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September 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1900. No. i. MAKE A GOOD SHOWING asion e sowed t0hat e can beconme dale on ther 1-yard line by a miser- Anno nce entrattled for he wvao quik at a loss upon able fumblc, ani Meyers kicked it out ______________________finding the ball so suddenly and Ime- to at safe distance. And then Begle Varsity Players Run Up Score On pecediy in his possession, sd touched 'hd jut put it in again within a yard ...…

September 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t a .],Stag SAl. Shoes going Te' luiersits . 31. C. A 1'js : Pubished Dailt (Mtdas stePtd) daig the hirt Sot- Ittofitthe si'550iilast (t'iiiii..a' at a Sacrifice llarge (ilsd wstmii tti iil iiiic. adii coltleg year, t i-r-u't-i er undtetue The way our shoes are going wll THlE UNI*ERSITY OF MICHIGAN lie11 first pet or the ee!iuiwa sp let I - .l surprise you, and the prices that ArMANOFIE' BANHOIE iii giet tu t ...…

September 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE UIJNJYEISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 t!EEEF.rEEEEEEE:EEEEE:E'E:E:EE:'rEEEEEEfr~rE frEE~FEEE'E EEE:EEEEE~r~gE'~fE~ EE:i&E£lrtrE *i iys 16THE VADJT W__VARSITY H *AT~ If you are particular : FALL about your headwear * buy the Varsity fiats aYE'READYs O DPE' Maesand Sole Owners. MICHIGAN C;! NTLRAL ..zPIANOS TO RENT "The Niagara Falls Route." 9 EB R OS%.~j.V1 . 0AT71.~ CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. 3H ER 1 -(+2 Taking effect September to, 900 Now 01n...…

September 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 r THtNVRIYO~MCIA AL FULL LINEi GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, 11GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 38 south State 1t. GRANGERS SCHOOL OF DANCING 'r tasses now open for the eception of pupils0 -Office at Granger's Academiy. Cirutars at Music stores or mtailetd,RleltelephoneeWtit M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM BICZYCLES, BICYCLE SUNDRIES AND J'JTFL...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…be Nor Patti)* VOL. XI: ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29,:1900. No. 6. Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrved and is arrangedi for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the eyles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husiness purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. H, WILD O,, so8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS' AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM O...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITYOF(ifMCiGAN 'DAIL'Y. PublishedIDaiy' (Sndys x te) doring h Clleg yar3a THEf UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAN OFtIC BACHOFFICEo Args Bldg Mi St. 330 S. SttStet. Both 'Phoes 13. No11 Stt 'Poe 18. MANAGING EDITOR . H. BoAtS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. EGEtltltAstO.'01 IL EDITOS - ATHLETICS - G.D. HBotsoos. 01 E. A.H.MCoDtlAtt.'l E. V. T. Es'oo'03 W. A.KsIGTl'.'t1Ll. Mtss,. SRt0'03 The tsutciptiott pieoftteDtttioti3$.50 tottollege year,00.w...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 -6- cc: *.If-; *g& - d" 6 "E 'Kg"L SgE :egg: : "dE "E5:E:,.ks'" :tw"ts: k '"r. ia:as: ic. s" r" '"ec. s"+E" .er s"GesW.4m C:"!C"OC""E"!5 < "G"Vr"E"C"Fw"6 6.6"¢"c"c . c u c. c ... o. a HIGH-CLASS TAILORING If YOU are particularabout the style, cut and make of your clothes, we want to see you. Mir. White, for several years with one of the best firms in Chicago, having taken charge of our tail...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH NVRIYO MCIA AL FULL LINE GYMNASIUM,' FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sehn& o.320 S. STATE STREET. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTiNG NONE. ARTI5TIQALLX "." I CANICALLT We will be glad to prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron . When we fill a prescription it con- I I' II/IIIV tains exactly ...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…Sbe 4 *~ -VOL. X1. ANN ALIBO1JR MICH., FRtIDAY, SEPTEMBER~ 28, 1900. No. 5. Announcement Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter Of T900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The Farmv careful attention is given to tiretstylts and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. 6.,IHe WILD CO., ' OLD 6"DOC" NAGELE Dies During the Ssmmner Vacation-- Another...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE UNVERSITY' OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. ~~ ~~~ ~Ropmi Rents Have Gone UD.g Sh e on Owng ti the impression wichie has gottnahondthat there will be do ter- at a Sacrifice ribl Oos Snds podh ate olsrtush this year, maiy -tf the LLCreeyat Cin35t toss speopthotlave raiseid the prke of I he iway our shoes 'are going will Til NIVERSlITY 01 MI"C IGAN tutu' n s. I> ' , surprise you, and the prices that Mev0tIcaus BRA-iCtpas:vssae riteIfguesare umaking them ...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN :DAILY. 3 A iAe iti+ ti ti a qii ii"o iii tiii iili c 1 ii;, THE VA RSIT 4% i t t' HA' buy te Vasityflat Vt-tAT A"S Mfyu arsaricule nrs aboutyour eadwer. 4'4 FALL STYLES READYi c ' 3 i zr i33333 i i3 3 33 ii 3 3 i 3 MICHIGAN. J ENTRAL "TheNiagara Falls Route. R CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.Noontefora Taking effect September s<o, 1900 ~ woitefora GOIG A T.+ 709 N. U N IVERSI T Detroit Nght Exprces.....555Ax.+ tWeT ha...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE TYMNA$IUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS' be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. 20 S. STATE STREET. ktrolt, YpsiI4nti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. 1rs leave for Detrit anti ynilanti ,w ry half our,oaginning at 7:15a. m. si-wtil 7:45 p. m:;after that _to+Deatroit Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 000sA f the-mit inviting styles for fall and Winter Snilings that were ever brought t...…

September 27, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… WWI, lill o io i 'e VoL. XI. ANN~ ARBOR, MICI., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1900. 1~ \O. 4. 1 l t i I MARINE ENGINEERING. Football Practice. WOMEN'S LEAGUE. Announcement k __________________________ New Course to be G1'iven in this Line '11let- rowd remlaininig behind tilt' tlll Membership in It -'Its Objects and Orspecial line ataMcliigiion1 to11much better, lf2ti01t1"l' Pursoses Outlined for the of foreign aid h ~~lltit 1 tle illllt ltr...…

September 27, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY$ Pubishd Daily(Sondays excepte) :: 4444 Colle4g yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI 0Or144 BANCH OFF 4:4C Arg us Bld1, Main St. a3r S. State. street Both 5'Phones13. New44Sr t'Pbou:44152. MANAGING EDITOR 4. H. HN. '1 BUSINESS MANAGER, T. *E:1G1>344444:, 'H L EDITORS: ATHLETICS - 4G. D. Hn-xu:r. '01 1E. A. H. McDor44oL.4'1E. V. T. EVo44S'03 W. A. KNIGHT,'.1 L. Miss L,14K. SAIE4'043 Tebscrb44iptin priceof te 4...…

September 27, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HIGH-CLASS TAILORING of ~you are pirticuli ofyour clothes, we w Mr. White, for sev firms in Chicago, hay department, would be appreciate thoroughlj ar about the style, cut and make ant to see you. Teral years with one of the best Ting taken charge of our tailoring epleased to meet all those who yr up-to-date clothed. GOODSPEED'S 1WASR1INt-TON ST. E. MICHIGAN CENTRAL MEJiUNSmPG Aar ok I -The Niagara Falls Ro...…

September 27, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MiCEIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. , Our sartorial skill is equal to the best ini the statec GYMNASIUM, I of Michigan, x FOOBAL!We xwiii be olc GOLF GOS f~an be found at Our Store '20 S. STATE STREET. All 0~oo to prv it to ayou, Truly Yours, .BURCHFIELD, 106 E. Huron LAWS! SENIOR. JUNIOR. FRESHMAN You can obtain ALL the text books used in the course. (A1LA6BAN & (0. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 ...…

September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… o ' to i ' VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. No. 3. PRACTICE UNDER LEA. j Announcement -- The Men Work Willingly belt there isc Our special line a Dearth of Material for the S 'ith te advent ofliead ('ac u m of (freign and Langdoss Lea the prospe toiar a it "b domestic fabrics ning team at Michigan this year ae"' For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has to cwach his methods of handling tit arrived and is arra...…

September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERS[TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. of Il tjCalendar. Jf a1U Shoes going 2eetin S, 7lls Crp ~ltOtane aat a Sacrifice Ccii c3 astier. ci itya. si pe l--IIildleat ile- ( The say or shoes are going will THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN eat ~ suprise you, and the prices that ttSindli ip. 5Q,4:305), alt Tni-v r aigtem g ilsrrs MANAGING EDITOR, Is 1i-i u s5i \ittnul -S. C. A. Aidess , aemknthmgwilsrie o) H HA i, i i s i s n -l. , '' yost still tior...…

September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…3 THE UNIVERSITY OT MICHIGAN DAILY. ENROLLMENT MOIVES UP. Football at Iowa. 'Sino n of last ye r'o ltean t o theI II I I I JI AS Predicted by the Daily, the Atten- Inversr yof towa, who are hock areI AR'SO K SR dance Looks Like a Rcord ("apt.(riithli'. C SWillims, Brock- itay, BatrrierOWrter,Mattiers, 55r- Breaker. ttoatd I' tic]it asitiinito these, fE UE LEi-D B ON yt'sr, withthe ecpio te li i ii titiailot list year'ssecittititeatisi Deitar...…

September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

….: : : , , " r , i. ... x <°i r THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 College Text=Books ,. __, _ .. , ; ,° ry: ._ s : ' ti YA _ _ ., y BOOKS! New and Second=Hand. .ALWEOOK i. FIRST YEAR. SECOND YEAR. THIRD YEAR. Anson on Contracts. Perry's Common Law Pleading. Cooley's Principles of Constitutional Law. Cooley's Blackstone. Hutchin's Cases on Equity. Boyd's Cases on Constitutional Law. Cooley on Torts. Mechem's Elements of Partnership. Tif...…

September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN .DAILY. o1(1 FALL STYLE READ 040'fLff~ lox HATS G 1 SOUTH MAIN ST. Sole Agents. Ali H X° 49 qp° .H :Y° TH .H 27~ ~ .ff MICHIGAN CEINTRAL , ,The Niagara Falls Route." t 0 CENTRAL STANDARD TINE. Now on the floor at Taking effect September io, i goo 709 N. U NIV ER saI~ 505. +We have ont our tables; Detroit Night Ropretc.........55 A .; tatcEpes...............745" +o Fall and Winter Soit Grand aie pes . ...... ......…

September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY FULL LINE IExcursion Rates INTO GOOD CLO'THES GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GODDS~ Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Cos. 320 S. STATE STREET. Iletroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for. Detroit and Yvsilanti *very half our, osginning at 7:15 a. m. matiC 7:45 p. in.; After that toDetroit- WVE INN-SHOW XYOUlor ar ss1000 thk:e mot :invitin--styie- for Fa11 at inrter Suiting-, thatweret v-. :togh...…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o to 1' k o VOL. Y1L ANN ARBOR, MIR., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1900. No. 2. Announcement I~Our special line' of foreign and BUT FEW CANDIDATES. First Day Finds the Usual Conditions Existant. Yi-i-erI-da vale lirst. afternoon oi f domestic fabrics l~l~i 1feeis il e h ol balseoon of 11001. Froissft abolsle- For the Fall and Winter of 1900o has ly -n(tising 1-au 1)3eljudgedl asto svlat arrived and is arranged foria spec- aliii- lean tha...…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sundays except'dl btrntge - ~Cullege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICRIGAN _ ~ MANAGING EDITOR,' 0. H. HANS, 'I1 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ENGELHAHIS.'1 L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. HrntsTr, Ex , iF A. HMcotlA-LL,'0HlE. L.J7. MsxTueui)s '01 W. A. KttNittx ,-'01 I. V. T'. Esuss '03 MISS LILLIAN I(. SAulso. '03. As yet it is entirely too early to say muhlt ais reglitd lti Msiiga's Iprospiects for at siujig Ionai. Tilico is anl enror- n...…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

… 3 THE UNIVERSITY7 OT MICIIGAN DAILY N ew D iscovery in B otan ical G ard en s A t the M ech an ical L ab oratory . A~ h u h t e b t n c l ' l o o 1 t n o l L l e p e n u b r AR S BO- TR eaosptooSosnot this year iqute lilo to rotS ~ ~ ootoooot nr-~ ~ ~ 1R S E O K T R te sandiocol'of lootste a ofit,;totyv. 'tt toie uing 10 stbinetogettoletl nore isoconeerneod, it i0 still of retotolt50 fet Tht. e taddltitiot ontoplt'ed. interest. Among the otan...…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…TlE UNIVERSITY OF TAICHIGAN DAILY. College Text=Books OEM 5 4 ' ! ej!' ^9.. p e' yf .A . ft New and Second=Hand. FIRST YEAR. SECOND YEAR . THIRD YEAR. Anson on Contracts. Perry's Common Law Pleading. Cooley's Principles of Constitutional Law. Cooley's Blackstone. Hutchin's Cases on Equity. Boyd's Cases on ConstitutionalLaw Cooley on Torts. Mechem's Elements of Partnership. Tiffany on Sales. Mechem's Cases in Partnership. Hutchins on Equity...…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4M. HIGH-CLPRSS TAkL OR ING MICIGA CETRA MrNsF1JRNIS$iNGS Alarm locks $L CETALTNDaaraFlsRoute... Beatifui Lines of... U. of M. Pis 50C to $1.00. Fine TakNTefectSepDATeME , i -oNECK WEAR, FANCY SIR lTS, GOLF' ROSE, Watch Repairing a Specialty. Tain ffc Sptmerr, go GL GIN AS.U. of M. SWEATERS, I.NDERW~IARil, FANCY HOSIERY i. L. CAPMAN, JEWELER, Dtrot Night Expresse .........555A .26 MaiSuh. AtatcEpes...............…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY A _FULL LINE 'fYMNASIUM FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS ,:Ca-n be found at Our Store 320 S. STATE STREET. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. 7ars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti cqveFry half our, Deginning at 7:15 a. im. u n,,i' 7:45 p. i.; After that to Detroit at :45 p. nai., 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. m. W'tiug room, coroer Aoo aod Main e--- Detroit. lt Griswold st. Burchf iel dts Fine Taloring Trade... Our sar...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1900. No. 1. MICHIGAN SQUAD. more cards and reading and by 9 BIG ENROLLMFNT. U. OF M. DAILY hotel, a quick change to bathing togs, and a nervy plunge headlong into the .SCHOLARSHIPS How the Boys Train at Gratiot cold water on the shore. It is too cold All Indications Point to 3700 This Beach-Preliminary Practic. to stay but a minute, but skins glow Year-The Banner Year. $827.50 when the men spri...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIAN~ DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) huringthe College year, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MANAGING EDITOR, O. H. HANS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ENGEHARD,01 L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. HUDNUTT,'01 E. A. H. McDouGALL,'01 E. L. J. MONTGOMERY 0 W. A. KNIGHT, '01 L. V. T. EVANs '03 Miss LILLIAN K. SABINE '03. It may be well to note that the Daily Is the quasi-official publication of the university, and the general...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE UNtIVER-litY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. 3'. IlLYARS uS f nntnational pol itial firs xii HFYF~' cUR[* announced later. Negotiatins t _______under way with one of the mstt famot statesmen and orators in Aner ATTRACHONS SECURED BY STUD whomu the directors hope to secure. ENTS' LFCTURE ASSOCIATION. The sfficers and direcors in chat ot thi yars course ar as follows U'rrsideit-C. Van Keuren. Seven Numbers Secured. - Winton Vice Presideit-S. B. Lowes...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…4' THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE YEAR'S COURSE. , - him, but would most likely pronounce him a hopeless case. He is as indiffer- (Continuedfrom third page) eut to gesture and the graces of ora- tory aswas Phillips Brooks, and speaks nearly as rapidly. He can convulse F. HOPKINSON SMITH. his audience in relating a facetious in- The pronounced popularity won by dident, and can be pathetic without F. Hopkinson Smith last year induced te...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…lip T1 ' IFTT TQ-VPQTTtT n-o AR-rilTrrn A A-r T\ A Tr zT 1'111+,U 1tsNr1 v b x 'JrY UP D Uiit(i N IDAILY.6 Manhattan and Wilson Bros. shirts Sapho Thursday Evening. for sale at Wadhas, Ryan & Reule. Slides, Cover Glasses and all micro- An authorized production of Olga scopic material at Quarry's Drug Store, Nethersole's version of "Sappho" will ', cor. State and N. University avenue. be given at the Athens i heater Thers- Wadhams, Ryan & Re...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…THE UNIVERSITY OT -MICHIGAN DAILY. 6. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OT MICHIGAN DAILY. _ E: r:iE :F:fr:E:trE EEfr. F:1 =4F:i :f°Ffe:E=FEEir :EE"E:FF : : r:FE=EEFir.FETE:f:E: Eiir'"EEfr'fr" : E# Ffir:Elr"E: r:FEE; : e: : : :FEF: :E E= rf : ir 'r" :fr: E:7r:E °4[ir te ..... * .:-... W *Y i4 FAL STLE REDY* * V-1 THE V ~K VRSIT I VHAT i1! If you are particular about your headwear buy the Varsity flats 117S °.MAIN STREET Makers and Sole Owners. 41 aim....…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 7 Tat NIVESITYOF MCHIGN DALY.. AP- 0m io i 000 HIGH-CLA SS I i^.t HD+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0.1.1-0+r,, MICHIGAN CENTRAL '-The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ' Taking effect September io, lgoo Detroit Nieht Exprerse...S....5 5A. Atlantic Bxpres............745 " Grand Rapids Express..........11 10 Mail and Expressa............347 P. N. Y. Beten Special .............458...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…8 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY A Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade..L WS FULL LINEOur sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state GYMNASIUM! of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. SENIOR, JUIR FRESHMAN ARTISTICZALLYXr'°NECHIANICAILLY You can obtain ALL the FOOTBALLtext books used in the FOOT ALL!We will be glad to prove it to you, course. GO FG O STruly Yours, C LAIlAN & CO S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Can be found at Our Store ----- - OPPOSI...…

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