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September 24, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-09-24

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Latest Deadline in the State










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IT.S.Will Not:;'
Com proy\{.Sse
Wt h Russia".
Marshall Gives
PARIS - (1P) - Secretary of
State George C. Marshall told
Russia that the United States
will not compromise on principles
to win peace.;
* * *

Charges Actions,
Of Dems, G. 0. P.
Will1 Start -War
Progressives, students, and townspeople are catching their breath
today after yesterday's whirlwind visit of Sen. Glen Taylor, running
mate of Wallace in the presidential campaign.
Moving rapidly after his noon speech to Kaiser-Frazer work-
ers at the gates of the Willow Run plant, Senator Taylor gave
talks at a Women for Wallace luncheon at the Union, followed
by a public address in Ann Arbor's West Park.
He concluded his tour through Washtenaw County with a short
talk at Willow Village, and moved on immediately for an evening
rally at Pontiac.
* * *

Union that American patience
must not be misunderstood foi
weakness. That would be a tragic
error, he said.
The calm-voiced secretary
did not mention Russia by name
in his American policy declar-
ation to the United Nation's
General Assembly. But delegates
who listened carefully agreed he
was talking directly to the
Soviet Union and her satellites.
Marshall was preceded only by
the Philippines in the Assembly's
opening general debate.- Informed
sources said he requested that
early spot months ago so there
would be no mistake about the
United States policy in the cur-
rent meeting of the World Par-
THE SOVIET sphere apparent-
ly understood Marshall's message.
Poland quickly followed with a
blistering attack on alleged Amer-
ican imperialism-principally the
European Recovery Program.
Marshall said the United
States will not "compromise the
essential principles" or "bar-
ter away the rights and freedom
of other peoples."
He pulled no surprises like last
year's demand for creation of the
Little Assembly. He did urge con-
tinuation of the Little Assembly
for another year, opened the door
to the Russian-led minority to co-
operate, and declared that there
are nohmechanical majorities as
Russia has charged.
IN A SPEECH which drew im-
mediate favorable comment from
non-Communist delegates, Mar-
shall carefully laid down the
American position on major prob-
lems before the assembly and
closed with these words:
"The United Nations has sought
to promote the free exchange of
ideas on a basis of fll reciprocity.
The effort is of the greatest po-
litical importance. Any govern-
ment which by deliberate action
cuts itself and its people off from
the rest of the world becomes in-
capable of understanding the
problems and policies of other gov-
erninents and other peoples. It
would be a tragic error if, because
of such misunderstanding, the pa-
tience of others should be mis-
taken for weakness.
"The United States does not
wish to increase the existing
tension. It is its wholehearted
desire to alleviate that tension."
Arabs Charge
Truce Broken
AMMAN, Trans-Jordan-(IP)-
The Arab Legion charged that a
Jewish fighter plane shot down an
Arab airliner, killing two British
AN ARAB Legion spokesman
charged that the incident was a
violation of the Palestine truce and
said a vigorous investigation was
being demanded of UN obsevers.
(This was the third incident in
recent days heightening Palestine
tension beginning with the assass-
ination of the UN mediator, Count
Folke Bernadotte and a French
aide last Friday in Jerusalem. Yes-
terday Arabs attacked a UN-spon-
sored Jewish convoy at Latrun and

ESTINE - John Locke Lewis
(above), 54, of Philadelphia,
was reported killed by Arabs in
ambush of a Jewish convoy en-
route to Jerusalem.
(AP Wirephoto)
'eft' Unity
Called for
LOS ANGELES-()-President
Truman cried out to American
liberals to "Unite" and not toss
votes away on a "powerless" third
party he said "the Communists
are guiding and using."
"This," said the President, "is
a championship fight. Do not
believe anybody is going to win
this fight by running away from
the record or ducking the is-
To liberals leaning toward Henry
A. Wallace's third party, Mr. Tru-
man called out:
"Think again."
* * *
THIS IS THE hour for the lib-
eral forces of America to unite,"
he said. "We have hopes to ful-
fill and goals -to attain. Together
we can rout the forces of reaction
once again."
The Chief Executive's attempt
to cut away Wallace' following
came in a major campaign ad-
dress prepared for delivery to a
Los Angeles crowd gathered in
Gilmore Stadium. Politicians
generally have agreed that a
heavy vote for Wallace would
damage the Democrats worse
than the Republicans.
America," he said, "is summed up
in the four freedoms: freedom
from want; freedom from fear;
freedom of worship; freedom of
"The Republican ideal, as I
have seen it in action, is summed
up in the phrase, "big business
There is 'frightening evidence,'
Mr. Truman declarea, that if the
country goes Republican "every-
thing is likely to be all wrong
within a very short time."
PRESENTING what he called
'hard facts" instead of "high{
sounding words," Mr. Truman said
the people must wake up and
realize that at this very instant
"their standard of living and their
hopes for the future are at stake."l

EMPHASIZING FOREIGN POLICY in all his speeches, Taylo
attacked both the Democrats and the G.O.P. for what he termed ".
deliberate effort to provoke war with the Russians." He revealed tha,
high authorities in government will soon announce that the Unitec
States is now rearming Japan.
Other examples he -ited of this "provocation" of the Soviets
were the "billion dollar; worth of equipment the United States
has sent to Turkey," aad "the $100,000,000 appropriation an-
nounced by Sen. Styles Bridges for sabotage and espionage in
Russia and Eastern Europe."
Speaking before an estimated crowd of 400 people in West Park,
Taylor deplored "the present fascist government of Chile, where 5,000
labor leaders have been sent to concentration camp." He warned that
the same thing might happen in this country "if such laws as the
Mundt-Nixon Bill are passed."
* * *
SKEPTICAL AT FIRST, the audience-composed largely of stu-
dents and younger townspeople - were later enthusiastic, as Taylor
spoke to them with a skillful combination of seriousness and humor.

(AP Wirephoto)
(above), Henry Wallace's running-mate greeted his Ann Arbor
boosters wit ha speech at West Park yesterday afternoon.
* * ,*
Sen. Taylor E-mphasizes
Need for Proper Atitude

Ex Officio!
off the election! Throw away
the ballots!
There's no point in choosing
a vice-president, folks.
He doesn't have an office to
come to.
This sad news camne out in-
advertently today when apho-
tographer, acting on an impulse
which is somewhat obscure, de-
cided to take a picture of the
Vice-President's hangout.
"Imagine my surprise, he
said. "He hasn't got any."
That's true, too. It must be
sad news for the Messrs. War-
ren, Barkley, Taylor, Wright et
al. Here they are, running for
an office which has no office
"When the new Senate Of-
fice Building is built," David
Lynn, Capitol architect said,
"We plan to have a very nice
suite for the vice-president."
"But we won't even ask for
bids until next May," said Lynn.
And what will the vice-presi-
dent do until then, poor thing?
Ex-spy Bentley
May Be Sued
On Libel Count
WASHINGTON - (P) - Eliza-
beth T. Bentley, whose tes-
timony about a wartime Russian
spy ring touched off the current
series of Congressional investiga-
tions, was threatened with a libel
suit today by one of the men she
William W. Remington, who is
on suspension from the Commerce
Department awaiting the out-
come of a loyalty inquiry, de-
manded that Miss Bentley make
"a satisfactory public retraction"
of her charges against him.
Other developments in the
couble-barreled investigations be-
ing conducted by House and Sen-
ate committees included:
1. Senator Ferguson (Rep.,
Mich.) charged that his investi-
gation had been "thwarted" by
President Truman and Attorney
General Clark.
2. Clark denied that he had ever
refused Hoover permission to tes-
tify, and said the senator "delib-
erately mis-states the facts" in an
effort to win support in his race
for reelection.
3. Rep. McDowell (Rep., Pa.
said he would recommend to the
House Un-American Activities
Committee tomorrow that two un-
named atomic scientists and a
Communist operative be indicted
on espionage charges.
4. Rep. Hebert (Dem., La.), a
member of the same House com-
mittee, said the group had turned
up no evidence "at all" of any
spying here since the war.
Union Pension Bargain
Right Upheld by Court
CHICAGO-(W)-The U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals held that
qualified unions can require em-
ployers to bargain with them
about pensions.
The court also upheld the con-
stitutionality of a provision of the
Taft-Hartley Law requiring union
officials to sign affidavits that
they are not Communists.
The ruling sustained a national.
Labor Relations Board order that
the Inland Steel Company must
discuss pensions with the CIO
United Steelworkers-if union of-
ficers sign non-Communist affi-

The senator's abbreviated speech a
Dewey Backs
Military Atom
Says Peaceful Uses
Also Must Be Found
PHOENIX, Ariz. - (A) - Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey said America
must back the military develop-
ment of atomic energy "to the
hilt" so long as the peace of the
world is threatened.
But the Republican presidential
nominee added that "we are de-
termined that this great new
force" be turned eventually "into
an instrument of peace-not war,"
with civilian development.
* 'i*
IN HIS fourth major campaign
address, prepared for delivery at
9:30 p.m. Central Standard Time
in Montgomery Stadium here,
Dewey said that so far "our best
efforts" to harness atomic en-
ergy for peace have been blocked
"by the repeated vetoes of the
Soviet Union" in the United Na-
After a round of rear platform
talks on his way through the
state from Albuquerque, N.M., the
New York Governor said: "You
can be very sure that many mil-
lions of freedom loving, peace
seeking people of the world are
giving thanks tonight that the
atomic secret for the present at
least is America's secret.

at Willow Village got little reaction,
Taylor-a former actor and
singer-lived up to his reputa-
tion as the "singing senator" by
joining with his wife and older
son, Arod (reverse of his wife's
name, Dora) in a song after his
West Park speech. His younger
son, "P.J.," also got in the vocal
fun after each of Taylor's ap-
pearonces, usually accompanied
by Bernie Asbel, a professional
folk singer with the senator's
At the luncheon meeting, Tay-
lor was introduced by Prof. Wil-
fred Kaplan, of the mathematics
department. Also present was
John Ciardi, a former Hopwood
winer and an English professor
at Harvard, who solicited party
* * *
TROUBLE WITH th e city
over the ordinance prohibiting
sound trucks failed to materialize
yesterday as a six car motor cav-
alcade-headed by a makeshift
sound truck-passed down State
street and through the downtown
district without police interfer-
As the vice-presidential can-
didate arrived at West Park for
his speech there, two 11 year
olds buttonholed him before he
could even leave the car, and
immediately plied him with
questions such as "where were
you born" and "where did you
go to school."
The two intrepid reporters
turned out to be Nancy Link and
Gwen Etzel-both sixth graders
at Mack School-conducting an
interview for their grade paper,
which "usually comes out on

Proper attitude, not proper
methods, is the key to peaceful
Russian relations,kand only Wal-
lace's election can insure the right
approach, Sen. Glen Taylor told
newsmen yesterday.
"If the Progressive Party come
into power, the USSR would have
confidence in the desire of the
American people for peace," he
* * *
THE CANDIDATE addressed a
news conference at the Student
Publications Building prior to his
public talk at West Park.
Emphasizing that the Progres-
sive Party did not need to sug-
gest any specific methods for
"getting along" with Russia, Sen.
Taylor said that it is America's
present aggressive attitude which
prevents Russia from having con-
fidence in us.
* * *
ing in a loud clear voice, the Idaho
senator time and time again
blasted what he called Dulles and
the cartel men.
They have promoted the Cold
War so that they can build up a
strong military force to subugate
the world and obtain more profits,
he charged.
"I suppose they are planning a
war with Russia," he added.
* * *
DEFENDING THE running of
Progressive Party candid a t e s
against "liberal" candidates, the
senator called such men as Hum-
World News
At a Glance
United States has given the new
French government "a vote of con-
fidence" by letting it have a spe-
cial recovery fund of about $230,-
000,000, government officials said
DETROIT - (P)-A strike of
170 plant guards that crippled a
segment of Detroit's auto in-
dustry for 15 days came to an
end today, and 60,000 idled auto
workers prepared to return to
their jobs.
The Briggs Manufacturing Co.
whose 25,000 workers had refused
to cross the independent union's
picket lines, planned to go back
to full scale operations Friday.

phrey of Minnesota "phoney lib-
"Humphrey is in favor of peace-
time draft and the Marshall
Plan. What difference will it
make when we are all dead
whether there is a Taft-Hartley
Law or not?"
IDescribing the "expansion of
the United States wherever we
have military forces and supplies,"
Sen. Taylor charged that the gov-
ernment is already rearming
Nab Alien on
'Redl' Charge
CHICAGO-(UP)-George Pirin-
sky, 48, executive secretary of
the American-Slav Congress, was
arrested on a warrant charging
him, as an alien, with belonging to
an organization advocating force-
ful overthrow of the United States
In Washington, the Justice De-
partment said the action against
Pirinsky is based upon alleged
membership in the Oommunist
Party, not upon his affiliation
with the American-Slav Congress.
The Department said that Pir-
insky "affiliated with the Com-
munist Party after his entry into
this country, in violation of the
immigration statutes."
Pirinsky was in Chicago for the
fourth American-Slav Congress
which opens tomorrow in the
Stevens Hotel. He was arrested in
the Office of the Immigration and
Naturalization Bureau and later
released under $1,000 bond.

Officials Call
For Aid After
Meeting 'Fix'
Attack Answered
By Communist
The Campus Chapter of the
American Veterans Committee
split wide open over the Commu-
nist issue in a meeting which
lasted into the early hours yester-
day morning.
* * *
and Communist symppthigers
packed the meeting, Dave Babson,
AVC chairman, declared that they
were trying to capture control of
the organization.
Babson said Communists invad-
ed the meeting under the leader-
ship of Ed Shaffer and outvoted
the rank-and-file membership in
passing certain resolutions.
Shaffer controlled a block of
University students ofCommunt
sympathies including transfer stu-r
dents from Brooklyn College, a
cording to Babson.
Shaffer denied packing the
meeting and claimed he had never
seen the transfer students before.
* * *
"I AM NOT AT ALL surprised
that the rank and file members,
many of whom supported the pres-
ent leadership in the past, voted
as they did," he declared. The is-
sues concerned civil liberties which
the vast majority of AVC mem-
bers wants to defend, Shaffer con-
tended. He admitted contacting
other members of the AVC prior
to the meeting and outlining his
plans for the resolutions, however,
* * *
THE CONTESTED resolution
condemned the action the Nation-
al Planning Committee of AVC
had taken in expelling John Gates,
Daily Worker editor and gommtu-
nist Party member. The National
group declared last summer that
Gates could not be a Communist
and still subscribe to the AVC pre-
The preamble pledges mem-
bers "to maintain full produc-
tion and full employment in
our country under a system of
free enterprise in which bus-
inesses, labor agriculture and
government cooperate."
According to the Shaffer reso-
lution, the expulsion "is an at-
tempt to divert the attention of
the membership from the failures
of the present administration by
raising at the time of election of
delegates to the national conven-
tion the false issue of the Bolshe-
It also declared that the action
was "dictatorial, undemocratic,
and contrary to the principles
upon which AVC was founded."
The resolution continued, "The
administration is trying to hide
the fact that in the past year the
NPC took no action against the
draft, against UMT,,against dis-
crimination in the armed forces,
and for the preservation of civil
THE MEETING was slated as- a
discussion of, "The Place of the
Veteran on Campus-Three Years
But Shaffer, and the faction
he controlled prevented carry-
ing out the planned program
and rammed through several
Communist line resolutions,
Babson said.
Today Babson, Summer Chair-
man Everett Bovard and Treas-
urer Ed Tumin are marshalling
forces to regain control of the
* * *

"WE WILL temporarily drop our
proposed series of educational pro-
grams and wage an all out battle
to restore the organization to its
former status, they told The Daily.
"It is either we or they," Bab-
son said. "We will fight fire
with fire utilizing every weapon
at our command."
The Wednesday night meeting
was a stormy four hour session
which saw the Communist liners.
in complete control, Babson said.
Of the 100 AVC members 60 were
present at the outset.
* * *
BUT THIS number had dwin-
dled to 36 when the meeting fi-
nally broke up at 12:30 a.m.
Babson said all of the Shaffer
f atin ad AVC! m --,or.hi

Burton Tower Gets. Video Transmitter

City Reverts To EST Saturday;
Bus, Train Times Unchanged

The voice of the University will
gain a new dimension within a
Vice President Robert P. Briggs
has completed arrangements with
the University Plant Department
for the installation of a perma-
nent television transmitter in
Ri r+nn M mrrl wrwm

The programs will be set from the
stadium by radio relay to Burton
Tower and then to WWJ-TV in
Detroit. Games televised last year
were relayed to Detroit through
Tuomy Ridge.
* * *
are now completing the installa-
i-r of hrar tc t +-n cmnort the

Theatre. The cables will act as
power and television outlets.
When the cables are put in, the
Speech Department and the Uni-
versity Broadcasting Service will
stage programs for television at
Hill Auditorium and Mendelssohn
Theatre. Meanwhile, they will
continue to originate programs

There are twenty-five hours in
a day.
People pressed for time are ad-
vised not to count on this as a
permanent change, for it will last
but one day, Saturday, when Ann
Arbor returns to Eastern Stand-
ard Time.
* *,*
come. it will be one of the longest

turn to Standard Time, passed at
the last meeting, was merely a re-
affirmation of the previous reso-
Creal said that Ann Arbor will
not returned to Daylight time un-
less Detroit does, and added that
he thought this unlikely.
MOST SERIOUSLY affected by
the change will be radio station
WPAG which will lose one hour of

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