Goalie
Bud Connor of St. Thomas in the
Coliseum last night when he banged
home 10 goals and was credited with
one assist as Coach Eddie Lowrey's
Varsity slipped into high gear for the
first time this season.
When the final gun brought an end
to the evening's hail of flying rubber,
bewildered officials calculated. the
score at 12-5, and a search back into
the record books failed to reveal any
game to parallel it in the annals of
Michigan hockey.
James' phenomenal total of ten.
goals eclipses the previous marks of
both Johnny Sherf and Vic Heyliger.
Against London in the opening game
of the present season Heyliger got
five goals and four assists for a total
of nine points, two less than James
got tonight.
Heyliger Sets Mark
Strangely enough, it was against
this same St. Thomas team that Sherf
set his high goal mark last year
when he bagged a round half-dozen
tallies while the Wolverines were
trouncing the Canadians, 8-3.
Heyliger, incidentally, set another
scoring record himself, last night
when he passed to James eight times
for eight goals.
The Ottawa sophomore got off to a
slow start considering the number of
points he made during the evening,
and the -first half of the opening pe-
riod saw ragged hockey on the part of
both teams.
Larry David, who got the first goal
of his collegiate career in the final
period last night, started off the fire-
works mid-way in the first period
after a session in the penalty box,
when he laid a perfect pass on James'
stick. Gib made no mistake as he
rifled a drive past Goalie Connor who
made a futile effort to save.
Less than a minute later Heyliger
made the same play and James had
Larry Moore Scores
Larry Moore, St. Thomas center,
netted his second tally as a Wolverine.
caught the whole Michigan team flat-
footed two minutes after James' sec-
ond goal, when he stick handled past
the defense and beat Shalek with a
drive into the far corner from 10 feet
The second period was less than
three minutes old when Hyliger
slipped a pass to James as he hit the
defense, and again Goalie Connor
plucked the rubber out of the twine.
James got his fourth counter of the
game after a melee in front of the St.
Thomas cage, banging home a loose
puck to make the score 4-1. Cinna-
mon was put off for spilling Heyliger
and the two goalies put on a tripping
act with St. Thomas a man short.
Shalek came out first to hoist Larry
Moore into the boards and a moment
later Connor tripped the Concord
Flash as he skated through the crease.
Larry David got his second penalty
of the game for holding Cinnamon

after the latter's return, and St.
Thomas put on the pressure. Michi-
(Continued on Page 2)

To Talk On Ethiopia


Israels Talks
On Ethiopians'
Former Correspondent Of
New York Times Speaks
In Lecture Series
A first-hand and authoritative ac-
count of the Italo-Ethiopian war will
be presented to patrons of the Uni-
versity Oratorical Association Lecture
Course by Josef Israels at 8:15 p.m.
tonight in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Israels has returned only re-
cently from the F~thiopian front,
where he represented the New York
Times and Pathe News. He is a per-
sonal friend of Haile Selassie, and
bears the official title of "Public Re-
lations Counsel for the Emperor of
Ethiopia" which was conferred on
him by the Emperor in person.
Is "Listening Post"
Mr. Israel's relation to the Ethio-
pian Emperor, according to the Feb-
ruary Program magazine, is not one
of a "glorified press agent," but rather
a "listening post." "He listens to,
what you and I and all of us say and{
Bishop Frederick B. Fisher, De-
troit, former pastor of the First
Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, will
speak on the subject 'What Can
America Learn From Russia?" at
a dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Union,
sponsored by the Highway Con-
ference. Friends of Dr. Fisher,
not connected with the confer-
ence, who wish to hear his talk,
have been invited to attend the
dinner. Tickets are available at
the Union desk.

4 Records
Tumble In
Track Meet*
Yost Feld House Mark Is
Tied As Third Annual
A.A.U. Meet Is Held
Wolverines' Relay
Team Topples Pitt
Bob Osgood Sets New State
High Hurdles Mark;
Runs Distance In 8.1
Four state A.A.U. records and a
Yost Field House mark went by the
boards while another Field House
record was tied in the third annual
Michigan A.A.U. relay carnival held
here last night.
Highly successful throughout, the
first pre-Olympic meet was climaxed
by one of the most thrilling races
ever staged here when Bob Osgood
led Harold Connelly to the tape by a
scant foot as the Michigan's mile
relay team bested Pittsburgh in a
University invitational event.
Running without Stan Birleson, an-
chor on the Conference record-hold-
ing quartet, the Michigan team of
Steve Mason, Harvey Patton, Captain
Frank Aikens and Osgood, came from
almost 20 yards behind to win in
3:24.4. After a bad exchange had
put him behind, game little Harvey
Patton picked up more than 15 yards
to give the baton to Aikens, who
was slowed at the start when he
bumped a Pittsburgh runner.
Osgood Wins
Aikens, still less than three yards
behind as a result of Patton's pae,
picked up the differe'r o give the
baton on even terms to Osgood. Los-
ing a one-step lead which he had
early established, Osgood went around
Connelly on the home stretch to win
by a bare margin.
In the record-breaking events, still
another Michigan star turned in one
of the best performances of the meet
when Sam Stoller, Varsity sprinter,
tied the Field House record for the
60-yard dash of 6.2 seconds, held by
Willis Ward. His time smashed the
A.A.U. mark of 6.3 seconds held by
Ward and Don Renwick, another for-
mer Wolverine star.
The only Field House mark to be
erased was in the high jump, when
Roscoe Washington, former Kalama-
zoo High school star competing un-
attached, went 6 feet, 35/8 inches to
better Willis Ward's former mark of
6 feet, 2% inches.
In the 65-yard high hurdles Bob
Osgood, who came back later to run
the anchor leg for the Michigan relay
team, bettered the A.A.U. mark of 8.2
seconds by a tenth, and in the state
college section mile relay Michigan
State, with Charles Dennis and Jim
Wright running the last two legs,
established another A.A.U. mark of
Performance Is Good
Still another A.A.U. record, in the
35-oound weight throw was disal-

think about the Ethiopian fracas, and
passes it on to his friend and boss,"
the magazine states.
Col. Henry W. Miller, head of the
department of mechanism and engi-
neering drawing, will introduce the
speaker, and Mr. Israel's lecture, en-
titled "Ethiopia's Death Struggle" will
be illustrated by motion pictures and
Met Emperor In 1929
In the speech which Mr. Israels
gave in New York shortly upon his
return from Ethiopia, he expressed
the belief that Ethiopia is well able
to defend itself, if not prevented from
the purchase of arms. He considers
Haile Selassie "one of the most as-
tute executives any country ever had,"
and "is not worried" about England
and Italy getting into a war.
Mr. Israels first became acquainted
with the Emperor in 1929, when he
made a visit to Ethiopia, and his
friendship with the Emperor, together
with his position as correspondent
for the New York Times, has enabled
him to gain access to the inner work-
ings of the Ethiopian affair.
Tickets for the lecture, priced at
35 cents, may be purchased at Wahr's
State street bookstore or at the Hill
Auditorium box office.
NYA Workers
Without Jobs,
Gram Reports
With 50 additional students accept-
ed by the University National Youth
Administration but without work t
keep them busy, Prof. Lewis M. Gram
head of the civil engineering depart-
ment and chairman of the local'NYA
committee, made a plea yesterday fo:
members of the faculty to provide
them with jobs.
All faculty members having pro
jects on which students miaht be em

Far East, International Danger
Zone, Is Hayden's Topic Today


lowed when Clark Haskins' weight
was found to be light, although he
had thrown it 50 feet, 4 inches.
Each of the four featured events
in the carnival, the University relay,
half-mile, mile and pole vault, re-
sulted in good performances although
no records were broken.
In the pole vault Dave Hunn,
competing unattached pending review
of his scholastic condition by the
Michigan committee on eligibility,
went 13 feet, 4%t inches as Ray Lowry,
co-holder of the National A.A.U. in-
door title and Bill Hawthorne, of
Michigan Normal, tied for second.
In the half-mile Abe Rosenkrantz,
of Michigan Normal, held off Ben
Starr of Michigan to win in 1:56
and in the mile Clayton Brelsford
and Bill Staehle, both of Michigan,
finished ahead of the field with the
winning time of 4:24. Neither Bill
Daly of the University of Detroit nor
Ray Fink, of Michigan, were entered.
Outstanding in the high school
events was the mile run, won by
Ralph Schwarzkoff of Saginaw East-
ern in the fast time of 4:29.4. No
high school mile mark is listed in
the A.A.U. records.
In the shot put Bill Watson, re-
rently enrolled as a Michigan fresh-
man, missed a first place by a quarter
of an inch when Ken Barnhill, unat-
tached, won with a throw of 45 feet,
9%/4 inches.
- ri1 is _ T112

The future of that dynamite-
packed danger spot of the earth -
the Far East - will be discussed at
4:15 p.m. today by Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden of the political science de-
partment, who recently gave up his
duties as vice-governor of the Philip-
pine Islands to return to the Univer-
sity faculty.
Professor Hayden's address, the
title of which will be "The Changing
Orient," will be given in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre in the League.
Although he thoroughly enjoyed
his work as vice-governor, Professor
Hayden declares he is very glad to
be "back on the job," and even says
ha -' f -ip i4 c,-, iv on A r

to the Philippines. Twice before he
had gone there as an exchange pro-
fessor, once exchanging with Dr
Maximo Kalaw, who taught here for
a year.
Prominent in the exploration and
development of the islands have been
several University graduates. Joseph
B. Steere, '70, did notable work ex-
ploring, Dr. Robbins said, and Dean
C. Worcester, '89, served as secre-
tary of the interior of the Philippine
government from 1911 to 1913 and
became a member of the Philippine
Commission. Paul C. Freer, one-time
chairman of the chemistry depart-
ment here, directed the Scientific
To hnnatrviQi2e inraniia .frnm 10A4 +fn

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