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September 24, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… 1 9 Editorial Greetings To '44 Y [ E a ir-.1111J Iaiti Weather Occasional Light Rain VOL. Ll. No. 1 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS 2500To Participate In Orientation Week British Ships Shell West African Port In Seizure Attempt Troops Led By de Gaulle On Dakar, French Post, Are Reported Repulsed Indo-China Force Resists Japanese (By The Associated Press) British naval guns last night shel...…

September 23, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… Editorial, To The Class' Of 1945:... ig Sir igant B3aityj I Weather Continued Warm ,,. , VOL. LIT. No. 1 42 PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE C . ........ ... Ruthven Urges Hull Recommends Neutrality Repeal To Combat Hitler Publicatior Ruling Bo Is Expan Two More Facult Appointed Last By Board Of R Two Others Ad As Terns E By A. P. BLAUSTE (Daily City Editor In conformance with th revis...…

September 30, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

… t W VWeather Fair and Warmer Y 3ktr igu i3Iaitu Editorial Our Pledge To You .... 1 ., . i VOL. LII. No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1941 Z-322 PRICE FIVE CEN -k I Line Paces Varsity LiteraryCollege ToMark Sen. Connally +*1, To Win Over State; To Face Iowa Nexti Centennial{n Exercises Seeks Change In U.S .Status Classes Will Be Excused For hrgr U-S Sttu James R. Angell Will Head Speakers Texn sset, A t ...…

September 26, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…EXTRA Ati7 it Q tU 4 uitig EXTRA ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 PRICE: FIVE CENTS 1 I _f Spartans Meet 'M' Saturday State, Minus 20 Lettermen, To Bring Team Made Up Of UntriedSophomores Michigan To Play Weakened Squad Michigan will get one of its two probable "breathers" of the season next Saturday when Charley Bach- mn.brings his Michigan State Spar- taz squad over from East Lansing. Aniong the twenty odd lettermen who gr...…

September 29, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…Weather Warmer w k4 4a ui Editorial Getting School Loyalty At 75 Cents Per Throw VOL. LI No. 1 36 PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPT. 29, 1942 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Educate For Life, Not Death, Warns President Ruthven Tells Freshmen To Work Hard During Stay Here As WarKeynotes Talk 1820 Frosh Hear Welcoming Speech A warning by President Alexander G. Ruthven to "get an education for life not for death" keynoted the we - come to the...…

September 24, 1946 (vol. 57, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…TRUMAN CAPTIVE' ..Ilmmww L ujrn Da i CLOUDY AND COOL See Page 4 - - ------------- VOL. LVII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 PRICE FIVE CENTS Record Set As Enrollment Tops 18,000 AnnArbor 'BustingOut ll Over' More Than Half U' Students In Queues at Restaurants Night Spots Face Unequaled Rush Take a deep breath and then check these figures: If you're the man who doesn't come to dinner and you have to go...…

September 24, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…'PUSHBUfTO N' WAR See rage 4 Sw Iat1 FAIR AND COOJLER VOL. LVI, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 WEDNE ~iDAY, SEPTEMJSI~R 25 Room for All Is LS&A Problem Many Department Heads Seek Means To Accommodate Overflowed1 Studenits "Standing Room Only" signs were not hung outside any classrooms \', the literary college this week, but they might just as well have been. Many students entered classrooms 15 minutes early to insure h...…

September 26, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…. HAPPENS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State Daii4 PARTL CLOUDY WIND VOL. LVI, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'U' WarnsAgainst Phony Salesmen Magazine Subscription Ped dlers "Violating City, University Rulings Students were warned last night to be on the lookout for phony sales- men who may be operating in the Ann Arbor area. Bard of Regents Secretary Herbert G. Watkins revealed that the Ad- mi...…

September 27, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…See 'Western Bloc' See Page 4 wY Lw 43~ZU Iaitt FAIR, WARM 1 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVI, No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 PRICE FIVE CENTS Soliciting of Subscriptions Found Legal 'U' Ruling Stays; Peddlers Banned Then there's the story of the traveling salesmen who stopped at Stockwell Hall. Yesterday's gentle grafters were identified today by the International Reader's League of 5 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago...…

September 28, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…See . TRAFFIC See Page 4 1J Latest Deadline in the State 4'ati4 CLUDY, W ARM11 VOL. LVI, No. 5 ANN ARtBUIR, MiCHuGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Gridders Prepared For Opening Clash t Restaurants Will Increase Meal Prices OPA Boosts Meat And Food Prices WASHINGTON, Sept. 27-('P)- OPA conceded defeat today in its battle to roll back prices of meat meals in restaurants to June 30 le- vels and at the same time took ...…

September 29, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…VETERANS' NOTE S See Page 8 Y Latest Deadline in the State ktii4 FAIR, COOCLER VOL. LVI, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fritz Has Happy Day As Michigan Wins 'U' Proposes To PayCity For Services Offer of $97,600 Would Aid Facilities A sore spot of long standing in Uni- versity-city relations concerning use of local facilities and public services appeared to be considerably healed with the annou...…

September 29, 1946 (vol. 57, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…CHORAL UNION SUPPLEMENT Y A6P tiis CHORAL UNION SUPPLEMENT VOL. LVII, No. 6 ANN AtJ[OR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1946 Pi~CE FvE CENTS Annual Concert eries illg0en Oct. 10 James Melton To Open Fall Music Series singer Is Also Noted For Radio, Film Roles The initial attraction of the Choral Union Series will be James Melton, radio, concert, opera and movie star, who will appear here Oct. 10. Melton is nationally known for his per...…

September 23, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… LEGISLATURE WELCOME See Page 4 i £rt 4M 743 ai1is FAIR, COOL ... . ............ . ....... . .. . , LVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS U' enrollment Hits New Peak of urope Asks .S- for $19 iion in Aid lcononic Parley n Paris Closes ARIS, Tuesday, Sept. 23-(P) British messenger travelling ommercial plane left Paris jor United States early today, ng to U.S. Secretary of State shall a ...…

September 24, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…Good Investment See Page 4 Y lAzr 43ZU 4:3atlu COLD, WET Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS UAW Heads Hit Reuther WasteCharge Union Squabble Led by Thomas By The Associated Press DETROIT, Sept. 23-The inter- national executive board of the CIO United Auto Workers toda3 rebuked union President Walter P. Reuther who charged last week that over $500,000 in union fu...…

September 25, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…ORGANIC PROBLEM Y L LwF46 7Iai4b COOLER, CLEAR See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 3AH, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S.-Russian Fight To Get Airing in UN Plan To Answer Soviet Charges By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Sept. 24-The United Nations Assembly's rank- ing political committee shoved the United States - Russian battle ahead of all other main business late today. This ...…

September 26, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…ACTION ON PRICES? See Page 4 Y gilt41UU E uit FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LVIII. No. 4 Taft Blasts U.S. Foreign 'WP 'Poliy Says Russia Not Essential to UN By The Associated Press TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 25-In one of the most comprehensive statements on U.S. foreign policy by a top ranking Republican, Sen- ator Taft (Rep., Ohio) tonight de- cried the possibility of what he termed "International WPA" fi- nanced by the United States as a solution to t...…

September 27, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…BOOK EXCHANGE See Page 4 Y AF4un 7Iaii4 GOOD GRID WEATHER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, Sept. 27, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Annual Wolverine- Spartan Clash Today Troop SMay uit Holy.Land,.Korea; B..i.....Willing.To......Mandate UniversityRae A Heavy Favorite Town's Oldest Drama Reeniacted For Fortieth Time in Ann Arbor By BOB LENT One of this town's oldest...…

September 28, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…CALLAHAN ACT See Page 4 Y fLw, zganCl :4Iaii4y CLOUDY, WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines Smother MSC Gridd ers, 55-0 -------- - ---- - Europe Asks 19 Billions in Aid from U.S. Sixteen Nations Issue Marshall-Plan Report By The Associated Press PARIS; Sept. 27-Sixteen Euro- pean nations tonight released the text of a 20,000-word Marshall...…

September 30, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…TESTING PROGRAM Y Lw6F41 E aii4 FAIR , CONTINUED COOL See Page 4 a. Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Truman Calls For Action on Aidto Europe Will Call Special Session if Needed By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Sept. 29-Pres- ident Truman called on congres- sional leaders today to start the machinery for emergency aid to Europe but said the question of a...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 1

… aspects Look Bright for 19 48 W olverine Gridiron Seaso By MURRAY GRANT (Daily Sports Editor) Benny Oosterbaan faces one of the most difficult assignments that can be handed a first year coach as he accepts the reigns of the 1948 Wolverines. He'll be trying to improve a record that was unsurpassed by ony- one last year. He'll be trying to improve a team that was ranked num- ber one in the country. He'll be trying to fill the shoes of H. O....…

September 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… DAILY TRYOUTS WANTED L t r U CLOUDY, COOLER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'U' Enrollment Soars oward 21,000 Mark ._. 0I Students Strike At Olivet College By CRAIG WILSON (Special to The Daily) Students picketing for the reinstatement of two dismissed Olivet College faculty members squared off for a final showdown today with College president Aubrey L...…

September 22, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

… Daily TODAY THE DAILY swings wide the doors of the Student Publications Building on Maynard Street for all stu- dents interested in joining its news, sports, womens or photographic staffs. Beginning at 4 p.m. a general tryout meeting will be held and The Daily in- vites any eligible student who is at least a second semester freshman to attend. Previous newspaper experience, is un- necessary-the only qualification is a desire to keep abreast o...…

September 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… IIOLY LAND PEACE ? See Pags 4 It6 :43 a t 149 FAIR, STILL COOL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS TropicHurricane Takes Nine Lives Storm Moves Towards Sea After Wreaking $25,000,000 in Damages MIAMI, Fla-(P)-A toll of three lives and at least $25,000,000 in crop and property losses was charged tonight against the tropical hurricane still raking the coast with high...…

September 24, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… P'LAN rOlR UTOPIA see Page 4 we 4br*k 4MWIt 4br 4:3 a t t4p FAIR, STILL COOL, Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Charge Communist Packing In AYC Split Taylo Brings CAtp g to County e< IT.S.Will Not:;' Com proy\{.Sse Wt h Russia". Marshall Gives AssemblyTalk PARIS - (1P) - Secretary of State George C. Marshall told Russia that the United States will no...…

September 25, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

… AVC PROBLEM See Page 2 Y 414trl an 4)iit COOL AND CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines Launch Grid AL Ses "I!i 1 AVCllembers Deny abson' Charge n atIV Traditional Clash in 0 'Sc Foes pener Group Says Meeting Not Run by Reds Factions Argue Issue with Daily Fourteen American Veteran's Committee members today vigor- ously denied that they ...…

September 26, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

… WHAT TACTICS USED?. See Page 4 A& A& .Oqro" w r4 t n t i COOL AND CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL, LIX, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS -- - Wolverines . Squeeze Past partans, 13-7 * * * * s: O a Reds Seeking ControlOver Berlin Air Tass Maintains Potsdam Violated. LONDON-W)-Russia demand- ed today in a statement broadcast' from Moscow, control by the So- viet command of all ...…

September 28, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

… VULNERABLE ONES See Page 4 5wC~ l :43 ti14p SUNNY AND PLEASANT Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Chambers Sued 'B3y Alger Hiss Ex-State Department Official Wants $50,000 for 'Communist' Label BALTIMORE-(M)-Alger Hiss, former State Department official, filed a $50,000 slander and libel suit in federal court against Whittaker Chambers. Chambers, an Associate Ed...…

September 29, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

… } CHANCE FOR JUSTICE See Page 4 tt a it FAIR PARTLY CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 8 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Europe Expects World War III Returning University Students Give Impressions of Travels Abroad By AL BLMROSEN The people of Europe are resigned to fighting a third world war. This was the impression brought back to Ann Arbor by a group of students who travelled in Europe...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… FOR THlE COO 6 BETTER.. See Page 4 '1 A6F CLOUDY SCATTERED SHOWERS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS SL Defeats Motion for Olivet Probe Okays Plan for Eleetion Help The Student Legislature, at its opening session of the fall term defeated a motion to in- vestigate the situation at Olivet College by a 25 to 15 vote last night. Regents Deny est Asks UN Securi...…

September 21, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…Y L Latest Deadline in the State 4b GENERAL SUPPLEMENT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS ii - '. Group Football Seats Ok ayed T, SL, Athletic Board Agree OnNewPlan Officials Discard Earlier Scheme By AL BLUMROSEN (Daily City Editor) Only last minute agreement saved University students from the worst ticket tangle since the basketball preferential seating of two years ago. Meeting at the Athletic...…

September 21, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…FRESHMAN WOMEN'S EXTRA Y WI4U ahi4] FRESHMAN WOMEN'S EXTRA Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 36S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Freshman, Transfer Coeds To Begin Program Sept. 19 Dean Lloyd To Begin 19th Year Of Friendship, Service for 'U' .4 . . . Coed Leader uides, Molds More than being an office-hold- er as the University's Dean of Women, Michigan's Alice C. Lloyd had been for alm...…

September 27, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…STEEL LOBBY BREAKFAST See Page 4 LIT Latest Deadline in the State A& :43 a t tis CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LX, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0 Defe'nse M~Iea sureF59 {8ay ax ; \ Rushed Through 0 a}4 yh J oint Committee t.a.F._ N. Russian Atomic Explosion Arousesh' 3 Lawmakers into Speedy Passage ,.. WASHINGTON-(I)-Aroused by the atomic blast in Russia, a Senate-House conference committee yesterday s...…

September 28, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…PREFERRED RUSHING See Page A Latest Deadline in the State Da itli CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LX, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1949 PRICE FIVE CEN ..I I _ -_ s R WV rI r TVv ('Ii'N 'U' Schedules Speakers for 49 Lectures Mrs. Roosevelt To Appear Here Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt will speak at Hill Auditorium on Jan 25 under the sponsorship of the University Lecture Series, it was announced yesterday. The former first lady will...…

September 29, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…Student DORS OF THE Student Publications rudiment Building-right behind Helen New- ing, andI berry Hall-will open today for students who want to join the staffs of The Daily,. SOME 'Ensian, University yearbook, and Gar- new sta goyle, campus humor magazine. writingn If you're looking for valuable experience such as in the fields of news, sports and magazine staff, writing, advertising, circulation, or pho- For t tography, come over to the Stud...…

September 30, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…STUDENT MORALS See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 11n ai4' FAIR, WARMER VOL. LX, No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS i I Ford, Union sign Pension Plan Contract O.K. Retirement At $100-a-Month DETRIT-()-A unique new contract permitting Ford em- ployes to retire on $100 a month set a goal yesterday for millions of other workers. The unprecedented 30-month agreement was reached yesterday morning b...…

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