DORS OF THE Student Publications rudiment
Building-right behind Helen New- ing, andI
berry Hall-will open today for students
who want to join the staffs of The Daily,. SOME
'Ensian, University yearbook, and Gar- new sta
goyle, campus humor magazine. writingn
If you're looking for valuable experience such as
in the fields of news, sports and magazine staff,
writing, advertising, circulation, or pho- For t
tography, come over to the Student Publi- neophyt
cations Building at 4 p. m. today, when lar "be
Daily and Gargoyle editors will meet with writing
staff prospectives. later qua
*editor o(
YOU'LL LEARN all about the training Next sl
programs which prepare you for jobs as staff wh
editors, columnists, lusiness managers all phas
and magazine writers, jobs which are often
the first step to successful careers in pro- INSTA
fessional journalism and the business engraver
world. use mor
Another meeting will be held, at 5 p. m. fore, an
today, for prospective members of the 'En- photogra
sian busness staff. should c
Starting jobs on The Daily, Ensian Also n
and Gargoyle don't pay-in money, record a
anyway. But throughout the field of cialized
professional journalism, former staffers editorial
are making their mark, and attribute rollment
much of their success to experience Intereste
gained on publications here. of their
If you sign up for The Daily editorial 4 p. m.f
staff, you will undergo a semester's train- The D
ing program, designed to teach you the offer pra
Us of proofreading, headline writ-
general news reporting.
* * *
TIME DURING that semester,
ff members can branch off to
more in line with their interests,
sports or work on the women's
he following two semesters, the
1e journalist is assigned a regu-
at." During this time he gains
and editing experience which
alify him for a position as night
or assistant.
step is appointment to the senior
ich decides policies and oversees
es of the paper.
* * *
LLATION of a new-type photo-
last spring means The Daily will
e pictures this year than ever be-
d consequently will need more
phers. Prospective photographers
call Alex Lmanian at The Daily,
eeded are drama and music critics,
and book reviewers. These spe-
positions are appointed by the
director, and don't require en-
in the regular training programs.
d students should bring samples
work to a meeting to be held at
aily and Gargoyle business staffs
actical experience in advertising,
composition and selling, circulation, ac-
counting and promotions.
Many former Daily staff members are
found among the ranks of successful
journalists and businessmen. Employers
looking for reporters, advertising execu-
tives, and copy writers many times ap-
proach The Daily directly before they
Stan Swinton, former Daily City Editor
and current chief of the Associated Press'
Near East foreign bureau at Cairo, Egypt,
offers absolute proof that journalistic ex-
perience with The Daily pays off.
Until his recent reassignment to Cairo,
Swinton served as top man of AP's Eastern
* * *
IN ITS 59 YEARS of existence, The
Daily has obtained enough equipment to
outfit the best college newspaper shop in
the country. A full staff of linotype opera-
tors, makeup men and printers bring The
Daily close to technical perfection.
All students, except first semester-
freshmen, who possess at least a "C"
average are eligible for work on student
publications. Eligibility cards may be ob-
tained at the Administration Building.
The Daily, one of the nation's top col-
lege papers, is also big business. Over
60,000 column inches of advertising each
-wally Barth year and a 7,000 circulation make The
s on paper. Daily a $100,000 a year business.
NEW MEMBERS of the business staff
learn fundamental office procedures, ad-
vertising layout, and later are assigned to
service accounts.
The 'Ensian editorial staff will meet
with prospective members at 4 p. m. Tues-
day, Oct. 3.
Yearbook jobs, like those with Gargoyle
and The Daily, offer a veritable wealth
of experience.
'Ensian editorial staff workers must write
copy for the book. gather information from
the many campus organizations, take my-
riads of pictures, layoutrthe pages of the
book and see that all printers' deadlines
are met.
Business staff workers on the 'Ensian
perform tasks similar to those performed
by Daily and Garg business staffers.
The 'Ensian's volume of advertising en-
ables prospective ad staffers to pick up
valuable pointers for a career in advertis-
ing. The American advertising profession
has been the final destination of many ex-
'Ensian advertising enthusiasts who used
'Ensian experience as a valuable stepping-
If your writing naturally leans to the
humorous side, the Gargoyle can supply
all the answers. Strictly a "funny man's"
magazine, the Garg serves as a monthly
source of pleasure. And the opportunities
for advancement are excellent-in both
the editorial and business departments.
DAILY GOES TO BED-Night editor, makeup man, and reporter put finishing touche
See Page 4
it ujn
Latest Deadline in the State
Experts Plan
Bigger Stock
of A-Bombs
U.S. Reaffirms
UN Atom Control
top atomic experts huddled se-
cretly yesterday to speed plans for
boosting this countrys A-bomb
At the same time the United
- Sates renewed its demand for
strict international controls.
These were the highlight de-
velopments mushrooming in the
wake of last week's disclosure that
Russia now knows how to make
the world's most destructive weap-
* * *
1. MEMBERS of the Atomic
Energy Commission and the Sen-
ate-House Atomic Committee met
behind closed doors to reassess
"plan for the future with the view
in mind of increasing and main-
taiming our present superiority" in
the atomic field.
2. Undersecretary of State
James E. Webb once again af-
firmed this country's unbudging
support of the United Nations
plan for international control
of atomic energy through a
strict security inspection system.
He told a news conference that
this proposal-which Russia has
refused to accept-"remains the
only feasible, workable and ef-
fective one so far advanced."
3. A top general indicated that
military planners already have
gone to work on new ways to use
the atom bomb-if the need arises.
In a summation report, Ges. Jacob
L. Devers, chief of the Army
Ground Forces, recommended that
defense strategists give "further
study" to the possibility of using
the bomb for direct troop support.
As the tempo of the atomic
talks quickened, the prime ques-
tion remained-where and how to
get more uranium from which
atom bombs are made?
SLWarns of
Students should beware of un-
authorized vendors soliciting on
campus and in residences, Leonard
Wilcox, '52, Chairman of SL'::
Better Business Bureau warned
Several complaints of magazine
fraud have been received already
this semester by the Better Bus-
inmess Bureau. The SL urges all
students to demand authorization
cards from the SL's Better Bus-
iness Bureau, Ann Arbor Chamber
of Commerce and the Ann Arbor
Police Department before making
purchases, Wilcox said.
Solicitors can apply for BBB
cards daily from 4 to 5 p.m. in
the Student Affairs Office, Ad-
ministration Building.
Students Observe
German Rebirth
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles by two Daily
staff members who spent the summer in Europe as leaders of an NSA study
Amidst the still naked ruins of World War II, Germany is
experiencing a rebirth.
It is still too early to tell whether the new child will grow
into a monster again, but the evidence we saw was not too promising.
WE ENTERED Germany accredited by the London Foreign Of-
flce as correspondents for The Daily.
Our train crossed fromHolland into the British--one and
sped down along the incomparable Rhine River to Frankfurt
Churchill Hits
British Pound
LONDON-0P)-Winston Chur-
chill yesterday called devaluation
of the pound a lamentable and
serious disaster for Britain and
asked Parliament to tie a can to
the Labor government.
The former Prime Minister who
leads the Conservative Party rip-
ped into Sir Stafford Cripps as a
blundering Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer who lacked foresight and
turned "completely round like a
squirrel in his cage."
* * *
of no confidence in the Labor gov-
ernment. If the motion should be
carried in the vote today, at the
end of an emergency three-day
session, Prime Minister Attlee
would have to resign and take his
case to the voters in a general
election. However, Labor has 393
of the 640 seats in the House of
The predominantly Conserva-
tive House of Lords last night re-
jected, 93 to 24, a government mo-
tion approving devaluation.n
4 where we were quartered in the
lavish Army press center in the
Park Hotel.
Here is what we saw:
* * *
THE LARGE cities are still
marred by block after block of
rubble heaps and skeletons of
buildings. There is a good deal of
scaffolding and construction work,
though not nearly enough.
It is estimated that it will
take 20 years to clear the ruins
in Frankfurt alone.
Food stores and other shops are
stocked with goods not on display
in 1945 or 1947, but wages-an av-
erage $60 per month-are too low
to match the comparatively high
prices. Workers we spoke to are
not content, but neither are they
* * *
existence, but considerably re-
duced since the currency reform.
Occupation GI's, for example, fid
it extremely difficult to parlay a
batch of cigarettes into a camera
the way they used to.
There is still a great deal of re-
sentment to what the Germans
term the "undemocratic" denazi-
fication program which ended last
spring, but which admittedly has
not reduced the spirit of Nazism
very considerably.
See 'U' STUDENTS, Page 2
Union Scorne
Greets Latest
'Trying to Force
Strike' - Murray
PITTSBURGH-(P) -Big steel
offered a 10-cent peace package
to its workers but got only union
scorn in return.
Negotiations bogged down with.
the nation facing a steel strike to-
morrow midnight. Federal media-
tors again rushed into the pic-
ture and one small steel company
broke off negotiations entirely.
A DAY OF rapid fire action
brought these developments:
1. Industry leader United
States Steel Corporation pro-
posed to settle the pension-in-
surance war by paying up to 10
cents an hour per man as its
share of social security pro-
grams. Employes were asked to
contribute about $2 to $3
monthly for insurance and un-
specified amounts for pensions
and to agree to a year's contract
extension to April 30, 1951.
2. CIO United Steelworkers
made no formal answer but presi-
dent Philip Murray issued a state-
ment insisting the industry follow
presidential board recommenda-
tions for company financed pen-
sions and insurance. He accused
steel of deliberately trying to force
a strike. This was taken to mean
flat rejection of big steel's offer.
4. CYRUS CHING, director of
the Federal Mediation Service,
sent aides to 45 key steel negotiat-
ing sessions in an effort to hasten
a settlement. He indicated it was
just about his last maneuver.
5. The Crucible Steel Company
broke off negotiations with the
union, saying it could not afford'
to take part in a pension-insur-
ance program regardless of wheth-
er employes chipped in.
W'orld News
By Tihe Associated Press
BERLIN-The West's comman-
ders broke off yesterday the talks
with Russia ordered last June by
the Four-Power foreign ministers
in an effort to restore divided Ber-
lin to normal life.
The breakdown came over Ber-
lin's Soviet-run railway system. ;
* * *4
miner is believed dead and two
others trapped in a fire-ridden
Peabody Coal Company mine
near here.
Miner Killed
In Coal Field
Gun Violenc e
Hundreds Defy
Lewis' Orders
By The Associated Press
New violence flared up in the
nation's coal fields yesterday with
one man reported killed and an-
other seriously wounded as hun-
dreds of non-union miners return-
ed to the pits in defiance of John
L. Lewis' United Mine Workers.
Deputy Sheriff Carl Black of
Jasper, Ala., reported officers were
seeking the body of a miner re-
ported killed near a strip mine
operated by the six Preskitt broth-
ONE MAN, Hershell Davis, 51,
was in a Jasper Hospital suffering
from shotgun wounds in the face,
chest and stomach. His condition
was described as serious.
The Preskitt brothers mine is
located in an isolated rural area
miles away from the nearest
telephone. It was the scene of
an hour-long gun battle yester-
day when an outside group mov-
ed in on the hillside strip.
Meantime, armed guards pro-
tected mine property and em-
ployes in western Pennsylvania
and other states. Police patrolled
some highways.
In Centre County, Pennsylvania,
bullets were fired at 13 trucks,
There were no reports of casual-
The firing at the Preskitt mine
became general shortly after 1
p.m. when a group advanced on
the mine.
Gene Peskitt, son of one of
the miners, said he was acting
as a lookout at the mine located
20 miles west of Birmingham
when he spotted a group coming
through the woods. He fired his
rifle as a warning. Answering
shots came from the woods.
Meanwhile, the 10-day walkout
of 480,000 soft and hard coal min-
e6s began digging deeply into re-]
COAL MINED WITH GUNS-A guard armed with a dee
watches the first load of coal come out of the Lingle Co
mine at Clearfield, Pa., as non-union workers went back t
jobs in defiance of John L. Lewis' striking United Mine W
The guard refused to give his name and turned his head fr
camera to prevent identification.
Students Must Secure Drivin
Privileges from University
4Nr~:Pension Plan,
Deemed Near
Minor Issues
Lack Agreement
DETROIT-(P) -Weary nego-
tiators were wrapping up a pace-
setting Ford pension plan early to-
day after 33 straight hours of bar-
Ford's contract with the CIO
United Auto Workers expired at
12:01 a.m. today under a union
termination notice. Almost imme-
diate strike action had been
HALF an hour later, however,
Ford's 115,000 production workers
were told to stay on the job pend-
ing a final settlement. Some minor
issues still lacked agreement.
i rifle
rl rifle As The Daily went to press, a
ial Co. reliable union source said that
o their a final announcement of settle-
orkers.: ment might be fortheoming "in
om the an hour or so."
While the company repeated
that "general principles" were
agreed upon, there also are other
issues, the union source said.
He disclosed that some of the is-
sues concern the pension plan.
* * *
"FORD IS MAKING every ef-
fort to conclude the negotiations,"
is given a company spokesman said.
student A Union spokesman said a few
lic Lia- minutes after midnight:
sage In- "As far as we are concerned,
est have it is not settled."
e insur-
e policy, Earlier word from the Union
its ex- said that a walkout "still is a pos-
ent Af- sibility."
stuent A THREATENED strike of 115,-
rist uen000 Ford workers hung in the bal-
at offce ance as conferences continued into
action. the early morning hours. The con-
ferees had been in almost continu-
nded all ous session for more than 31 hours.
nts that Union leaders said that a
parking walkout, if called, would occur
"within a day or two" of today's
12:01 a.m. deadline set by the
A reported agreement on pen-
sions would allow employes to re-
I tire at 65 on $100 monthly. The
ds company would foot all the bills.
IT WAS ALSO reported by in-
everyone formants on both sides that the
romoting contract would run 30 months
LS," she unprecedented in the auto indus-
Last Registration Day
For Fraternity Rushing
All students must secure driving
privileges from the University be-
fore doing any driving, contrary
to an earlier reporti n The Daily,
John Gwin of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs ,emphasized yester-
Though married students and
those over 26 years old need not
secure driving permits, they must
register their cars with the Office
of Student Affairs, Gwin declared.
old, applying for the permits in
the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
General Administration Building,
must show evidence of an abso-
lute need for driving privileges be-
fore a permit is granted.
Also before a permit1
to any student, that
must be carrying a Pub
bility and Property Dam
surance policy, and mu
supplied the name of the
ance company issuing the
the policy's number and
piration date to the Stud
fairs office, Gwin said.
He warned that any
driving without first secul
mission to do so from th
is subject to disciplinary
* * *
successful permit applica
driving permits are not
Registration for fraternity rush-
ing will end today at 5 p.m., and a
general meeting for all rushees will
be held tonight in the Union.
Men who wish to sign up for
rushing will have their last chance
to do so from 1 to 5 p.m. today in
Rm. 3C ofmthe Union, and all
rushees may pick up rushing pam-
phlets at the same time and place,
or at the evening meeting.
rushees will be held at 7:30 p.m. in
Rm. 3KLM, Union.
George Milroy, '51, rushing
chairman of IFC, will explain
Stan Crapo, '50E, secretary-
treasurer of IFC, will speak on fra-
ternity finances, and will be fol-
lowed on the program by Robert
Vogt, '51E, IFC social chairman,
talking on fraternity social life.
Refreshments will be served
after the program, and free eig-
arettes will be distributed.
Lists will be issued at the meet-
ing to all junior and senior
rushees, revealing which houses
are especially interested in pledg-
ing upperclassmen. A special
meeting for junior and senior
rushees will be held following the
Campus Men Berate Brawny Coe(
tine navy reported yesterday the
minesweeper Fournier, with a crew
of 65, has been missing for a week
in the South Atlantic.
Campus men are up in zrms
about coeds-but not for the same
old reason.-
I .l- 1- 1 . . 1 ..*. - --
"Oosterban is missing a real
bet in not recruiting these gals,"
one said. "It is rough enough
girls and we do feel that
should cooperate in pr
more courtesy on camp