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September 23, 1949 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-09-23

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Combines Education Month, 30th Anniversary


Extensive Activities Outlined
In Branches, Affiliated Units

Observance of the 23rd annual Education Month of the
United Hebrew Schools was launched at .a meeting at the
Rose Sittig Cohen Building, Sept. 16, held under the chair-
manship of Jacob Kellman,: chairman of this year's Educa-
tion Month Activities. Daniel Cullen is Kellman's co-chair-
Plans were made for extensive activities, including radio

programs, addresses in syna-
gogues during the Holy Days, I This year also marks the 30th
organizational - meetings, open anniversary of Isaacs' coming to
house days in all branches of Detroit.
the schools and special projects
In addition to the WWJ pro-
by affiliated groups of the gram, it was announced by Ab-
raham Lachover, administrative
Bernard Isaacs, superintend- assistant of the schools, that
ent, and Albert Elazar, associate four programs are being con-
superintendent of the schools, tributed by Mrs. Hyman Altman,
outlined previous activities and on her broadcasts over Station
announced plans for the forth- WJLB, and that a half hour pro-
coming year to advance the gram will be broadcast on the
cause of Jewish education in FM station WDET.

Kellm.an announced that, as
in previous years, a special ra-
dio broadcast will be presented
on Station WWJ.

nti-Semitism Keeping
Germany from UN Unit

ROME, (JTA)—Efforts to see
cure the admission of Germany
into the World Federation of the
United Nations Associations
failed here following a stirring
address delivered by Daniel Aus-
ter, mayor of Jerusalem, who
represents Israel at the conven-
tion of the Federation.
The efforts were made by the
delegates of Austria and were
supported by British and Italian
representatives. In opposing Ger-
many's admission, Auster point-
ed out that anti-Semitism is
now just as strong in Germany
as under the Nazi regime, and
that the German people are far
from being , democratic-minded.
His suggestion to reject the mo-
tion made by the Austrian dele-
gate for the admission of Ger-
many was adopted following a
brief debate.

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the
United Hebrew Schools will
sponsor a special meeting ded-
icated • to Education Month
Oct. 27, at the-Northwest He-
brew Congregation. The en-
tire community will be invit-

ents to enroll children in the
The Alumni Association also
is planning special events, in-
Since this year's observance
cluding participation in enroll-
also marks the 30th anniversary
ment efforts. The Parent-Teach-
of the United Hebrew Schools,
ers Organizations are arrang-
Abraham Kasle, president of the
Kvutzah Ivrith and its Wom- ing a canvass of homes to en-
schools, has indicated that a en's Auxiliary are arranging a
roll children in the schools. The
number of special events will be special meeting and visits to PTO's also are sponsoring a
arranged to mark the event. many homes to encourage par- movement for children to bring
friends to the schools in an ef-
fort to interest them in Jewish
studies. Ruben Isaacs and Her-
bert Fortgang are chairmen of
the Alumni Association observ-

Purely Commentary

A Comparatively Good Year

Michael Michlin, principal
of the Northwest Synagogue
Branch of the schools, stated
that hundreds of homes are
being called by teachers to en-
courage children's enrollment.
According to Sol Kasdan, pres-
ident of the Teachers' Associa-
tion, many homes also will be
visited by teachers during
their free hours.
A call has gone forth to rab-

We are leaving behind a hard, but a comparatively good year.
Israel prospered against great odds in 5709. Although much
less money is being provided for the settlement of hundreds of
thousands of displaced persons in the Jewish State, Israelis have
shown great capacity for building. The creators of the new state
have tightened their belts and are welcoming all the newcomers—
putting to shame Jews in the Diaspora who have not fully recog-
nized the great miracles which were wrought in our time.
Progress has been made in Washington in the battle for the
liberalization of unfair immigration legislation.
Courageous efforts have been made to put an end to dis-
crimination in all walks of life and a determined movement is on bis and congregational presi-
foot to protect the basic principles of our democracy by keeping dents to enlist their aid in be-
half of Education Month. Ad-
church and state separate.
dresses will be delivered in all
5709 Was Exciting
In Israel, 5709 was exciting. There were weeks when nearly synagogues. The synagogue com-
mittee consists of Henry Fein-
10,000 new settlers found homes there. The political situation has
Harry Cohen, Abe Kasle,
eased and the firmness of Israel's leaders has been responsible for
Alex Roberg and Joseph Katz.
accomplishments of which the new state can justly be proud.
Mitchell Feldman, chairman
Knesset—the first Jewish Parliament in more than 2,0010 years
of the Board of Education at
—began to function in 5709. This, in itself, distinguishes the Cong. Bnai Moshe, revealed that
past year as one of the most important in our entire history.
'Israel's First President—Dr. Chaim Weizmann—was elected in a symposium on Jewish educa-
tion will be featured soon at
the synagogue.
Israel has more than an army, a navy, an air force. She has
Kasdan announces that the
currency, postage stamps, diplomatic representatives among all
annual brunch, held during Ed-
the nations of the world except among the Arabs.
ucation Month, again will be
There is an austerity program in Israel, but her people ac-
sponsored by the Teachers' As-
cept the inevitable hardships stoically and with courage.
sociation, with Dr. A. M. Hersh-
UN Membership
In 5709 Israel was admitted as a member of the United man as guest speaker.
Nations. History will record this great event with reverence as
one of the most touching moments in our history.
U. S. Jews' Relatives
Jewish spokesmen before the United Nations, under the lead- Deported to Siberia
ership of Aubrey -Eban, have fought well for Israel's rights. They
have emerged as the equals of those who have pioneered in state-
craft—and in some instances have surpassed them in brilliance. Soviet Jews who have relatives
The genius which has marked Israel's statesmanship undoubt- either in the United States or in
edly will lead to a solution of many still-existing problems—in- England were rounded up at
cluding those of the refugees and of Jerusalem and the holy least in one city in the Ukraine
and expelled to Siberia without
The Role of the Good USA
even being given time to sell
A hurried review of Israel in 5709 would be incomplete without ! their possessions, according to a
reference to the role played by the United States.
reliable report received here.
Our government, in the main, has been good to Israel. Presi-
A State Department spokes-
dent Truman has lived up to the pledges he made during his man told the Jewish Telegraphic
campaign for the Presidency in 1948. He was not deterred in his Agency that no specific infor-
actions by unfriendly elements in the State Department.
mation has been received from
The United States was among the leaders in sponsoring Israel's the U.S. Embassy in Moscow
admission as a member of the United Nations. Furthermore, the
. with regard to reports that Jews
U. S. Export-Import Bank granted Israel a $100,000,000 loan.
have been deported from the
Israel and U. S: spokesmen have been at odds on numerous
Ukraine to Siberia. However, it
issues—especially recently, at Lausanne ; Switzerland, during the was pointed out that the Ameri-
sessions of the UN Conciliation Commission. But they are being can Embassy has from time to
overcome—thanks to the friendship of the White House occupant. time reported rumors of such
Facing 5710
persecution to the Department.
We face another year, this time with less anxiety. In 5710 we
expect to witness the final solution of many problems—especially Criticize Bar Association for
those involving the enmity of the Arabs and the repatriation of Opposing Genocide Convention
In 5709 we saw the liquidation of DP camps; in 5710 we pray American newspapers have ex-
for the complete integration of the survivors from Nazism in pressed critical attitudes towards
wholesome pursuits in Israel.
the recent decision of the Amer-
The new era will require larger investments in Israel and ican Bar Association opposing
more liberal contributions to the United Jewish Appeal than United States approval of the
American Jews gave this year. We pray that 5710 should not find UN convention outlawing geno-
our people wanting.
cide. Among the nationally-
We have ended a good and an historically significant year known papers which criticized
and we welcome what we hope will be an even better year.
the A..B.A. action are the New
Blessed be Israel in 5710!
York Times, Washington Post,
Blessed be the United States—the world's greatest democracy. St. Louis Dispatch and Christian
• And blessed be all libertarians for whom freedom and justice Science,


are the paramount objectives in life.


A Happy New Year to all of you!

- Friday, September 23, 1949

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A Call to Jewish Parents

Education Proclamation



Rosh Hashanah marks the opening of the Education
Month of the United Hebrew Schools of Detroit. This will be
the 23rd annual observance.
The recent events in Israel have heightened the interest
of everyone in Jewish education in general and in the study
of the Hebrew language in particular.
The United Hebrew Schools, which have served the com-
munity for the last 30 years, call upon the rabbis of the
various congregations to convey the message of Jewish edu-
cation to their worshippers during the High Holy Days by
devoting one sermon to this great cause.
They also appeal to all lay leaders who will deliver ad-
dresses at public gatherings during the month of Tishri to
stress the importance of Jewish education for the adolescent
and the adult.
A particular -and most urgent call is hereby directed to
fathers and mothers of children of school age to register
their children in the nearest branch of the United Hebrew
Schools, where they will get a thorough Jewish education.
The United Hebrew Schools, with their six branches, in
all Jewish-populated districts, stand ready to serve the
community through their elementary, high school and col-
lege departments.
May the New Year 5710 witness an accelerated. interest
in Jewish education in general and in the acquisition of the
knowledge of the Hebrew language in particular.


Chemical Plant to Cut Israel Imports by Millions

Israel will reduce its imports
of fe•ilizers and basiC chemicals
by millions of dollars annually
through a new company recently
established near Haifa, the only
one of its kind in the country,
according to a report issued by
Robert Szold, board chairman of
the Palestine Economic Corpor-
a t i o n, American development
company operating in Israel:

The firm, Fertilizers and
Chemicals, Ltd., in which the
corporation is a leading advisor
and invester, represents to date
an investment of $1,500,000, Mr.
Szold said. Expansion plans
calling for the addition of a
mixed fertilizer plant will re-
quire about $3,000,000 more for
buildings and equipment. This
plant will be able to supply all
of Israel's fertilizer needs.

Between You and Me


(Copyright, 1949, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.1

L'Shanah Tovah

The new Jewish year starts with new activities of the reor-
ganized American Zionist Council to check the renewed anti-Israel
sentiments in Washington . . Latest developments seem to in-
dicate that with regard to the territorial aspects of the Palestine.-
issue, the State Department advances more anti-Israel demands
than does Britain . . . Indicative of the sentiments in the State
Department is perhaps the fact that for the first time in many
years the Secretary of State this year did not issue any Rosh Has-
hanah message of greetings to American Jews . .. It is obvious
that in breaking the tradition carried on by previous secretaries of
State, Secretary Dean Acheson was afraid that anything he would
say in a Rosh Hashanah message might antagonize the Arabs .
The official explanation given by Secretary Acheson was that be-
cause of the overwhelming number of requests for statements
which he receives, he has had to establish a policy of declining
these -requests.


UN Moods

The UN General Assembly which opened its session a few
days be fore Rosh. Hashanah, will apparently not take up the issue

of the status of Jerusalem before November .. -. This is the pre-
vailing feeling among Israel delegates at Lake Success . . . The
issue will precipitate a big fight at the Assembly since Israel is
determined to have the Jewish section of Jerusalem become an
integral part of the Jewish state . . In the meantime Paul A.
Porter, American member of the Conciliation Commission, is busy
preparing an anti-Israel atmosphere ... In "off the record" talks
he builds up a feeling that Israel is not cooperating as much as
the Arabs . . . In one of these talks he went so far as to state that-,
"the leaders of Israel have become devoted disciples of the policy
of fait accompli" ... He keeps on saying that all "objective" Ameri-
can observers agree that the onus is on Israel for blocking the,
progress at the Lausanne peace talks . And he is spreading the
allegation that Arabs left theh- homes in Palestine because of
atrocities by Israel troops . . . All this does not, of course, add to
the prestige of the American representation on the Conciliation
Commission . . . However, it shows how the wind blows among
American officials dealing with the Palestine issue at the United



Inside Doings

A serious fight is now developing between Daniel Frisch, presi-'
dent of the Zionist Organization of America, and the' Jewish
Agency executive . . . The fight— still a' "behind the scenes" a-V.'
fair—is reaching a point where Frisch threatens to resign from
the ZOA presidency if the Jewish. Agency does not submit to his
request that the ZOA should . either be permitted to launch a
$2,000,000 independent campaign for its own projects in Israel, or
be included in the United Jewish Appeal for sums necessary to
develop these projects . . . The projects which Frisch has in mind
deal primarily with American aid to middle-class people in Israel
whom he describes as "the forgotten men" of the new state . .
The Jewish Agency executive seems to be opposed to the ZOA's
starting a fund-raising drive of its own for work in Israel . . .
Frisch argues that since Hadassah, Mizrachi, the Labor Zionists
and other Zionist groups conduct independent drives in this coun-
try, there is no reason why the ZOA should not have such a cam-
paign • . . Meetings between members of the Jewish Agency in
America and ZOA leaders have so far brought no satisfactory re-
sults . . . In threatening the Agency with his resignation. Frisch
argues that if the ZOA will have no specific projects to deal with
in Israel, its membership will fall off . . . He does not want to
be the head of an orga2aization which, may lose membership in-
stead of gaining it.

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