t r U
Latest Deadline in the State
'U' Enrollment Soars
oward 21,000
Students Strike
At Olivet College
(Special to The Daily)
Students picketing for the reinstatement of two dismissed Olivet
College faculty members squared off for a final showdown today with
College president Aubrey L. Ashby.
Organized as the Student Action Committee, and operating with-
out approval of the College, the group is protesting the firing of T.
Barton Akeley, professor of political science and his wife, Margaret,
college librarian.
The students last night unanimously renewed their pledge not
to register for the fall term until the Akeleys are reinstated. They
now number more than ninety-one third of the college's enrollment,
according to chairman Jack Vanderlind.
PRESIDENT AUBREY L. ASHBY, who last night told The Daily
that the group numbers only 27 and is a "very small minority" of the
student body, demanded that the students register by a 4 p.m. dead-
line today.
He said that failure would result in losses of privileges that
apparently amount to virtual expulsion.
At the center of the flare-up at the small college, located mid-
way between Battle Creek and Lansing, Michigan, wait Prof. Akeley
and his wife. "They have fulfilled their usefulness to the college in
the opinion of the Board of Trustees," President Ashby told The Daily.
* * * .
HE DENIED RUMORS and unofficial statements that the couple
was dismissed for "political reasons." Unconfirmed reports laid the
Board's action to the "ultra-liberalism" of the Akeleys.
Prof. Akeley, who could give The Daily no reason for his dis-
missal, stubbornly held his ground in the belief that he would be
reinstated "shortly." The American Federation of Teachers
(AFL) has taken an interest in the case, he said.
Whether or not the couple were fired for their political beliefs,
local citizens reported to metropolitan Detroit newspapers that they
supported getting rid of "those people who, if they aren't Commu-
nists and Reds, are at least so pink it shows!"
THEY PROMISED 100 per cent support for President Ashby's ad-
ministration and funds to make up for the loss of tuition of students
failing to register.
Speaking lapt night in the campus Congregational Church, Presi-
dentdent Ashby assailed the "minority groups" who have "revolted
against established authority" in criticizing the college board.
Screen-Struck Coeds May
Go HollywoodRight Here
Hollywood may hit the University campus next spring.
Gary Cooper and a Twentieth-Century Fox crew may pay a visit
to Ann Arbor to shoot scenes for a collegiate baseball movie, "It Hap-
pens Every Spring."
William Perlberg, 20th Century Fox producer, said he had sched-
uled production to start in the spring. It is "possible" some scenes will
be made on campus, he said.
PoliceSeekKillersof WillowCabbie
A police cordon early today tightened around the suspected went on the death call after winning a toss of a coin with another
slayers of a 27-year-old cab driver near Willow Village.
State and local police officials believe the pair, suspected of mur-
dering Francis Andrews, are hiding in the fields near LaPorte, just
north of Ypsilanti.
* * * *
ANDREWS WAS BRUTALLY murdered in a leaden blast of four
shots from a 32 calibre revolver early Monday. The slaying took place
barely a mile from Willow Village where more than a thousand
University students are housed.
Baffled police have so far been unable to uncover a motive
for the murder. Andrews was found sprawled unconscious beside
his cab by nearby residents and rushed to the hospital where he
was dead on arrival.
Cab company officials said his last passengers were two men
whom he delivered to the Willow Village area. Ironically Andrews
cabbie to see who would get the job.
* * *
A SPECIAL SQUAD of 20 extra state policemen were rushed
to the Ypsilanti post to assist the Washtenaw County sheriff's dept.
in the probe.
Two sets of footprints were discovered by police leading from
the murder vehicle toward Willow Village. The footprints dis-
appeared in the Clay Hill district of the village.
The slaying victim was a veteran of World War II and a native
of Detroit. Police said he had been shot four times, twice in the chest
and twice in the back.
LAW ENFORCEMENT officials warned students and other resi-
dents of Willow Village to be on the alert for suspicious characters.
The state police headquarters in Ypsilanti has since been flooded
with calls from anxious villagers who believe they have seen the
Sweeps Down
On Florida
Cuba Suffers First
Blow of Big Storm
MIAMI, Fla.-(P)-Winds up to
55 miles an hour raked the Florida
keys as a "mighty midget" hurri-
cane swept across western Cuba
and aimed at the Florida east
The tropical storm with winds
in the center over 100 miles an
hour already has struck the couth-
ern Cuban coastline. It was sweep-
ing over the marshlands of west-
ern Cuba and buffeting Havana
with 68 mile an hour winds.
In a bulletin issued at 5:30 p.m.
(CST) the weather bureau locat-
ed the storm about 40 to 50 miles
southeast of the Cuban capital. It
predicted the hurricane would
surge across the narrow island
and pass into the Florida Straits
within the next two or three
It was expected to strike the
Greater Miami arear about mid-
morning tomorrow.
Winds were expected to increase
through the keys and as far north
as Miami during the night, reach-
ing hurricane force in' Miami
early in the morning.
City Council
Approves Land
Swap with 'U
The Board of Regents of the
University received Felch Park in
exchange for 50 acres of the for-
mer Huron Hills golf course and
$10,000 in an old-fashioned prop-
erty trade last night.
The City Council last night also
approved the change to Eastern
Standard Time from Daylight
Saving Time effective after 12:01
a.m. this Sunday.
The University will use the
park,, located at East Huron and
Twelfth streets; for future build-
ing construction.
The now-idle nine hole golf
course southeast of Ann Arbor will
be reopened for public use possi-
bly by next summer, Eli Gallup,
superintendent of city parks, said.
HOLLYWOOD - (P) - Actor
Mickey Rooney was taken serious-
ly ill with a throat abscess, his
physician said.
Rooney is running a high fever
and his ailment may require sur-
gery, Dr. Stanley Imerman said.
The actor was scheduled to ap-
pear in Pasadena tonight at a
civic auditorium benefit for the
Braille Institute for the Blind. His
father, Joe Yule, former vaude-
ville actor, will take his place.
PARIS MEETING-The UN Security Council as it met in Paris last week to prepare a crowded
calendar for the General Assembly which will convene today. Placed high on the agenda were the
problems of settling the Palestine dispute and easing the East-West tension in Berlin. President
Vincent Auriol of France will open the 58-nation "World Parliament" this afternoon.
UN Assembly Session Opens Today
wee no idcain
U Bows
To Royalty
Despite the University's ban,
on "royalty," there will be a
prince on campus this year.
The brother of the King of
Persia, His Highness Mahmoud
will be studying Industrial
Management in the Business
Administration School.
He's one of more than 700
students from 60 different
countries in the University.
'U' Housing
Record registration is unexpect-1
edly flooding Ann Arbor withk
homeless students.1
With all dormitories filled fron
attic to basement, hastily-set-ul
recreation rooms accommodat
250 students, Francis C. Shielc
residence halls business manager
The Union had cots set up in its1
conference rooms for expected ar-
rivals last weekend, but the roomst
are needed now for meetings, ac-
cording to Franklin C. Kuenzel,
Union general manager.
* * *
COTS AND davenports in the
Hall are taking care of new ar-
Even the vagrants' lock-up in
the police station saw tempo-,
rry service last week for new
Almost 800 students are com-
muting daily from Saline, Chel-
sea, Ypsilanti and other nearby
towns, Dean of Students Erich A.I
Walter said.
* * *
Briggs made a hurried flight to
Washington last week to get two
dormitories in Willow Village re-
opened for the crisis. They had
been closed last spring as part of
a plan to eventually abandon the
Willow Village is now filled,
with 1,500 married veterans and
more than 800 single veterans
living there, Shiel said.
The draft was held responsible
for the acute situation by Briggs.
Usual last-minute cancellations
did not materialize this year be-
cause potential draftees want to
get in as much college work as
possible, he said.
SOME .7,600 students h a v e
found housing in Ann Arbor-in
private homes, apartments and
rooming houses.
The University last week issued
an appeal through the local press
and radio for extra rooms in the
With University accommoda-
tions bulging at the seams, "we'll
have to ask the community to ab-
sorb the rest," Shiel said.
Daily 'Ensian
Gargoyle Set
All student publications will be
holding open house for tryouts to-
morrow and Thursday.
Students interested in writing or
photography for The Daily will
meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow at the
Student Publications Building.
Business staff applicants will
report at 4 p.m. Thursday.
The Gargoyle, which is expand-
ing to include literary as well as
humorous material, has put out a
call for prospective staff mem-
bers in both fields. A meeting
will be held at 4:30 p.m. Thursday
in the Gargoyle Office, first floor,
Student Publications Building.
All those interested in working
on the 'Ensian, University year-
book, may come to a meeting at 4
p.m. Thursday on the second floor
of the Student Publications Build-
Slate Talk
Crowd Jams
Gym =W- Sets
New Record
Total Surprises
A record smashing 20,533 stu-
dents streamed to classes yester-
day, boosting enrollment beyond
the former all-time high set last
And what's more, the final fig-
ure is expected to top 21,000.
Even University officials, who
have become used to records in
recent years, are surprised. They
expected a slight drop from last
fall's whopping 20,190 total.
The outlook for men students
set a new record for grinmess,
too. Men students this fall num-
ber 15,496, an increase of 339 from
last fall, while there are only
5,037 coeds, a decrease of 26.
dropped nine per cent, there being
10,593 to last fall's 11,641. Many'
veterans have exhausted the bene-
fits of the GI Bill and are noW
paying their own way, University
officials explained.
Registration went remarkably
well in spite of the record
crowds of slightly confused stu-
dents that crowded the gym.
during the three hectic days.
"More than 1,000 students per
hour poured through the gym,
and there were no serious tie-ups,"
said Edward G. Groesbeck, assist-
ant registrar.
* * *,
"IN THE FUTURE, if students
would bring along their ID cards
and not leave them home in their
trunks, it would certainly speed
up the whole process," Groesbeck
Most students found the
'mugging" process less painful
than in previous semesters,
thanks to the installation of
four new type cameras.
Biggest surprise of the regis-
tration was in the College of En-
gineering, where the enrollment
figure was exactly the same as
last fall-3,827.
THIS YEAR there'll be fewer
students than in 1947 in the lit-
erary college, the Law School, the
School of Public Health, the
School of Nursing and the Med
ical School. These units are still
far above pre-war levels though.
A bigger selection of courses
may make life more interesting
for the average Michigan stu-
dent. There will be 87 new
courses or degree programs, 77
of them in the literary college.
A new group of courses in the
College of Engineering will enable
students to specialize in the con-
structionneand contracting fields.
Other new courses have been
opened in the Law School, the
School of Education, and the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
DESPITE new buildings, crowd-
ing is more serious than ever be-
fore, in the literary college any-
way. The shortage of office space
is especially serious, according to
Associate Dean Lloyd S. Wood-
For Rushing
Starts Today
The Interfraternity Council will
open registration for Fall Term
rushing this afternoon from 3 to
5 on the third floor of the Union.
All men interested in joining
fraternities this fall must register
with the IFC. A fee of two dollars
will be charged to those register-
ing for the first time.
Registration will last through
5 p.m., Thursday.
A special meeting of all rushees
will be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
in the Union Ball Room. Walter B.
Rea, Assistant Dean of Students
will be the principal speaker.
IF THE MOVIE is partly filmed
signed) an interested observer will'
be on hand. He is Shirley W.
Smith, vice-president emeritus of
the University.
Smith wrote the story on
which the screen play is being
based some 25 years ago:
After being turned down by two
publishers then, it turned up again
in a 1946 issue of The Alumni
Quarterly Review.
* * *
versity graduate of 1927, saw the
story and negotiated its purchase.
He is writing the screen play.
here (so far Cooper hasn't been
PARIS-(A)-The United Na-
tions General Assembly opens a
fateful session today before a
world worried over East-West ten-
sion in Berlin and unrest and
assassinations in Palestine.
The issue of enforcing peace in
the Holy Land - dramatically
pointed up by tHle murder of
Count Folke Bernadotte-stands
high on the crowded calendar of
the 58-nation "world parliament."
On the eve of the third annual
session, there was a possibility
that the Berlin blockade with its
far-reaching complications in the
West Will Gain
By Democ ra Lie
DE~NVER. -UP)-Pr sident 'Tru-
iN an yesterday promised "great
new developments" for the West
if the voters pick "Democratic ser-
vants of the people" over "Repub-
lican puppets of big business."
Rolling into Denver a day
ahead of his GOP foe, Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey, Mr. Truman
told the whooping audience the
right choice in this year's "fate-
ful election" will mean that "you
can foresee great new develop-
ments of your agriculture, your in-
dustry and your commerce."
If the national decision goes
against him, Mr. Truman predict-
ed that the G.O.P. "will try to
turn back the clock to the day
when the West was an economic
colony of Wall Street."
East-West tug-of-war also would
be thrown before the assembly for,
full debate.
EVEN AS the 58 delegates wait-
ed for the opening gavel, the
foreign ministers of the United
States, Britain and France met in
the French Foreign office to re-
view the German situation.
A standout absentee among
the world's leaders was Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov,
who remained in Moscow, and
sent Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei Y. Vishinsky.
World News
At a Glance
PARIS -(A') - The Western
Powers last night called a halt to
Moscow negotiations and set up
strategy headquarters here in
their next move in the struggle
future of Berlin.
The American. British and
French foreign ministers imme-
diately plunged into a series of
high policy conferences to decide
their next mive in the struggle
which has kept the former Ger-
man capital under siege condi-
tions for three months.
* * *
DETROIT--(I)-Senator Hom-
er Ferguson (Mich.), continuing
his verbal battle with Attorney-
General Tom Clark, denied here
yesterday that he had disclosed
any secret government informa-
tion in his demand that the Unit-
ed States indict Communists.
eruptive Palestine issue is Secre-
tary-General Trygve Lie's plan to
seek a U.N. police force of 1,000
to 5,000 men.
He contends such a force
would have "saved many lives,
particularly in Indonesia and
Lie first made the proposal last
summer at Harvard. Bernadotte's
assassination spurred him on.
Dewey Offers
Peace Pledge
In First Talk
DES MOINES--P)--Republican
presidential nominee Thomas E.
Dewey touched off his campaign
last night with a pledge to key
American foreign policy to "the
firm belief we can have peace'."
The New York governor, forced
indoors for his first major address
by an afternoon rainstorm, cou-
pled that promise with a declara-
tion en route here that there
would be "no profit" for aggressor
nations anywhere if his bid for
the White House is successful.
Dewey starting a 14-day west-
ern tour, spoke in Drake Univer-
sity field house.
In his prepared text, Dewey said
he is confident peace can be won
even though "tyranny is on the
march" in the world. He pro-
posed to achieve it through "a
campaign to unite America."
were no indications
Molotov would come,
Smith's story, originally called
"The Sprightly Adventure of In-
structor Simpson," concerns a
college chemistry instructor.
He discovers a potion which
makes baseballs temporarily un-
touchable by wood. The instruc- SHIRLEY W. SMITH
tor/ becomes the world's greatest . . . script writer
pitcher and an associate professor, * * *
in that order. Smith that a romance angle
Hollywood has already told been inserted in his story.
Police Release
'U' Student in
A 23 year old University stu-
dent has been released by Sher-
iff's deputies after question-
ing about the traffic death of a
seven year old Whitmore Lake lad
Sunday on US-23 north of Ann
Name Two
U' Members
Two University members were
nominated by the Progressive Par -
ty at its pre-convention caucus in
Detroit Saturday.
Jack Geist, University graduate
student from Ann Arbor, was
named as congressional candidate
Irate Seniors Slow Up Grid Ticket Handouts
A student sit-down strike slowed
football ticket distribution at Bar-
popular seats, before they broke
up their protest.
k * M
again began at midnight, but
there were only a few in it by
mnr in f" hi..Ctf inll ing xnnt P.
Distribution will continue to-
day with Class 3 (4-5 semesters)