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September 30, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-30

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t a .],Stag SAl. Shoes going
Te' luiersits . 31. C. A 1'js :
Pubished Dailt (Mtdas stePtd) daig the hirt Sot- Ittofitthe si'550iilast (t'iiiii..a' at a Sacrifice
llarge (ilsd wstmii tti iil iiiic. adii
coltleg year, t
i-r-u't-i er undtetue The way our shoes are going wll
THlE UNI*ERSITY OF MICHIGAN lie11 first pet or the ee!iuiwa sp let I - .l surprise you, and the prices that
ArMANOFIE' BANHOIE iii giet tu t quaited'"hn luiisie f, are saigthem go will surprise
ius as lg IMin.t :.t S S 5 t-t'Stes.t itias I-thor (i f butic t nes, tand list, liutS -
Bth 'S ii .13 et Stte P s 153 .you still more,-It will e profit-
MAAIN ,t eat. I efir'Ieshut eir et'sreit ll 'i. ahe foe you to e surprised Drop
- MANAGING EDITOR ittitfiri,1 titI ittdii hii h t wt~t sthIert- in etordyadtyi
o. B MB S, 01 l ippre tsti( y tll preiet. Te Y If.
BSNSMAAE, a. htitakeino-i ia Itarge nuiir itf *r.._-GLAS'S SHOE STORE,
tigpointtts 1to a suceesful yearOpen venings until eANN
EDITORS is tdte i a 1Iige me'asurec o oppeu_ Opn evn.sun A N ARBOR, MICK.
ATHLETICS. - G. 0. eiNTi ,01Es-.'t. Ilti ld tuu ntiritng efforts ifthte ________;*e__________________8 ______P_________M______
te l stetttar. Dr opksist.iT teStudents
W. A Kmtitit, 'ii L. Miii L, K. SiNFiWi T heli 'liAnti Artir MusieC , W th-tt~ h
-totti t. let widei'awake. 'tes lii ofihe REE ING
rent t'it tmtie+° ealer. Inur~ n
- IIM3II.IL3S STOCK I I) It i with lpleatsurie we welcome you ack to our city
STe tubscittpetiat'riteioftegDILis dettueeu Lost 'aadit-' iythe tu e anid this beng our r s alt'Opening we invte you
iteisse tnton ieah dty..7Sites, etittitiaeti lity C. Ilidtli. ineatredi ai i-ittli~rl to our New Store Where we iwotldle pleased to slow
htiada i t t e h lsdine iea ttDI LYiii tttilte t iei you anyhing inthde
F i.iiit'ii i'iiit itiiiiI i i tt i its I icittisit-ety tatthettt'eseit Best Beady tn Wear Clothing, Hats, Caps and Frnishings
SubsiiCrFtni r tistri-tte etit te DtILYt , uuitti tli' ort t ailor anititiC t -il offre-iit A imost Coimplete stock of (iEst'E r $NCixiN sw at the
Movrs r t i t i ti tittuttie tnth rfi tfltt t i it orj-hSie ti veliiltt iltl- C S R C.1 oie 'lnor crbr ol ne.alowest possible (ASII P]RILE. Our Styles are a-
Snst t t'tttti ttitiiY i ti i vi C i i rlt it i tt i ' tttie to (It tSlt
fail areeit carrierto iii z tutue i. ti . i ~ ~iitpa pntee is thatwonl It solttely corect.
tAll ts'c i. sit rd tue li mterut eis'i u'ttitsi- , - itu S A B E
It itslit tti- It )(11 lsss itti ilt it('tlI t. I Vaj -1GSt
ettoits iteithtt p misoil theutitiI titsou ut~'r L
tilt,- thu.1va iitigr i' i il ii s it-i liiiit(toetiiitt tttithe. n IreolitntAg-i . i I I ~ I ~
titlit.it'tit plaIt-tolitstutt-.(ig prices John ONE WEEKOMME CING MOND Y, O TOBE n1st
Yeisterdaygu- t l t he tuu-isi-tif ttAtlie lt' t i l l eii ii I le iti lts iti ok ti YYI
ittlme:st 0lyhei iIl ht liii o<a Site it-it-tintis-ti lt. otittnt - i H n nui l m p r tck mp
whereWithpeiiittg MI an nday Nigishtmwilito theondareiglest
ph igietid xpetegd-tois-it spend t(ie re i l -PIeat.offt-e ti-i o - heii i ct-S o l J h t l
ttiutgu ti-t ituti of tutsea tigll I itt ri an- tts" -sLo s t ti ge t ittrk," tti-
t it- s tnd . w tutn Lea tu- uttd-the h iii tutit' o- suit silfrtisci-tiltsato i ep roie
orus edesdy igt-N TEy niTOFgHESTRM
Ifhcllube if ututoti.seeinseilt te Opett-i tIOtt~ Ot set t hrdynigM aNightT E hItOwithN heC r eas.
prop'r igh u-tusat re itluetit ('- uutti s, 42a 7rlIttt FORit T ,Study ihtL ST I N W YO K
trughstu tuc I e lp' ls itutit tiltltst AllandMNewLs.andge SpeciofAlcenery:flargds~aa
it-tmotn i ittth o it' s sit uch ttto'fItool-siti Everyol( Perforna1liornceie
tutu lilussu-urlrii ttsi teautugaid iin ot 1 es11dm h o t P r d s
uilettgtut.sutul i s sitlut'u'uu'l t'- l1itl( I-Evtuitglea20e 3c. ltiteel cstd lc. ilis' eo
tutu-lers, a French cott,-_-t'afttletut- WednesdayuNigt-INrTaEyHEOct.O6 atE8SaORM
s Itr tilii uiu ui tttu' n htuttiteusag tT E IT R ANC O S
toig msctr tin rh Ta Tef F ilE 0111 t EIIY SLIANT MR. oijHYD E s
rli-uu tts uitino t u siliut- giasutiIr m ts 2 'ulilsu
ln ibe: itt a t-tiuivatutandiairlfl- LecuresrayOi)gLtDLOSEITE,YEORYTIN. NW
Irnutuyluuuuttsuls. Hesis sso lttua-place lcuefoalstt- ABRUw ndSWiCK ScAner: Enre TABes. a
lti'1u1itheats ft hosetsofth UieritI''y)e Tl'avleJ?11L A alo ll)5Nt'tt5
Will t fit i ttt tIlt tutu sit b uelo f wiinnngiiiioe htoWSL A t(111l:i I' f '~t\I
tittiltgsutu:isi t it.ts t-hsdeepet rei- Plutist-enig, itut0,e3 c, atseeSi tie20e 'utttul re
tulutul, suuutl s e i t iiu ils tilt.s i lt-u.J 6 t-1-
Ink un e cv~sl tuht nuoun ReSndmyOndt Ker&Boatiq48Sa08.00m.
thelonttu tti lsti iuttuti' itt tlt il lR .al tre0Nw iy N
gutlos oututiuitll ut ui 111,tsits. BuLLdtsfstteisdsttDitu IARDLLJ N PAR LOtB RE
seue ( ,:tuig. asalulds iteu,'sltwaonuutLCalusr55 RMOELED, liITTSANITARYPLUM BINNG,
Sees t>ls uoflglt and itInus iiitsil tit u ' -
']'Ills ollrse i Inis~ pon ilisrList metess otteUisity. Tyli p l~~ N]1 rAC4G1JA0\SD VE
arsutsi-tt i, gi- llutl'seoutuoi er1-1 (Otill 1eatlos 'Slasipiu ivc tiuhudsuuO lu 27 HI WH iG oASD EetA®isi ii iu 1 tci1t-= t
Al ,Ini d i-t sit turt til i tlit ll -Iousittla-tR eesondCi e1115 C o.,iti tiyhToIs AotI it XI 17'
Iltis uuuuvs uit t g ittchavep( tuor u'dil /l " /-

1101nr fr it I)tu aktitug tuu'
't~ttieorsu' ()nst ' uitt,' Stugin- \ G M A D FO T A L SH E
suiitug's tuf II ottit tu('iujilieuuuttu.n'' TEIN N
W 4adhamns, Ryan & Route are sole THlE JIIEIN :

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