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September 24, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-24

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See Page 4

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VOL. LVII, No. 1









AnnArbor 'BustingOut ll Over'


Than Half

U' Students
In Queues at
Night Spots Face
Unequaled Rush
Take a deep breath and then check
these figures:
If you're the man who doesn't come
to dinner and you have to go out and
eat every evening, you re only one of
an estimated 8,625 University stu-
dents faced with the same problem
this fall.
Culling all of Ann Arbor's res-
tauranteurs from the smallest
three stool beanery on Main Street
to upstairs at the Union you can
figure that there are about 4,200
seats waiting every evening.
If you like a full dinner and con-
servative prices - under $1.50 per
dinner, the number of seats available
is closer to 2,000. All this means that
if you're lucky and your favorite res-
taurant is anywhere near the aver-
age you can hope to be third in line
waiting for a table at dinner time.
This of course is, under the most
favorable condtins, assuming that
the 2,802 residence halls men, 2,042
residence halls women, 1,850 stu-
dents at Willow Village and the es-
timated 2,300 sorority and frater-
nity members decide to stay home
for dinner every night.
According to figures released by
Francis C. Shiel, director of residence
halls, approximately 7,200 University
students are living in dormitories
here or at Willow Run. In prelimi-
nary surveys furnished by Mona Lee
Clark, Panhellenic Council secretary,
and Willard Krebs, Interfraternity
Council secretary, there are an addi-
tional 2,300 living at respective Greek
letter houses.
Subtract this total of 9,500 from the
official 18,125 registered students and
you find yourself and 8,634 others,
looking for dinner.
NOW. .. from Monday to Friday.
try your weekends. You not only
want dinner, but you're going out
for the evening and this time you're
competing with all registered 18,-
The Casbah at the Michigan
League will have a dance floor hold
Book Exchange
Breaks Record
1,000 Textbooks Are
Sold; More Needed
'Topping all previous first-daysales,
the Student Book Exchange, now un-
der the sponsorship of the Student
Tegislature. yesterday sold over 1,000
Explaining that 40 people were al-
ready in line when the Exchange
opened yesterday morning, Dick Bur-
ton, manager of the Exchange, said
that more books and more people to
sell them were urgently needed. He
cited books for freshman and sopho-
more courses as being in great de-
.When the Exchange opens for busi-
ness this morning, it will have 600
books which were left over from last
March by the old Book Exchange.
Burton said that these books include
badly needed texts in psychology, al-
gebra and biology.
.Students may set their own prices,
up to three-fourths of the original
prices, on the books they bring in.

Football Ticket
Fraud Bared
By Manager E
The case of the missing 40-yard
line tickets was partially unfolded 3
Andrew S. Baker, athletic depart-,
ment ticket manager, told The Daily
that numerous registration vouchers
had been "altered" in the space desig-
nating the number of semesters stu-
dents have spent at the University.
"Of course, you cannot make an ac-5
cusation on the basis of a mere alter-
ation," Baker pointed out, "but the
lines in front of the freshman and<
sophomore ticket windows were very
thin all four registration days."
Suspected faking and possibility of

Number Are


Men Outumnuer Wome.n2.7 to 1;
Freshman Class Largest in 'U' History
Records fell all along the line yesterday as the University settled down
to its biggest year.
Of the grand total of 18,125 students who crowded into opening day
classes, 11,013 were veterans comprising 60 per cent of the student body.
Nonveterans numbered 7,112.
The veteran enrollment increased nearly 100 per cent over the spring
semester and 600 per cent over the fall semester last year.
The number of women veterans increased from 145 to 300.
Prof. Philip Bursley, director of new students' orientation, reported
that "practically all" transfer students were veterans but that veterans in
the freshman class were in the minority.
Men Outnumber Women
In the total campus picture, men outnumbered women students 2.7 to 1.
Previous estimates had set the ratio as high as 4 to 1.
Setting another University record C *

Sums It Up...
Sept. 18, 1946
The Daily,
Dear Editor,
Some folks already are voicing
the old complaint thatrMichigan
doesn't show enough school spirit
as regards athletics.
This fall, when our football team
digs in to make a goal-line stand,
the student body is going to be
right behind it.
Sitting, that is.
Paul Kircher
Hinsdale, East Quad
faking in order to obtain premium
seats have become "common talk"
on campus, he indicated.
Assistant Dean of Students W. B.
Rea said that there was evidence that
freshmen were sent down to Rm. 25
Angell Hall having first been set
straight on how to get choice season
Meanwhile Ray Davis, Student
Legislature president stated that the
Legislature would set up some sort of
clearing house whereby first and sec-
ond-year students who possessed tick-
ets which they had obtained by fal-
sification could trade them in "with
no tluestions asked."
He intimated that the judiciary
committee of the Legislature would
begin an investigation in the event
that students failed to respond to the
exchange opportunity. Judiciary
punishment may range from a fine
to expulsion from school, Davis said.
Baker, whose assistants have beer,
spending much of their time answer-
ing phone calls from irate students
outlined the original seating plan
which had been the product of a
great deal of planning.
Originally 3,500 tickets were to go
to seniors and graduates. These tick-
ets were located on the 40 and 35 yard
lines and were to be distributed on all
registration days.
Approximately 4,400 juniors were to
receive seats from the 20 to the 35
yard lines.
A total of 4,700 tickets were set
aside for sophomores, while the bal-
ance of the seats, 7,000 were to be dis-
tributed to freshmen.
All tickets were to be given out on
a four-day distribution basis so that
a senior, for instance, who registered
on Saturday, could still obtain a sen-
ior ticket.
But an avalanche of "senior and
graduate" students on the first day
of registration prevented this plan
from being carried out.
With the registration vouchers in
the University's hands there will be
little difficulty verifying claims made
on them, Davis added.
277 Students
Await Rooms
With 277 students and instructors
temporarily quartered in dormitory
recreation rooms and the Union,,
University authorities are making a
concerted attempt to get them into
permanent housing as soon as possi-
Many of the group of which 117 are

REGISTRATION RIGORS-A very small part of the long lines of students who registered this week to bring
University enrollment to an all-time high.

Ruthven Announces Plans for
New Office of Student Affairs

A new Office of Student Affairs, I
to replace the Office of the Dean of
Students, will start operations at the
opening of the spring semeser, Presi-
den Alexander G. Ruthven an-
nounced yesterday.
Regeftts Approve
Plans for the reorganization of
this branch of the University admin-
istration have been approved by the
Board of Regents..
Dean Erich A. Walter, of the liter-
ary college, has been named director
of the new office and Dean Walter
B. Rea has been appointed to the as-
sociate directorship. Dean of Stu-
dents Joseph A. Bursley will go on
retirement February 1 after having
served 25 years in his present post.
Top Assignments
In addition to carrying out all the
administrative functions now per-
formed by the Office of the Dean of
Students, the Office of Student Af-
fairs will handle several other top
These will include responsibility
for the direction of educational and
counseling programs in men's' resi-
dence halls, and the administration
of the Regents-Alumni Scholarship
program and of other University
scholarships not assigned specifi-
cally to schools and colleges.
Administrative Liaison
The Veterans Service Bureau will
Vets' Jib Priority
Clar°ifiedlaby Clark
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 (P)--At-
torney General Clark ruled today that
World War II Veterans newly re-
turned to their pre-war government{
Jobs have a priority to those jobs
over other veterans with longer gov-
ernment service.ds
The opinion, prepared for Presi-
dent Truman, upholds a civil service
commission order giving newly-re-
turned veterans the highest "reten-
tion preference" (A-1 plus) during
the first year of their reemployment.
In other words a veteran who has
been back from war less than a year
gets preference over a veteran who
has been back more than a year.

become a subdivision of the new unit,
which will also provide administra-
tive liaison with all organizations
concerned with student extra-curri-
cular interests and activities.
Dean Walter will assume over-all
supervision of the new office and
Dean Rea will have responsibility for
relationships to student organiza-
tions and social activities.
Under the reorganziation plans,
establishment .of the new office will
effect no change in the status of the
Office of the Dean of Women, which
wil continue to operate as a separate
administrative unit.
T'icketSale Set
For OSU Tilt
A.t Columbus
Marking the return of the true
collegiate football season, tickets for
a block of 1,000 seats and round-trip
train tickets will go on sale tomor-
row for the Ohi aState game, Nov.
23 in Columbus.
Sponsored by the Student Legisla-
ture Varsity Committee, arrange-
ments have been made for the
train to run from Ann Arbor direct
to a switch adjacent to the Ohio
State Sadium. Due to the shortage
of train facilities, the Committee
was able to obtain only 560 train
reservations in addition to those for
the band.
Tickets for both the train and
game will be divided equally for sale
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
of this week in a booth outside of
Rm. 1, University Hall. Sales wlil
begin at 8:30 a.m. and continue un-
til the day's quota is sold.
Students must present their cash-
ier's receipt from registration to pur-
chase tickets and sales will be limit-
ed to two sets of tickets per person,
The train will leave Ann Arbor
at 7 a.m. the morning of the game
and will leave Columbus at 7:30 p.m.
that night.
The price of both tickets will be
$11.10, $3.50 for the game and $7.60
for the train.

Funeral Rites
Will Be Held
For Prof. Rufus
Funeral services for Prof. Carl W.
Rufus, internationally known astro-
nomer, who died Saturday night will
be held at 4 p.m. today in the First
Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. James
Brett Kenna officiating.
A University faculty member for
29 years, Prof. Rufus served as act-
ing director of the University Obser-
vatory, 1930-31, and as acting chair-
man of the astronomy departmnent,
1930-31 and 1938-39.
Prof. Rufus had conducted studies
relating to atmospheric motion in
stars of variable light density and
spectroscopic analysis of the com-
position of stars. He had also spec-
ialized in the history of astronomy.
He had written articles on astron-
omy and Asiatic subjects and had
been writing a popular-style astro-
nomy text. .
As a member of the University's
comittee on Barbour scholarships,
Prof. Rufus counseled a large num-
ber of women students from Oriental
countries. He was professor mathe-
matics an dastronomy on the Uni-
versity World Cruise in 1926-27.
Prior to becoming a University f a-
culty member, Prof. Rufus had been
engaged in educational and religious
work in this country and in Korea.
Foreign students" are particularly
welcome to attend the funeral ser-
IFC Registers
Rushees May Sign Up
Until Friday at Union
Approximately 100 students regis-
tered yesterday with the Inter -Fra-
ternity Council for formal rushing
this fall, IFC secretary Willard Krebs
announced yesterday.
Registration will continue from 1
to 3 p.m. in the IFC office on the
third floor of the Union and from
3 to 5 p.m. in the student offices ev-.
cry afternoon this week until Friday.
"Registration places the student
under no obligation, but no student
may be rushed by a fraernity until
See IFC, Page 5

were the 1,930 members of the Class
of 1950. The previous record fresh-
man registration was 1,778 in the fall
semester 1939.
Marking the University's complete
return to a peacetime basis was the
total lack of uniformed Army, Navy
and Marine Corps trainees on cam-
The first day of the semester found
classrooms and laboratories jammed,
in some cases to overflowing.
Some professors and instructors
were forced to shift classes to larger
rooms when actual enrollment ex-
ceeded pre-semester estimates.
One professor tried to convince sev-
eral of his students not to take his
course in an effort to reduce the class
to a reasonable size.
Textbook Shortage
Bookstores, their counters swamped
with customers, reported a textbook
shortage in 20 per cent of all courses.
The truck drivers' strike in New York
City was blamed for the shortage in
most cases, although one dealer said
that shortages of paper and cover
cloth were slowing deliveries of law
and medical texts.
One dealer said the Veterans Ad-
ministration was attempting to speed
textbooks to campuses throughout
the country, but the concensus of all
dealers was that total student de-
mands could not be filled for at least
10 days.
Despite the overwhelming enroll-
ment, University officials were confi-
dent that academic standards would
not suffer, pointing to the present
faculty of 1,302 with mere being add-
ed. The faculty numbered 878 in 1939
when 12,132 students were enrolled.
Ruthven Statement
With classroom, housing and eating
facilities taxed as never before, Presi-
dent Ruthven called on students to
"face frictions and inconveniences"
recognizing "the equal right of oth-
ers to an education."
Every school and college except
nursing showed a marked increase in
enrollment over last semester.
The literary college again topped
all others with 7,170 enrolled. Next
largest was the engineering college
with 3,672, followed by the graduate
school with 2,448.
The enrollment in other schools
and colleges was:
Medicine-490, law-941, pharmacy
-144, dentistry-236, architecture-
589, education-294, business admin-
istration-842, forestry-252, nurs-
ing-280, music-422 and public
Expanding a program begun last
semester, several departments sched-
uled more classes for late afternoon
and evening hours.
Senior Phos
To Be Taken
Specially engaged New York pho-
tographers will snap Senior pictures
for the 1947 Michiganensian starting
Oct. 14 and continuing for three
Photographs will be taken only by
appointment. Appointments may be
made now at the Student Publica-
'Ensians Ready
The 1946 Ensians will be avail-
able from 1 to 5 p.m. only tomor-
row through Friday at the Ensian
office in the Student Publication
Tryouts for the editorial staff of

New Enrollment
High Expected.
For Big Ten
Record high enrollments were an-
ticipated this week on every campus
in the Big Ten.
Ohio State and Minnesota, ready to
enroll more than 20,000 students
each, far outstripped the University
of Michigan.
13,000 Veterans
OSU's registrar, Ronald B. Thomp-
son, reported an incomplete enroll-
ment of 23,000 with 13,000 veterans.
Ohio's previous high enrollment was
The University of Minnesota at
Minneapolis expected 21,600 students
this term including 12,500 veterans.
Their previous high was 18,081 with
8,403 veterans.
"Farm Out"
By farming out some of their stu-
dents in branch campuses at Chicago
and Galesburg, the University of flli-
nois expected to enroll 22,504 stu-
dents. Only about 14,000 can be ac-
commodated on the Urbana campus,
Northwestern University expected
9,400 students to enroll this week on
both the Evanston and Chicago cam-
puses and announced an enrollment
of 11,000 evening students in Chi-
cago. Fifty per cent of both classes
of students will be veterans, accord-
ing to E. H. Stromberg, registrar.
Below 'U'
The University of Wisconsin also
fell below Michigan with an incom-
plete enrollment of 16,000.
Nearly 4,500 freshmen, mostly vet-
erans, were enrolled at Wisconsin this
week as the university began its hun-
dredth year.
The biggest freshman class was re-
ported at Ohio State where 7,000 stu-
dents are enrolled in the class of 1950.
Les sFor ein
Students Enroll
A marked reduction in the number
of foreign students at the University
is apparent this semester according
to Dr. Esson M. Gale, Director of the
International Center, and Counselor
to foreign students.
Only 384 foreign students have reg-
istered this semester compared with
441 in the summer session, 525 last
spring, and 477 last fall, Dr. Gale said.
Reduction in foreign student en-
rollment isrnot due to lack of appli-
cations Dr. Gale said bu~t to
restrictions placed upon outstate en-
rollment, which includes foreign stu-
dent admissions.
The arrival of a few more foreign
students who are still en route to this
country may bring the total number
enrolled this semester to approxi-
mately 400, Dr. Gale said.
Chinese Students
Sahould Call Center
Chinese students are requested to
call at the International Center to
fill in forms to be returned to the
China Institute in New York for in-
clusion in the Directory of Chinese
Students and Trainees in America
for 1946-47.
The Directory, which is written in
Chinese and English, will be pub-

to your door .

Worid NewsAtA Glance


World News
Campus Events
Samuel Grafton
Harold Ickes
Wolverine Sports
Moldin's Cartoons
Daily Official Bulletin

By The Associated Press
Harriman Speaks.. .
LONDON, Sept. 23-W. Averell
Harriman declared today "I fully
support the foreign policy" of Presi-
dent Truman and Secretary of
State Byrnes, and added he thought
most other Americars held the same
ThRhancnm r~nnaf.mwn wmml

bludgeoning casualties were re-
ported in India today as new Hin-
du-Moslem violence flared in sev-
eral cities, including Bombay and
* * *
Russia IIits at U. S. . . .
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Sept 23-
Soviet Russia for the first time in
United Nations Security Council his-

time profits of $2,080,000 On an
original investment of $600.
This was one of 19 companies
covered in a commission report to
the House Merchant Marine Com-
mittee as it opened an inquiry in-
to shipbuilding profits with Henry
J. Kaiser as a witness. The report
showed that the 19 firms put up
$22,979,275 capital to make esti-
mated nn*te af of 46.006.612.

, ,, i* . tA

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