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September 21, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-09-21

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To Begin




Dean Lloyd To Begin 19th Year
Of Friendship, Service for 'U'


. . .

Coed Leader
uides, Molds
More than being an office-hold-
er as the University's Dean of
Women, Michigan's Alice C. Lloyd
had been for almost a quarter of
a century related to everything
women students on this campus
have done.
She has been interested in their
welfare in every respect since the
time she herself was a coed here,
a member of the JGP cast and an
outstanding student. And she has
retained since that time the basic
interests of the coed.
Born in Ann Arbor, Dean Lloyd
comes from a family of University
of Michigan people. Her father,
Alfred Lloyd, was a professor of
philosophy here, later becoming
the dean of the graduate school
and acting president of the Uni-
MISS LLOYD herself was grad-
uated from the University in 1916.
She completed her training for
nursing work at St. Luke's Hos-
pital in New York, traveled in
Europe with her family and served
as a social service worker with the
Wayne County Juvenile Court be-
fore coming to take her position
as Dean, of Women in 1930.
While in school she could have
been classed as an "ideal stu-
dent" being a member of Alpha
Lambda Delta, Phi Beta Kappa,
Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Board
Sorosis and later the Ameri-
can Association of University
a. Women.
Her work has not been limited,
however, to the sphere of Michigan
activities since she has worked
with women in many other fields
including a commission to advise.
regarding women in the U.S. Navy
during the past war, for which
she received a certificate of ap-
preciation from the Navy.
* * *
Alice" include the board of direc-
tors of the Kingswood School, the
Chamber of Commerce and the
Ann Arbor Dramatic Season of
which she was a founder.
Known all over the country
for her forthright ideas on social
issues and tolerance, Dean Lloyd
at Michigan has done everything
possible to strengthen and pro-
mote women's student govern-
ment including an active sup-
port of the Michigan League.
She has been an integral part
of all Michigan women's activi-
ties and functions.
She has believed in nothing but
the very highest standards of
ethics and has been interested not
in pushing students into certain
things but in getting them to see
the necessity of actions and of
thoughts themselves.
More than a dean, she has been
a friend to every Michigan coed,
and an inspiration.

Advisors Slated
To Aid Coeds
In Dormitories
Graduate Students
To Guide Activities
With the opening of the new
women's dormitory and increased
opportunities for housing, the
Office of the Dean of Women has
planned a new system of residence
counselors to better acquaint stu-
dents with the opportunities of
a large university.
Going into effect this fall, the
counselor system will provide each
co-ed with a personal advisor who
will be able to coordinate her ac-
ademic pursuits with social and
cultural aspects of campus life.
all fields, the counselors will be
graduate students who will advise
not only individuals, but also
committees from the various dor-
mitories in planning social func-
tions and dormitory events.
Although their task will not
be academic, the counselors
will be able to aid coeds in car-
rying out advised study pro-
grams. Living in the dormitories,
they will have the advantage of
being able to discuss with resi-
dents the type of problems that
are discussed between members
of the same housing family.
Counselors will be informed on
all student organizationsrand ac-
tivities and willbe able to pass this
information on to residents as
well as advise them in these fields.
the counselor for Betsy Barbour,
while Catherine A. Cole will fill
the post for Newberry. Jordan ad-
visors will be Leonella Wilcox,
Georgiania Benesh, Beverly Ann
Smith and Dorothy E. Nichols.
Mosher residents will be coun-
selled by Carolyn H. Pautke,
Gertrude Mulhollan, Beverly A.
Dippel and Jane Shaw while
those serving in the new resi-
dence will be Louise Duus, Thel-
ma M. Jenson, Rita Chapman,
Ilene . M. . Scanlon, . Florence
Rosenberg, Betty L. Fladeland,
Elsbeth H. Wallace and Elmira
Others, serving in Stockwell,
will be Dorothy E. Inglis, Norma
Davis, Betty M. McGolrick, Doris
A. Sirabian, Louise Salley, Sophia
L. Holley, Mary L. McDonald,
Mary L. Gabel and Ruth E. Spore.

The Weaker

Sex? ?

-Allied News Service.

FROSII FOLLY: Freshmen women heave ho in a tug-o-war between the Maize and Blue teams as
part of Frosh weekend activity publicizing the spring dances. Competition for the first semester
this year will be on a scholastic basis.
* * * * * * * * * ,
Maize, Blue Teams Will Resume Competition
For Honors Among Incoming Freshmen Coeds

League Council Arranges,


Woman Activities


Acting not only as the under-
graduate governing body of the
women's League, but also as a
coordinator of all women's activ-
ities, the League Council will step
into another long year of activities
and events this Fall.
Composed of the heads of all
major women's activities, the co-
ordinating body comprises 22 un-
dergraduates. All matters of policy
and decision coming before the
council are first discussed by the
Executive Board. Their recommen-
dations and alternative solutions
are then passed on to the Council
for fnial decision.
* * *
MARGE FLINT will act as pres-
ident of League 'Council for the
coming year with Dorothy Fogel
serving as vice-president, Joyce
Atchison as Secretary and Shirley
Kallman as treasurer.
Patricia Reed will serve on
the Council as chairman of in-
terviewing, while Mary Riggs,
chairman of the Judiciary
Council, will be the representa-
tive of that group.
Heads of other women's campus
organizations incvlude Betty Jo
Faulk, president of Panhellenic
Association and Betsy Bousfield,
president of the Women's Athletic
* * *
JO LYONS is the new head of
the League Publicity committee,
which organizes all publicity for
League projects. Miss Lyons is also

editor of the "League Lowdown,"
a pamphlet containing informa-
tion and pictures of women's or-
Social chairman of the League
is Marge Hehn who will super-
vise the teas held weekly at
President Ruthven's home as
well as all League social events.
Other members of League
Council include Mary Davidson,
personnel, Charlotte Eagle, special
projects, Nancy Ericke, Soph Cab-
aret, Nan Hubach, women's Glee
Club president, Jody Johnson,
orientation, Patricia Lewis, Merit-
Tutorial, Maxine Reid, dance
classes, Jane Topper, JGP, Betsy
Vinieratos, League. Houses, Mary
Jo Wilson, president of Assembly
and Miriam Cady, Daily women's

Continuing a precedent whichI
was set last year with the staging'
of the first Frosh Weekend, fresh-
men women will again take over a
weekend in May with three full
days of campus entertainment.
The purpose of Frosh Weekend
is to acquaint students with Lea-
gue activities as well as to provide
weekend fun. All eligible freshmen
women can participate in the plans
and presentation. Chairmenships
will be decided upon from petitions
and interviews which will begin
in March.
* * *
FROSH WEEKEND will be car-
ried out again this year on a com-
petitive basis with Blue and Maize
teams battling for the top honors.
Each team will be in charge of
completing plans for a dance
held on Friday or Saturday night
and combining efforts for a
style show. They will be judged
by means of points on decora-
tions, floorshow, entertainment,
program and ticket designs, and
dues collected, as well as schol-
The name of the winning team
will be engravedk on a plaque
which will be passed down from
year to year to the group collect-
ing the most points. Last year the
Blue team was victorious over the
Maize, winning the award by a
narrow margin of 199 points to
their opponents total of 190.
* .* *
"DEUCES WILD" was the
theme of the dance which the
Blues staged on April 29. Their
decorations and entertainment in-
cluded the life and loves of a deck

of cards with a joker acting as
master of ceremonies. Joyce How-
ard was the general chairman for
the Blues.
The Maize team used "Com-
motion in the Ocean" as their
slogan and followed up this
theme with underwater speci-
mens, sea shells and mermaids
at their dance on April 30. Lois
Eisele was the Maize general
A style show, "Frosh Fantasy,"
followed the two dances and fea-
tured clothes worn for the vari-
ous activities of campus life.
PRECEDING Frosh Weekend
were several weeks of battling
among the two competing teams.
A tug of war was included as part.

of the publicity plans followed by
a mock battle with waterbombs,
fisticuffs and pillow fights. For
two weeks the diag was the scene
of campus women attired in sand-
wich boards, blue dresses, maize
raincoats, and clown costumes.
Freshmen interested in dan-
cing, singing, playing musical
instruments and writing scripts
will be given a chance to put
their talent to display during
Frosh Weekend.
The central committee positions
open will include general chair-
men and assistants, style show and
chairmanships of the style show,
tickets, decorations, publicity, pro-
grams, floorshows, patrons, awards
and judges and assistants.

To Help Orient
New Students
Week's Schedule
To Include Talks,
Tours, Style Show
Beginning at 8 a.m. Sept. 19 all
new freshmen and transfer women
will begin one of the most active
weeks of their college careers go-
ing through everything from phys-
ical examinations to coke dates,
in general a complete orientation
of the campus.
Supervised by undergraduate
women in cooperation with the
University, the orientation group
program planed for new women
may be defined as a preview of
University life.
Jody Johnson as orientation
chairman of the women's League
will be assisted by group leaders,
undergraduate women who will
be the first and most personal di-
rect contact of incomers with cam-
pus life.
GROUP LEADERS will not be
connected directly with the-aca-
demic aspect of the University, but
will be responsible for acquainting
new women with geography of the
campus setup, customs and activ-
ities as well as guiding freshmen
and transfers through all the nec-
essary preliminaries to the coming
A mass meeting of all fresh-
men women is planned under
the chairmanship of Miss John-
son for 8 a.m., Monday, Sept. 19
in Waterman Gym when fresh-
men will meet group leaders, ob-
tain materials and schedules and
receive general instructions. A
similar meeting for transfer
women students will be held at
10 a.m.
In the afternoon of the same
day women will be introduced to
the WAA and its sport clubs by
means of a style show in Rack"
ham Assembly Hall. Sports clubs
are of particular interest to fresh-
men women among the many ac-
tivities for they are the only ac-
tivities open to students without
eligibility cards.
BOTH MEN and women of the
freshman class will meet at 7:15
p.m. Monday in Hill auditorium
for an assembly at which the prin-
cipal speaker will be President
Ruthven. A similar assembly will
be held for transfer students at
8:15 p.m. in Rackham.
Ruthven teas, to be held from
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday and
Wednesday, Sept. 20 and 21 will
be a means of more informal
presentation to the President
and his wife when they will be
at home to all new students.
House meetings for all new
women in the dormitories and
league houses have been planned
for 6:45 p.m., Sept. 20, while the
next evening will be given over
to welcoming programs by the in-
dividual colleges. A dance will be
the project of the School of Music,
while others plan similar enter-
PANHELLENIC and Assembly,
the women's sorority and inde-
pendent organizations, have sched-
uled informational meetings in
separate rooms of the women's
league for 1:30, 2:3 and 3:30 p.m.
Thursday of orientation week to
give incoming women an introduc-
tion to the functions of their re-
spective groups.

League Councill the women's
executive body, w il resent the
next program of information
and entertainment with skits
from the Junior Girls Play,
Sophomore Cabaret and Frosh
Weekend at 7 p.m. Thursday for
freshmen women and 8:45 p.m.
for transfer women.
Friday evening will be reserved
for programs by individual church
student groups including suppers
and other entertainment.
* * *
in the sciences will be able to view
their prospects in those fields
when Dr. Howard B. Lewis will
give a talk on "Opportunities for
Women in Science" at 4:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 in the Medical Building.
Individual orientation groups
will, of course, plan other times
for tours of campus, the required

Dean Bromage Greets Coeds

Women's Judiciary Council
Enforces Coed Regulations

Central Organizations Represent
Independent, Affiliated Women


. 0 .

The organization for unaffiliat-
ed women on the Michigan cam-
pus is Assembly Association,
founded in 1932.
All first semester freshmen,
transfers and women living in
dormitories, league houses and pri-
vate homes are automatically
members of Assembly.
* * *
dent house on campus is repre-
sented by its president at the
weekly meetings conducted by As-
sembly. Announcements of League
and campus activities are reported
and house problems discussed.
Headed this year by Mary Jo
Wilson, Assembly has added a
new large-scale project to its
already long list. For the first
time a Big Sister Committee has
been organized in the residence
halls to assist freshmen in
orienting themselves to campus

Panhellenic ..'
Among the myriad of questions
freshman women usually ask are
a large number about sororities.
Some of the most common quer-
ies range from "What do sorori-
ties do?" to "How do I go about
joining one?"
Approximately 1,000 women are
affiliated with the twenty-one so-
rorities on the Michigan campus.
Each sorority is restricted to a
membership of not more than 60
and each spring about 340 women
are pledged.
* * *
living in their dormitories or other
residences while they are pledges.
The following semester they move
into their respective houses located
in various sections of Ann Arbor.
Panhellenic Organization is
the coordinating group that
binds sororities together. Last
year a Junior Panhellenic Or-
oa ia~rn a fr P .AaCCC

Women's Judiciary Council is a
body of women students which
acts in conjunction with the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women in en-
forcing all house rules.
Three senior women, three jun-
iors, and five sophomore aides
make up this council whose only
officers are the Judiciary chair-
man and the Judiciary secretary.
This year's Judiciary chairman,
Mary Riggs, has the job of direct-
ing and coordinating the work of
the Judiciary Committee. She will
divide the women's residences into
five districtsand appoint as chair-
men of the districts the two sen-
iors and three juniors who are
members of her committee.
*~* *
THE JUDICIARY chairman is
also a member of the executive
committee of the Michigan League
undergraduate body, The League
Undergraduate Council, the Elec-
toral Board, and the University
Disciplinery Committee.
Women's Judiciary Commit-
tee works with the Dean of
Women's office to enforce all
house rules as given in the
pamphlet, "Campus Regula
tions, House Rules". Every co-
ed is responsible for knowing
and observing these rules.
The committee gives careful
consideration to all suggestions
made concerning campus regula-
tions. It may not, however, amend
or add new rules to Campus reg-
ulations, unless approved by the
Dean of Women, a three-fourths
vote of the voting membership of
the League Undergraduate Coun-
cil, and a three-fourths vote of
each organization of the Board of



Women's League Provides Center for Activities,

Social Events


assigned to one of the five dis-
tricts, working as assistant to
the chairman of that district.
She checks the sign-out sheets
and reports all latenesses, make-
ups and other irregularities.
Any second semester freshman
woman who has a "C" average and
an elegibility card may petition
for the position of judiciary aide.

Associate Dean of Women MaryI
C. Bromage will be present at the
Freshman Assembly during ori-
entation week to welcome new
women to the campus on behalf
of the Office . of the Dean of
However, in the midst of prep-
arations for Fall activities. Dean
Bromage has extended a prema-
ture greeting to freshmen women:
* * *
"FOR THE WOMEN students
entering the University of Michi-
gan for the first time, a welcome
from Miss Lloyd and all members
of the Office of the Dean of
Women awaits you. You will be

The Michigan League, a famil-
iar landmark to all undergraduate
women, is the mecca of University
women's activities and scene of
many social events.
Food service, which includes the
League Grill on the main floor, the
dining room on the second floor
and the Russian Tea Room on the
first floor for informal gatherings,
were established for the use of
students, faculty and the general
Hotel accommodations are es-
pecially for the use of alumnae,
all of whom are life members of
the League. Reservations may be
made for friends of students as
well as for visiting artists in the
concert and lecture series.
ROOMS for projects and com-
mittee meetings are provided by
the League at no cost to students.
Lounge rooms, separate study
room and music rooms are open
to coeds at all times. Tradition-
ally a women's building, men must
be accompanied by women on the

men, the building also houses the
League, Judiciary and Interview-
ing councils in the Undergraduate
Offices on the main floor. Assem-
bly, Panhellenic, Merit-Tutorial,
The Alumnae Council and Social
Director's offices are also on this
* * *
THE BUILDING was erected in
1929, following an extensive fund
raising campaign conducted by
University women and alumnae
and student organizations. The
campaign began early in 1921

when undergraduates and the
Alumnae Council decided to un-
dertake the responsibility for
sponsoring a building.
The Board of Regents voted
to grant the land later that year,
and the sum of one million doll-
ars was set as the goal of the
Every University coed is auto-
matically a member of the League
and is urged to use its facilities.
* * *

with weekly Friday and Saturday
night dances held in the ballroom
and films and plays regularly pre-
sented in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Three times a year the League
is taken over by the traditional
class projects when the freshman
Frosh Weekend, Sophomore Cab-
aret and the Junior Girls' Play are
held. All preparations for these
events are likewise held in the
League under the guidance of its
social director, Ethel A. McCor-

enrolling on a campus de-
voted to the pursuits of peace, a
campus which made a significant
contribution to the attainment of
the present peace. Every experi-
ence here must be for you an
educational one.
"Our campus community is
different from other communi-
ties only in that everything
centers around the process of
learning. Manifold intellectual,
cultural and social sources are
here and ready for you, as well
as our help in a personal way.
Learning means contact with
new and unfamiliar fields, and




THE BUILDING also serves as
center of campus entertainment

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