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September 30, 1949 • Page Image 1

…National Newspaper Week, Oct. 1-8 Story on Page 20 THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events VOLUME_16—No. 3 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, September 30, 1949 crCIEJ50.7 $3.00 Per Year ; ,,Single Copy, 10c Open Thou the gate, 0 Lord, . Yea, even as it swingeth closed, For lo, the day declineth fast. As the day doth wane, 0 Lord, Yea, as the sun doth set, 0 let us enter in Thy gate. . —From the...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Midrasha Opens Fall Registration; Ask Rabbis to Aid UHS Camp-sign Registration for the autumn quarter of the Midrasha, the United Hebrew Schools' College of Jewish Studies, will begin Oct. 3 and continue through Oct. 13, at the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg., 13226 Lawton. Thursday evening, Oct. 13, is set for the opening convocation, and classes begin Oct. 20, to con- tinue through Dec. 29. Classes and instructors in the teachers' training and adva...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Israel to Ask for Political Recognition in Jeru s alem Special JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News FLUSHING MEADOW, N. Y.—Aubrey S. Eban, Israel's permanent delegate to the United Nations, in his first speech to the general assembly this session, this week revealed his government will propose that the assembly limit UN com- mitment in relation to Jerusalem to safeguarding holy places and initiating such formal agreements with the state of ...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 4

…Can't Even Our Bones Be Left in Peace? As the Editor Views the News .. . Guest Columnist Notes JWB, Center Highlights MUNICH,— GERMANS OPEN A MASS GRAVE TO USE THE SOIL FOR 'COMMERCIAL PURPOSES 'Sabbath of Sabbaths' By BERNARD POSTAL (Copyright, 1949, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) (Boris Smolar, who conducts the "Between You and Me" column, has invited Bernard postal to submit a guest column this week. Mr. Postal is a veteran journali...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH NEWS - Dr. Hershman's Work on Maimonides Friday. September 30, 1949 Published by Yale University Press Temple Beth El lowed in the case of plotting Dr. A. M. Hershman, Rabbi Fetes Harry Grant Emeritus of Congregation witnesses. The Treatise on Reb- 5 Bennett Cerf, Leo Schwarz Appear At Hudson's Book Festival Next Week Two noted Jewish authors — Leo Schwarz, whose latest book, "The Root and the Bough", is attracting wide attenti...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Economic Strength for Israel Seen in Pound Devaluation - AVIV, (JTA)—The deval- uation of the Israel pound on a par with the British pound ster- ling at $2.80 had no effect on Israel's financial life. All banks and financial institutions in this country remained open for busi- ness without the slightest sign of panic. The devaluation was an- nounced by Finance Minister Eliezer Kaplan, who said that Israel's action was a direct con- sequence ...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Congregational Activities Officiates in Pontiac Synagogues List Yam Kippur Services for Worshippers Further details on services for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the Sabbath of Repentance, and Sukkot have been announced by Detroit congregations. Sabbath of Repentance services will be held this Friday evening and Saturday morning, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. The Day of Atonement begins Sunday evening, Oct. 2, and continues all day Monday, Oct. ...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 8

…1949 • 5710 Our cordial New Year greetings to all our friends and rela- tives and the entire Jewish community, whom we join in prayers for a year of peace, good-will and prosperity for all. A Mr.- & Mrs. Meyer A. Kotkin & Mother Mrs. Katz F Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Freedman & Daughter, Lenore 18272 Fairfield Dr. & Mrs. LeRoy L. Atler & Family 18430 San Juan B Mr. & Mrs. William Ginsburg & Son, Sol 1692 Blaine Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Glazer & D...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 9

…, w1111 .111W, Rabbinical Bodies Working For an Israeli Jerusalem NEW YORK — The American Zionist Council disclosed that the leading rabbinical bodies in the United States are solidly united in the determination to resist all attempts to cut off Jerusalem - from the State of Israel, The Council reported that the following rabbinical organiza- tions were taking a leading part in the campaign to keep Jerusa- lem within the framework of Israel:...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Northwest Women To Open Season Mrs. Joseph M. Markel, presi- dent of the Sisterhood of the Northwest Hebrew Congregation, announces that the first meeting of the new year will be at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday. Oct. 5, at the synagogue social hall. The program of the evening, "Designed for Living," will fea- ture members as models in a fashion show. This meeting is open to all members and prospective mem- bers. A social hour will follow. Mrs. M a r ...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH NEWS 11 Friday, September 30, 1949 Honeymoon in East I - divitieo in, Jociety - Louts James Rosenberg of the • Belcrest Apartment Hotel has returned to the city after a week's trip to New York. Mr. and-Mrs. Stanley Fleischaker of West Eight Mile Road, had as their guests last week his parents from Lpuisville. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Rosenthal returned on Monday to their home in Hollywood, Fla., after a short visit with their child...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 12

…rrf'TmWiso.PPmipPimmPminPi.wwipomiofwww.ixowwwswiwwPgierWipi ---- e New Detroiter Registers Son at Yeshiva ISAAC SANDAU, a recent arrival in Detroit, registers his son, Eliezer, 4, in the nursery of Yeshivath Beth Yehudah. In- terviewed in Germany by a Joint Distribution Committee worker, Sandau at first hesitated to come to the United States because he feared he could not raise his son in the ancient Jewish traditions. Informed that facil...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 13

…ciiviiieo tf2 Societv Marcia Ellstein of Roselawn Ave. left last week to attend the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Fla. Aaron Robbins has returned to his home in Washington, D. C., after spending the week-end here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Irving I. Katz of Santa Rosa Drive entertained a group of friends at a dinner party Sept. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore I. Cooper are now residing at 3370 Bloomerset Drive, Bloomfield...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 14

…14—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 30, 1949 French, Dutch May Compromise at UN On Jerusalem FLUSHING MEADOW, (JTA) —Robert Schuman, French For- Jewish News Art Editor eign Minister, has indicated to the UN General Assembly that It seems to me that the life of a true artist cannot be France was open to a compro- commemorated by a single memorial exhibition. Todros Gel- mise on the Jerusalem issue. In a ler, whose oils and several watercolo...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 15

…-Young Adult Community Busy calendar Set For Beth El YPC Richard Breuer Heads Business Fraternity At its annual convention in Sunday aftenioon, Oct. 9, has Minneapolis, Minn., Mu Beta been set for the annual kick-off dance of the Temple Beth El Chi, national Jewish business Young People's Club. Acting social chairman Mary Lou Kleinman has arranged for a six-piece orchestra to play for dancing in the Temple social hail from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Al...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 16

…• 16—THE JEWISH NEWS Yom. Kippur Deadline Sept. 30 On account of Yom Kippur, observance of which will be on Monday, Oct. 3, all copy for the issue of The Jewish News of Oct. 7 must be in the hands of the edi- tor not later than at 12 noon on Friday, Sept. 30. Brevities DURFEE Noted Cleveland Rabbi to Speak At Council's Education Program Dr. Shrnarya Kleinman, presi- dent. of the Jewish Community Council, announces that Dr. Bar- nett R. ...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 17

…• • :14111iiiiiiMMintimitittIminliiIiMIIIIIIIiminniiiiiiitimittmillinmiiiimillitimIlIMMIffilimmunitiim ''HE JEWISH NEWS - 17 Friday, September 30, 1949 • Danny ' Raskins 0 S - -f AJC Groups Protest UN's Jerusalem Plan And Riots in Peekskill. Thousands of telegrams and leters were sent this week to President Truman and to War- ren Austin, United States repre- Lf-- sentative at the United Nations, 71 . - 0 0,100000080101!!!1!!!!!!mi...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 18

…18 Mrs. Morgenthau Dead, t 57 • —International photo • MRS. HENRY MORGENTHAU JR. died at ST in a New York hospital last week. Her husband, former Secretary of the Treasury and chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, is a pa- tient at the same hospital. Mrs. Morgenthau was active in Jew- ish affairs, and was particuarly helpful to Hadassah, for whom she made many public appearances. She was a niece of former govetinor Herbert Lehman of New Yo...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 19

…THE JEWISH NEWS Classified Advertisements 19 Friday, September 30, 1949 Culture and Education Section of Agency Sullivan, Brotherhood Led by Green6erg Week Chairman NEW YORK-The establish- ment of a department of cul- ture and education to work in cooperation with local Jewish educational and cultural groups outside of Israel, was announced by the Jewish Agency for Pales- tine. The new department will be headed by Dr. Hayim Greenberg, memb...…

September 30, 1949 • Page Image 20

…`Jews—Not White Americans' St. Louis Police Inaugurate Biased Identification System By MILTON FRIEDMAN WASHINGTON—Jews are not considered "White Ameri- cans" in a newly-adopted police identification system in St. Louis. Washington Jewish sources are seething with indigna- tion over an official affront to American Jewry on the part of the Police Department of St. Louis, Mo. With the approval and cooperation of the Federal Bureau of Investig...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Chronicle on the Air c 13 atiza - Lt ' 4 lh, , Vol. 51 — No. 36 , -0. 27 Thurso. (\g, .(. A Soldier J 10c a Copy — $3 Per Year Atonement Calls Jewry to Prayers First Program Starts Sunday At 10:45 a. m., Sunday, the Jewish Chronicle goes on the air. Forty-five minutes to suit any taste will comprise the opening program of the "Chronicle Hour" over station WKMH, between • • • WXYZ and WEXL on your dial. Judaism's most solemn fes- t...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Thursday, September PETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Israel to Spend 50 Million on Public Works Project • TEL AVIV (WNS)—According to an announcement by the labor ministry, the Israel govern- ment has already appropriated 18 million pounds, or more pan 50 million dollars, for public works projects which will pro- vide employment for unemployed immigrants. It was revealed that 10,000 new immigrants have been given homes in agricultural settlements ...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Thursday, September 29,t49 otyyttoiT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 3 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL KKK Called Myth by Southern Director of ADL BY PHINEAS J. BIROS A LEXANDER F. MILLER, southern director of the Anti-Defamation League, in an interview reported by Frederick Woltman of the New York World Tele- gram, calls the Ku Klux Klan a myth. The ADL gentleman from the south is not in the least worried about the KKK. Ac- cording to Miller, the KKK is a...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 4

…,Thursday, September 29, 1949 . DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Detroit Jewish Chronicle Look Behind, Uncle! 125,000 Jews U.S. Farmers, Report Shows Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. WOodward 1-1040 2827 Barium Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, flitch., under the Act of March 3, 187...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Thursday, September 21, &$41 Mrs. Weiner Is Named by JWF Women DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE In lanai Brith Revue AK Women Ask Probe On Peekskill Mrs. Leonard II. Weiner, one of Detroit's 00,. banding Jewish communal leaders, was elected president of the Women's Divi- sion of the Jewish Welfare Fed, eration at the division's annual meeti111. Wednesday. In assuming the presidency, Mrs. Weiner becomes the third women to hold the office since the ...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Thursday, September 29, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 6 JWV Issues Riot' Clause Alt! Group Planners WOMEN'S CLUBS tiooks Pt iodicals is Novel Aids NEW YORK—Jewish War Vet- erans' units throughout the coun- try were directed to apply a "quarantine treatment to public appearances of, or utterances by, Communists, Fascists and all other subversive elements." The directive was issued by the JWV's national policy committee, which announ...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Thursday, September 29,949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE No Longer a DP Bnai Brith Highlights Morgenthau Lodge New members were initiated by Elias Goldberg, council degree team chairman at the lodge's first meeting of the season. An execu- tive meeting will be held Wednes- day evening, Sept. 28, at the home of president Jack Carninker. • • • Oscar Bank, degree team chairman, announces that the team performed the initiation ceremony for the H...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Thursday, September 29, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 8 in Fite Ran U. of AI. Students Betrothed of local Society Joan Brawer Speaks Vows to Alvin Shifman Parents Tell Troth Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brawer of Sturtevant avenue announce tho marriage of their daughter, Joan to Alvin Shifman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Shifman, of Prairie avenue, Sept. 18. , Rabbi Joshua Sperka officiated at the ceremony. Following a honeymoon in New Yor...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Thursday, September 2$,194!, DETROIT Sanford Perlis Is Back From Honeymoon Trip JEWISH CHRONICLE Exchange Nuptial Vows Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Perlis (Vivian .Goldberger of Wood- mere, L.I.) have returned from their honeymoon in the New Eng- land states and are spending the holidays with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Perlis of Glynn court. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dia- mond of Longfellow avenue have returned from spending the sum- mer at t...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 10

…rage 1 0 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE AJC Women Hit UN Plan Netvlytved Hadassah Group to Hear 'Author Leu Schwartz, noted autho- re- cently back from Israel, will ad- dress Honor Roll and Member- ship workers of Hadassah at 11 a. in:, Thufsday, Oct. 6 in the Variety Club Room of the Hotel Tuller. Protesting the projected plan of the UN Conciliation Commit- ec to internationalize Jerusalem, the Detroit Division of the American Jewish Congress...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 11

…Thursday, September 29, 1919 Events of the Week DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE , Israel Sights New Centers NEW YORK — The National Paul Robeson will sing and Jewish Welfare Board (JWB) is speak on Sunday, Oct. 9, at the serving as the transmission belt Forest Club, Hastings at Forest. for conveying the techniques and experiences of the a....vish Com- Equality Club and the Park munity Center movement in the Loan Club pledged $500 and $100, U. S. ...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Page 12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, September 29, ISO N. W. Sisterhood to Open Season with Fashion Show A fashion show will feature the opening session of the North- west Hebrew Sisterhood at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 5 at the Rex 11 Bnai Britfi group ... re- social hall, Mrs. Joseph M. Mar- cently converted from a BBYO kel, president, announced. chapter. A joint meeting with the Men's Sam Plotler maps the activities Club will be h...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 13

…TInunday, September 29, 1949 DETROIT iIRWISH CHRONICLE 1) 7 Teen-Age Sophisticates Page 13 Mary- 0 -cq0 fl Weold No. Union nd OAr0111 By HELEN TENNENBAUM lay MARY A. COOPER . . IME REALLY FLIES by MO of A RARE PW41.1glar- A these autumn days, what NN ARBOR — "Where, 0' daily double, Leonard Mehr is . ' tliPiC4r604400Kooxitc)riter ■ ImAint • with school work, football games 0Arkrol aoia 1814 - IT tf•CluDel, where, are the verdant fresh-...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 14

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 14 Thursday, September 29, 19411 Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted up to 10 A. M. Wednesday Rates: 6c-Per Word. Minimum Charge $1.00, Payable in Advance of Publication 2827 BARLUM TOWER PERSONAL YOUNG Jewish girl desires to get ac- quainted with Jewish eligible gentle- man bachelor 27-33. One who has ambition. Object matrimony. State age. Box 206, Detroit Jewish Chronicle . WIDOW of...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 15

…Thursday, September 29, 1949 List the Rites of Atonement (Continued from Page 1) preach on "Growing Up" in the social hall. Worship begins at 9 a.m., Mon- day. Rabbi Morris Adler will preach on "American Judaism— Distinction or Difference," in the main auditorium. "A Faith for the Living" will be discussed by Rabbi Davis in the social hall. Cantor Jacob H. Sonenklar and visiting Cantor Philip Blackman vlill officiate, assisted by the Synago...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 16

…Page 16 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE OUR ATHLETES Worked at MSC rle U. '11' Eyes Big Time, Says Wismer By MITCHELL TENDLER HARRY WISMER was principal speaker at the recent Wayne University "fraternity night" fes- tivities. The ace ABC sports di- rector left behind some very potent food for thought. v• • For some reason, it never oc curred to us that the Wayne foot- ball team m ight some day in the not-to-distant fu- ture be callin6 their s...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 1

…May You Be HE JEWISH NEWS Inscribed in the Book of Life A For a Happy Year VOLUME 16—No. 2 Weekly Review of Jewish Events 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, September 23, 1949 er4S7 "1 —Photo By Kluger, Jerusalem 1.E'.1 . $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c T. . 5710 7; 1 Sound the great Shofar for our freedom, lift up' the ensign to gather our exiles; bring our scattered ones • among the na- tions near,...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 2

…*11118111 U , Combines Education Month, 30th Anniversary s• Extensive Activities Outlined In Branches, Affiliated Units Observance of the 23rd annual Education Month of the United Hebrew Schools was launched at .a meeting at the Rose Sittig Cohen Building, Sept. 16, held under the chair- manship of Jacob Kellman,: chairman of this year's Educa- tion Month Activities. Daniel Cullen is Kellman's co-chair- man. Plans were made for extensive...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Eban Outlines Israel Principles Before UN Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News FLUSHING MEADOWS, N. Y. —The fourth session of the United Nations General Assem- bly opened Tuesday with the question of the fate of Jerusa- lem looming high on the agenda. It is not known when debate on the Jerusalem issue will begin. Observers here believe that discussion of the UN Concilia- tion Commission plan for an in- ternational regime for Jerusalem ...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 4

…As the Editor Views the News .. . Today and Tomorrow The Day of the Lord Bath Come By DR. NOAH E. ARONSTAM All ye peoples clap your hands, shout unto God with at voice of triumph. —Psalm 47:2. A Happy New Year - More than ever before, we have cause for rejoicing and thanksgiving as we welcome the year 5710. (4 Jewry has witnessed the realization of what has been considered an unrealizable dream in the establishment of Israel. The displa...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Hordes Forest to be Planted Near Jerusalem Detroit Leader to be Honored By Keren Kayemeth in Israel William Hordes, chairman of the board of the eJwish National Fund Council of Detroit, former president of the JNF Council and a leader in the labor Zionist movement, will be honored in Israel in November with the planting of the forest to bear his name, on land of the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael). A communication received re-...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Israel Takes to Sea I By MATITIAHU HINDES (Copyright, 1949, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) The S.S. Haifa, when it anchors in the lower part of New York harbor, is an object of keen interest to passersby. Accustomed to seeing flags of all nations waving at the stern of many ships, the appearance -of the blue-and-white flag of Israel strikes a new note. • Landlocked for centuries ; Jews, nevertheless, have main- tained the tradition of the...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Wins Seminary Honor THE JEWISH NEWS-7 Leaders at UM Emergency Session Friday, September 23, 1949 "FORSAKE US NOT Israel Pound Set At New $2.87 Rate Noted Detroit and other Jewish leaders who took part in ses- sions reviewing the critical cash position of the United . Jewish Appeal included LOUIS BERRY of Detroit, right; Washington economist ROBERT R. NATHAN, second from right; JACK D. WEILER of New York, background; and JOSEPH MEYERHOFF,...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Herzl Dreamed and Israel Gained Hope of Redemption Hebrew, the Prophets°Tongue, A Living American Influence By ROBERT SEELAY By TINA LEV ITAN The wheels of the railway train were beating out a staccato of hard sounds upon the metal rails which re-echoed "He's a Jew! He's a Jew!" with evenness and regu- larity. 'Theodore Herzl trembled, moved about, opened his eyes and stirred a little. Then into his ear came the hammering words, actual an...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Solemn Services Tonight Usher in New Year Rabbis Announce Rosh Hashanah Sermon Topic Worshippers will gather in all temples and synagogues this Friday evening, for the solemn services which usher in the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah rites will continue on Saturday morning in Reform temples and on Saturday eve- ning and Sunday morning in Conservative and Orthodox congregations. At Bnai David, Elmhurst at 14th, evening services begin at 6, an...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 10

…21 D17171712n3n a in ta A HAPPY NEW NE 57/ 0 1949.50 H Old City With A New Face Jaffa Is Study in Contrasts By LOTTE FULD (Copyright, 1949, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) The terrace of the little restaurant in Jaffa is packed with Jews of all nationalities, sipping their coffee. Jews in European and Oriental clothes float along the streets. The city is full of new immigrants-30,000 DPs from Europe and immigrants from the Balkan coun...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 11

…Y om Kippur Deadline Sept. 30 Michigan Leaders at UJA Conference On account of YOM Kippur, observance of which will be on s Monday, Oct. 3, all copy for the issue of The Jewish News of Oct. 7 must be in the hands of the &b.- ' for not later than at .12 noon on Friday, Sept. 30. Bureau's New Catalogue Lists Lecturers, Artists Outstanding leaders of Michigan Jewish communities who joined with 800 communal _leaders from all parts of the count...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 12

…12—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 23, 1949 Jewish Young Adults Given Responsibility In City Torch Fund In • recognition of the work done by Jewish young adults in last year's Community Chest drive, officials of the Torch Fund have entrusted the Community Service Committee of the Jewish Young Adult Council with res- ponsibility for an area encom- passing four districts. The area co-chairmen will be Albert Colman, President of the Communit...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 13

…Harry S. Grant, 'Detroit Industrialist, To Celebrate 70th Birthday Sept. 30 in the communal field. He has been active for many years in the Allied Jewish Campaign and Community Chest. During the war he assisted actively in the War Chest campaigns. He was formerly treasurer of the AJC and served on the board of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Grant also has been promi- nent in the effort to build a Jewish hospital in Detroit. A continuing reco...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 14

…14 THE JEWISH NEWS Kurt Peiser Takes Friday, September 23, 1949 High Administrative New Postal Regulation Post at Pennsylvania Affects Greeting Cards An innovation in higher edu- cation was announced last week, with the appointment of Dr. Kurt Peiser, for. 12 years execu- tive vice president of the Phila- delphia Federation of Jewish Charities and Allied Jewish Ap- peal, to the post of director of development of the University of Pennsylvan...…

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