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September 21, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-09-21

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SL, Athletic

Board Agree
Officials Discard
Earlier Scheme
(Daily City Editor)
Only last minute agreement
saved University students from
the worst ticket tangle since the
basketball preferential seating of
two years ago.
Meeting at the Athletic Admin-
istration Building in a session that
lasted until 12:30 a.m. today,
members of the Board in Control
ox Inter-Collegiate Athletics and
the Student Legislature agreed on
a football ticket distribution plan
that will enable students to sit
with their friends.
group seating virtually impossible.
The new regulations are as fol-
Each student must present his
own coupon no. 6 in order to
get his football tickets.
Tickets can be picked up any
time before 8 p.m. Friday. But
Ticket Manager Don Weir, expect-
*ng huge lines at the last minute,
urged students who want to sit in
groups to register as early as pos-
Students may pick up their
tickets at registration. if they
Student groups picking up tick-
ets should re-enter Barbour Gym
through the north door.
STUDENT tickets will be dis-
tributed Saturday only to those
who register that morning.
"By 12:30 p.m. Saturday we
must be able to place on sale all
tickets not picked up by stu-
dents," Weir added.
These regulations were author-
ized at a meeting between Athletic
Director Fritz Crisler, Weir, Dave
Strack and four members of the
Student Legislature.
* * *
SL MEMBERS at the meeting
were President John Ryder, Quen-
tin Nesbitt, Dick Hooker, and Tom
The new system .went into
effect this morning, with a hard
working staff from the Athletic
department attempting to make
the new rules clean to confused
Walsh said that information
sheets explaining the new rules
would be distributed at registra-
tion early this afternoon.
* * *
THIS MORNING, various ru-
mors about the ticket distribution
plan flooded the campus.
The original ticket distribu-
tion plan would have had stu-
dents sitting next to the person
in toge same semester bracket
that they registered with. Group
seating would have been almost
The original plans were neces-
sary because of the early date of
the Michigan State game, accord-
ing to a statement from the Board
released yesterday.
* * *

Sign Up for Daily
Is Campus Chant

-Daily-Alex Lmanitan
LIMBERING-UP . . Charlie Ortmann, Michigan's sophomore
passing sensation last year, is shown on the practice field during
this fall's ,drills sharpening up his eye for the 1949 Wolverine
football season which opens Saturday against Michigan State.
* * * *
King Football To Arrive
In An-11n A rb or Saturday
By MERLE LEVIN previous victories over the Wo
(snoe tsCo-Editor)v thatverines in the early '30's.
Venerable King Football, ta
elusive old guy who reigns supreme EV * * 9*
over the kingdom of Autumn Hys- EV GRANDELIUS (195), a jun
teria, arrives in Ann Arbor at 2 ior, has come from nowhere t
p.m. Saturday and some 97,000 clinch the left halfback job ahea
of his devoted followers will be on of veteran Bud Crane, and Fran
hand at Michigan's newly enlarg- Waters (205) will hold down th
ed stadium to welcome His High- fullback spot.
ness back. The Spartans suffered a se-
-And incidentally to take a vere blow when a neck injur
gander at the No. 1 game in the forced Capt. Hal Vogler to va-
nation this week. cate his tackle position per-
* * * manently, but the invaders wil
STILL-MIGHTY Michigan, vic- hardly be helpless up front.
torious in their last 23 games and DnB
National Champions for the past Don Mason and Ed Bagdon gi
two seasons, plays host to ambi- the Spartans the finest pair
tious Michigan State, ranked guards in the country bar non
among the top ten teams in the and John Gilman and Hank Min
nation by pre-season dopesters in arik are among the country
a battle that comes strictly under better ends. Minarik especiallyi
the heading of "Ggudge." well remembered to Michigan fan
Theavisiting Spartans are good as the man who grabbed tha
Th n pt s ar much disputed touchdown pass f
and they are determined. They the Spartans in last year's debacl
feel that they have received the * *
dirty end of the stick in their BARREL-SHAPED Pete Fu
dealings with their old down- 210, will be at one of the tackle
state rivals and they want to do for the Green and White whi
something about it. Don Coleman, a 185-lb. sophomo
They figure, with good logic, who lias been impressive in drill
that a victory over the Wolverines will probably replace Voglero
would be the fastest and most con- the other tackle slot.
clusive way to prove their right See CITY Page 6
to at least an equal ranking with-
the Maize and Blue and the by-PROJECTS U D
word in the Spartan camp has ~U~J
been "Beat Michigan" ever since
spring drills got under way last
FORTUNATELY - or unfor-
tunately, depending on your sen-
timents-the Spartans have the
material to go with their deter- At least three phases of the lon
mination to halt the roaring Wol- awaited Phoenix Project are a
verines. ready underway at the Universit
Biggest noise in the MSC of- with a nationwide $6,500,000 fun
fensive is right halfback Lynn drive slated to get underway la
Chandnois, who averaged 7.4 this year.
yards a try in 94 rushing at- In addition, five pre-doctora
tempts last year and is receiving fellowships of $1,500 each in th
the necessary buildup for All- Graduate school have been gran
American honors this season. ed for a year's study of the "appl
Chandnois at 195 lbs. is big, fast cations and implications" c
and rugged both offensively and atomic energy.
defensively and should be rarin' * * *

"Subscribe to The Daily."
More than fifty student hawk-
ers will scour the campus this
week, chanting the phrase.
SUBSCRIPTION sellers will be
camped at the exits to Waterman
Gymnasium to enable students to
subscribe with ease. Other sales-
men will canvass the dormitories
and the Union and League.
Daily subscriptions run three
dollars per semester, five dollars
per year.
Salesmen will tell prospective
customers that only by reading
The Daily will they be able to get
a comprehensive picture of the
University, its highlights and side-
* * *
THE DAILY offers complete na-
tional coverage as well as full re-
ports on local happenings. Asso-
ciated Press wire and photo serv-
Book Exchange,
Opens Doors
For Business
Run as Non-Profit
Organization by IFC
Anticipating an avalanche of
more than 2,000 used textbooks,
the Student Book Exchange will
open its doors on the third floor
of the Union from 9-5 p.m., today
through Friday.
The exchange will also be open
from 1-5 p.m. all next week.
* * *
RUN AS A non-profit organiza-
tion by the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, the Exchange allows students
to price their own books and place
them on sale.
Unsold books may be claimed
from Oct. 3-6 while checks for
all books sold will be mailed out
within two weeks after the Ex-
change closes next Friday. A 15
per cent fee is charged to cover
Pointing out that students can
usually buy Exchange books from
one to two dollars cheaper than in
most local bookstores, Exchange
manager Dick Brown, '50BAd.,
said, "We feel that the Student
Book Exchange not only is bene-
ficial to students wishing to sell
their used textbooks, but also of-
fers a splendid opportunity for
students to save money in buying
expensive books."
Although hampered by their in-
ability to find a more central lo-
cation for the Exchange, Brown
feels that they will do an even
greater volume of business this
year than the record of nearly $5,-
000 in sales last semester.
"With fewer returning service-
men buying books on the G.I. Bill
we should handle even more books'
this year," he said.

ice, combined with a crew of more
than seventy reporters and pho-
tographers assures an all-inclu-
sive panorama.
Daily editorial page gives staff-
ers a chance to air their views on
news events and the aper's most
read feature "Letters to the Edi-
tor" gives students a similar op-
A photo engraver, newly added
to Daily equipment means timely
on-the-spot local news photos.
Soph-Fros h
Rivalry To
Boost Spirit
Class warfare will be the order
of the week Oct. 10-15 when stu-
dents are expected to inject some
extra 4ip into the University's
school spirit.
Tug Week, sponsored by Student
Legislature, has been arranged as
the result of a campus-wide poll
taken last spring, when students
voted to bring back some of the
traditional trappings associated
with pre-war campus "rah-rah."
Among these are the tugs-of-
war for which the week has been
Bill Gripman, '51E, pioneered
the project in Student Legislature
last year and is chairman of the
committee planning the week.
Gripman says, "I hope that the
week will in some way add to the
spirit of the school, which has
been noticeably absent during the
past few years despite our many
championship teams."
Tug Week activities will begin
on October 10, a Monday, with a
sophomore rally in tile after-
noon on the General Library steps.
On the following day a rally for
Freshmen will be held at the same
place. Chuck Murray, '51, is in
charge of the two rallies.
Leading representatives of the
faculty and student body will ad-
dress the two classes at the rallies,
and songs and cheers will pep up
the proceedings.
Climaxing the week will be
three tugs-of-war on Thursday.
In each tug, 25 Freshmen will pit
their strength against an equal
number of Sophs while other stu-
dents will cheer the opponents on.
The Huron river will be the scene
of these battles of brawn.
Joe Stone, '50, publicity chair-
man for the "Week," has this to
say of the rope to be used in the
tugs-of-war: "The present rope
which the Frosh will pull on
against the Sophs has been used
for 62 years. Three more years and
it's eligible for rope Social Se-
A mass potato sack race is de-
signed to keep coeds busy on the
See CLASS WAR Page 2

-Daily-Hank Tyson
BEFORE THE RUSH-Carl Schade, '50 Bus.Ad., climbs to a lofty
perch in Waterman Gymnasium to adjust one of the scores of
signs that will aid students in registering and classifying. Schade
is one of 50 part-time workers who helped get the gym ready for
the 20,000 student who will begin entering it today.
* * *
U' Students Will Enter
Registration 'Machine'


When University- students begin
to file into Waterman Gym this
morning, they will be part of a
scholastic miracle of "mass pro-
duction," as Assistant Registrar
Edward G. Groesbeck calls it.
It takes a master plan to route
20,000 students through registra-
tion in three days, and that is
what the Registrar's Office has, in
effect. They've achieved such ef-
ficiency that 1,000 students can
register and classify inside an
* * *
BEHIND THE elaborate maze
of desks, fee-stampiing station,
and wooden barricades lies a
scheme that involves hours of of
planning and the work of dozens
of employes.
Blueprints of Waterman, mark-
ing wherae. an elaborate maze of
telephones, desks, tables, and fee-
stamping stations are to be plac-
ed, provide the working outline.
From the blueprint stage, which
is where the registration set-up
was until yesterday morning, a
crew of hard-working janitors,
rounded up from a dozen campus
buildings, and 50 part-time em-
ployes, mostly students, took over.
* * *
placed on the gym floor, they set
up registration furniture and
posted signs. In charge of this op-
eration were Kroesbeck and Max
Crosman, assistant to the regis-
trar. Both lent expert hands at
setting up wooden tables.
When registration actually
gets underway, the part-time
ladder-climbers and sign-hang-
ers become fee-stampers, mes-
sengers, alphabetizers. The lat-
ter cut up and distribute "rail-
road tickets" within an hour

and a half after registration is
Between 300 and 400 students
are speeded through registration
every 20 minutes. They get their
ID pictures taken by one of four
fast-moving cameras which were
first used last year. They sign up
for courses. Barring unforeseen
difficulties, they find it a pretty
smooth process.
Groesbeck reminded students
that they will need their blue-
prints to obtain football tickets.
He also said that if students come
on time for registration they will
not have to wait. "No one will
have to stand in line outside the
gymnasium this year," he said.
* * *
Maze of Tests,
Teas Confront
The inevitable whirl of orienta-
tion week events already has near-
ly 2000 freshmen and 1000 trans-
fer students spinning i na bed-
lam of meetings, lectures, physi-
cals, parties, tests and teas.
Under the direction of Ivan W.
Parker, Director of Orientation,
and his staff of more than 320
student advisors, the new students
already have digested the fresh-
men and transfer assemblies Mon-
day night, hour-long sessions with
Academic Counselors, the W.A.A.
Style Show, Ruthven Teas, and
dormitory meetings last night.
* * *
THE PARADE of events con-
tinues today with registration at
Waterman Gymnasium and the
"College Night" activities tonight.
Each of the undergraduate schools
and colleges has prepared a spe-
cial party or program to welcome
its respective new students.
An "informational" program
featuring short talks by faculty
members giving valuable tips on
registration, couinseling and
other details of interest to new
students will be presented by the
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts at 7:30 p.m.
* * *
students will plunge into a heavy
round of social events sponsored
by the Union and the League.
Highlighting the day's, activities
will be a freshmen mixer from
3-5 p.m. at the Union. Dancing
and games are scheduled with the,
Union Executive Council promis-

New Studies
Needed for
Does Not Affect
Freshmen entering the literary
college this week will be the first
students to try out the college's
new curriculum requirements.
The revision was voted by the
faculty last spring so' that stu-
dents may "share a common intel-
lectual experience and . . . enjoy
greater latitude of choice In de-
termining their field of specializa-
UNDER THE NEW plan, which
is described in a special supple-
ment to the literary college an-
nouncement, students must meet
revised distribution requirements
English composition; philoso-
phy or mathematics; foreign
language; humanities, literature,
fine arts or music; social sci-
ences; and natural sciences.
Concentration requirements
have been considerably liberaliz-
ed; a new type of degree program
has been set up-the college pro-
grams. An example of these new
interdepartmental programs is the
one in American civilization,
which will call for courses in Eng-
lish political science, philosophy,
history, and economics.
In addition, the present pro-
grams of departmental specializa-
tion will still be available.
* * *
THE NEW distribution require-
ments represent an increase of
10-12 hours credit over the group
requirements; freshmen entering
now will take approximately 50
hours credit for general education
But the general education will
be spread out over the entire four
years, instead of being completed
in the first two years.
ANOTHER NEW feature of the
curriculum is the requirement of
a year's work in either philosophy
or mathematics, to be taken in
the junior or senior year.
The principle is that all stu-
dents should have some exper-
ience in abstract logical thought
as part of their general educa-
In accord with this idea, the
mathematics department, for ex-
ample, is setting up two semester
courses "for students who desire
to gain some insight into the logic
and range of mathematics."
FOR THOSE who do not expect
to specialize in mathematics, or
use it as a tool, they have revised
completely the usual approach to
the teaching of freshman courses.
The new courses will deal with
various parts of mathematics as
they illustrate basic concepts; em-
phasis will be placed on logical
reasoning, with a minimum of
arithmetical work and manipula-
tion of formulas.
* * *
AS PART OF the decision to set
up the new curriculum require-
ments, the faculty of the literary
college established a Standing
Committee on Curriculum to coor-
dinate and study the new plan in
This committee, elected by the
faculty and headed by Prof. Karl
Litzenberg of the English depart-
ment, becomes in effect a commit-

tee on undergraduate educational
* * *
THE LONG-RANGE job dele-
gated to the Curriculum Commit-
tee is continuous study of the cur-
riculum in order to make appro-
priate recommendations to the
faculty on educational problems.
The curriculum revision aims
at better general education and
greater freedom for students in
choosing fields of concentration.
The Curriculum Committee is
the central coordinating agency
for experimental work toward
these ends.
Besides Prof. Litzenberg, its
members are: Prof. Otto G .Gra


each student must pick up his own
ticket, whether he wants to sit
in a group or not, clears up one
of the Board's main objections to
the two year old group seating
The Board statement said that
there had been complaints from
individual students about the old
system. The complaints said that
* * *
STUDENTS HAD complained
that someone else had presented
their registration coupon with a
group and that they were unable
to get individual seats.
The Board said other students
had complained that "group
seating was unfair and that the
grouts always reeived better

ks Atom Research Funds


the Board of Regents has allocat-
ed $2,000,000 for construction of a
functional building to centralize
research and to handle "hot"
atomic materials.
THE REMAINING $4,500,000
will be used to explore the fields
for research in the physical and
biological sciences as well as the
social sciences.
This latter work is the Phoe-
nix P rniept' 'caim in a nioue

A study by Prof. Harley Bart-
lett of the Botany department
of the effects of radiation on
plant life.
Work with an electron micro-
scope by Prof. Robley Williams of
the physics department and R. J.
Lowry of the botany department
on division of chromosomes.
* * *
RESEARCH BY Prof. James B.

Medical men regard the use
of these atomic particles as new
tools with which to fight dis-
When the Phoenix Projects gets
under full steam, all the research
facilities of the University will be
involved. Existing laboratory fa-
cilities in the physics, chemistry,
engineering departments and in
University hospital will be util-

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