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September 26, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-26

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Latest Deadline in the State






'U' WarnsAgainst
Phony Salesmen
Magazine Subscription Ped dlers
"Violating City, University Rulings
Students were warned last night to be on the lookout for phony sales-
men who may be operating in the Ann Arbor area.
Bard of Regents Secretary Herbert G. Watkins revealed that the Ad-
ministration has learned of an unauthorized sale of magazine subscriptions,
near the Women's Athletic Building.
A "Mr. W. F. Smith" who claimed to be selling subscriptions to two
women's magazines recently signed up a large number of coeds who re-
side at Mosher-Jordan and Stockwell Halls.
Whether the sale was on the up and up or not, it constituted violation of
a city ordinance.
City Clerk Fred Perry reported that he had issued no license which
allowed magazine subscription salesmen to collect money from local resi-
University Vice-President Robert v
P. Briggs disclosed that the Uni-
versity has been attempting to lo- U Legislature
cate "Smith" for the past two days
without success.c
Watkins pointed out that the sale cts on Football
was not authorized by the University. ,
Soliciting and collection of money Ticket Situation
on campus or in University buildings
are QKed only in connection with a
University-approved activity, he ex- Mass Exchange Will
plained. This rule extends to every Take Place Next Week
part of the University.
Local police said that phony The Student Legislature, in its first
salesmen have been working this meeting of the year last night, swung
area for ,the past few months. into action to get the right students
"A crowded campus presents a gol- into the right seats at Michigan foot-
den opportunity for racketeers," ball games.
Watkins declared. The mass exchange of coupon
Dean of Women Alice G. Lloyd books, announced in yesterday's
instructed students accosted by Daily, will take place from 8:30 a.m.
salesmen who have questionable to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
credentials to report all such inci- and from 8 to 12 Saturday. Booths
denst to the administration or to will be set up in the Union North
the police. Lounge and in University Hall lobby
Meanwhile, University students re- adjacent to the Dean of Students Of-
siding at Willow Village report that fice.
"numerous salesmen, many of them Class Standing Is Basis
with extremely high-sounding offers, Ray Davis, president of the Legis-
have been operating in the Village." lature, said that "class standing, not
"An enrollment-swollen university the number of semesters at Michi-
campus could be a Mecca for illicit gan," is the basis for football ticket
practices," Vice-President Briggs distribution.
painted out. "We must be doubly "Students with less than 59 hours
cautious now before this sort of thing should not be sitting in sections 24 to
becomes extremely dangerous." 28 inclusive, and students with 60
hours or more may sit in preferred
T T. sections regardless of where the
lJr .ri ' hours were acquired," Davis said.

Power Strikers

Reject Settlement;

Anti- Strik e
In' unction
Is Attacked
Union Leader Freed
With Apology to Court
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 25-Striking
members of the Power Workers Union
voted overwhelmingly tonight against
considering a settlement proposal
from the Duquesne Light Co. until
an injunction forbidding their strike
is dissolved.
The vote was announced as 1,777
against considering the offer and 402
in favor of it.
Secret Meeting
The poll was taken at a secret
meeting after President George L.
Mueller of the union was released
from jail to attend it. The unionist
yesterday was sentenced to a year in
jail for contempt of court, growing
out of criticism of the anti-strike in-
junction and refusing to obey an or-
der to call off the walkout which has
crippled industry and idled thousands
of persons.
Apologized To Court
President Mueller had been re-
leased earlier tonight in custody of
counsel after he apologized to the
court, and at the same time promised
to urge ending of the strike.
It was not made clear at the pro-
ceedings whether the release in any
way affected Mueller's jail sentence.
Mueller, previously declined to
apologize for allegedly calling an in-
junction forbidding the power strike
"a scrap of paper" and ordering it
started in spite of the court order.
The union leader entered the court-
room of Judge Harry H..Rowand of
Allegheny county in custody of Sher-
iff Walter Monaghan and told the
"I want to say that in the state-
ments I have made I meant no af-
front to this court and I apologize to
your honors if I appeared to be in
He asked that he be released to at-
tend the union membership meeting
session at Carnegie Hall and declared
he would urge acceptance by the
Power Workers Union of a new offer
from the Duquesne Light Co. to end
their dispute.
Line Forms.
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OFF TO JAIL--George L. Mueller (center) president of the Power Workers Union is shown being led from a
courtroom in Pittsburgh, Pa., by Sheriff Walter Monaghan (left), after being sentenced to a year in jail
for contempt of court in calling a power workers str ike while an injunction was in effect forbidding the
walkout. President Mueller was released last night in c ustody of council after he apologized to the court and
promised to urge ending of the strike. It is not known whether the release affects his jail sentence.

Kaiser Defends Profit Motive;
lBostwick Suspended by AA

Still Available
Quota Sold in Less
Than Hour Yesterday
Whether students were standing in
line for a purpose or by force of habit,
we can't be sure, but at any rate
about 200 disappointed people were
turned away in the line for Ohio
State football tickets that stretched
from the booth in University Hall to
the Romance Languages Building
yesterday morning.
The situation is not as bad as it
looks, however. The day's quota was
sold in less than an hour after the
booth opened at 8:30 a.m. but there
are still some 660 tickets and 444 train
tickets left. Apparently more than
expected can provide their own trans-
Ticket sales will continue today and
tomorrow. The booth will open at
8:30 a.m. and remain open until the
day's quota is sold..
Sponsored by the Student Legisla-
ture Varsity Committee, plans for the
trip on Nov. 23 include breakfast sold
by a local caterer at the station from
6 a.m. till train time at 7 a.m., ar-
rangements for the train to run di-
rect to a switch adjacent to the Ohio
State Stadium, and the return trip
at 7:30 p.m. that night.
Prices on the tickets are $3.50 for
the game and $7.60 for the round-
trip train tickets. Cashier's receipts
must be presented and purchases of
game tickets will be limited to two per
Directory Staff
Begins Work
' Michigan Date Book'
Ready Next Month
Faced with the gargantuan task of
compiling and distributing the largest
studenit directory in Michigan's his-
tory, the 'Ensian staff is delving into
its work with super-human effort and
hopes to have the "Michigan Date
Book" ready for sale by the middle
of October.
"We hope to have the directory out
on time," said 'Ensian Associate Edi-
tor Lorelei Nierman, who is in charge
of compiling the directory. "Eighteen
feet of student registration cards con-

The Legislature estimated that ap-
proximately 2,000 to 5,000 students
had "exaggerated" their class stand-
Others Must Exchange
The Legislature also decided that
students who obtained seats in the
wrong sections through errors by ath-
letic department distributors must re-
turn their tickets along with those
who obtained them by fraud.
Davis warned that private ex-
cha ges of tickets between under-
classmen and upperclassmen outside
the established machinery will not
clear the underclassman's record. "He
will still be liable to disciplinary ac-
tion," Davis said..
'No Questions Asked'
The exchange of coupon books-
"without prejudice and with no ques-
tions asked"-will take place as fol-
Monday and Tuesday-freshmen
and sophomores who acquired tickets
in sections 24 to 28 inclusive through
error or fraud will present their tick-
ets at one of the Legislature's booths
in exchange for identifying stubs.
Wednesday and Thursday-Jun-
iors, seniors and graduates who have
seats in sections 29 on up will ex-
change their tickets for seats in the
correct sections.
Friday and Saturday-Freshmen
U' Economsts
Return From
Warc time Jobs
High-salaried wartime jobs in
Washington provided only temporary
allure for a great majority of Uni-
versity of Michigan economists.
Nine of the eleven University econ-
omists who were working for the gov-
ernment at the eak of war activity
have returned to the University, ac-
cording to Prof. I. L. Sharfman of
the economics department, just as a
vast majority of economists who en-
tered government service during the
war have returned to campus posts.
Basically interested in academic
careers, these economists have come
back to the freer intellectual atmos-
phere of the campus, in most in-
stances at "unquestionable financial
sacrifices" he said.
Of the two Michigan men still in
government service, one has taken a

Liquor Cards
The liquor-card line forms at the
county courthouse, Main street and
West Huron first door to the right
as you enter the ancient portals of
this Washtenaw county landmark.
More than 100 University students
have appeared each day since regis-
tration at the desk of County Clerk
Luella Smith seeking the all-impor-
tant (to beer-consumers) cards. And
most of them have been turned away.
Mrs. Smith, who is not a stickler
ordinarily, reports that she is per-
mitted by state law to accept only a
certified copy of the birth certificate
and a recent identification photo of
the applicant.
Because of stringent enforcement
of regulations by state officials, mili-
tary service discharges are not ac-
There is no indication that the
law will be contested in the state
supreme court, although a Macomb
County judge recently declared the
law unconstitutional, Mrs. Smith
All local beer and liquor dispensers
have cooperated recently with a
crackdown on underage purchasers
at the request of County Prosecutor
John Rae.
As a result, Mrs. Smith reports an
amazing upsurge in business at her

Says System Wase
Incentive to Victory
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25-(')--
After hearing shipbuilder Henry Kai-
ser warmly defend the profit motive
as a spur to victory in wartime, the
House Merchant Marine Committee
today rejected an estimate by its own
counsel that a New England ship-
building firm made a 4,055 per cent
profit on its capital.
Committee members said the fig-
ure was unfair to the company.
Kaiser, whose profits have been
under examination by the commit-
tee, declared he knows of no country
"that's ever won a war except under
the profit system."
Soup Line?
But he volunteered for the soup
line. He told the committee that if
Congress could figure out a way to
prevent wartime profits, "I'll be for
At the same time John A. McCone,
president of the California Ship-
building Corporation=iaccused the
government of "misleading," the
people with "half-truths" about
shipbuilding profits.
Later in the day, the committee
turned down an estimate of its as-
sistant counsel, Nathaniel Gennett,
that the New Engand Shipbuilding
Corp. of South Portland, Me., made
a 4,055 per cent profit on its capital,
Estimate Unfairf
Committee members noted that
Gennett's estimate was based on
original capital of $278,000 and esti-
mated fees of $11,613,285. Since more
than half the total fees are subject to
renegotiation and the company has
paid taxes of $4,023,000 on part of
the fees, the members said, the esti-
mate was unfair.
Moreover, Michael N. Stolen, ac-
countant for the firm, said the ori-
ginal capital was augmented by
stockholders' loans of $750,000 and
bank loan's of $5,000,000. He report-
ed the company delivered 244 ships
and the value of its contracts was
approximately $250,000,000.
Assembly Line Ships.
Kaiser, who turned out ships on an
assembly line, finished three days of
testimony with committee members
still uncertain as to how he made
out financially.
Sparring with Rep. Weichel (Rep.,
Ohio,) Kaiser expressed his doubts
about the possibility of preventing
wartime profits.


'Mystery Document' Is
Cause of Quick Ouster
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 - (1') -
Congressmen inestigating surplus
property sales traced a "mystery doc-
ument" to Walton Bostwick, a War
Assets Administration official, today
and the WAA promptly suspended
Bostwick, Assistant Pricing Chief of
the Electronics Division, acknowl-
edged to the House Surplus Property
Committee that he was the author of
the memorandum which the con-
gressmen have called a "mystery."
Price Lowered
It noted a price of $4,500 each for
200 or more radio . trucks although
Hugh D. Wise, committee counsel,
declared $7,500 previously had been
set as the figure. Moreover the "au-
thorization" to sell the trucks for
$4,500 was drawn up four months
after the sale had been completed.
Bostwick further testified that the
pricing information he used came
from the attorney for the private con-
cern which handled the trucks.
Former Army Captain
Within the hour, George H. Moriar-
ity, Director of the WAA electronics
division, announced Bostwick's sus-
pension "pending further investiga-
tion" of his activities. Bostwick is a
former Signal Corps captain who
joined the WAA last Feb. 27 as a con=
sultant and later held other posts
Mrs. Ruth Campbell a stenographer
formerly with the WAA and now with
another government agency, testified
that Bostwick, as Assistant Chief of
the WAA Evaluation Section, dictated
the memorandum authorizing the $4,-
500 sales price last April and told
her to back-date it to Dec. 18,;1945.
Bostwick, summoned later, ac-
knowledged the action and declared
that "I am hazy on who told me to
do it."
Local Foundry Conipany
Fined for OPA Violation
The Ann Arbor Foundry Com-
pany, 1327 Jones Drive will pay
$4,000 to the United States treasury
for violating price ceilings, it was
announced yesterday.
,OPA charged that the company
sold iron castings over ceiling prices
between January 7, 1945 and Janu-
ary 7, 1946.

First Pep Rally
Of 46 Football
Season Planned
Gathering Tomorrow
r.I'o Pay Tribute to Yost
With a roaring bonfire for back-
drop the campus will participate in
the first pep rally of the 1946 foot-
ball season tomorrow night.
In the midst of cheering singing
and speeches Michigan students will
pause for a moment to pay tribute to
one of the grand old men of football,
Fielding H. Yost. J. Fred Lawton,
Michigan alumnus and emcee for the
rally will present the tribute to "Mr.
Michigan," Wolverine football coach
from 1901 to 1929 and athletic direc-
tor from that time till 1940.
Torchlight Parade
The pep rally will be organized at
7:30 p.m. on the steps of the Union
and will proceed from there to Ferry
Field in a torchlight parade. The Stu-
dent Legislature Varsity Committee,
sponsor of the program, has asked
both individuals and houses to make
and carry banners for the parade.
The "Varsity" will be the theme of
cheering and songs the program at
Ferry Field as this weekend coincides
with the 35th anniversary of the writ-
ing of the song. Lawton, who with
Prof. earl V. Moore, dean of the
School of Music, wrote "Varsity," will
tell of their travails in writing the
tune, present a skit on it and end up
by leading the crowd in singing the
"Varsity," one of Michigan's tradi-
tional football songs.
Crysler to Speak
H. O. (Fritz) Criser will appear as
principle speaker for the program at
the field.
Traditional spot for Michigan pep
rallies, Ferry Field is unusually suit-
able in that nature provided it with
natural bleacher section on the hill
going up to the highway on the South
side of the field. Programs for the
three pep rallies plannedfor this year
will be set up with a platform and the
band on the level part of the field.Stu-
dents are asked to stand on the hill
so that everyone will have an oppor-
tunity to see the program and partici-
pate in it.
tafncde S ticlnts
T® Be Found Roons
Permanent living accommodations
for almost all of the students who are
now occupying temporary quarters in
the recreation rooms and study halls
in various dorms will be found by the
end of the week, according to Fran-
cis C. Shiel, acting director of resi-
dence halls.
When classes started there were 276
students in such temporary living
quarters, including about 80 married
vets who are waiting for space in the
apartments at University Terrace or

Political Issue
McCormack, Reece
Dispute over Ceilings
ly The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25-In a
sweeping attempt to obtain 6,000,-
000 pounds of meat a month, the
Army today 'served priority orders
on all federally-inspected packers
calling for 25 per cent of their total
meat production.
It spoke of possible "punitive" ac-
tion by the Agriculture Department
in case the priorities were disregard-
ed. It said that the Army's "visible
supply of meat is less than a month's
Meanwhile, the meat famine
plaguing consumers produced a
maor political issue, with these
1. House Democratic Leader Mc-
Cormack of Massachusetts called
on OPA to suspend ceilings -n
meat and other scarce foods for 60
days to give "our hospitals and our
citizens" enough to eat.
2. Republican National Chair-
man Carroll Reece quickly issued a
statement calling this "cheap poli-
tics." He said McCormack was try-
ing to "kid the voters" by a tem-
porary suspension of "unworkable"
controls until after the November
The U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture estimates that the meat supply
will be only 10 to 15 per cent below
demand for the next four months, H.
B. Byd, Director of the Depart-
ment's Office of Price. Production
and Marketing Administration, to-
day told the Food Advisory Commit-
tee of the New York Board of Trade.
He indicated that the current ex-
treme scarcity of meat would end
within six to eight weeks, but added
there probably would be another
sharp decline in supplies next spring.
Boyd blamed the "marketing
spree" during the recent decontrol
holiday for the current extreme
shortage of meat, saying it had cut
into current supplies.
3, rnAlbuquerque, N.M., Secre-
tary of Agriculture Anderson said
his department "will take action"
on the petition promptly. "But," he
added, "if one of the requirements
for decontrol is a showing that the
comodity is not in short supply,
such a finding might be difficult to
justify, as the present outcry for
more meat would indciate."
The Army's action was taken in an
attempt to fill not only its own needs
but those of the Navy, Marine Corps.
War Shipping Administration and
Veterans Hospitals. A War Depart-
ment statement said these require-
ments are 60,000,000 pounds a
Whether these requirements can
be met was considered problemati-
cal, however, for the statement noted
that "meat slaughter is descending to
the vanishing point."
Army officials said the Agricul-
ture Dpartmnt authorized the War
Department to apply the priority
orders. "Any violating of priority
orders are reported to the Depart-
ment of Agriculture by the Quar-
ter-Mstr Corps an dthe Depart-
ment of Agriculture initiates the
punitive action," the War Depart-
ment statement said.
Higher Costs
MY1ust Be Met
Legislature Promises
More Funds This Fall
The University has been told to
use its future allotment of state funds
to provide for the present increased
operating costs and promised that
more money will be provided in the
deficiency appropriation bills that
will come before the legislature in

January, Prof. Robert Ford, director
of the Bureau of Government, said
Michigan State College will also be
provided for in the deficiency appro-
priations, which will be necessary be-
cause of the increased cost of mate-
rials, foods, and other operating costs.
$25,000,000 for direct relief and aid



Pollock Hits Wrong Ideas on Germany


"A little balder, but a little wiser,"
Prof. James K. Pollock, internation-
a.lymr nn mTTrivrs.ifu nalitical mi-

months in Germany, labeled definite-
ly "fallacious," recent news stories
and columns stating that "the Ger-

in error, he said, pointin gout that
the British are just now institut-
ing procedures which the Amri-

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