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September 23, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-09-23

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, LVIII, No. 1









urope Asks
.S- for $19
iion in Aid
lcononic Parley
n Paris Closes
ARIS, Tuesday, Sept. 23-(P)
British messenger travelling
ommercial plane left Paris jor
United States early today,
ng to U.S. Secretary of State
shall a request for $19,300,-
00 to carry 16 western Euro-
i nations through, the next
ie Trans World Airlines plane
Paris at 9:13 p.m.
ie European economic confer-
closed yesterday with the
ng ;of a 20,000-word report,
>dying the request for finan-
aid, which warned of possible
omic "catastrophe"-and revo-
rd with Plan
presentatives of the 16 coun-
which are looped like a giant
e geographically around west-
Russia and her associates,
ally signed a report of their
s in accordance with a request
e by Secretary of State Mar-
in a speech at Harvard Uni-
ty on June 5.
itish Foreign Secretary E1,-
Bevin who flew from Lon-
for the signing of the re-
rell, here is our report. It is
for the American people and
American congress to decide
her this program, undertaken
Mr. Marshall's invitation,
Ld be fulfilled and whether
pe can by this means con-
te to the peace and prosper-
f the world.
.nmediate Aid
vi declared that immediate
vas necessary in order to re-
the threat of a crisis for
h "there is nor pcedent in
ry for Judging what shape it
ly an abstract of the report
made public. It made clear
aside from the 16 nations
rn Geriany was also in-
d in the calculations.;
a Abstained
sia and the states within her
e of influence have not par-,
ted in drawing up the re-
Bevin expressed regret at
absence today and added:a
>r the future, as in the past,
loor remains wide open to
hose of good will who will
to contribute to the healthy
>f Europe and thereby end
ilsery which war has left be-

Pushbutton Plane Makes
First Transatlantic Hop
. Crew Tunes in Destination, Remains Idle
While Radio ;Beam Guides Craft to Field

WASHINGTON, Sept. 22-3P)_-
A robot plane with an amazing
mechanical brain completed a 2,-
400-mile transatlantic flight to-
day opening vast possibilities for
Are On Strike
In New York
All Shipments from
Area Are Tied Up
Students from New York who
shipped their baggage via Railway
Express after Sept. 18 will be
forced to remain burdens to their
The strike of 4,000 Railway Ex-
press truckmen in the New York
metropolitan area, Sept. 19, has
tied up all railway express s.hip-
ments by air and rail into or out
of New York City, Jersey City,
Long Island, Staten Island, Ho-
boken and Weehawken.
None Received
No material is being received
from these points, and no ship-
ments will be made there until
the strike is over, according to
Percy Newhouse, manager of the
office here.
Stores selling ready-to-wear
goods have also been hit by the
strike. Although some stocks
have been built up, clothing stores
will be "materially affected" if
the strike continues, according
to the manager of mne large Ann
Arbor store.
Intervention Posole
The National Mediatior, Board
an Washington called a meeting
yesterday to consider interven-
tion in the strike, under its power
to administer the railway labor
act. The truckmen's union, Local
808 of the International Brother-
hood of Teamsters, AFL, is seek-
ing a 40-hour work week instead
of the present 44 hours, and a
wage increase of at least 15 /2
cents an hour. More tha'n 7,000
non-striking workers have been
laid off because of the strike.
Railway expressmen in Ann Ar-
bor are not entirely unhappy
about the stopping of shipments
from NewYork. Already swamped
by more than 8,000 heavy, trunks
and 500 bicycles, railway express
has had to borrow trucks and hire
extra men to get the shipments to
the students, according to Don
Mynning, manager.
Stoves and Iceboxes
Even ,stoves and iceboxes have
been brought to the University by
some students to add to the regu-
lar burden, Mynning said. He
"We are using 15 trucks and
two men on a truck for heavy stu-
dent luggage, and we'll get the
baggage to the students as fast as
Individual Concert
Tickets Available
Individual concert tickets for
the Choral Union programs are
now on sale in the office of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
A few season tickets for the
regular Choral Union Series of
ten concerts, and the shorter five
concert extra series, are still avail-
able, according to Dr. Charles
Sink, president.

push-button aeronautics in war
and peace.
Crewmen sitting in the plane
on a Newfoundland field "tuned
in" a British airport yesterday-
much like picking a station on a
push-button radio-and climbed
out of the plane on the English
field today without doing any-
thing else to get there.
It was the first fully automatic
transatlantic f" ru, and the U. S.
Air Force, which carried out the
project, declared:
"Not even so much as a little:
finger was placed by any human
being on the mechanism from the
time the plane took to the air
until after it had landed."
The actal takeoff and landing
were directed, the Air Force said,
by beam control, but that was
from outside the plane.
An Air Force official pointed
out that the demonstration was a
long step toward the day when
loaded bombers might be sent
over targets without humans
aboard, or cargo planes might be
sent automatically to destina-
Other air experts said, however,
the operation of the automatically
piloted craft required a rmdio
beam from takeoff point to des-
tination and added that an en-
emy would be unlikely to cooper-
ate by lining up beams on his
best targets. These experts did
not deny, however, that the flight
had great implications for the fu-
World News
At a Glanice
By The Associated Press
MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 22-A new
tropical storm lunged at south-
ern Florida from the Gulf of
Mexico tonight, pleting flooded
lowlands with fresh downpour and
raising potential hurricanemen-
ace for the Atlantic seaboard.
TORY, Sept. 2 '-A United
States officer and two enlisted
men were taken captive on the
Trieste Free Territory frontier
by Yugoslavs at about noon yes-
terday, an official report from
headquarters of the U. S. troops
in Trieste said early.
The men were "forced across
the frontier at gunpoint," the
official account stated.
* * *
NEW YORK, Sept. 22-Yugo-,
slav Foreign Minister Stanoji
Simic late today accused the Unit-
ed States of trying to isolate Rus-
sia and her Eastern European fol-
lowers behind "a dollar curtain:"
Simic told the United Nations
assembly that the Marshall plan1
for economic aid to Europe was
"really aimed at splitting Europe;
and creating a Veteran bloc sub-j
servient to the United States and
directed against the U.S.S.R. and;
the new democracies."
* * *
DETROIT, Sept. 22-Three high1
officers of the CIO United Auto
Workers announced tonight that1
they would ask the union's inter-1
national executive board to re-c
buke and censure President Wal-
ter P. Reuther "for betraying thec
trust of his high office."c
They accused him of subjecting
"our union and its officers and
board members to unwarranted;
slanders" in his "report to thee
membership" in the last issue of
the United Auto Worker, UAWf

'U' Officials
Halt Student
Housing Jam
Long-Range Plan
Eases Problems
University authorities yesterday
reported that all students who
have contacted them concerning
housing have been placed in living
Long range planning this year
prevented the jam which found
the housing question unsolved
several months after the begin-
ning of the Fall term last year. All
during the summer University au-
thorities in charge of housing ar-
rangements carried on corres-
pondence with student and facul-
ty members in need of living quar-
Francis Shiel, director of resi-
dence halls, reported that not un-
expected problems had cropped up
during registration from harassed
students who found themselves
without a place to live. And at the
latest report the housing bulletin
board in the Office of Student
Affairs still carried numerous list-
ings of rooms available on the
outskirts of Ann Arbor.
One interesting sidelight of
the housing situation this year
finds scores of male students en-
joying a temporary taste of bar-
rack life while awaiting comple-
tion of the East Quadrangle addi-
tion. The men are living in tem-
porary barracks erected in the
basement recreation rooms of the
East and West Quads. They will
move to the completed addition
sometime in the middle of Octo-
ber. .
Women, too, have been given a
glimpse of barracks-style living,
with temporary accommodations
in the recreation rooms of Helen
Newberry and Betsy Barbour.
Only eight women desiring dormi-
tory assignment remain to be
placed, however.
Supplementary housing in
League houses and private rooms
has been provided for all women
who have applied for these ac-
See HOUSING, Page 2
Food Export
Gap Revealed
Truman To Report
On World'sShortage
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22- (P)
-The President's Cabinet Food
Committee was reported tonight
to have told President Truman
that a gap of 4,000,000 to 5,000,-
000 tons exists between what this
country can now spare hungry
Europe and what it received last
Europe received some 17,000,000
tons from U. S. crops last year.
That a gap exists between the
supplies which Europe has asked
for and what it may get'this year
became known on good authority
after a White t. use announce-
ment that Mr. Truman expects to
make a statement on world food
problems within a few days.
The Cabinet Food Committee
had met during the day and sup-
plied Mr. Truman its recommen-
dation on how this country can
continue to help Europe and still
cope with the problem of high
commodity prices at home.
The Cabinet committee's talk
with the President was one of a

series of foreign policy confer-
ences held as 16 European nations
asked $19,330;000,000 in U.S. aid
for a four-year recovery program
based on the Marshall plan.

Expect Final
Figure To Be
Even Higher

FLEEING THE FLOOD-This unidentified man and his wife take what belongings they can on
their rubber boat and attempt to reach higher ground as a large portion of the residential and
outlying district of New Orleans, La., were under water from overflow waters of Lake Ponchar-
train and Lake Borgne.

Deied by Taft
Tells Democrats To
Solve Price Problem.
LAKE TAHOE, Nev., Sept. 22
-(AP)-Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio)
today branded "intemperate and
untrue" Democrtic charges that
Taft was one of those primarily
responsible for high prices, and he
challenged Democratic spokes-
men to "state their solution in-
stead of calling names."
eft was retorting to state-
ments by Senator Lucas (Dem.,
Ill.) and Sen. O'Mahoney (Dem.,
Wyo.) issued through the Demo-
cratic National Committee that
he led the drive to repeal OPA.
"The Democratic high com-
mand." Taft told a news confer-
ence, "has been planning to blame
the Republicans for high prices,
and from the intemperate and un-
true personal attacks in a state-
ment by Senator Lucas and O'Ma-
honey they are very much upset
indeed that anyone should point
out the obvious truth.
"As for the OPA bills of 1946,
of 'which the senators complain,.
they were passed by a Democratic
Congress. Controls were finally
removed by President Truman be-
fore the Republicans took over
Yom Kippur Services
Services to commemorate Yom
Kippur, the holiest day of the

UAN President
Denies Floor
To Vishinsky
General Assembly
To HearTrygve Lie
NW YORK, Sept. 22-()-
United Nations Assembly Presi-
dent Oswaldo Aranha said tonight
he had turned down a request
from Andrei Vishinsky of Russia
for opportunity to follow up his
"warmongering" attack on the
United States with a second
speech in the Assembly's general
This development came as the
battle between Russia and the
Western Powers raged hot and
heavy through a round of speeches
this afternoon.
Formal Apeal
The situation had reached such
a point of tension by the day's
end that Secretary-General Try-
gve Lie decided to make a formal
appeal at tomorrow's session for
the great powers to put aside their
differences and cooperate for
peace. His office announced his
speech would close the general de-
In today's debate Hector Mc-
Neil, British Minister of State,
charged that if Russia continues
her present policies the United
Nations will be destroyed and "the
unstable peace of the world will
crumble and fall" with "hideous
Yugoslav Warning
Spokesmen for Yugoslavia and
the Soviet Ukraine, both in the
Moscow orbit, blamed the pres-
ent state of world upset mainly
on the United States. Yugoslav
warned of a "growing danger of a
new conflagration."
IFC Registration
To End Thursday
Registration for all men in-'
terested in the fall rushing pro-
gram, which opens Sunday, Sept.
28, is being held from 3 to5 p.m.
daily through Thursday in Rm.
304 of the Union.
Payment of a one dollar fee is
required of each rushee. Rushees
who have previously registered
must also appear at the 1)FC of-
fice, according to Henry Meyer,
One Term Paper
Costs Student $30
It may not rate an A, but there
will be one term paper written
this semester with a cash value of
Explanation: A student had to
pay for the privilege of writing a
term paper because it meant the
difference between two hours
credit and three hours credit. The
extra hour changed her "reduced
program" into a "full-time pro-
gram" and added $30.00 to her
tuition fees.
Student Football Ticket

Student rooms will have a "new
look" of their own this fall when
prints of famous paintings are
added to pennants and Petty girls
as decoration for drab walls.
The framed prints, on exhibit
from now until Oct. 4 in West
Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall,
will be available for loan to Uni-
versity students for one semester
at a time for a. 50 cent rental fee
4o cover repair costs. Only single
prints will be available to each
student at the present time.
Students may sign up for rental
of the prints from Wednesday to*
the clse of the exhibit. They
will be distributed the week oof
Oct. 5, under the direction of Mrs.
Eloise Wilkinson, of the Scholar-
ship Office, who is in charge of
the reprint library.
Obtained through a gift of 450
prints from the J. L. Hudson
Company of Detroit, to which Dr.
Lloyd S. Woodburne, associate
dean of the literary college, added
a gift of 21 prints, the majority of
the pictures belong to the French
Impressionist period.
Prints of paintings by Cezanne,
Corot, Van Gogh, van der Weyden,
Roualt, Thomas Hart Benton and
Grant Wood are included in the
group, which were selected by
Prof. George Forsyth, Jr. and
Prof. Harold E. Wethey of the fine
arts department.
Prof. Jean P. Slusser, director
Protest Village
School Syst-em
Irate Parents Hit
A meeting held last night to
settle the schooling problem at
Willow Village resulted in an-
other deadlock, with the Negro
parents living on Walpole Court
refusing to send their children
to a segregated school.
The parents picketed the Sim-
monds school Thursday, portest-
ing the re-zoning of school dis-
tricts, and asking for a hearing
by the board of education.
Mrs. T. Snyder, a member of
the Walpole Committee to inves-
tigate the situation, claims that'
the re-zoning of the Village, which
switches the children from Ross
school to the all-Negro Simmonds
school, was done to segregate the
Negro pupils.
She further states that lack of
adequate protection on main
streets between their homes and
Simmonds school will endanger
the safety of the children.
Superintendent of Schools Dr.
Malcolm Rogers attempted to rec-
oncile the outraged parents to the
new situation, and said that the
re-zoning had nothing to do with
the race of the children. He added
that the facilities of the Sim-
monds school were far superior
to those of the Ross school.

of the Museum of Art and;Prof.
Karl A. Kasten of the architecture
school, were in charge of framing
the prints.
NSA Elects
U' Stude nt
Region Head
Harvey Weisberg, law student,
was elected president of the Mich-
igan Region of the National Stu-
dent Association at the organiza-
tion's constitutional convention
held early this Fall at the Univer-,
sity of Wisconsin.
Weisberg, who is president of
the Student Legislature, was elect-
ed by 34 delegates representing
77,000 students at 18 Michigan ss
colleges and universities. He will
represent the region on the Na-
tional Executive Committee of the
Set Up Machinery
The convention, attended by
representatives of more than a
million students at 350 colleges
and universities throughout the
Unite.l States, set up the official
national machinery of the Asso-
With primary aims the promo-
tion of student government, the
broadening of educational opport-
unities and the promotion of clos-
er relations between students at
home and abroad, the NSA will
work on campus, regional and na-
tional levels, with the cooperation
of other student organizations,
Weisberg said.
Immediate Plans
Immediate regional plans, in
line with NSA activities will be
discussed at the first regional
meeting to be held Sunday at
Nazareth College in Kalamazoo.
They include the formation of a
Student Government Clinic to in-
troduce discussions of the various
forms of student government, to
survey the types and to formally
report on their efficiency to the
national organization with the
eventual goal of generally stren-
gthening student governments.
Daily Tryouts
All eligible students interest-
.'d in working on the news and
ditotrial stiff of Thy Dail'
hculd attfnd a tryout mee w
'ng at 4 ".m. tomorrow in P
dailyconf;rence room.
A meeting for business staff
tryouts will be held at 4 p.m.
Thursday in the conference
Interested students who can-
not attend the meeting should
contact The Daily.

Prints of Famous Paintings
Will Adorn Students' Walls
- o

Men Outnumber
Women by 3-1
First reports on fall enrollment
at the University indicate that an
all time high of 20,190 students
have signed up for classes, shat-
tering all previous records.
University second-guessers had
predicted a fall enrollment of
20,500, but late registrations are
expected to swell the final figure
'past this amount. More than 500
students registered late for special
courses or off-campus activities
last fall.
3-1 Ratio
A breakdown of the peak en-
rollment figures reveals that 5,063
women and 15,127 men students
have registered at the University.
Some 11,013 veterans are included
in the record shattering enroll-
ment, 361 of them being women.
Authorities have predicted that
the enrollment figures will start
a down hill trek after this fall's
peak, eventually leveling off at the
18,000 marker in several years.
Meanwhile emergency measures
nave been taken by the University
to meet the temporary oveload.
Orderly Registration
Despite the record shattering
enrollment, Registrar Ira Smith,
who co-ordinated the registration
and classification procedure in
Waterman Gymnasium, said the
registration system "clicked bet-
ter than ever before." Only one
small jam was reported on the
first day when large groups of
freshmen ano transfer students
caused a slowdown in the regis-
tration machinery.
And, surprisingly enough, Reg-
istrar Smith said that relatively
few students had registered late
yesterday for oi-campus classes.
Evidently the pre-war practice of
late registration has disappeared
since students fear they may not
be admitted to the University if
they show up late, according to
Classroom Allocation -
Reports from authorities in
charge of classroom allocation in-
See HUGE, Page 2
Students Get
Fall Preview
Rising Temperatures
Will Follow Frost
Although Fallwasn't slated to
start officially until today stu-
dents hurrying to classes yester-
day morning got a preview of
crisp autumn weather as the mer-
cury skidded below the forty
A light frost covered most of
lower Michigan early this morn-
ing and in the north and central
portions of the state freezing
temperatures have been predicted,
However, the weatherman says
that later this afternoon the mer-
cury will climb somewhat with
fair skies slated to let the sin
warm up the campus.
Itn other parts of the nation
the Associated Press reported that
growers were fearful of the cold
snap' effect on the corn crop. The
corn crop, already slashed far be-
low last year's record yield, may
be further curtailed by the pre-
dicted frost. However it is hoped
that a quick return to normal
temperatures will prevent large-
scale damage to the crop.
Vets Absence

Veterans attending the Uni-
~crsity under the benefits of the
G. I. Bill need no longer file ab-
ence reports, Robert A. Waldrop,
director of the Veterans Service
Bureau disclosed yesterday.
Those veterans who come under
the previsions of Public Law 16.
however, are required to file
single, overall report of absence
at the close of the semester. Form;
were distributed at registration.

Avalanche of Students Packs Restaurants

Campus eating establishments
are recovering slowly today from
the avalanche of hungry students
who yesterday packed every res-
taurant, cafeteria, drug store, tea
room, snack bar and beanery they

still needs many students to work
during the noon rush hours.
Kuenzel and Mrs. Benjamin
Wheeler, manager of the League
both said that the Union and
League are trying their best to
keep the prices of staple foods like

diners who line up sometimes as
early as 4:30 p.m. for supper.
Elsewhere in the campus area,
owners questioned estimated that
prices on some items have risen as
high as 15 per cent since the
spring semester. All, however, in-
dicated a desire to keep their




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