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September 29, 1949 - Image 3

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1949-09-29

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Thursday, September 29,t49


Page 3


KKK Called Myth by Southern Director of ADL


A LEXANDER F. MILLER, southern director of the

Anti-Defamation League, in an interview reported
by Frederick Woltman of the New York World Tele-
gram, calls the Ku Klux Klan a myth.
The ADL gentleman from the south is not in the
least worried about the KKK. Ac-
cording to Miller, the KKK is a
myth "for which the Communists
and certain daily newspapers and
periodicals are largely responsible."
Why, to believe Miller, the new
Imperial Emperor of the non-exis-
tent Knights of the KKK is nothing
but a "crackpot" whom the north
Miller also feels that the great
majority of the south is being ma-
ligned by the north. The great
majority of whites in the south are still for segrega-
tion, Miller admits but "with more and more emphasis
on equal rights for Negroes in housing, health, and

AS A MATTER OF FACT, according to Miller, the
slogan that spreads all over the south is "Separate but
Under ordinary circumstances we would dismiss
Miller with a lenient smile. His statement reads like
a parody that would make splendid material for a
musical comedy.
"Separate but equal"—just pause for a moment. It
reminds one of the campaign slogans of presidential
candidate Wintergreen in that unforgettable musical
comedy, "Of Thee I Sing."
Really, separate hospitals, separate military and
naval units, separate theaters, separate compartments,
apartments, separate schools, yet equal rights. In
other words, equal rights in segregrated cells.
• • •
BRAVO, MR. MILLER. The sad part of this fascia'
interview is that Miller is a paid employe of a Jewish
defense agency which spends millions of dollars every
year to combat discrimination. We are frankly puzzled.
If it be true that the KKK is a myth and that
organized anti-Semitism is just an hallucination, then
why should the UJA and the welfare chests contribute
funds to the ADL for fighting a non-existent danger?


Vishinsky Explains Why
Romania Forbids Exits

'Hone Sponsor

Shocken Books would gain in
readability if the orthography of
"leader recently conferred at
Paris with the French foreign the Yiddish text were more care-
minister. During the conversa- fully conceived Hanan Ayalti,
tion the question of Jewish rule collector of the proverbs, is one of
over Jerusalem was raised. Reti- the most gifted Yiddish novelists.
cent to discuss the issue, Schu- Isidor Goldstick's translation of
mann told his visitor, "Don't for-
the Yiddish text could have been
get that I am a churchgoer."
more carefully edited.
Russia's Vishinsky was recently
Pierre van Paassen's "Why Je
asked by a high Israeli figure to
explain the motive behind Ro- sus Died," published by the Dia
mania's refusal to permit the exit Press, merits the widest circula-
of Jews to Israel. The Israeli tion. It smashes the myth that
diplomat told the Soviet states- the Jews were responsible for
BILL PACKER, owner of
man that the new state needed the death of Jesus.
The second volume "The Jew- Packer's Pontiac Co., is one
manpower for the reclamation of
the Negev.
ish People—Past and Present," of the goodwill sponsors of the
Vishinsky replied that Roma- sponsored and published by "Chronicle Hour." The com-
nia needed the Jewish intelli- CYCO, Central Yiddish Culture pany is composed of Packer and
gentsia, and then he pertly added, Organization, bears the same high his son, Bill Packer, Jr. The
"You' know, of course, that Ro- standard as the first one. It is elder Packer has been In the
mania has many Negevs."
a must book for all English- automobile business for 30
• • •
reading Jews with genuine Jew- years, during which he has
served with General Motors
SOPHISTRY had a gala day at ish cultural concern.
and Packard Motors. His pres-
Flushing Meadows after Ache-
• • •
ent location is on Livernois,
son's statement on Jerusalem.
PUBLICATION by the Philo- between Curtis and Seven Mile
What seemed as simple backing
sophical Library of "The Life road, where he has a Pontiac
by the American State Depart-
and Times of Jehudah Halevi," agency. The company has 50,-
ment of the proposed internation-
by Rudolf Keyser, should serve 000 feet of service space and
alization plan suddenly lurked in
to revive interest not only in one has serviced more Pontiaes
the minds of the hair-splitters as
a development favorable to the of the greatest Hebrew poets but in the past two years than any
in the great medieval epoch
other dealer in Michigan.
Israeli position.
which he and other great Jewish
If the air of jubilation which
scholars so influenced.
tell you the Talmud was chanted
prevailed at a secret caucus of
"Story Without End," by Solo- in Yiddish.
Arab delegates immediately after
the Acheson pronouncement can mon Landman and Benjamin Ef-
The Yiddish, P.E.N. Club has
be taken as a weathervane, it ron, published by Holt, purports not yet received a reply from
will take heroic efforts to change to be an objective history of the the Soviet ambassador in Wash-
the pro-internationalization wind, Jews. It is not and it has glaring ington to its inquiry regarding
In the end the key to the solu- inaccuracies.
the fate of Jewish culture and
tion rests in Mr. Truman's hands.
What is the source of their as- the allegedly arrested Jewish
If that key remains secreted, Is- sertion that while Yiddish was writers in Soviet Russia.
rael will force the issue by a the language of the ghetto in
The issue of community-sub-
bold move.
everyday intercourse, Hebrew sidized versus independent Jew-
• • •
was used in the study of the ish newspapers wil come to the
THE RECENTLY PUBLISHED Bible and the Talmud. Ask any fore with a bang soon. The pub-
volume, "Yiddish Proverbs," by old Yeshivah student and he will lisher of an Anglo-Jewish paper

We surely don't see the need to finance such mental
giants as Miller who should be on the vaudeville
stage instead of presuming to speak for liberal thought
in America.

• •

tion, which is doing a beautiful job should have a
serious talk with certain Jewish institutions of learn-
• The other day we received a letter, appealing for
funds to help support a school of Jewish learning. In
the letter was enclosed a cheaply manufactured
Mazzuzah, labelled "Lucky Charm."
The letter implied that if you would send a donation
to this particular school, the enclosed lucky churns
would protect you and bring you luck in whatever
you were doing.
That type of an approach is unworthy of an educa-
tional institution. Its very character nullifies the
validity of Jewish education which this institution is
trying to sell.
We hope that the American Association for Jewish
Education will be able to exercise some control over
the schools guilty of such racketeering techniques.

in one of the large cities in the
eastern part of the country is
about to charge that it cost the
community about $90,000 to sub-
sidize a publication which a
private owner could have oper-
ated at a profit.
The second volume of Dr. Solo-
mon Goldman's monumental 10-
volume survey of the Bible will
be published in October by Har-
pers. It is called "In the Be-
ginning" and treats entirely of
the Book of Genesis.

Israel-World Tic
Seen in New Unit

Israel 'Prep' Course
Set by Hechalutz Group

NEW YORK —Hechalutz Or-
ganization of America wil hold a
second semina r for prospective
American settlers in Israel. The
course is tentatively set to begin
on Oct. 10.
The seminar is open to persons
24-26 and will be held for three
weeks in the New York vicinity.

The Jewish Chronicle news
deadline is noon on Mondays.

AL Friends

NEW YORK — The establish-
ment of a department of culture
and education to work in coop-
eration with local Jewish educa-

tional and cultural groups out-
side of Israel, was announced by
the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
The new department will be
headed by Dr. Hayim Greenberg,
member of the American section

of the Jewish Agency executive,
and will have offices in New
York and Jerusalem.


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