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September 30, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-09-30

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See Page 4




Latest Deadline in the State


SL Defeats
Motion for
Olivet Probe
Okays Plan for
Eleetion Help
The Student Legislature, at
its opening session of the fall
term defeated a motion to in-
vestigate the situation at Olivet
College by a 25 to 15 vote last



est Asks UN

Security Council

Course Dropped
Say Workers' Classes To Resume;
UAW-CIO Demands Investigation
The University Board of Regents yesterday termed false
a rumor that extension courses for workers would be discon-
President Alexander G. Ruthven, chairman of the re-
gents, said he understood that the board intends to resume
the classes for workers at some future time "but not necessarily in the
same form."
* * *
MEANWHILE, ACCORDING to the Associated Press, the CIO
United Auto Workers has asked the American Association of Univer-
sity Professors to investigate the suspension of such courses.
The union, charging a "blatant invasion of academic free-
dom and civil rights," has held that a resumption of the workers'


Take Action on Berlin Crisis

Legislator Don


opposed the motion, which
would have sent two members
to look over the situation on
the grounds that happenings on
another campus were "none of
our business."
** *
a plan to give assistance to stu-
dents in voting by absentee ballots
in the November elections.
Booths will be set up to pro-
vide forms and information to
both Michigan and out-state
Paul Anderson of the Varsity
committee announced that Sam
Donahue will play for the Home-
coming Dance and that the theme
will be a train tour of the Big
Nine. Tickets will cost three dollars
and the arrangements will be
made by the Wolverine Club.
Varsity Committee Chairman
Bob Ballou reported that the Leg-
islature had succeeded in getting
the price of football programs re-
duced to twenty-five cents.
Al Harris of the Campus action
committee said the SL Better Bus-
iness Bureau would be ready to
function soon.
* * *
Legislature was scheduled for Oc-
tober 20 to explain the plan,
whereby vendors would register
before selling to students, to the
Norris Domangue reported
that a plan to get "Student
Privilege Cards" for some De-
troit area stores was being de-
The cards, costing one dollar,
would allow students to get sub-
stantial reductions on clothing in
stores which were in on the pro-
Bill Gripman said that the Stu-
dent Experts program had proved
so successful that it would be ex-
panded to include the engineering
school in the spring.
Jake Jackobson was appointed
chairman of the Election Commit-
Those absent were Marshall
Lewis, Shirley Osgood, Jim Saker
and John Rider.
Dr. Vredevoe
Appointed New
Bureau Chief
Dr. Lawrence E. Vredevoe of the
University Bureau of Cooperation
with Educational Institutions, has
been appointed Director of the
Michigan Bureau of School Serv-
A graduate of Hope College,
with a master of arts and doctor
of philosophy degrees from Mich-
igan, Dr. Vredevoe has been work-
ing with the University for seven
* * *
DR. VREDEVOE has been teach-
ing in public schools in Grandville,
Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor,
since 1929, and has been prin-
cipal of the Tappan Junior High
School in Ann Arbor for the last
five years.
The Bureau of School Serv-
ices was established last May to
coordinate and expand the va-
rious services which the Univer-
sity offers to, schools of the
state, Provost Adams has ex-
Sorority Calls
For Police Aid
Members of the Alpha Omicron
Pi sorority at 800 Oxford road.

asked for City Police assistance
S . .. _ . 4- -;-- - - ; o

courses has been delayed because
official last spring that Marxist
Address U
Press Club
Alexander G. Ruthven, Presi-
dent of the University, will address
an audience of Michigan journal-
ists in the opening of the thirty-
first annual meeting of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Press Club
at 7 p.m. today at the Michigan
Union' Ballroom.
The. three-day series of activi-
ties will begin with a registration
and information period at 2 p.m.
today in the third floor lobby of
the Union. All journalists in the
State of Michigan are invited to
belong to the organization.
S* *
OFFICIAL DUTIES of the press
club were first headed by John L.'
Brumm, former chairman of the
journalism d artment, who
served as presiaent of the club in
1917. Following his presidency
Prof. Brumm acted as secretary for
more than a quarter of a century.
The group is now under the
directorship of J. E. Campbell,
president and editor of The
Owosso Argus-Press.
A panel discussion will be held
on "the Situation Today" between
10 and 12 noon tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, which is
open to the general public.
* * *
will participate in a panel discus-
sion on "Public Welfare and
Health in Michigan" between 2:45
and 4:45 p.m., tomorrow at the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
General Hoyt S. Vandenberg,
chief of staff, United States Air
Force, will speak at the evening
session of the Press Club meeting
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, in te
Rackham Lecture Hall.
UWF Chapter
Picks Robinson
As New Head
Irwin Robinson was elected
president of the Michigan Chap-
ter of the United World Federal-
ists and Sam Dudley vice-presi-
dent last night at the first gen-
eral meeting of the semester.
Plans revealed for the coming
semester include a series of fort-
nightly seminars in world gov-
ernment. The series begins next
Thursday, October 7.
Chester Burns, formerly of
George Washington University,
will conduct the seminar with a
panel of four authorities.
Plans for a debaters' institute in
conjunction with The Michigan
High School Forensic Association
were also disclosed. It will be held
October 23 at Kellogg Auditorium,
and will feature a speaker from
The Friends Service Committee.
A general membership drive will
begin soon, it was revealed.

of a charge by a General Motors
doctrines were being taught in
one class.
The union also said that the re-
gents were giving the courses the
"slow-death treatment"-waiting
"until the heat dies down to stop
them completely."
BOTH RUTHVEN and a spokes-
man for the University Extension
Service have admitted that the
courses normally would be under-
way by this time.
The request for the American
Association of University Pro-
fessors to investigate was sent
by UAW education director Vic-
tor G. Reuther to Association
secretary R. E. Hemstead in
Reuther said the "effect of the
action by the Michigan regents
undoubtedly will be felt soon in
other areas.''
"The privileges of educatior
and the right of a university to
educate fairly and honestly are
being denied, he added, "because
of the selfish position taken by
one corporation in defiance of
facts and public opinion."
Court Holds
Barring Negro
Student Illegal
ring of a Negro graduate student
from the University of Oklahoma
was held unconstitutional.
A three-judge federal court did
not order his immediate admis-
sion however.
Instead, it gave the state time
to amend its segregation laws to
permit all Negroes to enroll for
courses not available in separate
promised the court in a letter this
will be done.
The court did not rule the
state's segregation laws unconsti-
tutional in their entirety. Okla-
homa provides some college
courses in ahsegregated Negro
school and these were not af-
fected by today's ruling. The state
does not now provide graduate
work in this school.
The Negro graduate student
who appealed to the court is G.
W. McLaurin.
A retired professor, he tried to
enter the University to complete
work on a doctor's degree in edu-
* * *
mitted he was barred solely' be-
cause he is a Negro.
Mitchum Pleads
Not Guilty
Robert Mitchum, the truck
driver who became a movie star,
pleaded innocent today to pos-
sessing marijuana.

SHANGHAI BLACK MARKETER EXECUTED--The executioner levels his pistol, about to shoot
Wang Chung Cheh in the back of the head to carry out the death penalty imposed for black market
operations in Shanghai, China. The doomed man was a general manager of the Ling Wang Com-
pany and the first civilian to pay with his life for dealing in foreign currency.

Loop Traffic System
Termed 'Too Good'
The new 'loop' traffic system, which had Ann Arborites driving
around in circles yesterday, was "too successful," according to Roy
Eastman, head of the city planning commission.
"It worked so well, motorists began driving at unsafe speeds," he
commented. His opinion was borne out by two Daily reporters who
made several round trips, each in less than 90 seconds.
THE RIDE, around the block bordered by William, State, Liberty
and finally Maynard Sts., in a counter-clockwise direction, was un-
eventful - except for the usual-
coed or two, stepping into their N
path. jbN to a

Eastman called for a "block
system" of traffic lights on
State at Liberty, N. University
and William because "signs just
wouldn't do the trick. Chang-
ing simultaneously, ,block'
lights would give pedestrians a
better chance."l
After the ten-hour trial period
was over, Eastman commented
that there had been "no con-
gestion" and the system is "prac-
tical." He echoed the sentiments
of city police and officials.
CAPT. ROLLAND Gainsley of
the traffic bureau, said that "as
far as I'm concerned, it is going
to work!" He suggested a 60-day
trial period with permanent signs
at intersections and traffic lights
placed at strategic spots.
HE TOLD The Daily "Everyone
was all in favor of the loop-mo-
torists, cabbies and bus drivers!"
"It carie as a surprise to most
drivers but there were no difficul-
ties," the mayor commented. "The
system is an absolute necessity."
"With the increased flow of
traffic on Maynard, the street
would eventually have to be wid-
ened and parking eliminated on
the left hand side," Capt. Gains-
ley said.

PAIGN TRAIN - ( P) - President
Truman laid plans for a campaign
swing through Thomas E. Dewey's
home state as he told Oklahomans
his Republican foes are "afraid" to
take a stand on issues..
* * *
"Let no dictator or trigger-hap-
py militarist anywhere" mistake
campaign argument in America
for disunity, Gov. Thomas
Dewey said.
'* * *
tive Service headquarters said to-
day 8,584,963 men 18 through 25
years of age registered for the
peacetime draft between Aug. 30
and Sept. 18.
* * *
WASHINGTON - () - Amer-
ican officials today forecast the
closest possible cooperation with
the newly formed military com-
mand of the Western European
Union. They said, however, that
it would be months before this
country could enter any formal
alliance in support of Western Eu-

Pep Rally,
Parade Set
For Tomorrow
'Beat Oregon' Is Cry
At Bonfire Meet
A torch light parade from the
Michigan Union to Ferry Field
will feature the season's first all
campus pep rally to be held to-
morrow night on the eve of the
Oregon game.
The parade, which will be led by
the University band, will leave the
Union at 7:30 p.m. and proceed to
a huge bonfire on Ferry Field.
Students are urged to bring wood-
en effigies which can be thrown
on the bonfire after the parade.
*. * *
THE PEP RALLY, sponsored by
the Wolverine Club in coopera-
tion with the Varsity committee,
will be highlighted by addresses
by Babe Crawford, a prominent
alumnus, Dr. A. D. Robinson, fa-
ther of the new Jayvee coach, and
an unannounced member of the
athletic department.
The Michigan cheerleaders
will also lead a series of cheers.l
If the pep rally is postponed be-
cause of rain, the University siren
will be sounded. All students are
urged to attend.
First Students
Get IDCards
A triple line moved at the rate
of a student per minute yesterday
as the first batch of blinding yel-
low ID cards was handed out.
PEOPLE WHOSE names begin
with letters H-Q may pick up their
pasteboards today. Those with
names beginning Q-Z will get
cards Friday.
Under this year's new system,
students whose pictures are duds
will have new pictures taken this

Students Need
Fun, Says Ike1
NEW YORK - () - College
students should have fun, says
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Columbia University president.
He told more than 1,200 stu-
dents at an assembly yesterday:
"The day that goes by that
you don't have some fun is not
only unnecessary, but un-Chris-
tian. If you don't have it, you
are not being true to your-
The students cheered whenj
Eisenhower told them he con-
siders expansion of recreationalc
facilities to be one of his first
AEC Bars
Unions from
A tom Jobst
WASHINGTON --(P)-The na-
tion's atomic plants were barred
today to labor unions with leaders
suspected of Communist tie-ups.
The order came from the Atomic
Energy Commission, coinciding
with these other developments:
1. The Department of Justice
told the House Un-American Ac-1
tivities Committee it won't engagez
in "witch hunts" or institute pros-e
ecutions "to justify the publicity
seekers." The committee has ac-t
cused the Department of failing t
to prosecute atomic espionage sus-t
* * *
(Rep., N.J.) chairman of that
committee, made public a letter to
President Truman declaring that
"you and your attorney general 1
have attempted to obstruct andc
thwart our pursuit of the facts."
He challenged Mr. Truman to back(
up his recent criticism of the com-
mittee with facts.
3. Two more high ranking of-1
ficials of the CIO United Elec-
trical Workers refused to tell a
House labor subcommittee
whether they are or have been
Communist party members.
David/E. Lilienthal, atomic en-
ergy commission chairman, signedi
letters ordering the United Elec-1
trical Workers and the CIO Unit-
ed Public Workers of America to
stay out of the atomic installa-
IN EACH CASE, he said, infor-
mation is available concerning "al-
leged Communist affiliation or ac-
cusation" of certain union officers.
Viewed in connection with t&e
failure of the labor organizations'
officers to sign non-Communist
affidavits under the Taft-Hartley)
Act, he said, there is "a very
serious question" whether the rep-
resentation of atomic workers by
such unions would be consistentI
with "that 'full and unqualified
loyalty" to the interests of the
United States required by the
atomic energy act.
Slayers' Exam
The examination of Kenneth
Basha and Willard Swarthout on
charges of murdering Dearborn
taxi driver Francis Andrews was

rescheduled for 10 a.m. tomorrow'
at the request of defense attorneys.
Prosecutor Douglas Reading said
Frank Finney, attorney for the
19 - year - old Swarthout, had
sought the postponement because
of a prior engagement in Detroit
yesterday when the examination
was to have been held in Ann Ar-
bor Municipal Court.
'U' To Start Fining
_r -t ..T.T ..

Say Russian
Moves Risk
World Peace
Moscow Sees
Rejection of Plea
PARIS - (AP) - The
Western Powers asked the
United Nations Security Coun-
cil to step into the Berlin crisis
on the grounds that ruthless
Soviet action threatens world
The Moscow New Times
predicted failure for the appeal
which was presented to the
Council under the U.N. Char-
ter's most drastic provisions.
Informed sources said the
council would take up the issue on
The United States, France
and Britain handed in the hot-
test case in U.N. history on the
10th anniversary of the Munich
pact-a forerunner to World
War Two.
But where appeasement was the
key in Munich determination to
resist Soviet pressure was appar-
ent in Paris.
THE WESTERN Powers said
they would reserve to themselves
the full right to take whatever
measures were necessary to main-'
tam their position in Berlin while
referring the case to the U.N.
Informed sources said this
was a definite warning the three
powers would not be forced out
of Berlin,
The United States, France and
Britain had announced last Sun-
day their decision to go to the
council. Today they filed their
charges, with 30 pages of notes
and documents supporting them,
under chapter VII of the United
Nations charter.
* * *
THIS CHAPTER is the strong-
est in the charter.
The 800-word note sent to U.N.
Secretary - General Trygve Lie
without fanfare did not cite any
article of Chapter VII, but auhtor-
itative sources said -the three
powers would base their case on
Article 39.
This says the council shall de-
termine the existence of any
threat to the peace, breach or
the peace, or act of aggression
and make recommendations or
decide which of its severest pen-
alties it wants to invoke.
The council has the right to im-
pose a land, sea and air blockade
around a guilty country. If nec-
essary, it can call on U.N. mem-
bers to supply armed forces for
military operations against the of-
Soviet Fliers
Feign Attack
On U.S. Planes
BERLIN-(I)-Nine Soviet yak
fighters made simulated diving at-
tacks on two American coal planes
on the Berlin haul today.
American' authorities said five
Soviet fighters buzzed within 100
feet of one of the C-54 skymasters
in the Berlin-Hamburg corridor.

Four fighters dived at the other
A strong written protest was'
sent to the Russians. It demand-
ed "immediate and direct action"
to make Russian fliers obey flight
rules before a "serious incident"
The protest cited several
other recent cases of "reckless"
Soviet flying endangering Amer-
ican aircraft and complained
that repeated oral protests

Three Coeds Upset Fraternities' Apple Carts

The campus went topsy-turvy last night when three coeds each
pledged three fraternities during an hour-long tour of houses. ,
The gals, Miss X, Y and Z, hidden in casually collegiate men's
clothing, stopped the show at four fraternity open houses, greeting the
boys in cracked falsettos from behind big black cigars.

MISS Y, WHO engineered the hoax because she wanted to see
what was done when fraternities 'shanghaied' rushees, hit her mark
when four husky males set up a human barricade to keep her in the
house living room.
"All the fellows were swell to us," she said. "They introduced
us to everyone and rave a lone sales-talk on their fraternities.

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