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September 30, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-30

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MAKE A GOOD SHOWING asion e sowed t0hat e can beconme dale on ther 1-yard line by a miser-
Anno nce entrattled for he wvao quik at a loss upon able fumblc, ani Meyers kicked it out
______________________finding the ball so suddenly and Ime- to at safe distance. And then Begle
Varsity Players Run Up Score On pecediy in his possession, sd touched 'hd jut put it in again within a yard
Our specia1 le Hillsdale in Short Halves it down so near the edge of the field of Hlillsdals goal line when the fial
lineta it was quie impossible to klek 'ime" Was ca led. iSore-Moihigan,
of foreign and in the presenefit C ot i. olf ialltt goal. Burns, wob succeeded Snow, 2t9; Hillsdale, 0.
300 ionocibers of le Atheitic Associa- was fast and kept in the game, follow- HILLSDALI.
domestic fabrics Ilin 'Michiganiyseiday- olen-il le img ticbill well. "Capt." Snw's play Ctaicy. l(ft ei.
FrteFall and Winter of 1900 has footall sisoiii'by taking Hilldale wvas te samte as that wich Neil Sows (outriglt,'leftr tackle.
For the - ito ramp 'to fts' tine i(tfIt) to 0 o. l ha ~s pit ilthe pat two seaions.OMore ealisi, lfti guard,
arrived and is arranged for inspec- luis' o of 10 isilbo-acmli w--- plyedtanftisc nnot Ise sii. Duros,cecntet.
Lion. The e cantiraeful attention and a s tdiiiines taken stlit on.e- licwirk of 'cGinis at quarter Boone, ight goard.
duiring thiigameit ahalt our wasal- as splendid. Only slie did le fumbille vllan, right +tackle
is given 1to il- styles and finish of (most suficiiieni thei sv-h dpay So lini liiItsas ia oiler tgl IM0. is Braley, ight ((d.
every suit, whether to hr used ftr*shiirt ,~t itrilliii(itiCc ,-i ilieimeiii'tl lhboot s good and Is itterfe teni-i'Mercs, guard
irselo kee tih i-eiinafter the- cane tb-lcso. tDu-tg te-time iii' hits as iites, lft hlf.
business purposes or for full tdress forturtei-r lrci. Attic stating i - the tfllo i-tile (uity (-a(tie tir Wil.flllua.
somei f theta fuS is-ci-ng a tnt-k ilt-ilay liefsivi' quairter, so ila lii'ls'wriht halt.
occasionsl-l.upu sil (s-l Bu-hisi'iility iii llii-liltistill iiiit 1(1IIN
6.H ILD C., yenlk theils iile squrad o the b1'tO'er shonetlnothoily i otliikliitieffc i t il 55 eodlanis, lBr-okfielid, left
o8iE.-Washington St.ii laiii itoiitiiiiihoiiit its 5(.nelit (iithey t liit w en cllid upoitPoiidoii so Wa-lkrt Sis. Noit. lift metle.
liii leen unlettioipeiiniltaticti i i- Ills rnintillt'ml-il ooiiiiirdiiilsIoitrke this[ils, left guad
_____________________________________g__ ursii 5lie. I. a siortice05of' ii tt' liii e siiiit hltuttiiic smile itdd Wilsin oi isiiali, center.
___________________________________ two___ slhenliisiowedil'rie v ses tiu-trikn, 'a"l iir;dtwosrofthe tmouchdws.Ks lSiet.ni, ight distr.
EL$ ad lsentthi-ifniutiuthiel ufeieli ],o f ici il the dr. ]s llttt es ito the snow, Bitt-isight coi.
BATH TOWEL haltt ti'y had been('1teatieilright r-yHilowerrs)ms ul tidsns tuu ] i 'lb-ii't,SI- wisis, Be
AT 'Tegaml' e r-itd liiet'theIi'-is- of yrdsorf i 1 -ie-it Iits o ilitg Sieeler, Bod, tullback.t
ALfltinf iictiltahut ndsliiitls itt the ph t' ee ill.4.,.i 0 :13f-) Woidari, -'-rsteii, Weekts, ight
PRICES M ihigan hrthe 1ltttitl i c i ails l i1 citY hthst'iti i alf.
thoight lighi, ttis li iti tring f so4eX- lull'ItkicktoifSwsuifori ii 5vllili. e hetefi'ee aidtot iiili-e-Siiii1h, Hills-
FOR -lli i tutal i l iii'heplay was titt iiiuili'i i-thiett lo Ino ft ad ti'i-o-us1lii'lcTla-st 51gliigTim, ' nes -
YOUR uuOM OR THE1 M Og apm y with ilieandslv it, uquie tn- hall h-oni i t' h uliot. the iii' ardiLIinesen----th-,iheiandstith ihhiits
,J 1 SSltelib l i'ra ll liti tillt i -le lt 0tlie ou t h l ngiith oflit fi ld To l l ail -'}. \)'-or,- thi-iisu, III: Ilt-Gals i
Wide s 1hrm cy h el u uh beent ii-oah t ;I iligILlisstili ti -vu Iilieii it hnkiki li to _______-___br, iveeey
NElAC -vn te s o e ii pousi 51e sito it. lil lu-it ie.uthw tils; o hnueior lIliotd:. i u lt hi u-u- i ut fh le 7 il
itself is new. Wue have rmeodeled the bat whicil h toul suti i tnmthe w i tt' Iiori 114,Il u 1lfrn i-s ifIhe ic-u 'u. lowStu-o-i-i1.uTtu. 'tIS L, hs
place and invite all our friends to callhoigosoefrhrtn. dwwa rhe0-rdle.W (1
and inspect wht we huse., Yo snuutO ca'n'tl rg ii ll uuoii iu-;iitl-i uu' 5iui-it tofi l uuhuu-l( for tic i s tucu ipcIhe
beat our LUNCH ESii tduhCo i(i Iutiiu'ls-t.(l lii5uist lutiII tpt i 111 s iof te' sthil iOhoiustii-r,
It El JOLLY, 308 S, State S.e. h'itiowuevr, r-vedilto u' oiefu't a llSwiit isi-kiceutoflboardt a
WEH V T iIlloudi'escel lhe'btll ant duhiito ad. utbh,.5W-lu'' eruiland 11h swci t-i-i ht- -uhusiti,''s-uenlve tinmurespunsibled
"~~h J~ l't~"~1~l~ ~ - a ite -ause tuieig Iwsi-luliihls hut stu-i-us- tiu -lilt-ut tig i t toithinltIhet'1oiyard tustsuess oliti s. HeIwsciti lii' Ioi-
Whlate-verm-onTitmi Flshn withil ous f abuiliut fuutadi ]nfrmt h br twen'Cuuu Iu---5uh lit-,tiCve11011 tes hI t l his s i the sniort tilt, aniu
need n thulimb f ney foloed lit-au huig- hi -usthe iili'tits liihe iti-chtilwt ti 55t-l irkedi- atilg. sitl-I i' -ltui -iiiss
ne d n helireof by lo ker'whu- iciuhu ust fll s lo f Abi' 'utout l ti- inuuut we' e i olu i loll tsuuuuuougtit f oatrca cness
b luiina'otutu' Iheu II''ovs t' ttunine v irds. i iitut Iheu'nixu-scout' 'Mr11 uts tro Ilhi it s lull itchi-l ns ui uciinui l-
L4DOKATORYt 4FLIE' luti1o'l'tiviiu'o uts nt ooutu t ntty aillt' 5 -utuIl'he ttitiel: tbought the i' hult i i i' -ll iiht oto'tu'It
TOILET foofi ,sin oriii hll ticligo,:f uut'sol u-icfr'otu ivItituiuts l40 -utrd lie. S ut-uu 11 li' iw ti l 'e'lueye o lted utoshulimit
13111t to ail~sSw-u-hley tuttit tg lgutisi putdtl ou liei I tibis' :tii0 ohu II711x- of lhe Northert riutor~i'i-uuIh ate.o
ETC' . Xli's.u'd ae'ikedti- l liii lie autulohs :t tot Xs, liii ituatit ht i i ot (lithe uisut'
SEA i ( -I lillsdtile no 01' one -u-hs toli tuueu Shuts-us Iisi'd o r C fii' 1 tuiills toi l Itthilo it lihe tuutcill'ilt lots bla'suuiuiu-
U1ARR ~ stvi o anii grllt' cote~t,itltutiu uouit baktuns t 11I1us1Ifill, Welkertotuit(1 brltii'ed frit wuhiliili-
COR STATE ST. and N. UNIVERSITY LAE lowts u-l t'hiu' tmts' h Il ih' il-t i-rcais t ii-lu'oh liilyou uts uuuui t u 1ll 55'uI ist I'l i 's p i llocuh latedthere, tl-uiui
tl l lkXlholsiulbs lneo'resuledinu-o i-y'ardo l'. Nt-xt dbuilt W~ootlthi hu d"id ll Itii'ss i p5i II 11' slo th 1 i
A- -it hi -h(, ug tsu'it'us hbatrl, andooh e'tosos''' i'r limits1unuobduaguti i kel'ho'ugit-tuouguiita l ou iPtxrp , ubdeit' Ilit 'e of--1
By Th3 and thuy secesouseo k lutik.'hei'u hut i ll vdliei]'(slobeturneit tto hills ye11%1i11 ultm tutirtou \Ii., (rae
to osel so w s nt so hnt( s AXI thiguhus's tuso's Ii, so-vli t XooGo l u ll oni kullbtolll \1ui'iue C oanuu, 10v1bonheouuu liiuhu ig hus
olienifese ladhintrferenm -iicu'regmodnoblI svc.i.(Ous fistbosts Siliicui sd1 o'"u' I'llouise. 'heada issssomohoumto sit
Antisthobarssuthu endb ou thle secoiduthal oerdthu baluh on ui fussbli uh 'Wuleut I i iio'h ftsooiu(.u-hushoil'Shhisu-
BOOK PIESvtn the hoe 4in was omupoedue-its' .bhmsweeey saudh Waker agan, cur- hi huhIto isgieawderpfto
ALL WE ASK ISlA TRIAL trlyO of subsiuts. Iit'y suceededitll idit ubtol sithiinssix phues of th c- Iliali'st ias b e n so oissgieloqunstu.and
Students will find either of our Wuilson lu -ivtu-c vsoemeuso'ovhi snurruos t ushs secoondmuc hd-uon. Weiber
fosatloiresut;n' i iuil ivilbiu Headiihot soshSoeihs hulissi Iaue tos DemcrttteCllb Establihes Campaign
soeHeadquartersforLaw Msiltie.Ilsphsissimig'sOfis thieo'bruite alhhto miiilo' of fsfilehl.
and Medical Books, and all Uni- issost art goo, asuiti lifuuo-thtems-hIub cigtnicilosit roll the kleuof-it, wis Headquarters.
versity Text Books. ('lIlionholsmast,'thit-l e elsuoe 015tuseh'%sosis llsooue1-u',fersm eod- ln i poen.Boisa ,wh u ed Tescn 55-ilvmnychne h "o M ~nortc '11 a e
books at Low Prices.i-ut imo, has mitui-h uoosooWilghtuthan iun theis' bmi--iupiandusaitosul.teso'-i"i-u-li' usoos l theIIothiroloot' of
Wilsoumi bilt lii-is hut nealr s afeIolhsi" mugso it sofo-st swee-h it' eIthue iiNiolkl's blotk'h, fomniry occuiel
A FEW' PRICES. mudh-is unot s wat,iheis upassig off =lu-cuss this-,;'(lulineus' sli'o'th l111lit' hi' isluieluhiubigas heduariuutes.
W~thie uwriting Paper I5 and 200 per lb luiothlii- proiof ou theiisosudsess of us-litfoil'a Postllubckheuot liicblot he1111 eetliu hgssiill lou-isiel, unsdfrou
ILinen Writing Paper 20 and 250 -" to's judme~innt Waus foutd ini Walker guseu-iswooloytheib(1a1 thliii'enterl'Ou ethet-i- iii puiulIutgui o'irk ou tiii- (o111b
j Reamn (250)-----------------....250 at tailu.Ho'te huadlblutistadidate iheih' ildio sohei-to' ho' ouuu'm' tuothe 20iiI)-illo' ileted'rtie'lir lst mueeingitsu
Box of Envelopes (250)-... 25 tom- full blt:mils hpllS'v e-u'sho'tOiithe turdul bueo'befohe'o gowlnus x'alkbes-u h' ust for Ioiioci'uvtus' p. 4Ii. i
10Cards engraving and plate ..$125 li-loshos ItmSoimlav1000lenii- obtitf inaious, lbu Sla uuus itodluanudutIhlin
Best Student's Nole Book....'2c,,TC T DlyOu -1 s
First-class Fountain Pen-...... a1.00 otuutly -suee-ssor is Steo'hleinii oil licuistohu, atitusshli9 yturdh suol', NO't' 10islO1Xh'
W~Ve sell drafting -instruments and Ills'lplugeshsouglitheline wei'sore au ih-5'si'm solt fooiudhSS. ie rlteos-u s'hero'esoill o' its ipohrtnut netinttg
supplies rt Special prices. wayst'5fun' goodilamd smie guinsshint- pull(ltbutt SSoiobliuhsusbloceidSit Fudbse- outhliii li(oItof tt i'notcrsi-cdubso
Sweaters and Athletic Goods. ts'fer-e suss n5 fst stbfimelt' indothis Crms'sic-thaolfor touscldoAt.teat li'ltheii' liina~luresi' ithie Nickels
Before Buying Your Needs Try Us. defensiv'e'play formnlolumhilsSimos als ossore f the fied. Soclot' fuilditim loc:olOn boolyigat 4 11 nt. All uscus-
a a w 'l af4 _sid tis oueshsong wsorkc at tackle blinisutisg thie difictult goslhims saisnslloter democrasts lihumes

sesmed to be at timnes , aIriSleblind. -y.crs lkckedt off, to Ssv Icy, s-is T.usbecrsihy requmestedh losattend.
W abr'8 BOOK Town j W'ood cam e pasy e lf11at end, . INissprisnted 100 yards for a isuchldovus J. it. ItUGHES,Trs
Up Town Down ion tuld cm stersll of a kick [Is kicked goal andOthen Ithe sosrisse
STrATE ST. OPP. COURT HLOUSE -blocekedl by himself but npon this oc- cussed. Once thee aul w-as lost to ills- Abacum clocks at Hsalers Jewvelry.

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