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September 24, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-24

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Room for All Is
LS&A Problem
Many Department Heads Seek Means
To Accommodate Overflowed1 Studenits
"Standing Room Only" signs were not hung outside any classrooms \',
the literary college this week, but they might just as well have been.
Many students entered classrooms 15 minutes early to insure having a
place to sit.The chairman of several departments arestill trying to figure
out where to put them all.
Other departments reported successful solutions to the problem of
providing increased teaching personnel with rooms in which to teach.
4,000 Elect Economics
The economics department reported a total enrollment of 4,000 elec-
tions, an increase of one-third over registration in the spring semester.
Twenty-one hundred students '--

Procedure Is Set Up for Ticket Exchanges;
Russia Loses Fight for Troop Investigation

have enrolled in the introductory
courses in the economics depart-
ment, 51 sections having been ar-
ranged to accommodate them. This
figure represents a new record for
such classes. Lectures will be' given
only every other week, accommodat-
ing half of the sections each time.
English Sections Arranged
In the English department, 103
sections have been arranged to take
care of 1,900 freshmen with ap-
proximately 22 students in each
section. The number of sections in
the introductory English courses has
been almost doubled 'since pre-war;
In English 31 there are 22 sections
of 47 students each, representing an,
unusually large apportionment. ;
More than 50 graduate students
are acting as teaching fellows in the'
English department, which has been
forced to spread all over the cam-
pus, with class hours extending un-,
til 6 p.m. everydday.
Students Thurned Away
Prof. Louis I. Bredvold, chairman
of the English department, said that;
no qualified students had been,
turned away in hisddepartment ex-n
cept in English 45 (a class in Ameri-
can literature), where the enroll-
ment had to be limited to 45 stu-
dents in each of six sections.
A record-shattering enrollment of'
over 2,250 students was reported in
the political science department,
with 1,200 students enrolled in the
beginning courses, 950 in upperclass
courses and 100 in graduate courses.
Although "nothing spectacular"
was reported by the history depart-'
ment, a considerably increased en-{
rollment in all classes hyas noted.
Forty-four sections have been
created for the introductory courses
of History 11 and 12, the latter of the,
two having had to close admission
because of inadequate lecture room
Handling the additional sections
in these courses was made simpler,
it was reported, because of the large
number of students who will teach'
while working on advanced degrees.'
The chemistry and physics de-
partment, perhaps the most over-
crowded of all, were unable to report1
any enrollment figures yesterday,
since sections are still being added
in many courses. The enrollment in
courses in these departments' has
been doubled in many cases. An in-
creased number of evening classes
may prove to be a partial solution
to the problem of over-crowding
faced by these departments.
Soviet Attacked
For Refusing
Aid to Hungary
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 -(p)-
The United States accused Soviet
Russia today of violating a Big Three
pledge by refusing to lend a helping
hand to economically-distressed Hun-
A note to the Soviet Foreign Min-
istry called Russia's attention to the
Yalta pledge to assist "the peoples of
the former Axis satellite states of
Europe to solve by democratic means
their pressing political and economic
Sharply indicating both mounting
impatience and anxiety to have that
promise fulfilled, the United States
reminded Moscow that it had twice
sought to make it good in the case of
But it added that the "Soviet gov-
ernment not only has refused to im-
plement the undertaking, but has
moreover failed to indicate its reasons
for so refusing."
The note, handed the foreign min-
istry Sept. 21 by Acting American

Charge D'affaires Eldridge Durbrow,
was made public by Undersecretary of
State Will Clayton at his conference.
Clayton also:

Stai n tatemrent
GetS Favorable
Opinion Abroad
U.S. 'Firmness' Policy
Thought Responsible
MOSCOW, Sept. 24 -()- Foreign
circles generally interpreted Prime
Minister Stalin's latest statement on
foreign policy tonight as a move to
reassure the world that Russia earn-
estly wants peace.
The Prime Minister, replying today
to nine written questions submitted
Sept. 17 by Alexander Werth, Moscow
correspondent of the London Sunday
Times, said he saw no real danger of
war and expressed the belief that
Russia and the western democracies
could live peacefully in the same
The reaction of the Russian public
was typified by a machine shop fore-
man who, on reading the statement
on the front page of Izvestia, the gov-
ernment newspaper", smiled and said:
Washington Awaits Deeds
Diplomatic officials in Washing-
ton expressed hope that Stalin's
peaceful words would be backed up by
Russia with peaceful deeds.
They said it all comes down to this:
If the United States will not change
maybe Russia will. Perhaps, they
said, Secretary of State Byrnes' policy
of "firmness" with Russia is paying
Top flight officials agreed with
Stalin's assertion that there is no
real danger of a new war. The only
danger, they said, lies in the state of
extreme nervous tension, in which
something might happen that would
accidentally bring on war.
Answer to Wallace
Foreign diplomats suggested that
Stalin's statement contained the an-
swer to one of the points raised by
Henry A. Wallace in his recent New
York speech. Wallace asked whether
the western powers could be assured
that Soviet politicos in Germany
would not be turned against Western
Icelainders Riot
Over Air Bases
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Sept. 22-
(Delayed) - (/P) - Crowds attacked
Reykjavik's Mayor and threatened
Premier Olafur Thors today in a
Communist-inspired demonstration
protesting the proposed Icelandic-
United States air base agreement.
Meanwhile, the Labor Union Feder-
ation called a 24-hour general strike
for tomorrow in support of demands
that the agreement be submitted to
the people in plebiscite.
The agreement, leaving some
American personnel to staff airbases
and authorizing their use by Ameri-
can military planes, now is before the
Icelandic Parliament.

China Asserts
Rit To Decde
Internal A ffairs
IHsia Denies Protest
Over American Army
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Sept. 24-
Soviet Russia lost a stubborn fight
tonight to have the United Nations
Security Council inquire into the
p'esence of Allied soldiers in alien
non-enemy countries after China had
bluntly said the question of American
troops in that country was its own
The vote was seven to two against
putting thze Russian prposal on the
Security Council agenda. Russia and
Poland voted together in the minority
and France and Egypt abstained. The
seven voting against Russia were the
United States, Great Britain, Aus-
tralia, Brazil, The Netherlands, Mex-
ica, and China.
The council, which has held almost
daily meetings since it took up new
members late in August, thus cleared
its slate of questions. Andrei A.
Gromyko, Soviet delegate and coun-
cil president, said the council would
meet Thursday at a closed session.
The council will consider its report
to the General Assembly, scheduled to
meet in New York Oct. 23.
In a last statement just before the
vote, Gromyko said he could not un-
derstand why the Soviet statement
yesterday was strongly resented by
Britain and the United States. He
said his request for information was
not directed particularly at these
countries but was intended for all
China's delegate, Dr. C. L. Hsia,
wasted no words telling Russia that
the United States and Chinese gov-
ernments would deide "when or
whether" American troops would be
withdrawn from China.
Gromyko in his lengthy statement
yesterday supporting his proposal had
said there hrad been a wave of pro-
test from China against the presence
of American troops there.
Suply Off -i er
Course Opend
NROTC Students,
Others Are Eligible
A new program in which the busi-
ness administration school will train
NROTC students for service as of-
ficers in the supply corps has been
announced by Capt. Woodson V-.
Michaux, head of the ROTC unit at
the University and Dean Russell A.
Stevenson of the business adminis-
tration school.
The University is one of 11 schools
selected from the 52 where there are
NROTC units to become a center of
Naval supply corps training.
Under the new program students
in the business administration school
may take a course called "Principles
of Naval Supply" in their senior year.
The course is designed to tie in gen-
eral business training with Navy
methods and systems. Upon satis-
factory completion of the course, and
after graduation, may qualify for
commissions in the supply corps,
Lt. Cmdr. Charles M. Williams,
SC, USN, who recently returned from
the Asiatic theatre, will teach the
Navy supply course. Cmdr. Williams
served as supply officer of the cruis-
er USS Topeka.


Voluntary Basis Will Be Tried;
Records To Be Checked Later
Machinery was set up last night to cap the lid on fraudulent football
ticket procurement brought to light by a storm of student protest.
'rhe University has turned the matter over to the Student Legislature,
which will attempt to solve the dilemma through two approaches: (1) vol-
untary ticket exchanges on the part of freshmen and sophomores; (2) in-
vestigation leading to hearings by the Legislature's Judiciary Committee.
Exchange Explained
Here's how the exchange will work on the voluntary basis, with no
questions asked:
Monday and Tuesday students with less than four semesters at the
University previous to the current >

STRAINED INTERLUDE-Students participate in common beginning-
of-the-semester pastime.
Engineering Council Will Ask
Honor System Reinstatement
The Engineering Council will meet next week to ask the engineering
administration for permission to reinstate the Honor System for all classes.
George Spaulding, president of the Engineering Council, revealed yes-
terday that the decision to present the proposal formally was the result of
a petition signed during registration by 1248 sophomores, juniors and seniors,
representing 34% of the total enrollment in the college.
Freshmen students, who compose about 30% of the enrollment, were not
asked to sign the petition. In order to promote a full understanding of the
system, discussions of the honor code will be held in the freshmen assem-

Sale of 'Tickets
For Ohio Game
Tickets for a special train and seats
at the Ohio State game, Nov. 23 in
Columbus, will go on sale at 8:30 a.m.
today at the cage next to Rm. 1,
University Hall.
Sale of 1,000 game tickets will be
distributed evenly today, tomorrow
and Friday. However, due to shortage
of train facilities, only 560 round-
trip train tickets have been obtained
and will all go on sale this morning.
Game and train tickets may be
bought separately and after the 560
train tickets have been sold, students
will have to purchase seats for the
game with the understanding that
they provide their own transporta-
Newest development in plans for
the trip is the announcement that
coffee and doughnuts or sandwiches
will be sold at the railroad station
from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m.
The Student Legislature Varsity
Committee. sponsors of the trip, have
made arrangements for the special
train to leave Ann Arbor at 7 a.m. the
morning of the game and leave Co-
lumbus at 7:30 p.m. that night. The
University Marching Band will also
travel to the game on the train.
Sales of game tickets will be limited
to two per person, but no limit has
been set on purchase of train tickets.
Students must present their cash-
ier's receipts to purchase tickets.
Prices of the tickets are $3.50 for
the game and $7.60 for the train.

Members of the faculty and ad-
ministration of the engineering col-
lege havebeen al most unanimous in
their approval of the proposed re-
vival of the Honor System on a pre-
war basis, provided that it is at the
students' request and with their full
Spaulding said he believes "the re-
sults of the petition are conclusive
evidence of strong student support for
the plan," and that the Council would
take action next week.
During the past year the Engineer-
ing Council, student governing body,
and the Michigan Technic, engineer-
ing student publication, have been ac-
tive in promoting the revival of the
Honor System for freshmen and.
The Council recently published a
small pamphlet explaining the his-
tory, operation and function of the
See HONOR page 6
AYC ToHold
Meeting Today
Will Plan Elections,
Living Cost Surveys
Organization business will fill most
of the agenda at the first fall meet-
ing of the University chapter of the
American Veterans Committee to be
held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The membership of the organiza-
tion will be asked to approve the pro-
cedure for electing new officers, tem-
porary chairman Lorne Cook said.
Nominations for new officers will be
made next Wednesday and elections
will be held the following Wednesday,
Oct. 9.
Plans for a "cost-of-living" survey
and a non-partisan "get-out-the-
vote" campaign, which were made by
the executive committee of the local
chapter last Sunday, will also be pre-
sented to the members for approval.
Cook said, "In line with our non-
partisan stand, the AVC feels that the
best democratic insurance of good
government is widespread voting. We
urge Michigan residents to register
and out-of-state students to vote ab-
sentee ballots."
Detroit Move Called
Important by OPA
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 -()-
OPA said the sentencing of 27 used

semester who hold tickets in sc-
tions 24 to 28 inclusive may turn
their tickets in, receiving an identi-
fication stub.
First and second year students
who hold tickets in these sections ob-
tained them either through error or
Wednesday and Thursday, upper
classmen and graduates who do not
have seats in those sections will be
allowed to exchange their tickets for
tickets in their class section.
Identification Required
Definite proof of class status must
be presented with all ticket ex-
changes (i.e. blue print).
Friday and Saturday (till noon)
those students holding identifica-
tion stubs (freshmen and sopho-
mores) may, by presenting their
stubs, obtain tickets in sections set
aside far, themr.
Announcement of where the ex-
change will take place will be made
in a subsequent issue of The Daily.
If a check of the records reveals
that students have failed to return
illicitly-obtained tickets for their
rightful ones, they will be summoned
before the Judiciary Committee of
the Legislature, Davis said.
Hearings Planned
Hearings will be held and recom-
mendations for punishment will be
made to the University Disciplinary
In the past, punishments recom-
mended and approved have included
fines, withdrawal of athletic privi-
leges, suspension, disqualification
from extra-curricular activities, and
expulsidn from the University.
Eligibility Cards
Now Available
Required for Most
Campus Activities
Eligibility cards, <prerequisite to
participation in all extra-curricular
activities, are now available in the
Office of the Dean of Students.
To obtain these cards, students
must present their blueprint or a
transcript of their record from the
Office of Admission to Advanced
Standing if they are transfer stu-
The activities for which proof of
eligibility is necessary are defined as
service of any kind on a committee or
a publication, in a public performance
or a rehearsal, or in holding office or
being a candidate for officenin a class
or other student organization.
The chairman or manager of ac-
tivity in any of these categories is re-
quired to file with the chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the names of all those who have pre-
sented certificates of eligibility.
Freshen are not granted certifi-
cates of eligibility until their second
semester of residence, when they
must have completed 15 hours or
more of work with at least a C aver-
Eligibility cards must be obtained
at the beginning of every semester,
including the summer session.
The cards will be issued during the
remainder of this week between 9 and
12 a.m. and 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. in Rm.
2, University Hall.
New Year Rites
Start Tonight
Rabbi Herschel Lymon, new direc-
tor of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
tion, will usher in the Jewish New
Year at 8 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to-
morrow in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Student Cantors Eugene Malitz,
Jay Singer and Elliot Organic will
assist in the direction of the ser-

Beef Packers
Seek To End
Price Controls
Goal Is More Meat
For Butcher Shops
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 - (IP) --
Beef packers mapped a drive today to
get rid of price controls with the an-
nounced aim of returning meat to
the butcher shops.
Their action came amid these other
1. The special House Committee on
Food Shortages announced public
hearings on the meat scarcity to start
Monday in Boston.
2. The agriculture department re-
ported that production by federally-
inspected slaughterersclast week was
70,000,000 pounds compared with
293,000,000 pounds in the correspond-
ing week last year. Last week's out-
put, however, was 10,000,000 pounds
above the previous week. d n ,t
3. Aides of Price Administrator
Paul Porter said the meat shortage
had been expected because of heavy
marketing of livestock while price
lids were removed.
"We see no easing in the present
meat shortages before the end of Oc-
tober," an OPA spokesman said. "By
that time cattle and hogs shoud be-
gin moving in from feed lots under
ceiling prices."
Announcement of the beef packers'
plan to press for deontrl".came from
Roscoe G. Haynie, of Chicago, chair-
man of the Beef Industry Advisory
Committee. This group of 14 repre-
senting both big and little packers
met here today to talk over industry
troubles with the OPA, which set up
the committee.
"The industry committee is unani-
mous in feeling that decontrol is the
only solution to the present situa-
tion," Haynie told a reporter.
Plans for the Boston congressional
hearing were announced by Rep. Her-
ter (Rep., Mass.) who said they vere
approved by Chairman Pace (Dem.,
Invited to testify were representa-
tives of OPA, the agriculture depart-
ment, packers, livestock producers
and the Price Decontrol Board which
on Aug. 20 restored price ceilings to
meats and livestock.
First Pep Rally
Set for Friday
Torchlight Parade
To Open Festivities
Students will have their first
chance to participate in the 1946 foot-
ball season at a pep rally to be held
Friday night before the season open-
er with Indiana Saturday afternoon.
Following a torchlight parade at
7:15 p.m. from the steps of the Union,
the Marching Band, cheerleaders and
J. Fred Lawton, a Michigan alumnus,
will participate in a program at Ferry
Field centering around one of Michi-
gan's famous football songs, "The
Theaweekend coincides with the
35th anniversary of the writing of
the song by Lawton and Prof. Earl V.
Moore, of the School of Music. Fea-
tured on the program will be a skit
purported to depict their work in
writing "The Varsity."
Foreign Ministers
Vote Debate Limit
PARIS, Sept. 24-- (IP)- An Amer-



Garg Pleads for Fu nnymen

shade of the Enchanted Castle,
Sept. 24-(GBS)-Edward H. (Pass-
ing Fancy) McKinlay, managing edi-
tor of the Gargoyle, the campus' old-
est humor magazine, dropped his
two-headed gavel tonight on the
symmetrical format of the pre-war
Gargoyle, opening the first annual
meeting of Garg editors here.
"Aha, greater turnout than I had
expected." he called out as both the

shock an unsuspecting campus Op-
tober 1."
"Hold it, chief, not so fast," the
underlings whimpered. "Better let
that ribald enthusiasm simmer down
a coupla weeks. Let's just say that
the Gargoyle will give the campus a
happy surprise along about Nov. 4."
McKinley bit his cigar. "Ouch," he
exclaimed. No cigar.
"As I see it," the art editor broke
in, snagging a few flies, "what we
need this year is a staff." McKin-

By proclamation, all eligible stu-
dents (first-semester freshman girl
friends of the senior editors need
not apply) who have any twist of
zaniness about them are urged
to trot over to the Garg office in
the Student Publications Building,
at 4 p.m. today for a general get-
together and an all-around good'
time. This is a must for all those
who expect to corner the Ruthvens
at tea next month.
Mvrarlc' of v'rciti,'nnc nnrv,,c~rn stcaffi

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